Carries out operational management of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. System of leadership and control of the armed forces

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Leadership and management of the Armed Forces Leadership of the Armed Forces Russian Federation carried out by the President of the Russian Federation - Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, within the limits of his powers, issues orders and directives of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which are binding for execution by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies. Management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation through the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and General base The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is the main body for the operational management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Leadership and management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, training of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are carried out on state language Russian Federation. Leadership and management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in war time are carried out in accordance with federal law. Let us now list the functions of the Ministry of Defense, and then the General Staff. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: 1) participates in the development of proposals on military policy issues and the military doctrine of the Russian Federation; 2) develops a concept for the construction of the RF Armed Forces, coordinates for defense purposes the development of concepts for the construction and development of the RF Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies; 3) develops a federal state program of armament and development military equipment, as well as proposals for state defense orders; 4) develops proposals on defense spending in the draft federal budget, the procedure for spending allocated funds by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and submits them to the Government of the Russian Federation; 5) coordinates and finances work performed for defense purposes; 6) organizes scientific research for defense purposes, orders and finances research and development work in the field of defense on a contractual basis; 7) orders and finances the production and purchase of weapons and military equipment, food, clothing and other property, material and other resources for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies within the limits of funds allocated for these purposes; 8) finances and provides educational and material resources on a contractual basis to organizations and public associations that train citizens in military specialties; 9) ensures mobilization readiness of the RF Armed Forces; 10) provides social protection military personnel, civilian personnel of the RF Armed Forces, citizens of the Russian Federation discharged from military service, and members of their families; 11) submits to the President of the Russian Federation draft general military regulations, regulations on the Battle Banner of a military unit, the Naval Flag of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, the procedure for military service, military councils, military commissariats, military transport duties; 12) submits to the Government of the Russian Federation draft regulations on military departments under state educational institutions higher vocational education and on military medical examination of citizens of the Russian Federation called up for military service; 13) coordinates the activities of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on defense issues; 14) coordinates orders for weapons and military equipment for other troops, military formations and bodies in order to unify weapons and military equipment; 15) cooperates with military departments of foreign states; 16) exercises other powers provided for by the Regulations on the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: 1) develops proposals for the military doctrine of the Russian Federation; 2) develops a plan for the construction of the RF Armed Forces and coordinates the development of plans for the construction and development of the RF Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies; 3) coordinates the development of proposals on the strength of the RF Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies; 4) develops, with the participation of federal executive authorities, within which or under which there are other troops, military formations and bodies, the Plan for the use of the RF Armed Forces, the Mobilization Plan of the RF Armed Forces and the Federal State Program for the operational equipment of the territory of the Russian Federation for defense purposes; 5) prepares proposals on the number of citizens of the Russian Federation called up for military service and military training, with their distribution among the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies; 6) establishes quantitative norms for the conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service, military training and conscription for mobilization from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, based on total number citizens of the Russian Federation subject to conscription in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation; 7) organizes the planning and implementation of measures to ensure nuclear safety and prevent unauthorized use nuclear weapons; 8) organizes and coordinates the actions of forces and the use of means when performing territorial defense tasks; 9) coordinates the operational and mobilization training of other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations created for wartime, exercises control over the state of mobilization readiness of other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations created for wartime; 10) analyzes and coordinates the conduct of events in the Russian Federation on military registration, preparation of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service and their conscription for military service and military training; 11) carries out intelligence activities for the purposes of defense and security; 12) carries out current and long-term planning for the provision of basic types of weapons, military equipment and other material means for the mobilization deployment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as the accumulation and deployment in peacetime of reserves of these support means; 13) organizes activities to maintain the combat and mobilization readiness of the RF Armed Forces; 14) organizes interaction of the RF Armed Forces with other troops, military formations and bodies; 15) participates in the development of the Plan civil defense; 16) determines the procedure for use and plans the use of the radio frequency spectrum for defense purposes; 17) develops draft regulations on the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military registration, conscription for military service, preparation of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service, military training, military medical examination, as well as a list of military registration specialties; 18) organizes the mobilization and strategic deployment of the RF Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies; 19) exercises other powers in the field of defense in accordance with the Regulations on the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. One of the most important ministries is the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The leadership of the Armed Forces is exercised by the President of the Russian Federation, and management by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation through the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The functions of the Ministry of Defense include participation in the development of military policy and military doctrine, the development of a federal weapons program and proposals for defense spending, coordination and financing of defense work, the purchase of military equipment, etc. Conclusion After the collapse of communism, the East and West continue to have their own divergent interests. Russia remains huge nuclear power, it has regional and strategic, economic and political interests which will inevitably conflict with the interests of states Western Europe, USA and other countries. Russia cannot make a sharp leap from perceiving the West as a source absolute evil to its perception as a source of absolute good: both are unacceptable for a great power. Both Russia and the West have yet to define their interests and the contradictions that separate them. The Armed Forces of Russia are an important structure of the state, designed to protect its interests from attacks from the outside, as well as from attempts to destroy it from within. The organization of military development and the leadership of troops are aimed at maintaining peace and strengthening the independence of Russia. The state of the Armed Forces and their combat effectiveness depend on the economic and spiritual state of the state. A state that does not care about its army ultimately ceases to be independent. There have been many difficult periods in the history of our country, but no matter how difficult it was for the state, it never stopped taking care of its Armed Forces. Russian military historian Anton Antonovich Kersnovsky (died in June 1944 at the age of 37 in Paris, in poverty, from consumption; wrote the 4-volume “History of the Russian Army,” which was a bibliographic rarity in our country until 1996) notes, that “in their gigantic thousand-year work, the creators of Russia relied on three great foundations - spiritual power Orthodox Church, the creative genius of the Russian People and the valor of the Russian Army." It would be nice for our state to be guided by these glorious traditions today, not in words, but in deeds. Control questions:

