What exercises should you not do if you have varicose veins in your legs? Gymnastics for varicose veins of the lower extremities - how to improve the condition of the veins by performing simple exercises Varicose veins exercises.

Varicose veins and the accompanying clearly visible blue veins on the legs are a problem for more than many people. The reasons for this are very diverse: excessive physical activity, pregnancy and childbirth, heavy load on the legs as a specific function of work, hereditary predisposition, unhealthy diet, and so on.

Swelling of the legs and constant heaviness in the lower extremities are only the first symptoms of this disease. It is a scientifically known fact that gravity has a direct effect on the blood circulation carried out by the heart muscle. Therefore, circulation occurs in the upper extremities in a slightly different way than in the lower extremities. Blood flow can be impaired if the vein valves are diseased or weak. The result is stagnation of blood, and then deformation processes in the walls of blood vessels.


Signs of varicose veins are:

In addition to unpleasant sensations, varicose veins can lead to more serious consequences, such as the formation of a blood clot.

How to deal with discomfort from varicose veins at home

The following rules should be followed:

  1. Do not fall asleep while sitting - the limbs should rest in a horizontal position, normalizing blood circulation;
  2. Don’t stand in one place for a long time and don’t sit too long - take at least small steps, bend and straighten your legs, change position for at least a couple of minutes every hour;
  3. It is necessary to periodically do gymnastics, at least the most basic;
  4. Do not be close to a hot radiator or open fire - this contributes to stagnation of fluid in the veins;
  5. Buy and wear special knee socks - their function is to prevent fluid from stagnating in the legs;
  6. Take a relaxing bath before your working day, not after;
  7. Do not eat very salty foods - salt interferes with fluid circulation.

Of course, you can resort to medical intervention. However, this is not always affordable. In any case, you cannot do without exercise for varicose veins of the legs. Especially if you decide to solve this problem yourself.

What physical exercises can and should be done for varicose veins?

Vasodilation is a problem that needs to be dealt with through therapeutic exercises in principle. Since pain and deformation of blood vessels occurs precisely due to stagnation of fluid, which presses on the venous walls, therapeutic exercises and physical education normalize blood flow and blood pressure, and help strengthen the tone of the vascular walls.

A set of exercises that helps to cope with the problem:

System of exercises against varicose veins of the legs

If clearly protruding venous nodes have not yet formed, then you need to do the following:

  1. Lie on your back and raise your legs slightly;
  2. Move your knees 10 times, straining the hip area;
  3. Do a breathing exercise 4 times according to the following system: as you inhale, the stomach rises up, as you exhale, it retracts. Do everything slowly;
  4. Bend and straighten the ankle joints 10 times;
  5. Do the same, but the bend should be already at the knees; perform slowly and with each leg in turn;
  6. Slowly bend and straighten your toes 10 times;
  7. 4 times breathing exercises with the upper limbs: arms up, describing a semicircle - inhale, circle in the opposite direction - exhale.

All exercises are performed at a slow pace with voluntary breathing, except for exercises to increase the amplitude of the diaphragm. They should be performed three times daily. In total, it’s worth setting aside half an hour a day for this. The best option: as morning exercises, at lunch and before bed.

List of Bubnovsky exercises for varicose veins of the legs

The famous modern doctor Bubnovsky has developed a complex of moderate physical activity that helps to cope with pain in the lower extremities, strengthen the walls of venous vessels and normalize blood circulation.

Gymnastic exercises according to the Bubnovsky system develop muscles and increase the overall elasticity of tissues.

The basis of this type of physical activity is proper breathing.

These include:

  • General stretching of the body and limbs;
  • Separate treatment of the hip joint;
  • Breathing exercises;
  • Emphasis on the abs;
  • Anti-stress complex.

At the same time, everything is done at a leisurely pace, with deep measured breathing and pleasant relaxing music.

Exercises and prevention for varicose veins of the pelvis

In women, a type of vasodilation such as varicose veins of the small pelvis often occurs. This disease is especially common in women who have had two or more births. The huge load on the hip area still does not pass by.

