Who gave birth to a son to Dmitry Malikov. Dmitry Malikov showed the face of his son Mark for the first time in a new video

The singer announced the joyful event almost a week later - on his birthday, and chose the child’s name two months later. From the first days, persistent fans asked the singer to show them the baby, but Dmitry either photographed the baby from the back, or so far away that it was impossible to see the face. And only five months later, the happy father finally decided that his son was ready to meet the fans. The singer introduced Mark to the public in an original way. At the end of the video for the song “ The Last Romantic“Dmitry took his five-month-old son in his arms and showed his face close-up.

Today Malikov decided to show off the grown-up Mark in all his glory on his microblog on Instagram. The singer chose a significant date to publish the photo: his son turned six months old. “Thank you for congratulating Mark on his six-month anniversary!” - Dmitry Malikov wrote under the photo (the spelling and punctuation of the authors hereinafter are given without changes. - Note ed.). The singer’s fans immediately began to wish the baby health, noting his serious look beyond his years: « Well, how can you not love this angel!!! Miracle)))», « A serious boy is growing up, good luck and good health to him! Don't pay attention to the spiteful critics, you have wonderful family! », « Such a meaningful look! as if I knew the meaning of life», « What a serious man! Beautiful eyes like dad's. Happiness and joy to your family».

48-year-old Dmitry Malikov showed his grown-up son

By the way, for the public, the birth of the Malikovs’ son came as an absolute surprise, because the couple did not hint at any impending addition to the family. Moreover, it turned out that even some of Dmitry and Elena’s friends found out about this the day before the birth. For Dmitry's parents. Although the elder Malikovs knew about the upcoming replenishment, they were not informed about the date of birth. Eldest daughter Stefania was shocked by her parents' desire to have another child. “It was a shock. But then the realization came that this best gift for my dad's birthday and my upcoming 18th birthday. The baby is a real doll, one can only dream of such things,” shared Stesha Malikova.

Dmitry Malikov with his family

Let us remind you that yesterday Dmitry Malikov provoked a scandal with his unexpected statement on Twitter. The artist published a post in which he insulted all representatives of show business. Malikov said: to succeed in show business, you need to be either a homosexual (the singer used another expression - unprintable), or a Jew, and even better - a Jew with a non-traditional sexual orientation. True, after a barrage of negativity addressed to

They started talking about her immediately when this woman appeared next to the popular singer and composer. Such is the influence of a media person: everyone who is in the immediate radius instantly comes into the public eye. But Elena is worthy of compliments not only because she was a couple with a star.

Elena Valevskaya (that’s what her maiden name sounds like) was born in February 1963 in Tula. The girl became the only child in the family. A creative atmosphere reigned in the house, because the girl graduated from the Kazan Art School and went to continue her education in the capital. Having received a diploma from the Institute of Culture, Elena decided not to give up her education.

In 1990, the girl entered the famous VGIK, choosing the directing department. I took a director's course.


After graduation I started creative biography Elena Malikova. The young woman was looking for her own place in life. Elena tested her strength as an actress and starred in the films “Kill a Scorpio” and “Kara.” The first film was directed by Alexander Sorokin. The drama contains elements of an action film and a crime film. The second tape appeared in 1993 and became thesis VGIK graduate Anna-Maria Yarmolyuk.

At the same time, the girl tried to make a career in the modeling business: at one time she worked in a nursery art school, where I got a job as a fashion designer. Looking ahead, let's say that in this area the woman has achieved the greatest success. She has profitable business: in Italy, Malikova produces a line of beachwear. Later, Elena Malikova’s brand stores appeared in Moscow. Innate taste and femininity help Lena look like herself in the best possible way and keep up with the latest fashion trends in the production of clothing produced by her company.

But then, at the dawn of her formation, Elena tried her hand at various industries, including economics. The girl got a job as an economist in a joint Russian-Austrian enterprise and often went on business trips abroad.

