Submarine forces of the Russian Navy. What ships are in service with the Russian Navy? Infographics

The above tables do not include ships, boats and submarines assigned to the combat strength of fleets and its formations, but transferred under a leasing agreement to third countries. And also, onboard combat boats and boats, the cataloging of which is technically impossible.

The above tables include ships, boats and submarines that are formally decommissioned and excluded from the operational strength of the fleet and its formations, awaiting disposal, but having on board a reduced crew and a military pennant. navy.

The above tables are not included due to their insignificance for analyzing the combat status of the fleet and the technical impossibility of cataloging ships, boats and elements of transport or storage infrastructure of ultra-low displacement that do not have side numbers, are non-self-propelled, onboard, are support vessels for base points, or are generally not thematically relevant this article. These include: landing stages, fire guards, boats, dinghy boats, floating berths, floating demagnetization stands, floating power supply stations, floating charging stations, floating heating stations, small and large ship shields, training sailing barges, target driver boats and target boats, onboard boats, small hydrographic boats, motorboats, sports yachts (military sports clubs), non-self-propelled dry cargo and liquid barges; floating warehouses (supply storage vessels); and ships assigned to ship repair yards (raid floating workshops, floating technical bases and water tankers - nuclear waste storage facilities).

In the statistical calculation of the percentage of weapons for the indicated periods, in total and separately by fleet, the factors of funding allocation and the actual start of work long before the specified dates of the ship-laying ceremonies and, accordingly, their entry into service were not taken into account. Also, the facts of completion of ships from previously created hull reserves of the previous period were not taken into account.

At all times, war has been one of the main areas human activity. Of course, its consequences have always been extremely negative, nevertheless, it enjoyed quite a lot of popularity in the social environment. This is due to the fact that through war one can achieve the acquisition of land, power, resources, etc. In addition, many international political conflicts have been resolved through military action. Thus, armed struggle is an important part of social activity.

Throughout history, society has modernized its capabilities in the field of military art. This led to standard troop formation rules that are still used today. According to one of them, all armed forces of any state are divided into three components: sea, land and air. In this article, the author would like to talk about which today occupies a significant place in the world ranking of such troops.

What is the Navy?

Today in Russian Federation There are a large number of military formations that have inherently different tasks and functions. From here there arises quite logical question: What is a naval fleet? At its core it is component naval forces of any state, in our case the Russian Federation. This component is divided into two main elements: surface and underwater. It should be noted that a large number of traditions and features of this formation are largely due to the development of maritime relations and the territorial characteristics of the country. The Russian Federation in this regard has enough long story the formation of naval military formations, which will be discussed below.

Fleet of the Russian Empire

The Russian Imperial Navy existed from 1721 to 1917. During this time, the formation took part in many naval battles. In addition, the imperial fleet was distinguished by a high level of combat training and efficiency in war conditions on the water.

The first representatives of the formation were ships built to conduct combat operations as part of the Northern War. The main control bases for the imperial fleet at this time were Kronstadt, Revel, Abo and Helsingfors. Already by the beginning of 1745, His Imperial Majesty's forces at sea consisted of 130 sailing ships, 36 linear, as well as 9 frigates and other types of ships. The navy of the Russian Empire lived according to a special charter.

There are many famous personalities in the history of the imperial fleet, for example Admiral Nakhimov. This man distinguished himself by heroism and competent construction of tactical defense during the siege of Sevastopol in 1854-1855. Today, Admiral Nakhimov is an unspoken symbol of the Russian fleet.

It should also be noted that the formation was used in the Crimean and Russo-Japanese Wars. In addition, the final stage in the development of the Imperial Navy was its participation in the First World War.

Military formations Soviet Union, based at sea, existed from 1918 to 1992. The main task of the USSR fleet was to protect the state's borders from external aggression. The formation included units of submarines, naval aviation, surface ships, missile and artillery troops, as well as marine infantry. The command was exercised from the headquarters of the Navy, located in the city of Moscow. During its existence, the fleet participated in the largest military conflict - World War II.

At the end of the 80s, the formation included the following amount of equipment: 160 surface ships, 113 submarines, 83 missile carriers, as well as about 12 thousand marine personnel. The naval fleet of the USSR had its peak of development in 1985. At this time, it had the second largest number of ships after the United States of America.

Tasks of the fleet at the present stage

The modern naval fleet of the Russian Federation is one of the main elements of the state's armed forces. In accordance with this, he is entirely responsible for performing a number of inherently specific tasks:

Comprehensive deterrence of any use of military force at sea;

Permanent protection of state borders, as well as the sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the areas of the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf;

Ensuring safety during the implementation of maritime activities on the territory of the World Ocean;

Ensuring and universally maintaining the military presence of the Russian Federation on the territory of the World Ocean;

Participation in peacekeeping and military missions, if they meet the interests of the Russian Federation;

As we see, the Russian naval fleet has a fairly wide range of main tasks that need to be implemented everywhere.

