What can be recycled. Profitable recycling: How to build a waste recycling business

The consciousness of citizens is growing every day. Separate collection waste is gaining popularity in Russia as well. All more people are becoming more concerned about environmental problems, many are not lazy to sort waste into paper, plastic, glass and hand it all over to special points reception.

Is this really self-awareness and responsibility towards the future generation or just another fashion trend? In any case, there is nothing bad about it, but there is more than enough benefit. By separating waste paper from plastic bottles, we help recycling companies obtain recyclable materials, and manufacturing companies produce other useful things. So, in what form does discarded garbage come back to us?

Writing instruments

Recycled plastic makes excellent ballpoint pens. It looks quite stylish, feels pleasant to the touch and is quite inexpensive. In Russia there are not yet many companies involved in the production of stationery products from recycled materials, but they exist. For example, the Viki Vostok company receives the necessary plastic for pens from Tetra Pak packaging - three bags are enough to make two pens.

Toilet paper

Toilet paper is made, as you might guess, from recycled waste paper. If at least ten people use rolls made from newspapers they read in the toilet, then, according to rough estimates, they will save three trees per year. But not all producers care about preserving forests on the planet. For those who want to use the “correct” toilet paper, Greenpeace has compiled a collection “How to choose the right toilet paper”. Take a look before you go to the store.

Clothes and shoes

Yes, clothes and shoes are also made from plastic bottles and waste paper. Moreover, this is one of the largest niches in the field of waste processing. Such famous brands as H&M, Patagonia, Adidas, Asics, Melissa, Levi’s and many others are engaged in the fight for the environment. Recycled plastic is used to produce padding polyester, polyester and nylon. These textile materials are also obtained from recycling old clothes. And Nike, in addition to clothing made from recycled materials, also makes packaging and various sports equipment.

Aluminum cans

You can absolutely say that the aluminum can of Pepsi-Cola you bought was once a can of some other drink. Aluminum is 100% recyclable, and a used aluminum can is the most recycled waste in the world. About 75% of the aluminum used in industry today was produced more than 20 years ago and it is still being transformed into new products.

Construction Materials

Recycled waste can be found in construction and landscaping. For example, cullet is obtained from glass containers, which is used to make glass wool and glass concrete. Approximately 3,000 empty glass bottles will be needed to insulate a standard country volume with glass wool.

Absolutely all consumer waste is suitable for recycling. However, not all of them are processed, due to the high cost of processing equipment or other factors. However, you can recycle paper at home. So, let's figure out how to recycle paper into lumpy egg pads.

Sponsor of the placement P&G Articles on the topic “How to recycle paper” How to train a kitten to the toilet How to avoid environmental disaster How to prevent pollution environment

Divide your waste paper into groups, taking into account the type of product (cardboard or paper), composition (wood or cellulose), color (light, dark, white, etc.), dissolution rate in water, etc. To make an egg carton Scrap newspapers will do.

Start unraveling the paper by placing it in a special solution. To do this, you need to take water to which you need to add a special 6% hydraulic thinner. Under the influence of these materials, the paper is completely crushed and separated into fibers.

Strain the resulting mass through a sieve so that the remaining water does not interfere further process processing. At the same time strain paper pulp follows in two stages - first through a coarse sieve, and then through a fine sieve.

Clean the resulting mass from pieces of wood and other substances. Prepare a solution of wax, paraffin and glue in equal proportions. Add the strained paper fibers to the warm mass, then mix the resulting mass thoroughly.

Take plastic egg wells. Such recesses can be purchased at a hardware store or simply removed from the refrigerator. Treat the mold with sunflower oil on the side that is placed on the table, that is, the mold should stand with the egg wells down. In this case, you should apply the oil to a cotton swab and simply coat the mold.

Pour the resulting mixture into the mold and place in a cool place for 30 minutes. After this, separate the frozen form from the one you took to help. The egg tray is ready - you can safely put eggs in it or distribute a similar creation to your friends and relatives. This product is especially useful for people raising chickens and geese.

Attention! If desired, you can add food coloring to the mixture obtained for hardening in order to give the tray a certain color.

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How to recycle paper at home

Let's take scraps of old pieces of paper and recycle them into paper. It's much more fun than buying paper at the store.

A little metal mesh on a frame, or old tights and a wire hanger.

Blender or food processor.

Blotter or super absorbent rag

Cutting boards or pieces of plywood.

