So that the lemon gives more juice. Squeeze me completely or how to get more juice from citrus fruits

The juice taken from fresh fruits is used not only in the world of cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes. Often, fresh lemon juice is added to various masks designed to improve the condition of the skin or hair. Fragrant slices are added to teapots, and the juice itself is introduced into various colored cocktails as a means of subsistence for separating the layers. What can we say about baking, which, due to this product acquires a slight sourness. Each person when receiving juice tries to squeeze out the maximum from the citrus. We will look at how this can be done today.

Manner 1

  1. If citrus fruits were previously placed in the refrigerator's fruit and vegetable drawer, remove them and keep them warm in the kitchen. In an hour, the fruits will reach a temperature no lower than room temperature; it is easier to extract juice from these specimens than from those that have been cooled for a long time.
  2. It's all about the low temperature: the temperature only contributes to the hardening of the walls in the citrus cavity, which does not allow the juice to come out in sufficient quantities. When the fruit has rested slightly, you can begin classical squeezing in the way you are used to doing it.
  3. If you don’t have time to wait, then pour heated water into a deep bowl, but not boiling water. Dip the fruit into the liquid and let it warm up. The water cools down quickly, so replace it with new one. It is enough to hold the apple for about 3-10 minutes, and then start squeezing. The juice will come out in much larger quantities.

Method 2

  1. This technology is often used by professional chefs around the world. The bottom line is that the citrus must first be placed in the freezer and then sharply heated in the microwave. No, no, and if the contents inside the fruit freeze, they will automatically increase in volume. On top of this background, the formed ice tears the membranes, and the juice then comes out more easily.
  2. When you keep the fruit in the freezer, the beloved will harden and cannot be crushed. Microwave the product for exactly 45 seconds, it all depends on the power of the device. Arm yourself afterwards sharp knife, chop the citrus and squeeze the contents out of it.
  3. If you don’t want to experiment with freezing and then thawing the offspring, then do something different. To increase the amount of final fresh juice by 30% or even more, put the citrus in the microwave without keeping it in the cold beforehand. Set it to about 15 seconds. You need to get the peel warm. After the timer signal, take out the fruit and try to squeeze out the liquid.

Recipe 3

  1. Before cutting a citrus fruit, it should be thoroughly rolled on a hard surface. Take the fruit and start moving it back and forth. Press it with such force that the shape of the lemon is slightly deformed. Do not crush the fruit.
  2. A similar session is carried out with the purpose of breaking the walls of the fruit pulp. As a result, the chyle will be much easier to squeeze out. After the procedure has been carried out correctly, the golden fruit should be cut. Just do it not across, but to the length.
  3. If you cut the fruit in this way from the tail to the top, you will end up with 3 times preferably fresh juice. If you do the same with a medium-sized lemon, cutting it crosswise some month, you will end up with about 40 ml. juice
  4. Do not forget that the larger the surface, the more it exposes the pulp. It is in the dense layer of pulp that the most fresh juice can swirl. Therefore, if the pulp is visible almost entirely, the loss of fresh juice will be significantly less.

Method 4

  1. You can also try to squeeze out citrus juice using a regular dinner fork. Once you cut the germ into two parts, you need to stick the teeth of the cutlery into the mesophyll. Next, try to squeeze out the fresh juice in your usual way.
  2. As soon as you notice that the juice begins to flow with less force, turn the fork and repeat the pressure. Repeat these steps until the lemon is completely depleted. Do the same with the second half of the citrus.
  3. This kind of method is very similar to the principle of operation of a manual lemon juicer. Due to sharp teeth and pressure from your side, the membranes are pierced. As a result of such simple actions, significantly more juice flows out.

In fact, squeezing juice from a citrus fruit is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To obtain maximum amount fresh, study each method. As an experiment, try each of them. Over time, choose one and constantly resort to its help.

