Which toilet paper is more profitable? Choosing toilet paper and saving

The problem of what toilet paper to use is much more important than you think. A sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, spicy food, alcohol, and stress stimulate rectal diseases - from hemorrhoids to proctitis. To the risk factors in everyday life This also includes toilet paper. Which toilet paper to choose - read on our page.

TV channel "Moscow 24".
“Consumption revolution”: toilet paper. 10/08/2016

A program about how to choose toilet paper, with the participation of an expert from the Toilet.Ru portal, Vladimir Priorov.

Toilet.Ru gives its ratings to the quality of toilet paper.

We present to you a rating and detailed and objective information about the quality of toilet paper from different enterprises and popular brands, which you see for sale in chain supermarkets, shops, trading houses, and markets. Information will be updated regularly.


  • help you do right choice to make your stay in the toilet more comfortable and safe;
  • save your budget, since the quality of toilet paper does not always correspond to its price.

Volunteer group of different ages And social status takes risks every day for you, testing toilet paper different manufacturers, of varying quality and cost. You can find their assessments and our recommendations on this page.


Paper is made from primary raw materials (cellulose), from a mixture of secondary and primary raw materials, and from recyclable materials (recycled waste paper). The first two options are preferable from a hygiene standpoint.

Toilet paper should be soft, not hard. It should absorb moisture well and at the same time be strong enough when wet. At the same time, in order to avoid blockages in the sewer, the strength of toilet paper when wet should not prevent it from dissolving well in water.

About scented and colored paper: before purchasing, pay attention to the neutrality of the dyes and flavors used. It is the core of the roll that is scented, not the toilet paper itself. Colored drawings on paper should be applied with reverse side layers so that there is no contact of the skin with the dyes.


We are currently starting to evaluate toilet paper on a new 12-point scale based on 5 indicators: R/MOISTURE, SOFTNESS, WHITENESS, PERFORATION, DELIMITATION.

  • R- level of tensile strength with light moisture, scale 0-2 points.
  • M- level of softness in contact with skin, scale 0-4 points.
  • B- absence of foreign inclusions in the paper, surface uniformity, scale 0-3 points.
  • P- ease of tearing pieces of paper from the roll along the perforation line, scale 0-1 point.
  • R- tightness of adhesion of paper layers to each other (for paper with 2 or more layers), scale 0-2 points.
  • POINTS- final points received by toilet paper taking into account all indicators, maximum 12 points.


  • Paper below 3 points. We do not recommend using such paper at all. In the best case, use it for washing windows, car glass, as cat litter, etc. , depending on your imagination.
  • Paper from 3 to 4 We recommend using points when absolutely necessary, if there is no opportunity or money to purchase a better one.
  • Paper from 5 to 7 points - normal quality, for healthy adults.
  • For small children, for adults with any problems with the rectum, for those over 50 years old, we do not recommend toilet paper with a rating lower 8 points.

NOTE: We understand that using virgin cellulose toilet paper leads to deforestation, which is environmentally unwise to say the least. Refusal to buy pulp paper in favor of purchasing recycled paper (recycled waste paper) can be everyone's contribution to the conservation of valuable forests.

However, on the site we consider toilet paper primarily as a hygienic product, from the standpoint of the safety of your health. The choice of what to buy is yours.

  • The best hygiene after using the toilet is to wash. For this purpose, electronic bidet lids with a “soft” washing function with a dispersed jet are now offered for sale. If it is not possible to purchase such equipment, simple option washing is the use of a small plastic bottle With clean water. In this case, toilet paper is used for blotting and does not irritate the skin.
  • The second safest option is to use wet toilet paper.
  • A third option is to use traditional dry toilet paper.

TOILET PAPER RATING (12-point scale based on 5 indicators):

СleanOK, Fiori, Kleenex Premium, Kleenex Sensation, Lambi, Lotus Aroma, Lotus Royal, Mola, Perfetto Comfort, Perfetto Super Soft, tolly Classic, tolly Econom, tolly Lux, Veiro, Zewa Delux, Zewa Exclusive, Zewa Pluse, Red price, Ice Age, Monty, Soft Sign

Toilet paper “Zewa Exclusive”

ACI Hygin Products Russia LLC, Belgium

Toilet paper 4-ply. Made from cellulose. Good softness and whiteness, easy to tear off along the perforation line. The price is a bit high.