Paper is made from fibers from wood or other plant products. These fibers are mixed into sheets of paper with other additives depending on the type of paper.

How is it different from commercial processing?

The most a big difference, of course, to scale. In addition, the entire process must be continuous and therefore involves conveyor belts and rollers, not tights and pieces of wood. Another big difference is that commercial processing removes the ink from the paper using bleaches and other chemicals.

Due to its versatility, low cost and durability, plastic has found its application in all spheres of life. Today, plastic is the most common artificial material on the planet. He's also first on the trash list. The amount of plastic waste on the planet is reaching epidemic proportions. Many scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs began to pay attention to this problem.

Industrial machines for recycling plastic are usually very expensive and quite complex in design. And, let's face it, recycling plastic on an industrial scale does not pay off. Because production cycle — « raw material - plastic product"much shorter and cheaper than - " garbage - sorting - plastic product - recycling - cleaning - raw materials - plastic product" That is why not all cities in the world have factories for processing plastic waste. And their mass appearance is not expected in the near future.

It turns out that the niche recycling plastic at home open. And it is waiting for those who monetize it from any side. A to the common man you don't need much. After all, the beauty of this niche is that waste plastic, essentially garbage, lies under everyone’s feet and is of no use to anyone. That is, excellent and durable material - for free! All that remains is to pick it up, process it in one form or another, and reuse it. And if you don’t like the result, rework it again!

Project " Precious Plastic» helps all consumers give up plastic waste new life. He invites everyone to recycle plastic on their own using household machines, the drawings of which are freely distributed on the Internet.

This project, developed by a Dutch designer Dave Hakkens, shows what can be done to help stop the "plastic plague" in the environment.

Dave, concerned about the problem of plastic waste, found on the Internet drawings of several devices that allow him to somehow recycle plastic at home. Having collected the first samples, improved them, and developed a modular concept for future devices, Hakkens created international project « Precious Plastic" In which he invites everyone to assemble and use four simple but effective plastic recycling machines.

The use of devices allows you to extend the service life of various plastic household items by simply recycling them into others. Unnecessary to necessary. Dishes, artificial rattan, various elements interior design - here is a small list of items that can be made from household plastic waste using these machines.

Four devices, depending on the type and quality of plastic, allow it to be processed in different ways:

  • Shredder or shredder - a device for grinding plastic waste into crumbs for subsequent processing - heating;
  • Extruder or extruder - a device that extrudes a heated plastic mass in the form of a rope or tape. That is, the result is artificial rattan or consumables for a 3D printer.
  • Injector or an injector - heats the polymer crumbs to a plastic mass and injects them into the desired shape;
  • Press— plastic crumbs under pressure and high temperature are pressed into various new objects.

The most amazing thing about the project “ Precious Plastic"what are they unique cars are distributed free of charge. More precisely, the drawings of the device and instructions for assembling them are available to everyone (video instructions will be below). All that remains is to assemble the cars and start making money on them.

How to make money by recycling plastic at home? Recycling plastics and polymers at home!

Firstly. By recycling unnecessary plastic into useful plastic products and selling them as unique handmade items. This is the simplest and most affordable solution.

Secondly. Entire creative laboratories and coworking spaces are opening based on Hakkens machines. Where anyone can come with their plastic waste, pay money, and work on the devices.

Third. Assistance in assembling and selling devices. Not everyone can master device drawings. And, moreover, collect them. But they are ready to buy assembled similar machines. Why not take advantage of this? Moreover, ready-made devices are quite expensive. Assembly, if you have everything you need, will take no more than a month for any handy guy in the garage.

Fourth. You definitely have your own ideas!

Video No. 1: how to assemble a shredder for shredding plastic

Video No. 2: how to assemble an extruder for plastic processing

Video No. 3: how to assemble an injector for plastic recycling

Video No. 4: how to assemble a press for plastic recycling

So, after studying the video, you can start assembling the devices. For more convenient work, we suggest you study the drawings on the official website of the project. In English.

If the devices are too complicated, you can look at a simple way to recycle plastic bottles at home.

Bonus: the simplest device for cutting plastic bottles

Appeared on Kickstarter new project « Plastic Bottle Cutter", which gives consumers the opportunity to use plastic bottles again.

The simplest device (and you will see this when you see the photo below) allows you to turn an ordinary plastic bottle into a plastic thread of various thicknesses, which you can use at your discretion.

