Classification of sailing ships (sailing weapons). Brigs and brigantines

An aircraft carrier is the largest modern military surface ship, which can accommodate several units on board aviation technology. Deck-based aviation (airplanes and helicopters) is the main type of combat impact of an aircraft carrier; in addition, it has anti-aircraft missile launchers and artillery with a caliber of 76-127 mm.

The first aircraft carriers appeared during the World War of 1914-1918. Back then, they usually carried no more than 2-3 pieces of equipment on board. In World War II, real floating airfields took part, carrying dozens of aircraft. Aircraft carriers were mainly used by the US and Japanese navies.

Modern aircraft carriers are divided into attack and anti-submarine carriers; conventional and atomic. The purpose of attack aircraft carriers is to destroy ground targets and ground forces, destruction of ships and vessels at sea and at bases, aircraft at airfields and in the air, ensuring amphibious landings and protection of ocean communications. Anti-submarine aircraft carriers are designed to search for and destroy submarines.

Bulk carrier (from the English “bulkcarrier” - mass carrier) is a vessel with a large carrying capacity. Unlike tankers, bulk carriers are dry cargo ships, and the cargo they carry is not in bulk or bulk containers. Depending on the type of cargo transported, bulk carriers are divided into coal carriers, ore carriers, timber carriers, etc.

Modern bulk carriers have a large carrying capacity, often exceeding 100-150 thousand tons. The deck of bulk carriers is almost completely open, which allows ships to be quickly loaded with powerful cranes or conveyor loaders without horizontal movement of cargo on the ship itself. The cargo transported by bulk carriers usually does not require high speeds, so bulk carriers have a relatively slow speed, which makes it possible to reduce the engine power of such vessels and save fuel.

Fireship - a ship designated to burn the enemy fleet. Usually for this purpose they used old transports or brigs with a displacement of up to 200 tons. The fire-ship had to be equipped in such a way that it could suddenly catch fire inside and outside. To do this, the decks were covered with tarpaulins and sprinkled with small pieces of firebrand composition and gunpowder; On the cockpit, in the deck and right next to the walls of the ship, tubs with the same composition were placed.

The entire Brander was filled with incendiary and explosive barrels, boxes filled with grenades, torches, tarred fascines, shavings, and in addition, everything was doused with turpentine. To light the Brander, sausages were used (long bags containing a mixture of saltpeter and sulfur), which were placed in the deck so that their ends were in the stern of the ship, right at the holes that were cut for this purpose. At the end of the sausages, a tube filled with a slow-burning composition was inserted, which made it possible for the crew of the fireship, having ignited it, to escape on a boat tied behind the stern.

The ports and hatches were closed, and so that they were opened in time, a fire mortar was placed against each, that is, a piece of wood with a channel and a chamber, which was filled with gunpowder, and a pole was firmly driven into the channel, which, when fired, opened the port or hatch; The mortar's fuse was connected by a stopin to other incendiary shells. On the bowsprit, the ends of the yards and other convenient places, poles and iron hooks were hung, with which the fireship could grapple with an enemy ship.

When the fire-ship was loaded, the sails were set on it and, having brought it to a decent distance, the rudder was secured in the proper position, the pipe was lit and it was launched, mostly downwind, towards the enemy fleet. Typically, fire ships were launched at night or during fog, so that the enemy, having noticed the fire ship, would not have time to withdraw or sink it. In general, it must be said that fire ships were launched at ships at anchor, otherwise the enemy ship could dodge.

In the history of naval battles there are very few cases where fireships caused harm to the enemy. One of them dates back to June 2, 1770, when during the Battle of Chesma, a fire ship, under the command of Lieutenant Ilyin, grappled with a Turkish ship and was then set on fire, and then the fire became general. The Turks lost 16 ships, 6 frigates and up to 50 small vessels.

In combat and marching formations, the fireships were kept in the wind, at a distance of no more than half a mile, which made them safer and more likely to carry out the orders they received; but during the retreat they kept under the wind at a distance of more than half a mile, generally on the side opposite to the enemy’s position. In addition, the fireships of the leeward fleet were kept somewhat ahead of those ships for which they were assigned, so that they could approach them more easily when necessary.

A barge is a flat-bottomed vessel used to transport goods by water. Barges were originally conceived as non-propelled vessels propelled by a tug, but some modern barges are equipped with their own engine. Sometimes several barges are combined into so-called caravans; the volume of cargo transported by such a caravan is up to 40 thousand cubic meters.

Depending on the design and purpose, barges are divided into road, system and river. The raid barge is used for short sea voyages: for example, to deliver petroleum products to coastal oil depots from sea tankers, which, due to their deep draft, cannot come close to the shore or enter the mouths of shallow rivers. Raid barges have raised sides and reinforced hulls, designed to be able to sail on the open sea, and their displacement is 5-16 thousand tons.

River barges have less strong hulls and lower draft than road barges. They are designed exclusively for transporting goods (such as timber) on navigable rivers. Their displacement usually does not exceed 3.5 thousand tons. System barges are used to pass through the locks of dams and canals.

Despite similar names, these three types of vessel differ significantly in design or have different purposes.

Bark (from the Dutch bark) is a three- to five-masted sea vessel designed for the transportation of cargo with straight sails on all masts except the mizzen mast, with oblique sailing rigs .

Barka is the general name for non-self-propelled alloy, flat-bottomed vessels for transporting goods, used until the 19th century. The barge is the predecessor of the modern barge. The length of the barges usually did not exceed 20 meters. In Russia, in addition to the generally accepted name, barges were also called velkhats, belyans, gusyankas, plows, kolomenkas, kayaks, etc. There are many more names of ships, intermediate between barques, or rafting, and running ships, but all these ships are now being replaced by steamship barges, berths. Some barges had a rudder, and others even had sails.

