24 Unified State Exam points in Russian. Converting exam scores in mathematics

The video course “Get an A” includes all the topics necessary for successful passing the Unified State Exam in mathematics for 60-65 points. Completely all tasks 1-13 of the Profile Unified State Exam in mathematics. Also suitable for passing the Basic Unified State Examination in mathematics. If you want to pass the Unified State Exam with 90-100 points, you need to solve part 1 in 30 minutes and without mistakes!

Preparation course for the Unified State Exam for grades 10-11, as well as for teachers. Everything you need to solve Part 1 of the Unified State Exam in mathematics (the first 12 problems) and Problem 13 (trigonometry). And this is more than 70 points on the Unified State Exam, and neither a 100-point student nor a humanities student can do without them.

All the necessary theory. Quick ways solutions, pitfalls and secrets of the Unified State Exam. All current tasks of part 1 from the FIPI Task Bank have been analyzed. The course fully complies with the requirements of the Unified State Exam 2018.

The course contains 5 large topics, 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, simply and clearly.

Hundreds of Unified State Exam tasks. Word problems and probability theory. Simple and easy to remember algorithms for solving problems. Geometry. Theory, reference material, analysis of all types of Unified State Examination tasks. Stereometry. Tricky solutions, useful cheat sheets, development of spatial imagination. Trigonometry from scratch to problem 13. Understanding instead of cramming. Clear explanations of complex concepts. Algebra. Roots, powers and logarithms, function and derivative. A basis for solving complex problems of Part 2 of the Unified State Exam.

The correspondence between the 2018 Unified State Exam primary scores and test scores in all academic subjects using a 100-point assessment system is determined by Rosobrnadzor documents.

Scale for converting USE 2018 points into a 100-point system

To confirm the mastery of the educational program of secondary general education for each academic subject except for the Unified State Examination in mathematics basic level, is installed minimal amount Unified State Examination points according to a 100-point grading system.

There is also a minimum number of points for each Unified State Exam subject required for admission to universities. Below this level, universities do not have the right to set their own minimum scores with which they will accept applicants.

But higher - they can. Therefore, you should build on these scores (and not rely on them) if you decide to pursue higher education.

The difference is minimum scores To obtain a certificate and enter a university, there is only Russian language.

The results are valid for 4 years following the year in which such results were obtained.

It's understandable to want to know your results right away, but you should wait a little. On average, papers are checked within one to two weeks, depending on the number of people taking the exam. For example, the Unified State Exam in Russian is passed by a large number of guys, on average about 700 thousand people annually.

This is a large exam, so results will be available in about two weeks. And results from the literature can be obtained much faster. The deadline for issuing results to participants is determined by Rosobrnadzor and published on the portal ege.edu.ru.

This is more of an admissions history than just a listing of exam scores.

Unified State Exam 2016. A year of dreams about St. Petersburg State University and confidence in failure, searching for universities in St. Petersburg with specialties that fit my Unified State Exam. Absenteeism? Well. Commerce? If it is possible to pull, then St. Petersburg State University is in the air. She loved chemistry, looked at everything: chemistry department, chemical and biotechnology, pharmacy, technosphere safety, something with ecology, really everything. I used to want to go into medicine, but by the 11th grade I didn’t want to, and I was thinking about biology as one of the backup options, as well as veterinary medicine, landscape design, and clinical psychology. From the Unified State Exam, I really only prepared for chemistry: a tutor from the 9th grade, theory, problems, tests, tried to compete in Olympiads, winner of the All-Russian municipal stage ( dubious achievement, but for my school this is such a rare occurrence that some teachers praised me). I screwed up the region, really. In biology, I was a prize-winner in the region, but I didn’t have enough points (and knowledge) to get to All-Russian, because I did the Olympiad mainly at random. Because of my “success” in the Olympiads, they say that I’m going for a gold medal (although I rarely appeared at school, in half of the subjects there were no grades at all, and in a quarter they were quite average). In the middle of the 10th grade, I transferred to another school, hence the potential medal, the class teacher did a good job of writing out my grades, just so as not to return. Then they looked at the grades for the first trimester of 10th grade at the old school and said that with a C in history and algebra there was no medal. It’s logical, you can’t say anything, but it’s as if they haven’t seen these ratings before. OK. In the 11th grade I decided to write all the list of Olympiads, in the end I slept through everything, and Lomonosovka remained. I printed out the assignments and went to school. We settled it with a classmate, went to my old school (the biology class there is great), she helped me with most of the assignments, but I practically didn’t do the last one at all, I couldn’t keep up. I no longer hoped for anything, I bet on chemistry. I printed it out, registered it for school, went to a tutor, sorted it out, and sent it. Seems OK. I'm giving up on school and waiting for the results. Wow, a prizewinner. Am I going to attend full-time? How come, am I stupid? Wow. By the way, in chemistry, almost 20 points more than in biology.