Kleenex Premium toilet paper

Kimberly-Clark LLC, Switzerland

Toilet paper 4-ply. Made from cellulose. Good softness and whiteness, comes off well along the perforation line. Corresponds to the declared level of quality and price.

Score on a 12-point scale: 10

Perfetto Super Soft toilet paper

Toilet paper 4-ply. Made from cellulose. Good softness and whiteness, comes off well along the perforation line, no delamination. Overpriced.

Toilet paper "Lotus Royal"

Metsa Tissue LLC, Finland

Score on a 12-point scale: 9

Toilet paper "Kleenex" Sensation

Kimberly-Clark LLC, manufacturer Vaida Papir, Budapest, Hungary

Toilet paper 3-ply. Made from cellulose. Good softness and whiteness, corresponds to the declared level of quality and price. It comes off well along the perforation line, there is no delamination.

Score on a 12-point scale: 9

Perfetto Comfort toilet paper

Toilet paper 3-ply. Made from cellulose. Good softness and whiteness, easy to tear off along the perforation line, no delamination. The price is very high.

Score on a 12-point scale: 9

Lambi toilet paper

Toilet paper 3-ply. Made from cellulose. Good softness and whiteness, corresponds to the declared level of quality and price. It comes off well along the perforation line, there is no delamination.

Zewa Deluxe toilet paper

Toilet paper 3-ply. Made from cellulose. Soft, but not enough for paper of the stated level of quality and price. It comes off well along the perforation line.

Score on a 12-point scale: 8

Fiori toilet paper

Toilet paper 3-ply. Made from cellulose. Soft, but not enough for paper of the stated level of quality and price. It comes off well along the perforation line. Overpriced.

Score on a 12-point scale: 8

Ice Age toilet paper

LLC "SKOL Company", St. Petersburg

Zewa Pluse toilet paper

ACI Hygin Products Russia LLC, Svyatogorsk branch, Leningrad region.

2-layer toilet paper from SCA, Svyatogorsk branch, Leningrad region. Made from dnjhbxyjuj cshmz (waste paper). In terms of softness, it is not much inferior to “Zewa Deluxe”. Corresponds to the declared level of quality and price.

Rating on a 12-point scale: 6

Lotus Aroma toilet paper

Metsya Tissue LLC, Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Ateptsevo village

Toilet paper 2-ply. Made from cellulose. The flavor is weak, the smell is not clearly pronounced. The softness is above average, there is no strength when wet. It comes off well along the perforation line. Overpriced.

Rating on a 12-point scale: 6

Toilet paper "Soft sign"

2-layer toilet paper from a domestic manufacturer. Made from cellulose. Good softness and whiteness for its level at the declared quality and price.

Toilet paper “Soft sign” Flowers

OJSC "Syassky Pulp and Paper Mill", Leningrad region, Syasstroy

2-layer toilet paper from a domestic manufacturer. Made from cellulose. Good softness and whiteness for its level at the declared quality and price.

Rating on a 12-point scale: 5

CleanOK toilet paper

JSC "Breeze" Krasnodar region, Novorossiysk

Toilet paper 2-ply. Made from cellulose. The softness is low, the whiteness is average, there is no delamination, there is no strength when wet. It comes off well along the perforation line. The price corresponds.

Rating on a 12-point scale: 5

Tolly Lux toilet paper

OJSC "Syassky Pulp and Paper Mill", Leningrad region, Syasstroy

Toilet paper 2-ply. Made from cellulose. The softness is low, the whiteness is average, there is no delamination, there is no strength when wet. It comes off well along the perforation line. The declared “Lux” level does not correspond.

Rating on a 12-point scale: 5

Toilet paper "Mola"

Metsya Tissue LLC, Moscow region, Ateptsevo village

Toilet paper 1-ply. Made from cellulose. The softness is average, the whiteness is average, there is no strength when wet. It comes off well along the perforation line, there is no delamination. The price corresponds.

Rating on a 12-point scale: 5

Tolly Classic toilet paper

OJSC "Syassky Pulp and Paper Mill", Leningrad region, Syasstroy

Toilet paper 2-ply. Made from cellulose. The softness is low, the whiteness is average, there is delamination. There is no strength when wet. It comes off well along the perforation line. It corresponds to its price level.

