Vadim Kazachenko personal life children. Vadim Kazachenko caused a scandal after a sudden meeting with his ex-wife

Vadim Kazachenko is a pop singer whose name today is almost lost in the past. His interviews rarely appear in magazines, and his music videos and concert performances rarely appear on television. Sometimes, remembering him and his work, we subconsciously add “Do you remember, once upon a time...”.

But what else do we really remember about this singer? Having become a true symbol of the music of the nineties, Vadim Kazachenko seemed to have disappeared into the past along with this time itself. That’s why today his music already seems like a story from the distant past.

Early years, childhood and family of Vadim Kazachenko

Vadim Kazachenko was born on July 13, 1963 in the Ukrainian city of Poltava. This is where he spent his childhood. Here our today's hero began to study music for the first time. At first he played and sang only for his own pleasure.

Vadim Kazachenko in childhood

His impromptu performances drew crowds of people around him. Therefore, at one fine moment, Vadim decided to organize a vocal and instrumental ensemble at his school, from which, in fact, his musical career began.

Yes, of course, such performances did not bring him much fame. However, it was during that period of time that the dream of a big stage appeared in Kazachenko’s soul. Music became the main passion of his life. And therefore, in the future, our today’s hero always systematically walked towards his goal.

Star Trek singer Vadim Kazachenko

The talented Ukrainian guy had the opportunity to enter the professional stage for the first time in 1985. During this period, he first began working as a soloist of the Kursk Regional and then the Amur Regional Philharmonic. Some time later, the guy’s life also included the city of Barnaul and another concert philharmonic.

It was here that our today's hero met musicians from the Freestyle group, who some time later invited the singer to become part of their musical group.

Vadim Kazachenko - God will punish you

Our today's hero had the opportunity to perform as part of this ensemble for a relatively short time - only two years (from 1989 to 1991). However, it was during this period that the name of Vadim Kazachenko first became known on the Soviet stage.

During the period of cooperation with the Freestyle group, Vadim Kazachenko took part in the work on four albums of this group. In addition, it was our today’s hero who performed most of the group’s hits. So, in particular, his voice can be heard in the songs “Red-haired Girl”, “Season of Love”, “Forgive - Goodbye...”, “White Sailboat”, “ Cherry Orchard", "It hurts me, it hurts...", as well as in many other songs.

The last of the named compositions became one of the most important hits of the Freestyle group and Vadim Kazachenko. In 1991, a video of the same name was shot for this song, which elevated the singer to the first lines of all kinds of Russian and Ukrainian charts and music ratings.

Subsequently, it was this success that made our today’s hero think about solo work for the first time. In 1992, Vadim left the Freestyle group and began working on his first album. During this period, many famous authors and songwriters expressed a desire to work with him. Thus, the Ukrainian singer’s repertoire included songs by Arkady Ukupnik, Vyacheslav Malezhik, Vladimir Matetsky and many other famous composers.

As a result, in 1993, the musician’s first solo album, “All Over,” was presented to the public, which instantly became one of the main hits of that time.

A year later, the record was even re-released on CD, which was a huge success at that time. Subsequently, from 1995 to 1996, the artist recorded and released three studio albums at once - “Bless”, “Good Riddance”, “Farewell Forever”. Each of these records became very popular among listeners.

Vadim Kazachenko - It hurts me, it hurts

According to some media reports, in the mid-nineties, Vadim Kazachenko received the status of one of the most “sold” and commercially successful performers in the space of the former Soviet Union. Vadim Kazachenko often appeared on television and also traveled around the CIS countries with large-scale concerts. Particularly large performances took place in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In 1996, as main star During the election campaign, the artist took part in performances in support of Boris Yeltsin.

However, already in 1997, our today’s hero suddenly disappeared from television screens and pages for some time. secular news. As is commonly believed, the period of silence was associated with some conflict between Vadim Kazachenko and his longtime friend Igor Krutoy.

Marriage with a former fan brought the artist to scandal and trials

A month ago ex-lover artist Olga Martynova gave birth to a son. Vadim has not seen the baby yet. Now there are court proceedings between him and Olga.

— Vadim, what do you know about the newborn baby?

- Nothing. I don't even know if he has a name. Only once in court, Olga’s representative showed an unfilled medical certificate of the child’s birth - so she considered it possible to notify me of his birth.