Structure of the Russian Navy

The Russian maritime fleet has its own structure, which ensures the effectiveness of the use of this formation in conditions of military operations on the water. But it should be noted that the Navy has a large number of units, which, in turn, are endowed with a number of fairly specific functions. consists of the following elements:

1. Surface forces, which include units that use surface assets, that is, ships.

2. Underwater forces.

3. The third element is naval aviation, which, in turn, is divided into smaller structural units.

4. Coastal troops related to the navy.

At the same time, as mentioned earlier, each of the presented components performs its own functional tasks to ensure the effectiveness of the use of the Navy as a whole.

Purposes of using surface and submarine forces

As you understand, the main forces of the Russian Navy are surface and underwater units. They are the ones who implement the main tasks of this part of the armed forces. But in the structure of the Russian Navy, surface and underwater units implement a number of their own specific functions. For example, the first type of formation is usually used:

To cover the landing of troops, as well as their transportation to the landing and evacuation point;

Protection of the territorial borders of the state;

Installation of mine barriers;

Supporting the activities of underwater units.

The second, no less important in terms of its effectiveness, unit in the Russian Navy is underwater formations. Their main task is to explore the depths of the sea in peacetime, as well as military damage to water and ground targets. It is worth noting that the key equipment in the underwater units are nuclear submarines. They are armed with quite serious weapons, namely ballistic and cruise missiles.

Naval aviation

For many people, the existence of maritime aviation is an incomprehensible factor. Many people confuse this component with a separate branch of the military, which is a mistake. It is worth noting that the armed forces include the army, the navy and the navy. At the same time, the units of the same name in the structure of the Navy have nothing in common with the last element of the RF Armed Forces. Naval aviation has a whole range of its own functional tasks, for example:

Countering enemy surface forces;

Implementation of strikes against enemy coastal targets;

Reflecting air strikes.

Thus, naval aviation is a special unit created to implement functions within the framework of the Navy.

Features of the Marine Corps

The history of the navy has at all times been inextricably linked with the development of marine units. Formation refers to the structure of coastal troops. In fact, such units are designed specifically to conduct combat operations through sea ​​landing. Marine Corps were known during the reign of Peter the Great. In those distant times, the number of this unit was about 20 thousand personnel.

Today this figure stands at around 8 thousand people, who are distributed among four main brigades. The main task of the Marines is amphibious operations, that is, short-term landings to perform individual tasks, as well as the protection of coastal tactical facilities and surface vehicles.

Main groups of the Navy

The fleet cannot be seen throughout the entire territory of the state. The forces and means of this element of the armed forces are distributed in accordance with tactical necessity. Simply put, the main groups are located in those places where the Russian Federation is washed by water. Based on this important factor, the entire Russian Federation is divided into the following separate groups:

1. The Northern Fleet is based at the White Sea military base in the city of Severodvinsk. Its main task is to protect the territorial interests of the Russian Federation in the part of the world of the same name.

2. The Pacific Fleet is based mostly in eastern Russia, in cities such as Vladivostok, Danube, Sovetskaya Gavan.

3. The Baltic group is located near the cultural capital of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg. The location is no less significant historical monument. In this case we're talking about about Kronstadt.

4. The Caspian fleet is based in Astrakhan and Kaspiysk.

5. As for the Black Sea group, it is based in the area of ​​the sea of ​​the same name. The fleet is located on the territory of Sevastopol, which once belonged to Ukraine. It should be noted that this group of the Navy is of quite important tactical importance. Her main goal is to protect Russia's interests in the regions of the Black and Mediterranean seas. The commander of the Black Sea Fleet today is Admiral Alexander Viktorovich Vitko.

Emblem and flag of the Russian Navy

The symbols of the Russian Navy raise a lot of questions and disputes all over the world. It should be noted that the main designation of the fleet today is its flag. It depicts an oblique St. Andrew's cross. Few people know that an almost identical symbol is the flag of Scotland. The symbol became the banner of the navy in 2001.

The emblem of the Russian Navy also has a special symbolic connotation. It represents a golden armorial eagle, on background whose anchors are crossed. This emblem of the Russian Navy is generally recognized and is used in all groupings of the corresponding branch of the military.


So, in the article we tried to consider all aspects and characteristic features Navy of the Russian Federation. Today, this part of the armed forces is one of the strongest in the world, which indicates high level military power of the Russian Federation as a whole.

The Navy is a specific branch of the Armed Forces that guards the interests of Russia. They are ready to defend their homeland in the ocean and sea theaters of military operations. The fleet is ready to cooperate with Ground forces during possible continental wars.

Navy flag

Since 1992, the fleet has regained the historical flag of the Russian Navy, thereby continuing the interrupted tradition. Under it, as before, sailors perform important tasks in maintaining the country's defense capability.

Missions of the fleet in peacetime

In peacetime, the fleet's potential serves to deter possible aggression of a potential enemy against the Russian Federation. Continuous combat training is underway. It would seem that the time is peaceful, but somewhere along their routes missile-carrying submarines (RPLSN) are continuously on combat duty. In strategically important areas, search, observation and escort of submarine-launched submarines and aircraft carrier groups of a potential enemy are carried out. Its intelligence and communications are being counteracted. A preliminary survey of areas of possible military operations is being carried out.

The Russian Navy is ready to protect the coast, act together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and internal troops in the event of civil conflicts, and when eliminating the consequences of disasters, work together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations and civil defense.

