Types of canaries and how long they live. Canaries: appearance and habitat

A canary is a seemingly small decorative bird that is not distinguished by its decorative appearance, but by its intelligence, for example, but then why were they presented as gifts to monarchs and kings back in the 16th century? And the reason is their musical abilities. Of course, there are quite a lot of songbirds, but the canary is the most unpretentious in food, does not require special conditions, they are very well bred in captivity, and are relatively easy to train.

Yellow canary

History of Canary Domestication

The bird received such a beautiful and telling name from the Spanish and Portuguese sailors back in the 14th century, when it was first discovered in the Canary Islands. True, they were later discovered in both the Azores and Madera, but the name had already stuck.

It began to become a domestic canary in the 15th and 16th centuries, when it began to be brought to Europe as insanely expensive souvenirs. Their cost was so high that even among the highest nobility only a few could afford them. The canary became a symbol of luxury and special closeness to the rulers.

But the Spanish monks were the first to realize to breed the bird at home, in captivity, and this marked the beginning of an almost century-long monopoly on the Spanish trade in canaries throughout Europe, which affected their cost - not only the “cream of society” could now afford them.

But the Spaniards were far from stupid, and sold exclusively males so as not to create competition for themselves. This was the case for about 100 years.

Change in plumage color

This could not continue forever, and gradually nurseries for their breeding began to develop throughout Europe. And something incredible happened - almost at the same time, canaries with a yellow color began to appear in different parts of Europe, although previously the birds were only green. The reason for this was a different climate, it was a natural mutation.

And just a boom began in crossing canaries with other representatives of the passerine order. This gave certain results, today there are no colors available.

An interesting fact is that by changing your diet, you can change the color of a canary’s plumage.

Colored canaries

Canary and her amazing ability

After the complete domestication of canaries, they were accidentally discovered to have a phenomenal sensitivity to natural gas. Cages with birds began to be taken into the mines, and if she became anxious, people immediately left workplace, after which a gas explosion often occurred. Thousands and thousands of people were saved.

During the war years, canaries were also kept in chemical laboratories, but somehow this did not catch on.

House canaries require minimal care - they can spend all their time in a cage, which means:

  • You just need to keep the cage clean (clean a couple of times a week);
  • Don’t forget to fill the feeder with cereals and the sippy cup with fresh water;
  • Do not place the cage in a draft or direct sunlight (for example, on a windowsill).
Standard cage

The cage can be made of either hard wood or metal, with the latter being more preferable because it is easier to clean and can be scalded with steam for disinfection. The cage should be spacious, preferably several levels of perches, so that the bird can play there. If you have several cages with canaries, then they must be placed in the line of sight. If the birds see each other, then they sing in unison, and more beautifully.

Canaries are tamed very quickly, they are trusting of people. If you let her fly around the room, then after a while she will fearlessly land on you. Talk to your canary in a calm voice to gain its trust.

Water treatments

Canaries love to bathe; it cleanses their skin and plumage.

Bird bath

We are recruiting for a bathing suit warm water, put it in the cage, and leave the bird alone for half an hour. They need to be tamed to water procedures with early age, from the moment they leave the mother (about a month after hatching from the egg). After taking a bath, wash the bathing suit thoroughly; a dirty one cannot be used a second time.


If you decide to continue the lineage of birds, then the pair must be selected very carefully.

In canaries, genes have a very strong influence on their offspring!

This means that both the male and the female should be vocal, large, and have beautiful plumage. If one of the parents is a “little one”, then it is better not to count on full-fledged offspring... Moreover beautiful voice and the melodic singing of canaries passes more along the paternal side.

Mother canary hatches eggs

Approximately ten days pass between mating and egg laying. During this time, the female makes a nest for herself; to do this, place thick cotton or linen threads cut into the length of a finger, pieces of fabric and dried hay into the cage. There is no need to remove the male; he will take part in incubating and feeding the offspring. But you can put it away, the female can handle it herself.

Do not move the cage under any circumstances during the period between the eggs hatching and the chicks growing up! Otherwise, it is very common that mothers stop feeding their children, believing that they are strangers.

A canary hatches its eggs for exactly 13 days. On the 14th day, the chicks begin to hatch, and after 4 hours the mother begins to feed them. They eat the same thing as their parents - grain feed. Also during this period, soft homemade food is useful - boiled egg, grated with breadcrumbs.

The appearance of chicks

Grown-up chicks begin to attempt to sing as early as 40 days of life, but reach full voice only by 8-9 months.

It is noteworthy that when the chicks no longer need their mother’s help, i.e. a month after birth, boys should be seated according to different cells, and the girls can be left in one. You can recognize the gender by the first attempts at singing - boys have longer, uninterrupted sounds, while girls have intermittent songs, higher notes, more like chirping.