Rating on a 12-point scale: 4

Veiro toilet paper

JSC "Syktyvkar Tissue Group", Syktyvkar

1-ply toilet paper from a domestic manufacturer. Made from cellulose. Rigid, light “sandpaper” effect. It comes off normally along the perforation line.

LLC "Art and Co", Moscow

Toilet paper 2-ply. It is made of cellulose. Fine ribbing on it creates a “sandpaper” effect. The layers are fragile, delaminate, and come off poorly along the perforation line.

Rating on a 12-point scale: 3

Toilet paper “Red Price”

1-ply toilet paper from a domestic manufacturer. Made from recycled materials (waste paper). Rigid, light “sandpaper” effect. It comes off normally along the perforation line.

“Tolly Econom” toilet paper

OJSC "Kondrovsk Paper Company" Kaluga region, Kondrovo

Toilet paper 1-ply. Made from recycled materials (waste paper). Medium hardness, without a rib. It comes off poorly along the perforation line. When moistened it spreads.

Score on a 12-point scale: 1

Monty toilet paper

Rogachev, Republic of Belarus

1-layer toilet paper produced in the Republic of Belarus. Made from recycled materials (waste paper). Medium hardness without the “sandpaper” effect. There is no perforation line - when tensioned and moistened, it breaks and falls apart.

Score on a 12-point scale: 1


Wet toilet paper "Kleenex" (42 pcs)

Kimberly-Clark LLC

Wet toilet paper good quality.

Score on a 12-point scale: 10

Wet toilet paper “Every day” (30 pcs.)

CJSC "EFTI Cosmetics", Russia, Moscow

Wet toilet paper with chamomile extract, good quality.

Score on a 12-point scale: 10

We usually don't think twice when choosing toilet paper, because it is such an ordinary thing that it seems funny to even talk about it. On the other hand, if you think about it, this is indeed one of the most frequently used items in our daily life. Here are some tips from doctors, environmentalists and ordinary users to help you make your choice.

Fun fact

It is interesting that in sociological surveys about which modern conveniences are most taken for granted by them, users gave first place to this particular hygiene item:

  • 69% - toilet paper;
  • 42% - zipper;
  • 38% - frozen foods.

Such a common thing

There are not just many, but many varieties of toilet paper that are available for sale today. It seems like every company is trying to outdo the competition in the number of layers, softness, and thickness of their toilet paper. For those who are especially demanding, there is paper of any colors, with drawings, strawberry or chamomile scents

What are the requirements for toilet paper?

  1. Sufficient softness. After all, we use it for the most delicate places, and many women are also accustomed to using paper for “quick” hygiene of their intimate areas.
  2. Relief. Paper with relief and perforation has better absorbency.
  3. Environmental friendliness. The paper must be made without chlorine (this must be indicated on the packaging), be waste-free, and easily disintegrate when wet.
  4. Convenient breakaway line. The cheapest gray paper does not have these lines. But their presence makes the paper easy to use and economical. The easier and more correctly the paper is torn off at the dotted line, the better the quality of the paper.

Main types of paper

In terms of the material used to make it, toilet paper can be divided into two large groups.

  1. Recycled paper (waste paper). She has a characteristic gray or a grayish tint (so-called “Soviet” type paper).
  2. Pulp paper. It is delicate and soft, pure color or snow-white. Due to its thin texture, rolls of such paper are usually made of two or three layers for greater strength. The more layers, the better, and the more expensive the paper.

What can I say here - on the one hand, doctors say that it is better to use the most delicate and soft cellulose paper of good quality. Paper that is too hard and contains solid particles can injure the skin, which can cause inflammation and contribute to the spread of infections. There is anecdotal evidence that lead contained in waste paper can negatively affect human health.

On the other hand, recycled paper is much more environmentally friendly. By purchasing it, we take care of environment. Don't forget that trees are cut down to produce white paper.

How to treat all kinds of fragrant and colored paper rolls? Is it harmful to health? And sometimes manufacturers also make paper with softening ingredients. Doctors advise: white, unscented paper is best, especially if you are prone to allergies. In any case, if you want to buy something that smells and colored paper, carefully make sure that you do not have any skin reactions to it.

Choose soft toilet paper if:

  • You have sensitive skin.
  • You value comfort even in small things.
  • You don't mind paying a high price.

