Sauce made from butter, flour and milk. Milk sauce, recipe with photos step by step

Milk sauce can include completely different ingredients. But in any case, this filling turns out very tasty and aromatic. It can be added to completely different dishes. For example, it is good to pour it over cutlets, meatballs, fried sausages and other meat products, as well as side dishes.

Today we will tell you how you can easily and quickly make milk sauce at home. To do this, you don't need a lot of different and outlandish products.

Milk sauce: classic recipe

This sauce can be used when preparing various dishes. For example, they are good for stuffing potato croquettes, sweet donuts, and also used for baking fish and meat. In addition, this product is often used as a gravy for pancakes, porridges and other side dishes.

But before you prepare milk sauce, you should definitely decide what you will need it for. After all, depending on the purpose, it can be thick or liquid, sweet or not so sweet.

So, should you prepare a classic milk sauce? The recipe for this filling involves the use of:

Preparing the base

These ingredients are designed to produce a thick milky sauce. If you require a medium-thick gravy, then the first two ingredients should be taken in the amount of 2 large spoons. If you need to get a liquid sauce, then it is advisable to take only 1 large spoon.

After all the ingredients have been purchased, you should begin preparing the base. To do this, dry the white flour in a hot frying pan. At the same time, there is no need to bring it to change color. You just need to lightly fry it until a barely noticeable smell of roasted nuts appears. Next, the product needs to be cooled.

We need this process to make preparing milk sauce a pleasant and not a hassle-free experience. After all, calcined flour mixes well with any liquid, without contributing to the appearance of lumps. It should also be noted that frying it eliminates the pasty smell and makes the sauce more palatable.

Final stage

After the flour has been heat treated, fine salt should be added to it, and a smaller portion of milk should also be poured in. Next, all the ingredients need to be mixed thoroughly, breaking up any lumps that have formed. Finally, pour the rest of the milk into the resulting mass and cook it over low heat for about 6 minutes. At the very end, add butter to the sauce, mix everything thoroughly and boil again.

Serve it right at the table

Now you know how to prepare milk sauce according to the classic recipe. After the filling is done, it can be safely used for its intended purpose. It should be noted that this sauce turns out very tasty and aromatic.

Making milk sauce for cutlets

If you prepared cutlets for dinner, but they turned out too dry, we recommend making gravy for them separately. Ideal if it is milky.

So, to prepare a tasty and aromatic sauce we need:

  • white flour (preferably sifted) - 2 full large spoons;
  • fresh butter - about 4 large spoons;
  • village full fat milk - 2 full glasses;
  • fine salt, ground allspice - add to taste;
  • nutmeg - 1/4 of a dessert spoon;
  • egg yolk - from 1 egg;
  • hard cheese - approximately 70-80 g.

Cooking method

Milk sauce for cutlets is easy and simple to make. To do this, you need to take a saucepan or frying pan, and then melt the butter in it and add white flour. It is recommended to fry the last ingredient until golden brown. Gradually add fresh village milk to the resulting mass. In this case, it is recommended to stir the sauce regularly with a spoon so that unpleasant lumps do not form in it.

Once you have formed a fairly liquid mass, it should be simmered over low heat until thickened. During heat treatment, the sauce must be seasoned with salt and allspice, as well as grated hard cheese and nutmeg added to it.

Last but not least, add the raw egg yolk to the milk sauce. Moreover, it must be quickly mixed with other ingredients. This will prevent it from curling.

Serve it right at the table

As you can see, preparing sauce for cutlets is not very long or difficult. After the products are mixed, the milk gravy should be removed from the stove and immediately used for its intended purpose. As a rule, this sauce is very often used to serve with meat dishes, including homemade cutlets.

Making a simple sweet sauce

Sweet milk sauce can be used as a tasty addition to pancakes, as well as various casseroles and cheesecakes. It cooks quite quickly. It should be noted that it contains such a natural component as honey. If you don't like this product, you can easily replace it with regular sugar.

So, to create a sweet milk sauce we will need:

  • any fresh honey - a large spoon;
  • non-rancid butter - a large spoon;
  • village full fat milk - about 300 ml;
  • sifted white flour - 1.5 large spoons;
  • vanillin - use to taste.

