What foods contain carbohydrates? Foods rich in carbohydrates - diets for losing weight and gaining muscle mass based on them

The human body is made up of many different substances. To maintain their required level, you need to eat right. A lack of certain elements leads to fatigue, irritation and apathy. This condition is due to a lack of important energy resources. Every person needs to know what foods contain carbohydrates. A list of foods with these compounds will help improve your health, and those who want to lose weight will help get rid of excess weight.

Carbohydrates are represented by organic compounds that are included in all human tissues and cells, as well as animal and plant organisms. They contain molecules of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Substances supply the human body with the energy necessary for full life. Carbohydrates make up about 2.7% of total mass bodies. The processing of protein and fats is not possible without them.

Basic properties of organic compounds:

  1. Supply of energy resources. When carbohydrate is oxidized, 17 kJ or 4.1 kcal is produced. The process is accompanied by the consumption of glucose or glycogen, which represent a reserve supply of compounds.
  2. Participation in the formation of various structural units of the body. Carbohydrates help form cell membranes, produce nucleic acids, nucleotides, enzymes and other important substances.
  3. Formation of energy reserves for the body. When the compounds take the form of glycogen, they are deposited in the liver, as well as in the tissues of muscles and other organs.
  4. The role of anticoagulants. Carbohydrates can thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  5. Protection against bacteria and viruses. The substances are found in the mucus that envelops the walls digestive tract. They are also present on the surface of the respiratory and genitourinary systems. The protective mucus that coats the internal organs helps the body fight viral and bacterial infections. It protects tissues from mechanical damage.
  6. Improved digestion. Carbohydrates stimulate the functioning of enzymes in the stomach, which has a positive effect on digestive processes. Organic compounds allow for rapid absorption nutrients and normalize the function of gastrointestinal motility.

Carbohydrates determine blood type and help prevent cancer. The brain especially needs these substances. Experts confirm that people who consume carbohydrates in the required amount are characterized by quick reactions and good brain activity.

Groups of substances

It is important for people to know about carbohydrate-containing foods, since organic compounds are not all the same. Some of these substances are absorbed faster, while others are absorbed more slowly.

All carbohydrates are divided into two main types:

  1. Complex (slow). Such compounds are represented by polysaccharides, which are saturated natural products. Some examples of hard-to-digest substances are fiber, starch and glycogen. They are also called good carbohydrates. Substances contain long chains of molecules. They help reduce general level blood sugar. If a person regularly consumes complex carbohydrate foods, he always receives the necessary energy. In addition, after eating food with these substances, a feeling of fullness remains for a long time.
  2. Simple (fast). These easily digestible carbohydrates are divided into monosaccharides and disaccharides. They are necessary when you lose strength and when you need to quickly restore performance for a short period of time. Such substances are processed in a few seconds. Glucose and fructose molecules then enter the bloodstream. Due to a sharp increase in sugar levels, a jump in insulin occurs, after which the person becomes more energetic, but for a short time.

Products with simple carbohydrates are stored in the body as fat reserves, so they are considered bad. Those wishing to lose weight should choose foods that contain low amounts of these compounds.

Monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides vary in the degree of molecular complexity. The body breaks down slow carbohydrates into glucose, which enters the cells through the bloodstream. Some foods contain indigestible compounds such as fiber. The substance has a good effect on peristalsis and intestinal microflora. It also protects against bad cholesterol and removes harmful components from the body.

Oligosaccharides consist of 2−10 monosaccharide residues connected by glycosidic bonds. Such substances are divided into disaccharides, trisaccharides, etc. Sucrose, lactose and maltose belong to the first group, which includes residues of two monosaccharides. This type of carbon compound takes longer to digest than glucose and fructose. In lactose, galactose is formed, which does not occur in free form.

Daily norm

Maintaining the ratio of organic compounds in your body is not so easy. In addition, the activity in which the person is engaged should be taken into account. For mental and physical activity you need to consume different amounts of carbohydrates. On average, a person should receive 400 g of nutrients per day, of which 20% should be easily digestible.

  • for men: for mental activity - 350 g, for severe physical work- 400−450 g;
  • for women: for mental work - 300 g, for physical activity - 350−400 g;
  • adolescents: 150−200 g;
  • children: 200−300 g;
  • elderly: 250−300 g.

20-30 g of this volume should be fiber. Refined white or brown sugar should not be taken more than 50 g per day. Experts advise consuming 20-30 g of it daily.

To lose weight you need to reduce daily norm carbohydrates up to 150 g. In some cases, it may be 100 g, but this decision should be discussed with a nutritionist. Experts recommend eating high-carbohydrate meals in the first half of the day so that the body has time to digest the substances before the evening. In addition, you should refuse white sugar which adds weight.

Children and adolescents may experience hyperactive behavior as their intake of carbohydrate-rich foods increases. In this case, it is necessary to gradually eliminate white flour from the children’s diet. pasta, rice and other foods that contain simple connections. You also need to simultaneously increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and dairy products you consume. A balanced diet will significantly reduce behavioral disorder.