“Sooner or later, the conflict will subside anyway, life will go on.” Will grow little boy- your son. Would you like to communicate with him, participate in his life?

“If this is my son, then, as a human being, I have both an interest and a desire to communicate with him. But now I am under psychological pressure. There is no communication. Olga simply presented me with a fait accompli in September and said: “You got it.” Serious charges were brought against me. Olga doesn’t tell people the whole truth: “You know, I have to explain that I didn’t live with my husband, and he saw me once a month. Moreover, he talked to me all the time about how he wanted to get a divorce.” She described the whole situation as if we had a normal family, we met at home every evening, went on vacation together, planned the birth of a child, and as soon as she became pregnant, I left her. But this is not so!

Naturally, she did not explain all this to people. And for the public, our story looks terrible. In reality, after the wedding, Olga never moved into my apartment and continued to live either with her parents or in her own house, I don’t even really know. I didn't have her things in my apartment. Now she says that I kicked her out from somewhere. But what if we didn't live together? She just came to visit me from time to time. I also transferred money to her from time to time when she asked. I don’t know where she spent it.

Of course, I am worried and worried about everything that concerns the child. But right now we have no chance of normal communication.

— Many people are concerned about the question: why did you need this marriage? For many years you lived with Irina Amanti, your director. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, a wedding with Olga. What was that?

— I had a difficult period. At that time I broke up with Irina and thought that I could build a family with Olga. She actually played on this when she promised that we would be together in sorrow and in joy. At the same time, I always tried to be honest and open, so already in the first year of marriage I admitted to Olga that I didn’t feel at all that we were becoming family, that we had any family relationships. After registering our marriage, practically nothing changed between us. Life continued as if we were just having an affair - rare meetings, dates. Only Olga was already in the status of a wife, which she really desired and which, apparently, was so difficult for her to part with. Notice that she does not talk about feelings, about love, about the fact that she is sorry to part with me as a person. And in Malakhov’s program she said quite calmly: “No. I don’t need this person.” But what is needed then? Apparently, money, that’s what she came to fight on television for, and that’s why she met with me from time to time.

In general, I am a soft person by nature, always looking for compromise and understanding. I gave her official status. And I was expecting something like this when I said that our family didn’t work out, it simply doesn’t exist, and it’s better for us to separate. In theory, I should have taken up arms and gone to the registry office and written a statement. But I wanted this decision to be made in solidarity, with understanding. Unfortunately, things turned out differently. And I received accusations as if I were some kind of crazy, insane guy who suddenly went crazy.

Her fans write about me: “Old, scary, useless, forgotten.” Well then leave me alone! Stop fueling the conflict and throwing wood into the firebox. If I am so disgusting and disgusting, then why should we try to annul our divorce, and in fact, an invalid marriage that took place back in December? Why go through long and nerve-wracking legal battles? Apparently, someone has received little attention so far.

Now she is engaged in advertising herself at the expense of my name. Instead of taking care of the child, she gives interviews for money and participates in television shows. And you know, in my opinion, all this is very far from real life.

Last December in Russian media unexpected news appeared - the star of the 1990s Vadim Kazachenko left his pregnant wife. The public was amazed not only by the singer’s act, but also by the fact that he had a legal wife. All these years, Kazachenko did not talk about his personal life, and the company rare exits His director was Irina Amanti, his director. And so, it suddenly turned out that Kazachenko had been married to a girl named Olga for two years, and she was about to give birth to his child. Despite the video from the wedding, the memories of Olga’s relatives and friends, Vadim denied his union with her, and then completely filed a lawsuit that his marriage was fictitious. Pregnant (and then with a baby in her arms) Olga Kazachenko was forced to fend off her husband (or his representatives) in court and proved that their marriage was real. However, in the spring of this year, Kazachenko had already managed to marry his director Irina. About a bigamous husband, endless trials, a son and all this complicated story in general, Olga Kazachenko frankly told our portal.

“The beginning of our relationship... All this was so long ago. We have known each other since 2006. Our communication began on a friendly note. We were just friends for several years. Vadim did not show any sympathy towards me, did not make any hints, in fact, neither did I.

And, of course, when he began to show me signs of attention, it confused me (this was approximately 2009). Until that moment, I had not noticed anything like this about him. He began to court me, wrote romantic messages, and could unexpectedly come to visit me on some holiday with gifts.

What can I say, I liked him too, I was pleased with his advances, but I still resisted to the last. I didn’t want it to hurt me if I suddenly gave myself to this relationship, and for some reason it stopped.