Personal life

For the first time, Lena Valevskaya got married early: at the age of 18, the girl became the wife of a businessman, from whom she gave birth to a girl at 19. Elena Malikova's daughter's name from her first marriage is . At the age of 20, Lena experienced a personal tragedy - her mother died, and Valevskaya soon lost her father. But daughter Olya, who had appeared by that time, helped Elena survive difficult moments. In addition, the husband surrounded his wife with attention and care.

It seems that in this marriage the young beauty had everything her compatriots could only dream of. At that difficult time (the dashing 90s), Lena moved around the city in expensive cars. The husband showered his wife with luxurious fur coats and jewelry fabulous price. But at the age of 25, Elena suddenly realized that every day was similar to the previous one and life was slipping away like sand through her fingers.

Then Elena met Dmitry. Lena’s plans did not at all include “jumping out” to get married again and end up in another golden cage.

Meeting Dmitry was not an accident. The singer once saw a photo of a beauty in an album of mutual friends and fell in love. The musician persistently asked to meet Lena. Under pressure, the friends gave in and finally brought the couple together. It was love at first sight. Elena conquered the star with her beauty and femininity, and also because she was already a self-sufficient woman who knew her worth and did not strive to please. The girl was not going to hide from Dmitry that she had a daughter, Olya, who was about to go to 1st grade.

The young people began to live together. The period of “grinding in” turned out to be difficult, but this couple had the main thing that helped them overcome adversity and problems - love. Since 1992, the young people lived in civil marriage. But in 2000, when their daughter was born, the couple decided to legalize the relationship and Elena became the legal wife of Dmitry Malikov. Now the couple have turned into real strong family.

The date of birth of Elena Malikova is the main reason for envious people and spiteful critics to gossip about star couple. The difference between the spouses is 7 years. But although Dmitry is younger than his other half, only the husband is the unquestioned authority in the family. According to Lena, being a submissive wife is not a problem for her, so peace and complete mutual understanding reign in the house. In addition, Elena Malikova manages to maintain an ideal external form. The woman regularly visits the fitness room, where she does stretching, does strength exercises on machines and runs several kilometers on a treadmill. From cosmetic procedures prefers mesotherapy.

The personal life of Elena Malikova is going well. The eldest daughter Olga Izakson studied in France, then graduated from MGIMO, and at the same time became interested in creating artistic photos, presented a number of personal exhibitions. In 2016, Olga became the wife of entrepreneur Jamal Khalilov and gave birth to his daughter Anna. The younger Stefania followed in the footsteps of older sister and became a student at MGIMO, the girl entered the Faculty of Journalism.

In January 2018, rumors appeared online about the imminent birth of an heir in the Malikov family. Speculation was not taken seriously, since Elena and Dmitry did not comment on this information. But on January 29, 2018, Dmitry from the page of his own “ Instagram"told fans about a happy event in the family -. The child was born in a clinic in St. Petersburg from a surrogate mother. Following her husband, Elena Malikova also posted a joyful post on her own page. This publication became the first public photo of the couple with their newborn.

Elena Malikova now

Now Dmitry Malikov’s wife is developing her own modeling business and is right hand famous husband. Elena holds the position of executive producer at his production center. The wife participates in organizing Dmitry’s “Music Lessons” master classes, which Malikov conducts in Russian cities for children. The events are held under the heading of a charity event; spectators attend the “lessons” for free.

Elena is directly involved in Dmitry Malikov’s educational musical project “Turn the Game.” In the play, which premiered in November 2016, Malikova was the author of the idea and co-screenwriter. Together with Dmitry, Elena produced a music show.

The production is intended to introduce middle and older children school age with a variety of musical styles and genres, ranging from the Baroque era to jazz masterpieces and hits of modern pop artists. Director Olga Subbotina and an actor who acted as a screenwriter participated in the creation of the show.