The point is approaching, I’m thinking about how to get out. I opened the tasks from last year, there are normal ones, and there are those that I can’t get into at all. “Okay, whatever happens,” I thought, and my dad and I went to Moscow State University. Assignments were distributed. Only two options for so many people? I'm better off. “Tony, our tasks are similar, what’s here? Don’t you know? Damn, what should we do?” Two guys were sitting in front, who were also discussing something; from the conversation it seemed that they had gone to preparatory classes at Moscow State University. “I wonder what he thinks about this task?..” He was still sitting so openly, as if he himself was inviting people to look into his solutions. I dashed off a couple of tasks. (Probably everyone hated me now, but if you want to live, know how to move around, someone born to cheat will not teach you). The last task seemed so dreary to me that I did it halfway and left, I thought that I was doing it wrong, it was too hemorrhoids, what the hell, especially since dad was waiting. Came out.

Chemistry points are coming up. The day before I decide to look at last year's assignments. “What kind of game is this???? Dad, I’m not going.” I decided not to go (why, if I’m stupid and won’t do anything?)

I’m starting to think about chemistry at NSU, but my mother doesn’t want to let me go there, it’s too far away. “Mom, well, I have a chance to go there.”

School, teachers screaming that we are stupid, we won’t pass anything, we won’t go anywhere, how the earth carries us in general.

The results of all Lomonosovkas, except biology, have been posted. Well, where, where?

Oops, they showed up. "Mom, look."

"No you".

"Oh, yes! Yes! Diploma of the 3rd degree."

And then I thought that I had a chance at St. Petersburg State University, albeit at the Faculty of Biology. But my thoughts are on chemistry at NSU.

The Unified State Exam is approaching. “It’s probably time to come to your senses. But no, wait, I haven’t watched this series yet.”

Russian exam. I wasn’t afraid at all, there’s some natural literacy or something. I just don’t know how to come up with something, formulate thoughts, or write essays. Well, to hell with it.

The test was easy, the topic of the essay was also quite simple, but I had read almost nothing about love, so the arguments were stupid.

Mathematics. I don’t understand geometry, algebra at school was fine, sometimes I even did homework, I liked the subject. The day before I watched a video with solutions to problems from the second part that I don’t understand. Thinking that I can major in mathematics (because there are many options), I calmly go to the exam. I solved a problem that I had never solved, but I failed the one that I had always solved.

By the way, in a year I wrote only two samples in mathematics, one in Russian and one “for fuck’s sake.”

Biology. This is where I decided to prepare, because the other day I scored 45 points in the June test on Reshuega (it was a shock). Because of Lomonosovka, I needed to score at least 75 points to confirm the Olympiad. The three of us together with our classmates paid for webinars, an intensive course in biology. It actually helped. “150 steps” also helped. Exam. I did the first part in 6 minutes, it was elementary, but with the second I missed something.

Then the results in Russian began to arrive. I thought I had messed up my essay, hoping for 80 points. A friend writes: “I got 98, wow. One comma, damn it.” I’m already telling her, like, how do people give up like that? I say: “I’ll look at mine, but I won’t tell you, I’m ashamed.” I open it. I see 100. I think: “Where are the points?” I look again. 100 points. "Is this mine at all?" To celebrate, I write to a friend, call a friend, and wait for my mother to arrive.

