Cottage cheese casserole "Zebra" - a delicious breakfast in the microwave. Cottage cheese zebra Cottage cheese casserole zebra recipe

Friends, “Zebra” cooked in a slow cooker turns out surprisingly tender and fluffy. In addition to the easy way to prepare using this miracle technique, the dessert is extremely healthy and incredibly tasty!

As for this recipe for Zebra curd casserole, even little gourmets will eat it with pleasure! In addition, the curd has a very attractive striped appearance, reminiscent of the funny stripes of a zebra, which causes wild delight in little eaters!

Cottage cheese should be chosen for dessert only of good quality - fresh, dry, with a normal percentage of fat content. If you want the casserole to be tender, choose cottage cheese in the store without grains. If the cottage cheese is still damp, then place it under pressure overnight to remove moisture or add a little more flour. But don’t overdo it with the last ingredient, otherwise the product will not be as tender (it’s better to remove excess moisture).

Let's look at “Zebra” in a slow cooker in a recipe with photos step by step.


Cottage cheese – 800 g

Granulated sugar - 1 cup (or to taste)

Eggs - 4 pcs.

Flour (or cornstarch) - 3 tbsp. l.

Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l.

Vanilla sugar (optional) - 1 sachet

Butter - 1 tbsp. l. (for lubrication)

Step-by-step instructions for preparing Zebra curd casserole

1. Beat the eggs and mix them together with granulated sugar and vanilla sugar using a mixer. Add cottage cheese and continue beating the mixture in the mixer until creamy. And at the end, add flour, mix everything thoroughly again.

2. Divide the dough into two equal parts and add cocoa powder to one, which we mix well.

3. Grease the multicooker bowl with sunflower oil or butter, place a large tablespoon of chocolate dough in the center, and white dough in the center of the chocolate dough. Press lightly in the center with a spoon so that the dough moves towards the edges and continue alternating until the dough is all finished.

4. Close the device with a lid and turn on the “Baking” mode and set the time to 1 hour.

After the multicooker bakes the casserole, it must be allowed to cool for 40 minutes, otherwise the product will break.

Then remove the finished cottage cheese casserole with zebra-shaped chocolate stripes from the mold. I just have to add information for those who are watching their figure: one piece contains about 340 kcal, and from this amount of food you get about 8 servings of casserole.

Bon appetit!

Video recipe for Zebra curd casserole

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Sincerely, Lyubov Fedorova.

See more recipes:

  • 1)

    Ingredients for preparing an interesting Zebra curd casserole.

  • 2)

    Since my cottage cheese is pasty, there is no need to pass it through a sieve. If you use the same one, then simply mash it with a fork, combining it with the eggs.

  • 3)

    Then add the required portion of sugar, mix and pour in the milk. Bring everything to a homogeneous mass, mixing thoroughly.

  • 4)

    Add semolina and vanilla (optional). Mix.

  • 5)

    Divide the curd mass into two equal parts. Add cocoa to one part and mix well so that there are no unnecessary lumps.

  • 6)

    Take a small round pan, grease it with butter and sprinkle a little with light breadcrumbs. Then the fun begins. First put 2 spoons of brown (the one with cocoa) mixture on the bottom, and then 2 spoons of white on top of it. Since the dough is quite thick, it will spread slowly in shape. Therefore, slowly lay out the entire curd mass layer by layer, alternating layers.

  • 7)

    When all the dough lies nicely in its place, run it with a knife from the center to the edges. Thus, the result is a drawing like the one in the photo. Place in a preheated oven and, as usual, bake (at standard 180 degrees) until done. It took me about 40 minutes.

  • 8)

    Remove from the oven, immediately check (with a thin wooden stick) for doneness and let cool slightly. After which the delicious Zebra curd casserole is ready to eat. Quickly cut it up and serve it to the table! You can serve this dish with sour cream, or you can simply enjoy its taste with tea.

A very tasty and aromatic casserole with semolina, and it looks top notch. Today, the appearance of food is important, and “Zebra” always turns out to be quite beautiful in appearance.

Ingredients for Zebra Cottage Cheese Casserole

We will need:

  • 500 grams of low-fat cottage cheese
  • 5 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons semolina
  • 2 grams salt
  • 2 grams vanillin
  • 1 tablespoons cocoa
  • 150 ml milk

Recipe for Zebra curd casserole

Place the cottage cheese in a deep bowl, add sugar, vanillin, salt and eggs, mix thoroughly. Then add milk and semolina, mix again until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The dough is ready. Let's divide our dough into two equal parts. As you probably already guessed, one part will be white and the other brown. Accordingly, add cocoa to one of the parts and mix.

Take a baking dish and grease it with butter. We spread the dough little by little, you need to do this alternately, first the white dough, then the brown one, and so on until the dough is finished.

