Materials from the educational and methodological manual can be used. How to create a study guide

Methodical manual - a complex type of methodological products, including systematized material that reveals the essence, distinctive features and methods of any educational course or direction. Includes extensive didactic material.

Structure of the methodological manual.

1. Title page:
- name of the institution;
- last name, first name, patronymic of the developer;
- title of the manual;
- name of the city;
- year of development;
2. Abstract:
Located on the 2nd sheet from the top.
- the essence of the issues under consideration (what it is devoted to);
- purpose (to whom and what kind of assistance it provides);
- source of practical experience;
- possible areas of application;
- information about the author (at the bottom of 2 sheets Last name, first name, patronymic, position, place of work, qualification category).
Explanatory note.
Justification of the relevance of the development. For whom is it intended and in what area of ​​education is it used. Justification of the features and novelty of the proposed work in comparison with other developments. The purpose and objectives of methodological development. Scope of application, brief description expected result.
Contents (optional).
In the main part of the manual, depending on the purpose and goals, there may be various chapters. Their name, quantity, sequence are determined and logically arranged depending on the author’s intention.
For example:
1. The theoretical material being studied is presented.
2. Describes the main methods, technologies used or recommended for a successful solution.
3. List and description practical work with recommendations for their implementation.
4. Test tasks to check and master the material.
5. List of references to help the teacher and student.
6. Applications:
- diagrams;
- samples;
- videos;
- creative projects for children;
- thematic photo album.

Cheboksary 2013

Compiled by:

Head of the department of documentation support for management and methodological work of the State Archive modern history Chuvash Republic» Ministry of Culture of Chuvashia

1. Introduction

2. Structure of the methodological manual………………………………

3. Preparation of the methodological manual …………………………..

2.2.10. The text of the methodological manual is divided into sections, subsections and paragraphs.

Sections, subsections and paragraphs should be numbered Arabic numerals. Sections must be sequentially numbered throughout the entire text of the teaching manual, with the exception of appendices.

Subsections are numbered with Arabic numerals within each section. The subsection number consists of the section and subsection numbers separated by a dot.

Items are numbered in Arabic numerals within each subsection. The item number consists of the number of the section, subsection, item, separated by a dot.

The subclause number includes the number of the section, subsection of the clause and serial number subparagraphs separated by a period.

There is no dot after the number of a section, subsection, paragraph, or subparagraph in the text of the document.

If a section or subsection consists of one paragraph, it is also numbered.

Each paragraph or subparagraph is printed as a paragraph.

2.2.11. Sections and subsections must have headings. As a rule, paragraphs do not have headings.

Headings should clearly and concisely reflect the content of sections and subsections. Headings are printed in capital letters without a period at the end. Headings are located in the center of the text.

Hyphenation of words in headings is not allowed.


3.1. A bibliographic reference is part of the reference apparatus and serves as a source of bibliographic information about documents. It contains bibliographic information about another document cited, considered or mentioned in the text of a document, necessary and sufficient for its identification, search and general characteristics. The objects of compiling a bibliographic reference are all types of published and unpublished documents on any media, as well as components of documents.

3.2. Based on their location in the document, they are distinguished the following types bibliographic references:

3.2.1. Intratextual, placed in the text of the document.

3.2.2. Interlinear, taken from the text down the page of the document (in a footnote).

3.2.3. Extra-textual, placed behind the text of the document or part of it (in a balloon).

3.3. When repeating references to the same object, the following types of bibliographic references are distinguished:

3.3.1. Primary, in which bibliographic information is presented for the first time in this document.

3.3.2. Repeated, in which previously specified bibliographic information is repeated in an abbreviated form.

3.3. The rules for presenting elements of a bibliographic description, the use of prescribed punctuation marks, regardless of the purpose of the link, are carried out in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 SIBID Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drawing up and GOST 7.82-2001 SIBID. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description electronic resources. General requirements and drafting rules.

3.4. An in-text bibliographic link contains information about the object of the link that is not included in the text of the document. The in-text bibliographic reference is enclosed in parentheses, for example,

(Methodological recommendations for funding documents in state and municipal archives Russian Federation. M. VNIIDAD, 2006. pp. 12 – 20).