Journalists found out where the son of Dmitry Malikov was born and how much it cost him.

The heir to Dmitry Malikov was born on January 24, and now dad is very happy twice. But he is in no hurry to share details about the newborn. Journalists managed to find out that the clinic in St. Petersburg was not chosen by chance. The reason is not only that the medical institution is international and its specialists are trained in the best European clinics. An important fact was that in St. Petersburg the Malikov family was able to preserve their important event secretly from outsiders, writes Teleprogramma.pro.

Dmitry and Elena Malikov - perfect couple: together for 25 years. No betrayal, public quarrels or showdowns. The couple raised a 17-year-old daughter, Stefania, who is now a first-year student at the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. The girl is smart, beautiful, she passed the test herself high scores Unified State Examination and entered the university without using money or family connections. Stefania has a boyfriend (who is equally successful and from a good, wealthy family), her parents bought her daughter an apartment... In general, they raised her, put her on her feet... It’s time to live for yourself. But the Malikovs decided otherwise.

“I want a son, and we are actively working on this,” Dmitry Malikov said back in the fall of 2016 in the TV program “Secret to a Million.” A year and a half passed and the musician’s dream came true: Dmitry admitted that his son, heir, was his dream. Modern medical technologies now make it possible to fulfill the innermost desires of many couples. It should be noted that the wife of the famous musician has always supported her husband in everything: she manages her husband’s affairs, her main assistant and adviser in all his affairs. Elena has adult daughter from a previous marriage (photographer Olga Izakson), who recently made her a grandmother. Elena Malikova initiates many of her husband’s projects, lately Dmitry worked a lot in different genres. He traveled around the country with a project for children, infiltrated youth culture- judged a rap battle, recorded a video with video blogger and rapper Yuri Khovansky: in general, he tried in every possible way to keep up with life, realizing that you can’t make money only on instrumental music and hits of the last century. “This success has caused a surge of interest from advertisers - I am being offered contracts by firms and companies that are interested in promoting online,” Malikov said recently in an interview. But it turns out that Dmitry needs to be fashionable and modern also because he was planning a baby.

Now the new dad is accepting congratulations and reliving the emotions that he first experienced 17 years ago. This coming weekend, the new family will go home, where everything is ready for the newborn.

The cost of services for a surrogate mother, including legal support for the procedure, IVF for a surrogate mother, her remuneration (700 - 800 thousand rubles), monthly maintenance, medical support for pregnancy and childbirth can cost an average of 2 million rubles. Naturally, the Malikovs did not skimp on medical services for surrogate mother. The birth took place in comfortable conditions, the baby’s parents were nearby. Everyone now trusts well-known companies to choose a surrogate mother after conducting an interview.

Elena Malikova – Russian actress, fashion designer, producer, director. Wife of singer Dmitry Malikov, mother of singer Stefania Malikova.

Childhood and youth

Elena Malikova (nee Valevskaya) was born on February 14, 1963 in Kazan (according to other sources, in Tula). The girl was the only child in the family. After school, Elena entered the Kazan Art School, after which she continued to study in the direction of “culture and art” in Moscow.


In 1990, the girl became a student at the directing department of VGIK. The girl studied her craft in the workshop of the famous director Sergei Solovyov, creator of the films “One Hundred Days After Childhood” (1975) with Tatiana Drubich, “Assa” (1987), “Tender Age” (2000), etc.

In the year of admission, Elena starred in a small role in Alexander Sorokin’s tragicomedy “Arkady Fomich’s Committee,” which did not receive much popularity. In her middle and senior years, Elena starred in a short film by VGIK graduate Anna-Maria Yarmolyuk “Kara”, worked as an artist on the set of the same Sorokin’s melodrama “Bee” (with Evgeny Stychkin, Tatyana Dogileva and Eduard Martsevich), and then acted as a screenwriter and director and the artist of the short films “Angothea” (based on the story “Elda and Angotea” by Alexander Green) and “The Abyss” (based on the work of the same name by Leonid Andreev).