  1. Deep squats and half squats, 40 times. Perform them as you did in physical education as a child: keep your back straight, arms in front of you, move your pelvis back, as if you were about to sit down;
  2. Raising the pelvis. Lie on the floor and bend your legs and place them on the surface of the chair so that the bend angle is 90 degrees. Stretch your arms lengthwise. Now lift your pelvis. Perform at least 10 times, while holding the pelvis in the air for several seconds;
  3. The so-called Mikulin exercise. It is extremely simple, but helps fight against varicose veins of all types. Stand up straight and rise on your toes, but not too high. And get down. Repeat 3 dozen times. Then take a minute break and do another set.

Not only physical exercise, but also all kinds of walking options are extremely beneficial.

What exercises definitely cannot be done with varicose veins?

If you sought medical help on time, provided yourself with all kinds of creams and are taking a course to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, then it is important not to reduce all your hard efforts to nothing.

It is important to understand that putting too much stress on your heart and legs will only make the problem worse. In this case, you need to be smart about playing sports and not overdo it. And the fair half of humanity also needs to give up walking in their favorite stilettos or high heels for the duration of treatment.

So, what loads need to be stopped at least for a while?

Don't sit in one place, just like don't stand all day. Take short breaks and be sure to do some exercise. Otherwise, the liquid will continue to stagnate in the vessels. At the same time, do not forget to monitor your weight. Regardless of whether you are obese or not, additional weight will not help in the fight to normalize blood circulation.

Also not worth it:

  • Do strength exercises;
  • Do squats with additional load: weights, etc.;
  • Exercise on an exercise bike for a long time and put a strong load on the lower limbs;
  • Jump;
  • You can't run;
  • Go to step aerobics;
  • Do anti-cellulite massages;
  • Use hormonal medications, unless they have been agreed upon with your doctor;
  • Wear high shoes;
  • Pinch your lower leg with tight clothing: high-top boots or very tight skinny jeans.

Remember that paying attention to the problem in a timely manner will allow you to quickly solve it and wear skirts above your knees in the summer.

Exercises for varicose veins allow you to stabilize blood circulation, prevent blood clots, and regain lightness in your legs. Regular exercise is especially necessary for people who move little or have a sedentary job.

Physical education for varicose veins occupies a special place in people with excess body weight. Extra pounds create additional stress on the body and the circulatory system; the patient often experiences severe discomfort, resulting in swelling of the legs.

Walking in the fresh air will help improve blood flow in the lower extremities. Try to walk a set distance every day; this kind of exercise has a positive effect on the venous walls. While in the fresh air, oxygen saturates the body's tissues, helping the patient's rapid recovery.

If possible, it is permissible to ride a bike or go swimming. Most doctors claim that exercise in the pool helps to quickly normalize blood circulation; in addition to training the muscles, the cardiovascular system becomes more resilient. When performing exercises for, the main thing is not to overdo it. It will be necessary to select the optimal physical activity based on the individual characteristics of the patient. Regular exercise helps improve blood flow in the legs and normalize venous pressure.

Remember, not all sports have a beneficial effect on the health of a patient with varicose veins of the lower extremities. For example, running is considered contraindicated; too much tension will only harm the dilated veins, which have lost their previous shape.

Gymnastic exercises for varicose veins

Gymnastics for varicose veins will help you get rid of excess weight and restore tone to your legs. To see results, you will have to work hard at physical education. The set of exercises is simple and does not require additional sports equipment. Physical exercises are carried out in the morning or at a suitable time, the main thing is to perform the exercises correctly and consistently.

For daily training, therapeutic gymnastics offers a simple, effective set of exercises:

  • For the first exercise you will need a regular chair. Sit on a chair with your feet together. Rise on your toes and lower on your heels without getting up, perform the exercise 20 times. The advantage of finger gymnastics is that the exercise is easy to do at work, if the profession involves constant interruption in a sitting position;
  • The next exercise is similar to the previous one, the technique is slightly different. Stand with your back to the table, rest your hands on it, rise on your toes and lower on your heels. Repeat the exercise 20 times;
  • Sitting on a chair, slightly raise your right leg and make small circular movements with your ankle 20 times. Repeat similar manipulations with your left leg, then using both limbs;
  • Extend both arms at shoulder level, lean against the wall, alternately stand on your tiptoes, then on your heels. Perform the exercise at least 20 times;
  • Straighten up and stand in the starting position. As you inhale, stand on your toes, raising your arms above your head; exhaling, lower yourself onto your heels, relaxing all your muscles.

