Losing weight with pleasure: aerobics with Cindy Crawford. The secret to a perfect figure with Cindy Crawford.

Cindy Crawford is a famous supermodel of the 90s, famous for her beauty, special charm and perfect figure. In 15 years successful work she starred on the covers of more than 600 magazines around the world, constantly appeared on the catwalks, presenting clothing models for many famous fashion houses, and was the face of global companies producing cosmetics. Even after finishing his career in modeling business, Cindy Crawford demonstrates her impeccable body shape, thanks to which long years never left high places in the rankings of the sexiest people in the world.

The supermodel began to closely monitor her appearance with adolescence. Cindy Crawford tries to get enough sleep, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink alcohol, exercises regularly, and eats a balanced diet. The combination of certain physical exercises and good nutrition allows the top model to for long years save parameters perfect figure: 86-66-89 with a height of 177 cm.

Together with one of the respected shaping trainers in New York, the top model created an original training system, thanks to which she keeps her figure in excellent shape. Without losing its relevance to this day, Cindy Crawford’s exercise program is popular with many girls and women around the world, including celebrities and Hollywood stars. The ideal figure of a supermodel, unchanged for many years, and numerous positive reviews confirm the high effectiveness of this training system for losing weight and achieving beautiful body shapes.

Beautiful figure from a supermodel

“The Secret of the Ideal Figure” by Cindy Crawford is the first author’s training system, developed in 1992. Simple, but effective exercises help to lose weight perfectly overweight, work out the muscles, increase the overall tone of the body. By training according to Cindy Crawford's method, you will not only get rid of excess weight, but, according to the supermodel, you will feel a surge of strength.

Classes using the author's top model methodology are not required large quantity special sports equipment. For beginners, it is advisable to start training using small dumbbells up to two kilograms. More advanced ones can perform all exercises with heavy weights and special sports weights. Additionally, you will need a mat, chair, and towel. During classes, the supermodel advises drinking still water.

Exercises from the Cindy Crawford complex

The program includes three blocks of exercises. The first and second parts of the system, 40-45 minutes each, provide effective aerobic and strength training for key muscle groups of the body. It is recommended to alternate complexes daily, performing alternately the 1st and 2nd lessons. The third part is a short ten-minute lesson. It will help you stay on schedule if you do not have free time for a full workout or if you are experiencing excessive physical fatigue.

Each lesson necessarily begins with a short warm-up, which prepares the joints and muscles for a more intense load. Then come exercises aimed at deep working the key muscles of the lower and upper body. The complex ends with abdominal training and stretching. According to the supermodel, a woman’s ideal figure depends not only on regular exercise, but also on proper nutrition. When training according to her system, it is recommended to adhere to a balanced diet, excluding harmful foods.

Lesson No. 1

During the first workout (“The Secret of the Ideal Figure: Lesson 1”), the main focus is on thoroughly working out the muscles of the lower body: buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, legs. Additionally, a small part of the workout is occupied by exercises for the chest, waist, and abs. By performing this lesson on an ongoing basis, you will get rid of excess fat, cellulite, sagging skin on the thighs and buttocks, improve the shape of your legs, and prepare the muscles of the upper torso for more intense workload.

Lesson No. 2

We continue to reveal the secret of the ideal figure. Part 2 lasting 40 minutes is aimed at in-depth development of the torso muscles (arms and shoulders, chest, waist and abs). Additionally, the training includes a small block of unloading and general strengthening exercises for the legs in order to balance the physical activity during the lesson and relieve tension received after the previous lesson. As a result of completing the second part, you will get a beautiful shape of your arms, tighten your chest muscles, and get rid of unnecessary sentimentality in the hips and waist.

Express workout

The third part of the program “The Secret of the Ideal Figure” by Cindy Crawford - effective method do not slow down if you lack the strength or free time for a full workout. This lesson is well suited for resuming sports after a long break, a morning warm-up or a day of rest, after particularly intense physical activity. A short ten-minute lesson includes a short warm-up, exercises for key body muscles, and stretching.

How did women accept the supermodel's development? Numerous positive responses confirm the effectiveness of the “Secret of an Ideal Figure” program. Cindy Crawford is a wonderful trainer, with whom it is easy and simple to achieve excellent body parameters. Pleasant musical accompaniment The complex sets a certain rhythm, helping to make the workout lively and exciting. Appearance supermodel who performs exercises on the ocean, on the roof of a skyscraper or in a cozy gym, motivates many to exercise, giving their all in training.