3.5. An interlinear bibliographic reference is formatted as a note placed from the text of the document at the bottom of the page, for example:

, Ryskov documents in management. M., 2008.

When numbering interlinear bibliographic references, a uniform order is used for the entire document - continuous numbering throughout the entire text, within each chapter, section, part, etc., or for a given page of the document.

The set of extra-text bibliographic references is drawn up as a list of bibliographic records placed after the text of the document or its component part. The totality of extra-text bibliographic references is not bibliography or an index, usually placed after the text of the document and having independent significance as a bibliographic aid. When numbering extra-text bibliographic references, continuous numbering is used for the entire text of the document as a whole or for individual chapters, sections, parts, etc.

To connect with the text of the document, the serial number of the bibliographic record in the textual link is indicated in the callout sign, which is typed on the top line of the font, or in the reference, which is given in square brackets in the line with the text of the document.

3.7. When compiling a bibliographic description, you should follow the norms of modern spelling. The first word of each description element begins with a capital letter. The use of capital letters in other cases is carried out in accordance with the norms of the Russian literary language. The names of scientific works, books, collections, newspapers, magazines, and publishing houses are not enclosed in quotation marks. Abbreviations individual words and phrases are carried out in accordance with the current rules.

3.8. Design of individual elements of a bibliographic reference.

Single-digit qualitative numerals, if they do not have units of measurement, they are written in words, for example:

ten storage units, etc.

Ordinal numbers that make up a word written in numbers, for example:

30 year period etc.

Conditional graphic abbreviations are written with dots at the abbreviation site, For example:

i.e., etc., etc., etc.

The text of the quotation is enclosed in quotation marks and begins with a capital letter. If the quotation reproduces only part of the sentence of the quoted text, then an ellipsis is placed after the opening quotation marks.


The methodological manual reveals uniform requirements for the design of methodological manuals, compliance with which allows the compilers to prepare high-quality documents.


Ministry of Culture, Nationalities and Affairs

archival affairs of the Chuvash Republic

Budgetary institution of the Chuvash Republic

"State Archive of Contemporary History of the Chuvash Republic"


Cheboksary 2013

Compiled by:

Leading methodologist of the department of documentation support for management and methodological work of the BU "State Archive of Contemporary History of the Chuvash Republic" of the Ministry of Culture of Chuvashia

Preparation of teaching aids

Methodological recommendations “Registration of methodological manuals (recommendations, manuals, developments, etc.)” are intended for employees and specialists of state and municipal archives involved in the preparation of methodological manuals in order to determine uniform requirements for the design of methodological manuals. The Methodological Recommendations describe the design requirements different parts methodological manual.


1. General provisions…………………………………………………………………………………

2. Documentation of organizations……………………………………………………….

3. Rules for the preparation and execution of documents……………………………………

4. Documentation of management activities……………………………..

5. Document forms………………………………………………………………

6. Registration of document details……………………………………………………………….

7. Features of the preparation and execution of certain types of official documents

documents. Drawing up and processing of personal documents……………………………

8. Production of documents using computer technology. Replication of documents…………………………………………………………………………………

9. Registration and accounting of documents, construction of search systems………………………

10 Registration of documents……………………………………………………………………………….

11. Construction of search engines…………………………………………………………………………………

12. Organization of document flow………………………………………………………..

13. Registration and accounting of incoming documents……………………………………

14. The procedure for passing and executing documents……………………………………

15. Registration and accounting of sent documents………………………………………………………

16. Registration and organization of movement of internal documents……………………

17. Accounting for the volume of document flow………………………………………………………

18. Working with citizens’ appeals………………………………………………………

19. Control of execution of documents……………………………………………………………………

Electronic resources:

3. http://rudocs. /docs/index-59225.html / Guidelines “Rules for registration methodological developments teachers" / Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Southern Federal University" - Rostov-on-Don. 2011.

First you need to figure out what exactly you want to write. I mean whether it will be a methodological guide on the subject or a teaching aid, or maybe an educational methodological one. It seems that the words are almost the same, but there are different concepts behind them. It's not difficult to figure it out. Today we will provide you with a simple guide: how to write a manual. First, let’s learn more about its types.