A longboat was a name given to a small self-propelled fishing or cargo vessel, as well as a rowing boat used for military purposes. Depending on the purpose and type, the longboat could be equipped with a mast or engine

Bombardier ship - a shallow-draft vessel for throwing bombs from mortars when bombarding fortresses from the sea. The first bombardment ship was built in France under Louis XIV and was two-masted; mortars were placed in front of the foremast, which made it possible to operate along the length of the ship. Such ships were called bombardier galliots. But due to the unfavorable arrangement of the equipment, they did not have good seamanship, which is why the British began to build three-masted bombardment ships, and the mortars were located between the foremast and main masts, and the action became the width of the bombardier ship. IN Russian fleet English-style bombardment ships were used.

A bomber ship is a military vessel that served for operations against fortress and coastal fortifications. Bomber ships had 2 or 3 masts, an average displacement and a draft of no more than 3 m. Special attention addressed to the strength of the ship, so that firing from heavy and long-range mortars would not loosen the ship’s fastenings.

To increase stability and speed, bombardment ships began to be lengthened and their contours closer to the type of battleship. Later, in addition to mortars, they began to install cannons and unicorns on them, which made it possible for them to take part in naval battles. The first bombardment ships appeared in the Russian fleet in 1699 to operate against the Azov fortress.

During the 1st Turkish war Peter the Great built seven such ships (also called shih-bombards) at the Voronezh and Donetsk shipyards. These were wide ships, with a draft of about 3 m, armed with 2 mortars and 12 cannons, modeled on the French and Venetian bombardment ships. The first bombardment ships began to be built in the Baltic Sea in 1705, when Peter needed to act against the Swedish coastal fortresses. However, these ships, being too bulky, were soon recognized as inconvenient for operations in skerries and were replaced by pramas, etc. During the reign of Peter I, only 6 bombardment ships were built on the Baltic Sea. This type existed in the Russian fleet until 1828.

A brig is a 2-masted sailing vessel with full rigging on both masts. The weight of the brig was 200-400 tons, the open battery included 10-24 guns. The ship's crew consisted of 60-120 people. Dimensions: length about 30 m, width and 10-16 m.

The brig was a vessel with a design similar to a corvette, but wider and having two masts. Brigs in the navy served for parcels, escorting merchant ships and other needs for which corvettes were too large. Brigs, like corvettes, had one open battery.

The crew on the brig averaged 6 people per gun. The brig could walk under oars in calm weather, and then its speed reached up to 3 miles per hour. The front mast was called the foremast, and the rear mast was called the main mast. The Brig had two mainsails: one with a gaff and a boom, and the other tied to the mainsail yard.

Brigantine is a small brig. This name is given to one type of light ship of the Mediterranean Sea, which has two or three single-frame masts with lateen rigging. Sails with yards can be lowered and laid along the ship and, having thrown out 20 or 30 oars, go under the oars. These ships were used mainly by pirates.

In the 16th-19th centuries, brigantines were usually used by pirates. Later they were transformed into two-masted sailing ships with a foremast rigged like a brig and a mainmast with slanting sails like a schooner - a mainsail, trysail and topsail. In the 18th century they were introduced into navies as messengers and reconnaissance ships.

Many projects have been proposed to protect warships from enemy fire. The most successful thing was to cover the side with iron plates (armor). The first ships covered with armor were the French wooden batteries Lave, Tonnante and Devastation, built by the engineer Guieysse to participate in the Crimean campaign (1855).

Their success prompted the construction of armored ships in other European countries. The original battleships were converted from wooden ships, to which a belt of armor was attached, after cutting off the upper decks to leave only one closed battery. New iron battleships were built according to the same model. Depending on the successes of the artillery, the thickness of the armor also increased, which could no longer cover the entire side, why was it limited to only middle part, or they installed only a narrow belt of armor along the entire cargo waterline.

A casemate was installed in the middle of the ship - an armored cover in which the main artillery was placed. All battleships were equipped with a steam (screw) engine; the spar was gradually reduced and modified, and began to be used to house small rapid-fire artillery, an electric combat lantern, for signals, etc.

To protect against overhead shots and to prevent shell fragments from penetrating into the hold of the battleship, armored decks began to be used, covering the belt of the side armor; in places not armored along the side, this deck was located below the water level. Since 1877, armored decks began to be made convex, protecting the side and height.

Until the mid-80s of the XIX century, in built ships with turrets, the latter were located in a wide variety of ways. Attention was paid mainly only to increasing the angle of fire of the turret guns. On some battleships the turrets were placed in the middle, along the center plane, so that you could only shoot in the transverse direction; on others there was no obstacle for longitudinal shots; the towers were placed in a checkerboard pattern; across the ship, some along the ship, others across; one from each end and from each side, etc.

A tug (from the Dutch boegseren - to pull) is a vessel designed for towing and towing other (usually non-self-propelled) ships and floating structures. According to their purpose, tugs are divided into: tugboats, for setting non-self-propelled vessels in motion with the help of a towing cable, berth operators, providing assistance to large vessels when mooring them to berths; pushers designed to tow ships by pushing, rescuers - to provide assistance to emergency ships.

The purpose of tugboats determines the amount of thrust and power of the main engines: small harbor tugboats have a power of up to 200 hp. s., and sea rescue tugs - 8-9 thousand liters. With. and more. The towing device of such vessels consists of a towing hook, which is attached to a hinge and moves along the towing arc, towing arches and basting. Sometimes a towing winch is used instead of a hook.

The main characteristic of a tug is not speed, but thrust - the force with which it can influence the vessel being moved. Typically, tugs are relatively small in size but have a very powerful engine.

A galley is a large rowing vessel with one row of oars, used for military purposes in antiquity and the Middle Ages. For rich people and sovereigns, galleys also served as yachts; Venetian doges annually performed a betrothal ceremony with the sea on the richly decorated galley Bucentaur. In addition to oars, the galleys also had sails (latin - triangular), but they were used only with fair winds, and in battles the galleys always entered under the oars.

The length of ordinary galleys in the Middle Ages was slightly more than 50 meters, and their width was 6 meters; this ratio was chosen to communicate speed to ships. In calm weather, galleys could reach speeds of up to 8 knots (14 versts), which was very high for that time. On large galleys 5 and 6 people sat on one oar. The crew of the galleys consisted of sailors to control the ship, soldiers and oarsmen and reached up to 450 people. Up to 5 guns were placed on galleys. In addition to galleys with one row of oars, in ancient times rowing ships with oars in two, three, four and five rows, or tiers (biremes, triremes, quatriremes and quinqueremes) were used.