The way of presenting information about the technique of performing each exercise received positive feedback. Before the first workout, there is a short introduction in which Cindy talks about the advantages of the program and gives advice on how to achieve maximum results using her method. Throughout the course, the supermodel explains in detail the technique of performing each exercise to ensure that all elements are performed with the aim of increasing efficiency and maintaining maximum safety, completely eliminating possible injuries. Following Cindy's advice, many girls managed to achieve good physical results by gradually increasing the load and intensity of training.

The ideal figure of a woman depends on regular exercise and a balanced diet. Sharing their experience of training according to Cindy Crawford's program, the girls advise combining exercise with moderate dietary restrictions to speed up the weight loss process. Refusing harmful products(flour, sweet, fatty) and regularly performing the top model complex, you are guaranteed to get rid of excess weight, resulting in the figure of your dreams.

“New Dimension” is a special fitness course from Cindy Crawford for young mothers. The supermodel developed a program to restore your figure after childbirth. However, those who are looking for simple home workouts can also practice using her system.

About the program “New Dimension” with Cindy Crawford

Restoring your figure after childbirth requires a special, careful approach. The body experiences serious stress during pregnancy, so you need to be very careful when returning it to normal. Cindy Crawford has developed a program that will help you gently join the sport and make your body slim and fit. Famous supermodel from my own experience of losing weight after childbirth offers the perfect course to restore your figure.

The program consists of three parts:

– Complex A. It lasts 10 minutes, takes place at a calm pace and resembles a course of stretching exercises. You can train barefoot; all you need is a mat. Cindy Crawford advises starting with complex A 7 days after birth for two weeks. If the load is not enough, you can perform the complex twice in a row.

– Complex B. It lasts 15 minutes and already includes more intense exercises. There are cardio exercises and light strength training. Cindy recommends doing complex B within three weeks. You can also combine complexes A and B for b O greater effect. During these three weeks you will prepare your body for the most serious part of the program.

– Complex C. 6 weeks after giving birth, you can start a full workout. With the help of the first two complexes of the program, you have prepared your body for the load, so it’s time to finally take fitness seriously. You can perform complex C either separately or combining it with other parts of the program. Train in the "New Dimension" until you get your body in great shape.

1. Before training, consult your doctor. Recovery from childbirth is different for everyone, so exercising without consulting a doctor can harm your body.

2. Don't rush and don't force the load. Remember that the most important thing is to calmly get into the rhythm of training without overloading yourself.

3. Listen to your body. We all have different physical training, so do the exercises at your own pace.

4. Your figure after childbirth will also depend on nutrition. Don't go on a diet, but eat the right and healthy foods.

5. Wear sneakers to avoid damaging your joints. Complex A can also be performed barefoot.

What you will need for the New Dimension workout:

  • Gymnastic mat. Many exercises in the program have to be performed on the floor, so you need a mat or at least a towel.
  • Chair. This is Cindy's favorite attribute and she uses it often in her programs. With its help you will do push-ups, exercises for the abs, legs and buttocks.
  • Dumbbells. An indispensable item for many fitness programs. Use small dumbbells - you can start with 0.5 kg, gradually increasing the weight as you go physical development. By the way, plastic bottles dumbbells can be easily replaced with water.
  • Playing cards. Cindy Crawford in a C complex squats, lifting one after another playing card. This way, the squats reach the desired depth.

Pros and cons of the “New Dimension” program with Cindy Crawford


1. The program is designed specifically for young mothers to begin introducing the body to physical training as carefully and carefully as possible.

2. The course assumes stepwise increase in loads. At first these are easy ten-minute exercises, then the workout becomes a little more complicated. And only when you are really ready to engage in full force, a full-fledged training awaits you.

3. In addition to restoring your figure after childbirth, you will improve your well-being and mood. You will have vitality and extra energy.

4. The program is superbly assembled. Motivational shots of Cindy Crawford with her baby will undoubtedly inspire you to get a quality workout.

5. Cindy developed the course based on her own experience recovering from childbirth. It worked for her, it will work for you too.

6. Complex A lasts only 10 minutes. Even with a small child, you can regularly devote time to activities.


1. Not everyone will be able to start doing even light sports and regain their figure a week after giving birth.

2. Infant requires 100% attention. Sometimes mothers even It’s psychologically difficult to distract yourself from it even for a minute.