Cooking process

Before making the sweet sauce, melt the butter and fresh honey over very low heat. Next, you need to add the sifted flour to the mixture and mix it thoroughly, rubbing out the resulting lumps.

After the described steps, you need to slowly pour village milk into the same bowl, and then boil the whole mass. Heat treatment of these products should not last longer than two minutes.

After boiling the ingredients, add a little vanillin to them, then mix well and remove from the stove. After cooling the sauce a little, you can immediately serve it to your guests.

If you notice that there are lumps in the cooled milk gravy, you can easily get rid of them by using a mixer or blender.

Making sauce with mushrooms

Creamy sauce with mushrooms can be used as a tasty and aromatic gravy for any side dishes. To prepare it we will need:

Preparing the sauce

To make this gravy, wash the mushrooms thoroughly and then grind them in a blender along with the onions. Next, you need to put the ingredients in a frying pan and fry in oil with the addition of pepper and salt.

While the champignons are being heat treated, you can start preparing the filling. To do this, add the sifted flour to the cream and beat it with a whisk until all lumps are eliminated. After this, the resulting mass must be poured into the fried mushrooms and onions, and then quickly stirred and brought to a boil.


It's no secret that with a well-chosen and well-prepared sauce, almost all dishes become tastier. However, not all modern housewives agree to spend a lot of time and effort preparing gravy. They want to find a recipe that allows them to make a delicious sauce from available ingredients in a relatively short period of time. Such recipes exist. It is absolutely easy to prepare a completely universal and not too high-calorie sauce from milk, butter and flour. It belongs to classical cuisine and is considered the main sauce, that is, it can not only serve as gravy, but also be used to prepare other sauces and dishes. This sauce is universal: it can be used for baking or as a gravy for meat, fish, pasta, vegetables, and if prepared thick, it will become an excellent filling for donuts.

Cooking features

As already mentioned, the process of preparing milk sauce is not very difficult and does not take much time, but the housewife cannot do without knowing some of the subtleties.

  • The amount of flour used in the recipe depends on how thick you want the sauce to be. To make a thick sauce, you need to take a third of a glass of flour per glass of milk, that is, about 50–60 g. If you want to get a medium-thick sauce, then for two glasses of milk it is enough to take two tablespoons of flour, this is about 30–35 g. For use As a gravy, a liquid sauce is most often made, for which take a heaped tablespoon of flour (about 20 g) for two glasses of milk. The amount of butter usually matches the amount of flour used, that is, for a liquid sauce you need 20 g of butter, for a sauce of medium thickness - 40 g, for a thick sauce - 60 g of butter.
  • To ensure that no lumps form in the sauce when preparing the sauce, the flour is initially calcined in a dry frying pan. This does not need to be done for long: as soon as the nutty aroma appears, remove the pan with flour from the heat. The cooled flour is transferred to a saucepan and proceed to the next stage of preparing the sauce.
  • Milk is added to the sauce in small parts, each time whisking the contents of the saucepan until a homogeneous mass without lumps is formed.
  • At the next stage, add butter cut into pieces. Once the butter has dissolved in the sauce, it is ready. However, even after this, you can add additional ingredients to it: herbs, seasonings, salt or sugar. In this case, you can cook the sauce a little longer.
  • Some recipes call for thickening the sauce not with flour, but with eggs or starch. In this case, the technology will be slightly different. If egg yolks are used, the sauce is heated in a water bath or very low heat, while trying not to bring it to a boil. If the recipe specifies starch, then add it to the hot sauce after dissolving it in cool water.
  • It is better not to use ingredients such as vinegar or lemon juice when preparing milk sauce, as the milk may curdle.

Milk sauce is most often used hot, pouring it over dishes before serving. For meat, the classic version of the sauce is most often used, for fish - sauce with garlic, for pasta - with cheese, and for desserts - sweet milk sauce.