In the Middle Ages and later, while galleys were in use (until the 18th century), the team of rowers on a galley consisted of volunteers (les ben?voglies), captured or purchased Moors, Turks and blacks (there were many on Turkish galleys in the 15th - 17th centuries southern Russians taken away by the Tatars; their bitter fate was reflected in songs), and mainly from convicted criminals.

In Russia, galleys appeared under Peter I. In 1695, a 32-oared galley, ordered in Holland, was delivered to Moscow and served as a model for the construction of ships of this type in Moscow and Voronezh (galleys in Russia were originally called galleys and katorgas). In 1699, the galleys, along with the entire fleet, went to sea for the first time. The 269 young archers who took part in the riot of 1698 were the first to begin serving this heavy punishment; Their fate was shared by 131 captured Turks and Tatars. Soon, the name hard labor was extended to other jobs for which the labor of criminals was applied, and the work of criminals on galleys ceased by itself, with the replacement of rowing ships by sailing ships.

Galiot (galyot) is a Dutch two-masted ship of the 16th-19th centuries with a very complete formation and a shallow seat in the water, which gives it the advantage of sailing through shallow canals and waters of Holland. The galliot does not have good sea qualities.

This type of ship construction was brought to Russia by the Dutch at the beginning of the 18th century. IN late XIX centuries, galliots were built 10-20 meters long and 3-5 meters wide. The carrying capacity of the galliot ranged from 8,000 to 37,000 pounds. Most of the latest Russian galliots were built in Finland.

The galliot had a spherical stern and had a displacement of 200-300 tons. Sailing rig: main mast with straight sails and a short mizzen mast with oblique sails. Galiots had a significant drift, to reduce which they used wings, that is, wings descending along the sides. Galiots, similar to the Dutch ones, were built in the 15th and 16th centuries. and the Spaniards, and due to their durability they were sent on ocean voyages. In maritime historical literature, galliots are often confused with galliots - ships of Spanish origin.

A landing ship is a combat ship designed to transport and land troops on the enemy’s coast during military operations. Depending on the design, landing ships can provide landing and unloading of military equipment directly onto the shore or with reloading onto landing craft.

Landing ships have specially equipped premises for landing troops and military equipment. Some landing ships also have decked landing pads for helicopters and docking chambers for receiving small landing craft.

As a means of self-defense and fire support for landing forces, landing ships are provided with missile, artillery and rocket weapons. The dimensions and displacement of landing ships depend on the design of the vessel and the tasks it performs.


Caravel is the name of special sea vessels of the 15th and 16th centuries, most famous for the voyages of the Portuguese to discover new lands. Christopher Columbus took his first voyage with 3 such ships. These are light, round ships that are easy to maneuver with the help of sails.

Columbus's caravels are believed to have been about 20 m in length. Drawings from 1583 by the Dieppe sailor Jacques Devault have been preserved, giving some idea of appearance caravel. They had an angular stern, turrets at the bow and stern, a high side, a bowsprit and 4 straight masts: a foresail, a mainsail and two mizzens. The three rear masts had lateen sails; there were 2 yards on the front. Mentioned in the XIII and XIV centuries. the caravels were probably smaller than the ships of Vasco da Gama and Columbus.

Corvettes are ships with one open battery, about 20-30 guns. Frigate sail; sometimes there were no straight sails on the mizzen mast (light corvette rigging). The last type of corvette, with weaker artillery, was called a sloop.

In the 17th century, a corvette had one mast and bowsprit and could sail and oar. Even then, Corvettes were accompanied by squadrons and served as reconnaissance or messenger ships. At the beginning of the 18th century, corvettes were transformed: they began to have 2 masts with straight lower sails and topsails, and a blind on the bowsprit.

In the middle of the 18th century, the size of the corvette increased further, and it became similar to a frigate, with the only difference being that everything about it was smaller. The armament of a corvette with an open battery reached 20-32 guns. Corvettes with a closed battery had 14-24 guns. With the introduction of steam engines in navies, wooden wheeled corvettes began to be built.

In 1845-55, sailing corvettes began to be converted into steam propeller ones. But their wheels, not designed for the harmful effects of the machine, turned out to be too weak, therefore, and also due to the transition to high-power steam engines. In this form, the corvettes survived until the beginning of the last 10th anniversary of the 19th century, and their displacement reached 2-3 tons, and their speed reached 13-14 knots.

Cruiser is a general name for ships, mostly fast, capable for a long time stay at sea, armed with light artillery (mostly rapid-fire) and relatively poorly protected. Under this name there are ships of a wide variety of types and sizes (displacement from 300 tons to 14,000 tons).

The purpose of the cruiser is to protect domestic maritime trade, harm enemy trade, serve as guard ships, messengers, reconnaissance ships, etc. About special mine cruisers. In the past, the purpose of a cruiser was fulfilled partly by frigates, then by corvettes, brigs, and schooners. By the end of the 19th century, Russia had cruisers of two categories (ranks) - armored and armored. There were 12 rank 1 cruisers in the Baltic Fleet, and 1 in the Black Sea Fleet.

The main weapon of a modern cruiser is rifled artillery and missile systems. The ships can also be armed with anti-aircraft artillery, torpedoes and mines. Most modern ships are armed with 1-2 light aircraft. Airplanes take off using special devices - catapults, or 1-2 helicopters, which are used for reconnaissance and fire adjustment.

Dimensions of a modern cruiser: length up to 200-220 m, width 20 - 23 m, draft up to 8 m. Displacement of light cruisers 7-9 thousand tons, heavy cruisers up to 20-30 thousand tons. Crew from 600 to 1300 people, speed 55-65 km/h.

The boat is a sea and river vessel, used at the beginning of the era by the Varangians and ancient Slavs for military campaigns, and later became a merchant cargo ship. It is believed that the design of the boat belongs to the Vikings, who were noble sailors.