1. External and internal sources military danger.

2. The goals of the military policy of the Russian Federation on modern stage development.

3. Goals and objectives of military-technical support of military security.

4. Powers of state authorities in the field of defense.

5. Functions of executive authorities in the field of defense.

6. Functions of enterprises, institutions, organizations in the field of defense.

    Composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Principles and main directions of building the Armed Forces. External and internal factors determining the nature and direction of military development in Russia.
10.Functions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. 11.Functions of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Self-study assignment:
    Learn the basics educational issues this lecture;
2. In preparation for the seminar, prepare: - a report: “The purpose, role and place of the Armed Forces in the structure state institutions"; - two co-reports: 1. “Leadership and management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”; 2. “Current state and prospects for improving the RF Armed Forces.” 3. Bring the seminar questions to students. Literature:

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. –M.: Legal. lit., 1993;

2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Defense” Reference. 1996. - No. 7;

3. Military doctrine of the Russian Federation: Approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2000. No. 706. Independent military review. – 2000. - № 15;

4. Maritime doctrine of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020. Independent military review. – 2001. – No. 28 (250);

5. New legislation of Russia on defense, army and military service: Coll. standard acts edited by Dubrovina V.N. – M.: “Business Consulting Center”, 1998;

6. Legal basis for the activities of military command and control bodies: Sat. standard documents. – St. Petersburg: “Printing House”, 2001. – 1000 p.

7. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 1992 No. 466 “On the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”;

8. Domestic philosophical thought about war, army, military duty. A textbook collection. - M.: Voenizdat, 1995;

The lecture was discussed and approved at a meeting of the department (cycle, PMC). Protocol No. __ from “____” __________________ ______ The lecture was developed using publicly available materials. Has no secret information. Developed by Senior Lecturer military department №1

(job title)

Lieutenant Colonel N. Chernoutsyan

(military rank, signature, surname)

«_____» ____________ ____ G.

Appendix A

List of slides intended for demonstration during the event

Topic No. 1: Military doctrine of the Russian Federation. The Armed Forces of Russia in the structure of state institutions Lesson No. 1: Military doctrine of the Russian Federation. The Armed Forces of Russia in the structure of state institutions
External sources of military danger :
    territorial claims against the Russian Federation and its allies from third countries; existing and potential hotbeds of local wars and armed conflicts, primarily close to Russian borders; the danger of the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction by other states; the proliferation of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction and possible attempts to use them in the interests of individual countries, organizations and terrorist groups; the possibility of undermining strategic stability as a result of violation of international treaties in the field of arms limitation and reduction; attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation in order to destabilize its internal political situation; violation of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation in foreign countries; attacks on military installations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation located on the territory of other states;
expansion of military blocs and alliances to the detriment of the military security interests of the Russian Federation; international terrorism. :
    Internal sources military danger illegal activities of nationalist, separatist and other organizations carried out using armed violence; attempts to violently overthrow the existing constitutional order; the rise of organized crime; attacks on potentially dangerous objects; attacks on enterprises that have standard weapons with the aim of seizing them;
creation of illegal armed groups;
illegal distribution of means of sabotage and terrorist acts;
    public policy
    in the field of ensuring military security;
    maintaining internal political stability, protecting the constitutional system, integrity and inviolability of the territory of the Russian Federation;
    development and strengthening of friendly (allied) relations with neighbors and other states;
    creation and improvement of the defense system of the Russian Federation and its allies;
    comprehensive support and qualitative improvement of the RF Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies, maintaining their readiness for coordinated actions to prevent, localize and neutralize external and internal threats;
    support, if necessary, for political actions of the Russian Federation by carrying out appropriate military measures, monitoring the mutual implementation of obligations in the field of limitation, reduction and elimination of weapons and strengthening confidence-building measures;
    ensuring readiness to participate (participation) in peacekeeping activities.
Powers of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the field of defense of the Fatherland, the Federation Council has the following powers in the field of defense of the Fatherland:

Considers defense spending within the federal budget;

Considers the laws of the Russian Federation adopted by the State Duma that regulate the organization in the field of defense and security of the country, the activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and federal bodies; - approves the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of military and state of emergency on the territory of the Russian Federation or in certain areas of it; - ratifies and denounces international treaties Russian Federation on cooperation in the field of defense; - resolves the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of Russia (Articles 10 and 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Security”, Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Defense”, Article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation” ").

Functions of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of defense.

Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

Organize and provide military registration and training of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service, their conscription for military service, military training and conscription for mobilization; - ensure accounting and mobilization preparation of transport and other technical means for defense purposes; - organize work on military-patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation; - provide for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and federal bodies in materiel, energy and other resources and services in the manner established by the legislation in the field of defense; - ensure compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on social guarantees established for citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with military service, their participation in hostilities, as well as for members of their families; - participate in the development and ensure the implementation of plans for the transfer (mobilization plans) of executive authorities, local governments and the country’s economy to work in wartime conditions; - ensure the implementation of the state defense order by organizations within their territories (Article 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Defense”).

Functions of enterprises, institutions, organizations. Enterprises, institutions and organizations (regardless of their form of ownership): - carry out activities to prepare production in order to fulfill mobilization tasks (orders) during the period of mobilization and in wartime; - when mobilization is announced, measures are taken to transfer production to work in wartime conditions; - fulfill contractual obligations stipulated by the state contract concluded for the implementation of the state defense order for the creation of military infrastructure facilities, provision of energy and other resources, production, supply and repair of weapons and military equipment, other military property, as well as contractual obligations for contract work and provision services for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and federal bodies; - provide, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, buildings, structures, communications, land, transport (perform military transport duties) and other material assets in accordance with mobilization plans with compensation by the state for losses incurred by them in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

Provide assistance to military commissariats in their mobilization work in peacetime and when mobilization is announced;

Carry out mobilization tasks to prepare and create special formations for wartime; - organize and carry out activities to ensure their mobilization readiness; - provide and take part in the implementation of civil and territorial defense activities; - carry out activities provided for by plans for the transition of the country’s economy (mobilization plans) to work in wartime conditions; - create mobilization bodies or appoint workers performing the functions of mobilization bodies (hereinafter referred to as mobilization workers); - develop mobilization plans within the limits of their powers; - carry out military registration of employees and, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, provide buildings and structures for defense needs, vehicles and other property in their ownership, with subsequent compensation for expenses incurred in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation (Article 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Defense”, Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation”). - Enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, do not have the right to refuse to conclude agreements (contracts) on the implementation of mobilization tasks (orders) in order to ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state, if, taking into account the mobilization deployment of production, their capabilities allow them to complete these mobilization tasks (orders) ). Compensation by the state for losses incurred by organizations in connection with their implementation of mobilization tasks (orders) is carried out in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (Clause 2 of Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation”). - Enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, are obliged to provide all the information necessary for the development and implementation of mobilization measures, in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (Clause 3 of Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation”) .

