Is it possible to make your voice beautiful for singing? How to make your voice beautiful and pleasant for others? Good neck stretch

There are many people who wrinkle their nose at the word “casserole.” And by the way, this is one of the most useful and delicious dishes for breakfast or dinner. The secret of its excellent taste and delicate texture lies in proper preparation. If it is baked according to all the rules, even implacable opponents of cottage cheese, after tasting a piece, will ask for more. It should not resemble wet sticky dough. Its texture should be fluffy, airy and baked. If you are not satisfied with the grains of cottage cheese that you encounter, all you need to do is mix the dough with a mixer or blender before baking. Casseroles can be sweet - with apples, pumpkin, carrots, candied fruits, dried fruits or savory - with herbs, olives, potatoes, cauliflower. Most often it is served cold.

Cottage cheese casserole - food preparation

Before adding to the dough, it is recommended to chop the cottage cheese thoroughly - twist in a meat grinder or rub through a sieve, and beat the eggs into a strong foam with a mixer. This will not only make the mass more homogeneous, but also give ready-made dish airiness and splendor. If the recipe contains dried fruits or raisins, they must be soaked. Then all the ingredients are mixed and placed in a baking dish.

Recipe 1: Homemade cottage cheese casserole

Tender, airy, delicious. That's all about her, homemade raisin casserole. For it, it is better to take at least a kilogram of homemade, village cottage cheese (which is sold by private traders at markets), then it will turn out lush and beautiful. This casserole is simply a feast for cottage cheese lovers. If there is no sour cream, other fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt - are quite suitable. You can add other fruits to the raisins, such as diced bananas.

Ingredients: kilogram of cottage cheese, semolina - ½ cup, sugar - 2/3 cup, 3 eggs, sour cream and milk ½ cup each, a handful of raisins, a pinch of vanilla sugar and salt, butter (for greasing the mold).

Cooking method

Pour milk over semolina and soak raisins in water.

Beat the eggs with sugar using a whisk or mixer. Add cottage cheese, raisins and all other ingredients.

Prepare the mold - grease with oil and sprinkle with semolina or flour. Spread the resulting mass, level the surface and brush with yolk, sour cream or yolk mixed with sour cream. When baked it will give finished product delicious looking crust. Preheat the oven (180C) and bake for about an hour. Slice the casserole while warm. Can be served topped with sour cream, jelly, or jam.

Recipe 2: Cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole

Bright, juicy, sunny orange casserole. Without semolina. Can be cooked pumpkin puree or cut the pumpkin into cubes and boil for 10 minutes in milk. And so, so delicious. Only with puree will the consistency be more uniform and the color brighter. It is better to use sweet varieties of pumpkin, then you can do without sugar altogether or reduce its amount. Top with apple slices or brush with yolk. It is advisable to take low-fat and dry cottage cheese. If you use high-fat cottage cheese, then you can exclude cream from the recipe.

Ingredients: low-fat cottage cheese - 0.5 kg, pumpkin puree - 1 cup (a piece of raw pumpkin), starch - 2 tbsp., 2 eggs, cream (10%), - 100 ml, sugar - ½ cup, apple for decoration, spices (vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger).

Cooking method

Prepare pumpkin puree. Bake the pumpkin cut into pieces in the oven (in a sleeve or baking bag) for about half an hour (180C). Or boil it in water. Crush or mix with a blender. The brighter the color of the pumpkin itself, the more beautiful and elegant the casserole will look.

Beat eggs with sugar, add pumpkin puree and other ingredients. Mix the mixture and place it in a frying pan or other form. Cut the apple into slices and place on the curd mass, sprinkle with sugar. Bake for approximately 40 minutes (180C). Serve cooled.

Recipe 3: Curd casserole with condensed milk

Delicate consistency, pleasant taste, ease of preparation and all this pleasure from three ingredients. If the dough turns out watery in your opinion, you can add half a glass of flour. Not included in the recipe, but if desired, you can add fresh bananas, candied fruits or other dried fruits. If you don't like very sweet things, reduce the amount of condensed milk.

Ingredients: cottage cheese – 0.5 kg, 3-4 eggs, condensed milk (with sugar) – 1 jar.