It is obvious that it is the Naval Forces that represent the best guarantee for the implementation of national economic activities in the World Ocean. They represent the Russian Federation in the vast expanses of water, and, at the direction of the command, perform representative functions by visiting ships. The Russian Navy also fulfills interstate obligations by participating in internationally ratified peacekeeping operations, subject to their compliance with the interests of the country.

Tasks of the fleet in wartime

IN wartime The fleet is ready to actively defend the sovereignty of the state in the exclusive zone, as well as on the continental shelf. In addition, he should also carry out a specific “maritime task” in the face of military threats - to defend the freedom of the high seas. To carry out the above tasks at the time specified by the combat work standards, it is transferred to a military state through operational deployment. If it is possible to localize a conflict or prevent it by protecting shipping, this function is performed first.

In the conditions of the active phase of hostilities, the Russian Navy fleet must hit remote enemy ground targets, ensure the combat operation of the submarine-launched missile launchers, strike the enemy’s submarine and surface naval forces, coastal defenses, protect the Russian coast, and interact with ground front-line force groups.

Fleet Composition

The leadership of the military fleet is carried out by the Main Command of the Navy. This refers to the management of its functional forces and assets: surface and underwater, naval aviation, coastal troops, coastal artillery and missile forces, and marines.

Organizationally, the following operational-strategic associations are made up: the Baltic, Northern, Pacific, Black Sea fleets, as well as the Caspian flotilla.

Northern Fleet

The naval bases are Severomorsk and Severodvinsk. It is called ocean-going, nuclear-powered, missile-carrying. The basis of its combat power is made up of nuclear-powered missile-carrying submarines and torpedo submarines, missile-carrying and missile-carrying aircraft, submarine-launched, missile ships, as well as the aircraft carrier - the flagship of the fleet, the nuclear-powered heavy missile cruiser "Peter the Great". At the same time, this mighty warship is the flagship of the Russian Navy.

The length of this missile cruiser is 251.1 m, width is 28.5 m, height from the level of its main plane is 59 m, displacement is 23.7 thousand tons. The mighty “heart” of the giant are two nuclear reactor. The autonomy of the Russian flagship is determined by the food supply for the crew on board, which is enough for about 2 months. Technically, thanks to its reactors, the cruiser can sail unlimitedly - without entering ports. Maximum speed ship - 31 knots.

The Northern Fleet is the most formidable operational-strategic formation of the Russian Navy. The warships that make up its might are regularly assigned combat training missions for the purpose of combat training. For example, approximately once every year and a half, the fleet flagship, together with accompanying ships, crosses Atlantic Ocean, he participated in the international exercises Vostok-2010 and Indra-2009.

Baltic Fleet

It is serving near the “window to Europe.” Its composition (ships) is now being intensively modernized and updated. The process is taking place against the backdrop of NATO countries building up their military power in Europe. The Baltic Fleet is planned to be strengthened with new frigates of Project 11 356 with eight winged anti-ship missiles and anti-submarine missile torpedoes on board.

This operational-strategic formation is based in the Kaliningrad region (Baltiysk) and in Leningrad region(Kronstadt). Functionally, it protects the Baltic economic zone, promotes the safety of the passage of ships, and performs the functions foreign policy. This is the oldest Russian fleet. Its history began with the victory over the Swedish ships on May 18, 1703. Today, 2 - “Restless” and “Persistent” - form the basis of the combat power of the Russian Baltic Navy.

Its combat potential is formed by a brigade of diesel submarines, a division of surface ships, auxiliary ship formations, coastal troops, and naval aviation. The flagship ship is the destroyer Nastoychivy. This year, ship navigation systems (hydrometeological complexes, cartographic systems, hydro-navigating indicators, etc.) are being updated, and modernization of the Baltiysk harbor is planned.

Black Sea Fleet

After Crimea entered the Russian Empire in 1783, under Empress Catherine the Great, this fleet was created. Today it is based in the cities of Sevastopol and Novorossiysk. Since March 18, 2014, the main base of the Black Sea Fleet - the city of Sevastopol - became part of Russia.

The Russian Black Sea Navy has 25 thousand people. It consists of the following forces and means: diesel submarines, ocean-sea surface ships, naval aviation (fighter, missile-carrying, anti-submarine). The main tasks of this fleet are to protect the Black Sea economic zone and ensure navigation. The flagship of the fleet is the missile cruiser Moskva.

Currently, military observers are reporting the formation of the Black Sea naval coastal forces and artillery with supporting radio military units equipped with S-300PM2 and Pantsir-S1 air defense systems. It is expected that the naval aviation of the fleet will be strengthened by MiG-29 and Su-27SM aircraft, and Su-25SM attack aircraft. It is also planned to reinforce anti-submarine aviation by additionally equipping units with Il-38N aircraft, Ka-52K attack helicopters and deck-based Ka-29M and Ka-27 helicopters.

As reported in the press, a regiment of Tu-22M3 bombers will be stationed at the airfield in Gvardeyskoye. They will be able to tactically support Russian Navy ships of the Mediterranean squadron. At the same time, the formation of land military units on the peninsula is taking place.

