Why are the exam results so late? Why Rosobrnadzor hides the official Unified State Exam results in specialized mathematics

19.06.2017 10:06

For the first time since the Unified State Examination, the final exam data in specialized mathematics have not been published on the Rosobrnadzor website. Are officials really that shocked by the final Unified State Exam data?

Education| For the first time in a while conducting the Unified State Exam The final Unified State Examination data for specialized mathematics

Tamara Gashimova

On at the moment in the news feed Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science there is only a message that “processing of the results has been completed first Unified State Exam 2017: in computer science, geography and mathematics basic level" It is dated the ninth of June. It provides exact figures: how many 100-salary and high-scoring students there are. It is also proudly stated that “the number of participants in the first Unified State Exam 2017 who did not overcome the minimum thresholds has decreased compared to last year.” The picture is more than optimistic.

But at this time, a scandal erupts regarding the petition of 2017 graduates. In it, schoolchildren complain to Russian President Vladimir Putin about very difficult tasks and demand to reduce minimum quantity points required for admission to universities. “We demand a revision of the criteria for transferring primary scores to the secondary Unified State Exam in mathematics (profile) due to the unthinkable high level the complexity of the tasks in Part C and the inconsistency of most of the tasks in Part B with the standard tasks provided by FIPI in Internet resources and methodological materials in preparation for the Unified State Exam. Students should have the opportunity to enroll in a university based on school education, which level of tasks in the mathematics exam was not provided,” the petition says. To date, it has been signed by over 70 thousand graduates from all over the country, including Voronezh residents.

In response, the manager Federal Commission development of the Unified State Examination in mathematics Ivan Yashchenko states that everything Unified State Exam assignments correspond school curriculum, that the first part, which can bring over 60 points with the right decision, is in open access on the Internet.

On June 14, information appears on the Rosobrnadzor website under the heading “Graduates of 2017 did a better job on the Unified State Examination in specialized mathematics than their predecessors the year before.”

« Preliminary results exams indicate that participants this year coped with the tasks better,” it says. And further: “The average score of the participants increased compared to last year by almost one point and amounted to 47.1 points. The number of participants who failed to meet the minimum threshold of 27 points decreased by one percent.”

Then the words of the head of this department, Sergei Kravtsov, are quoted: “The level of complexity of the Unified State Exam in mathematics at the profile level did not change in 2017. Preliminary exam results indicate that participants performed the tasks better this year. It can also be stated that graduates made a more conscious choice of the Unified State Exam level in mathematics: fewer participants signed up for both exams at once, profile Unified State Exam chosen mainly by graduates who need mathematics to enter university.

Yes, and the Department of Education, Science and youth policy Voronezh region assured: “The information that schoolchildren after passing the Unified State Exam in mathematics complained about the excessive complexity of the KIM tasks and their inconsistency with the topics test tasks, according to which they were preparing to take exams, were not received either by the educational department or by the “hotline” of the Unified State Exam of the Voronezh Region.”

On Friday, June 16, exactly two weeks after the exam was written, official data did not appear either on the website of Rosobrnadzor or on the website of the regional educational department. Of course, “Commune” could not ignore the current situation of silence around the Unified State Examination in specialized mathematics and contacted the press service of the regional department. Soon I received the following data: “In total, 7,425 people came to the exam reception centers in the Voronezh region. Only one student scored 100 points. Over 85 points – 55 people.” All.

And this is where the graduates, their parents, and relatives of current tenth-graders became seriously alarmed. No wonder people say: “The absence of information is also information.” For thought. It turns out it’s not in vain that 70 thousand Russian eleventh-graders in 2017 signed a petition to the President asking him to review the exam results?

Even with such meager data, it is possible to conduct a comparative analysis of the results of this and last years. Which is what was done.

Thus, in 2016, according to data published on the website of the Department of Education, four people out of 8,173 who took this exam scored 100 points in specialized mathematics in the Voronezh region. 2.52 percent of 2016 graduates were able to score over 81 points. 58.42 percent scored from 27 to 60 points, 19.17 percent scored from 61 to 70, and 9.65 percent scored from 71 to 80. 836 exam participants did not pass the minimum threshold. The following is the average score - 48.26 for the Voronezh region versus 46.30 for Russia as a whole. In terms of results in basic mathematics, the Voronezh region looked somewhat worse in 2016. The average score in our region then was 3.86 points against 4.14 all-Russian. But here, as they say, the main thing is to get a certificate.