Cooking method

Beat the eggs, add the grated cottage cheese, mix, pour in the condensed milk and bake (180-200C) for 40 minutes. You can do it a little differently. Separate the whites and refrigerate them. Mix cottage cheese, yolks and condensed milk. Beat the whites with a mixer until foamy, mix with the rest of the mixture and place in the prepared pan.

At the end of baking, check the casserole for doneness by piercing it with a toothpick. The dough should not stick, the stick should be dry.

Recipe 4: Cottage cheese casserole “Nezhenka”

The casserole is so tender and airy that it looks more like a pie. It is very easy to prepare, and the result is gorgeous, as if more than one hour of work was invested. The dough can be prepared in the evening and baked for breakfast.

Ingredients: any cottage cheese - 0.5 kg, ½ cup, kefir or sour cream, 4 eggs, butter - half a pack (100g), semolina - 2/3 cup, granulated sugar– ½ cup, 2/3 tsp soda, a pinch of salt and vanilla.

Cooking method

Melt the butter until liquid, add the remaining ingredients and mix well, first with a spoon, then with a mixer. Leave for at least half an hour to an hour to swell semolina. Pour the dough into the mold (pre-grease with oil) and place in a completely cold oven. Turn on the heat, set the temperature (180C) and bake for about 35 minutes. Use as you please - with condensed milk, jam or just like that, with tea or coffee.

Recipe 5: Curd casserole on toast

An unusual presentation of a seemingly ordinary dish. The consistency of the casserole itself is airy, the dough is well baked, and the croutons underneath have a pleasant crunch with a golden crust. The dough should be liquid and pourable. If it comes out thick, add another egg.

Ingredients: slices of loaf, roll or white bread, sweet curd mass with vanilla – 0.5 kg (you can beat regular cottage cheese with vanilla sugar and granulated sugar with a mixer), semolina – 3 tsp, butter – 50 g for greasing the bottom of the mold.

Cooking method

Mix the eggs with semolina and curd mass until smooth. If desired, you can add chopped dried fruits or raisins.

Crumble into the bottom of the mold butter or lubricate thickly. Place whole loaf slices on top. The resulting holes also need to be filled with bread, cutting them out to the desired shape, i.e. The bottom should be completely covered with a bread layer. Pour the dough onto it and bake (160-180C) for 40 minutes. When baking, the casserole will rise greatly, but then, after cooling, it will fall. So don't worry if the dish didn't work out, that's how it should be.

Recipe 6: Curd rice casserole with orange

Elastic grains of rice harmonize perfectly with delicate and soft cottage cheese. Sweet taste The casserole is complemented by the sourness of raisins and the piquancy of orange peels. Orange slices amazingly combine the creamy taste of butter with zest, giving the overall taste of the dish an exotic note.

Ingredients: Upper layer– thin-skinned orange – 1-2 pcs., 1/3 cup. sugar, butter - 30 g. Dough: cottage cheese - 0.5 kg, rice - 150 g, granulated sugar and flour ½ cup each, 3 eggs, 100 g raisins.

Cooking method

Boil the rice until tender and cool. Soak well washed raisins. Beat sugar and eggs until stiff, add cottage cheese and flour. Then add rice and raisins and stir.

Scald the orange several times with boiling water to reduce the bitterness. Rinse with water and cut into thin slices, semicircles or circles.

Melt the butter and pour into the bottom of the mold. Optimal size which is 25-28cm. Sprinkle with sugar and add orange slices. They have a curd-rice mixture on them. Smooth the surface and bake for about 45 minutes (200-220C).

Cool the casserole directly in the pan, then run a knife along the side wall, separating the contents. Cover the pan with a large plate or dish and turn it over. If the casserole does not fall out immediately, you can shake it slightly. Serve by cutting into pieces.

Recipe 7: Mexican Casserole or Cottage Cheese Flan

Very delicious casserole. With a delicate and airy, marshmallow-like consistency. The cottage cheese is practically not felt. A unique and divine taste is given by a combination of components such as creamy caramel, food flavorings (optional - Amaretto liqueur or Tiramisu essence) and of course vanilla with lemon zest. The cooking process is extremely simple. The only capricious note can come from caramel. But everything comes with experience. When cooking caramel, the main thing is to ensure that all the liquid does not evaporate. If this does happen, you need to add boiling milk or water again. The goal is to get not a hard caramel candy, but a soft, sticky mass (like soft toffee).