They live from 7 to 12 years (although with very careful maintenance and fortified food they can live for 15 years), the old canary, photo below, differs from the young one in its paws - they begin to peel off, the claws are long and rough. With regular bathing with chamomile infusion and trimming the claws, these symptoms may not occur.

How to trim claws

Aged bird

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Most canaries live on the Canary and Azores Islands, the number of which in the Canaries is approximately 90 thousand pairs of birds, and in the Azores around 60 thousand pairs. Madeiro (island in the northern part Atlantic Ocean) can also be called the habitat of canaries, only total number There are no more than 5 thousand pairs of birds there. In addition, an attempt was made to breed these birds in both Bermuda and Hawaiian Islands, but it ended unsuccessfully, all the birds died.

What do canaries look like?

Canaries belong to the finch family, very small birds. Their length is only about 10-14 centimeters, and their weight is approximately 15 grams. The wingspan is up to 23 centimeters. They are loved by everyone who enjoys watching their playful creatures.

Plumage color in males dark green with white strokes. They are also characterized by a yellow-green head and throat. The tail is white and the stripes on the sides are dark. Female canaries are mostly gray-brown in color with small black accents. The plumage color is much paler than males. Young birds Brown with dark strokes.

The Canary Islands are considered the historical homeland of canaries, which is where their name comes from. Small birds most often live in forests located in mountainous areas. Canaries are also found in small towns and areas near people. Finches mainly live in flocks, being nomadic or settled life. This factor depends on their place of life.

When hatching chicks, canaries live in pairs, when the female sits on the eggs, incubating them, the male sings not far from her. Favorite place the habitats of small birds are trees and shrubs in areas with a small amount vegetation. Moreover, they live not only in mountainous areas, but also in sand dunes. This is where they prefer to build their nests.

The main food for canaries is considered to be plant food in the form of grass, weeds, various seeds and fruits. From animal food, birds feed on insects.

History of the domestication of the canary

Back in 1473, the rich islands of the Canary archipelago attracted the attention of Spanish sailors, who subsequently conquered the islands with the help of powerful military force and turned them into a colony of Spain.

The cute singing creatures living in cages among the indigenous population were extremely popular with the invaders, and therefore they forbade the removal of the birds from the island on pain of death. Canaries appeared in Europe and became very popular among its inhabitants in the 16th century.

By ancient legend Canaries came to Europe due to a major shipwreck. A ship from Spain, while transporting wonderful birds, crashed near the coast of Italy. The new area with a climate familiar to canaries allowed the birds to feel confident, they quickly populated the new area and had offspring. Following Italy, finches appeared in the rest of Europe.

Due to the Spanish ban on the export of canaries, it was almost impossible to breed birds in captivity. And only after the appearance of birds in Italy and their spread throughout the territory of other European countries, German scientists were able to breed about 25 species of canaries, distinguished by a variety of shades and musical abilities. The most popular was the Tyrolean canary, which differed from others in its singing abilities.

Soon these birds were brought to Russia, as well as to Australia and North America. Germany for a long time remained the main seller of canaries to other countries and the income from this activity was very large. The bird alone cost from 20 marks to 150.

In the 19th century, canaries were so popular among Russian residents that factories for their cultivation appeared in Moscow. Female canaries were much cheaper than males. To get chicks in captivity, the birds had to be placed in separate enclosures, where two nests were set up. After some period of time, the females laid eggs and hatched them. The hatchlings lived with their parents for about three weeks, and then the female laid a new clutch. Thus, in a year it was possible to obtain offspring from three to seven times in one year.

Over 500 years of breeding singing birds, a huge number of their varieties have been bred. Each country had its own types of canaries, for example, in England birds were valued depending on their color, and in Holland the shape itself played a special role. An interesting fact is that the bright orange hue of the plumage was obtained due to the presence of cayenne pepper in the canaries' diet.

Quite often, people choose small birds as pets. In a small apartment, they do not take up too much space, they do not require daily walks, they do not damage furniture, and they provide much more communication than fish or turtles. Among all the feathered living creatures, budgerigars are in first place in popularity, and the domestic canary is in second place. We will talk about representatives of the latter species.

Types of canaries

Most people mistakenly believe that this bird is only yellow. Most often, they are actually kept as pets. However, the canary bird actually comes in three varieties.

Whatever canaries are chosen, their maintenance and care are the same. And even though caring for them is not difficult, every future owner of these birds must know the basics and details.