3. Cindy Crawford was actively involved in sports before pregnancy. No one has yet canceled muscle memory, so don’t be surprised that it won’t be as easy for you to exercise like a Hollywood celebrity.

Restoring your figure after childbirth will be much easier if you follow Cindy Crawford's advice. "New Dimension" is ideal program for young mothers who want to get in great shape.

The most advanced workouts are always time-tested, and first-class trainers have an excellent figure. When these principles are followed, you can understand that the loads are effective and useful. The exercises have long proven their worth and become popular.

Cindy Crawford program

A well-known set of exercises, which is already more than twenty years old, has a positive result and can be compared with training such as Pilates, calanetics and others. You can combine this course with other Cindy Crawford complexes to achieve the effectiveness of the classes.

The program consists of a set of exercises designed to achieve a weight loss effect. It was developed jointly with a famous trainer who has helped many Hollywood actresses get their perfect shapes. The efficiency of the complex is very high. This is achieved by exercises, during which the physical load is distributed equally across all the muscles of the body. Much attention is paid to areas of the body that are susceptible to the accumulation of excess weight: buttocks, thighs, abdomen. Cindy Crawford's exercise course is performed in fast pace, it uses strength training, elements of yoga and stretching. The complex includes: lunges, swings, squats and more. Everything is clear and accessible, because it basic exercises allowing you to get tangible results.

Reviews about the set of exercises

Everyone who has conducted classes with Cindy notes that the training is good not only for new but also for trained users. If you have the desire, you can increase the load, reduce the duration of classes, or use heavier dumbbells. The complex can be adapted for various groups of performers.

Mesmerizing music, attractive landscapes and Cindy in beautiful sportswear serve as a source of inspiration and create a harmonious backdrop for training.

Effective exercises by Cindy Crawford, reviews from many performers - these are the main points that make the complex so popular.

How Cindy Crawford's workouts are structured

A set of exercises for an ideal figure consists of two 40-minute parts; it is recommended to do them at least once a week. The third part lasts 10 minutes and should be done daily. This complex helps maintain a high metabolism, thereby increasing the rate of burning fat deposits.

Cindy Crawford's exercises include classes for the buttocks, legs, hips, which are in the first part of the complex. The second contains loads for the arms, shoulders and abdominal muscles. Each part consists of a warm-up, main part, and stretching.

Three sets of ten repetitions load all muscle groups. Initially, new performers will find it difficult to do all the classes, so the load can be increased gradually.

Sindi exercises are designed for classes with dumbbells, but at the beginning of classes they can not be used.

Cindy Crawford: how to achieve perfection

Sets of exercises are initially best performed 2-3 times a week. You should do exercises based on how you feel. It is imperative to perform a set of exercises for the lower and upper body and leave at least two days to rest. Exercises lasting 10 minutes are recommended to be done every day. This short set of exercises is necessary for the body to maintain muscle tone and to speed up metabolism in the body. For this exercise, it is better to perform it in the morning, before the first meal, to enable the fat burning process.

When the complex begins to seem easy, you should perform all of Cindy Crawford’s exercises in turn, increasing the load and taking minimal rest between them. A short complex must be performed daily. The training schedule developed by Cindy Crawford's "The Secret of the Perfect Figure" program is more suitable for trained performers than for beginners. Thanks to intense exercise, you can get an ideal figure, increasing your metabolism and expending excess calories every day.

"Ideal figure"

Cindy Crawford's exercises have several advantages over similar activities. Several can be highlighted:

  • lack of fatigue after receiving load on the legs during exercises;
  • the hips and buttocks are thoroughly warmed up in the process of swinging the arms and legs;
  • the stomach becomes flatter in a short time;
  • training can be combined with half-hour jogging.

Each Cindy Crawford exercise is aimed at gaining strength, flexibility and endurance of the whole body. Classes can be combined with other similar complexes. The level of stress is designed in such a way as not to cause harm to the body in the form of excessive overexertion. An ideal figure cannot be emaciated. According to Cindy Crawford herself, exercises for a beautiful figure should combine a sense of proportion and common sense.