From this thread you can weave various items - from small baskets to elegant furniture elements.

In general, disposable plastic bottles are a valuable resource due to the fact that they are made from plastic. highest quality. But this advantage is not taken into account by most people and the bottles are simply thrown away. The rate of bottle throwing is increasing every day. Therefore, the challenge of effectively reusing and recycling these materials is imperative and imperative. This will reduce environmental pollution.

According to statistics, the use of recycled materials in the world is growing steadily. This is not surprising - according to some indicators, the reserves of recyclable materials already exceed the amount of available primary materials. Therefore, scientists from all countries are making significant efforts to create, develop and improve processing technologies. various types waste.

So what are they made from recycled materials? What new things can be promoted by not throwing garbage out in bulk into garbage cans, but by collecting it in special containers or handing it over to collection points?

What can be made from plastic?

Recycled plastics are raw materials for the production of a wide variety of things. They are made from:

  • Plastic small items, from writing pens and office hole punches to cat litter or new bottles to replace recycled ones.
  • Construction materials (tiles, paving slabs, etc.).
  • Bags, suitcases and backpacks that are in no way inferior to products made from primary raw materials.
  • Sports equipment, bicycles, etc.
  • Garbage bins.
  • Packages, packaging materials.
  • Clothes, shoes. Well-known materials such as polyester, padding polyester and nylon are made from recycled plastic. Tracksuits, jackets, T-shirts, sneakers - this is far from full list items made from used plastic bottles.
  • Furniture. Tables, chairs, and benches made of plastic are no longer considered impractical and are no longer associated with cheapness. Modern plastics are of high quality, strong and durable, and products made from them look quite stylish and elegant.
  • Road surfaces. While the idea of ​​​​creating roads from plastic modules is at the development stage, it is possible that after a few years, environmentally friendly and heat-resistant plastic will be able to compete with ordinary asphalt.

New life for glass

Used glass bottles can become raw materials for the production of dishes, mirrors, window glass and many other things. They are also used to produce glass concrete and glass wool, which is a widely used thermal insulation material.

Is rubber recycled?

Rubber products are completely recyclable and recoverable. New mats, seals, and various cushioning materials can be made from them.

What is old wood used for?

From wood waste You can produce particle boards, paper, fuel pellets and briquettes.

Let's save the tree's life!

It is common knowledge that waste paper collection helps save forests, as many types of paper products can be made from waste. Toilet paper, packaging cardboard, school notebooks - all this and much more is made from old newspapers, books and magazines recycled in special factories.

Waste biomass – raw material or waste?

In our country, organic waste is most often simply taken to a landfill, where it undergoes rotting processes, polluting the environment. However, it can also serve as a raw material for the production of fertilizers, bone meal and other products.

Modern methods of processing various wastes not only help save Natural resources, but also allow for significant economic benefits for society as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an environmental culture and promote the correct methods of collecting recyclable materials among the population.

Any living organism leaves waste during its life. In this case, the first place here goes to the person. Huge landfills are proof of this. Mountains of garbage not only spoil the view and have bad smell, but are also a source of pollution of the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere, including infectious and toxic agents.

At the same time, waste in landfills is often a resource base. Therefore, their recycling is not only necessary for preserving the environment, but also a cost-effective measure. And there are many technologies.

Garbage sorting

The separation of waste into certain components is rather a preliminary step in processing. Ideally, it begins at the stage of waste production and accumulation, that is, in citizens’ homes and apartments.

Several containers are used for this. Each of them throws out a different type of waste: paper, glass, organic food waste, metal, plastic, etc. In Russia, this practice is taking root slowly, but the residents European countries They don’t consider it particularly difficult to separate waste. This is especially true for pedantic Germany. Here even glass is sorted by color. But the Germans were faced with a problem such as lack of space for a huge number of garbage containers. And not every Russian apartment has space to accommodate containers for various wastes.

For this reason, waste sorting at waste treatment plants is more relevant, which includes several actions:

  1. Shaking trash, breaking plastic bags and paper and separation of adhered sand and dust particles.
  2. The separation of all waste into fractions is carried out in several stages. For this purpose, special gratings with different throughput diameters are used.
  3. Branch from total mass metal waste capable of magnetization. This procedure is carried out using special magnetic separators.
  4. Manual sorting of waste transported on a special conveyor. The use of robots allows people to be relieved of this monotonous work.

As a result of sorting, secondary raw materials are obtained, and the unselected material is also subjected to further processing: burning, burial, etc.