Classic milk sauce recipe

  • wheat flour – 20–120 g;
  • butter – 20–120 g;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • nutmeg (optional) - on the tip of a knife;
  • salt or sugar - to taste;
  • greens (optional) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Sift the flour and pour into the pan. The amount of flour is determined based on how thick the sauce you want to make. Most often, a medium-thick sauce is made, which requires about 40 g of flour.
  • Place the frying pan with flour on the fire. Heat the flour, stirring, until a nutty smell appears.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, pour the flour into the saucepan and wait a couple of minutes until it cools.
  • Light a fire under the saucepan and start pouring milk into it in a thin stream, while whisking it.
  • Cut the butter into thin slices and place them in a saucepan with the sauce. Stir to help it dissolve faster.
  • Add salt or sugar, depending on what dish the sauce is being prepared for. If you do not plan to serve it with dessert, you can additionally add pepper and finely chopped or blended herbs. Nutmeg will add a pleasant aroma to the sauce.
  • When the sauce has thickened sufficiently and the added salt or sugar has dissolved, remove the saucepan from the heat.

After this, the sauce can be immediately used for its intended purpose or poured into a saucepan and placed on the table so that guests can pour it over the dishes served to them themselves.

Milk sauce with ginger and garlic for fish

  • flour – 20 g;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • milk – 0.25 l;
  • parsley – 20 g;
  • ginger root – 10 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel and grate the ginger root.
  • Pass the garlic through a press.
  • Finely chop the parsley with a knife.
  • Toast the flour until it acquires a nutty flavor. Remove from heat for a while.
  • Return the pan with flour to the stove. Add milk in small portions. Don't forget to whisk it so that there are no lumps. If you still cannot avoid their formation, strain the sauce through a sieve and return to the stove.
  • Add ginger, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper to the sauce. At the same time, put a piece of butter in it.
  • Continue heating the sauce until the butter has dissolved. All this time it needs to be stirred.

Milk sauce prepared according to the given recipe will be a good addition to fish dishes.

White sauce with onions and mushrooms

  • milk – 0.25 l;
  • flour – 40 g;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • champignons – 100 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel and finely chop the onion.
  • Wash and dry the mushrooms with a napkin. Cut them into small cubes.
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan, add the onions and mushrooms and cook until the liquid released from the champignons has evaporated.
  • In a clean frying pan, heat the flour for a minute. Pour milk into it in a thin stream, constantly whisking it with a whisk.
  • Add mushrooms and onions to the sauce, stir.
  • Cook until the sauce thickens sufficiently.

This sauce goes especially well with meat and vegetables. It can be made with only mushrooms or only with onions. In this case, the amount of mushrooms or onions can be increased by one and a half to two times relative to the amount specified in the recipe.

Milk sauce with cheese

  • milk sauce prepared according to the classic recipe – 0.3 l;
  • hard cheese – 50 g;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • broth – 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the broth and mix it with the sauce. Heat the resulting mixture over low heat.
  • Finely grate the cheese and add it to the sauce. Warm the sauce, stirring until the cheese has dissolved.
  • Remove the sauce from the stove, add a piece of softened butter to it, and beat with a blender.

This sauce goes well with potatoes, pasta, and vegetable casseroles, giving them a creamy, cheesy taste.

Sweet milk sauce

  • milk – 0.5 l;
    • flour – 30 g;
    • butter – 30 g;
    • sugar – 60 g;
    • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
    • cinnamon (optional) – a pinch.

    Cooking method:

    • Boil the milk and add sugar to it. Wait for it to dissolve. Cool to room temperature.
    • Fry the flour until caramelized and pour the milk into it in a thin stream, whisking it constantly.
    • Add vanilla, cinnamon and thinly sliced ​​butter.
    • Continue heating the sauce, stirring until it reaches an even thick consistency. During this time the butter should completely melt.

    This sauce can be poured over cheesecakes, pancakes or pancakes. If you want to use it as a filling, you need to use 4 times more flour and butter when cooking.

    Milk sauce is a universal seasoning that can be served with side dishes, meat and fish dishes, and even desserts. It is prepared quickly and from available products. Even an inexperienced housewife can master the technology of making sauce.

    The architect covers
    your mistakes with a façade,
    the doctor - earth, and the cook - sauce.
    French proverb.