For getting quick effect from performing exercises it is necessary to follow the principles rational nutrition. Tips from Cindy Crawford:

  • need to eat natural products, avoiding food with chemical additives;
  • use chicken breasts, they contain serotonin;
  • strictly follow the regime - breakfast, lunch and dinner must be included;
  • overeating is not recommended; everything eaten should fit in two folded palms;
  • the diet must include fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables;
  • eat fish, nuts and seeds;
  • replace sweets and starchy foods with healthy and tasty foods;
  • drink at least a liter of water per day;
  • periodically eat ginger and garlic to cleanse the intestines;
  • you need to eat enough during a meal to leave room for a dietary dessert;
  • It is better to eat often, but in small portions.

Proper nutrition and physical exercise in the form of a set of exercises will help you achieve quick results and get an attractive figure.

Results of using the "Ideal Figure" complex

Cindy Crawford's exercises allow you to eliminate excess weight and bring your figure into excellent condition, which indicates the increased effectiveness of the complex. For some performers, one month is enough to achieve the desired result and noticeably improve their figure. The importance of maintaining proper nutrition in conjunction with the exercises is noted. The weight loss program with Cindy Crawford entered the top ten most popular fitness programs, which confirms its high rating among performers.

When Cindy Crawford is asked the question: “How to achieve perfection?” - then the main answer lies in the “Ideal Figure” set of exercises, which allows women to get beautiful figure and a trained body in a short time.

What girl didn’t want to get an ideal figure and a toned body? The prospect of sagging skin, stretch marks, flabby muscles, cellulite and fat creeping out from everywhere does not appeal to anyone. But the desire to create themselves, achieve success, and have a body no worse than that of a world-famous supermodel arises in more than one hundred young fashionistas and business ladies.

Your figure, appearance and career were and will be the envy of Cindy Crawford.

Cindy Crawford's career

Young lady with early years She had a beautiful appearance, to which over the years she added enviable curves. Despite her excellent physical characteristics, Cindy graduated with ease high school on highest mark and was awarded academic scholarship at the Northwestern Institute.

Leaving her studies and the career that awaited her as a chemical technologist, the girl moved to Chicago, and then to Manhattan, where she was noticed by a newspaper photographer while working in the fields harvesting corn. At the age of sixteen, Crawford takes part in the incredibly prestigious Elite Model Look competition, where he takes second place.

She becomes the face of hundreds of the most famous glossy publications and several branded fashion houses:

  • Vogue,
  • Cosmopolitan,
  • Maxim,
  • playboy
  • People and many others want to get her and sign her.

One of her most successful projects was the creation of a fitness program. She brought her even greater fame. Cindy Crawford's video tutorials are still incredibly popular today, despite the countless variety of techniques and their availability on the Internet. Cindy Crawford has selected traditional exercises that involve all muscle groups, including those that do not strain in daily life.

The workouts themselves are very calm and static, but there will be no time to get bored during them. And it will be more interesting to study with Cindy.

Program stages

The entire set of exercises is divided into three parts, or to be more precise, the program consists of three separate parts independent of each other:

  • The first cycle is the initial stage. Perfect for those who are not physically prepared and have previously had nothing to do with fitness. This set of exercises will take 10 minutes to complete.. The muscles will gradually become toned and tightened. You can do this “introductory exercise to the world of fitness” at any time of the day. It can serve as a warm-up for the body in the morning, or it can help relieve stress and tension after a hard day at work. As soon as your muscles get used to such loads, and the activity really becomes on par with exercise for you, connect the following complexes.
  • Second cycle absolutely identical in load level to the third. This set of exercises will take you 40 minutes. It consists of:
    o Exercises for leg muscles
    o Exercises for the buttocks
    o Exercises for the chest muscles.
  • Third cycle exercises will take no less time than the second. It is aimed at working the torso muscles – the abs and arms. The main components of the program are:
    o Abdominal exercises
    o Hand exercises
    o Stretching.

After getting used to the first complex, connect the second and third, alternating them. If you feel that you can do it and know that you have time, do the entire program three times a week, that is, all three cycles.

You will need very little to practice:

  • Chair with back
  • Rug
  • Dumbbells or bottles weighing 1 kilogram
  • Fighting mood!

If you add jogging or cycling to your program in the morning, excess fat will evaporate in a matter of weeks.

Now I don't worry about being overweight!

This effect can be achieved in just a few months, without diets or exhausting workouts, and most importantly, with the effect retained! It's time for you to change everything!!! The best complex for weight loss of the year!