The right house

First of all, you will need, of course, a cage for the canaries. It is better to choose it in a simple form, without decorative frills, domes and other details. The birds themselves are beautiful and additional accessories they don’t need it, but cleaning the house will be more difficult. What size cage to buy depends on your goals. To keep a single canary singer, a rectangular cage measuring 45/30/25 cm will be enough. If you plan to breed canaries, you will need as many as three cages:

  1. described above - the canar will live in it during non-breeding time;
  2. a 70/30/40 cm cage in which the birds will breed;
  3. a cage up to a meter long, where the females and the younger generation will be located after nesting.

The ideal choice would be box type cages. On one side they should be lattice (or mesh), and on the rest - plywood, plastic or made of plexiglass. Any one should have two doors: on one the nest or bath will hang (this makes them easier to clean and change), and the other for caring for the cage.

Cage equipment

The house must have several perches - canaries love to flit from place to place. It’s good if they are made of natural wood - willow, hazel or bird cherry. The perches should be located on different heights and have a thickness of 8 to 15 mm, otherwise the birds will be uncomfortable on them. A canary cage should include at least three feeders: for mineral feeding, grain and soft food. A bath is a must, preferably a hanging one - these birds love to “splash in the water.” No hanging - put at least a ground bath in the cage, not too light or attached so that the canaries do not turn it over. Drinkers should be positioned with the spouts inward and the mounts facing outward. This will make it easier to fill them. That's basically all the canaries need. Maintaining and caring for them will consist of cleaning and feeding - as we see, there is nothing complicated about this. The main thing is that everything is done regularly and carefully.

Place for a cage

It is very important for the canary, whose maintenance and care you have taken upon yourself, to set up its house correctly. Drafts are dangerous for birds due to colds, so you should not place them close to air conditioners and balcony doors, and the window on the selected window sill should be closed. The kitchen is also prohibited: the humidity and temperature there are constantly changing. And the smells from cooking and cleaning surfaces will not benefit the canaries. Other pets, if you have them, should not be able to drop the cage or even reach it. In addition, it is desirable that the house receives sunlight, at least for a short time: it is beneficial for the birds. In the summer, you can put the cage on the balcony, making sure to shade part of the home so that the canaries have somewhere to hide from the sun.

Cleaning question

Since a canary is not a dog that can be taken outside to “do its business,” future owners of this bird should think in advance about how they will regularly clean the cage. To make your task as easy as possible, you should line the pallet of your feathered pet’s home with something. For this purpose, you can use sand, which will absorb excrement. It can also be easily replaced if necessary. However, keep in mind that canaries are very active birds and will likely scatter sand around the cage. Therefore, it is best to line the bottom with absorbent paper - it is easy to change, and there will be less debris.

To release or not?

Remains last question, which concerns your canary. Maintenance and care include concern for her health and safety. So if you give your pet walks around the apartment (especially if you have a cat or dog at home), then you may lose your feathered friend. Open windows are a risk that the bird will fly away. Hot surfaces such as irons and burners also pose a danger to the canary. Moreover, even a curtain in which the bird can become entangled, or a narrow gap from which it cannot get out, threatens it with injury. So most canine breeders advise not to let the birds out of the cage.

What to feed a canary?

In the wild, the bird obtains its own food, paying attention to grains, greens and insects in the right doses. In captivity, she is deprived of the ability to control her diet, so the owners will have to buy special food for canaries. Moreover, you cannot replace it with, for example, food for parrots - the composition is not the same. You should choose medium-priced feed. During molting or nesting, regular food should be replaced with specialized food: this way the birds will survive “difficult” periods more easily. You can add sunflower seeds and crushed buckwheat to the prepared mixtures. Don't forget what the canary eats and soft food. She will have to be given a boiled egg a couple of times a week.

Vitamins for health

Feeding birds only grain and ready-made mixtures is the same as sitting on oatmeal and pasta all the time. Remember that the canary eats greens willingly and with pleasure. Summertime It’s easy to pick the leaves of dandelion, lettuce, sorrel or young plantain. Suitable out of season bell pepper, apples and grated carrots. After all, you can buy greens for sprouting at the same pet store. Just don’t go overboard with the amount of vitamins, as the bird’s stomach may react negatively to such “care”.

Minerals are a must!

Food for canaries must certainly include some seemingly inedible things. First of all, this is coarse river sand, which birds need for digestion. You can buy it at a pet store. If you don’t find it, collect it on the beach and scald it several times for disinfection. To provide birds with calcium, ground egg shells or chalk are given (can be hung on a hook). Charcoal is also needed - it is used to treat canaries in case of illness. The pharmacy one is perfect. All these supplements are placed in a dedicated feeder. Don't forget to change them weekly - birds contaminate the contents of the bowls.

Caution: Obesity!

Oddly enough, for such active birds there is a problem excess weight is also relevant. Therefore, it is necessary to limit their grain diet. A couple of spoons of basic food per day is enough for one canary, so try to stick to this norm.