Ingredients: cottage cheese – 0.5 kg, condensed milk – 200g, 3 eggs, lemon juice– a tablespoon, starch – 1 heaped teaspoon, flavorings (essence or liqueur, lemon zest, vanillin). Caramel: butter – 30g, 1/3 cup. sugar, 5 tbsp. lie water or milk.

Cooking method

Beat the eggs with a mixer into a strong foam. Add lemon juice, cottage cheese, flavorings (if pieces of zest are used, they should be added after beating), condensed milk and starch. Beat again with a mixer. The mass should be absolutely homogeneous.

Prepare caramel. Melt the butter in an iron or fireproof bowl. Grease the mold. Pour granulated sugar into the melted butter remaining in the saucepan and put on fire. As soon as the mass changes color slightly (starts to darken), lift the saucepan and hold it over the fire without placing it on the burner. Pour in milk or water and, holding it over the fire, simmer the caramel mixture a little until the sugar dissolves.

Sprinkle the mold, the one that has been greased, lightly with sugar so that it sticks to the walls and bottom. The mixture will rise greatly during baking, so high sides are necessary. Pour the caramel into the mold and place the curd mixture on top. Bake in a preheated oven for 40 minutes or an hour, depending on the size and diameter of the casserole, at 170-190C.

Remove the mold, run a knife along the sides and cover with a large dish. All that remains is to turn it over and serve the casserole.

— To rid the cottage cheese of excess liquid, it must be transferred to a colander to drain. Or put the curd mass in cheesecloth and squeeze.

Hello again!! Today we are preparing something light and healthy dish- cottage cheese casserole. This product is easy to prepare and requires minimal preparation and time. But you are guaranteed a nutritious breakfast.

Cottage cheese is the main ingredient of our dish, and it is known to be very healthy. And even with heat treatment it does not lose its vitamin complex.

Today we will prepare cottage cheese casserole in the oven, this option is very important in the diet of children and adults who adhere to a diet, and just for people healthy image life. And don’t forget that you can also make equally healthy and fluffy ones from this product.

Taste qualities casseroles directly depend on the cottage cheese you choose. Do not take cottage cheese with palm oil, or as it is also called a curd product. Otherwise, your dish will turn out liquid and not fluffy.


  • Cottage cheese - 400 gr.;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Semolina - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Vanillin - a pinch;
  • Vegetable oil - for lubrication.

Cooking method:

1. The cottage cheese must be brought to a homogeneous state. Use a sieve or blender. If the product is soft, you can simply mash it with a fork.

2. Break the eggs in a separate bowl and add sugar.

3. Beat eggs with sugar until white foam forms.

4. Now combine cottage cheese, whipped mixture, semolina, sour cream and vanillin.

5. Beat everything well with a mixer.

6. Take a baking dish and grease it with oil.

On a note!! To prevent the dessert from sticking, sprinkle the baking sheet with breadcrumbs.

7. Fill the mold with curd dough.

8. The oven must be preheated to 200 degrees and bake the casserole for 40 minutes.

9. Serve our dish with sour cream, berries, jam. Or just eat it with tea and milk.

This recipe is the basis for cottage cheese casserole. The main ingredients can always be supplemented with raisins, dried apricots, nuts, and berries.

A classic recipe for cottage cheese casserole. Video

For some reason, when preparing this product, everyone turns it out differently. Of course, it all depends on what products you use. Many people believe that the composition should only include homemade cottage cheese, and many people like the store-bought one. I believe that you need to choose your own recipe, which always turns out successful and tasty. And the following video lesson will help you:

Recipe for cottage cheese casserole like in kindergarten

I worked as a teacher for four years kindergarten, and you know, I was always surprised by how our chefs prepare casserole. It always turned out incredibly light, airy and incredibly tasty. It was always served with raisins and sweet sauce. The children were delighted. I am sharing a miracle recipe with you!!


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.;
  • Semolina - 50 gr.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar - 50 gr.;
  • Raisins - 40 gr.;
  • Butter - 30 gr.;
  • Sour cream - 30 gr.;
  • Vanilla or vanilla sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the cottage cheese with a blender to a creamy consistency.