Pacific Fleet

This Russian fleet ensures the protection of Russian interests in the Asia-Pacific region. It is based in Vladivostok, Fokino, and Maly Ulisse. The basis of combat power is made up of strategic submarine missile cruisers, nuclear and diesel submarines, ocean-going surface ships, naval aviation (fighter, missile-carrying, anti-submarine), and coastal troops. The flagship of the fleet is the missile cruiser Varyag.

This fleet performs an important strategic task of nuclear deterrence. Nuclear submarines are constantly on combat duty routes. The Pacific ships of the Russian Navy provide guaranteed protection of the regional economic zone.

Caspian flotilla

The Caspian flotilla is based in Makhachkala and Kaspiysk. The region of this sea is its area of ​​​​responsibility. Organizationally, the flotilla is a component of the Southern Military District. It is formed by brigades and divisions of surface ships. The flagship of the flotilla is the Gepard patrol ship, equipped with Kalibr-NK cruise missiles. It is tasked with countering terrorism, navigation safety, and protecting the state interests of Russia in the oil-producing region.

Ships included in the Russian Navy

At first glance, it is difficult for a non-specialist to even imagine the ship composition of the Russian Navy, but nevertheless, as it turned out, this information is freely available. This allows you to “embrace the immensity”: to present summary data on the fleets of a power occupying 1/5 of the landmass in a convenient, compact form (see Table 1). Let us comment on the abbreviation made in the table: for the sake of compactness, the fleets in it are indicated in capital letters.

Table 1. Ship composition of the Russian Navy as of the beginning of 2014.

Class WITH B T KFL H Total
Missile submarines cruiser strategist. appointments10 4 14
Diesel/electric submarines8 2 8 2 20
Multi-purpose nuclear submarines, armed with torpedoes and cruise missiles18 10 28
Special purpose nuclear submarines8 8
Special purpose diesel submarines3 1 2 6
Total - submarine fleet 47 3 24 0 2 76
Heavy atomic missiles. cruisers2 2 4
Heavy aircraft carrier cruisers1 1
Rocket. cruisers1 1 1 3
Squadron destroyers3 2 4 9
Distant patrol ships 2 3 5
Large anti-frost. ships5 4 1 10
Close patrol ships 3 2 5
Small rockets. ships3 4 4 2 4 17
Small artillery. ships 4 4
Small anti-frost ships6 7 8 7 28
Rocket. boats 7 11 6 5 29
Anti-sabotage. boats 1 1 1 3 6
Artillery. boats2 5 7
Long-range minesweepers4 2 7 13
Raid minesweepers1 15 5 2 23
Close minesweepers6 5 7 2 2 22
Large landings. ships4 4 4 7 19
Landing. boats4 6 4 6 2 22
Landing. ships on air shower 2 2
Total - surface fleet 42 56 52 33 44 227

Prospects for the development of the Russian Navy

Let us analyze the prospects for the development of the fleet, based on an interview given by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Viktor Viktorovich Chirkov.

The very logic of the development of the Fleet as a complex, integral organism, the admiral believes, does not accept hasty decisions.

Therefore, its development is planned as a strategic process until 2050. The goal of further progress is associated with increasing the effectiveness of the enemy’s nuclear deterrence.

The plan provides that the Russian Navy will receive the latest ships in 3 stages:

  • from 2012 to 2020;
  • from 2021 to 2030;
  • from 2031 to 2050.

At the first stage, the construction of fourth generation nuclear submarine cruisers will be completed. The main carrier of ballistic weapons will be Project 955A RPLSN.

The second stage will be marked by the replacement of existing RPLSNs with their IV generation analogues. It is also planned to create a ship-based strategic missile system for surface ships. At the same time, the development of fifth-generation nuclear submarine cruisers will begin.

At the third stage, it is planned to begin the construction of tested fifth generation nuclear cruisers.

In addition to fundamentally increasing the potential characteristics of the Russian Navy, the newest ships - strategic submarine cruisers and ballistic missile launchers - will be characterized by increased stealth, low noise, perfect communications, and the use of robotics.

Challenges facing coastal troops

Let us recall that we have previously named the main bases of the Russian Navy for all its fleets. However, the planned development of the fleet for the period until 2050 will certainly affect the coast guard. What accents does Commander-in-Chief Chirkov see in it? Considering the bases of the Russian Navy in the process of their further strategic development, Viktor Viktorovich is betting on completing the creation of coastal missile systems, training and equipping the Marine Corps to perform tasks in the North.


Although the basis of the organizational structure of the Russian Navy will not change (4 fleets and 1 flotilla), heterogeneous highly maneuverable strike forces will be created within their framework. In the spirit of their creation, the successful development of unmanned vehicles, artificial intelligence systems, marine robotic systems, and non-lethal weapons continues.

Summing up the review of the Russian fleet, it should be noted special attention for the prospect of updating it with ships of IV and then V generation. At the same time, the basis of the Navy's power after the plan is implemented will be the fifth generation nuclear submarine cruisers. A fundamental increase in combat power will be accompanied by the improvement of command and control systems and the integration of naval forces into interservice groupings of troops in possible theaters of combat operations.

To conclude our modest presentation of the Russian Navy, here is a photo of its nuclear-powered flagship, the missile cruiser Peter the Great.