The fact that on these ships, rather modest in design, the Varangians reached the shores of Europe has been known for a long time, and according to the latest data, some boats even reached the shores of Greenland and North America. The boats were universal vessels: they sailed on the ocean, the sea, and the river.

At first, boats were made from hollowed out large oak or linden trunks, and the sides were extended using boards. Such rooks were called “slammed” rooks. Subsequently, the entire ship was built from individual boards. The length of the boat reached 20 meters, width - 5 meters. Usually the boat had only one mast with a straight sail. Depending on the design and size, there were several pairs of oars. In those days when the boat was used as a warship, shields were attached to the sides to protect the oarsmen.

An ordinary boat could carry up to 60 people. The rook was often used in Rus'. The Varangian warriors carried out military campaigns on boats. The relatively small size and weight of the boat allowed the crew to drag it across small isthmuses.

Liners (from the English line - line) is a category of transport ships, which includes most of the best ships operating on certain lines. Flights between ports along routes usually take place at regular intervals.

Liners are the most capacious modern vehicle. They are capable of carrying several thousand passengers. Typically, ocean liner routes tend to follow great circle arcs. globe, which pass through the points of departure and arrival. There are currently more than 200 ocean liners in the world.

The liners amaze with their size. In addition to cabins for passengers, these “floating cities” contain swimming pools, restaurants, shops, sports complexes, etc. The largest modern liner (Freedom of the Seas) can carry 4,375 passengers and has a displacement of 160 thousand tons. The length of the liner is 339 m, width 56 m, speed 21.6 knots (about 40 km/h).

An icebreaker is a ship that, due to its design, is capable of moving freely through ice.

The first icebreaker in Russia was the Saratov, built in 1896 by the English company Armstrong to support the crossing of the Volga near Saratov. The same company built several more icebreakers for Russia: Baikal (1900) and Angara (1903), Ermak (1898), Svyatogor (1917).

From 1921 to 1941, 8 icebreakers were built in Leningrad; in the period 1956-1958, the plant built 10 river icebreakers. In 1959, the first nuclear-powered icebreaker Lenin was built in the USSR, and sea trials of the second were completed in 1974. nuclear icebreaker- "Arctic".

The hull of an icebreaker is usually made “barrel-shaped”, and in the area of ​​the waterline the hull has increased strength. The bow of the ship allows it to break the ice located ahead with its weight. On the other hand, this design is not very well suited for swimming in free water: the icebreaker sways significantly in waves. Modern icebreakers usually built with three propellers.

Icebreakers are used to deliver cargo to hard-to-reach areas of the Arctic and Antarctic, evacuate and deliver expeditions to scientific stations, as well as to lay a shipping route for ships following the icebreaker.

A battleship (battleship) is a military vessel of the 17th-19th centuries, designed for battle in a line, that is, in formation. Since the fate of a war at sea was usually decided by squadron battles, the battleship was the main type of warship.

The type of battleship is determined by the state of shipbuilding technology, the type of weapon that is most applicable and valid in squadron combat, and the formation that is most convenient for using these weapons. At all times of the existence of the navy, there was one common desire - to increase the size (displacement) of battleships. This desire is quite natural, since the progress of any type of ship is invariably associated with an increase in its displacement, and any quality is achieved more economically the larger the ship.

However, this desire was constantly limited, on the one hand, by the imperfection of shipbuilding technology, which did not make it possible to equip a ship larger than known sizes with sufficient fortifications, on the other hand, by the imperfection of the propulsion system, which is why big ship it was uncontrollable, clumsy and heavy on the move, and thirdly, the special conditions of naval warfare, which were caused by the conditions of navigation.

At the beginning of the last century, steam battleships, also called dreadnoughts, appeared. The displacement of battleships used in combat during World War II was 20-64 tons, and the speed was 20-35 knots. The battleship's crew numbered 1,500-2,800 people. After the end of World War II, almost all surviving battleships were scrapped.

Luger is a small deck sailing vessel 20-23 m long, with slanting rack sails on three masts, with topsails on the foresail and mainmast and a jib on a retractable bowsprit. During the sailing fleet, luggers were among the military ships, armed with 6-10 small-caliber guns, and were used for distribution in ports.

Luger rigging is adopted for naval boats as the simplest and easiest to disassemble if necessary. To make the front mast more maneuverable, the luggers had easily swinging yards, and the mizzen mast with a slanting sail was placed at the very stern, near the lanyard.

The first mention of a submarine is found in Russian sources in 1718. It must be admitted that Efim Nikonov’s “hidden ship” was very different even from the first submarines. The first production boat was created according to the design of engineer Stefan Karlovich Drzewiecki at the end of the 19th century. These submarines had low speed, instability in course and depth, and the inability to navigate underwater, which did not allow them to become military weapons.

The first Russian submarines took part already in Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905. In 1906, submarines were amended to the official classification of ships of the Imperial Russian Navy. The date March 19, 1906 is considered the date of birth submarine fleet Russia. Several dozen Russian submarines already took part in the First World War of 1914-1918, 7 of them sank.

The first submarines had diesel engines. Modern submarines have nuclear engines. There are currently two main types of submarines. Multipurpose submarines are designed to search for and destroy enemy ships and submarines. Missile submarines are kept away from the main theater of operations. Their task is to launch a missile (including nuclear) strike against designated strategic targets (military bases, populated areas).

A seiner (from the English seine - purse seine) is a modern motor fishing vessel, usually a single-deck vessel with a superstructure shifted to the bow. At the stern of the seiner there is a place for storing and processing the seine and a turning platform from where it is swept out during fishing. One end of the seine is secured to the auxiliary motor boat.

To increase maneuverability, large seiners are equipped with active rudders, rotary retractable columns, and side propellers. Also, some seiners can be equipped with installations for cooling and processing fish. Modern seiners are usually equipped with special search equipment to detect large concentrations of fish.

Seiners are common in countries that actively fish in the sea and ocean: Russia, Japan, the USA, etc. The length of large seiners can reach 70 meters and a speed of 17 knots.