2. Now mix it with melted butter, semolina, sugar and yolk. Set the whites aside for now.

3. Beat the whites separately with a mixer at maximum speed.

4. Raisins must be steamed in boiling water for 10 minutes until they swell.

5. Gently fold the egg white into the dough. Remove the liquid from the raisins and add to the curd mass. Mix everything well.

6. Grease the pan with butter and sprinkle with a little flour. Lay out the dough and level it out. Spread an even layer of sour cream on top. Place the casserole in a preheated oven at 180-200 C for 30 minutes.

7. While dessert is preparing, prepare the sauce. I have already told you how to prepare cheesecakes. Use it for this dish too. They did it the same way as in kindergarten.

8. When the casserole is nicely browned, take it out and let it cool slightly. Then carefully remove to a plate and pour over the sweet milk sauce. Bon appetit!!

How to cook casserole with semolina (photos attached)

If you add semolina to our curd dessert, the product will rise well and form a dense structure. I also like to add dried apricots, it turns out to be a mini-cake.


  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr.;
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Semolina -0 2 tbsp. l. dry;
  • Dried apricots - 50 gr.
  • Vanillin - a pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Soak dried apricots in advance warm water so that it becomes soft.

2. Then drain the water, dry and cut into small pieces.

3. Add sugar and salt to the cottage cheese.

4. Then an egg.

5. And sour cream.

6. Mix everything well and add vanillin.

7. Add semolina.

8. Mix everything thoroughly with dried apricots again.

9. Grease the baking tray vegetable oil and sprinkle with dry semolina.

10. Spread the curd mass and bake for 40 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. You can decorate the top with protein cream.

A simple recipe for cottage cheese casserole without semolina

And in conclusion, an excellent recipe for delicious apricot pudding. We will cook without semolina. Many people prefer this recipe. Well, let's try this cooking option in the oven.


  • Cottage cheese -1 kg;
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 2/3 cup;
  • Flour or starch 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Apricot jam – 150 gr..

Cooking method:

1. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and flour. Divide the eggs into white and yolk. Add the yolk to the curd mass, mash well and mix with apricot jam.

On a note!! You can use any other jam, just not red. To prevent the pudding from coloring.

2. Beat the whites into a thick foam and carefully mix with the main mass.

3. Place everything in a greased baking dish in a preheated oven. The dish will take 40-45 minutes to prepare at a temperature of 180 degrees.

4. After baking, let it cool, and then cut into pieces and serve.

Cottage cheese casserole, according to by and large Not for everyone, but I hope that thanks to my selection, you will love this healthy dessert and will delight your loved ones more often, this dish is especially relevant for breakfast and afternoon tea. Everyone Have a good day and have a great mood!!

Many people have probably asked this question. Sometimes novice singers, after listening to their voice on a recording, are simply scared, because it doesn’t sound the same as in ordinary life. And often this sound does not delight either you or your listeners. So what's the deal?

On the one hand, working with a microphone leaves its mark, on the other hand, voice control may also not be up to par, and in general - sing, as they say, not speak. There will be differences. How to make your voice more attractive, richer and get rid of tension? Well, there are several ways:

    • Find a private vocal teacher and improve your voice by studying with him individually.
    • Go to group lessons at a singing school in Moscow, Minsk, St. Petersburg or any other city.
    • Try to improve your singing voice yourself using freely available materials on the Internet.
    • Train your voice online with a teacher or take an online voice training course, for example.

How to improve your voice at home?

We have already partially revealed the essence of this issue in the previous section of the article, but there is something to add.

        • Listen to songs that you like once or twice and then try to sing along with the performer, trying to catch the intonation and manner of performance.
        • Record yourself singing on a tape recorder and listen to it. You will catch some of the nuances yourself and can correct them.
        • Watch your breathing while singing, it shouldn't be too difficult for you. If it's hard and you're short of air, you're probably doing something wrong, and you should look into vocalist breathing with a teacher or by taking an online course.
        • Before you start singing, you can read something loudly and sonorously or act out some invented scene. Listen to how you sound and try to catch the strong and weak sides still in conversation.
        • Take an online voice training course by finding a free one, or.
        • You can also find a vocal/public speaking teacher online and,, put your voice on at home.