But I want to say that I didn’t notice this narcissism, selfishness, habits of an artist, a star in him at all. In our relationship, on the contrary, he tried to do everything for me, and never put himself first. However, it took time for him to convince me that he had serious intentions about us. In the end, he won my favor.

Over the years of our relationship, I, of course, got to know his friends, his close circle, and I can say for sure that all those uncles and aunts who are shown on TV and who claim to be Vadim’s friends have nothing to do with him. Once I participated in a program, and the presenter announced that Vadim Kazachenko’s friend would now come to the studio, and as a result, an incomprehensible man came out. Still, I was not a fictitious wife and I know who is his friend and who is not. And all these people are definitely not one of them, unless they all became friends after our separation. It's funny for me to watch this circus.

Moreover, I cannot say that Vadim generally had a very wide circle of contacts so that now suddenly so many people were aware of his personal life.

He is a rather private person and to say, for example, that over the years we went somewhere with his group of friends - this did not happen often. More often we spent time with my friends, in my company. We often visited my parents, which he now “goes through” in his interviews. It’s not clear what they did to him so bad that he suddenly felt he had the right to turn their personal lives inside out. They loved him and respected him. For example, I don’t discuss his family anywhere, but he allowed himself to drag my family into his squabbles.

By the way, all my friends are now completely shocked by what is happening. After all, they all knew Vadim, knew us as a couple, were at our wedding, at some holidays. And now he performed a somersault that I can’t even explain. I don’t understand why he’s doing this to me, because I didn’t do anything bad to him, but he started such a scam against me. Even before my first appearance on television in December 2016, starting in October, he had already been preparing four lawsuits against me for several million rubles.

I don’t understand what he was trying to achieve with this scandal. Does he like all the hype around him? If so, I hope the game he started was worth the candle.

Many people say that Vadim is under someone’s influence and is simply forced to do this, but I think this is complete nonsense. I am 100% sure that if he didn’t like something, he would, for example, take it and go to his daughter in Germany. Everything is in his hands, and I think he knows what he's doing.

About a month after our separation, Vadim left new clip, recording of a new album has begun. His career took off sharply. Maybe she (Irina Amanti - director and lover of Vadim Kazachenko - website note) promised him that he would become the new Michael Jackson if he broke up with me? Again, if fame and career were so important to him, he would have divorced me - the registry office is next to the house. But no, he lived, slept with me, gave me gifts. And then he started this vile marriage scam, he wanted to get money from me and our son, and he tried to do this even before I went to “Let Them Talk.”

Honestly, I still can’t explain his action. We had very good relationship, up to last day everything was wonderful and changed exactly at the moment when I told him about the pregnancy.

But even then I didn’t think that this would all turn out. In my opinion, we agreed on everything - he decided that he doesn’t need a child, so I don’t interfere with him. Agree, when your man says after the news of pregnancy: “Let’s get a divorce,” why do you even need such a man? I don’t need such a person, and I told him so right away. Keeping him by blackmail is beneath me. Especially after such a betrayal.

My pregnancy was not unplanned, an accident.

We wanted children, we worked actively on this for two years, and underwent the necessary examinations.

I would understand if he stopped loving me, but everything was fine with us, and then after, it would seem, good news, he declares that he wants to get a divorce. But even in this case, he could have simply gone and filed for divorce, but no - he went to court, and before that he tried to threaten, forced to have an abortion.

"Knowing true attitude Vadim to Irina all these years, I involuntarily sympathize with him"

Someone says that the fact that he carefully hid our relationship from the public should have been a wake-up call for me. But the fact is that from the very beginning I built a relationship with a person, a person, and not with an artist, and it didn’t matter to me whether they knew about me or not.

Today Vadim is shouting that I have dreamed of fame all my life. Just recently we met with him, and he told me: “You are promoting yourself on my last name,” and I only have one thought: “Are you normal?” We were together for five years, and I never interfered with your work, I never tried to ask you to go out somewhere with you, and now you’re telling me this? It makes my hair stand out from what I sometimes read about myself in articles. It seems to me that he is sick if he seriously thinks so.

And let's be honest, I didn't marry Michael Jackson after all. When and where did they write about Vadim Kazachenko in recent years? Do you think I married a star? I married a man.