Products containing carbohydrates

To be healthy, you should know where to get carbohydrate foods. Experts advise making a list of foods that contain simple carbohydrates and complex substances. It will show you what to remove or add to your daily diet to improve your health, lose weight or gain weight. muscle mass.

  • flour products (bread, rolls, bagels, biscuits, cookies, pies, donuts, croissants);
  • confectionery products (cakes, pastries, chocolates, milk chocolate, caramel);
  • natural honey (linden, buckwheat, clover);
  • jam, jam;
  • granulated sugar;
  • cereals (semolina and rice, corn flakes, white wheat);
  • sweet fruits (apricots, grapes, bananas, melons, watermelons);
  • vegetables (tomatoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes);
  • dried fruits (raisins, dates, prunes);
  • juices, syrups.

Fast carbohydrates can be obtained from some harmful food sources. The substances are found in carbonated and alcoholic drinks, pizza, hot dogs and potato chips. There are also simple compounds in boiled and fried potatoes, boiled carrots, canned sweet corn, pasta, oatmeal, marmalade, halva, ice cream.

The main list of foods rich in complex carbohydrates:

  • flour products made from wholemeal flour;
  • mushrooms;
  • cereal crops (durum wheat);
  • legumes (beans, lentils, soybeans, peas);
  • fruits and berries (pears, apples, peaches, kiwis, pomegranates, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lemon);
  • berries (raspberries, red and black currant, gooseberry);
  • vegetables (celery root, onions, radishes, zucchini, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, broccoli, bell pepper, cucumbers);
  • greens (sorrel, green onions, spinach).

All of these products are healthy. Compounds that are slowly processed by the body are also found in dark chocolate, olives and durum wheat pasta.

Those who want to lose weight need to know which foods contain the most carbohydrates. Table with proper diet will help support optimal level substances in the body. The most carbohydrate-rich foods are pasta, baked goods, confectionery, canned juices, carbonated drinks, pure sugar, jam, syrups, jellies, ice cream and fast food. Among these products there are many high-calorie foods. After eating such food, you feel temporary vigor, which is quickly replaced by fatigue and a feeling of an empty stomach.

Excess and deficiency

If a person eats a lot of carbohydrate foods, his insulin apparatus is gradually depleted. The body loses mineral salts and vitamins. Foods high in carbohydrates can disrupt the functioning of internal organs and also impair the digestion of food. Substances that are formed during the decomposition of organic compounds suppress beneficial bacteria in microflora. If a large amount of carbohydrates enters the body, this can lead to obesity or other health problems. Experts advise choosing low-carbohydrate foods.

Fast carbohydrates are often called harmful . Large volume products containing these substances can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • damage to blood vessels by insulin;
  • rapid wear of the pancreas;
  • increased risk of developing diabetes.

A lack of nutrients is also harmful to humans. If they enter the body in a small volume, then glycogen reserves gradually decrease, and fats are formed in the liver.

The foods with the lowest carbohydrate levels often cause increased fatigue. Mental and physical activity also decreases. The body begins to take the energy necessary to maintain the functioning of organs and systems from adipose tissue. Due to the rapid breakdown of fats, harmful catenes are intensively produced, which causes oxidation of the body and ketoacidotic coma. When the first signs of carbohydrate deficiency appear, then a person should reconsider his diet and adjust it in accordance with the recommendations of specialists.

If a person wants to be healthy and slim, he needs to follow the advice of doctors and nutritionists. A balanced diet will help you achieve your goals.

In the first half of the day you can indulge in something sweet in the form of melted dark chocolate, very delicious pancakes with fruit puree, smoothies with fruit and ice cream, toast with peanut butter and avocado. Although this is a dense and high-carbohydrate meal, it will not ruin your figure, but will only add vigor and energy in the morning. It is also recommended to eat dried fruits and nuts for breakfast, but in limited quantities. In the morning you can treat yourself to 100 g of nuts, dates, dried apricots or prunes, up to 6-7 pieces, a handful dried apples or pears.

In the evening you can make a light cottage cheese salad, fresh cucumber and parsley with salt. The simple recipe does not include dressing, but you can add olive oil or croutons to the dish at lunch.

If a person sticks to simple rules consumption of carbohydrates, then over time he will remember what and in what quantity he needs to eat. And in combination with active sports, it is possible to achieve improved health and perfect figure in a short time.

Carbohydrates are the main source of vital energy for the human body, an integral component of its cellular structures and tissues. Without these organic compounds, which account for about 2.7% of the human body weight, the normal functioning of internal organs and systems is impossible. That is why it is so important to ensure that the body constantly maintains a normal balance of carbohydrates and other key food components.