Slide No. 10

Slide No. 11

Purposes of use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other troops:
    in a large-scale (regional) war if it is unleashed by any state (group, coalition of states) - protecting the independence and sovereignty, territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and its allies, repelling aggression, defeating the aggressor, forcing him to cease hostilities on the terms meeting the interests of the Russian Federation and its allies; in local wars and international armed conflicts - localizing a source of tension, creating preconditions for ending a war, armed conflict or forcing them to end in the early stages; neutralizing the aggressor and achieving a settlement on terms that meet the interests of the Russian Federation and its allies; in internal armed conflicts - the defeat and liquidation of illegal armed groups, the creation of conditions for a full-scale settlement of the conflict on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation; in operations to maintain and restore peace - separation of warring parties, stabilization of the situation, ensuring conditions for a fair peaceful settlement.

Slide No. 12

Slide No. 13


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  • The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are a state military organization that forms the basis of the defense of the Russian Federation. The Armed Forces are intended: - to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation; - for armed protection of the integrity and inviolability of Russian territory; - to perform tasks in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation.


    1. Legislation of the Russian Federation on the system of leadership and management of the military organization of the state.

    2. The President of the Russian Federation is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    The effective implementation of the tasks facing the Armed Forces largely depends on the availability and quality of the regulatory framework governing the creation and operation of Armed Forces. Currently, the army and navy are going through a period of reform. This requires bringing the legislation on defense and security of the state into line with existing realities.

    < 1>

    Basis legislative framework The military organization of the country is the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law “On Defense”. They contain fundamental rules on the defense and security of the state. These documents define the fundamentals of organizing the country's defense, set out the rights and responsibilities of state authorities and administration bodies, local governments, enterprises, institutions, organizations, officials and citizens in the field of defense, the structure and organization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it speaks of responsibility for violation of legislation and other norms relating to the defense of the country.

    The Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law “On Defense” assign an extremely important place in the system of state security and armed protection of its citizens to the highest bodies of state power. Yes, for reference Federation Council include the approval of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law and a state of emergency, as well as on the involvement of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies using weapons to carry out tasks not only for their intended purpose, resolving the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation Federation. The Federation Council deals with defense expenditures, establishes them through federal laws on the federal budget adopted by the State Duma, and also reviews those adopted by the State Duma federal laws in the field of defense.

    The State Duma considers defense spending established by federal laws on the federal budget; adopts federal laws in the field of defense, thereby regulating various aspects of activities related to the organization of defense and military development.

    In addition to these powers, the Federation Council and the State Duma exercise parliamentary control in the area of ​​the above through their committees on security and defense.

    Government of the Russian Federation develops and presents to State Duma proposals for defense spending in the federal budget. The Government of the Russian Federation is responsible for the state of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and organizes their equipping with weapons and military equipment, provision of materiel, resources and services in accordance with orders of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

    Thus, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with constitutional norms, carry out government leadership defense of the country and its Armed Forces. The competence of the above bodies and the President of the Russian Federation includes the consideration and resolution of all fundamental issues related to ensuring the defense capability and security of our state.

    To implement the adopted government agencies the power of decisions relating to the Armed Forces requires constant organizational work. This activity is carried out by special military bodies united within the system of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Their activities at all levels are carried out on the basis of ensuring the security, combat and mobilization readiness of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Military system carried out in the Armed Forces state power, i.e. military command, consists of:central authorities; governing bodies of associations, military formations and units; military commissariats (local military administration bodies); garrison chiefs (senior naval commanders); military commandants.


    Direct leadership of the Russian Armed Forces is exercised by the Minister of Defense through the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff. Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is part of the government and works under the leadership of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. He is the direct superior of all personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is personally responsible for the implementation of tasks assigned to the Ministry of Defense. On the most important issues of the life and activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, he issues orders and directives, and also puts into effect regulations, instructions, and other legal acts regulating various issues of life, everyday life and activities of troops.

    Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation participates in the preparation of proposals on issues of military policy and the military doctrine of the Russian Federation, develops a concept for the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is preparing the Federal State Program for Armament and Development of Military Equipment, proposals for state defense orders, and defense spending in the draft federal budget.

    General base develops proposals for the military doctrine of Russia, a plan for the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and coordinates the development of proposals for the size of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies. He is also preparing a plan for the use and mobilization of the Armed Forces, the Federal State Program for the operational equipment of the country's territory for defense purposes. The General Staff establishes quantitative standards for conscription for military service, military training, and carries out a number of other activities in the field of defense and security of the country.

    The structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation includes a number of main and central departments in charge of certain functions. In addition, the central bodies of the Russian Defense Ministry include the Main Commands of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    The military district directorate includes the headquarters of the military district, directorate, departments, services and others. structural units. The military district is headed by the commander of the military district troops.

    The management structure of a separate military unit and the main responsibilities of its officials are determined by the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    The legal basis for the country’s defense also consists of a number of other laws, the main of which are the Federal Laws “On the Status of Military Personnel”, “On military duty and military service”, “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation” and others.