Exercise therapy in the early stages of varicose veins

Many exercise therapy complexes have been developed to combat varicose veins at different stages. If the disease is at an early stage of development, it is suggested to perform simple physical exercises several times a day:

  • Lie on your back and relax, tuck your legs, perform light circular movements with your knee joints. Number of repetitions – 15 times;
  • The exercise involves breathing through the diaphragm. Try to relax completely. As you inhale, the stomach inflates, and as you exhale, it deflates. Repeat the steps 6 times at a slow pace;
  • Having taken a lying position, lift your legs a little, slowly bend, then straighten your legs at the ankle joint. Perform the exercise in 12 repetitions;
  • The exercise is performed in a supine position; you have to bend and straighten the lower limbs at the knees 5 times;
  • Take a deep breath, raising your upper limbs, exhaling, slowly lower your arms, do 6 times;
  • In a relaxed state, straighten and then bend your toes.

Exercises to improve vascular tone

Any physical activity is impossible without a warm-up, which prepares the body for the upcoming loads; do not forget about the initial stage of exercise.

For each individual problem, physical activities are designed to improve the patient’s condition. To restore the tone of the venous system of the legs, perform a number of exercise therapy exercises:

It is recommended to perform the above at least twice a day. As for the number of repetitions of each exercise, everything is individual. If you have the strength for 15 exercises, do it; if you wish, you can do even more repetitions. If you feel very tired, reduce the number of repetitions.

Expanded exercise therapy complex

Exercise therapy exercises must be performed lying on a hard surface, placing a pillow or device under your feet so that the lower limbs are raised by 25 cm.

Exercises for varicose veins will help get rid of the constant feeling of fatigue and swelling of the legs, and daily exercise will help normalize blood circulation. The complex consists of exercises:

  • Place your hands on your shoulders, make rotational movements with the shoulder joint, perform the exercise 8 times to the right and left;
  • Slowly sit down and lie down again, without bending your legs, repeat 5 times;
  • In the starting position, bend your legs, tilt to the right and left, do up to 10 repetitions;
  • Straighten your legs and place your arms along your body. You will need to simultaneously abduct your right leg and right arm, repeat with the left side. Repeat leg exercises 10 times;
  • Bend your knees and press the surface with your feet with a certain force, as if you were leaning on the pedals, repeat the exercise 6 times;
  • Spread your legs apart, then try to reach your left heel with your right hand and vice versa, try to repeat the exercise 15 times;
  • Pull your leg to your chest, lift it to the top and straighten it, freeze for a couple of seconds and take the starting position, repeat similar exercises on the other leg 10 times;
  • Clasp your arms and spread your legs. Raising your arms above your head, gradually pull yourself up and spread your arms to the sides and take a deep breath, take the starting position - exhale.

To perform the following exercises, you need to stand up and straighten up, grab a support that is located at chest level. A special gymnastic wall is used as a support; it can be replaced with suitable furniture. The set of exercises consists of:

  • Holding the support, move from one leg to the other, perform the exercise on tiptoes 10 times;
  • Turn your face to the support, stand on your toes and slowly squat 5 times so that your knees are spread in different directions;
  • Stand with your left side to the gymnastics rack, grab it with your left hand. Make 8 swings with your left leg, repeat the same with your right side.

Therapeutic gymnastics includes rest time; after training, lie down for a while in a relaxed state for 15 minutes.

Remember, physical exercises for the legs should not cause pain or provoke large swelling of the lower extremities. Exercises against varicose veins are effective if used as part of complex therapy, not forgetting drug treatment and physiotherapy.