Breeding canaries

If you are interested in getting offspring from your pets, decide how you will proceed. There are three possibilities:

  1. Create a permanent pair. In this case, the canaries will always live in the same cage. This option is especially suitable for those who have a small poultry farm.
  2. If there are several females, the male can be placed next to them in turn. In this case, you will need a cage for each canary. Maintenance and care will therefore become more troublesome and take more time.
  3. Equip a spacious enclosure in which the birds will be kept together - 3-4 “girls” for each “guy”. In such conditions, the canaries will sort out their “matchmaking” themselves, and only one room will have to be cleaned. Just remember to put the males back in their cages when nesting is over.

In nature, all mating games begin in the spring - with warming and the appearance of sufficient food. At home, canary breeding can occur at any time.

We have already talked about the houses necessary for successful reproduction. Now let's talk about the material for building nests. Pieces of thick thread no longer than two centimeters are quite suitable so that the canaries do not get their paws tangled in them. An additional perch should be installed next to the nest, to which the female will move before taking off. Otherwise, she may crush the egg or chick.

Mating season

The signal of readiness for mating will be a short, sharp, calling song of the canary, and the female responds to it (if she agrees) with a squeak. At the same time, she begins to collect building materials that, in her opinion, are suitable (twigs, feathers, etc.) and tries to build a nest in some secluded corner. Having noticed these signs, the canaries need to lengthen the daylight hours: then throw fabric over the cage. At the same time, the proportion of vitamin feed in the birds’ diet should be increased: greens, sprouted grains, vegetables, fruits. If the courtship process is successful in canaries, the first testicle will appear in a week, after which the female will lay eggs for another 2-3 days.

The new mother will hatch the eggs for two weeks. The male does not take part in this process. Chicks that are one month old are already quite independent. They are moved to a meter-long enclosure where they can fly. As soon as it becomes possible to determine the sex of the young, all males are seated in their own apartments, since they are aggressive towards members of their own sex and can fight to the point of injury. Female canaries get along quite well in a common cage.

How to transport canaries

Sometimes it becomes necessary to transport your birds. If you intend to transport them over short distances (within your hometown, or at most to your country house), this can be done by placing the canaries in small transport cages measuring 15/7/7 cm. Please note that the journey should not last more than three hours: lack of space is bad will affect the birds. To make them feel calmer, you can cover them with a thick rag - “make it night.” Food and partial drinking must be in every cell.

Health control

The owner of a canary must carefully monitor his pet in order to determine in time whether he has lost weight or, conversely, whether he has gained weight, or whether the molting period has approached. Other health problems can only be determined by a veterinarian. Let's find out how to examine the bird yourself. So, the canary is carefully taken into the palm, its head is fixed with the index and middle fingers, and the body is turned upside down. Very quietly, easily the owner blows on a place not covered with feathers. It is called apteria. If panicles of new feathers or stumps are visible, this means that the bird is molting. She may need to be fed with special food. If the apteria is completely covered with fat, then your canary needs a diet and a transplant into a larger cage - a kind of gym.

A well-groomed canary raised in appropriate conditions and fed normally (the photo convincingly proves this) is unusually beautiful. And you will have fun singing!

domestic canary descended from one of the subspecies of canary finches - the wild canary that lives on the Canary Islands (Serinus canaria). In addition to the Canary Islands, this bird is also found in the Azores and Madeira Islands. The predominant color of the wild canary's plumage is yellow– it is yellow-green on top, with a blackish feather shaft and a wide light ash border along the edges of the fan; her rump is yellowish-green, and her chest and belly are olive-yellow. Towards the tail, the yellow color of the plumage intensifies. The canary's flight feathers are blackish, with a narrow green border. Young birds are brownish in color, with an ocher-yellow tint and a small admixture of lemon-yellow on the cheeks and neck. The length of the bird's body is 13-14 cm.

The second subspecies of wild canary is the European wild canary. It inhabits gardens, parks and groves in eastern Europe up to the western regions of Belarus and Ukraine, from where this subspecies has spread even across the Baltic states and Leningrad region. Song of the canary Canary Islands richer than that of the European wild canary.

In addition to the canary, the genus of canary finches also includes the Mozambique finch, gray finch, red-fronted finch and others. When mated with a domestic canary, hybrids are obtained, which subsequently produce offspring.

First detailed description The life of wild canaries was given by the German naturalist Karl Bolle in 1885. These small birds avoid shady forests and are found in sparse forest plantings, among bushes and on the edges of groves. They love gardens and often nest in close proximity to human habitation. During the non-breeding period of their lives, wild canaries stay in flocks, flying from one place to another in search of food. They eat the seeds of a variety of herbaceous plants, tender greens and some berries.