A methodological manual is a document detailing the optimal sequence in studying a specific educational or scientific material. The methodological manual is based on reliable scientific works on the subject, as well as on practice and experience gained. The methodological manual can be called a statement of the author’s opinion about effective ways implementation of assigned tasks.

Teaching aids contain in their structure material that differs from traditional textbooks and works of scientists. The main objective of such a manual is to provide information about the algorithm for completing tasks in a given discipline, an idea of ​​the tasks that this discipline studies.

The textbook is a partial and complete addition to the textbook. It may not be devoted to the entire discipline, but only to certain topics. The difference from a textbook is the presence of not only officially approved, tested knowledge and provisions, but also various controversial opinions. This publication is usually recommended to help students understand the topic better.

How to write a teaching manual?

How to write a teaching aid?

  1. Study materials on the topic of the manual.
  2. Choose quality, reputable sources.
  3. Connect the theory presented to your own practice.
  4. Make a plan, think over theses and short remarks.
  5. Think it over test questions on the topic you raised.
  6. The text should be supplemented with illustrations, diagrams and photos.
  7. Give examples of how to correctly use the described methodology.
  8. Present the material in simple and understandable language.
  9. Please indicate the list of references used at the end. Recommend further literature for additional reading.
  1. Carefully study the work curriculum on which the training takes place.
  2. Make sure that the structure of your future manual matches the program and covers the topics contained in it.
  3. The collected theoretical material should be well structured, logical and understandable for students.
  4. Since the manual will not be read by professors, but by students, try not to write in complex, long phrases or large paragraphs. If you use terms, be sure to provide footnotes or explanations.
  5. Include various diagrams, graphs, pictures, tables in the manual.
  6. For each topic, think through practical tasks, questions for self-control, topics for essays.
  7. Make a complete list of references, supplement it with textbooks and original works of scientists.
  1. Study the program and topics. Your allowance must strictly comply with them.
  2. Having chosen a topic, look at the goals of the training course for a particular specialist.
  3. Structure your study guide clearly.
  4. Write for ordinary people to help, not to confuse.
  5. Explain all foreign concepts and terms.
  6. In addition to self-test questions and essay topics, end each chapter with conclusions.
  7. Prepare each study guide in accordance with the requirements, pay attention to footnotes, diagrams, etc.
  8. Carefully compile a bibliography, which includes complete information about the authors, title, publication date and publisher.


Study existing materials on the topic. Explore seminal papers on the subject and the latest research findings. As sources, choose not only the usual books, but also reputable network resources, thematic TV channels, materials from scientific and symposiums, preferably state and international level. This gives the manual the necessary scientific weight.

Theory alone is not enough to create teaching aids. It would be best to go through all the stages independently, in accordance with the recommendations of your benefits. This will not only show its viability, but may also reveal some inaccuracies and shortcomings. Then it will be necessary to make adjustments to the working material.

Plan for the future benefits. Reflect the most important things in it in the form of abstracts and short comments. This plan will later serve as the basis for the final text and will allow you to easily change the design benefits to achieve the best result.

Develop control questions on the topic of the “manual” and options for solving the tasks and problems discussed in it. Complete the text of the methodological benefits illustrations, diagrams and photos. Give specific competent use of the described methodology.

Do not forget to indicate at the end of the work the literature used, as well as your recommendations for educational and scientific materials, the study of which will help in mastering this subject.

In accordance with accepted educational standards, under methodological allowance usually refers to a publication containing materials on teaching methods academic discipline(its part or section).


The methodological manual is being developed, in contrast to methodological instructions, not for students, but . In order for your future manual to be approved by the scientific and methodological department of the university, it is necessary that your developments do not contradict the methodology as science and are supported by positive results for many years.

Create a benefit plan. To do this, it is necessary to determine the goals and objectives of the publication. They must be formulated extremely clearly and clearly, and be based only on serious long-term pedagogical and scientific work.

Collect all you have teaching materials over the past few years. Rank them in order of importance to the concept of the benefit. Analyze the materials from your point of view pedagogical work.