Lemon juice is widely popular due to its chemical composition and a wide range of applications. Fresh juice is added to drinks, first and second courses. Pure fresh juice is used in cosmetology to combat dermatological problems. Regular and dosed use compensates for the deficiency ascorbic acid in the body and fights seasonal colds. The advantage lies in the fact that preparing lemon juice at home is not particularly difficult. Let's look at everything in order.

Benefits of lemon juice

  1. Diluted pure drinking water Fresh juice is often used to remove mucus from the respiratory tract, in particular to treat bronchitis. Lemon juice copes with the symptoms of the disease, reduces fever, fights sore throat and asthma. It is effective for wet and dry cough.
  2. Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, which is found in excess in the drink, strengthens the immune system. In the periods between seasons, as well as in the midst of a flu epidemic, it is useful to use the drug to increase the body's protective functions.
  3. If you drink lemon juice in measured quantities, you will improve memory and vision, and increase physical endurance. The drug helps cope with the effects of stress, improves mood and morale, reduces fatigue, and has a beneficial effect on a person’s overall psycho-emotional background.
  4. Lemon juice is used in teeth whitening and oral disinfection. It fights bleeding gums and reduces the risk of caries. The drink promotes weight loss because it speeds up food digestion and blood circulation.
  5. Fresh renders positive influence on blood vessels, making their walls strong and elastic. The drink strengthens cell membranes, cleans blood channels, normalizes arterial pressure when it decreases. Lemon juice - excellent prevention heart attacks, strokes and atherosclerosis.
  6. Lemon juice is good for facial skin. Just soak a cosmetic sponge in the fresh juice, then walk over the area with age spots, freckles and wrinkles. Combine cosmetic procedures It’s better to take the drink orally. It gives the epidermis a glow and evens out the complexion.
  7. Pectin, which is part of the drug, is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism. The element does not allow fast carbohydrates be absorbed into the blood for short term, maintaining sugar at the optimal level. This property is highly valued by diabetics.
  8. If consumed lemon juice with water after morning awakening, you will get the job done digestive tract. Fresh removes old waste and toxins from the body, cleanses the liver, kidneys and gallbladder from the accumulation of poisons.

Subtleties of making lemon juice

Choose for making fresh juice citrus fruit minimal or medium size. Large fruits are “dried”, they lose some of their properties and are too thick-skinned. Before starting manipulations, wash the lemons with soda, then scald with boiling water. This move will allow you to squeeze out most of the juice. From 1 citrus you will get about 35-65 ml. fresh, it all depends on the size of the raw material.

Lemon juice can be prepared in the following ways:

  1. Hand press. On store shelves there is a manual juicer that is designed to extract juice from the pulp of citrus fruits. The device is not suitable for other types of fruit. The cost of the device is low (about 500 rubles). To use a hand press, cut the lemon into 2 pieces. Then “prick” the pulp onto a special protrusion and begin to twist clockwise or counterclockwise. Finally, strain the juice through cheesecloth.
  2. Juicer. An electric device costs an order of magnitude more than its manual counterpart, but the result is worth it. You will get all the juice in the lemons. The “dried” pulp will come out through a special compartment. The fresh juice is released into a special hole. The drink does not require subsequent filtration through gauze.
  3. Blender, meat grinder. The most common and effective way obtain lemon juice. After rinsing, chop the fruits into several small pieces and place them in a blender. Grind until it becomes a porridge with juice, then place on a gauze cloth. Squeeze the fresh juice into a separate container. In a similar way, lemons are crushed and the juice is subsequently obtained through a meat grinder.
  4. Manual squeeze. If there is none of listed devices, the only way left is to squeeze the juice with my own hands. To do this, wash and rinse the lemon, scald hot water, dry. Then cut the fruit into 4 parts, squeeze out the juice from each section. Press firmly on the zest to compress the pulp. Subsequent filtration through gauze is optional.

Lemon juice with sugar

  • granulated sugar- 80 gr.
  • drinking water - 145 ml.
  • lemon juice - 70 ml.
  • lemon peel (ground, fresh) - 30 gr.
  1. Boil water in the amount according to the recipe, pour it over the lemon zest and wait half an hour. After this time, pour in lemon juice, add granulated sugar (you can replace it with honey).
  2. Place the contents on the stove and simmer, avoiding boiling. When the drink reaches 70 degrees, turn off the burner. Serve warm or cold, as desired.

