Lesson soft sign after hissing ones. Lesson summary "Soft sign (b) at the end of nouns after sibilants"

26.02.2017 14:02

The purpose of the lesson

Tasks: . Reveal the grammatical function of the soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants as an indicator female by research work students. . Develop memory, thinking, attention. . Foster independence and creative activity.

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"spelled. ь after hissing 3rd grade (to the website)"

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Open lesson summary

Russian language in 3rd grade on the topic

"Soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants"

The summary was compiled by:

teacher primary classes 1 qualification category

Sangalova T.V.


Lesson topic : "A soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants"

Lesson type : discovery of new knowledge

The purpose of the lesson : introducing students to the spelling of a soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants.

Creating conditions for developing the ability to write words with a new spelling.

Identify the grammatical function of the soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants as an indicator of the feminine gender through student research.
Develop memory, thinking, attention.
Foster independence and creative activity.

Planned results:


Be able to recognize nouns by gender;

Be able to write words with a new spelling.


Regulatory UUD: Be able to determine and formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson with the help of the teacher; plan your action in accordance with the task; make necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

Communicative UUD: Be able to listen and understand the speech of others; express your thoughts orally, work in a group

Cognitive UUD: Be able to navigate your knowledge system; analyze objects; transform information from one form to another: compose answers to questions; work according to the algorithm


Ability to adequately evaluate your work;

Tolerant attitude towards each other, respect for the opinions of others.

Resources : computer, projector, multimedia presentation; Russian language textbook V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky. Moscow "Enlightenment", 2013; electronic supplement to the textbook, workbook, cards for paired, group and independent work.

Training technologies: collaborative learning, problem-dialogical learning technology, health-saving technology.

Routing lesson

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

Formed UUD

1.Motivation to educational activities.

Motivation for learning activities.
- Good afternoon guys! Let's smile at each other, give each other a good mood. May today's lesson bring us all the joy of communication.
Today in class you will have to do a lot important discovery. To do this, you need to listen carefully, work diligently, because we will be working on a very interesting and important topic.

You will work in groups.

I suggest that you evaluate your work and the work of your group at each stage of the lesson and mark it on the scale (students have sheets with a self-assessment scale on their desks).

Greets students and creates an emotional atmosphere.

Getting ready for work.

Personal: to express positive attitude to the process of cognition, the desire to learn new things.

Regulatory: targeting successful activities.

2.Updating background knowledge

1) A minute of penmanship

2) Fixing the difficulty. Creation problematic situation(with difficulty).

Zhzh Shh Shch Shch y
- What can you say about these letters? Which one is the odd one out?

Write these letters in your notebook on the first line, alternating them.

What role does the soft sign play in words?

Slide 1

Soft sign - a tricky sign.
There is no way to say it.
It's not pronounced
But the word is often asked.

Second line:

Night cloak mouse floor
- What can you say about these words?

(this is a noun, singular, ending in hissing sounds)

- Give these definitions in one word
-Football competition (match)
-Twelve o'clock at night (Midnight)
- Hunter's catch (game)

What difficulties did you have in writing words?

(Where to write b and where not to.)

What question arises?

(Why is it written after sibilants in some words, but not written in others).

Who guessed what the topic of today's lesson is?

Slide 2

What goal will we set for ourselves in the lesson?

Organizes dialogue with students, creates conditions for repeating previously studied material.

Includes students in the discussion of a problematic issue, brings the teacher. to the conclusion about new role soft sign in Russian.

Organizes the formulation of the topic of the lesson by students and its goals.

Participate in discussion of the problem, formulate own opinion and argue for it.

Name the topic: Spelling is at the end of nouns after sibilants.

Name the target: Find out when to write and when not to write


Ability to make comparisons based on specified criteria.


Be able to express thoughts orally.


Be able to formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

3. Development of the method of action.

Construction of an algorithm for solving a spelling problem

Slide 3

What two groups can these words be divided into?
-Write words with a soft sign at the end in one column, and without a soft sign in the other.
-What unites the words of the first group? (noun, unit h., w.r.)

And second? (noun, singular, m.p.)

Slide 4

How do the words of the first group differ from the second?

In what gender is a soft sign written and in which is it not written?

Slide 5

What conclusion can be drawn?

(For feminine nouns, a soft sign is written at the end; for masculine nouns, it is not written.)

This is your hypothesis, is it correct?