You can use unbleached, inexpensive toilet paper if:

  • You can easily use not very soft toilet paper: you do not suffer from skin sensitivity and there are no other similar problems.
  • Quality and reliability are important to you, but you also want to save money.
  • Eco-friendliness is important to you.

You can save money by buying a pack or several packs of toilet paper in bulk (this is especially true if you have big family) - this is often cheaper than buying single rolls. Only medium and high quality rolls are sold in packages.

NB! For people who have proctological diseases, doctors do not recommend using paper - only damp softening wipes.

Toilet paper is a sanitary and hygienic product intended for skin care after visiting toilet room. It gives cleanliness and a feeling of freshness, depending on the type of product. But to do this, you need to choose only the best toilet paper, which is presented in this rating. This includes the best products - dry and wet, rolled and sheet, distinguished by softness, safety, quality, and ease of use.

This review describes the advantages and disadvantages of 7 products the best manufacturers in terms of quality, safety, ease of use. Each of them is quite popular and has a good reputation. There are both premium brands and budget companies. Here is who became the leader in compiling this rating:

  • Zewa– the company produces wet wipes, handkerchiefs, toilet paper. In its assortment, the latter is represented by both wet and dry options. There are products with and without fragrances. There are options in white, yellow, and gray, with both smooth and embossed coating. They are made either from recycled materials or from cellulose. The products are soft and durable, flush down the toilet without consequences and are safe for humans.
  • Avangard LLC- manufacturer of one of the best toilet papers, in particular, Mon Rulon. In essence, they are wet wipes, only large sizes. The sheets are well impregnated, the lid on the package protects them from drying out and the pleasant aroma eroding. These products are considered one of the best for maternity hospitals and children. They are distinguished by their softness and safety for sensitive skin and the environment. The products tear easily and are inexpensive, and are sold in several units per package.
  • Cotton Club– the company has both contract and in-house production. One of the company's workshops processes recycled paper and waste paper. The products are produced on European equipment from non-woven materials. The manufacturer's range includes both dry and wet paper. The latter offers at least five positions here. It contains chamomile extracts and other natural ingredients, which makes its use comfortable for humans. Thanks to them, cleanliness and a feeling of freshness are ensured throughout the day.
  • Aura– Russian trademark, under which personal hygiene products are produced. These include cotton pads, sticks, napkins, and paper. The latter is sold in sheets, contains caring components of chamomile extract, has a neutral pH level, good density and softness. The brand's products are hypoallergenic, affordable and versatile. It can be used both at home and on the road, hospital, and transport.
  • – a trademark under which cellulose-based products are supplied to the market: diapers, towels, tampons, paper. She has both dry and wet types available. The first is produced in rolls, of which 4 pieces are sold in a package, and the second in sheets, which resembles ordinary napkins. They can be used from 3 years of age and flushed down the toilet. They have been successfully tested by dermatologists and found safe even for skin allergies. With their help, it is delicately cleansed, which gives a feeling of freshness throughout the day. .
  • Perm paper mill– the company specializes in the creation of paper products for sanitary and hygienic purposes. For this purpose, only European equipment is used, modern technologies and selected raw materials. She has both economy and premium toilet paper. Mostly, we're talking about about its dry form. There is usually a sleeve inside the roll for easy fixation on the holder. Basically, its color is white, its length is about 20 m, the product consists of two layers. The rating of the best toilet paper from this company includes “Panorama”.
  • Tork is a brand owned by the Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget, SCA group of companies that offers low-cost tissue paper products in more than 80 countries. It produces products for both personal use and for use in public restrooms. medical centers, catering establishments and other places. When wet, its products do not deteriorate, which allows us to talk about high quality. The brand's products meet all standards accepted in the world. Here they try to adhere to the optimal ratio of quality and price.

Rating of the best toilet paper

The TOP was compiled taking into account customer reviews and the results of testing by experts. We also studied the characteristics of products declared by manufacturers and their compliance with reality. Here are the parameters used to select funds:

  • Softness;
  • Density;
  • Quality;
  • Safety of use;
  • Ease of use;
  • Price.

When analyzing the best toilet paper, we paid attention to its color, size, number of layers, ability to be disposed of in the toilet and shelf life after getting wet; we also took into account its quantity in the package. The rating was divided into several categories - products in rolls and sheets, including wet ones. We also looked at whether the product is suitable for children.