All my classmates took basic mathematics, everyone had already signed for their assessment grades, but I didn’t, because there were no results. specialized mathematics, and I only handed over her. Here she comes. 70 points. Not bad for me, but I could have scored about 80 if not for stupid mistakes.

I was called to school to sign for grades. And the grades! All fives. The class teacher says: “We thought that since you finished with all A’s, passed Russian with 100 points, we will give you a red certificate. But not a medal, a medal is given for A’s in semesters as well.”

"Do I have a red certificate after all? Wow! That's three points at St. Petersburg State University!"

Chemistry exam. I wasn't afraid. Got assignments. And then a slight panic began, because I was stupid on some issues, which I didn’t expect. The panic intensified after watching the second part. I left the exam in tears, like several other friends.

Graduation, I received my red certificate. “Damn, everyone’s blue, it’s my favorite color.”

I'm leaving for a neighboring region on vacation. Biology comes - 89. “Damn, why not 90? We should try to go to the appeal.” I snap out of my vacation and rush to school to write an application. I'm going to the appeal in a couple of days. Long hours of waiting only led me to the understanding that my field was not for the smart, because the “experts” did not know what a schoolchild knows. They wanted to lower the score, but agreed to leave it unchanged.

Chemistry has arrived. 77. "Are these my points? These are these small number"Hysterical again, because I was counting on a different result. Hello, Faculty of Chemistry of St. Petersburg State University.

I remember that Moscow State University has a DVI. Instead of returning to stay with mom on vacation, my dad and I rush to Moscow State University to submit documents. We applied to the Faculty of Biology, Soil, Clinpsy and Biology in Biotech. Lomonosovka gave a hundred for DVI, I relaxed. But not in biotech, they gave a hundred for the Unified State Exam, you have to write the DVI. I didn’t go, because what the hell, I won’t go there anyway.

I’m going to visit my sister in Belgorod, from there I’m sending it by mail to NSU for foundation studies, chemistry and biology.

After BGD, my dad and I are going to St. Petersburg State University, I applied to the Faculty of Chemistry (knowing that I won’t pass) and to the Faculty of Biology. I didn’t want to study physics, chemistry and mechanics of materials.

I’m surfing the lists with my mom, we’re afraid that I’ll get sick. "Give it to Voronezh." “No, mom, the entrance fee for the biology department is 160, but I have 100 for Russian alone, no.”

Then I thought: “Damn, biology is very interesting. And what could be there?” scientific activity! I want to go to the Faculty of Biology."

I refused NSU because I changed my mind about going to chemistry, although I was going there.

My mother and I crossed off from the list of St. Petersburg State University those who brought originals to Moscow State University, and vice versa. We assessed the chances.

I studied at St. Petersburg State University in the Faculty of Biology and at Moscow State University in Soil, Clinpsi and Biology.

I decided to choose between two biology faculties. I don’t like Moscow, but this is Moscow State University.

A few days of reflection with the whole family. It's decided!

My dad and I are going to St. Petersburg, we took the originals, just in case, I took the documents from the chemistry department (suddenly I somehow get through the second wave, but there was first priority).

And voila, I'm enrolled.

If you only know the number of correct answers on a test, but don't know what percentage you have completed or what grade you will receive, there is nothing to worry about. You can easily calculate the percentage yourself, and knowing the criteria adopted by your teacher, you will also know the grade.


Calculating a score using a simple expression

    Determine the number of questions you answered correctly. Write this number and then draw a line under it to form a fraction (the number you write will be the numerator of that fraction). For example, if you answered 21 questions correctly, write this: 21 / . Do not write anything under the line (in the denominator of the fraction) yet.

    • If there were many questions in the test, then it is easier to subtract the number of questions that you answered incorrectly from the total number of questions. For example, if there were 26 questions on a test and you answered 5 incorrectly, subtract 5 from 26: 26 - 5 = 21, and then write 21 as the numerator of the fraction you create.
    • If test questions are scored differently, work with the number of points scored instead of the total number of questions on the test. For example, if you scored 46 points out of a possible 60, write 46 in the numerator of the fraction you create.
  1. Write in the denominator of the fraction total questions in the test or the maximum number of points for the test. In our example, if the test had 26 questions, then the fraction would be like this: 21 / 26 .