During her studies and for some time after, Elena worked in a children's art school and in the field of economics at a joint Russian-Austrian enterprise. But greatest success the girl has achieved in the field of fashion – Elena launched own business for the production of beachwear in Italy and Russia.

Interview with Dmitry and Elena Malikov about “eternal youth”

In 2016, Elena became the author of the idea and one of the screenwriters musical performance Dmitry Malikov “Turn the Game,” the theme of which was a conversation between two generations. Vadim Demchog also wrote the script for the show.

Personal life of Elena Malikova

Elena's first wedding took place quite early - at the age of 18, the girl married a successful businessman named Izakson, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Olga, a year later. She bears her father's last name.

When Elena was 20 years old, her mother died, and soon after her father. But a daughter who had appeared by that time and an attentive husband helped the girl overcome her grief.

The first marriage was successful for Elena by all standards - the husband did not refuse his wife anything, took her on vacation abroad, and paid her expensive gifts. However, at the age of 25, Elena realized that she was living in a golden cage - then the girl decided to leave the family.

Meeting Dmitry Malikov was not an accident. One day, a young artist saw a photograph of Elena in an album of mutual friends and asked them to introduce him to a mysterious beauty who, by the way, turned out to be 7 years older than him. According to Dmitry, it was love at first sight. And Elena, amazed at his youth at the time, recalled: “He was so pure, unprotected. Reminded me a little of my father.” Since 1992, the young people lived in a civil marriage, and in 2000, after the birth of their daughter Stefania, they decided to legalize the relationship.

Elena’s daughter from her first marriage studied in Austria for some time, then returned to her mother and, as Dmitry claims, “organically joined the family.” After graduating from school, she entered MGIMO. Since childhood, she grew up as a creative teenager, sang and danced well. Now she works as a photographer. In 2016, the girl got married and gave birth to a daughter, Anna, making Elena Malikova a grandmother.

At the end of January 2018, Dmitry and Elena had a son. The child was born in a St. Petersburg surrogacy clinic. As it turned out, Dmitry had long dreamed of an heir and stated that he and his wife were working on it back in 2016.

And Elena Malikova, who have been together for 25 years, became parents for the first time in 2000. Now their daughter Stefania Malikova is 17 years old, she is studying at MGIMO and taking her first steps in show business. In general, she has become quite an adult and is about to fly out of her parents’ nest. But star parents You definitely won't be bored. Yesterday it became known that Dmitry and Elena Malikova became parents again. True, this time with the help of a surrogate mother.

The Malikovs' second child was born in St. Petersburg. So far, neither the singer himself nor his wife have commented on the event. By the way, for Elena Malikova the child became the third. She has an eldest daughter from her first marriage. She also graduated from MGIMO. In addition, she studied in Paris. Elena's eldest daughter is married and has already become a mother herself. She and her husband, businessman Jamal Khalilov, are raising a daughter, Anna.

Elena and Dmitry Malikov with their daughter Stefania at her last call at school

Elena and Dmitry Malikov with their daughter Stefania, who went to first grade

Information about the birth of Dmitry and Elena Malikov’s second child was confirmed in an interview with Channel Five by the singer’s mother Lyudmila Vyunkova. She also noted that now she is all worried. Meanwhile, journalists have already managed to find out how much it cost star family surrogate mother services. According to media estimates based on the price list of an elite St. Petersburg reproductive medicine clinic, where the Malikovs’ second child was born, the birth of a second child cost about two million rubles.

Also on at the moment it is known that the singer himself has not yet seen his son. At the time the boy was born, Dmitry Malikov was on tour in Yekaterinburg. The artist told media representatives that he needed time before he could give a full comment.

Dmitry and Elena Malikova in 1993

Dmitry Malikov with his daughter Stefania in photographs from the family archive