    At all times, preparing a good sauce has been considered a real culinary art. After all, it is thanks to a successfully prepared sauce that all kinds of dishes can sparkle with completely new, sometimes surprisingly unexpected shades of taste, gain juiciness, piquancy and originality. Two completely identical dishes can be very different from each other, thanks to... the sauce. Yes, yes, don’t be surprised at the most ordinary sauce, or rather at its special, unusual taste. The most popular and easiest to make is cream sauce. This is one of those versatile sauces that can be served with a variety of dishes.

    The technology for preparing cream sauce is extremely simple: first, the flour is fried in a dry frying pan or in butter, then cream is added to this dry mixture. It is also possible to add milk (milk sauce), sour cream (sour cream sauce), as a result of adding the listed ingredients, the taste changes, and therefore, as you can see, the name. Sauces with the addition of broths are called white sauces. But we are only talking about cream sauce, so let all the laurels go to him today. It is absolutely simple to prepare, no tricks required, and the whole process takes just a few minutes.

    The main condition for a quality sauce is the absence of lumps. To ensure a uniform consistency of the sauce, you need to add only chilled cream to the boiling mixture of flour and butter. The latter is a special subject. After all, the right choice of fresh butter is the key to the success of your dish. Before choosing butter, first look at the expiration date. It is advisable to give preference to a Russian manufacturer, where the label says “Butter” and not, for example, “Maslitsa”; such packages can easily contain a vegetable-cream product. Real fresh oil has a pleasant smell, sweet taste and quickly melts in the mouth, leaving a delicate aftertaste. To prepare the sauce, wheat flour is usually used and fried in a dry frying pan until light golden brown; the main thing, of course, is not to miss the moment and not to overcook the flour.

    The cream that forms the basis of the cream sauce is usually taken with medium fat content - about 20%, and gives it a soft, light consistency and delicate creamy taste. However, by introducing certain ingredients into the creamy sauce (cheese, olives, mushrooms, herbs, meat or fish broths), you can skillfully vary the taste and get sauces that seem to be creamy, but at the same time completely different in taste: cheese, garlic , sour, spicy. A pleasant creamy sauce harmonizes with various dishes - meat, fish, pasta or vegetables. It does not interrupt the taste and aroma of the main ingredients, but only elegantly emphasizes all the advantages of certain products.

    1 tbsp. flour,
    1 tbsp. butter,
    200 ml 20% cream,
    salt, ground black pepper.

    In a dry frying pan, fry the flour until golden brown, add the butter, stir until smooth and fry a little more. Then pour in the cream, boil for 2 minutes, stirring, add salt and pepper.

    100 g butter,
    1 tsp flour,
    100 g dry white wine,
    30 g parsley,
    ¼ tsp. salt,
    ¼ tsp. ground black pepper.

    Melt the butter in a frying pan. Stirring constantly, add flour. Gradually pour in the wine, keep on low heat, stirring until the wine has almost completely evaporated, add salt and pepper, and add parsley.

    200 g cream,
    170 g hard cheese,
    2 cloves of garlic,
    nutmeg, salt, pepper.

    Pour the cream into the pan, heat it over low heat, add finely grated cheese and heat for another 2-4 minutes, add nutmeg, chopped garlic, salt, stir and cook the sauce for another 3 minutes over low heat.

    250 ml 20% cream,
    100 g butter,
    100 g cheese,
    2 yolks,
    ½ cup broth,
    ¼ tsp. chopped nutmeg,
    ½ bunch of dill,
    salt, pepper

    Melt the butter in a water bath, add grated cheese, cream and broth to it. Heat and stir constantly until the mixture is smooth. Then add the yolks, salt, pepper and add nutmeg. Heat the mixture for 5 minutes, but do not bring to a boil. Add chopped dill to the prepared hot sauce.

    1.5 stack. cream,
    100 g cheese,
    3 boiled eggs,
    2 cloves of garlic,

    Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, grind the garlic in a mortar, and mash the yolks of boiled eggs thoroughly. Whip the cream with mashed egg yolks, add cheese, garlic, salt, stir and heat until the cheese is dissolved.

    125 ml cream 20%,
    450 g bacon
    75 g hard cheese,
    3 raw egg yolks,
    1 onion,
    4 shallots,
    1 clove of garlic,
    5 tsp olive oil,
    black pepper, salt.