    • Check the resulting fraction and make sure it is written correctly. Remember that in the numerator of the fraction (top) you need to write down the number of questions that you answered correctly, and in the denominator (bottom) - the total number of questions in the test or the maximum number of points for the test
  2. Using a calculator, divide the numerator of a fraction by its denominator. A simple calculator will do for this; This will give you the test score expressed as a percentage. Just divide the top number by the bottom number. In our example 21 / 26, enter 21 ÷ 26 into the calculator. You will receive the following answer: 0,8077 .

    • After the decimal point, only four digits need to be taken into account. All other numbers can be ignored. For example, if your answer was 0.8077777, then ignore the last three sevens. They will not affect the percentage score.
  3. To calculate percentages, multiply your answer by 100. To do this, use a calculator or simply move the decimal point two digits to the right. You will receive a score expressed as a percentage. In our example: 0.8077 x 100 = 80,77 . That is, for the test you received 80,77% .

    • Depending on which grading scale your teacher uses, your grade could be either a 4 or a 5. And, for example, according to the US system, it would be either a B or a B-.

Converting a Percentage Score to a Regular Score

  1. IN educational material Find the grading scale for a specific subject. The grading scale depends on the teacher. Most often, before testing, the teacher tells you what percentage of completion will correspond to which grade. It may be that the scoring scale can be found in the study material that was given to you to prepare for the test. If you do not have such information, ask the teacher directly what scale he uses to grade.

    Check out the standard US grading scale. Below is the standard grading scale used by most schools and universities in the United States. A grade of “B” or higher is considered a good grade. With a grade of "D", the student will be promoted to the next grade, but may have difficulty getting into college or university.

In the Unified State Examination in the Russian language 2017, 25 tasks are assessed, of which 24 are tests, and 25 are essays based on the text. Today in test tasks it is necessary either to write down the words correctly (and not just find them), or to find two correct answers from those proposed (task 1 and 15), or to name the numbers indicating correct positioning commas. Task 7 remains difficult, where you need to correlate erroneous sentences with the rules according to which the errors were made.

1 point for a correct answer, 0 points for an incorrect answer

From 0 to 2 points

From 0 to 4 points

From 0 to 5 points

For correct completion of tasks 2–6, 8–14, 16–23 the examinee
receives 1 point. For an incorrect answer or lack thereof, a penalty will be awarded.
0 points.

For completing tasks 1 and 15, you can score from 0 to 2 points.
The answer that contains all the numbers from the standard and those that are missing is considered correct.
other numbers. 1 point is given if: one of the numbers indicated in the answer,
does not correspond to the standard; one of the numbers specified in the standard is missing
answer. In all other cases, 0 points are given.

For completing task 24, you can score from 0 to 4 points. Faithful

For completing task 7, you can score from 0 to 5 points. Faithful
the answer is considered to be one that contains all the numbers from the standard and lacks others
numbers. For each correctly specified digit corresponding to the number from
list, the examinee receives 1 point.

Maximum points

Minimum points

Essay evaluation criteria


Formulation of source text problems

The examinee (in one form or another) correctly formulated one of the problems of the source text.

There are no factual errors related to the understanding and formulation of the problem.

The examinee was unable to correctly formulate any of the problems in the source text.

Commentary on the formulated problem of the source text

The problem formulated by the examinee is commented on. There are no factual errors related to understanding the source text in the comments.

The problem formulated by the examinee is commented on,

no more than 1 factual error was made in the comments related to understanding the source text.

The problem formulated by the examinee was not commented on,

more than 1 factual error was made in the comments related to understanding the source text,

another problem not formulated by the examinee was commented on,

a simple retelling of the text or its fragment is given as a commentary,

A large fragment of the source text is quoted as comments.

The examinee correctly formulated the position of the author (narrator) of the source text on the commented problem.

There are no factual errors related to understanding the position of the author of the source text.

Argumentation by examinees own opinion on the issue

The examinee expressed his opinion on the problem formulated by him, posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the position of the author), argued it (gave at least 2 arguments, one of which was taken from fiction, journalistic or scientific literature).