Vadim was worried about his lack of demand, and I was worried along with him, but I didn’t get involved in work. His director was in charge of promotion, and I was also worried about the fact that she wasn’t very good at it, together with Vadim, I tried to support him and encourage him.

I admit, it was unpleasant for me when I occasionally came across articles on the Internet about Kazachenko’s incomprehensible “wife” and showed them to him, but he always reassured me and said that there would always be “yellow” news. I guess that it’s difficult to understand me, but he managed to convince me that he loves me, that it’s me who has the stamp in my passport, that he lives with me, which means there’s no point in worrying. Therefore, yes, I didn’t care that no one knew or wrote about me, I wasn’t jealous, nothing bothered me.

Moreover, Vadim has repeatedly spoken about his purely business-like attitude towards director Irina (Amanti, - website note)- repeated that they couldn’t have anything.

At one of the court hearings, a representative spoke on behalf of Vadim, who stated that the director (Irina Amanti, - website note) lived with us in the apartment. With us in the apartment! How did they even come up with this? To which the judge naturally says: “In your opinion, the three of them lived together?” Of course it's funny. Not only did she not live, she had never been to our home at all. He even changed the locks from her.

And now they are suddenly in love! Knowing his true attitude towards her all these years, I involuntarily sympathize with him. For debts, having transferred the only housing in her name, he found himself in an awkward situation that he even had to marry her on April 1.

And in general, what kind of love is this when you declare to the whole country that your man is sick, and his hair is transplanted, and add more intimate details?

I never understood this, but Vadik said that this was the director’s decision, which means it’s better for work. But when we were together, on the contrary, I tried to imagine my man in better light, and not like this - trample, humiliate his dignity, tell all these obscene things in public.

This is the first time in my life that I have encountered such an outright lie. Our conversation with Vadim about pregnancy took place in early September, I then asked him to simply not touch me, to let the child be born in a legal marriage, after which we would calmly file for divorce and separate. I also promised not to touch him, and he agreed with this decision. And at that time he quickly ran and filed a lawsuit against me in order to declare our marriage invalid!

That is, after giving birth, I had to find out that we had a fictitious marriage, so I was obliged to pay my husband 5 million rubles, because I allegedly enriched myself illegally.

This is such an “interesting” scheme. He did all this behind my back, with the support of the director. She became his main witness. We met with him in December, when he had already filed lawsuits, but he deceived me, deliberately kept silent about it so that the decision would be made without my participation.

In the forms, in the column of my contacts, his phone number and mail were indicated, so that the summons would not reach me 100%, since the notifications came to the registration address, and at that time I lived with my mother, and he carefully thought through all this.

By the end of the year, I was a defendant in several lawsuits from him, and after my appearance on television, about seven more lawsuits were added.

He declares that the marriage is fictitious, despite the fact that there is a lot of evidence to the contrary - even a wedding at which there were 35 invited guests, and from which there is a video.

There was another version of the development of events. He stated that I disappeared in 2015, and since then he has not seen me (although he was at my house in August and September 2016, not counting the holidays - and there are many witnesses to this). That is, his plans were that a brick would “accidentally” fall on my head, and he would declare in court that he had not seen me for a year, since the marriage was fictitious? I see it this way because I don’t understand how you can say such things, knowing that I have witnesses who can prove the opposite. Like, for example, a video from his son-in-law, sent in May 2016, where he tells how happy he is for Vadim and me. What was Vadik thinking about? About brick? About the fact that then there will be no one to present all this evidence?

I admit that he could have decided that I would hide in a corner and just watch as orders from the court came to me one after another. And I once again understand that I did the right thing, because if I had not defended myself, he would have turned my life into hell with multi-million dollar debts.

They ask me: “How were you not afraid to go against your spouse?” I want to say that it was my husband who went against me, and it wasn’t a matter of whether I was scared or not, I understood that I didn’t have much choice, that I had to act. I was afraid for my life because I remembered the showdown between Kazachenko and Prigozhin.

Everything that happened to me did not allow me to relax. So you walk around pregnant and accidentally find out that a lawsuit has been filed against you, then you lie in the maternity hospital, and they collect 5 million rubles from you. In such a situation, there is no time to go crazy - all your thoughts are aimed at how to cope with the next problem. Of course, now, looking back, I even laugh at the absurdity of the situation, but then it was no laughing matter. I cannot boast of absolute calm in life, but I understood that yelling and hysteria was useless - nothing would change.