Functions of carbohydrates

The biological role of carbohydrates is difficult to overestimate. In particular, the organic compounds included in this group perform the following functions in the body:

  • provide the human body with energy resources (the oxidation of a gram of carbohydrates produces 4.1 kilocalories (or 17 kilojoules) of energy, while either “free” glucose or reserve carbohydrates in the form of glycogen are consumed);
  • participate in the construction of a wide variety of body structures (nucleic acids, nucleotides, enzymes, cell membranes, etc.);
  • form the body’s energy reserves (accumulate in the form of glycogen in the liver, muscle and other tissues);
  • determine the specifics of blood groups;
  • prevent the development of cancer;
  • are anticoagulants (substances that reduce blood clotting and prevent the formation of blood clots);
  • activate the immune system;
  • are constituent components of mucus present on the surface of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary and respiratory system and protecting them from mechanical damage, bacterial and viral infections;
  • improve gastrointestinal motility, activate digestive enzymes, thereby improving the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Types of carbohydrates

Organic compounds classified as carbohydrates are divided into two groups:

  • simple (fast, easily digestible);
  • complex (slow).

Simple carbohydrates

Fast carbohydrates have a simple composition, are instantly absorbed and sharply increase the concentration of glucose in the blood. The body reacts to the intake of such compounds with a fairly large release of insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas). Under the influence of this substance, the concentration of sugar in the blood drops below the established norm, so a person who has recently eaten foods enriched with simple carbohydrates begins to feel hungry again. At the same time, sugar molecules are converted into fat at an accelerated rate in a 1:2 ratio.

Too frequent consumption of foods rich in quickly digestible carbohydrates entails:

  • appearance constant feeling hunger and the desire to “eat it up”;
  • vascular damage caused by insulin;
  • rapid wear of the pancreas and the development of diabetes.

It is for this reason that simple carbohydrates are often called undesirable or harmful.

Complex carbohydrates

The human body reacts completely differently to the intake of slow carbohydrates (starch, glycogen, fiber). Compounds belonging to this group have a complex composition and, therefore, are absorbed by the body much more slowly. These substances have increased nutritional value, slightly increase the level of sugar in the blood and allow a person to feel full for a long time. Since the liver manages to process the sugar that enters the body, it is not converted into fats, but is transported into cells in the form of energy resources. Due to the fact that the intake of complex carbohydrates brings only benefits to the body and allows it to function normally, organic compounds belonging to this group are often called beneficial.

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Daily carbohydrate needs

The daily need for carbohydrates depends on age, weight, gender, lifestyle and many other factors. However, the approximate daily intake of compounds belonging to this group can be calculated using the following scheme:

  • calculate normal weight(subtract 100 from height in centimeters);
  • multiply the resulting number by 3.5 g.

So, for example, if a person’s height is 168 cm, then his normal weight will be 68 kg, and the daily need for carbohydrates will be 238 g.

What foods contain simple carbohydrates?

Food sources fast carbohydrates admit:

  • loaves, baked goods;
  • confectionery;
  • sugar;
  • semolina;
  • jam;
  • dried fruits;
  • white rice cereal;
  • fruit juices;
  • syrups;
  • instant pasta;
  • carbonated drinks containing sugar;
  • sweet fruits;
  • some vegetables.

Information on the carbohydrate content of the listed products is presented in the table.

Food products Volume of carbohydrates per 100 g
(in grams)
Granulated sugar 99,6
Caramel 88,1
Cornflakes 83,4
Honey 81,4
Waffles stuffed with fruit jam 80,7
Semolina 73,2
Marmalade 71,1
Jam 69,9
Bagels 69,8
Dates 69,1
Crackers 67,2
Rye malt 66,8
Raisin 64,9
Popcorn 62,9
Milk chocolate 60,2
Instant pasta 56,9
Butter pastries 55,2
Halva 54,3
Chocolates 54,1
Viennese waffles with caramel filling 53,7
Potato chips 52,8
Shortbread 49,9
Cookies "Nuts" 49,3
White bread 48,9
French bread 47,4
Cakes about 46
Coca-Cola 42,3
Prunes 39,8
Donuts 38,9
apple pie 38,3
Eclair cake with cream filling 35,9
Alcoholic drinks (wines, vermouths, etc.) 20–35
Ice cream 24,9
Boiled white rice 24,7
Pizza 24,4
Fried potatoes 23,2
Canned Sweet Corn 22,6
White bread croutons 19,6
Hot dog 19,4
Boiled potatoes 16,8
Grape 15,2
Mashed potatoes 14,3
Boiled beets 10,2
Beer 9,8
Orange juice 8,4
Apricot 7,8
Pumpkin 7,4
Melon 5,3
Watermelon 5,2
Boiled carrots 4,9

What foods contain complex carbohydrates?

Sources of slow carbohydrates are:

  • bread made from wholemeal flour;
  • mushrooms;
  • pasta made from durum wheat;
  • legumes and cereals;
  • most vegetables;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • green.

Information on the carbohydrate content of the listed products is also presented in tabular form.