Physical education and sports play an important role in the treatment and prevention of varicose veins. Exercises for varicose veins of the legs can be classified according to the goals they solve:

  • Prevention of the disease in people predisposed to it.
  • Elimination of symptoms in the initial stages.
  • Relieving pain, preventing the development of the disease before surgery.

A set of exercises for the prevention of varicose veins

How do you know whether a person is threatened by varicose veins or whether his vessels can fully cope with the volume of blood passing through them? Firstly, if your parents or grandparents had knots on their legs, then, with a high degree of probability, you will face the same problem.

Secondly, if you have been working out or playing sports seriously, your veins will tell the story at some point.

Thirdly, if your professional activity requires you to lift weights or stand in one place for a long time, this set of exercises is for you.

Exercises while sitting

  1. Pull your toes forward, forward-outward, forward-inward. Bend your feet toward you, outward and inward. Perform circular rotations in the ankle joints. You can perform it alternately with each leg, with both legs synchronously and alternately. Perform with maximum amplitude for up to 1 minute.
  2. Perform the same exercise by holding your foot with your hands, without straining the leg muscles.
  3. Using your hands, reach your big toe to your nose, ear, and try to put your foot behind your head. 1 time with each leg.
  4. Pull your knee towards your chest. Grab your foot with both hands. Without releasing your hands, straighten your leg and slide it along the floor. 2-3 times with each leg.

Kneeling Exercises

  1. Spread your shins to the sides, lower your pelvis to the floor between your heels. Sit for up to 15 seconds. If there is no pain, slowly lie down on your back. After 15 seconds, raise your legs up and shake. 1-2 times.
  2. Step forward into a deep lunge, if possible, do a split. 1 time with each leg.
  3. While supporting yourself on your hands, swing backwards with your toes pointed and to the side with your foot bent. Perform alternately 10 times with each leg.

Exercises while lying on your back

  1. Swing your bent and straight leg forward. Up to 10 times each.
  2. “Bicycle”, “scissors” up to 1 minute.
  3. “Birch”, with legs spreading and closing, with movements back and forth, with straight legs lowered behind the head to the floor.

The complex is designed for a working or student person who during the day walked, ran, climbed stairs, bent over, squatted, that is, the volume of basic motor actions has already been completed. For a person with a passive (sedentary) lifestyle, these exercises are not enough.

Exercises for varicose veins of the legs at the initial stage

If your efforts are unsuccessful, and small vascular mesh still appears on your legs, do not stop exercising. Leg exercises for varicose veins are the only way to make the blood flow faster. Muscles, contracting and relaxing, stimulate the walls of blood vessels and increase their tone.

  • To the initial complex, add a morning jog, you can do it at home, almost on the spot, but it’s better on soft ground in a park, in a forest, in a field.
  • During the working day, walk on your toes and heels, unbeknownst to others, begin to clubfoot and, conversely, turn your toes when walking into a ballet position.
  • Sitting on a chair, press your heels into the floor, try to push off, move away. Alternately straighten your legs, perform circular movements in the ankle and knee joints. If you have to sit for a long time, engage the gluteal muscles - roll left and right, straining the muscle that is in an unsupported position (in the air), then two at the same time. Do not sit cross-legged, it is better to roll on a chair, tap your feet or, standing on your toes, jog your legs.
  • Walk, don't use the elevator, play volleyball or badminton, join a gym. Fitness for varicose veins of the legs is not only allowed, but also recommended by doctors. You can't lift weights in a rack, but you can work with weights while sitting and lying down.

Legs need to work hard, but also rest a lot. In the evening, be sure to do stretching exercises in a sitting and lying position, and before going to bed - “birch”.

Exercise therapy for varicose veins in the stage of chronic swelling

Exercises for varicose veins in the legs are useful and necessary. They slow down the deformation of the walls of blood vessels and delay the formation of venous nodes, but do not always cure the disease.

When swelling appears in the morning, and in the evening your legs become heavy and painful, and you have cramps at night, you need to reduce physical activity and return to a set of preventive exercises. Perform in the morning and evening.

What exercises should you not do if you have varicose veins in your legs?