I am glad that justice prevailed and our marriage was recognized as legal.

Now, it turns out that his and Irina’s marriage is fictitious and invalid. All this looks, of course, absurd. I think he had a pretty good image, but now what has he done? For what? Was such vile PR worth it?

One day I asked him: “Why are you doing this?”, to which the answer was: “I have the right.” He has the right to lie, to poison me, our child and my entire family... And then again he started talking about the fact that I am promoting myself in his name... Today all our communication is limited rare meetings in court, where conversations boil down to accusing me. I think he's mostly upset that I didn't pay him those millions.

He doesn't recognize his child either. At first he insisted on a DNA test, but then he himself refused it.

One day he said the following phrase: “She doesn’t know what I will do when I find out that the child is mine.” Do you understand? He hints at some consequences if the DNA result shows that the child is his.

I gave my son his middle name and last name. According to the law, I could not do otherwise, and in general - I was in a relationship with wonderful person, gave birth to a beloved man who “disappeared” for me in September 2016. Today I look at the child and understand that in many ways he has taken after his father - just as calm and quiet. I haven’t yet thought about what I will tell my son about my dad - I’m used to living one day at a time and solving problems as they arise. But I can say that in general I am not against their communication, maybe time will pass and Vadim will recover.

For myself, I divide Vadim into two people - the one with whom I lived all these years, and the one whom I see now. I still have good, bright memories, warm memories of that good Vadim. But I don’t feel any feelings for today’s Vadim, because I simply don’t know this person. All that fills me today is complete bewilderment.

I can say for sure that I will never forgive him for what he did. He is a complete stranger to me.

Today, I hope that we will close all the court cases one by one. Although they hint to me that nothing is finished yet. lately he gives interviews in which there is little left of the truth, saying, for example, that he has only a couple of claims against me, although you just have to go to the Moscow City Court website and be convinced of the opposite.

Every day, since December, his fans attack me - they throw threats and accusations. I try not to react to all this. It used to be offensive and painful, but now it’s not. Of course, I’m not a perfect person, but to think of such perverted bullying...

In this whole story, what is important is not so much the characters, but the fact that any man can do this behind the back of his pregnant woman - go and recognize the marriage as fictitious, not caring about the law, moral and ethical standards and the unborn child.

Today I try to live one day at a time. All I hope for is that a brick won’t fall on my head, and I don’t think about the rest. What will be will be.”

Vadim Kazachenko and Irina Amanti in once again became guests of a talk show where their love triangle, the third in which is the young wife of the artist Olga Martynova. Kazachenko stated that Martynova constantly spreads rumors and other information about him that discredits his honor and dignity. “Today my beloved wife Irina is with me. There is little left - to put all the dots according to the law, in court,” said the artist.


While Amanti was running around the experts sitting in the studio, showing them various documents and certificates, Olga Martynova’s friend Evgenia Kirichenko appeared in the studio. She stood in front of Kazachenko and attacked him with insults. “Vadim, you are a pig. You are a bigamist, you have two wives! I have the right to say this,” Kirichenko said. Amanti immediately came to the singer’s defense. Vadim left the studio amid much fanfare, holding his heart.

Backstage, the artist was helped by ambulance workers - they measured his blood pressure and did a cardiogram (after all, Kazachenko, they say, had one micro-infarction). Soon the singer returned to the studio. The climax of the show was the appearance of Olga Martynova. She sat down not far from Amanti and loudly declared that she was extremely dissatisfied a large number claims filed against her by the artist.

Kazachenko, Amanti and Martynova staged a verbal altercation. Other participants in the program and experts surrounded them so that they would not move from words to a showdown with fists. Vadim felt bad again, and Amanti told him to leave the studio. "Vadik, get out of here!" – Irina ordered the artist. He, holding his heart, immediately moved to the wings. Host Dmitry Borisov announced the end of the show and promised that in the next episode the showdown between Kazachenko and his women will continue.

In a fresh interview, Amanti announced that Kazachenko is temporarily incapacitated. “Vadim is now exhausted and cannot work. He suffered a second micro-infarction,” Irina said. Kazachenko is trying with all his might to drown out the scandal with his young wife.

"Let's stop inflating this story in the public space, where it is full of rumors and unreliable information. Everything should end calmly - in court. The child is almost eight months old, there have never been any threats against Olga. This is a lie, a provocation and part PR campaigns ex-wife", Kazachenko quotes