How to dispose of waste correctly and safely

On modern market you can find shredders of the most different sizes, capacities and specializations. Read more about how they work and what to look for when choosing a shredder

How many products does humanity produce every day? How much can he consume in the same time? Where will the rest go? What to do with it? We bring to your attention the answers to these questions.

Universal equipment for waste sorting and highly specialized machines for shredding rock. Profitable, reliable, affordable

IN modern world Time and quality are valued in any work, including waste recycling. The bag opener is one of the reliable devices that saves time and gives excellent results.

According to statistics, a huge amount of bottles are recycled per year. In pre-processing, bottles are usually baled and sent for recycling.

With the help of crushers, large waste can be converted into crushed raw materials for secondary production. One of the most common means of crushing waste is rotary crushers. With the help of such a machine you can crush wood, crushed stone, plastic, cardboard, film.

To process recyclable materials, horizontal or horizontal presses are used. vertical type. Horizontal devices require significant space for placement. Vertical ones are compact and mobile, but less productive

Waste disposal in the cement industry - implementation paths, methods and necessary procedures. How to profit from trash

What legal subtleties await an entrepreneur when licensing waste processing and disposal?

Disposal of hazardous waste is a necessary stage in the development of industrial areas and megacities. It must be done in accordance with safety requirements and compliance with all rules.

Correct and strict adherence to safety rules when disposing of ammonia will allow you to recycle it efficiently and safely for the environment. Ammonia processing is a necessary step in working with gases in production.

Has the evolution of solid waste recycling technologies affected it? What methods of waste recycling have appeared in recent decades and are they used in Russia?

The problem of waste accumulation is one of the most pressing problems of humanity. There are many methods for recycling and neutralizing hazardous waste: incineration, burial, recycling, neutralization.

The problem of rice husk disposal is relevant all over the world. What technologies exist for processing rice husks and how can the secondary product be used?

This is one of the oldest and most common methods of waste disposal. Nowadays, large volumes of waste are disposed of using special furnaces in waste incineration plants.

This processing method has several advantages:

  • significant reduction in waste volume;
  • obtaining thermal energy;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora.

However, this recycling process also has one significant drawback: the formation and release of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. This has led to the fact that incinerators are subject to high requirements for cleaning gaseous waste, which often deprives enterprises of the required level of income. And heat from combustion is rarely used in Russia.

This is one of the most common methods for treating animal waste, solid household and . Its essence lies in natural decomposition organic matter during the life of bacteria. There are several technologies.

They consist in the fact that periodically turned over heaps of organic waste. The tedding of the piles is carried out using special tedding machines. In the most effective version, processing is carried out in special bioreactors with aeration.

However, this method is rarely used in Russia.

In addition, in our country, composting is often carried out without preliminary sorting; the resulting compost is dangerous and cannot be used for its intended purpose as fertilizer for gardens, agricultural enterprises, etc.

But even with preliminary preparation it is not possible to get rid of heavy metals in solid waste. This compost can be used to cover landfills.

Another disadvantage of composting is the need to allocate areas.

High-quality purified compost from organic animal waste (manure and droppings) and plant residues is an excellent source of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which are in a form digestible for plants. Composting also destroys helminths and pathogenic microorganisms.

The essence of the method is that garbage is distributed in special pits and covered with a layer of soil of 60-80 cm. Such treatment is carried out at landfills, the preparation of which prevents the penetration of contaminants into the soil and groundwater. In the most advanced version, landfills are equipped with special ventilation, a gas exhaust system and containers for collecting biogas, which can be used as fuel for heating.

The disadvantage of the method is that the risk of air, soil and groundwater remains even when using the most advanced filter systems. The accumulation of biogas for further use is rarely done today and mainly in Europe.

Thermal waste treatment

In addition to traditional incineration, this method of waste disposal includes pyrolysis, which represents the decomposition of waste under the influence high temperatures without access to oxygen. It is more advanced and technologically advanced than simple combustion.

Plasma waste treatment

Essentially this is gasification of waste. Processing occurs at temperatures from 900 to 5000 degrees. As a result, gas is obtained from organic matter, and slag is obtained from inorganic matter.

The first can be used to generate electricity and heat. The slag is absolutely harmless and compact.

At the same time, for waste disposal using plasma treatment There is no need to sort and dry waste.

There are even small pyrolysis boilers for heating houses.