The examinee expressed his opinion on the problem formulated by him, posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the position of the author), argued it (gave at least 2 arguments, based on knowledge or life experience),

conducted only 1 argument from fiction, journalistic or scientific literature.

The examinee expressed his opinion on the problem formulated by him, posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the position of the author), argued it (gave 1 argument), relying on knowledge, life or reading experience.

The examinee expressed his opinion on the problem posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the author’s position), but did not provide arguments,

the examinee’s opinion is only formally stated (for example: “I agree / disagree with the author”),

not reflected in the work at all.


Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation:

There are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken;

There are no violations in the work paragraph division text.

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation,

1 logical error was made,

There is 1 violation of paragraph division of the text in the work.

The examinee’s work reveals a communicative intent,

more than 1 logical error was made,

There are 2 cases of violation of paragraph division of the text.

Accuracy and expressiveness of speech

The work of the examinee is characterized by the accuracy of expression of thoughts and the variety of grammatical structure of speech.

The work of the examinee is characterized by the accuracy of expression of thoughts,

the monotony of the grammatical structure of speech can be traced,

the work of the examinee is characterized by a variety of grammatical structure of speech,

there are violations of the accuracy of expression of thought.

The work of the examinee is characterized by a poor vocabulary and monotony of the grammatical structure of speech.


Compliance with spelling standards

no spelling errors (or 1 minor error)

1-2 mistakes were made

more than 2-3 mistakes were made

more than 3 mistakes were made 0

Compliance with punctuation standards

no punctuation errors (or 1 minor error)

1-2 mistakes were made

2-3 mistakes were made

more than 3 errors 0

Compliance with language norms

no grammatical errors

1-2 mistakes were made

more than 2 mistakes were made

Compliance with speech norms

no more than 1 speech error was made

2-3 mistakes were made

more than 3 mistakes were made

Compliance with ethical standards

there are no ethical errors in the work

ethical mistakes were made (1 or more)

Maintain factual accuracy in background material

there are no factual errors in the background material

there were factual errors (1 or more) in the background material

Maximum points for an essay

When assessing literacy (K7–K10), the length of the essay should be taken into account. The assessment standards indicated in the table are developed for essays of 150–300 words. If the essay contains less than 70 words, then such work is not counted and is scored 0 points, the task is considered uncompleted.

When counting words, both independent and functional parts of speech are taken into account. Any sequence of words written without a space is counted (for example, “still” is one word, “still” is two words). Initials with a surname are considered one word (for example, “M.Yu. Lermontov” is one word). Any other symbols, in particular numbers, are not taken into account when calculating (for example, “5 years” is one word, “five years” is two words).
If the essay contains partially or completely rewritten by the examinee the text of the review of task 24 and/or information about the author of the text, then the volume of such work is determined without taking into account the text of the review and/or information about the author of the text.

When assessing an essay ranging from 70 to 150 words, the number of permissible errors of four types (K7–K10) decreases.

2 points according to these criteria are given in the following cases:
K7 – there are no spelling errors (or one minor mistake was made);
K8 – there are no punctuation errors (or one minor error was made).

1 point according to these criteria is given in the following cases:
K7 – no more than two mistakes were made;
K8 – one to three mistakes were made;
K9 – no grammatical errors;
K10 – no more than one speech error was made.

The highest score according to criteria K7–K12 is not given for work ranging from 70 to 150 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work in all aspects of the test (K1-K12) is scored 0 points. If the work, which is a rewritten or retold source text, contains fragments of the examinee’s text, then only the number of words that belong to the examinee is taken into account when checking. Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

In accordance with the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs secondary general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2014 No. 31205) “61. Based on the results of the first and second checks, experts independently assign points for each answer to the tasks exam paper Unified State Examination with a detailed answer... 62. In case of a significant discrepancy in the scores given by two experts, a third check is assigned. A significant discrepancy in scores is defined in the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject. The expert carrying out the third check is provided with information about the scores assigned by the experts who previously checked the examination work.”
A significant discrepancy is considered to be a discrepancy of 8 or more primary points between the sums of points awarded by the first and second experts for completing task 25 (for all 12 assessment positions). In this case, the third expert must give points only for those assessment positions for which the points given by the first and second experts differ.