    Heat the oil in a frying pan, finely chop the shallots and simmer in the oil until soft, add the onions cut into half rings, fry them too, then add the bacon cut into strips to the total mass and fry it until half cooked. Lastly, add finely chopped garlic to the dish and remove the pan from the heat. In a bowl, whisk the raw yolks, add grated cheese, pepper, salt, beat thoroughly and pour in the cream. Combine the onion mixture with the egg and cream mixture and stir.

    200 ml 20% cream,
    20 g butter,
    20 ml dry white wine,
    1 onion,
    1 clove of garlic,
    1 bunch of spinach,

    In a frying pan, fry finely chopped onion in half the oil until soft, then add white wine. Keep on low heat until the wine has almost completely evaporated. Pour in slightly warmed cream and bring to a boil. In the remaining oil, fry the spinach and chopped garlic and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Combine the sautéed spinach with the cream sauce and puree using a blender.

    200 ml cream 16-20%,
    100 g mayonnaise,
    1 tbsp. mustard (ready)
    1 tbsp. lemon juice,

    Combine all ingredients and mix well. The sauce is ready.
    This sauce does not require heat treatment. It can be used to season meat, fish, and baked vegetables.

    1 stack cream 20%,
    1 stack milk,
    ¼ cup flour,
    ¼ cup chopped parsley,
    1 tsp salt.

    Heat milk and cream in a saucepan. Mix flour with a small amount of water. When the milk and cream mixture is hot, add flour and parsley and cook for 5 minutes. If instead of parsley you add ½ cup. celery, you will get an excellent creamy sauce with celery.

    1.5 stack. milk,
    1.5 tbsp. flour,
    1 tbsp. processed cheese,
    1 carrot,
    3 tbsp. vegetable oil,
    ½ onion,
    3 cloves of garlic,
    2 tsp soy sauce,
    herbs, salt, spices.

    Chop carrots, onions, garlic and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil for 10 minutes, stirring. Then add soy sauce and simmer for another 1 minute. Add flour and stir, after a minute - milk and melted cheese. Stir until thick, then add salt, herbs, and favorite spices.

    1 stack cream 20-25%,
    1 sweet green pepper,
    2 cloves of garlic,
    2 tbsp. butter,
    2 tbsp. corn flour,
    salt, ground black pepper, dill.

    Chop the pepper coarsely, chop the dill. Melt the butter in a saucepan, fry the peppers in it for 5 minutes, stirring. Then add the garlic and cream and cook for another 2 minutes. Then grind this whole mass in a blender. Then put the resulting mass back into the pan, add corn flour, herbs, salt, pepper, stir and heat over low heat, without bringing to a boil.

    250 ml cream,
    50 ml dry white wine,
    1 onion,
    1 tbsp. butter,
    3-4 tbsp. red caviar.

    Fry finely chopped onion in butter until transparent, add wine, simmer a little until the wine evaporates. Then pour in the cream, add salt and cook, stirring, over low heat for 5 minutes until thickened. Then remove from heat, add red caviar and stir.

    250 ml cream,
    4 raw egg yolks,
    80 g grated Parmesan cheese,
    350 g smoked ham,
    2 cloves of garlic,
    salt, spices.

    In a small saucepan, heat the oil, add the garlic and cook for 1 minute, then add the ham, cut into small cubes, and cook for another 4 minutes. Whisk the cream and yolks in a bowl, add the ham-garlic mixture and heat over low heat. Do not increase the heat under any circumstances, otherwise the eggs will curdle! Gently add the Parmesan cheese to the mixture and season with salt and spices.

    150 ml 10% cream,
    1 onion,
    1 apple,
    butter, curry, salt, dill.

    Finely chop the peeled apple, onion and dill. In a deep frying pan, fry the apple and onion in butter until the onion is translucent. Then add curry, stir and fry a little more. Pour cream into the pan, add dill, salt and stir. Simmer the sauce over low heat until the apples are soft. Depending on the consistency you want the sauce to be, you can add more cream or a little hot water to make the sauce thinner. You can add finely chopped champignons to the sauce.