The pages of the textbook will help answer this question.
Read the rule, let's compare it with the conclusion we made.

Do they match? (Yes)
A soft sign after sibilants is written at the end of feminine nouns. This is a spelling.

-Now let’s work in pairs and try to create an algorithm for writing a soft sign in the word night.

Slide 6

The following algorithm is compiled:
1. Determine the part of speech.
2. Determine the genus.
3. If the noun is feminine, a soft sign is written.
4. If the noun is masculine, the soft sign is not written.

- Let's return to the words that were written during the penmanship minute, check the correctness of our hypothesis.

Exercise for the eyes.

Slide 7

– Let us check if you will fall into a trap while performing such a task?
Stove..– stove..ka, night..- night..ka.

What's the trap?
(There is a different spelling here).

Slide 8

Organizes practical search work, ensures control over the completion of the task.

Controls the process of compiling an algorithm and guides students to the right solution path.

Checks understanding of the method of action.

Express their assumptions about the spelling of a soft sign in a word

Children work in groups

Make up an algorithm

Check and compare


Express a positive attitude towards the learning process, show a desire to learn new things


Evaluate the results of your activities and compare them with the standard.


Be active, construct competent speech statements, follow the rules of communication, and exercise mutual control.

4. Inclusion in the knowledge system.Primary consolidation.

    Today we have compiled an algorithm correct spelling soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants. And for what?

    When will you need this algorithm?

Working with cards.

And in order to check whether you have understood everything well, let’s work on our own.
- You will find the task for independent work on the cards that are on your desks.
- In these words you either write a soft sign or don’t write. Prove the correctness of your choice.

Doctor..., bream..., stove..., thing..., night..., mouse..., luggage..., sandwich..., trifle..., jam..., ball..., hush...
(mutual check)

So, when is a soft sign written at the end of nouns after sibilants, and when is it not written?

Two students work on a simulator (electronic supplement to the textbook)


Plan a solution to a learning problem, build an algorithm of actions.


Reproduce information necessary to solve a learning task; justify your choice.


Apply the rules of business cooperation.


Be active in interactions.

5. Physical training

Noun -
Very surprising:

Soft sign when to write

You have to tell me!

I will name masculine and feminine nouns with a sibilant at the end. If I name the noun f. r., in which a soft sign is written - clap your hands, m.r. without a soft sign - stomp your feet:
tick, thing, shiver, baby, hut, brick, penny, mouse, comrade, ball, oven.

Organizes rest that facilitates the assimilation of material

Do the exercises.


Classify objects.


Be active in collective activities.


Plan a solution to a learning problem.

6. Work in groups (pairs) Secondary consolidation.

Now you will work on your own. Choose the difficulty level.

Game "Find out the nouns"

Working with cards.

By given name for an adjective, find out a noun. It should have a sizzle at the end.

Ambulance (help), dark (……..), dear (…….), sunny (……), prickly (……..), colored (……..).


Slide 9

In which words after hissing words do we write a soft sign? Why?

What are the nouns with a sibilant at the end without a soft sign?

Working with cards.

Let's help the soft sign choose the right place in these nouns.

At midnight* the circus performer* and his daughter* came out to the arena. He was wearing a cloak*. He held a ball in his hands*. The violinist* played a march*. Here the walrus* caught the ball*. There was silence in the hall*.


Slide 10

Crossword (1g.)

    Tall marsh plant.

    What kind of spring bird likes to follow the plow and feed?

3) The gnome moved his beard

And the owner entered the house.

    I am the antonym for the word laughter

Not out of joy, comfort.

I happen involuntarily

From misfortune and from pain.

From resentment, failures

Did you guess it? This …

5) Then I’ll shine a light in your eye.

Then I’ll light the way.

I am the sun's youngest brother.

I'm bright and happy with everyone.

Game "Four Wheel" (2 gr.)

Pencil... cloak...
mouse ... hut...
Brick… little thing... night... daughter...
key… .things…. bake….
help... . executioner….kalach….

(Mutual check. )

Examination. Crossword (1g.)

If you filled out the crossword correctly, then in the highlighted vertical cells you can read the word for the same rule (kalach).

Slide 11

Why is the soft sign not written in all these words?


Choose an action in accordance with the task. Exercise self-control.


Develop thinking operations.


Be active in activities.

7. Work on speech development.

Do you know what is kalach?

What phraseological units do you know with the word kalach and what do they mean?