Best Wet Toilet Paper

Such products are very convenient on the road, they are never superfluous in your purse. Their benefits are also enormous if there are small children in the house, who are often allergic to the use of regular toilet paper. This rating of the best products included 4 of the most worthy options.

This wet toilet paper is the best because it is made from a single layer and has a smooth surface that is not thick and skin-friendly. It is distinguished by its tenderness, making it suitable even for infants. Essentially, this is an analogue of wet wipes, only without irritating the tissue. The package contains 42 pieces, which are economical to use. The product smells pleasantly of chamomile and does not cause sneezing attacks. White color indicates the absence of harmful dyes that provoke allergies.


  • Dermatologist approved;
  • Good strength;
  • Flushable, can be thrown into the toilet;
  • Biodegradable, does not harm the environment;
  • PH-neutral for skin.


  • Not cheap.

This toilet paper was included in the rating of the best as a result of testing 4 different options due to its softness, durability and antibacterial properties. Its use is safe for health and skin, moreover, as a result, skin inflammation is relieved due to the inclusion of chamomile extract in the composition. The product is approved by dermatologists and has successfully passed clinical trials. It is hypoallergenic and suitable even for sensitive skin. With its help, careful care of the intimate area is provided.


  • Large quantity per package – 80 sheets;
  • Good density;
  • Homogeneous structure;
  • No pungent odor;
  • Not very wet;
  • Does not leave marks on underwear.



...I often use Aura paper, and for several months now, to wipe my baby. Side effects I didn’t notice, there was no redness or irritation...

Expert opinion

We can say that these are the same wet wipes, only in larger sizes. This toilet paper is made from non-woven materials, which allows it to be dissolved in water and thrown into the toilet. Due to the convenient packaging, the product is convenient to take on the go. Even during long-term storage, the sheets do not dry out due to impregnation with a special lotion. The product has a neutral pH, so it does not irritate the skin, prevents allergies and redness. This is possible due to the moisturizing lotion included in the paper.


  • There are 72 pieces sold per package;
  • Large sizes;
  • Soft;
  • Excellent density;
  • No pungent odor;
  • Suitable for children.


  • Not found.

This is the best toilet paper wet type. It can also be used for wiping hands and face; it has excellent impregnation that lasts for a long time. But still, you can see suspicious components in its composition - propylene glycol, sodium and some others. This is a cheap product, but at the same time high-quality and safe; after using it, there is no irritation, redness or itching even on the most delicate skin.


  • The sheets are easy to remove from the packaging;
  • Convenient size;
  • Soft and tender;
  • Pleasant smell;
  • Easily torn.

Reviews show that even constantly throwing Kleenex down the toilet does not clog the drain because it dissolves easily and does not pollute the environment.

Best Rolled Toilet Paper

Such products are sold in rolls with a total length of 18 to 56 m. They can be screwed onto a sleeve or simply wound, in the first case they can be put on a special holder. Both are made from cellulose and/or waste paper. Sometimes they are sold in packs of several pieces. There are two best toilet paper rolls on the market.

We can confidently say that this is the best toilet paper for the price. Finding something cheaper in stores is simply unrealistic. Accordingly, for little money the buyer receives a roll of only 20 meters long, which differs from the standard 56 m, so it will not last long. Not everyone likes the gray color of the product, but this only indicates the use of recycled materials for its production, which does not harm the environment. The paper consists of two layers that do not randomly lag behind each other, and this makes it quite durable.


  • Has a PCT certificate;
  • Soft to the touch;
  • Quickly dissolves in water;
  • Odorless;
  • Lightweight roll;
  • Long shelf life.


  • Often sold with torn edges;
  • It is not easy to fit on the holder, there is no free space inside.

Compared to the previous participant in the rating, this toilet paper is of better quality. However, they sell it only in packs of 4 pieces, and the length of each roll is 18 m. This is not much, but there is a sleeve inside for convenient fixation of the product in the holder. Like other products in the TOP, it is made of two layers, and reviews note that there is no delamination, which can occur with cheap options. Cushioned roll paper is made from cellulose and waste paper, so its price is not the lowest. But she has white, textured surface and pleasant to the skin.