Explore all necessary literature. Make extracts, but later, when creating the text of the manual, try to avoid unnecessary quotations in the main part (in the introduction, on the contrary, this is desirable).

Video on the topic


  • development of a methodological manual in 2019

Methodical allowance is a printed brochure that contains detailed guidelines for students to study a specific course. The book is the result of processing general information on the topic, as well as your own experience in this area.

You will need

  • - literature on the topic;
  • - own experience.


The purpose of the teaching aid is to consolidate the material of the subject as you go through the topics. Any methodological allowance should include the following sections: introduction, theoretical part, practical part and didactic part.

State in the introduction the purpose of writing the manual, indicate the potential readership for whom it may be interesting and useful, as well as the results that can be achieved by applying the techniques in it.

Make a plan for the teaching aid in the form of a short summary of the main sections. You can limit yourself to two or three sentences on each topic and a few basic formulas, if allowance created in a technical discipline. This is the plan for the future theoretical part.

The theoretical part should contain scientific theoretical materials on the topic, which should be structured and presented to the maximum extent possible. short form. Provide links to other works or textbooks.

Give the problem or the one you came to yourself. This part of the manual is practical, reinforcing the theoretical section. Your own experience will help you find pitfalls and inaccuracies that can be corrected and give recommendations on how to avoid them. Highlight the didactic part, present in it auxiliary drawings, graphs or diagrams illustrating the main material.

Methodical allowance- serious scientific work, giving specific recommendations to readers in a particular area. Therefore, to avoid inaccuracies or errors, use several sources of information when writing, including the works of recognized experts. Be sure to indicate the literature used at the end of the manual; for convenience, divide it into subtopics. Please also include regulatory documents here, if any are required.

Video on the topic

The purpose of the methodological recommendations is to use the most effective and rational options and patterns of action for a specific event and type of activity. Thus, recommendations of this type make it possible to conduct lessons and extracurricular activities at the proper level.

Methodological recommendations involve drawing up detailed instructions on maintaining school notebooks. They also clarify the procedure for checking written work by the teacher - the assessment criteria that the teacher sets, the rules for making entries in the class register.

The methodological recommendations contain specific material that concerns the very process of conducting classes. Thanks to curriculum it is possible to conduct the number of lessons allocated for a specific topic so that it is fully disclosed and mastered by students.

In addition, methodological recommendations allow you to plan homework. Some draft recommendations so that they contain detailed plans conducting lessons. This is a great help to teachers, especially those who have just started working in their specialty.

Methodological recommendations allow you to plan individual lessons. They need to be designed taking into account the student's abilities. It is possible that getting to know the students will prompt the teacher to create individual lessons for each of them, which is where methodological recommendations will help. Therefore, we can say that they are the foundation on which the “lesson building” is built. His “” should be unique and individual, which will make the learning process truly effective. This will undoubtedly affect the development of students.

Methodical manual

Methodical manual- a type of educational and methodological publication that includes extensive systematized material that reveals the content, distinctive features of teaching methods for any educational course as a whole, or a significant section(s) of the course, or in the area of ​​educational work. In addition to theoretical material, it may contain lesson plans and notes, as well as didactic material in the form of illustrations, tables, diagrams, drawings, etc. It is characterized by a pronounced practical orientation, accessibility, and is intended to help the teacher in his daily work.

Methodical manual is a publication intended to help teachers for practical application in practice, in which the main emphasis is on teaching methods. Any manual is based on specific examples and recommendations.

A methodological manual differs from methodological recommendations in that it contains, along with practical recommendations, also theoretical provisions that reveal existing points of view on the issue being presented in pedagogical science. In the methodological recommendations, the theory of the issue is given minimally.

The authors of methodological manuals are, as a rule, experienced teachers and methodologists who are able to systematize the practical material of their own work and the work of professional colleagues, take into account and use theoretical developments of modern pedagogy in justifying the proposed methods.

The task methodological manual is to provide practical assistance to teachers and methodologists of an educational institution in acquiring and mastering advanced knowledge of both theoretical and practical nature.

Requirements for teaching aids

Information content, maximum saturation (there should be no general phrases).

Clarity and clarity of presentation (popularity).

Clarity of structure.

Availability of original ways of organizing relevant activities.