  1. Exercises in the rack with weights - a barbell, kettlebells, the weight of a partner.
  2. Game exercises that may involve hitting the legs.
  3. Loads of maximum power and endurance.
  4. Static exercises that cause prolonged flexion of the joint, for example, crouching.

You can read about what sports are best to do if you have varicose veins.

Women are also prohibited from walking, much less standing, in heels. You need to be barefoot most of the day and use natural conditions for non-standard exercises:

  • dangle your feet in a pond, in a bathtub with water, or at least in a basin;
  • immerse your feet in the sand and move them under a thick layer;
  • having poured the salt into a deep basin, collect it with your toes, pour it from foot to foot;
  • dive into river mud and perform foot exercises with natural resistance.

Physical activity must be combined with.

Varicose veins significantly worsen the patient's quality of life. It is difficult to completely get rid of the disease. But, with the help of medications, physiotherapy, folk remedies and specialized exercises, you can ease its course and neutralize negative symptoms - pain and heaviness in the legs, discomfort, swelling.

Varicose veins are understood as chronic lengthening and expansion of veins, which is characterized by thinning of the vascular walls and the formation of venous nodes. The etiology is due to many factors - serious vein diseases, valve insufficiency, physical inactivity - a sedentary lifestyle.

Gymnastics for varicose veins of the lower extremities is recommended for all patients with this diagnosis. Phlebologists point out that the more a person moves, the higher the chance of living a normal and fulfilling life. Therefore, exercise therapy is part of the comprehensive treatment of varicose veins in women and men.

The benefits of physical exercise for varicose veins, features of performing exercises, contraindications to training - we will consider further.

Physical activity and varicose veins of the lower extremities

The diagnosis of “varicose veins of the lower extremities” does not appear to be an obstacle to playing sports, especially if a person is accustomed to an active lifestyle. It is recommended to engage in fitness activities using exercise equipment in the gym only after consultation with a medical specialist. During training, be sure to wear compression garments. It supports the venous walls during stress.

Varicose veins come in three stages. Depending on the stage of the disease, physical activity is selected. At the first stage of the pathology, blue veins or nodules appear on the patient’s skin. There is no swelling of the legs or pain. At this stage of the disease, you can exercise on strength training equipment. But they choose those that have the least load.

Before starting a workout, a warm-up is required. It helps warm up the leg muscles, prevents injury, and prevents thrombophlebitis. Intense and prolonged training on a treadmill is contraindicated for stage 1 varicose veins.

At the second stage of the pathological process, veins are already visually visible on the extremities, the patient complains of heaviness in the legs, and the ankles swell in the evening. At this stage of the disease, you can engage in swimming, water aerobics, and Pilates. These types of fitness do not lead to heavy stress, and water, on the contrary, strengthens muscles and normalizes blood circulation.

Against the background of the second stage of varicose veins, you cannot do:

  • Strength aerobics;
  • On an exercise bike;
  • On a treadmill;
  • Running and jumping rope are prohibited.

The third stage indicates an advanced clinical picture. The patient exhibits the entire spectrum of negative symptoms. It is allowed to swim in warm water, hike in compression garments, and perform specialized exercises for varicose veins.

Forceful loads on the lower limbs are prohibited.

Benefits and features of exercise therapy for varicose veins

Exercises for varicose veins of the lower extremities are useful. The gymnastic complex helps improve lymphatic and venous outflow, increases physical endurance, and normalizes arterial inflow. If you exercise regularly, the veins become stronger, their tone increases, and peripheral circulation is normalized.

If a patient with varicose veins leads a sedentary lifestyle, this will soon lead to venous stagnation of blood in the affected veins, which will provoke an increase in the load on them, as a result, the progression of the disease will accelerate, complications will appear and the clinical picture will worsen.

The easiest sport for varicose veins is walking. They are available to every patient without exception. It is useful to go swimming, you can ride a bike.

There is a set of exercises that is designed specifically for the treatment of varicose veins. In order for your training to be as effective as possible, you should follow these rules:

  1. Squats, lunges and power lifts are prohibited.
  2. You can do the exercises while lying down or sitting. Train the muscles of the upper body without restrictions.