A tanker (from the English tank - tank, tank) is a vessel designed for transporting liquid cargoes that are poured into special large-volume tanks. The main materials transported by tankers are: oil and its products, liquefied gases, food products and water, chemical products.

Initially, liquid substances were transported on cargo ships exclusively in barrels. It was only at the end of the 19th century that a method of transportation similar to the modern tanker became widespread. The first transportation in bulk was carried out in Russia in 1873 on the Caspian Sea by the Artemyev brothers on the wooden sailing schooner Alexander. Having felt the advantages of the new method of transportation, people began to switch to a similar method of transportation everywhere. Quite quickly, the carrying capacity of tankers exceeded 1000 tons.

A modern tanker is a single-deck self-propelled vessel with an engine room, living and service spaces in the stern. To reduce the likelihood of contents spilling, tankers are usually made with a double bottom. Cargo spaces are separated by several transverse and longitudinal bulkheads.

Loading of cargo is carried out by shore means through special deck necks, and unloading is carried out by ship pumps. Some types of cargo need to maintain a certain temperature, so the tanks have special coils through which a cooler or heater is passed.

Modern tankers are divided into several categories, depending on deadweight (the difference in displacement with a full load and without cargo):

GP - small-tonnage tankers (6000-16499 t)

GP - general purpose tankers (16500-24999 t)

MR - medium-tonnage tankers (25000-44999 dwt)

LR1 - large-capacity tankers of class 1 (45000-79999 t)

LR2 - large-capacity tankers of class 2 (80000-159999 t)

VLCC - large-capacity tankers of class 3 (160,000-320,000 tons)

ULCC - supertankers (more than 320,000 tons).

The tender is a single-masted sailing vessel with a length of about 20 m and a displacement of 200 tons. The mast has no slope, and a long horizontal bowsprit protrudes from the bow, which can be moved inside the vessel in fresh winds. Sail: slanting mainsail, briefsail, topsail and several jibs.

In Great Patriotic War tenders were used for transporting troops, cargo over short distances and landing troops on an unequipped coast. These ships had a shallow draft, a carrying capacity of up to 30 tons and a crew of 2-3 people. Now tenders are not used in navies.

Minesweeper - ship special purpose, which searches, detects and destroys sea mines, as well as guides ships through minefields. Based on displacement, seaworthiness and armament, there are several types of minesweepers: sea (displacement 660 - 1300 tons), basic (displacement up to 600 tons), raid (displacement up to 250 tons) and river (up to 100 tons) minesweepers.

Based on the operating principle, a distinction is made between contact, acoustic and electromagnetic minesweepers. The contacts act as follows: they use special knives to cut the mine ropes (cables), and shoot the pop-up mines. Acoustic minesweepers use special acoustic means to simulate the passage of a large ship, causing the mines to explode. The operation of electromagnetic minesweepers, which imitate the electromagnetic radiation of a target, is based on a similar principle.

Currently, there is a development of electromagnetic type minesweepers. The destruction process includes several operations: search, detection, classification and neutralization of mines. Modern mine-anti-mine ships are equipped with hydroacoustic stations, a precision navigation complex, and information processing and display systems.

The trireme was a three-row ship of the ancient Greeks, on which the oarsmen were arranged in three tiers (which explains the name). The rowers were located on both sides of the trireme; those sitting in the first, upper tier were called phranites. The Zeugites sat a little lower, and the Falamites sat even lower.

In the first tier, 31 rowers sat on each side, in the other two - 27. On top, tents, canvas roofs, and tarpaulins served as cover for the rowers. The work took place under the command of a special commander, who had an assistant, the so-called trieravl (trier flutist), who gave, if necessary, signals with a trumpet and acted as the ship's steward.

The crew of the trireme during the Greco-Persian wars consisted of 200 people. At the stern there was a booth - the captain's cabin; The helmsman sat in front of her. Decorations on the stern of the trireme included: a swan's head, a rod with a flag, images of gods, etc. The nose of the trireme was like a pointed beak and ended with either three teeth, or the figures of the head of a crocodile, wild boar and other animals. There were 4 anchors, later 2; they rose and fell with the help of a gate. At first the decks were incomplete: decks were placed at the stern, on the bow and along the sides, above the seats of the zeugites and falamites.

Later (after the Greco-Persian wars) ships with a solid deck were introduced, under which there was also a lower deck or floor. In the middle of the trireme stood a large mast with a yard and a quadrangular sail; the so-called foremast was installed on the bow. The greatest length of the trireme was 36.5 m, the greatest width was 4.26 m, and the depth was 0.925 m; the displacement of the vessel without gear and spars was 42 tons, the displacement with crew and all weapons was 82 tons; average speed movement - 5.4

Felucca is a small decked ship; It was previously found in the military and merchant fleets of the Mediterranean Sea and the Archipelago and was preferred by Greek pirates for its speed. The military Felucca was armed with 6-8 small cannons on the upper deck.

Felucca was also used for trade by coastal inhabitants of the Mediterranean Sea. Its stern is somewhat elevated, its bow is pointed, there are 3 masts; with sail she resembles a galley. Typically, a felucca could carry about ten passengers and was served by a crew of two or three people.

Flute - a cargo ship in the 18th century. in military fleets, mainly for transporting military loads; had 3 masts and 2-12 guns. The first flute was built in 1595 in the city of Hoorn (Holland), in the Zsider Zee Bay.

The sails of the foresail and mainmast were the foresail and mainsail and corresponding topsails, and later on large ships and topsails. On the mizzen mast, above the usual oblique sail, there was a straight cruising sail. A rectangular blind sail, sometimes a bomb blind, was placed on the bowsprit. For the first time, a steering wheel appeared on flutes, which made it easier to shift the rudder.

The flutes of the early 17th century had a length of about 40 m, a width of about 6.5 m, a draft of 3 - 3.5 m, and a carrying capacity of 350-400 tons. They carried 10 - 20 guns. The crew consisted of 60 - 65 people. Flutes were distinguished by good seaworthiness, high speed, large capacity and were used mainly as military transport ones.

A sailing vessel with straight sails on all three masts. In the navy, a frigate was a ship with one closed battery, also three-masted with straight sails.