The presence of either new methodological methods of forms of activity, or their new combination.

Availability of confirmation of the effectiveness of the proposed approaches with examples, illustrations, or experimental testing materials.

Structure of the manual includes:

Introduction or explanatory note– up to 15% of the text, where the history of the issue is revealed, the state of science on this problem is analyzed, the presence or absence of similar methods, technologies that justify the need this manual. The features of the construction of the manual, the purpose, and to whom it is addressed are described.

Main part– up to 75% of the text; in the main part of the manual, depending on the purpose and goals, there may be various sections (chapters). Their name, quantity, and sequence are determined and logically arranged depending on the author’s intention.

For example:

Chapter 1 - outlines the theoretical material being studied;

Chapter 2 - describes the main methods, technologies used or recommended for successfully resolving the issue;

Chapter 3 - list and description of practical work with recommendations for their implementation;

Chapter 4 - control tasks to check the mastery of the material.

The theoretical part sets out in brief form (if necessary, with reference to relevant works) the scientific and pedagogical rationale for the content of the manual, characterizing the author’s own methodological position in relation to the children’s education system, which has its own specific features.

The practical part systematizes and classifies factual material, contains practical recommendations, and provides typical examples of certain forms and methods of work in an educational institution.

The didactic part contains didactic materials (diagrams, tables, drawings, etc.) illustrating practical material.

Conclusion– up to 10% of the text, sets out brief, clear conclusions and results that logically follow from the content of the methodological manual, in which direction it is planned to work further.

Literature– the list of references is given in alphabetical order, indicating the author, full title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication.

Applications include materials necessary for organizing the recommended type of activity using this manual, but not included in the main text. The applications may include various necessary regulatory documents, including educational institutions, the use of which will allow the teacher or methodologist to organize his work in accordance with existing requirements.

Applications are located at the very end of the work in the order they are mentioned in the text. Each application starts on a new page and has its own name. In the upper right corner of the page write the word “Appendix” and put its number (for example, “Appendix 1”). The appendices have continuous page numbering (methodological recommendations end with page 16, the appendix starts with 17).

Methodical manual must contain all the components that are included in the publication, and in addition to the main text, the manuscript must include a cover, front page and the back of the title page.

On cover in the center is the title of the work, I.O.F. the author is placed above the title. You should remember that the initials are written first, and then the last name. At the bottom, in the center of the sheet, the name of the city or region and the year are indicated. There are no punctuation marks.

Drawings and photographs on the cover must correspond to the content of the manuscript.

On title page the title is written above the title I.O.F. author. At the top center is written the name of the organization on whose behalf the publication is published, with the name of the parent organization. At the bottom, in the center of the sheet, the name of the city or region and the year are indicated. There are no punctuation marks.

Back of title page contains the surname, first name, patronymic of the author, position, place of work, qualification category or academic degree, as well as an abstract to the work. The abstract contains the following concise information:

It is indicated what this manual is devoted to;

The purpose of this teaching aid, i.e. what kind of help this work is intended to provide and to whom;

possible areas of application of the proposed type of methodological products (where this manual can be used).

Technical requirements for the design of the methodological manual

The text part of the manuscript must be typed on a computer (A4: 210X297), format A 4. The spacing between lines is 1 or 1.5. To type text, formulas and tables you must use an editor Microsoft Word for Windows. Font - Times New Roman, size 14. If it is necessary to highlight a word or sentence in the text, highlight it in bold or italics, but always in 14 font. Underlining is not allowed. Paragraphs begin with a red line. Red line – 1.27. Hyphenation and alignment in width are not allowed in the text. Words in headings and subheadings are not hyphenated. Underlining them is not allowed, and a period is not placed at the end of the title. The texts of structural elements - sections - should begin with a new paragraph. It is necessary to remember the importance of dividing (categorizing) the text using paragraphs - indenting a line when starting a new semantic part. Page numbers are in Arabic numerals, at the bottom of the page, centered, the title page is included in the overall numbering. Numbering begins with the main text.

Constant fields:

Top margin – 2 cm. Bottom margin – 2.5 cm.

Left margin – 3 cm. Right margin – 1 cm.