    Taking into account the fact that modern realities require a qualitative transformation of the entire military organization of society, the process of improving its legislative framework is underway. Thus, on April 21, 2000, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On Defense,” the President of Russia approved Military doctrine of the Russian Federation. It forms part of a set of documents regulating and organizing activities in the field of ensuring the country's military security. Its provisions are mandatory for implementation by all government bodies of the Russian Federation, which bear, within the limits of authority determined by law, full responsibility for ensuring military security, the state of the country's defense capability, the combat and mobilization readiness of the Armed Forces, and their combat effectiveness. The military doctrine of the Russian Federation has become more pragmatic. The scope of tasks facing the Armed Forces has been significantly changed, and emphasis has been clearly placed on the use of nuclear weapons.


    The highest official of our state is the President of the Russian Federation. He, as the head of state, is at the same time the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, exercises general leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and acts as a guarantor of the security of the Russian Federation.

    Exercising his powers, the President determines the main directions of the military policy of the Russian Federation, among which the most important are the problems of creating, strengthening and improving the military organization, the technical equipment of the Armed Forces, determining the prospects for the development of military equipment, and the mobilization capabilities of the state.

    Among his powers are many that directly affect the combat readiness of the Armed Forces. It approves the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, concepts and plans for the construction and development of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations, federal state weapons programs and the development of the defense industrial complex. He also approves all nuclear and other programs special tests. Only the president of the state, as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, is given the right to approve such a fundamental document as the Plan for the Use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. No less important is the consideration and approval by the President of the Mobilization Plan of the Armed Forces, which in essence is a directive document for the transfer of the entire state mechanism, and not just the Armed Forces, to functioning in wartime conditions. The plan determines the procedure for the work of state authorities of Russia, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government and the country's economy in wartime. The President of the Russian Federation is preparing and approving the Federal State Program for operational equipment of the territory of the Russian Federation, it is planned to create reserves material assets state and mobilization reserves. In addition, the President approves the Regulations on Territorial Defense and the Civil Defense Plan.

    The President of the Russian Federation also approves the structure, composition and staffing levels of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies. Scroll military positions, replaced by senior officers in the Armed Forces and other troops, is also approved by the President. He also has the right to appoint military personnel to these positions and assign them senior officer ranks. The powers of the President include issuing decrees on the conscription of citizens for military service (indicating the number of conscripts), approving the Civil Defense Plan of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on Territorial Defense.

    The President of the Russian Federation approves and most important documents regulating life activity military units and units, such as general military regulations, provisions on the Battle Banner of a military unit, the Naval flag, the procedure for military service, and military councils. Military commissariats. It considers issues of deployment (location) of formations and larger formations of the Armed Forces and other troops.

    As the head of state in his foreign policy activities, he negotiates and signs international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of defense, including treaties on joint defense, collective security, reduction and limitation of the Armed Forces and weapons, their participation in peacekeeping operations and international security. Defense is one of essential functions state, element and guarantor of security. These provisions on the fundamentals of defense are the starting point in determining the legal status of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the scope and nature of his powers to protect the security and integrity of the state.

    The President of the country has the right to promptly accept major decisions related to the defense of the country and ensuring the safety of citizens. He, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation on martial law, enacts wartime regulatory legal acts and terminates their validity, forms and abolishes executive authorities for the period of wartime in accordance with the federal constitutional law about martial law. In the event of aggression against Russia or an immediate threat of aggression, the President of the Russian Federation issues an order to introduce martial law. It can be introduced throughout the country or in individual areas. Who have been attacked or are at risk of attack. Or who have special meaning for the defense of the country. By introducing martial law, the President vests special powers in government bodies, local governments and organizations. In this case, special military command and control bodies may be created. Their power also extends to civilians.

    When martial law is introduced, the President of the Russian Federation immediately informs the Federation Council and the State Duma about this. The Presidential Decree on the introduction of martial law must be approved by the Federation Council.

    The President of the Russian Federation, in accordance with federal law, has the right to make a decision on involving the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations in carrying out tasks using weapons other than their intended purpose.


    Fulfilling his constitutional duties and tasks assigned to him by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On Defense", the President of the Russian Federation - Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ensures the country's preparation to repel possible aggression, manages all aspects of the process of maintaining the Russian army and navy in a combat-ready state appropriate threat level national security countries. Defense is organized and carried out in accordance with international law, international agreements, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation.

    The President of Russia forms and heads the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Its main functions are the development of proposals to ensure the protection of the constitutional order. State sovereignty, territorial integrity of the country, participation together with other bodies in the development of military policy of the Russian Federation. The practical activities of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the RF Armed Forces include leadership of all the most important areas of work of the Ministry of Defense.

    Thus, the President of the Russian Federation occupies an independent and extremely important place in the system of ensuring the security of the state and the armed protection of its citizens. His powers are aimed at creating conditions for interaction between all branches of government to protect the state sovereignty of Russia and strengthen the country's defense capability. The President of the Russian Federation, as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, has special responsibility for the state of the Russian Armed Forces and their readiness to defend their state and their people.

    The successful implementation of the tasks facing the Armed Forces largely depends on the effectiveness of the system of leadership and management of the state's military organization. The government bodies include the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly, consisting of the State Duma and the Federation Council, the Government of the Russian Federation, and the Security Council. Military command and control bodies include specially created military bodies that manage the processes of formation and functioning of the Armed Forces.

    General management of the Armed Forces (and other military formations and bodies) of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

    According to the Constitution and the Law “On Defense”, this is the President of Russia. The president (from Latin - sitting in front) is the elected head of state in modern states with a republican form of government. In the Russian Federation, the post of President of the Republic was established in 1991. This meant new stage in the development of Russian statehood.

    The President received power from the hands of the people - he was elected on the basis of a universal, equal, direct secret vote of Russian citizens. In accordance with his position, the President of the Russian Federation, like the presidents (heads) of other states, is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. His powers as Supreme Commander-in-Chief are determined by Federal Law

    “On Defense” (Articles 4 and 13).

    In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 80), the President of the Russian Federation is the head of state. By virtue of his position and the tasks assigned to him, the President of the Russian Federation acts as a guarantor of the security of the Russian Federation. Only the President of the Russian Federation is tasked with protecting the stability of the state as a whole, its sovereignty and state integrity, which creates conditions for all other government bodies and officials to exercise their powers in a normal constitutional regime.