Preheat the oven. Place the pan with the dough in the oven and bake for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Then, remove the casserole from the pan and cool. Unlike Zebra Pie, this casserole tastes better chilled. If desired, you can sprinkle the casserole with chocolate chips or pour melted chocolate over it.

It is advisable to take products at room temperature. I used homemade cottage cheese, dry and crumbly.
I baked the casserole in a rectangular silicone cake pan measuring 22x10cm.

Weigh the container on the scales, reset it to zero, put cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar into it, remember the mass. Blend with an immersion blender until smooth and homogeneous. Set aside the third part (I got 290 g) - this will be chocolate dough.

Add 3 tbsp to 2/3 of the white dough. l. without a heap of starch, mix the mass thoroughly. This is a light layer.

Add cocoa to 1/3 of the reserved light mass, 1 tbsp. l. starch and 100 ml of milk, mix thoroughly. If the cocoa has collected in lumps, beat it with a submersible blender. Look at the consistency - it should be the same as that of the light mass, fluid. If necessary, add another 20 ml of milk.

Thoroughly grease the baking dish with butter; if you doubt your shape, you can line the bottom and walls with strips of baking paper.
We begin to form the casserole: alternately lay out light and dark dough, about 3 tbsp. l., covering the entire surface with each color.
Bake the casserole in a preheated oven at 170 for about 40 minutes, the middle may jiggle a little at the end of baking, like a cheesecake, it will set after cooling. Cool the finished casserole in the pan, then carefully remove.

Zebra curd casserole is a tender and beautiful dish with a pleasant aroma and rich taste. Its advantages also include ease of preparation and an affordable range of products. Minimal time investment is another important advantage. You can cook it in the oven or slow cooker.

Traditional recipe - in the oven

At home, this dish is most often prepared with semolina, which makes it more tender and juicy.

Ingredients for the treat:

  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese (low-fat or semi-fat) – 0.5 kg;
  • semolina – 4 spoons;
  • vanillin (pack) – 1 pc. (2d);
  • sugar – 5 spoons;
  • cocoa – 1 spoon;
  • milk – 150 ml;
  • vegetable oil for greasing the baking sheet;
  • salt - a pinch.

Bulk products listed in spoons are measured using cutlery. The amount of sugar can be adjusted up or down as desired.

To prepare your own Zebra casserole with cottage cheese:

  1. Place the curd in a container and mix with eggs, vanilla and a pinch of salt.
  2. When the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency, add semolina and mix again.
  3. The resulting slurry is divided into two parts (preferably equal), cocoa is poured into the first (it is recommended to sift it first to remove lumps). Stir until the color is even.
  4. Grease a baking sheet with refined butter (possibly replace it with margarine or butter), put part of the white and then chocolate mixture into it. To make the dish beautiful, you need to make several such layers.
  5. In the oven, the dessert is cooked no longer than 40 minutes at a temperature of no higher than 175 degrees. You can sprinkle the finished treat with grated chocolate after it has cooled.

This Zebra Casserole recipe can also be prepared in the microwave. The step-by-step cooking process looks the same up to point 5. The form with the dough is placed in the microwave and cooked at maximum power for 10 minutes.

Multicooker recipe

Curd dessert prepared in a slow cooker turns out tasty and evenly baked. The preparation scheme also involves several layers, but the more there are, the more beautiful and interesting the cut pattern will be.

The ingredients are:

Zebra casserole in a slow cooker involves almost the same algorithm of operation as a traditional recipe in the oven. The only difference that is clearly visible in the photo is the consistency of the dough, because in this case it is more liquid. Also here the milk is replaced with 20% sour cream. Instructions for cooking:

  1. Cottage cheese is placed in a container and ground with sugar and sour cream. If soft cottage cheese is used, sour cream can be omitted.
  2. Using a blender, the “solution” is brought to a homogeneous state without lumps and grains.
  3. The eggs are added one at a time while the blender is running continuously.
  4. Semolina is poured into the mixture, leaving 1 spoonful of semolina. Let it sit for a while to allow the semolina to swell and form a thicker consistency.
  5. The resulting curd mass is divided into two parts equal in volume, into one of which sifted cocoa powder is added. The dough is mixed until the color is uniform. Pour the remaining spoonful of semolina into the second half and mix.
  6. Place part of the dark dough, then the light one, into a multi-cooker bowl pre-greased with butter (or vice versa). This is how several layers alternate. You can apply patterns using a fork.
  7. The delicacy is prepared using the following settings: “Baking” mode, timer – 50 minutes. Use devices designed for steaming. After cooling, the baked goods are ready to serve.

Like the Zebra casserole in the oven, when served, this version of the dessert can be supplemented with sweet sauces, sour cream, condensed milk or jam.

Video: Zebra cottage cheese casserole - detailed step-by-step recipe