Food products Volume of carbohydrates per 100 g
(in grams)
Beans 54,3
Lentils 53,8
Dark chocolate 48,3
Wholemeal bread 46,1
Soybeans 26,6
Durum wheat pasta 23,2
Cashew 22,2
Green peas 13,2
Olive 12,8
Pomegranate 11,9
Apple 11,4
Pear 10,8
Root celery 10,8
Peach 10,2
Plums 9,9
Gooseberry 9,8
Onions 9,4
Raspberry 8,9
Mandarin 8,4
Orange 8,3
Beans 8,2
Red currant 8,1
black currant 7,9
Kiwi 7,6
Grapefruit 7,4
Nuts (except cashews) 7,1–11,6
Zucchini 5,8
White cabbage 5,7
Broccoli 5,2
Sorrel 5,2
Brussels sprouts 5,1
bell pepper 4,9
Cauliflower 4,8
Radish 4,2
Feathered green onions 4,2
Green beans 4,2
Lemon 3,7
Tomatoes 3,4
Cucumber 2,4
Spinach 2,4
Lettuce 2,1
Fresh mushrooms (except champignons) 1,1–3,6
Champignons 0,6

Consequences of a lack and excess of carbohydrates

Excessive intake of carbohydrates into the body along with food entails a sharp increase in the concentration of insulin in the blood and promotes the formation of fats. Thus, excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods can be a factor contributing to the development of obesity and diabetes.

A lack of carbohydrates entails a gradual depletion of glycogen reserves, accumulation of fat in the liver with subsequent disruption of its functions. In addition, carbohydrate deficiency causes general weakness, excessive fatigue, decreased intellectual and physical activity person.

It is also known that with a reduced intake of carbohydrates, the body begins to obtain the energy it needs from fat tissue. Accelerated breakdown of fats provokes active synthesis and accumulation of harmful substances – ketones – in organs and tissues. As a result, “acidification” of the body occurs with the subsequent development of ketoacidotic coma.

If any symptoms indicating the formation of a deficiency or excess of carbohydrates are identified, it is necessary to carefully review and adjust the daily menu. Proper preparation of a diet helps to avoid all the negative consequences associated with a deficiency of carbohydrate foods or an oversaturation of the body with it.

Carbohydrates are organic compounds that supply the body with the energy necessary for full functioning. They are part of every tissue and cellular structure. Carbohydrates account for approximately 2.7 percent of total body weight. Without them, internal organs and systems cannot function normally. Maintaining the ratio of carbohydrates in the body becomes possible with a balanced diet, including foods containing these and other useful substances.

To understand why these organic compounds are so important, it is necessary to study their functions. Carbohydrates that enter the body with food have the following range of actions:

  1. They supply energy resources to the human body. This occurs due to the oxidation of the compound. As a result of this process, one gram of carbohydrate produces 17 kilojoules or 4.1 calories. Oxidation is accompanied by the consumption of either glycogen (a reserve reserve of carbohydrates) or glucose.
  2. They take part in the formation of various structural units. Thanks to carbohydrates, the body builds cell membranes, produces nucleic acids, enzymes, nucleotides, and so on.
  3. Form energy reserves for the body. Carbohydrates, taking the form of glycogen, are deposited in muscle and other tissues, and the liver.
  4. They are anticoagulants. These substances thin the blood and also prevent the formation of blood clots.
  5. They are part of the mucus lining the gastrointestinal tract, the surfaces of the respiratory and genitourinary systems. By covering these internal organs, mucus resists viral and bacterial infections and provides protection from mechanical damage.
  6. They have a positive effect not on digestion. Carbohydrates stimulate the function of digestive enzymes, and, therefore, improve digestive processes and the quality of absorption of nutrients and valuable substances, and activate gastric motility.

In addition, these organic compounds increase the body’s protective functions, determine blood type, and also reduce the likelihood of developing cancer pathologies.

Types of carbohydrates

Organic substances from the carbon group are divided into two large groups- simple and complex. The former are also called fast or easily digestible, and the latter - slow.

They have a simple composition and are quickly absorbed in the body. This feature of carbohydrate leads to a sharp increase in blood glucose. The body's reaction to the consumption of simple carbohydrates is a large release of insulin, the hormone responsible for the production of pancreas.

The sugar level under the influence of insulin decreases below the standard norm. Thus, a person who has recently eaten foods rich in simple carbohydrates begins to feel hungry quite quickly. In addition, the conversion of sugar molecules into subcutaneous fat occurs in a ratio of one to two.

If you abuse food that is rich in fast carbohydrates, this will lead to the following adverse consequences:

  • constant feeling of hunger and desire to snack;
  • insulin damage to blood vessels;
  • rapid wear of the pancreas;
  • increasing the risk of developing diabetes.

These negative impacts steel main reason that these carbohydrates began to be called harmful or undesirable.

Slow organic compounds, such as fiber, glycogen, starch, act on the body in a completely different way. The substances included in this group have a complex composition, which means their absorption rate is much lower than that of fast ones. These compounds have a high nutritional value and therefore the concentration of sugar practically does not increase, and, consequently, a person long time feels full.

Since the concentration of sugar is not too high, the liver has time to process it. This means that it is almost completely converted into energy resources, and is not stored as fat. Thus, complex carbohydrates do not cause any harm to the body, that is, they are beneficial.