A delicacy for them are poppy seeds, garden lettuce, cabbage, as well as semi-ripe “canary seed”. During the period of feeding their chicks, canaries also eat small insects, in particular, aphids and scale insects. They love to swim in water and splash excitedly in the shallow waters of streams and rivers. Before sunset, canaries gather for their roosting area. They take a fancy to some tree, and their lively hubbub does not stop for a long time. During the nesting season, flocks break up into pairs, the female usually hatches the chicks, and the male is constantly nearby and sings continuously.

The song of a wild canary in natural conditions enchants people. K. Bolle wrote: “The singing of a wild canary, in general, is similar to the singing of an ordinary domestic canary and is distinguished by the same character, but performed under open air, among roses, jasmine and cypress trees, where the solidity of sound is lost in the airy heights, this song sounds much more beautiful, cleaner and more sonorous. The chest sounds that sink into the soul make a particularly strong impression precisely when performed by the wild canary and those domestic ones who are kept on the Canary Islands and learn to sing from the wild ones.”

History of Canary Domestication

In 1478, the Spaniards reached the Canary Islands and made the archipelago their colony. Among the rich nature, their attention was attracted by beautifully singing small birds. Although the wild canary hardly tolerates captivity, already at that time many local residents kept canaries in cages woven from reeds and willow branches, where they not only sang well, but also successfully reproduced. The Spaniards saw in canaries a wonderful way to get rich. For a hundred years they held a monopoly on their import into Europe. They succeeded in this primarily due to the fact that only males were imported to Europe, having a richer and more melodic singing than females. Thus, birds could only breed in natural conditions or in the homes of breeders from whom they had to be purchased.

In those days, birds were worth a lot of money, and only very rich people could afford to keep these wonderful singers. Members royal families and other high-ranking persons kept kenars in gold and silver cages decorated precious stones and pearls. At the same time, birds acquired from the indigenous inhabitants of the Canary Islands, accustomed to living in captivity, quickly adapted to new conditions. However, completely wild canaries caught in the forests mostly died, unable to adapt to captivity.

Over time, the Spanish monopoly on the breeding and import of canaries was broken. Legend says that around the 16th century, a Spanish ship carrying a large shipment of canaries crashed off the coast of Malta. Despite the shipwreck, one of the crew managed to open the cage doors and release the birds, who escaped and ended up on the island. The local climate turned out to be quite suitable for them, thanks to which the birds took root and even began to interbreed with local finches. As a result, beautiful offspring were born, which, in terms of vocal abilities, were almost in no way inferior to the Canary Kenars.

So the first country in Europe after Spain where canary breeding began was Italy. From here, canary breeding spread to Germany, and in 1600, Italian canaries appeared in Tyrol, which later became the center of canary breeding in Europe. Their popularity grew, and with this growth, more and more countries began to keep and breed these cute birds. Over time, birds became easier to breed in captivity and became widespread throughout Europe, becoming cheaper in price and accessible not only to the privileged class, but also to ordinary hobbyists. Canaries have become almost the most common indoor bird.

Then they became favorites around the world, reaching China, Japan, Australia, North and South America. The color of canaries also changed: from the beginning of the 17th century, more and more bright yellow birds began to appear among the offspring of canaries, independently of each other, in different places. This was due to the general climate change in Europe, although no one knew about it in those years. Naturally, not only the most virtuoso singers, but also the most beautiful individuals who were pleasing to the eye were allowed into breeding.

In addition, breeders began to experiment with their selection, and by 1700 about 30 different color varieties of canaries were already known in the world. As a result of these genetic “experiments,” not only color mutations began to appear, but also other mutations associated with changes in the structure of the feather cover, body proportions, and size of the birds, which later led to the appearance of canaries different breeds(now there are more than 120 of them), which are usually divided into three groups: singing, colored and decorative. We can talk about canary breeds in a separate article, because each of them has its own history, its own wonderful qualities and its loyal fans. All of them are distinguished by many different characteristics and their variations: color, the presence of crests and curls, physique, size, habits and, of course, the nature of their song.

Canaries in Russia

In the 18th – 19th centuries, a wave of canary breeding swept our country. Our breeding centers have become Moscow, Kaluga, Tula, Kyiv, Medyn, Pavlovo-on-Oka, Ivanovo and other large and small cities. In Russia, singing canaries were especially valued, and forest birds with the best vocal abilities were chosen to teach young canaries to sing: larks, tits, buntings, nightingales.

Unlike European breeding lines and methods of teaching birds to sing, Russian canaries have become a separate species - the so-called Russian canary. The Russian Canary is not officially recognized as a breed because it does not have a clear standard. Only 3 singing canary breeds have gained international fame: the German (Harz Roller), the Belgian (Malinois) and the Spanish (Timbrados).