  • There are lines to break;
  • Easy to tear off;
  • Durable;
  • Good combination of price and quality;
  • Light, pleasant apple aroma;
  • Convenient roll width.


  • The break lines are too close to each other;
  • There are 4 rolls sold in a package.

The best sheet toilet paper

This paper is convenient to use in public restrooms or in the home, provided that a dispenser is installed. There are not many such options on the market yet, so it was not difficult to select the best option.


This is the best premium toilet paper sheet that is designed for use in automatic dispensing systems. She is often chosen for public toilets with medium and high traffic. It is often used in restaurants, hotels, and medical institutions. In this way, waste is avoided and the hygienic solution is optimized through single-sheet feeding. The only downside of this product is that you need to buy a dispenser for it separately. Its advantage is that it can be refueled at any time in a matter of seconds.


  • Consists of two layers;
  • Leaf length 19 cm;
  • Sheet width 11 cm;
  • White;
  • Softness;
  • Good density;
  • Rolls up easily and does not tear.


  • No flavoring;
  • Not cheap.

According to reviews, Tork paper is well suited for use as napkins, as it has approximately the same design.

What is the best toilet paper to buy?

If you need to buy toilet paper for the hospital, maternity hospital or on the road, then it is better to choose the wet type, in this case it is more convenient to use. For use in public restrooms, sheets are the most preferred, which saves on consumption. For those who are looking good option for home, you can choose ordinary rolls. Moreover, to attach them to the holder, they must have a sleeve, otherwise it will be inconvenient to fix them there.

Here's what's best to choose based on your situation:

  • To care for a small child, you can use Zewa Natural Camomile.
  • Those who have sensitive skin in the buttocks area should choose Mon Rulon.
  • If needed universal option, which could be used on both hands and face, it would not be a mistake to buy Aura.
  • It's convenient to take wet Kleenex paper with you on the road.
  • The product “Panorama” is suitable for home use.
  • People with sensitive skin should pay attention to the “Tender Aroma of Apple”.
  • Tork sheet paper will be relevant in public restrooms.

Obviously, the best toilet paper can only be called the one that is soft enough, has good density, and is safe for use. What makes it even more suitable is that it can be flushed down the toilet and can be preserved under the influence of water.

Cheap toilet paper has not changed since the days when queues lined up for it in Soviet stores. It is still sold in rolls wrapped in paper tape, even the shade is often the same - gray.

Manufacturers of such paper like to emphasize that its length is exactly 54 m (however, they often deceive - see table). For some reason, this particular footage has been considered optimal since Soviet times. More expensive multilayer paper is shorter, but there is no need to fold it - it costs less. But it has been noticed that it ends faster.

But it is more convenient to use. Who is unfamiliar with the situation when, when printing a cheap roll, along with the tightly glued packaging, you tear several layers of the paper itself? Poor perforation - the tear line of the sheets - can also make you angry. A torn roll looks, you see, unaesthetic. However, it turned out that even among inexpensive ones there is paper that divides perfectly evenly.

From old newspapers

On sale you can find both waste paper processing products and paper made from pure cellulose. Information about the composition is printed on the packaging. True, it can be assumed that the inscription “100 percent cellulose” does not always mean that the raw material is primary, that is, not obtained from old newspapers. Our examination has shown that paper made from virgin fiber is softer and, importantly, dissolves faster in water without clogging the drain.

To check the last parameter, we armed ourselves with a stopwatch and placed the leaves in water, which we “twisted” into a funnel using a kitchen blender. Once caught in the whirlpool, the thick three-layer paper almost instantly disintegrated into thin fibers. But the sheets from the “Soviet” rolls and the two-layer “Zewa” first turned into wet lumps - it took them much longer to dissolve.

It turns out that cheap paper is more likely to cause clogged sewer pipes, especially outside the city, in a country house where the water pressure is weaker.

Expert opinion

Badma BASHANKAEV, researcher at the Department of Coloproctology and Pelvic Floor Surgery of the Russian scientific center surgery named after acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS:

- Too hard toilet paper, and even more so “Soviet” type paper - gray, in which unmilled particles of paper are even visible (they look like wood shavings) - suitable for public places, but not for home. Mechanical irritation can injure the delicate mucous membrane (and it contains many different receptors) and provoke inflammation. Therefore, it is natural that in modern world People have long abandoned the use of newspapers as a means of personal hygiene. The softer the toilet paper, the more layers it has and the smaller the grain, the better. Sometimes toilet paper contains various softening creams, perfumes, and complex colors: before using it, make sure you are not allergic to such additional components. People who have proctological diseases - hemorrhoids, etc. - are not recommended to use paper. They are recommended to wash or use wet wipes.