The daily intake of an organic energy source is determined by age, gender, weight, lifestyle and some other factor. To calculate your daily carbohydrate intake, you can use the following calculation:

  1. determine your weight norm, that is, subtract 100 centimeters from your height;
  2. multiply the resulting number by 3.5.

The resulting number will become the daily consumption rate. If your height is 170 cm, then the amount of carbohydrates consumed per day should be 245 grams.

What foods contain simple carbohydrates?

Sources of fast carbohydrates include:

  • natural honey, sugar, jam;
  • baked goods, confectionery, loaves;
  • semolina and white rice flour;
  • pasta from white wheat varieties;
  • juices and carbonated drinks, as well as syrups;
  • dried fruits and sweet types of fruits;
  • some varieties of vegetables.

These products are not the most useful.

Food products
Granulated sugar99,6
Waffles stuffed with fruit jam80,7
Rye malt66,8
Milk chocolate60,2
Instant pasta56,9
Butter pastries55,2
Viennese waffles with caramel filling53,7
Potato chips52,8
Cookies "Nuts"49,3
White bread48,9
French bread47,4
Cakesabout 46
apple pie38,3
Eclair cake with cream filling35,9
Alcoholic drinks (wines, vermouths, etc.)20–35
Ice cream24,9
Boiled white rice24,7
Fried potatoes23,2
Canned Sweet Corn22,6
White bread croutons19,6
Hot dog19,4
Boiled potatoes16,8
Mashed potatoes14,3
Boiled beets10,2
Orange juice8,4
Boiled carrots4,9

What foods contain complex carbohydrates?

Sources of slow carbohydrates include:

  • bakery products made from wholemeal flour;
  • various types of mushrooms;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • cereals and legumes;
  • most types of vegetables;
  • various greens;
  • unsweetened fruits.

These products are healthy.

Food productsVolume of carbohydrates per 100 g (in grams)
Dark chocolate48,3
Wholemeal bread46,1
Durum wheat pasta23,2
Green peas13,2
Root celery10,8
Red currant8,1
black currant7,9
Nuts (except cashews)7,1–11,6
White cabbage5,7
Brussels sprouts5,1
bell pepper4,9
Feathered green onions4,2
Green beans4,2
Fresh mushrooms (except champignons)1,1–3,6

What are the dangers of excess and lack of carbohydrates?

Excess carbohydrates entering the body with food lead to a sharp increase in the concentration of insulin in the blood and the rapid formation of fats. In other words, the cause of obesity, diabetes and other health problems associated with excess weight is carbohydrate foods.

The lack of such products in the body is also harmful. If carbohydrates enter limited quantities, glycogen reserves are gradually depleted, fats accumulate in the liver and various dysfunctions of this organ develop. The shortage of this organic compound leads to increased fatigue, general feeling weakness, decreased physical and intellectual activity.

When there is a lack of carbohydrates, the body receives the energy necessary to maintain vital functions from fatty tissues. High speed The breakdown of fats causes increased production of harmful catenes. This leads to acidification of the body and ketoacidotic coma.

The appearance of the first signs that signal a deficiency or excess of carbohydrates should be carefully reconsidered and the daily diet should be adjusted in the future. A properly composed menu allows you to avoid the negative consequences associated with an overdose or lack of carbon-based food.

Carbohydrates - what do we know about them? Considering the increased interest in them among modern nutritionists, they are one of the most important macroelements. And at the same time the most dangerous - after all, this is the main source of energy or calories, which are converted into overweight. However, not all saccharides are harmful, but only those that hide behind the prefix “mono”. But first things first.

Many people preferred sucrose and fructose - simple and refined carbohydrates - to starch, glycogen and fiber. The consequences are a wave of obesity among adults and children, diseases directly related to overweight bodies - diabetes mellitus, hypertension.

What is the difference between slow macroelements and fast ones? Their effect on people's health and performance has been studied by nutritionists around the world. And they discovered that even these two groups have their own varieties. We will talk about them, as well as about foods containing the healthiest carbohydrates, in this article.

Simple and fast

They are otherwise called monosaccharides. Scientists have discovered more than two hundred macroelements belonging to this class, but not everyone knows them. Most often we hear about the following types:

  • Glucose

Or dextrose. It's sugar in pure form, found in confectionery, soda, candy bars and other products so beloved by both children and their parents. Is it worth getting so carried away by something that causes an uncontrollable desire to eat or drink more? One glass of the sweet fizzy drink contains 5.25 teaspoons of sugar. There is hardly any need to talk about how dangerous such a sugary energy boost is for our figure.

  • Galactose

A monosaccharide found in animal products. Galactose is similar in composition to glucose. Most of it is in lactose. The level of this carbohydrate in the blood of a healthy person should remain at around 5 mg/dl. Each of us receives our daily requirement by consuming dairy products. One of the well-known plant sources of a monosaccharide belonging to the hexose class is celery. It contains more of this important substance than root vegetables.