A set of exercises for ARV

Phlebologists advise performing special exercises for varicose veins twice a day for 15-20 minutes. Preferably in the morning and evening. You cannot push yourself to the point of exhaustion; each person has his own physical limits.

They start small, especially if the patient has not previously exercised at all. For the first time, a 5-minute charge is enough. In the future, you can gradually increase the time to the recommended one. If you feel very tired during training, you should stop.

There are several training sets. The main set of exercises for varicose veins of the lower/upper extremities and pelvis consists of the following exercises:

  • The patient lies on his back, bends one limb, and pulls it towards the chest. Afterwards, you need to straighten your leg, stay in this position for 2-5 seconds, and lower it down. Repeat for the other leg. A total of 5-10 repetitions;
  • Lie on the floor, bend your legs and lift them up. Straighten them. Hold this position for 2 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times;
  • Lie on a flat surface, raise and straighten your legs. Next, perform rotational movements with your feet. You can bend and straighten your fingers for 30 seconds. Lower your legs and rest for half a minute. Repeat 5-10 times;
  • Sit on a chair, you cannot lean on the back. Next, you need to rest your heels on the floor. Then move your toes in different directions. Repeat 20-25 times;
  • Lie on your stomach with your hands firmly on your hips. Lift each limb in turn as high as possible. At the highest point, hold for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 8-12 times;
  • Stand up straight, arms along your body. Take a deep breath, raise your upper limbs up, and stand on your toes. As you exhale, take the “swallow” pose. Repeat 5-7 times.

The listed exercises effectively combat varicose veins. You need to exercise every day.

Therapeutic and preventive gymnastics for varicose veins of the legs

We discussed general exercises above. They can be included in your morning exercises. They also highlight a special complex that helps strengthen the leg muscles and increase the tone of blood vessels and veins. Therapeutic gymnastics for persons over 50 years of age is permitted only after consultation with a phlebologist.

Leg unloading exercise. You need to lie down on the floor, close your eyes and try to relax. Breathing is uniform, there should be no “ragged” inhalations and exhalations. Several pillows are placed under the lower limbs - this will allow them to be raised by 15-20 degrees. The duration of such “relaxation” is 10-15 minutes.

Exercise to normalize blood flow. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, and place your feet firmly on the floor. Hands are placed on the hips. Inhale slowly, raise your head and body. Your hands should slide smoothly towards your knees. Exhale slowly, return to the original position, repeat several times.

The following exercises help strengthen blood vessels and veins with varicose veins:

  1. Lie on the floor, arms along your body, and do not rest your palms on the floor. The legs are raised 20 degrees, a pillow is clamped between them. As you lift your legs, slowly inhale, bend at the lower back, and lift your buttocks off the floor. As you exhale, return to the original position.
  2. Lie on the floor, arms along your body. Bend your legs at the knees, rest your feet on the floor. As you inhale, pull in your stomach, and as you exhale, inflate. Repeat several times.
  3. Stand straight, feet together. As you inhale, rise up on your toes, and as you exhale, lower down. Repeat 15-20 times.

The “bicycle” exercise helps speed up blood circulation. You need to lie on your back, raise your legs and imitate riding a bicycle with your limbs. The duration of the lesson is several minutes. Over time, you can increase the time and pace.

According to doctors, the “scissors” exercise is no less effective for venous insufficiency. You need to lie on your back, arms along your body, then make crossing movements with your legs.

Morning exercises for varicose veins of the lower extremities

It is believed that the maximum benefit from training is revealed if the patient exercises immediately after waking up. Charging does not take much time; it is enough to wake up 15-20 minutes earlier than usual. After waking up, you should immediately start training.

Vibration activity. Lie on the floor, raise your upper and lower limbs, then make small shaking movements. We must try to perform them in such a way that a feeling of vibration appears. Shake your hands and feet for 2-3 minutes.

Then they move on to the “birch tree” exercise. Many people have known it since school. You need to lie on your back, lean on your shoulder blades, and raise your legs high. Hold for 1-2 minutes. If possible, it is recommended to complicate the “birch”; for this, while lifting the legs, they are bent and unbent.