    10 ml 20% cream,
    2 tbsp. flour,
    2-3 cloves of garlic
    1 small onion
    1 tbsp. butter,
    1 tsp lemon juice,
    a pinch of nutmeg, salt, pepper.

    Chop the onion and garlic and fry with flour in butter. Then pour in the cream, add nutmeg, salt, pepper and simmer for 5 minutes. The sauce will thicken very quickly. Remove it from the heat, add lemon juice and stir.

    60 ml heavy cream,
    1.5 stack. milk,
    2 tbsp. butter,
    1 tbsp. wheat flour,
    ½ onion,
    1 bay leaf,
    a pinch of salt.

    Pour milk into a saucepan, add chopped onion, bay leaf and bring to a boil. Then immediately remove from heat, let stand for 15 minutes and strain. Melt the butter, add the flour, heat, stirring, pour in the strained milk and bring everything to a boil. Add salt, heat the sauce for 10 minutes, pour in the cream and stir.

    200 ml cream,
    1 tbsp. flour,
    2 tbsp. butter,
    100 g dried white mushrooms,

    Wash the mushrooms and soak in cold water for 6-8 hours. Then rinse again, boil and chop. Place butter in a heated frying pan, add flour, stirring. Pour in the cream, salt and stir. Place finely chopped porcini mushrooms in a frying pan with the creamy mixture, stir, simmer for 3 minutes and remove from heat.

    1 tbsp. cream,
    4 tbsp. l. butter,
    200 g fresh champignons,
    3 cloves of garlic,
    ground nutmeg, salt, pepper, herbs.

    Melt butter in a frying pan, add chopped garlic and simmer for 3 minutes. Then put the sliced ​​mushrooms into the pan and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour in the cream and simmer for another 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper, add nutmeg, chopped herbs and simmer the sauce for another 5 minutes.

    If you simply don't have cream on hand at the moment, don't despair. You can make a versatile, creamy white sauce with simpler ingredients you have in your refrigerator.

    300 ml milk,
    2 tbsp. flour,
    50 g butter,
    ½ tsp. salt,
    ground black pepper.

    Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat. Without removing the saucepan from the heat, whisk the melted butter with a fork and gradually add the flour. Stir very quickly for 3-5 minutes until the mixture is completely combined. Increase heat to medium and continue stirring. Then add salt and stir until the mixture begins to bubble. Meanwhile, heat the milk and pour it into the saucepan with the butter and flour mixture as soon as it starts to boil. Continue stirring vigorously without stopping, otherwise the sauce may burn. The liquid from the sauce will begin to evaporate and decrease in volume. Stir the sauce for 5-10 minutes until it reaches the desired consistency. The longer you keep the sauce on the stove, the thicker it will be.

    Complement and improve your favorite dishes with a touch of tenderness and sophistication, which is called cream sauce!

    Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

    Larisa Shuftaykina

    Milk sauce can include completely different ingredients. But in any case, this filling turns out very tasty and aromatic. It can be added to completely different dishes. For example, it is good to pour it over cutlets, meatballs, fried sausages and other meat products, as well as side dishes.

    Today we will tell you how you can easily and quickly make milk sauce at home. To do this, you don't need a lot of different and outlandish products.

    Milk sauce: classic recipe

    This sauce can be used when preparing various dishes. For example, they are good for stuffing potato croquettes, sweet donuts, and also used for baking fish and meat. In addition, this product is often used as a gravy for pancakes, porridges and other side dishes.

    But before you prepare milk sauce, you should definitely decide what you will need it for. After all, depending on the purpose, it can be thick or liquid, sweet or not so sweet.

    So, should you prepare a classic milk sauce? The recipe for this filling involves the use of:

    Preparing the base

    These ingredients are designed to produce a thick milky sauce. If you require a medium-thick gravy, then the first two ingredients should be taken in the amount of 2 large spoons. If you need to get a liquid sauce, then it is advisable to take only 1 large spoon.

    After all the ingredients have been purchased, you should begin preparing the base. To do this, dry the white flour in a hot frying pan. At the same time, there is no need to bring it to change color. You just need to lightly fry it until a barely noticeable smell of roasted nuts appears. Next, the product needs to be cooled.