    Upon taking office, the President of the Russian Federation takes the oath of office

    The Federation vows to “...defend the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state...”.

    The fulfillment of key functions in the system of government bodies and defense of the country is ensured by vesting the President with extensive powers in the field of armed defense of the state.

    In exercising his powers, the President determines the main directions of the military policy of the Russian Federation, among which the most important are the problems of creating, strengthening and improving the military organization, the technical equipment of the Armed Forces, determining the prospects for the development of military equipment, and the mobilization capabilities of the state.

    Among the powers of the President there are many that directly affect the combat readiness of the Armed Forces. It approves the military doctrine of the Russian Federation, concepts and plans for the construction and development of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations. Only the President of the state, as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, is given the right to approve such a fundamental document as the Plan for the Use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. No less important is the consideration and approval by the President of the Mobilization Plan of the Armed Forces, which in essence is a directive document for the transfer of the entire state mechanism, and not just the Armed Forces, to functioning in wartime conditions.

    The plan determines the procedure for the work of state authorities of Russia, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government and the country's economy in wartime. In conditions of peace, the Federal State Program for the operational equipment of the territory of the Russian Federation is being prepared and approved by the President; it is planned to create reserves of material assets of the state and mobilization reserves. In addition, the President approves the Regulations on Territorial Defense and the Civil Defense Plan.

    As the head of state in his foreign policy activities, he negotiates and signs international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of defense, including treaties on joint defense, collective security, reduction and limitation of armed forces and weapons, on the participation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacekeeping operations and international security.

    The President of the Russian Federation approves federal state programs for armament and development of the defense industrial complex. Also approved by the President of the country are plans for the placement on the territory of the Russian Federation of facilities with nuclear charges, as well as facilities for the elimination of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear waste. He also approves all nuclear and other special testing programs. No such test can be carried out without the sanction of the President.

    All places of deployment (location) of formations and larger formations of the Armed Forces, other troops, as well as issues of their movement to other points of deployment are considered by the President of the Russian Federation.

    Carrying out direct control of the Armed Forces, he approves the structure and composition of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations up to and including unification, as well as the staffing level of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies. The list of military positions filled by senior officers in the Armed Forces and other troops is approved by the President. He also has the right to appoint military personnel to these positions and assign them senior officer ranks.

    Most important documents , such as general military regulations, provisions on the Battle Banner of a military unit, the Naval flag, the procedure for military service, military councils, military commissariats are approved by the President of the Russian Federation and constitute the laws of army and naval life.

    Twice a year, the President issues decrees on the conscription of citizens for military service, as well as on the dismissal from military service of military personnel serving under conscription.

    As the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the President of the country is vested with the right to quickly make the most important decisions related to the defense of the country and ensuring the safety of citizens. In accordance with the RF Law on Martial Law, it enacts and terminates wartime regulatory legal acts, forms and abolishes executive authorities for the period of wartime in accordance with the federal constitutional law on martial law. In the event of aggression against Russia or an immediate threat of aggression, the President of the Russian Federation issues an order to introduce martial law. It can be introduced throughout the entire country or in specific areas that have been attacked, threatened with attack, or that are of particular importance for the defense of the country.

    By introducing martial law, the President vests special powers in government bodies, local governments and organizations. When martial law is introduced, special military command bodies may be created, whose power extends to civilians. All bodies and officials are instructed to assist the military command in the use of forces and means of a given territory for defense, ensuring security and order. Some constitutional rights of citizens may be limited (for example: freedom of assembly, demonstration, freedom of the press).

    When martial law is introduced, the President of the Russian Federation immediately informs the Federation Council and the State Duma about this. The Presidential decree on the introduction of martial law must be approved by the Federation Council.

    The President of the Russian Federation, in accordance with federal laws, has the right to make a decision on involving the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations in carrying out tasks using weapons not intended for their intended purpose.

    Fulfilling his constitutional duties and tasks assigned to him by the Federal Law “On Defense”, the President of the Russian Federation - Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ensures that the country is prepared to repel possible aggression, manages all aspects of the process of maintaining the Russian army and navy in a combat-ready state corresponding to the level threats to the country's national security.

    The President of Russia forms and heads the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Its main functions are the development of proposals to ensure the protection of the constitutional system, state sovereignty, territorial integrity of the country, and participation together with other bodies in the development of the military policy of the Russian Federation. Thus, the President of the Russian Federation occupies an independent and extremely important place in the system of ensuring the security of the state and the armed protection of its citizens. His powers are aimed at ensuring coordinated interaction of all branches of government to protect the state sovereignty of Russia and strengthen the defense capability of the Armed Forces. The President of the Russian Federation, as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, has a special responsibility to the people for the state of the Russian Armed Forces and their readiness to defend their state and their people.

    In the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the representative and legislative body is the Federal Assembly, which consists of two chambers - the Federation Council and the State Duma. The Constitution and the Law “On Defense” clearly define the powers of the Federal Assembly in the field of defense.

    Council of the Federation is the upper house of the Federal Assembly and

    acts as a body of representation of the subjects of the federation. To his charge

    refers to the approval of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law and a state of emergency; as well as the involvement of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies using weapons in carrying out tasks other than their intended purpose; resolving the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation. The Federation Council considers defense expenditures established by federal laws on the federal budget adopted by the State Duma, as well as federal laws in the field of defense adopted by the State Duma.

    The State Duma is a representative body of the entire population of the Russian Federation and consists of deputies elected by citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of universal equal and direct voting rights by secret ballot.

    State Duma: considers defense expenditures established by federal laws on the federal budget; adopts federal laws in the field of defense, thereby regulating various aspects of activities related to the organization of defense and military development.

    In addition to these powers, the Federation Council and the State Duma exercise parliamentary control in this area through their committees on security and defense.

    Government of the Russian Federation- one of the main organs

    exercise of state power in the Russian Federation. It heads the system of federal executive authorities.