This name was retained in Russia until the 90s of the 19th century, after which they switched to the names cruiser or battleship, depending on the type of vessel. Frigate steamship - called a frigate that had a steam wheeled engine; such were Kamchatka and Olaf in Russia.

During World War II, frigates were anti-submarine escort ships that were lighter than destroyers but heavier than corvettes. Such ships were built to perform exclusively convoy service. In the American Navy, this class of ships was called escort destroyers and ocean escorts.

In the Soviet and Russian navies, ships of this type were called anti-submarine and patrol ships, depending on their purpose, range and armament. The term "frigate" was practically never used.

Shebeka - a long, narrow, pointed vessel from the 18th century for light military service and cruising, which replaced galleys. Has 3 masts (the front one is tilted forward). The length of the xebek was up to 35 m.

Shebeka was first used in the Russian fleet during the Archipelago expedition of 1769–1774. At the end of the 18th century. The ship became part of the Baltic Rowing Fleet and, having reached considerable size, had three masts with oblique sails, up to 20 pairs of oars and from 30 to 50 guns.

A narrow, long hull with cambered sides and a strongly extended stem provided the ship with good seaworthiness. Shebeka's hull design was close to caravels and galleys, but surpassed them in speed, seaworthiness and armament. A deck was built at the rear of the ship, protruding strongly towards the stern. The greatest width of the upper deck was about a third of its length, and the shape of the underwater part was exceptionally sharp.

Sloop - a three-masted military sailing ship of the second half of the 18th - early 19th centuries; the equipment was similar to that of a corvette. The artillery armament consisted of one open battery with small-caliber cannons. Sloops were also called wooden ships built in the north - in Arkhangelsk, Kem districts and near the Kola Peninsula.

The sloops' displacement reached 900 tons and were armed with 10-28 guns. These ships were used for patrol and messenger services and as a transport and expedition vessel. In some countries, sloops are still called low-speed patrol ships designed to protect transport convoys. One of the first sloops built in England was 64 feet long and 21 feet wide. The vessel's draft was 8 feet and its load capacity was 113 tons.

Shnyava is a warship of the former sailing fleet, somewhat similar to the brig. In the 18th century it had a Latin mizzen (with a rake instead of a gaff, extending past the mast down to the deck); The artillery armament consisted of 6-20 small cannons.

Shnyava was one of the largest two-masted sailing ships XVI-XIX centuries. Its displacement was up to 1000 tons. There were straight sails on both masts. Shnyava could have a third mast, located directly behind the mainmast with a small gap. Sometimes this mast was replaced by a special cable, to which the luff of the sail was attached with rings. Shnyava was distributed mainly in England, Sweden and France.

A schooner (schoon) is a sailing ship with 2 or 3 masts with slanting sails. The schooner's spar was distinguished by the comparative height of the lower masts, to which short topmasts were attached. The slope of the masts on a schooner is slightly greater than that of ships with straight sails.

The number of masts and type of sails of the schooners differed as follows:

An ordinary schooner has 2 or 3 masts; 1-2 straight sails (topsail and topsail) are placed on the foremast; the remaining masts have only slanting sails.

The Bermuda schooner, or gaff schooner (sometimes called a goelette or gulet), has exclusively forward sails on all (2 or 3) masts.

A brig schooner (brigantine) has a foremast rigged like a brig, that is, with a short lower mast and full straight sail; The mainmast has an oblique sail, like an ordinary schooner.

A barque schooner (barquentine) has a foremast the same as that of a brig schooner, and 2 rear masts with schooner sails.

In Russia, the term schooner was very common on the Caspian Sea, where it was the name given to seagoing cargo steamships that replaced the previous sailing schooners in the transportation of goods.

Destroyers first appeared in 1863, during the civil war in the United States. The prototype of destroyers is an ordinary steam boat equipped with a pole mine. In the 70s of the last century, when warships were armed with large, but few and slow-firing guns with poor accuracy, the development of destroyers was particularly rapid and successful.

The first Russian destroyers had a displacement of about 75 tons and a speed not exceeding 16 knots; attempts to increase speed were in vain due mainly to cumbersome fire-tube boilers and imperfect shipbuilding. With the improvement of the latter, with significant improvement and lightening of the mechanisms, it became possible to give the destroyer greater speeds. As with other types of warships, the evolution of destroyers has always been in the direction of increasing it.

In this evolution, a trace can be noted. the main stages. Lifting mine boats were first used during the Typian War of 1877 on the ship Vel. Prince Konstantin, according to the thoughts of his commander, S. O. Makarov. Coastal destroyers - small steam ships with a displacement of 15-40 tons - appeared at the same time; due to their low cost, they could be built in large quantities. Their main purpose was to participate in the protection of roadsteads, river mouths and skerry fairways. Sea-going destroyers developed due to the desire to achieve greater independence of navigation and the ability to make long transitions.

Armored destroyers appeared in the Italian fleet at the end of the 19th century, but were soon abandoned, since only a small percentage of the displacement could be devoted to armor, and under this condition the armor did not protect the ship. The mine cruiser was supposed to ensure the implementation of mine operations in stormy weather. It was a transitional type to destroyers of large displacement, 1000 tons or more.

After the First World War, destroyers were replaced by a more advanced type of ship - destroyers or destroyers. The main purpose of destroyers: reconnaissance, defense of battleships and cruisers, torpedo attacks against large ships. The displacement of the destroyers was 1-1.5 thousand tons, the speed was 35-36 knots. During World War II, destroyers were used to protect formations of large ships and transport convoys from attacks by light ships, aircraft, and submarines. Modern destroyers have a displacement of up to 6,000 tons and a speed of about 34 knots.

Yal (from the Dutch jol) - a small, short and wide rowing-sailing boat with a transom stern. Depending on the number of oars, which can be 2 to 8, the yawls are called “twos”, “fours”, “sixes” and “eights”, etc.

The design of the yawl evolved from the end of the 16th century. At that time it was a small sailing and rowing vessel for communication between ships and the shore, for rescue needs, for small loading and towing operations. The famous boat “Fortune” of Peter I was of a similar type. The image of the yawl was finally formed in the 19th century.