Before the revolution in Russia, under the patronage of Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich, it was formed Imperial Society canary lovers, where competitions were held twice a year for the best performance of the so-called oatmeal song. Birds that could reproduce graceful and delicate melodies, such as the music of Mozart, were also valued. Competitors were evaluated by qualified expert judges.

The criteria by which the value of a bird was determined were its origin, as well as the peculiarities of the song pattern, which were given the names of their creators, the famous Russian amateur canary breeders (Gorshkovsky, Ryabovsky, Shiplevsky, Goremykinsky, Shelyadovsky, Muzlanovsky). The last Emperor Nicholas II was a passionate lover of canaries. According to contemporaries, the famous breeder from the city of Pavlovo-on-Oka, I. N. Gorshkov was awarded an icon Mother of God for supplying the emperor with the best songbirds.

Both World Wars, a real plague of the 20th century, caused enormous damage to canary breeding, including in our country, but the passion for canaries in the hearts of canary lovers did not fade away. Canary breeding competitions were regularly held in the USSR, where lovers of these birds came from all over Russia and the union republics.

Choosing a canary: pros and cons

Like any pet, any bird has its pros and cons. In various articles, we have repeatedly talked about responsibility when getting a pet and an informed decision that must be made not “impromptu”, but after thinking through everything to the smallest detail.

Unlike parrots and many other popular caged birds, canaries practically do not get used to being handled, although they need company. They are quite comfortable both in a flock and when kept in pairs. If you have the opportunity to spend at least a few hours a day with a canary, you can limit yourself to one bird, but it is better that the pet does not get bored alone - alas, in our times Hard times fewer and fewer housewives or non-working pensioners. Therefore, few people can afford the constant joy of communicating with their feathered pets. But what does the appearance of several little birds entail? Of course, in addition to the main cage for the canary singer, you will also need spare cages:

Laying in case of quarantine of a sick bird, small cages for temporary seating of males and females to allow the birds to rest and calmly moult between nesting sites,
- the nest cell itself, where the couple lives and produces offspring, and
- a so-called flight (remember this term, it comes up in the literature all the time) cage for growing young animals.

Will there be enough space in the house, will there be safe corners in a cramped apartment, inaccessible to drafts, cats and small children?

Tactile contact with an animal is vital for a person, especially a lonely person. But what is pleasant for us is not very pleasant for wild pets - all this squeezing, stroking and constant attempts to touch the birds with our hands can be perceived by birds as stress. At first, the birds will be scared even if you stick your hand with food into the cage, but soon they will begin to associate you and your movements with something pleasant, because it is you who give them food and safety.

Do not delude yourself that communicating with the canary and teaching it to sing will turn the bird into an affectionate and intelligent “kitty” and “sweetheart”. Of course, he will recognize you, and you will be surprised by more and more successes and victories, the bird’s intelligence will develop, but you will not establish such a close friendship as with a cat or dog. If you are in dire need of psychological support and love, it is better to opt for some other animal or get a canary and... someone else.

But remember the safety measures! Unlike the same finches, which are not recommended to leave the cage unless necessary, canaries need to be let out to fly around the room. Therefore, isolate birds from any sources of external danger - cats, dogs, small children, poisonous indoor plants, faulty or exposed wiring, open windows, gaps between walls and furniture, and so on. Think through your entire interior down to the smallest detail! You may need to make some rearrangements or even minor repairs before the bird arrives.

You decided to buy a canary, chose its breed, decided how many birds will live in your home, found a good breeder or pet store, and looked for a pet for yourself. What to do next?

Featured optimal sizes cells:
- for a lonely canary: 40*30*30 cm
- for a couple (nest cage): 60*40*40 cm
- for a small flock or passage for young animals: 100*50*50 cm or a spacious enclosure.

Despite the fact that canaries are southern birds, they do not like too harsh light and direct sun rays, so the cage must be placed in a bright place, but not on a window and, of course, away from drafts. Canaries are quite shy, so one of the walls of the cage, for example, the back one, should be covered with cardboard, plywood, a sheet of plastic, or draped with cloth. Once in a cage that is transparent and visible from all sides, the birds will experience constant stress and anxiety.

Like all other birds, canaries need perches, preferably of different diameters (but not less than 1-1.5 cm), so that they can sit and hold their fingers in different positions: this helps strengthen them muscle tone and grind off the claws. The minimum distance from the top perch to the ceiling of the cage should not be less height birds so that when they fly up to their perch they cannot hit themselves. A certain distance between the perch and the walls of the cage should be maintained for the same reason.