Fame came to Cindy Crawford quite late: after 30 years, but she has always been a strong competitor even for young models. Having a great figure, she reveals the secret of staying in shape. The video became a bestseller and is still popular today. It turns out that you can spend just 10 minutes a day on exercises and get a slim and toned figure. Is there a secret to a perfect figure? Let's take a look at Cindy's system.

Beauty secrets of Cindy Crawford

When Cindy Crawford was asked to reveal the secret to a perfect figure, she gave some simple but useful recommendations:

  • Children are not a hindrance. The mother of two children, Cindy, says that after their birth she did not stop taking care of herself, she only slightly changed her workouts. Joint yoga, exercise, jogging will bring the family together and help teach the younger generation to healthy image life. 10-15 minutes a day is not a pity for yourself.
  • Diversity. Of course, sooner or later routine trips to the gym get boring. Try to alternate loads: running today, swimming tomorrow, strength training the day after tomorrow. And you won’t get bored, and your body won’t get used to the stress.
  • Combine business with pleasure. Cindy's secret: she really loves flour products and pasta, and simply cannot refuse them. Therefore, after treating herself to something delicious, she arranges fasting days, restoring the calorie balance.
  • Personal care. If you have a slim body, but unkempt skin and hair can hardly be said to be attractive. Cindy's favorite cosmetics are blush, lip gloss, mascara and sunscreen. Care products and cosmetic procedures are also very important.
  • Maintaining a sleep schedule. The top model always goes to bed at 10-11 pm, does not drink coffee before bed, and does relaxing exercises. It is more beneficial to sleep in complete darkness so that melanin is more actively synthesized in the skin.
  • Emotional condition. Cindy claims that your emotional condition cannot but affect the figure. Indeed, a woman looks good if she is positive.

Video program of classes for 10 and 50 minutes

Video lessons have a number of advantages:

  • You can study at home.
  • Gradually increase the load.
  • No additional equipment is required (simulators, balls, weights, etc.). The maximum is an exercise mat and dumbbells.
  • Suitable for beginners.
  • It has virtually no contraindications.

The first part, “The Secret of the Ideal Figure,” consists of two main complexes and one interval training for 10 minutes. Each complex has a warm-up, main part and stretching exercises. The workouts target different muscle groups.

Cindy conducts the second complex “How to Achieve Perfection” together with a fitness trainer. These workouts will be of interest to people who are undergoing rehabilitation after injuries.

The third part, “New Dimension,” is aimed at women who want to regain their figure after childbirth. A new dimension – gentle aerobics, also suitable for people without sports training.

The best aerobics exercises

Not everyone, but many people remember the era of video tapes: a luxurious top model working out in the gym or on the ocean. I just want to try doing the exercises with her and achieve an ideal figure in 10 minutes. By the way, aerobics with Cindy Crawford is popular among many Hollywood celebrities. It contains strength exercises for beginners, and elements of Pilates, yoga, and callanetics. The result will be noticeable within a month if you do not neglect your exercises. Reviews about the classes are mostly positive.

The most popular exercises:

  • 7-10 min stretching.
  • Squats – feet shoulder-width apart, feet apart. We stretch our arms (you can take dumbbells as an additional load). We do squats without lifting our heels off the floor. We linger in lowest point for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. 2 sets of 10 times.
  • Lunges. We put our leg forward, bending it so that the knee almost touches the floor, then straighten it and return to the starting position. 10 times for each leg.
  • Twisting. We lie on our backs, legs bent, feet on the floor, hands clasped behind our heads. On the count of 1-5, we raise our shoulders and shoulder blades, hold for a couple of seconds and slowly lower to the floor. Do 25 times.
  • For the buttocks. We lie on the floor, legs bent at the knees. Slowly raise the pelvis, tense the abs, then smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times.
  • Push ups. Narrow and wide (hands shoulder-width apart or narrower). Each type 15 times.
  • Stretching. We lie on our backs, stretch out our legs, arms at our sides. We pull one leg to the chest, press it as much as possible and fixate, then change legs. Do 3 times on each leg. Then we sit down and fold our legs into a “butterfly” (bend our knees and bring our feet together). Embrace your shins and slowly rock forward, trying to touch your chest to the floor.
  • Relaxation. We lie down on the floor for a few minutes, clasp our legs with our arms, relax our muscles and sway slightly. Take a deep breath and slowly rise up.

And here is the famous “New Dimension” for beginners and women who have recently become mothers and want to achieve an ideal figure. Online classes receive positive reviews, and when done regularly they give excellent results, see the video below.