(Navy) today is one of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Its main purpose is the armed defense of the country's interests and the conduct of military operations in the sea and ocean.

Historically the territory Russian state comes into contact with several seas and oceans. This inevitably forced in the past and forces today to pay close attention to the development of the state fleet, whose tasks include creating conditions for the safety of navigation in the coastal seas and oceans, the interaction of Russian fleets with maritime formations and ships of foreign states in the framework of joint operations and military exercises meets the interests of our country beyond its maritime borders.

Flagship of the Russian Navy

The Navy of the Russian Federation is currently undergoing a stage of intensive rearmament to increase its power, efficiency, secrecy in delivering weapons to destroy potential enemy targets, and to curb the aggressive aspirations of NATO countries led by the United States in the vast oceans and seas.

Navy Day

This year's celebration Navy Day will take place for the 80th time.

On July 24, 1939, for the first time, at the insistence of Soviet Admiral Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, sailors of the Soviet Union celebrated their professional holiday, established by a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the country.

The fleet attracted young forces into its ranks; the holiday promoted the historical maritime traditions of the state; aroused interest in service on warships and new submarines; in coastal defense and naval aviation units.

In modern times, Navy Day is celebrated on the final Sunday of July. Almost the entire country loves sailors, is proud of them, and celebrates their worthy contribution to ensuring the security of our borders. On this summer holiday, officers and sailors are given titles, awards are presented and incentives are announced for success in mastering difficult maritime specialties.

Structure and composition of the Navy

The standard modern structure of our fleet includes:

  • formations of surface ships;
  • underwater connections of ships;
  • aviation units on shore and carrier-based aviation;
  • Marine Corps units;
  • coastal defense complexes;
  • special units;
  • rear units and bases;
  • hydrographic service.

The Navy consists of four fleets and one flotilla:

  • Northern Fleet
  • Baltic Fleet
  • Pacific Fleet
  • Black Sea Fleet
  • Caspian flotilla

The command of the country's Navy is carried out in several strategic areas:

  • west - as part of the Western Military District of the Baltic Fleet (headquarters in Kaliningrad);
  • north - Northern Fleet (Severomorsk);
  • south - as part of the Southern Military District by the Black Sea Fleet (Sevastopol) and the Caspian Flotilla (Astrakhan);
  • east - as part of the Eastern Military District Pacific Fleet (Vladivostok).
  • Included Navy includes ships and vessels, special purpose units, and logistics units.

A little bit of history: The founder of the Russian fleet was none other than Peter I. Having become interested in ships, he created a small semblance of a shipyard. It was called the "Amusement Fleet".

Soon Peter I planned the construction of a navy. Subsequently, development continued in the White Sea. He had the idea that with the help of the fleet it would be easier to capture new territories, which he actually did very well in the future. But at some time, during the blockade of Azov, the fleet of Peter I was defeated. And only in 1695 new and better ships and vessels were built. It was these events that became the foundation for building a regular Navy.

The Navy uses:

  • For transportation and protection of amphibious assault forces
  • To lay mines and destroy enemy mines
  • To ensure free exit, deployment and arrival of submarine forces
  • To protect communications (maritime)

Navy submarine forces used for sudden and powerful strikes against reconnaissance and naval targets. The basis of the submarine force is nuclear submarines equipped with ballistic and cruise missiles. Naval aviation The Navy is used for:

  • Repelling air attacks
  • Instructions for ships to destroy enemy submarines
  • To inflict significant damage to enemy coastal targets
  • Conducting a naval battle with enemy ships

Coastal troops The Navy uses:

  • for the defense of coastal facilities, ports (ensuring coastal protection)
  • for conducting combat operations using air, air-sea and sea landings

Commander-in-Chief of the Navy

Since 2016, the Russian Navy has been commanded by Admiral Korolev Vladimir Ivanovich.

For a long time he served on submarines of the Northern Fleet, went through many command levels and studied at the academy, commanded the Northern Fleet and took an active part in the development of the Arctic region by army formations. The only submarine admiral in the history of the Russian Navy.

Navy training

The Naval Training Center in St. Petersburg is located on several territories in the cities of Lomonosov and Kronstadt, as well as on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg - military unit 56529-2

Barracks accommodation, a common dining room and bathhouse, educational buildings, a parade ground and sports facilities make up the strict infrastructure of the training center.

The training program for sailors and specialists for coastal defense is the same and is designed for a period of up to 4 months. The young fighter course, physical, combat, special and rescue training are the main areas of training.

Upon completion, the cadets are examined and left for naval units.

As part of the joint training center of the Navy in Severodvinsk, it trains fleet specialists in military unit 56529-3. The main area of ​​training is ship propulsion systems. The training period for sailors is 5 months. (first month general military, drill and physical training, taking the oath). Sailor specialties: electrician, diesel engine operator, turbine operator.

Accommodation in the barracks, common dining room and bathhouse, classrooms and workshops. At the end of the training there are exams and assignment to ships of all Russian fleets.

In Vladivostok, the training center (military unit 56529-4) provides intensive training in many maritime specialties, which celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2018.