How to quickly improve your voice?

If you need to very quickly improve the sound of your voice, then you can use our small but effective exercises on video.

These simple exercises will help you improve your voice and feel the first positive results. But if you really intend to put your voice to work so that the result is long-lasting, then this will take at least 3 weeks, because it has long been known that new habits are formed within 21 days. Therefore, for those who want a quick, but at the same time permanent effect, we suggest going through.

How to improve your speaking voice?

To improve your speaking voice, everyday communication, negotiations, business, teachers, speakers, coaches, you need to learn how to master it, understand how your vocal apparatus works. Of course, you can’t write in one paragraph how to do this, and the habit won’t develop from reading simple recommendations, but nevertheless, we have compiled a list of tips that you can start implementing right now.

      • Read aloud. This will help you hear yourself from the outside and work on correct intonation.
      • Stretch your jaw, mouth, tongue before your important dialogue or meeting. There are many exercises for this, you can find them on the Internet. We will describe a few simple ones. Move the lower jaw right and left 5 times (1 time is right + left), then back and forth (also 5 times), then circular movements (clockwise 5 times and counterclockwise 5 times). Then move your tongue with closed mouth on the teeth in a circle clockwise 5 times and counterclockwise). Smile unnaturally, almost wryly, widely 5-8 times.
      • Watch your posture, keep your back straight, this also affects how you produce sound. To maintain correct posture, it is good to stand against a wall, pressing the back of your head and shoulder blades against it for 2-3 minutes.
      • Stock up on drinking still water and don’t overeat before a speech, if you have to talk or speak publicly for a long time. During your performance, drinking water will help you feel less tired and stay alert longer, and eating in moderation will help you feel better and sound better.
      • An exercise to improve your diction will also help you:

For safe and beautiful performance of works, proper use of the vocal apparatus is important. Lack of sound production skills and incorrect singing can lead to injuries, which will make themselves felt for a long time. Special vocal exercises for the development of voice and hearing, used both by beginning singers at home or at a music school, and by stage stars, will protect you from unpleasant consequences and help improve your vocal abilities.

How to add a voice yourself?

Can this be done at home? Yes, although much less effective than with a teacher. You can quickly master the basics, with enough diligence, by watching online course classes. On our website of the music school of Maria Deeva, a site for beginner performers contains best exercises for singing and vocals - video clips and text descriptions. Lessons are grouped by topic. It’s easy to find a suitable vocal technique and vocal cords which will help you develop your own potential. Following the recommendations exactly and working hard with your voice will help you start singing well in a short time.

Simple exercises for a beautiful voice

On sound concentration. Such techniques for improving vocals are suitable for children and beginning adults who are faced with the problem of dull, ruined singing.

  • Closed lips on the syllable "M". It is necessary to take a sharp breath through the nose, while making sure that the larynx is lowered. The sound “M” is sung while exhaling with the mouth closed. The larynx should still remain down. Lower and relax your lower jaw: your teeth should be open and not touching each other. The lips are closed, but not compressed, and the tongue should not be tensed either. It is necessary to obtain a long and even sound. You can start the exercise with any note convenient for you, gradually moving up a semitone;
  • The syllable "Mi-i-i". The first part of the syllable is sung exactly the same as in the first task. When singing the vowel “I”, try not to tense your jaw and lips, otherwise it will turn out stiff and unnatural. If you feel that this letter is completely subordinate to you, you manage to cope with the requirements of the lesson, you can move on;
  • “M-I-E-A-O-U-O-A-E-I.” Here it is important to achieve a uniform sound so that each vowel sounds in the same singing position and with similar articulation. Try to get a sharp sound, hold your breath. There must be support, otherwise there will be wheezing and breathing, which spoils the sound. It is important to concentrate it on the tip of the front teeth for good resonance.

Voice exercises to give strength, depth, and improve the timbre of singing. The lessons are recommended for all beginning vocalists seeking to improve the quality of their singing skills. The presented methods for controlling the voice allow you to eliminate trembling, nasality, add power and drama to the song, and enhance vocals.