Morning exercises include the following exercises for varicose veins:

  • Limb lifts. IP – the patient lies on his back, legs straight. You need to slowly pull one leg towards your chest and hold the position for 10 seconds. Repeat the movement, but with the other limb. If possible, you can pull your legs to your chest at the same time - at first you can help yourself with your hands;
  • Rear leg raises. Lie on your stomach, arms along your body. Raise your legs one by one. Over time, the exercise can be complicated - raise your leg, bend your knee and try to hit your buttock with your heel.

Perform 10 repetitions. If fatigue appears earlier, then you need to stop - you cannot overload the body. Physical endurance comes with time. After morning exercises, you need to lie down for 10-15 minutes. A pad is placed under the lower limbs. Then put on compression garments and get out of bed.

Varicose veins are a pathology that affects a person’s quality of life at any age. It brings a lot of discomfort and is not always cured. But there are many conservative and non-traditional methods to alleviate this condition. One of them is gymnastics for varicose veins, which helps relieve pain and fatigue and increase the effectiveness of drug treatment. A simple set of exercises will suit absolutely everyone.

The benefits of gymnastics for legs with varicose veins

With varicose veins, the veins expand and, as a result, their walls become thinner over time and nodes form. The disease mainly affects the veins of the lower extremities in the area of ​​the leg and foot. With constant progression, it causes circulatory problems and associated painful symptoms. There is heaviness and pain in the legs, swelling after prolonged standing or walking. The condition can be alleviated, especially at the initial stage of the disease, with the help of special therapeutic exercises.

Gymnastics for varicose veins is a whole set of simple exercises suitable for every person.

When treating varicose veins, gymnastics is very important

It helps not only to improve well-being, but also to solve a number of important problems for eliminating the disease and preventing complications:

  • improve blood flow;
  • tone blood vessels;
  • normalize peripheral blood circulation;
  • increase physical endurance;
  • stimulate arterial blood flow;
  • prevent degenerative processes in blood vessels and tissues;
  • improve the appearance of legs (relevant for women).

Physical activity for varicose veins should be moderate so as not to harm health, but to improve it. Before starting therapeutic training, it is recommended to consult with a phlebologist and select the optimal complex.

Gymnastics for varicose veins: what you can and cannot do

Varicose veins are often caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Blood stagnates in the vessels, causing their elasticity and firmness to be lost. If no measures are taken in time, heaviness, pain and discomfort quickly appear. You can prevent unpleasant symptoms with exercise. But not all types of exercise are suitable for this disease.

Therapeutic and preventive methods for varicose veins include, in addition to the use of medications, special gymnastics

  • professional sports with heavy loads;
  • weightlifting, especially deadlifting;
  • deep squats;
  • lunges;
  • lifting weights and barbells in a standing position;
  • long run;
  • sports that involve jumping (step aerobics, volleyball, basketball).

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With great restrictions and only with the permission of a doctor, you can perform exercises on exercise machines, do fitness and dance. There are no restrictions for training the upper body, provided that the legs are fully unloaded.

Gymnastics for varicose veins of the lower extremities should include:

  • walking (race walking);
  • cycling;
  • swimming;
  • moderate cardio exercise on recumbent exercise bikes;
  • water aerobics;
  • exercises in a lying position.

In any case, therapeutic exercises should bring pleasant sensations and relief. Therefore, a set of exercises must be selected individually based on how you feel.

With the help of a special set of physical exercises you can significantly influence the further course of the disease

Simple exercises against varicose veins of the legs

You need to start training with a basic set of exercises. A few simple movements will help warm up your muscles and prepare your body for constant exercise. This complex is especially relevant for those who have never played sports and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

  1. Start with the simplest exercise, which can be done without getting out of bed. While lying down, pull the toes of both feet towards and away from you. Repeat several times at a slow pace. You will immediately feel a pleasant warmth and stretch in your legs.
  2. Remaining in the same position, make circular movements with your feet in one direction or the other. At the same time, you can pull out and direct your socks towards you.
  3. While standing, walk from heel to toe, slowly and carefully changing position. Ten repetitions are enough to disperse the blood through the veins and stretch the lower leg.
  4. Sitting straight in a chair, raise and lower your heels. In one approach you need to perform at least 20 repetitions, rest for a few minutes and do it again. This exercise is especially relevant for those who have a sedentary job - you can do it without getting up from your desk.
  5. By doing household chores, you can simultaneously treat varicose veins. Instead of the usual step, walk around the apartment first on your toes and then on your heels. This will restore blood circulation and relieve heaviness.