The cadets are trained by experienced teachers in 40 specialties, most of which are in demand on naval submarines. The annual turnover of trainees is up to 2 thousand people. In addition to general military training, cadets are taught survival in various extreme conditions, arising in closed compartments of warships.

Accommodation and conditions do not differ from the previously described centers, but the training base is specialized and equipped with modern technology and simulators.

Flag of the Navy

Another name is St. Andrew's flag Historically, it appeared by decree of Peter I in 1699 on the ships of the young Russian fleet under construction. It existed in the navy until 1918. It was reintroduced on the country's ships in 1992. According to legend, the cross on the flag belonged to St. Andrew the First-Called, who visited Rus' and is considered its naval patron.

Navy ships

According to their intended purpose, Navy ships perform various tasks:

  • heavy nuclear cruisers provide cover for naval groups, convoys and coastal troops from air strikes and cruise missiles, countering enemy naval forces and landing forces;
  • destroyers support landing forces, suppressing targets on the shore, on the water and in the air; participate in patrolling;
  • anti-submarine ships search for and destroy enemy submarines, carry out anti-submarine and air defense of fleet forces;
  • corvettes provide combat protection for convoys and fleet forces in roadsteads;
  • minesweepers install and sweep minefields and participate in the defense of coastal areas from landing forces;
  • landing ships deliver military equipment and landing on the shore;
  • strategic submarines carry out attacks on enemy territory using ballistic missiles;
  • multi-purpose submarines cover strategic submarines, conduct reconnaissance of launch areas, counter enemy submarines and surface forces, and strike with cruise missiles at various targets;
  • specialized submarines participate in sabotage and reconnaissance operations, design tests and scientific research.

A quick glance at the presented table of Navy ships shows a wide variety of designs and types, which during operation leads to significant costs during repairs and modernization due to the poor unification of components, assemblies and weapons.

Another difficulty is the training of ship specialists to support the diverse ships in the fleet, many of which were built in Soviet years and are currently outdated and in need of modernization or decommissioning.

Navy uniform

The daily uniform of Navy sailors on ships includes:

  • a blue shirt with a sailor collar;
  • blue trousers with belt;
  • vest;
  • boots (low boots);
  • cap (cap).

Sailors of coastal units wear general army uniforms.

The daily uniform of midshipmen and naval officers includes:

  • cream-colored shirt;
  • tie (black);
  • trousers (black) with a waist belt;
  • jacket (black);
  • cap in the color of outerwear;
  • muffler (white) and gloves (black);
  • boots.

It is allowed to wear a cap, hat, sweater, raincoat, coat or jacket.

Women in the navy wear:

  • cream blouses;
  • black ties;
  • skirts (black) with a waist belt;
  • caps;
  • shoes (boots);
  • nude tights;
  • jackets;
  • in winter - berets or hats with earflaps,
  • sweaters,
  • coat,
  • boots,
  • muffler and gloves.

Navy dirk

Daggers are worn by midshipmen and naval officers on a belt belt when participating in ceremonial events. The history of the naval dirk begins in the 16th century, when it was used for its intended purpose as a melee weapon in close combat.

Nowadays, it is awarded to officers upon graduation from college along with a diploma and receipt of their first rank. Symbolizes the historical connection with generations of legendary Russian sailors who won many victories in battles at sea.

Navy parade in St. Petersburg

A colorful parade in honor of Russian Navy Day took place on July 29, 2018 in St. Petersburg.

40 modern ships and boats represented the country's 4 fleets and the Caspian flotilla (artillery-class boats with historical flags of the defenders of the country's borders during the Great Patriotic War).

After the salvo of the Peter and Paul Fortress, a boat with Supreme Commander-in-Chief V.V. receiving the parade. Putin, Minister of Defense General of the Army S.K. Shoigu and Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Admiral V.I. Korolev, walked along the line of ships. The personnel were congratulated on the holiday, V.V. Putin made a speech.

The ships on the Neva demonstrated the coherence of following in the wake formation, festive ranks of sailors on the decks. Ocean-going warships (missile cruiser and nuclear-powered missile submarine) and the latest frigates and submarines were demonstrated in the waters of Kronstadt. 38 aircraft and helicopters of the fleet aviation flew in the sky in various formations:

  • Il-38N search aircraft;
  • Su-30SM fighters;
  • Su-33 multirole fighters;
  • Ka-27M anti-ship search helicopters;
  • anti-submarine aircraft Tu-142.

Officers, midshipmen and sailors of the fleet marched solemnly through the squares and embankments of the northern capital (in total, about 4 thousand military personnel took part in the parade).
Exhibitions of weapons of coastal defense units were a constant success among children and guests of the holiday.

Concept for the development of the Russian Navy in modern world The Russian Federation has a defensive orientation to the strategic concept of the development of the Armed Forces. Without planning attacks on neighboring countries, Russia is making proportionate efforts to maintain its defense capabilities at a sufficient level.

The main potential enemy, the United States, adheres to the concept of dominance in the vast seas and oceans. The emphasis is on large naval formations consisting of aircraft carriers and accompanying ships, submarines nuclear boats, which are capable of delivering preventive nuclear strikes on enemy territory with ballistic and cruise missiles, suppressing air defense systems and coastal defense units, and capturing port facilities and bases.