    1. In accordance with Article 114 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it carries out measures to ensure the defense of the country and its security. The content of the Government’s activities in this area is formulated in more detail in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Defense”. According to this law, the Government: develops and submits to the State Duma proposals for defense spending in the federal budget;

    2. organizes the provision of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, bodies with materiel, energy and other resources and services according to their orders;

    3. organizes the development and implementation of state weapons programs and the development of the defense industrial complex;

    4. determines the conditions for the financial and economic activities of organizations of the Armed Forces;

    5. organizes the development of the Federal State Program for the operational equipment of the country’s territory for defense purposes and takes measures to implement this program;

    6. determines the organization, tasks and carries out general planning of civil and territorial defense;

    7. organizes control over the export of weapons and military equipment, strategic materials, technologies and dual-use products, etc.

    To implement decisions made by state authorities related to the Armed Forces, constant organizational work is necessary. This activity is carried out by special military bodies united within the system of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The activities of these bodies are an integral part of the exercise of federal executive power.

    The system of military bodies exercising state power in the Armed Forces, i.e. military control, consists of:

    – central authorities;

    – governing bodies of associations, military formations and units;

    – military commissariats (local military authorities);

    – chiefs of garrisons (senior naval commanders);

    - military commandants.

    It is customary to distinguish headquarters as a specific type of control bodies.

    Headquarters- this is the main body in the hands of the corresponding commander (commander) for the operational management of the troops and naval forces subordinate to him.

    Direct leadership of the Russian Armed Forces is exercised by Minister of Defense through the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff.

    The Minister of Defense is the direct superior of all personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He is personally responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the ministry. On the most important issues of the life and activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, he issues orders and directives, and also enacts regulations, instructions, and other legal acts regulating various issues of life, everyday life and activities of the troops.

    The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is participating in the development

    proposals on issues of military policy and military doctrine of the Russian Federation, develops a concept for the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is developing a federal state program for armament and the development of military equipment, as well as proposals for state defense orders and defense spending in the draft federal budget. Coordination and financing of work carried out for defense purposes is important; organization scientific research, ordering and financing the production and purchase of weapons and military equipment, food, clothing and other property, material and other resources for the Armed Forces. The Ministry cooperates with the military departments of foreign states, and also exercises a number of other powers.

    The main body for operational control of troops and fleet forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is General base . He develops proposals for the military doctrine of Russia, a plan for the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and coordinates the development of proposals for the size of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

    The General Staff is also developing a plan for the use and mobilization of the Armed Forces and the Federal State Program for the operational equipment of the country's territory for defense purposes. It establishes quantitative standards for conscription for military service, military training, analyzes and coordinates the country's activities on military registration, preparing citizens for military service and their conscription for military service and military training. For the purposes of defense and security, the General Staff organizes intelligence activities, measures to maintain the combat and mobilization readiness of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, etc.

    IN structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense The Russian Federation includes a number of main and central departments in charge of certain functions and subordinate to certain Deputy Ministers of Defense or directly to the Minister of Defense. In addition, the central bodies of the RF Ministry of Defense include the departments of the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Structurally, the directorate of the commander-in-chief of the branch of the RF Armed Forces consists of the Command, the General Staff, main directorates, directorates, and departments. At the head of the branch of the Armed Forces, the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the branch is the Commander-in-Chief. He is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation and reports directly to the Minister of Defense.

    Part military district directorate includes: command, military district headquarters, departments, services and other structural units. The military district is headed by the commander of the military district troops.

    Management structure of a separate military unit and the main responsibilities of its officials are determined by the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Each military command and control body functions in accordance with the competence defined for it within the limits of the powers granted to it, with strict and unswerving observance and execution of laws and other legal acts based on them.

    Executive branch carried out by the military bodies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, acts both on the basis general principles executive power, as well as specific ones, the most important of which are the principles of consistent centralization, unity of command and strict discipline.

    Centralization is expressed V:

    Exercising leadership of all Armed Forces of the state from a single

    Subordination of all branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to a single command;

    Granting central bodies full rights to manage lower ones

    military authorities and subordinate troops;

    Mandatory acts and instructions of higher authorities and officials for


    Unity of commandfundamental principle construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, their leadership and relationships between military personnel. The essence of unity of command is to vest the commander (chief) with full administrative power in relation to his subordinates and to assign personal responsibility to him for all aspects of the life and activities of a military unit, unit and each serviceman.

    Unity of command in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is carried out on a solid basis legal basis. This principle is legally enshrined at the legislative level. The norms of military legislation and the Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation specifically define the duties and rights of the relevant commanders (chiefs) and endow them with the necessary state powers.

    Military discipline - the most important principle of the exercise of executive power in military administration. However, military discipline is only a part (type) of state discipline operating in military field. Therefore, military command and control bodies and their officials are obliged to comply with the requirements of other types of state discipline.

    Thus, all of the above allows us to conclude that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have a coherent system of leadership and management, which ensures their reliable controllability in different conditions situation.

    The armed forces in any state are a key element in ensuring the country's defense capability. Their proper management depends on their proper organization. The structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ensures the rapid and correct performance of the functions assigned by law to the state military organization of the country.

    Structure of the RF Armed Forces

    The Armed Forces are a military organization of the Russian Federation, the main function of which is to repel military aggression in order to ensure territorial integrity, as well as carry out tasks in accordance with Russia’s international obligations. The RF Armed Forces were created on May 7, 1992. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief is the President of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Presidential Decree of 2008, the strength of the Russian Armed Forces is set at 2,019,629 people, of which 1.3 million are military personnel.

    Organizationally, the Armed Forces consist of three services, three separate branches of the military, the Logistics Service, as well as the Quartering Service, which is not a branch of the Armed Forces. In addition, the Structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was created according to territorial principle: the territory of the Russian Federation is divided into 4 military districts.

    Territorial structure

    Today in the Russian Federation there are four military districts, which are assumed by the territorial structure of the Armed Forces:

    1. Western Military District. The command and headquarters are located in St. Petersburg.
    2. Eastern Military District. The command and headquarters are located in Khabarovsk.
    3. Central Military District. The command and headquarters are located in Yekaterinburg.
    4. Southern Military District. The command and headquarters are located in Rostov-on-Don.