Where did the expressions come from? “grated roll”, “reached the handle”?

Where can we find this information?

Organizes information search and work with various sources

Children work in groups with dictionaries.

(Big Dictionary,

Dictionary of phraseological units)

1 student finds on the Internet)

Portal diploma RU

Phraseology Guide


search necessary information in various sources.

8. Summarizing.

Tell me, what topic did we work on in class today?

What was your goal?

Have we achieved this goal?

What new did you learn about the sign today?

Organizes a conversation, connecting the results of work with the educational task.

Summarize under the guidance of the teacher

We had to find out why a soft sign is written in nouns after sibilants in some cases, and not written in others.

9. Homework

Repeat the rule on page 31.


1. Exercise 51 on page 25 (in workbook)
2. Write out from the dictionary 3 nouns ending in hissing.

Make a sentence with each of them.

    Come up with a fairy tale about b.

10. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson.


(Rating scale)

Continue the phrases:
-Before this lesson, I didn’t know...
-Now I know….
-The result of my work in the lesson is.....
-At the lesson I was working)…
-My mood…

I am very glad that this lesson was interesting and useful for you and that it was easy for you to work in the lesson. Thanks for the work!

Personal: Self-esteem ability.


Evaluate performance results and form adequate self-esteem.

View presentation content
"public lesson"

Russian language lesson in 3rd grade Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Primary school teacher

Sangalova T.V.

Denotes softness



The youth

Noun, singular, m.r.

Noun, singular, w.r.

The youth

Noun, singular, m.r.

Noun, singular, w.r.

Pecs b

Rozh b

Daughter b

Youth b


1. Determine the part of speech.

2. Determine the genus.

3. If the noun is feminine, a soft sign is written.

4. If the noun is masculine, the soft sign is not written.

stove.. – stove..ka night.. – night..ka

oven - ne chk A night - but chk A


dark night,

native speech,


prickly hedgehog,

color pencil

Before this lesson I didn’t know...

Now I know…

As a result of my work in class, I...

During the lesson I worked...

I can praise myself and my classmates for...

Methodological development of a Russian language lesson in 3rd grade on the topic “Soft sign (ь) at the end of nouns after hissing ones”

This lesson was developed according to the new standards of the Federal State Educational Standard, according to the “Perspective” program. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, 4 types of educational activities are formed in the lesson: personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

Lesson topic: “Soft sign at the end of nouns after hissing ones”

Purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the spelling of a soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants.


Introduce the rule of writing a soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants;

Learn to plan and evaluate your work

Develop memory, thinking, attention.

To cultivate in students a tolerant attitude towards each other, the ability to listen to the opinions of others and express their point of view;

Foster independence and creative activity.

Didactic materials: Handout(cards)

During the classes.

1. Motivation for educational activities.

- Good afternoon guys! Today I would like to start our lesson with a proverb: “Every day adds a piece of wisdom to us”

- How do you understand it?

“Our knowledge is wealth that we put in a chest, and when necessary, we take out this knowledge and use it.

- Let's smile at each other, give each other a good mood. May today's lesson bring us all the joy of communication.

Today in class, guys, you have a lot to do. interesting tasks, make a very important discovery, and your helpers in this will be: attention, resourcefulness, your knowledge.

2. Updating basic knowledge and fixing difficulties

1) A minute of penmanship

Zhzh Shh Shch Shch y

What can you say about these letters? Which one is the odd one out?

Write these letters in your notebook on the first line, alternating them.

Second line: reeds, stove, rye, ball, daughter, baby, crying, youth

- What can you say about these words? (this is a noun, singular, ending in hissing sounds)

2) Fixing the difficulty.

- Give these definitions in one word:

Football competition (match)

Twelve o'clock at night. (Midnight.)

Small child(Baby)

Hunter's catch (game)

What difficulties did you have in writing words? (Where to write b and where not to.)

- What question arises? (Why is ь written after hissing words in some words, but not written in other words).

Who guessed what the topic of today's lesson is? (Spelling ь at the end of nouns after sibilants).

What goal will we set for ourselves in the lesson? (Find out when it is written and when it is not written)

3. Practicing the method of action. Construction of an algorithm for solving a spelling problem

match, midnight, crumb, game

Write words with a soft sign at the end in one column, and without a soft sign in the other.

What unites the words of the first group? (noun, unit h., w.r.) And the second? (noun, singular, m.p.) How do the words of the first group differ from the second? In what gender is a soft sign written and in which is it not written?