The sailing rig of the yawls is single-masted, rack-mounted. Two-piece yawls do not have sailing equipment. On ships of various types, yawls are used for work and training purposes. Yalas are also used in rowing.

Yacht (from Dutch jagen - to drive, to pursue), a sailing, motor or sail-motor vessel with a displacement of up to 3000 tons, used for sports or tourist purposes. Walking on the water has long been a form of entertainment for peoples where navigation flourished. The rulers and rich people of Rome built themselves large galleys, with luxurious decoration, for pleasure trips. During the times of the power of the Venetian Republic, water sports were very popular; The first competitions in the speed of pleasure boats (races, the so-called regatta) are immediately mentioned in history, with prizes being awarded to the fastest of the ships.

Yachts can be divided into 3 categories: sailing, powered and rowing racing vessels. Sea sailing yachts were originally small seaworthy vessels, with oblique sailing rigs that allowed them to be steered a small amount crew. Over time, the formation of the hull of these yachts began to change: on the one hand, the contours of the vessel were made sharper to reduce water resistance; on the other hand, the midship frame began to be made fuller at the waterline and sharper at the keel, for greater stability and the ability to carry more sail; For the same purposes, they began to make permanent ballast, and subsequently they built keels from cast iron or lead.

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. the American and English systems converged, forming a new type of yacht, with a so-called bulb keel: this type has an ovoid hull below, but with a pointed end; the keel is a sheet of iron with lead ballast along its lower edge in the shape of a cigar. The steering wheel is made hanging, iron, sometimes balanced. This type also has the greatest stability, the least resistance to turning, along with sufficient sharpness for travel speed. The strength of the spar and rigging is calculated in such a way that in a squall the spar breaks, but the yacht does not capsize. Windage, with great stability, is allowed, of course, to be huge, and for lightness, sails are often made of silk canvas.

Currently, there are several types of yachts. Almost all of them have engines in addition to sailing weapons. Only some types of sports yachts do not have them.

Beauty "Swan Fan Makkum"

This sailboat carefully preserves all the solutions found over many centuries of the sailing fleet. The largest brigantine in the world " Swan Fan Makkum“outwardly it looks very traditional, but this is exactly what the passengers of the sailboat like, because they are not random tourists, but people who went on a charter voyage.

Dutch brigantine " Swan Fan Makkum» built in 1993 at the Gdansk shipyard. She became the second Dutch sailing ship certified for worldwide sailing.

This sailing ship is the largest brigantine in the world, as well as the largest two-masted sailing ship. The vessel's hull is made of high-strength steel.

A sailing ship has a characteristic for its type sailing equipment- there are five straight sails on the foremast and five oblique sails on the mainmast, with total area 1300 sq. m. The height of the masts reaches 45 meters, which makes the sailboat one of the tallest sailing ships of the Tallships.

Being the largest brigantine in the world " Swan Fan Makkum" is a unique sailing vessel designed in the style of traditional sailing ships under the direction of naval architect Olivier van Meer. In style and atmosphere, the brigantine gives the impression of a sailing ship that went down in history in the last century.

Sea voyages on a brigantine are an ideal place for a varied holiday and successful business presentations, the impressions of which will remain in the memory of family, friends or colleagues for a long time. The interior of the ship is designed for 120 passengers, including 18 double cabins with a separate shower and latrine. Under the main superstructure of the ship, where the wheelhouse is located, there is a spacious salon. From here a wide staircase leads down to a cozy living room.

Actually a brigantine " Swan Fan Makkum"This is a very large cruising yacht. Many guests of the ship independently work on the yards with sails and stand watch in the wheelhouse at the helm. The business of the owner of the brigantine is built on this, because the full-time crew consists of only 14 people. But do not think that sailing on this sailboat can be as difficult as on sailboats of the Sedov or Kruzenshtern class; in fact, this is a very modern vessel. Most of the work with sails is automated. All household premises are suitable for relaxation.

Besides its home port in the Netherlands brigantine is a frequent visitor to the ports of Great Britain, as well as the Baltic, Mediterranean and Caribbean.

The two-masted brigantine crossed the Atlantic 18 times and, as of 2007, since its launch, had left more than 300,000 kilometers of sea route astern. Brigantine is a regular participant in the Tall Ships Race, major events in the sailing world, and often becomes a strong contender among its competitors.

In February 2006, the brigantine was acquired by the Italian Navy and is currently used as a training cruising yacht in one of the yacht clubs in Italy “Yacht Club Italiano” with a new name “ Nave Italia" In 2007, under the Italian flag, the sailing ship took part in the crowd competition in Toulon.

Technical data of the two-masted brigantine “Swan Fan Makkum”:

Displacement - 600 tons;

Length - 61 m;

Width - 9.2 m;

Draft - 3.6 m;

Sail area - 1300 sq.m;

Crew - 14 people;

Sailing speed - 15 knots;

Power plant - diesel with a power of 480 hp;

Engine speed - 10 knots;

Number of cabins - 18 (double occupancy);

Number of seats for passengers - 120 people;

All solutions found over many centuries of the sailing fleet have been carefully preserved. The largest brigantine in the world " Swan Fan Makkum“outwardly it looks very traditional, but this is exactly what the passengers of the sailboat like, because they are not random tourists, but people who went on a charter voyage.

Dutch brigantine " Swan Fan Makkum» built in 1993 at the Gdansk shipyard. She became the second Dutch sailing ship certified for worldwide sailing.

This is the largest brigantine in the world, as well as the largest two-masted sailing ship. The vessel's hull is made of high-strength steel.

The sailing vessel has, characteristic of its type, five straight sails on the foremast and five oblique sails on the mainmast, with a total area of ​​1300 square meters. m. The height of the masts reaches 45 meters, which makes the sailboat one of the tallest sailing ships of the Tallships.