  • Fructose

Converts to glycogen in the liver. Therefore, it is used as one of the main ingredients in sports energy drinks. This type of simple carbohydrates is found in both natural and artificially produced foods. It can be found in sugar and corn syrup, ketchup, processed foods, cakes and other foods that contribute to weight gain.

Why are simple and fast carbohydrates so dangerous for our figure?

    They enter the blood almost instantly and provoke an increase in glucose levels.

    All we feel is energy satiety, followed by fatigue and hunger.

    Monosaccharides do not nourish, but only provoke us and whet our appetite. Hence the desire to take a double portion of French fries in fast food restaurants, eat another piece of candy, pastry or slice of cake.

By increasing portions and eating incorrectly, you earn not only excess weight, but also health problems. This is the harm of fast carbohydrates.

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Products containing monosaccharides are not recommended for weight loss. Athletes who need to gain muscle mass also refuse them. The reason is the same - these macroelements instantly turn into fat, reduce the level of insulin in the blood, and you always want more and more of them. The result of excessive consumption of sweet and unhealthy foods is vicious circle“we eat, get fat, eat again,” leading to the development of obesity.

Can fast carbohydrates be beneficial?

The positive effect of monosaccharides is reported by athletes who note the effect of carbohydrates on the fat burning process during intense strength training. However, the rules of professional bodybuilding in life ordinary person, far from gym, don't work.

Simple carbohydrates are most dangerous for our figure in the afternoon. It is at this time that the body is especially active in converting them into fat.

Monosaccharides are found in:

  • Sahara
  • Sweets
  • Jams, jellies and other homemade and store-bought preparations
  • Milk chocolate
  • Soda, milkshakes
  • Some fruits (grapes, bananas, etc.)

If you are watching your figure, it is in your best interests to reduce the consumption of foods containing simple carbohydrates or give up some of them - for example, sugary confectionery, refined sugar (replacing it with stevia), milk chocolate(in exchange for bitter),

Why complex carbohydrates are good for the body

Now let's turn to polysaccharides - they are called so because they contain several chains of monosaccharide molecules.

  • Starch

There is a lot of it in potatoes, bakery products, pasta, cereals and some legumes, as well as in rice. Useful properties starch are to slow down the absorption of sugar and a prolonged feeling of fullness after eating, improving intestinal function. However, you should not abuse this polysaccharide if you do not want to get colic, flatulence and new kilograms.

  • Fiber

Coarse dietary fiber contained in foods plant origin. Fruits and vegetables stored raw accumulate this important component, losing vitamins and microelements. During heat treatment, the beneficial substances of this polysaccharide disappear - the effect of stewing is especially strong.

Accumulating in the body, fiber forms a “food lump” in it, which moves through the intestines without staying in it. Essential Function dietary fiber – maintaining normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Their deficiency leads to constipation, irregular bowel movements, and congestive processes in the pelvic area.

Fiber plays a huge role in the diet of those losing weight. Eating an apple containing this polysaccharide will fill you up for a long time. No voracious appetite– no overeating and extra pounds. Dietary fiber also normalizes metabolism - the body begins to work like a clock. The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, colon cancer, and diabetes is reduced.

  • Glycogen

It contains glucose molecules that are stored in reserve. How? After eating, it enters the bloodstream - sometimes in excess. It is this excess energy material that is sent to storage in the form of glycogen. When blood sugar levels drop, the complex macronutrient is broken down. This way our condition is normalized, and the body receives the necessary nourishment.

So, to the question of which carbohydrates are the most useful, we can confidently answer – complex ones. They allow us to stay in good shape for a long time without feeling hungry, and they prevent insulin from rising abruptly - as is the case with monosaccharides.

Where to get energy fuel for the body

We have already told you where to look for simple carbohydrates - they are found in abundance in those foods that children love so much - everything sweet and unhealthy. Dangerous fat derivatives are found not only in confectionery products, but also in products that we are accustomed to consider healthy - fruits, even in muesli with sugar, presented by manufacturers as healthy eating.

But you shouldn’t deprive yourself of melons, bananas, grapes, carrots, honey, corn and other fruits, vegetables and favorite foods - the body needs them as a source of essential vitamins and microelements. Count calories and eat sweet fruits and vegetables before 16:00 - after this time they are instantly transformed into fats, and we don’t need that.

A list of weight loss products containing correct and healthy “slow” carbohydrates can be found in the table.

Don't forget: the higher the glycemic index, the worse it is for our figure. Don't give up foods containing fiber. Coarse fiber is part of a complete diet, and monosaccharides are a blow to our figure and health. Eat right - this is enough to make your weight problems a thing of the past.

The benefits of some products from the list, which contain complex carbohydrates and are essential for weight loss, must be discussed separately.

    Oatmeal - our usual porridge - is a real storehouse of dietary fiber. Prepare it with pieces of fruit in milk or water - this start to the day will provide a boost of vigor and strength for several hours.

    Seeds and nuts are sources of fiber, which saves us from hunger and makes the body work properly, acting like a hard brush that sweeps away waste and toxins. Don't forget that almost all nuts are very high in calories - eat little by little, but for your benefit.