The first flight around the room will not happen immediately. For at least two weeks, birds arriving in new house, should be left alone and under no circumstances released. Let her get used to you, your appearance, your voice and the room in which she is located. IN stressful situation A canary released from a cage can perform unimaginable “feats” and get into trouble. Having fallen into a gap between furniture or another hard-to-reach place, the canary can become numb with fear and stop speaking, so finding it and removing it will be very difficult and even dangerous - moving large and heavy objects in search of the loss, you risk crushing the pet.

Don’t forget about surprises and stupid things that can’t happen even theoretically, but... for some reason they happen! For example, a bird may accidentally fall into a flower vase with a narrow neck, land in a jewelry box or desk drawer that someone in the household automatically closes, land in a bag or plastic bag with some things, and so on. When a canary flies around a room, the door and window must be closed, but check other rooms too before flying!

Look into the kitchen: is the gas burning, are there uncovered pots of hot food on the stove, is there a cup of boiling water on the table, is there someone’s lit cigarette lying in the ashtray... I deliberately scare you and make you tremble and imagine terrible scenes, because this is how you will learn to follow all safety measures automatically. The day may come when the door opens with a slight draft, or you yourself forget to close it, rush to a phone call or someone’s shout, forget to lock the cat, and in a matter of seconds something irreparable will happen.

But that’s not the case: you are already accustomed to caution and ensure the bird’s safety practically on “autopilot”, which means that it is not in danger of any trouble. However, for this you need to accustom yourself and all your relatives to order very, very strictly.

It is difficult to catch a bird after a “walk”; it is easier and safer to lure it back into the cage. To do this, darken the room and illuminate the cage with a table lamp, and the canary will fly into the light. In addition, over time, she will develop a food reflex, and she will return to her “home” at the moment when she gets hungry. To achieve this result, never feed your canaries outside of their cage.

Now about the seating of the young couple. If your birds are not yet at least a year old, it is better not to house them together! Laying too early can lead to exhaustion of the female, complications during egg laying (you may even have to contact a veterinarian), and the birth of weak or non-viable offspring. If the birds are already ready to mate, we must remember that not all couples get along with ease.

If clashes arise between the feathered spouses, you may have to place them in different cages again. Gradually moving the cells closer friend to a friend, so that the birds see each other, but cannot connect, you will achieve mutual interest in them. In addition, when calling the female, the canary will begin to sing very well. Some canary breeders use this technique (attracting a male by an unavailable female) when teaching canary canaries to sing in order to stimulate their desire to sing.

There is another great way to make your pets become friends - this is to give them a series of joint flights around the room. In a large space, they do not need to divide the territory or sort things out, but they will begin to show interested curiosity towards each other, and soon, after almost 2-3 walks around the room, they can be placed in a nesting cage.

Like most finches, canaries love to take baths! To do this, they need to buy a special hanging bathing suit, which is hung on the cage door. Bathing water should be changed every day. Pour about 1-2 cm of water into the bathing suit, in no case more! The canary is a tiny, graceful bird, large quantities she might simply choke on water!

Pay close attention to the emptying of the feeders. You may think they are full, but when you look inside, you will only see the husks of the husked grains. Replenish the feeders regularly, daily, so the birds can eat as much as they want, whenever they want. This only applies to dry grain mixtures! Canaries also require supplements: greens and fresh fruits, protein (cottage cheese, hard-boiled egg), source of calcium and gravel for digestion. Don't forget to provide a drinking bowl with clean, fresh water. The water must be changed daily.

Among various literary and online sources, you will often come across the name “canary seed”. This cereal, which has official name- Canary canary - indeed belongs to the genus of canaries, which has a total of about 25 species. Canary seed is by no means the only food for canaries; it is only included in ready-made balanced bird feeds. There is bird food that goes by the same name, but this phrase only means a brand, trademark, the original name of the product indicated on the package. In fact, you need to consult with the breeder about what food the birds consumed before moving to your home, and stick to their usual diet in the future.

Keeping the cage clean is vital for all birds, especially delicate and sensitive babies like canaries. A complete cleaning of the cage should occur approximately once a week, and it is better to empty the retractable tray and change the bedding every day.

Iofina I. O. Canaries - M.: “Veche”, 2007.
Rakhmanov A.I. Home canary. Content. Breeding. Feeding. – M.: LLC “Aquarium Print”, K.: OJSC “House of Printing – VYATKA”, 2005.
Huebl M. Canaries. Maintenance and care.\ Transl. with him. N. V. Zhuravlevoy - M.: Aquarium Print LLC, 2007.
Shpakovich I. A. Canaries. – M.: AST Publishing House LLC, Donetsk: “Stalker”, 2004.