So: one hundred-point scorer now versus four last year. Last year, 205 people scored more than 80 points. In this year, 55 graduates passed the “85” mark. All these indicators were published last summer as they were received on the home page of the regional department. As this was done repeatedly in other subjects in the same 2016 and in all previous years. Of course, similar information was published on the Rosobrnadzor website.

As we see, no one made a secret of the Unified State Exam results. So why is everything hidden now? Are officials from Rosobrnadzor really so shocked by the final Unified State Exam data in specialized mathematics, that you decided not to make them public?

Ahead is the summing up of the results of the Russian language exam. The second compulsory subject required to obtain a certificate of completion high school. Will Rosobrnadzor remain silent in this case too?

On June 23, there will be events all over the country. proms. How many eleventh-graders who are confident in their knowledge, have been studying with tutors for many years, but, nevertheless, still fail the profile will not receive the coveted “crusts” that evening? For them, those who have not overcome the minimum threshold or are not satisfied with the result obtained, the caring state has provided two more attempts - at the end of June and at the beginning of September.

Published 06/22/17 15:47

On June 22, the official website of the Unified State Exam published Unified State Exam results 2017 in Russian according to passport data.

628 thousand graduates took the Unified State Exam in Russian in 2017

An exciting time has come for eleventh grade graduates - they are getting acquainted with the results of the Unified State Exam 2017 in the main compulsory subject - the Russian language. Let us remind you that graduates, for whom school will very soon be a thing of the past, took this exam on June 9. It should be noted that about 628 thousand people submitted applications to participate in it during the main period, and 5.4 thousand points were used to pass the exam intkbbach conducting examinations both in Russia and abroad.

IN this year Rosbrnadzor announced the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language five days earlier, that is, on June 22, as the head of the department, Sergei Kravtsov, announced at a press conference on Monday. Previously, it was planned that the exam results would be known on the 27th.

“This has never happened in history,” Kravtsov emphasized.

According to data from the regions, the exam took place as usual. No control leaks measuring materials There is no Internet connection, noted the head of Rosobrnadzor.

The average score on the Unified State Exam in Russian in 2017 is comparable to last year’s result

As the press service of Rosobrnadzor reported in 2017, 0.5% of Unified State Examination participants in the Russian language did not overcome the minimum threshold for obtaining a certificate of 24 points.

“The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science has summed up the preliminary results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, which was held during the main exam period on June 9. Almost 617 thousand people took part in the exam. The minimum threshold for obtaining a certificate of 24 points was not overcome by 0.5% of exam participants (in 2016 their number was 1%),” the message says.

The press service also emphasized that the average score on the Unified State Exam in Russian in 2017 is comparable to last year’s result.

“This year the trend towards improving results in compulsory subjects continues. The share of graduates who were left without certificates decreased by almost one and a half times, and this does not even take into account the results of upcoming retakes. These results indicate the success of the “I will pass the Unified State Exam” project and are the result of serious targeted work that was carried out with lagging schoolchildren in regions and municipalities where the results Unified State Examinations of the past years revealed serious problems with the level of school education,” the press service quotes the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov.

Where can I find out the results of the Unified State Exam 2017 in Russian?

The fastest way to find out the results of the Unified State Exam in 2017 is on the Internet. Information about the exam results is posted on the official website of the Unified State Exam at ege.edu.ru. To find out the results of exams in the Russian language and other subjects, you must enter the graduate’s passport data, the exam registration code, indicate the region and give consent to the processing of the entered data.

You can apply for admission to five universities, each of which has no more than three faculties.

Let us also recall that the completed main Unified State Exam period 2017 continues reserve days for the surrender of all Unified State Exam subjects, which will take place from June 20 to July 1. Graduates of previous years and schoolchildren who received an unsatisfactory result in one of the compulsory subjects will be able to take the exams during the reserve period.

Graduates will learn the results of the Unified State Exam in Russian on Thursday, June 22. The Ministry of Education previously reported that the results will appear five days earlier than promised. Previously, results in the Russian language were promised to be published no earlier than June 27.

Find out your points according to the Unified state exam can be found on the official website of the Unified State Examination. In addition, information about the results is provided at the exam points, and the results appear on school information boards. You can also find the exam schedule on the GIA website.

Unified State Exam 2017, results

Previously, the results of the Unified State Exam in geography, mathematics, ICT, as well as in specialized mathematics were published on the website. Results for subjects such as physics, literature and social studies will also be published on Thursday, June 22. In biology, graduates will learn their scores on the 27th, and on June 30, the results of the written part of the foreign language exam will be known.