Lemon juice with honey

  • drinking water - 480 ml.
  • lemon juice (fresh squeezed) - 60 ml.
  • honey - 25 gr.
  1. you can use mineral water with or without gas. Mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with honey and water and stir.
  2. Place the contents in the refrigerator for half an hour, then start eating. Honey water with lemon boosts immunity and helps you lose weight if you drink it on an empty stomach.

Lemon juice with chamomile

  • honey - 25 gr.
  • dry chamomile (flowers) - 10 gr.
  • fresh lemon - 90 ml.
  • drinking water - 0.35 l.
  1. Boil water and pour it over the chamomile inflorescences. Leave for half an hour, then strain and add honey. Let it dissolve.
  2. After this, add fresh lemon juice and start eating. The drink reminds Herb tea with lemon balm.
  3. The drink cleanses the intestines well of old toxins, restores water-salt balance, and eliminates swelling of the extremities.

Lemon juice with ginger

  • table water - 850 ml.
  • lemon - 1.5 pcs.
  • sheet green tea- 10 gr.
  • ginger root - 2 cm.
  1. Peel the ginger root and grate it on a coarse grater. Place in a saucepan. Pour water here and add green leaf tea.
  2. Bring the contents to a boil, then cover and let sit for at least 45 minutes.
  3. When the specified time has elapsed, filter using 3 layers of gauze. Add fresh squeezed lemon juice and start tasting.

Preparing freshly squeezed lemon juice is an easy process that even a novice housewife can handle. Use a meat grinder or blender, hand press, or electric juicer. Get a drink good quality, squeezing out the fresh juice with your hands. Prepare a cocktail low concentration according to the above recipes. Lose weight, improve your health, cleanse your body with the whole family.

Video: water with lemon juice

Got lemon juice wide application in cooking. It is used in cooking sweet pastries, refreshing drinks, marinades and sauces for meat dishes and in many other recipes.

In addition to its pleasant taste, this one is rich big amount vitamins and is very useful.

How to use a juicer

You can get lemon juice different ways. But it is not always possible to squeeze out the fruit completely, and some of the juice remains in the pulp.

You can squeeze juice from a lemon either using a juicer or using improvised means.

Juicers are manual and electric. If the question is how to quickly squeeze juice out of a lemon, then modern devices with good power are able to process the entire lemon, along with the peel, in just one minute. shortest time. The resulting juice is usually filtered to remove any pulp, remaining peel or seeds. One medium-sized lemon yields about 50-60 ml of juice.

A manual juicer will require more time and effort.

When used correctly, you can get almost the same amount of lemon juice.

How to make lemon juice without a juicer

How to squeeze juice from a lemon if you don’t have a juicer at hand? Other methods can be used.

  • The easiest way is to cut the fruit in half, then squeeze the juice out of each half one by one. In this case, you can simultaneously knead the pulp with a convenient cutlery (for example, a fork).
  • You can cut the lemon into small pieces, place it in a piece of gauze of sufficient size and squeeze the juice out of the lemon as in the first method. But in this case, you will need to make an effort to get more product.
  • Not very common, but very effective method- This is the heat treatment of lemon. You need to hold it for a while hot water(about 1 minute). Or place in the microwave for 15-20 seconds, after making several punctures in the fruit. After this preparation, you can squeeze the juice from the lemon as described above. Thanks to heat treatment, the fruit will release its juice completely.

  • You can peel the citrus, cut it into 4-6 pieces (depending on size), place in a bowl and mash with a fork. This method doesn't always help to get a large number of juice It can be used if the recipe calls for the use of fruit pulp along with juice.

The process of obtaining juice is not difficult for any housewife. But a few tips will help speed up and simplify it:

  • Lemons should always be washed thoroughly under running water. This does not depend on whether it is used with or without the peel.