    The structure of the armed forces of the Russian Federation in the diagram:

    Types of aircraft

    The main element of the Armed Forces are the types of armed forces. In the Russian military department, the law establishes the presence of three types of armed forces: Air Force, Ground Forces and Navy.

    Today, the Ground Forces are the largest branch of the Russian armed forces. Their main function is to conduct offensive actions, the purpose of which is to defeat the enemy, seize and retain his territory, individual areas and borders, repulse the invasion of the enemy’s country and his large landings, apply artillery and missile strikes to great depth. In turn, the Ground Forces are organizationally composed of military branches. These types of troops can perform tasks independently or jointly.

    Motorized Rifle Troops (MSV)- the most numerous branch of troops in the Ground Forces. They are also the most numerous branch of the military. Today, the motorized rifle troops are armed with armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, which should ensure the mobility of the infantry. MRFs are organizationally composed of motorized rifle subunits, units and formations.

    Motorized rifle, tank, artillery and other units and units may be part of the MRF.

    Tank troops (TV)- the main striking force, characterized by high mobility, maneuverability and resistance to weapons mass destruction, including nuclear. The main tasks, based on the technical equipment of TV: achieving a breakthrough, developing operational success. Artillery, motorized rifle, missile, and tank units and subunits can operate as part of a TV.

    Missile Forces and Artillery (RF&A): nuclear and fire destruction of the enemy is the main task. It is armed with rocket and cannon artillery. The MFA includes subunits, units and formations of howitzer, rocket, cannon, anti-tank artillery, as well as structural elements of support, control, mortars and artillery reconnaissance.

    Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces (Air Defense Forces)- this branch of the military must provide protection for the Ground Forces from air strikes, as well as counteraction aerial reconnaissance enemy. Towed, mobile, portable anti-aircraft gun systems and anti-aircraft missile systems are in service with air defense forces.

    Also organizational structure The Armed Forces assume the presence in the Armed Forces of special troops and services that perform highly specialized tasks in order to ensure daily and combat activities ground forces.

    • Signal Corps,
    • Electronic warfare troops,
    • Corps of Engineers,
    • Automobile troops,
    • Railway troops, etc.

    are special troops.

    Air Force

    Air Force similarly, the Ground Forces consist of branches of aviation that ensure the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Air Force.

    Long-Range Aviation designed to strike and defeat enemy military groups in the strategic and operational depths, their economically and strategically important areas, including with the help of nuclear weapons.

    Frontline aviation operates at operational depth. It can perform tasks both independently and during joint operations on land and at sea.

    Army aviation provides support to ground forces by destroying enemy armored and mobile targets. Also, Army Aviation forces provide mobility for the Ground Forces.

    Military transport aviation carries out the transportation of cargo, troops and equipment, and is also involved in military air operations. In peacetime, the main function is to ensure the vital activity of the Armed Forces, and in wartime, the mobility of the armed forces.

    The structure of the armed forces of the Russian Federation assumes the presence of Air Force Special Aviation, Anti-aircraft missile forces And Radio technical troops, which significantly expand the range of tasks assigned to the Air Force.


    Navy- the main force of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to protect the interests of Russia in the Exclusive Maritime (Economic) Zone, conduct search and rescue operations, as well as conduct combat operations at sea.

    The Navy includes:

    • Submarine Forces,
    • Surface Forces,
    • Coastal troops,
    • Naval aviation,
    • parts and connections for special purposes.

    The Navy is also organizationally divided into:

    • Baltic Fleet,
    • Black Sea Fleet,
    • Northern Fleet,
    • Pacific Fleet,
    • Caspian flotilla.

    Independent branches of the military

    Some tasks require special equipment and trained staff. The structure of the Armed Forces presupposes the presence of independent branches of the armed forces:

    1. Airborne troops;
    2. Strategic Missile Forces;
    3. Aerospace Defense Forces.

    Aerospace Defense Forces

    The youngest branch of the military. Although our power began space exploration back in the 1960s, it was only in the 21st century that the Aerospace Defense Forces were separated into a separate branch of the military from Rocket Forces strategic purpose.

    The most important tasks are:

    • detection of a missile strike;
    • control of a constellation of spacecraft;
    • missile defense of the Russian capital.

    Strategic Missile Forces

    Today they are the main ground component of Russia's nuclear forces. The main function is considered to be deterrence of possible aggression. But if necessary, they can deliver a preemptive strike on important economic and military targets of the enemy, as well as the destruction of his military groups.

    Airborne troops

    They were created back in the 1930s. Today, they are entrusted with the function of conducting landing operations and conducting combat operations behind enemy lines.

    The general leadership of the Armed Forces (other military formations and bodies) of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who, according to the Constitution and the Law “On Defense”, is President of Russia. In accordance with his constitutional duties and tasks, the President of the Russian Federation ensures that the country is prepared to repel possible aggression, manages all aspects of the process of maintaining the Russian army and navy in a combat-ready state corresponding to the level of threats to the country's national security.

    The President of the state as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief is given the right to approve Plan for the use of the Russian Armed Forces Federation, as well as Mobilization plan of the Armed Forces, which at its core is a directive document on the transfer of the entire state mechanism, and not just the Armed Forces, to functioning in wartime conditions. The plan determines the procedure for the work of state authorities of Russia, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government and the country's economy in wartime.

    Among the powers of the President there are many that directly affect the combat readiness of the Armed Forces. It approves the military doctrine of the Russian Federation, concepts and plans for the construction and development of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations, federal state programs for armament and the development of the defense industrial complex. He also approves all nuclear and other special testing programs.

    The President is preparing and approving the Federal State Program for the operational equipment of the territory of the Russian Federation; it is planned to create reserves of material assets of the state and mobilization reserves.