The final wave of results publication is scheduled for July 4th. On this day, the scores for history and chemistry will be known. In addition, the publication of reserve results for the Unified State Exam starts on the same day.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. You may be surprised why I collected the results of the Unified State Exam and the results of the 2017 entrance campaign into a pile, but everything is simple here. Last year, it was possible to easily find USE results in a particular subject, so writing an article was not at all difficult. In the same year find the average Unified State Examination points For some reason it doesn’t work out, there are either results in Russian language and mathematics or results for various cities. But it’s impossible to create a complete picture across the country. Therefore, you can add the results of the 2017 entrance campaign to the article, so as not to make two small articles, and write one full-fledged one.

But not everything is so bad, you can focus on the words of university rectors, general news about the Unified State Exam, news by city and more or less get a picture. Although there will not be specific scores for various subjects, in general conclusions can be drawn. Let’s begin to collect the results of the Unified State Exam 2017 bit by bit and try to bring them into something holistic and complete.

Unified State Exam 2017 results

Such results also happen

Let's start looking at the results of the Unified State Exam 2017 with the compulsory subjects - mathematics and the Russian language, because there are at least some numbers for them. Data on exam results, although not very accurate, are more official than those discussed below.

Let's start with the queen of sciences - mathematics, and at a specialized level. Rosobrnadzor, with or without pride, reported that the results of 2017 were better than the results of 2016. For example, the number of schoolchildren who failed the Unified State Exam in specialized mathematics, that is, those who could not score the unfortunate 27 points, has decreased. Moreover, what is very important, it decreased by as much as 1%, this is not a typo, ONE percent. Isn't this a reason to rejoice? There are slightly fewer people who are unable to add 2 and sin(0). This is definitely a success of secondary education. As for the average score for the Unified State Exam in specialized mathematics, this is also a success; it increased by almost 1 point compared to the results of 2016 and amounted to as much as 47.1 points. I don’t want to comment too much on this result, but in my opinion, this is quite a bit.

Next is the Russian language. But the results of the Russian language are a little more promising. The number of schoolchildren who failed to pass the Russian language, that is, score 24 points on the exam, decreased by 1.5 times. This data is again from Rosobrnadzor. If this is indeed the case, then there is reason for a little joy. Maybe schoolchildren have learned to write more or less correctly and now at least on the Internet there will be no statements constructed using “horrible nipanyatnaga yazyg.” But the Internet is, of course, not the main thing. A person just has to be literate and at least know official language country in which he lives.

Now let’s briefly talk about the exams that could be taken electively. This brevity will be expressed in the fact that I was not able to find the results of all the Unified State Examinations.

The first subject for which we were able to find average USE results is geography. The results improved slightly, by 1 point, and the average result was 55.1 points. But only 9.3% of graduates failed, which is significantly less than the 13% in 2016.

The next subject is computer science and ICT. Here, the Unified State Examination results showed a fairly significant increase - from 56.6 in 2016 to 59.2 in 2017. The number of graduates who did not score 40 points, that is, did not overcome the minimum threshold, in 2017 decreased from 12.4% to 9.3%.

Of course, I would like to talk about all the items, but I couldn’t find any results, so we’ll limit ourselves to what we have.

Results of the university entrance campaign 2017

Does anyone else post such lists or has everyone already gone online?

I would like to embrace the immensity and talk about the results of entrance examinations throughout the country, but very few universities share information about this, so I will limit myself to what I was able to find after a short search.

This information is from universities in our capital. And if you believe her, then despite the fact that in 2017 the number of high school graduates was less than last year, the number of applications submitted in medical university has grown. There has also been some transition from humanitarian specialties to technical specialties, among which materials science, IT technologies, nanotechnologies, etc. are leading. But some humanities majors have also become more popular among applicants than last year, for example. Read more about this at the link.

Regarding this sub-item, what conclusion would you like to draw? On the one hand, we have long been told that the country needs more engineers, but there are too many economists and lawyers. And in 2017, applicants showed awareness and interest in technical specialties. But on the other hand, the authorities contradict themselves and want to. Read about this at the link. So I don’t even know if it’s good that applicants entered technical specialties in 2017 more than in 2016 or not...

The general conclusion will be this. No matter how much the Unified State Exam is scolded, especially by those who have no idea what kind of exam it is, it has taken root, is developing, and schoolchildren are developing along with it. I hope there is still no “training for the Unified State Exam”, or if there is, it is very little. See you on the blog pages website

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