Roll price, roll length, price per meter Perforation Time

dissolution in water
Information on packaging/

Our observations
Soft sign

1 layer

7.70 rub.

50.5 m 15 kop.
Doesn't come off along the line 12 sec. “100% cellulose”/Not very soft, embossed. Sold in paper packaging glued to the roll. Difficult to print.

1 layer
7.70 rub.

44 m

17 kopecks
10 sec “Without household waste paper”/Gray with black speckles, rough. Sold in paper packaging glued to the roll. Difficult to print.
Zewa Plus 2 layers 11.5 rub.

22 m

52 kopecks
Comes off unevenly 8 sec. With fragrance/Not very soft, with embossing.

When printing a roll, the top two layers are torn.

Sunny Yellow

2 layers
12 rub.

19.3 m

62 kop.
Comes off very easily, evenly 4 sec. "100% virgin cellulose"/Soft, embossed. The roll is easy to print.
Lotus Family Flowers 2 layers 13.25 rub. 21 m

63 kopecks
Comes off with difficulty, unevenly 4 sec. "Primary and recycled fiber"/Not very soft,

with embossing. The roll is difficult to print,

paper delaminates

The areas of the body that we treat with toilet paper are extremely sensitive and require delicate care, so paper hygiene products should not irritate the skin or cause damage.

Approach the choice of essential goods responsibly, pay attention to several important parameters: composition and raw materials of paper, number of layers, ease of use, ease of processing.

What should the raw materials be?

Toilet paper can be made from natural cellulose, recycled pulp, or a blend of materials.

Wood pulp is traditionally used for the production of paper, cardboard, etc. This natural polysaccharide is the most expensive raw material, and the highest quality hygiene products are obtained from it. Perfect example— made from natural primary raw materials. Cellulose dissolves well in water, so you don’t have to worry about blockages in the sewer. The body does not suffer from such paper either: it does not contain any harmful impurities, it is hygienic. Soft texture and good absorbent properties are two more advantages in favor of cellulose. It can be painted with special dyes.

Recycled materials for toilet paper are recycled waste paper. Despite the gray color and less aesthetics, products made from this material have their advantages. Firstly, this toilet paper is cheaper. Secondly, all environmental organizations are in favor of its use, because its production does not lead to the cutting down of trees. Thirdly, it is hygroscopic and has a high density. However, if you prefer this product, keep in mind that it is rougher and rougher.

Health safety

In the production of toilet paper, the use of antiseptics, dyes and fragrances that can cause allergies is not allowed.

The safest color is white, but there is a subtlety here too. Choose products that are not treated with chlorine. Paper that has been bleached is not very pleasant to use. Most consumers prefer rough gray paper. There is no need to be afraid of its color; the main thing is to ensure that it is produced in accordance with GOST and has the appropriate marks on the packaging.

Cheaper single-ply paper is usually wrapped in paper packaging. Cellulose multilayer is more often sold in plastic bags 4 rolls or large packages. Buying several rolls at once is more economical. Besides, polyethylene packaging allows you to store paper for a long time, preventing it from getting wet.

IN lately paper with fragrances has become popular: fruity and floral smells, sea freshness, etc. Please note that the manufacturer must have all the necessary quality certificates, including for scented products - this will avoid possible allergic reaction by smell.

Hygienic properties

The main requirement for toilet paper from a hygiene point of view is excellent absorbency. Based on this, it is better to choose embossed products.

Several layers are another requirement for complete absorption. It is better if the paper has two or more layers - this is a sign of expensive cellulose paper or products made from mixed raw materials.

Ease of use

In multilayer products, high-quality embossing that holds the layers together is very important. In its absence, the paper delaminates and becomes inconvenient to use. Perforation also makes it easier to use - it's easier to tear off the paper along the line.


A quality product should completely dissolve in water after use so as not to clog the drain. Cellulose paper best meets this requirement.