    We need this process to make preparing milk sauce a pleasant and not a hassle-free experience. After all, calcined flour mixes well with any liquid, without contributing to the appearance of lumps. It should also be noted that frying it eliminates the pasty smell and makes the sauce more palatable.

    Final stage

    After the flour has been heat treated, fine salt should be added to it, and a smaller portion of milk should also be poured in. Next, all the ingredients need to be mixed thoroughly, breaking up any lumps that have formed. Finally, pour the rest of the milk into the resulting mass and cook it over low heat for about 6 minutes. At the very end, add butter to the sauce, mix everything thoroughly and boil again.

    Serve it right at the table

    Now you know how to prepare milk sauce according to the classic recipe. After the filling is done, it can be safely used for its intended purpose. It should be noted that this sauce turns out very tasty and aromatic.

    Making milk sauce for cutlets

    If you prepared cutlets for dinner, but they turned out too dry, we recommend making gravy for them separately. Ideal if it is milky.

    So, to prepare a tasty and aromatic sauce we need:

    • white flour (preferably sifted) - 2 full large spoons;
    • fresh butter - about 4 large spoons;
    • village full fat milk - 2 full glasses;
    • fine salt, ground allspice - add to taste;
    • nutmeg - 1/4 of a dessert spoon;
    • egg yolk - from 1 egg;
    • hard cheese - approximately 70-80 g.

    Cooking method

    Milk sauce for cutlets is easy and simple to make. To do this, you need to take a saucepan or frying pan, and then melt the butter in it and add white flour. It is recommended to fry the last ingredient until golden brown. Gradually add fresh village milk to the resulting mass. In this case, it is recommended to stir the sauce regularly with a spoon so that unpleasant lumps do not form in it.

    Once you have formed a fairly liquid mass, it should be simmered over low heat until thickened. During heat treatment, the sauce must be seasoned with salt and allspice, as well as grated hard cheese and nutmeg added to it.

    Last but not least, add the raw egg yolk to the milk sauce. Moreover, it must be quickly mixed with other ingredients. This will prevent it from curling.

    Serve it right at the table

    As you can see, preparing sauce for cutlets is not very long or difficult. After the products are mixed, the milk gravy should be removed from the stove and immediately used for its intended purpose. As a rule, this sauce is very often used to serve with meat dishes, including homemade cutlets.

    Making a simple sweet sauce

    Sweet milk sauce can be used as a tasty addition to pancakes, as well as various casseroles and cheesecakes. It cooks quite quickly. It should be noted that it contains such a natural component as honey. If you don't like this product, you can easily replace it with regular sugar.

    So, to create a sweet milk sauce we will need:

    • any fresh honey - a large spoon;
    • non-rancid butter - a large spoon;
    • village full fat milk - about 300 ml;
    • sifted white flour - 1.5 large spoons;
    • vanillin - use to taste.

    Cooking process

    Before making the sweet sauce, melt the butter and fresh honey over very low heat. Next, you need to add the sifted flour to the mixture and mix it thoroughly, rubbing out the resulting lumps.

    After the described steps, you need to slowly pour village milk into the same bowl, and then boil the whole mass. Heat treatment of these products should not last longer than two minutes.

    After boiling the ingredients, add a little vanillin to them, then mix well and remove from the stove. After cooling the sauce a little, you can immediately serve it to your guests.

    If you notice that there are lumps in the cooled milk gravy, you can easily get rid of them by using a mixer or blender.

    Making sauce with mushrooms

    Creamy sauce with mushrooms can be used as a tasty and aromatic gravy for any side dishes. To prepare it we will need:

    Preparing the sauce

    To make this gravy, wash the mushrooms thoroughly and then grind them in a blender along with the onions. Next, you need to put the ingredients in a frying pan and fry in oil with the addition of pepper and salt.

    While the champignons are being heat treated, you can start preparing the filling. To do this, add the sifted flour to the cream and beat it with a whisk until all lumps are eliminated. After this, the resulting mass must be poured into the fried mushrooms and onions, and then quickly stirred and brought to a boil.