To effectively counter such compounds, our country has created the latest designs weapons capable of hitting aircraft carriers and strategic submarines (cruise missiles "Zircon", "Caliber", "Onyx", high-speed deep-sea torpedoes), enemy coastal infrastructure (autonomous complex "Poseidon").

Planned modernization of ships and their re-equipment are being carried out. Modern underwater missile strategic cruisers with the latest technology are being actively built. ballistic missiles, which are capable of quietly entering the launch areas and delivering retaliatory strikes on strategic targets on enemy territory. Much attention is paid to the project of creating specialized complexes and robotic systems at the bottom that will act in the event of critical situations, being in “sleep” mode in peacetime.

Navy aviation is being replenished unmanned vehicles for various purposes, modern helicopters (Ka-62) and aircraft (MiG-29K for ships and Su-30SM for coastal aviation).

IN recent years The military infrastructure is being developed in the northern regions of our country: military camps in the Arctic are being built, equipped with the latest detection and destruction technology, exercises are being conducted for the marines and ship crews in the harsh conditions of the Far North, and the icebreaker fleet is being modernized.

Additional research is being carried out in the waters of the Northern Sea Route, which is being used more and more intensively by both our country and other countries. They are actively developing mineral deposits on the ocean shelf. Ensuring the protection of our northern borders and economic facilities is one of the tasks of the Russian Northern Fleet.

With the reunification of the Crimean peninsula, the defense task of the country's Black Sea Fleet has become more complicated. The turbulent situation on the borders with Ukraine and in the Black Sea, the provocative actions of NATO ships force sailors to maintain high combat effectiveness, in short terms master the latest equipment and weapons of ships and coastal units.

Naval aviation demonstrates skill and forces potential provocateurs on the water to abandon their nefarious plans. Plans are being comprehensively developed to create two groups led by aircraft-carrying ships in the north and east, which will be able to withstand similar formations of a potential enemy and carry out the strategic tasks of the command.

A separate area of ​​training in the fleet is improving the skills and methods of conducting diving and sabotage work of special units of saboteurs. They currently have at their disposal submarines specially converted to deliver mini-submarines, special equipment, weapons and ammunition, advanced training and education techniques. Taking part in specialized exercises of sabotage units, our soldiers invariably take first place there.

To summarize, it is necessary to emphasize that in Russia, for development Navy commensurate efforts are being made to re-equip the fleet and units covering coastal and coastal zones, modern complexes and weapons capable of ensuring the defense of the Motherland’s maritime borders.

Service in Navy was, is and will be difficult and honorable at all times.

The purpose and nature of the activities of the Navy require the presence in its composition various genera forces capable of solving both offensive and defensive missions in remote and coastal areas.

The Navy consists of two components: naval strategic nuclear forces (NSNF), general purpose naval forces (MPF), as well as support forces, special forces and naval services.

The Navy includes four branches of forces: submarine forces; surface forces; naval aviation; Coastal troops of the Navy.

A branch of force is an integral part of a branch of the Armed Forces, including units and formations that have their own combat assets, weapons and equipment. Each type of force has its own characteristic combat properties, uses its own tactics and is intended to solve operational, tactical, operational-tactical tasks. Branches of forces, as a rule, operate in a certain geographical environment and are capable of conducting combat operations independently and jointly with other branches of forces.

In modern conditions, the main branches of the Navy, capable of most successfully solving the main offensive missions of the fleet using conventional and nuclear missile weapons, are submarine forces and naval aviation.

Naval strategic nuclear forces are an integral part of the country's strategic nuclear forces. They are represented by strategic missile submarines (rplSN) and are used in the operations of strategic nuclear forces according to the plan of the Supreme High Command.

General purpose naval forces include all branches of the Navy and are used to solve operational and tactical tasks and conduct systematic combat operations.

Coastal troops as a branch of the Navy unites formations and units of the Marine Corps, coastal missile and artillery troops (BRAV), and in certain regions of the Russian Federation and groups of coastal troops (coastal defense troops).

Support forces, special troops and naval services include naval air defense forces, formations and units of special troops and services (intelligence, naval engineering, chemical, communications, radio engineering, electronic warfare, missile technology, technical support, search and rescue, hydrographic), formations, units and institutions of the rear. The composition of the Russian Navy is shown in Fig. 2.

Organizationally, the Navy of the Russian Federation consists of associations, naval bases, individual formations, units and institutions.

The Russian Navy is headed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, who is one of the Deputy Ministers of Defense. The highest body of the Navy - the Main Headquarters of the Navy and the Directorate of the Navy - is subordinate to him.

A formation is a large organizational formation consisting of formations and units of various branches of the Navy, capable of independently or in cooperation with other types of armed forces solving operational (sometimes strategic) tasks. Depending on the composition and scale of the tasks of the association, they can be operational-strategic, operational and operational-tactical.

The regionally deployed operational-strategic formations of the Russian Navy include: the Northern, Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea fleets, as well as the Caspian flotilla. The basis of the Northern and Pacific fleets are strategic missile submarines and multi-purpose nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, landing and multi-purpose surface ships, mine-sweeping ships and boats, diesel submarines, coastal missile and artillery troops and attack aircraft. The basis of the Baltic, Black Sea fleets and the Caspian flotilla are multi-purpose surface ships, mine-sweeping ships and boats, diesel submarines, coastal missile and artillery troops and attack aircraft.