Anna Kurtz

Many people, tired of the bustle of the city, try to create an island of wildlife at home. Some people get cats or dogs, while others like canaries, whose singing is mesmerizing and brings a piece of joy and peace. These little birds demand special treatment, since it depends only on their owners how long canaries will live at home.

Lifespan of canaries in the wild

In the wild, canaries, of course, live shorter lives.

In captivity, the average lifespan of canaries is 8–10 years. Birds live in small flocks, often flying from one place to another. Their favorite delicacy is poppy seeds, cabbage or lettuce. During the period of feeding chicks, canaries can eat small insects. Birds drink a lot of water and love to splash around in shallow water. For the night they gather in small flocks in trees.

As soon as the nesting period begins, canaries look for mates and separate from the flock. They make spherical nests from grass, moss and flower fluff in dense crowns high above the ground.

On average, the female lays up to 5 eggs with a speckled bluish-green hue. For 14 days, the female incubates the chicks, and during this time the male is always nearby and sings songs to her. While the chicks are in the nest, they are fed by two parents. 18 days after the eggs hatch, the chicks begin to leave the nest. During this period, the male takes care of them, showing them how to feed and drink water properly. The female begins to equip a new nest.

As soon as the second clutch begins, the male leaves the chicks and again remains close to the female. Depending on the area in which canaries nest, they can hatch chicks up to 3 times per season. Last period Their nesting period ends in August. The canaries again gather in small flocks and begin to fly from place to place in search of water and food.

How long do birds live at home?

Such a beauty can delight you with her trills for up to 15 years.

With proper care, the lifespan of canaries in a house or apartment can reach 15 years. Special attention worth paying attention to nutrition. You cannot constantly feed birds with grain mixtures. This is the same as a person constantly going on a diet.

Canaries enjoy eating greens:

  • dandelion leaves
  • sorrel;
  • spinach;
  • celery;
  • road ear.

It is important to give birds fresh vegetables and fruits:

  • apples;
  • carrots;
  • bell pepper;
  • pumpkin;
  • pears.

To improve digestion, canaries need river sand and charcoal, which can be purchased at a pet store.

Birds should not be overfed so as not to cause them obesity. It is enough to give them 2 teaspoons of grain feed per day.

Canaries' water needs to be changed every day. In addition to drinking water, birds also need water for splashing - for this there must be a special container in the cage.

Factors influencing the lifespan of a canary in captivity


As soon as the babies grow up, they need to be moved to a separate cage

The body of females quickly depletes if the owner’s goal is to breed canaries. During hatching and feeding the chicks, it is very important to give the female complete food, which includes vitamins and microelements.

Canaries do not tolerate the proximity of chicks well. Therefore, as soon as the babies grow up, they need to be separated from the adult canaries.

It is not recommended to place birds of other species with canaries - they can only get along well with individuals similar to themselves.


The canary's cage should be spacious enough

Despite the fact that the bird is small, it needs to purchase a spacious cage. Canaries are active birds that love to fly, so their cage should not be less than 30 cm.

If it is expected that a couple will live in the cage, the size of the house should be 2 times larger.

Room temperature

The main component is temperature. Birds feel comfortable at a temperature of + 22–24 degrees.

You cannot place the cage opposite the door or near the window - canaries do not tolerate drafts well and may die.

Cage hygiene

Bowls from which birds drink and eat must be washed daily.

Features of accommodation

Canaries are adversely affected by loud noises, such as a barking dog or a crying child. Birds love a calm environment, so you need to find a quieter place in the apartment where they will feel comfortable.

Owners should be aware that stress or severe fright can lead to the death of the bird.

Contact with animals

Any contact with a dog or cat can be harmful to the canary

It is necessary to exclude the canary from contact with any pets. The saliva of dogs and cats contains microorganisms that can lead to the death of the bird.

Lack of attention

Birds love to communicate with their owners. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to canaries when talking to them.

How to extend the life of a bird

Take care of the canary and love it - then the bird will reciprocate

In order for canaries to live long and delight with their singing, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  1. When choosing a bird, carefully inspect it appearance. The painful condition can lead to rapid death.
  2. Buy a spacious cage with perches.
  3. Regularly monitor the cleanliness of the cage.
  4. Pay special attention to nutrition.
  5. If possible, let birds out of their cages to go for walks.
  6. At this time, monitor the safety of the birds: close the windows, turn off the burners, close the doors.
  7. During walks, protect canaries from the presence of other pets.
  8. Follow temperature conditions indoors - birds are afraid of hypothermia.
  9. Timely identify diseases that affect the appearance of birds.

Canaries are very friendly birds. They need increased attention and communication. It is important not only to feed the canaries and care for them, but also to give the birds love, and in gratitude they will delight a person with their mesmerizing trills.