    The French are sure that the main thing in any dish is the sauce. And there is no reason not to believe these true connoisseurs of delicious food, because they know a lot about it no less than about fashion or love. The most popular sauces include dairy-based dressings. Their delicate texture, pleasant creamy color and, of course, charming soft taste will make your usual lunch or dinner much more interesting, nutritious and tastier. A distinctive feature of all dairy seasonings is the ability to create different flavor variations, ranging from a classic creamy sauce to tart sweet or even smoky-salty notes.

    Probably every experienced housewife today knows how to prepare milk sauce for cutlets and other meat dishes. With this dressing, the meat turns out even more tender and flavorful, while the recipe has a completely simple composition that does not threaten the family budget.

    You will need:

    • Milk – 0.5 l
    • Butter – 2 tablespoons
    • Wheat flour – 2 tablespoons
    • Fresh parsley – 1 small bunch
    • Fresh dill – 1 small bunch
    • Salt - to taste
    • Ground black pepper - to taste

    Number of servings – 4

    Cooking time – 20 minutes

    Classic French cuisine

    The presented recipe for a classic milk sauce often becomes the basis for other, more complex dressings. It necessarily contains an oil-flour mixture, which French chefs call “white roux.” The flour for such a base must be calcined in a frying pan - with or without oil. This procedure allows you to achieve a completely special structure of the product, which does not allow lumps to form when adding milk.

    To prepare the perfect sauce, it is recommended to use good non-stick cookware, as both flour and milk can easily burn if you are a little distracted or undermix the dressing. It should be noted that this gravy cannot be boiled, as it will instantly lose its characteristic consistency and acquire an unpleasant taste.

    1. Pour 2 tablespoons of wheat flour into a heated frying pan. You don’t need to heat the product for a very long time to achieve a rich creamy shade - it’s enough to simply achieve the appearance of a pleasant nutty aroma. After this, remove the container from the heat and cool the flour slightly.
    2. Pour the slightly cooled flour into a saucepan, then immediately add salt and pepper to it in the required amount. Now slightly warmed milk is poured into the mixture. It is better to do this in portions to make it easier to stir the flour and eliminate any lumps that appear. After this, the sauce is put on the fire and heated for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly, without bringing to a boil.
    3. After the specified time, add butter to the saucepan; the mass is heated again until the butter is completely melted. The dressing is removed from the heat, after which finely chopped herbs are added to it (ideally, it should be chopped in a blender). The sauce is infused under a closed lid for 20 minutes, after which it can be served or used to prepare a dish.

    If you are making a base for another dressing—such as vanilla sweet or spicy milk sauce—the recipe will not include salt, pepper, or herbs. The base is cooked in the same way as the standard version of the seasoning, and only after adding oil can other ingredients be added to it. Instead of salt, granulated sugar or powdered sugar is added to sweet sauces, and various spices, herbs, even hot pepper are added to spicy sauces. Knowing the classic version of milk sauce, the housewife has the opportunity to experiment with flavors every time.


    Milk gravy can be used both as an independent sauce, served separately, and used in the process of preparing dishes. For example, the classic recipe for cutlets in milk sauce involves baking a meat product, previously filled with milk dressing. When cooked, the sauce turns into a soft, creamy “glaze” that coats the cutlets. But, of course, the dressing goes well with other dishes:

    1. You can serve the gravy not only with cutlets, but also with other meat dishes that go very well with milk gravy. It can be stewed beef, baked chicken or a juicy pork chop - in any case, the spicy or tangy taste of the meat will be complemented by the soft creamy taste of the sauce.
    2. The sauce will be an excellent addition to a variety of casseroles made from potatoes and vegetables. The result is an excellent dietary dish that has a full range of nutrients and excellent taste.
    3. Light vegetable dishes - dietary stew or steamed vegetables - are no less worthy company for milk sauce.
    4. Milk dressing is often prepared to serve fish dishes. To highlight the taste of the fish, garlic and onions may be included in its recipe, but the classic version of the gravy can also decorate the dish.

    The list of possibilities that milk sauce opens up for the housewife is endless! This is a great culinary trick that allows you to make an appetizing and very tasty dish for a Sunday family dinner without spending too much time and money.