  • “RO-O-O-O-O-O.” Feel free to open your mouth wide and lower your lower jaw. This is what will give the necessary volume to the vocals. Relax your lips to get a sound halfway between the articulation of “O” and “A”. Use a mirror to control - when pronouncing “R”, the larynx should be slightly raised, and when singing “O”, lower it slightly.
  • Pretend to yawn, feel it. The sound should rise from the chest;

"RO!O!O!O!O!" A sharp staccato on the exhale and then an equally quick inhalation. As you exhale, watch your abs - the muscles should contract sharply and strongly. This method of singing is called the “active exhalation technique.” The higher the rise, the deeper the sound becomes. We do not close our mouth, leaving the neck and jaw in a relaxed state.

The vocals become like a groan, as if the singer continues to sing this exercise through force.

How to learn to sing voice exercises with maximum benefit? Working on your voice, exercises and training for singing at home, and video clips for watching are convenient because you don’t have to travel anywhere and spend money. But even if you are sincerely ready to daily improve your singing level from scratch, you will not always be able to adequately compare and evaluate the results of your work, check intonations, and clearly understand the assigned tasks. will begin with the advent of a professional trainer. Exercises to open, warm up and strengthen your voice will not only be understood and performed correctly. The teacher will offer an optimal set of vocal exercises for beginners to suit your needs for elaboration and development. weak spots, will give valuable advice, check the correctness of execution and simply encourage you at the right time.

There is an opinion that only those who are given it by nature can sing. Yes, there really is some truth in this. However, we should not forget that a person without natural abilities can learn to sing well, and someone who initially has a good voice may lose his gift. The latter often happens when people forget about the importance of special exercises that strengthen the voice and help learn how to breathe correctly, produce sound, and so on.

How to develop your voice? This question interests many. Of course, it’s good to sing some song among friends, and sing it in such a way that they ask you to continue the mini-concert. Anyone who tries, sooner or later, will still achieve at least some result. When talking about how to develop a singing voice, it is important Special attention pay attention to breathing, sound delivery, articulation, since without them beautiful singing is impossible. Don't think that everything will be easy and simple. You will have to put in a lot of effort.

Let's first focus on those components without which it is impossible to sing beautifully. Let's start with breathing.

The inhalation should be rapid, lightning fast, but at the same time completely silent. Almost all people who have never taken vocal lessons try to take in a full chest of air when inhaling. What is the result? As a result, they begin to choke while singing. Remember: when you inhale, the stomach should swell, but the chest always remains motionless. The exercises here can be different. You can learn to breathe correctly in the following way: stand against the wall, place your hand on your stomach, inhale deeply and sharply through your nose. At the same time, the stomach moves forward - a hand is needed in order to feel this. This is followed by a slow exhalation through the mouth. The hand falls with the stomach.

With this exercise you will learn to control and take your breath correctly.

Articulation is important when singing. Pay attention to how academic singers sing: their mouth is always open wide. If you are really wondering how to develop your voice, then you should definitely learn to open your mouth while singing.

The exercise is as follows: go to the mirror and start pronouncing vowels, opening your mouth as much as possible and moving your lips as much as you can. At first it will seem very funny, but believe me, the benefits of such an exercise are great. Once you get used to it, try singing them. Then start learning a song, still articulating in the same way. Of course, when performing works among friends, no one articulates how Opera singer, but it’s still worth remembering that it’s impossible to sing beautifully with your mouth closed.

It is important to remember about emotionality, timbre coloring and everything else, without which any song will be dry and uninteresting. It is important to understand what you are singing about. Feel the piece, live it, identify places where you need to sing louder and where quieter.

Let’s not forget that only those who have at least some hearing can sing well. Don't you have it? Don't worry, because it is quite possible to develop it. First, learn to listen to what you sing. Before you start singing, be sure to go through the melody in your head, determine where it goes up and where it goes down. You can develop your hearing by singing scales, chords, and intervals.

How is the voice developed? In addition to everything listed above, I would like to advise you to sing as much as possible. Practice is always important. Sing only on your breath. In this case, it is recommended to lower the larynx down. The scales and intervals mentioned above will help develop not only your hearing, but also your voice itself. Anyone wondering how to develop their voice can find many exercises in specialized literature(tutorials, manuals, etc.). It will take a lot of practice, but the persistent will still succeed. There are no hopeless people.