    It approves the structure, composition (up to and including unification) and staffing levels of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies. The list of military positions filled by senior officers in the Armed Forces and other troops is approved by the President. He has the right to appoint military personnel to these positions and assign them senior officer ranks.

    The most important documents, such as general military regulations, provisions on the Battle Banner of a military unit, the Naval flag, the procedure for military service, military councils, military commissariats, are approved by the President of the Russian Federation. It considers the issues of deployment (location) of formations and larger formations of the Armed Forces and other troops, it is stated Regulations on Territorial Defense and Civil Defense Plan.

    As the head of state, in his foreign policy activities he negotiates and signs international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of defense, including treaties on joint defense, collective security, reduction and limitation of armed forces and weapons, and on the participation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacekeeping operations and international security.

    The president of the country has the right to quickly make the most important decisions related to the defense of the country and ensuring the safety of citizens. In accordance with the RF Law on Martial Law, it enacts and terminates wartime regulatory legal acts, forms and abolishes executive authorities for the period of wartime in accordance with the federal constitutional law on martial law. In the event of aggression against Russia or an immediate threat of aggression, the President of the Russian Federation issues a decree introducing martial law. It can be introduced throughout the entire country or in individual areas that have been attacked, threatened with attack, or that are of particular importance for the defense of the country.

    When martial law is introduced, the President of the Russian Federation immediately informs the Federation Council and the State Duma about this. The Presidential decree on the introduction of martial law must be approved by the Federation Council.

    The President of Russia forms and leads Security Council of the Russian Federation. Its main function is to develop proposals to ensure the protection of the constitutional system, state sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the country, and to participate together with other bodies in the development of the military policy of the Russian Federation.

    The Constitution and the Law “On Defense” define the powers Federal Assembly in the field of defense.

    His jurisdiction includes the approval of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law and a state of emergency, as well as on the involvement of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies using weapons in carrying out tasks other than their intended purpose; resolving the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation. The Federation Council considers defense expenditures established by federal laws on the federal budget adopted by the State Duma, as well as federal laws in the field of defense adopted by the State Duma.

    The State Duma: considers defense spending established by federal laws on the federal budget; adopts federal laws in the field of defense, thereby regulating various aspects of activities related to the organization of defense and military development. In addition to these powers Council of the Federation and the State Duma exercise parliamentary control in this area through their committees on security and defense.

    Government of the Russian Federation, heading the system of federal executive bodies, carries out, in accordance with Article 114 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, measures to ensure the defense of the country and its security. The content of the Government’s activities in this area is formulated in more detail in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Defense”. According to it, the Government: develops and submits to the State Duma proposals for defense spending in the federal budget; organizes the provision of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, bodies with materiel, energy and other resources and services according to their orders; organizes the development and implementation of state weapons programs and the development of the defense industrial complex; determines the conditions for the financial and economic activities of organizations of the Armed Forces; organizes the development of the Federal State Program for the operational equipment of the country's territory for defense purposes and takes measures to implement this program; determines the organization, tasks and carries out general planning of civil and territorial defense; organizes control over the export of weapons and military equipment, strategic materials, technologies and dual-use products, etc.

    Military system exercising state power in the Armed Forces, i.e. military command consists of central bodies, governing bodies of associations, military formations and units, military commissariats (local military command bodies), garrison commanders (senior military commanders), military commandants.

    It is customary to distinguish headquarters as a specific type of control bodies. Headquarters- this is the main body in the hands of the corresponding commander (commander) for the operational management of the troops and naval forces subordinate to him.

    Direct leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is exercised by the Minister of Defense through Ministry of Defense and General Staff.

    Minister of Defense is the direct superior of all personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He is personally responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the ministry. On the most important issues of the life and activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, he issues orders and directives, and also enacts regulations, instructions, and other legal acts regulating various issues of life, everyday life and activities of the troops.

    Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation participates in the development of proposals on issues of military policy and the military doctrine of the Russian Federation, develops a concept for the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It develops federal state program of armament and development of military equipment, as well as proposals for the state defense order and defense spending in the draft federal budget. Great importance has coordination and financing of work carried out for defense purposes; organization of scientific research, ordering and financing the production and purchase of weapons and military equipment, food, clothing and other property, material and other resources for the Armed Forces. The Ministry cooperates with the military departments of foreign states, and also exercises a number of other powers.

    The main body for operational control of troops and fleet forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is General base. He develops proposals for Russian military doctrine, construction plan of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and coordinates the development of proposals on the size of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

    The General Staff is also developing Application Plan and Mobilization Plan of the Armed Forces, and the Federal State Program for the operational equipment of the country's territory for defense purposes. It establishes quantitative standards for conscription for military service, military training, and carries out analysis and coordination of military registration activities in the country, preparing citizens for military service and their conscription for military service and military training. For the purposes of defense and security, the General Staff organizes intelligence activities, measures to maintain the combat and mobilization readiness of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, etc.

    The structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation includes a number of main and central departments in charge of certain functions and subordinate to certain deputy ministers of defense or directly to the Minister of Defense.

    In addition, the central bodies of the Russian Defense Ministry include the main commands of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Structurally, they consist of the General Staff, directorates, departments and services. At the head of the branch of the Armed Forces is the Commander-in-Chief. He is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation and reports directly to the Minister of Defense.

    The military district directorate includes: military district headquarters, directorates, departments, services and other structural units. The military district is headed by the commander of the military district troops.

    The management structure of a separate military unit and the main responsibilities of its officials are determined Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Each military command and control body functions in accordance with the competence defined for it within the limits of the powers granted to it, with strict and unswerving observance and execution of laws and other legal acts based on them.


    Continuous improvement of the technical equipment of troops, improvement of weapons and military equipment have an impact significant influence on the conditions, maintenance and methods of command and control of troops. Full implementation of the requirements for command and control of troops is a problem that is especially relevant when organizing and conducting combined arms combat. Practical mastery of officer cadres with modern methods of operation of control bodies of units and subunits is an important direction in solving this problem.

    Self-study assignment: repeat the lecture material.

    Associate Professor of the Military Department

    Colonel V. Kalashnikov