Being the largest brigantine in the world " Swan Fan Makkum" is a unique sailing vessel designed in the style of traditional sailing ships under the direction of naval architect Olivier van Meer. In style and atmosphere, the brigantine gives the impression of a sailing ship that went down in history in the last century.

brigantine "Swan Fan Makkum" photos

The brigantine is an ideal place for a varied holiday and successful business presentations, the impressions of which will remain in the memory of family, friends or colleagues for a long time. The interior of the ship is designed for 120 passengers, including 18 double cabins with a separate shower and latrine. Under the main superstructure of the ship, where the wheelhouse is located, there is a spacious salon. From here a wide staircase leads down to a cozy living room.

Actually a brigantine " Swan Fan Makkum"This is a very large cruising yacht. Many guests of the ship independently work on the yards with sails and stand watch in the wheelhouse at the helm. The business of the owner of the brigantine is built on this, because the full-time crew consists of only 14 people. But don't think that sailing on this sailboat can be as difficult as on a sailboat, in fact it is a very modern vessel. Most of the work with sails is automated. All household premises are suitable for relaxation.

Besides its home port in the Netherlands brigantine is a frequent visitor to the ports of Great Britain, as well as the Baltic, Mediterranean and Caribbean.

The two-masted brigantine crossed the Atlantic 18 times and, as of 2007, since its launch, had left more than 300,000 kilometers of sea route astern. Brigantine is a regular participant in the Tall Ships Race - major events in the sailing world, and also often becomes a strong contender among its competitors.

In February 2006, the brigantine was acquired by the Italian Navy and is currently used as a training cruising yacht in one of the yacht clubs in Italy “Yacht Club Italiano” with a new name “ Nave Italia" Under the Italian flag, the sailing ship took part in the 2007 tall ship competition in Toulon. In addition, the legendary brigantine plans to take part in sailing competitions in Rouen, which will take place in 2013.

Romantics have always been attracted. What could be more beautiful than sailing through the waves on a ship driven by a fair wind? The names of the ships are already poetry. A frigate, a battleship, a schooner - they all evoke thoughts of long voyages across uncharted seas. But the most famous ship is the brigantine.

Meaning of the word

Historical documents send us back to medieval Italy. The first brigantines are mentioned in the chronicles of Genoese shipbuilders. The origin of the name is controversial. The fact is that at that time the armor of soldiers had the same name. Perhaps the brigantine inherited its name from them. Another version connects the name of the ship with the brig. Indeed, these ships have common features.

The first brigantines were not only sailing, but also oared. This fact speaks in favor of the first version of the name. These were military galleys with up to fifteen oars on each side. Later descriptions define the brigantine as a two-masted vessel.

Features of the ship's structure

The sails inherited the characteristics of a brig and a schooner. They were straight on the front mast and oblique on the rear. This allowed the brigantine to successfully carry out both combat and reconnaissance operations. With the head sails lowered, the ship was steered by one experienced sailor.

The brigantine was a favorite ship of pirates. The combat power was sufficient to capture merchant ships, and high speed and maneuverability made it possible to escape pursuit. If anyone has overcome difficult sections between reefs, it is the brigantine. By the way, another version of the name of the vessel is associated specifically with pirates (brigands "vessel - "bandit ship").

Brigantine in art

Perhaps the most famous work, glorifying this filibuster sailing ship, was a poem by Pavel Kogan. The text was set to music in 1937. This is how the song “The Brigantine Raises Sails” appeared, which became a symbol of freedom in an era of terror and repression. In the 60s it was covered by Yuri Vizbor. The song has become a real informal anthem for youth.

Another brigantine became famous thanks to the rock opera “Juno and Avos”. In Andrei Voznesensky's libretto these ships are called schooners, which is a little inaccurate. Unfortunately, the drawings have not survived, but enthusiasts got to the bottom of it. Two schooners were refitted, resulting in a brigantine and tender. “Juno” and “Avos” are one of the most popular ship models in ship modeling.

These days you can take a cruise on the largest brigantine in the world, Swan Fan Makkum. This Dutch ship is equipped with modern equipment, which makes sailing safe. Children's dreams of long journeys under the sails of a beautiful brigantine became a reality.

Motor-sail brigantine " Polar Odysseus"was built over ten years according to ancient drawings by the Maritime Historical and Cultural Center (MICC) (Petrozavodsk) and launched in June 2010. This event coincided with two holidays: the 90th anniversary of Karelia and the 20th anniversary of the first international expeditions of the maritime club.

The ceremony was very solemn. A whole performance was staged: the founder of Petrozavodsk, Emperor Peter I, and Empress Ekaterina Alekseevna greeted the brigantine and presented “Admiral” V. Dmitriev (director of the MICC) with the ship’s standard. The "admiral's" wife broke a bottle of champagne on the side of the ship. A participant in the theatrical action, the mayor of Petrozavodsk, Nikolai Levin (also a former sailor), cut the rope securing the ship to the shore and delivered seafaring instructions.

Brigantine (Italian: brigantino - brig schooner, brigantina - mizzen) is a two-masted sailing vessel with a mixed sailing rig - straight sails on the front mast (foremast) and slanting sails on the rear (mainmast). Initially, brigantines were also equipped with oars.

In past centuries, such ships were used for patrol and reconnaissance, and were also loved by pirates for their ease of operation, ease of movement and maneuverability. They had two (sometimes three) masts with sails and from eight to fifteen pairs of oars. Up to ten small-caliber guns were installed on the upper deck. There are still guns today. If desired, you can fire a shot.

They were distributed in all regions - from the Mediterranean Sea to Pacific Ocean. Brigantines are not alien to Karelia, as they were built and used on the White Sea.

Due to their good seaworthiness, these ships are still built in some countries today as sports and pleasure ships.

Brigantines are traditionally surrounded by an aura of maritime romance and are sung in many songs as a symbol of a classic sailboat.

"Polar Odyssey" together with the Pomeranian boat "St. Nicholas" annually participates:

In celebration of the day of the city of Petrozavodsk;

In the Marine Festival “Blue Onego”, where a naval battle with cannon fire and boarding is reenacted;

At the Kizhi Regatta.

And also on numerous expeditions and hikes.

There is a sanitary facility.

The vessel is equipped with the necessary modern life-saving equipment.