    Zucchini contains not only the dietary fiber we need, but also vitamins B, A and C. Consumption of this natural source of essential substances will help reduce blood cholesterol and normalize metabolism. Zucchini can be added to salads and soups, baked - it all depends on your culinary imagination.

    Celery - in addition to valuable fiber, contains proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, helps slow down the aging process and stimulates digestion, regulating the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be used to prepare not only delicious salad, but also vegetarian cutlets, and also a fragrant and delicate cream soup.

    Beans – complex carbohydrates contained in legumes keep you full for a long time. Another property of beans that is appreciated by nutritionists is that it prevents the absorption of starch that enters the body with other foods. It also allows you to show your culinary skills in all its glory - it can be stewed, baked, boiled, or made into a light soufflé or steamed cutlets.

    Apples - they contain a lot of fiber, pectin, vitamins, microelements and a minimum of calories. They not only improve metabolism and provide excellent saturation, but also normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Apples can be boiled, baked, added to homemade baked goods - diversify your menu by inventing new healthy combinations.

How to cook foods with complex carbohydrates

There are several rules that will help you switch to a healthy diet and lose weight without denying yourself culinary delights:

  • Look for new tastes

Give your usual sweet oatmeal a spicy kick by adding unusual seasonings.

  • Don't forget to watch your calories

To do this, keep a special diary and write down the calorie content of each dish in it. All results must be honest - otherwise you will not lose weight.

  • Choose only useful combinations

For example, make a bright and tasty salad with spinach and beets, stew beef with carrots, serve fish with grilled vegetables, and season durum wheat pasta with a light sauce from lemon juice, olive oil and finely chopped garlic.

Our experts will help you figure out which carbohydrates are best left in past life, and which ones to take with you to your new – slim and happy one. We will make up individual program, we will give advice on proper nutrition and we’ll tell you how to lose weight easily and simply, without giving up your favorite foods.

There are complex and simple ones. Simple ones include glucose, fructose, sucrose and lactose. In the very general view- these are well-known sweets for tea, honey, fruits, berries, beet and cane sugar. Not all simple carbohydrates are equally sweet. Sucrose is the leader, but in excess it tends to turn into fat. Fructose is sweeter than glucose. Lactose is found only in dairy products.

Complex carbohydrates are more interesting for those who organize their nutrition with the goal of losing weight. They are also called “slow”. If simple ones are like gasoline - they ignite instantly and provide heat (energy), then complex ones are coal. They take a long time to process and gradually saturate the body with energy. It is noteworthy that the body is able to synthesize most simple carbohydrates itself from complex ones. That is, the lack of glucose (which is a “fuel” unit and is extremely necessary for the body) can be replenished from polysaccharides.


  1. Starch. Main source of glucose. It is found in cereals and vegetables, greatest number- in root vegetables.
  2. Glycogen. It is stored in the liver and muscles and is able to quickly replenish the lack of glucose. Contained in dried fruits, fruits, and confectionery products.
  3. Cellulose. This carbohydrate is one of the substances that are collectively called fiber. It is not digested in the stomach, but contributes good digestion. It is found in vegetables, fruits, and cereals.
  4. Pectin. It is called the body's orderly for its cleansing properties. Registered as food additive E440, used as a thickener. It is used in the production of marmalade and other confectionery products.

Which carbohydrates to choose

Their deficiency can lead to loss of strength, weakness, lethargy, and depression. It is believed that 30% of all carbohydrates entering the body should be simple. What foods contain carbohydrates that can quickly replenish energy reserves? There is a lot of glucose in fruits and vegetables (for example, in pumpkin it is 2.5%), and fructose is found mainly in fruits; there is little of it in vegetables, the only exception- beets, it contains 2.5% fructose, which is more than any other vegetables.

However, the only acceptable option for consuming fast carbohydrates for a person trying to lose weight is to close the carbohydrate window, the period after training when you need to quickly replenish the lack of energy. If the workouts and loads are intense, then it’s even acceptable to eat a sweet bar. At any other time, consuming foods high in monosaccharides can lead to extra pounds, besides, there is an excellent alternative for them - complex carbohydrates.

Energy balanced diet

On some products you can see a decoding of calorie content, which is distributed between three main nutritional groups of substances: carbohydrates, proteins, fats. The fact is that each of these classes of substances can be a source of energy.

Fats provide maximum energy, carbohydrates - a little less, proteins can also be a source of calories. The difference is how exactly these substances participate in the process of energy formation. Carbohydrates are consumed much faster than fats, and the body needs the least oxygen to “process” them. Proteins rarely act as a source of energy, and only as a last resort, when fats and carbohydrates are supplied in insufficient quantities.

The Atkins diet is interesting because it involves almost complete abstinence from carbohydrates. The source of energy is only proteins and fats, although it is known that proteins and fats are structural elements, not energy ones. This diet can be very effective. Due to the absence of carbohydrates, the body begins to break down its long-term reserves - fats. The main thing is that you get enough of them from food, otherwise the body will begin to compensate for the lack of “fuel” using the proteins that make up muscles, and a decrease in muscle mass is an unpleasant phenomenon.