The operational formations of the Navy include flotillas(flotilla of heterogeneous forces, flotilla of strategic submarines, flotilla of attack submarines) and naval air force.

The operational-tactical formations of the Navy include squadrons (operational squadron, squadron of heterogeneous forces, squadron of attack submarines, squadron of amphibious assault forces).

The regional deployment of the Navy requires the maintenance and development of independent basing infrastructures, shipbuilding and ship repair, all types of support, the basis of which is the historically developed system of cities - naval bases in Russia.

A naval base (naval base) is an equipped and defended coastal area with the adjacent water area, providing basing, comprehensive support, deployment and return of fleet forces. As a rule, it includes several bases, as well as forces and means to maintain a favorable operational regime in the assigned 8MB operational area of ​​responsibility.

The composition of formations and naval bases is not constant. It is determined depending on the purpose, the nature of the tasks performed, the areas and directions in which they operate, as well as the conditions of the theater of military operations.

A formation is a permanent organizational formation of ships and units capable of independently solving tactical problems and participating in solving operational problems. The composition of connections is determined by their standard structure. Designed for purposeful combat training and ease of control. The division is the main tactical formation. Brigade and division ships - tactical formations.

A division (brigade) of submarines consists, as a rule, of submarines of the same class (subclass). For example: a division of strategic missile submarines, a division (brigade) of torpedo submarines. Divisions (brigades) of surface ships consist of one or more classes (subclasses) of ships. For example: a division of missile and artillery ships. The division as a tactical formation is a formation of ships of rank 111 and IV. For example: a minesweeper division, a missile boat division, etc.

A tactical unit is a military formation capable of independently solving tactical problems. The units are: ships of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank, groups of ships of the 4th rank, a regiment (in naval aviation, Marine Corps, BRAV).

The part, in turn, consists of military units - small military formations. Typical units: combat unit (service), 4th rank ship, squadron, air unit, battalion, company, platoon, etc.

Special troops and services intended to support the combat activities of the Navy and solve their inherent special tasks are organized organizationally into formations, units, divisions and institutions that are part of the formations, formations and units of the Navy, and are also under central subordination. For example: a division of reconnaissance ships, a military construction detachment, a chemical defense battalion, a communications center, a radio engineering company, an electronic warfare squadron, an arsenal, bases and warehouses, a ship repair yard, a rescue ship brigade, a hydrographic detachment, an automobile company, a group of naval support vessels, etc. .

Organizational structure The Russian Navy is shown in Fig. 3.

The qualitative and quantitative composition of troops (forces) of fleets (flotillas) must correspond to the level and nature of threats national security Russian Federation in a specific region.

The variety of tasks solved by the fleet necessitates the specialization of ships, i.e. the construction of ships with certain qualities, which led to the need to classify them.

All ships and vessels in the Navy are divided into groups. The criterion for division is purpose. There are five groups: warships, combat boats, special purpose ships, sea support vessels, raid ships and support boats.

Warships and combat boats, i.e. the first and second groups determine the combat strength of the Navy and are intended to solve combat missions specifically.

The group of special purpose ships includes special purpose submarines, control ships, training ships, and reconnaissance ships.

The group of maritime support vessels includes vessels providing combat training, medical support, radiation safety and chemical protection, transport, emergency rescue, navigation and hydrographic support.

The group of raid support vessels includes vessels designed to support fleet activities in roadsteads and harbors. To them from-; Basic rescue vessels, self-propelled and non-self-propelled maintenance vessels, basic dry cargo and liquid vessels, tugboats, raid boats, etc. are carried.

Within groups, ships and vessels of the Navy are divided into classes. The criteria for dividing into classes are the tasks to be solved and the main weapon. For example, submarines are divided into two classes, and surface ships into five classes.

Within classes, combat ships and special purpose ships are divided into subclasses. The criteria for dividing into subclasses are displacement, type of power plant, narrower specialization, cruising range.

Depending on the tactical and technical elements and purpose, as well as to determine the seniority of commanders, the legal status of officers and logistics standards, warships are divided into ranks. There are four ranks of ships in the Russian Navy. The first is the highest. The division into classes and ranks is determined by the Regulations on the classification of ships and vessels of the Navy.

6 depending on the design features of ships of one And of the same subclass also differ in types and designs.

The classification of ship personnel in different countries has its own characteristics and is not constant. As the fleet develops, with changes in its missions and ship armament, new classes (subclasses) appear, and obsolete ones are excluded from the fleet. Thus, after World War II, most states excluded the class of battleships and subclasses of convoy aircraft carriers from the fleet, and the subclass of patrol ships was excluded from the US Navy. With fleet equipment rocket weapons a class of rocket ships appeared.

the future of the fleet is multi-purpose, universal ships capable of leading effective fight with air, surface, underwater and coastal targets. Therefore, the number of ship classes will be reduced. At the same time, there are specific tasks that require the use of special materials and design solutions in the construction of ships, for example, mine ladders, landing ships, some special purpose ships, the universalization of which is impractical.