Sets of specially designed exercises are recommended not only for people suffering from this disease.

The complex is accessible to everyone at any age. There is no need to specially allocate time and place for it. To feel good, it is enough to perform these exercises several times a day without interrupting your work.

Gymnastics for legs with varicose veins: the main set of exercises

Therapeutic exercises should be included in the daily schedule of every person suffering from varicose veins. 15–30 minutes a day is enough to restore blood circulation and feel good. It is advisable to perform the exercises twice a day, in the morning after waking up and in the evening after work.

Experts recommend including the following exercises in your regular training program:

  • Lie on a hard surface, bend your left leg and pull it towards your stomach. Slowly straighten it up, staying in the air for a couple of seconds, and return to the starting position. Repeat the same movement with your right foot. Perform 10 times on each side.
  • Roll over onto your stomach, stretch your arms along your body. Raise your legs one by one and slowly return to the starting position. Eight repetitions are enough.
  • Lying on your back, raise your legs at a right angle. Rotate your feet in one direction and the other in turn. After 10 revolutions, lower your legs and rest. Then repeat the exercise.

Fitness. Allowed only in the initial stage of the disease

  • Stand straight on your toes, raise your arms. From this position, slowly move your leg back into the “swallow” pose, stay at the top point, and return to the starting position. Repeat similarly for the other leg. Up to ten repetitions on each leg is enough.
  • In a standing position, lean on the back of a chair. Move your right leg to the side and do 5 rotations. Change leg and do the same.
  • The “Scissors” exercise from school physical education lessons will also help with varicose veins. You need to lie down on a flat and hard surface, raise your legs perpendicular to the floor and make cross movements, moving your left and right legs alternately one after the other.
  • “Bicycle” copes well with venous problems of the extremities. From the previous position, you need to perform movements with your feet, like on the pedals of a bicycle.
  • If you have a fitball or large ball in the house, you can do the exercise with it. You need to lie on your back, put a ball under your knees and roll it in different directions using your legs. This method accelerates the blood well and tones the walls of blood vessels.

From the proposed options, you need to choose the appropriate complex individually. It is important to perform it regularly, not forgetting about the breathing rhythm and drinking enough plain water. Therapeutic exercises for varicose veins of the legs are designed to relieve symptoms, and therefore should bring only positive sensations and emotions.

If you have varicose veins, you cannot engage in absolutely any kind of sports.

Preventive exercises to unload the legs

Varicose veins do not appear out of nowhere; they develop against the background of unfavorable internal and external factors. To minimize the risks of the disease and its complications, especially with an unhealthy lifestyle and low physical activity, it is necessary to engage in therapeutic exercises for preventive purposes.

You don’t need expensive training and heavy loads, just do the following exercises regularly:

  • walk in the morning at a sporty pace for 20–30 minutes, including periodically walking on toes and heels;
  • lie with your legs slightly elevated in the evenings, while turning your feet to improve blood flow;
  • in a lying position, bend your legs, rest your heels on the floor, tilt your legs to the left and to the right;
  • sitting on the floor, lean on your hands behind your back, bend one leg and lift the other 5-10 times, then change legs;
  • lie down, outstretched arms pressed with palms to the floor, put a light pillow on your feet, lift it up, slightly lifting your buttocks off the floor;
  • in a standing position with a straight back, roll slowly from heel to toe, without making sudden movements.

The preventive complex is suitable for everyone, regardless of age and level of physical fitness. Varicose veins can occur in every person, so even minimal activity will help prevent the disease and tone the cardiovascular system.