With standard balanced, not dietary nutrition Complete rejection of simple carbohydrates is impossible. A proper balance presupposes that the diet contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and many vitamins and microelements.

The glycemic index and how to use it to choose foods

The normal blood sugar level is 5.5 mol/liter. To increase blood sugar levels by 1 mmol/liter, you need to consume 12 grams of carbohydrates. This figure is called 1 bread unit (1 XE). The glycemic index is a very approximate indicator that reflects the rate of breakdown of complex carbohydrates into a monosaccharide - glucose. This is a very arbitrary indicator, practically useless for those who do not have diabetes and obesity. The relationship between calories and the glycemic index is not direct.

The table below will allow you to compare several products:

As you can see, a product can be very sweet, but at the same time have a low glycemic index, sweet and have high index, be practically not sweet, but with a high glycemic index. To replenish energy levels for the purpose of losing weight, grapes and boiled potatoes are the most preferred from this list, and this despite the fact that marmalade has the lowest glycemic index. It really is one of the healthiest sweets, but it is obviously too high in calories. This is exactly how any table is read: choose foods that contain both carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in the optimal ratio.

Complex carbohydrates

The table below contains 10 leading products carbohydrate diets. These products contain the most polysaccharides with slow digestibility, however, they are healthy, do not contain fat, and are suitable for dietary nutrition.

Product, 100 g.Carbohydrate content, g.Energy value, kcal
1 Rice78,9 349
2 Buckwheat69,2 349
3 Oatmeal67,8 391
4 Whole wheat bread67 229
5 Peas60,2 349
6 Durum wheat pasta52-62 368
7 Boiled corn37 123
8 Potato17 77
9 Beet10,8 49
10 Pumpkin7, 7 28

Many of these foods contain both monosaccharides and polysaccharides; for example, whole grain bread has approximately 7 grams of di- and monosaccharides per 67 grams of carbohydrates. Therefore, the table is very arbitrary. Many of these foods are very nutritious and also contain essential proteins.

Other foods containing complex carbohydrates large quantities, This:

  • Root vegetables (radish, carrots).
  • Legumes (lentils, beans, beans, chickpeas).
  • Coarse bread (rye, barley).
  • Cereals (millet, wheat, barley, corn, oatmeal).
  • Vegetables, especially green and leafy ones (spinach, lettuce, cabbage, parsley, dill).

The most useful foods containing monosaccharides

The list below shows the most beneficial foods for weight loss that contain large amounts of simple carbohydrates. They successfully satisfy the craving for sweets and will be especially useful for those who cannot live a day without something tasty.

  1. Honey 80.3 grams per 100 grams of product. Almost pure sugar, only possessing healing properties.
  2. Grapes (17 g) - grapes have practically healing properties, on which an entire branch of therapeutic medicine is based - ampelotherapy.
  3. Fresh rose hips (24 g), dried rose hips (60 g). The leader among berries, it is ahead of currants, raspberries, strawberries and other berries in terms of carbohydrate content. In addition, it has a record amount of vitamin C.
  4. Dates - contain 72.1 g of mono- and disaccharides and many vitamins. Sacred food in Muslim countries, they are so tasty and healthy.
  5. Dried apricots - the carbohydrate content in it can reach 80 g, fresh apricots contain 10.5 g, which is also quite a lot compared to other fresh fruits.
  6. Seedless raisins (71.2 g) - has amazing properties, to the point that it can reduce fat deposited on the waist.
  7. Prunes are also one of the sweetest dried fruits (64.6 grams), a known laxative.
  8. Fresh apples contain 11.3 g, dried - 68 g, an excellent source of iron, fiber, vitamins, and pectin.
  9. Watermelon (8 g) - mostly fructose. In addition to an excellent set of vitamins, watermelon contains a phenomenal amount of lycopene, a very strong antioxidant.
  10. Carrots (7 g) are a constant participant in mono-diets and have many healing properties.

Fiber-rich foods

Fiber is the only subclass of carbohydrates that does not break down into monosaccharides. Its function and role is significantly different from the tasks of other carbohydrates, so products containing carbohydrates, such as cellulose, lignin, pectin and others, should be listed separately.

The consumption rate is 25-30 grams per day. List of leaders in fiber content:

  1. Bran and cake of various oilseeds - the maximum possible quantity.
  2. Whole grain products: wholemeal bread, whole grains.
  3. Fresh vegetables, a little less fruits and berries. After heat treatment the fiber content in them decreases sharply - almost twofold. Legumes are especially rich in fiber: peas, beans, etc.
  4. Nuts and dried fruits.

Fiber, unlike other polysaccharides, does not replenish the energy balance, but serves as a good “brush” for the intestines and normalizes digestive processes. It is in demand among those who create a menu for weight loss, because it promotes a feeling of fullness, even if the portion is small.