  • Before squeezing the juice, it is recommended to knead the fruit with your hands for a few seconds or roll it on the table, pressing firmly with your palm. This is necessary so that the membranes containing the juice burst under the pressure of the hands. After such manipulations, the fruit will release its juice completely.
  • Heat treatment also helps release juice from membranes. Only in this case this occurs due to an increase in temperature, and not due to mechanical impact.
  • If you need very little juice, you don’t have to use the whole lemon. It is enough to make a puncture in it with a skewer or knitting needle. Then you can squeeze out the required amount of juice. Store the lemon in the refrigerator until next use.

Knowing how to squeeze more juice out of a lemon, all that remains is to purchase juicy, ripe fruit.

  • Ripe fruit It is easy to distinguish from an unripe lemon by its peel. In ripe citrus it has shine. In this case, the color of the peel does not matter.

  • The density of the fruit also indicates its properties. A ripe lemon should spring back slightly when pressed, without losing its shape and remaining firm.
  • If the lemon is soft, it means it is overripe. Such a fruit loses all its taste and medicinal properties. It is not recommended to purchase it.
  • First harvest lemons often have smooth skin. Such fruits contain more vitamins and benefits.
  • The lumpy peel of a lemon is usually very thick. The fruit will weigh a lot, but there will be little pulp and juice in it.
  • The peel should not be stained or damaged.

If you accidentally purchased an unripe fruit, you should put it aside and after a while, when the lemon is ripe, you can use it.

Followers healthy image In life, lemon juice is often used; it tones well and gives a boost of strength. Yes, lemon juice is also often needed in cooking. But squeezing juice from this fruit is not always easy, especially if you don’t have a juicer at hand. And this is where our advice comes in handy - how to squeeze the most out of lemon.

Lemons that have been left out of the refrigerator for a while, in a warm place, are much easier to squeeze than cold ones - and you will be able to squeeze out more juice. The low temperature causes the membranes inside the lemon to shrink and harden, making the fruit tougher. Lemon at room temperature, on the contrary, has a soft structure, and the juice from such a lemon is easier to squeeze.

  • Warm lemon in a bowl of water

If you don't have time to wait, you can heat the lemon. Warm lemons are even softer than room temperature lemons and can yield more juice. Fill a small or medium bowl warm water, but not boiling water. The water should be warm enough that you feel warm when you touch the bowl. Place the lemon in the water and wait 4-5 minutes.

  • Roll it on the table before cutting

Take a whole lemon and roll it on a hard surface. Press it harder so that its shape is slightly deformed, but try not to crush it. You need to roll the lemon in order to break the membranes in its pulp - this will make squeezing it out much easier.

  • Microwave

With this method you will get 30-40% more juice. You can either heat it whole or cut it in half so the flesh is exposed, but keeping it whole will prevent any liquid from getting into the microwave. Microwave the lemon for 10-20 seconds. You need to remove it as soon as the lemon skin becomes warm to the touch. The lemon should not be too hot. The disturbed molecules of the lemon's liquid will soften and loosen the pulp, making it easier for you to squeeze out the juice and making it easier to break through the membranes containing the juice.

  • "Shock therapy"

Before you microwave the lemon, place it in the freezer. Very low temperatures cause an increase in the volume of water and turn it into ice. Increasing the volume of liquid can weaken or even rupture the membranes containing lemon juice - which means they will not protect it from you.

After removing the lemon from the freezer, microwave it for 30 to 60 seconds until it is soft enough to cut. Molecules of the liquid, disturbed by heating, will break out of the membranes almost without any effort.

  • Cut along the length, not across

By cutting a lemon from top to tail, you will get 3 times more juice. If you cut a medium-sized lemon crosswise, you will only be able to squeeze out 2-3 tablespoons (30-45 ml) of lemon juice. A larger surface exposes more flesh. The juice may be in a dense layer of pulp, but if the entire pulp is visible, there will be less juice loss.

  • Squeeze out the juice using a fork