What conclusion can be drawn? (for feminine nouns a soft sign is written at the end, for masculine nouns it is not written)

This is your hypothesis, is it correct? The pages of the textbook will help answer this question.

Read the rule, let's compare it with the conclusion we made. Do they match? (Yes)

A soft sign after sibilants is written at the end of feminine nouns. This is a spelling.

Now let's work in pairs and try to create an algorithm for writing a soft sign in the word night (children work in groups independently)

The following algorithm is compiled:

1. Determine the part of speech.

2. Determine the genus.

3. If the noun is feminine, a soft sign is written.

4. If the noun is masculine, the soft sign is not written..

(Check and compare)

Let's return to the words that were written during the penmanship minute, check the correctness of our hypothesis.

Let us check if you will fall into a trap while performing such a task?

Night.. – night..ka daughter..- daughter..ka

-What's the trap?

(This is a completely different spelling).

4. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

1) - Today we have compiled an algorithm for correctly writing a soft sign at the end of feminine and masculine nouns. And for what? When will this algorithm be useful to you? (When we write a dictation, complete tasks in order to write correctly).

- And in order to check whether you have learned everything well, let’s work on our own.

— You will find the task for independent work on the cards that are on your desks.

- In the words given on the cards, you either write a soft sign or do not write. Prove the correctness of your choice.

Key..., bream..., stove..., thing..., night..., mouse..., pencil..., luggage..., pencil..., small thing..., jam..., ball..., hush...

- Exchange cards and check whether your neighbor on the desk completed the task correctly (mutual check).

5. Physical training

We completed the tasks

And a little tired.

And now it's time

Let us all rest, friends.

I will name the nouns, and you, if a soft sign is written in a word, squat, if it is not written, you clap: night, tick, thing, trembling, baby, hut, brick, penny, mouse, comrade, ball, oven.

6. Independent work

1) Write down the phrases, insert the right words with a hissing sound at the end.

Pencil..., cold..., polar..., fragrant..., ambulance..., sonorous...

2) Game "Fourth wheel"

Pencil... cloak... mouse... hut...

Brick... small thing... night... daughter...

Touch...key...things.... bake….

Rook….help…. executioner….kalach….

7. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson.

— Tell me, what topic did we work on in class today? What was your goal?

Continue the phrases:

Before this lesson I didn’t know...

Now I know….


As a result of my work in class I…..

During the lesson I worked...

My mood…

I am very glad that this lesson was interesting and useful for you and that it was easy for you to work in the lesson. Thanks for the work!

Subject: “Soft sign (b) at the end of nouns after sibilants”

Target: introduce students to the spelling of a soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants.



- Identification of the grammatical function of the soft sign as an indicator of the feminine gender by

student research work;

To develop the ability to distinguish between masculine and feminine words;

- work on the correctness, clarity, and evidence of students’ speech.


Develop attention, memory, logical thinking;

Improve the ability to listen carefully to each other, communication skills;


- To cultivate in students a tolerant attitude towards each other, respect for the opinions of others, the ability to listen and express their point of view;
- Foster independence and creative activity.

Lesson type: lesson of new knowledge.

Methods: verbal, visual, partially search, practical.


1. Organizing time 1 min

2. Motivational attitude 2 min

3. Repetition of knowledge about the noun. Test. 4 min

Individual work using cards.

4. Calligraphy 3 min

5. Work with proverbs 3 minutes.

6. Statement of the problem 5 minutes.

7. Solving the problem 5 min

8. Drawing up an algorithm 5 min

9. Work on mastering the rules about the role

soft sign after sizzling 4 minutes.

10. Dance-rhythmic physical education 1 minute.

11. Work in pairs for 4 minutes.

12. Independent work 5 min

Tasks for smart people and smart girls

13. Summary. Reflection. 3 min

During the classes:

    Org moment


- It starts with a little luck big success!

How do you understand these words? (Luck when everything works out)

What is your success? (In good study, learn something new and apply it)

Name the criteria for good study. (The desire to learn, to be hardworking, to try)

Who wants to be a successful student?

We wish everyone success!

3. Noun Knowledge Test.

a) TEST “Either no or yes, if you don’t know, it’s trouble!”

    Does a noun designate an object?

    A noun answers the questions what? Which? Which?

    Animate nouns answer the question what.

    Nouns change according to number.

    Nouns have 3 genders.

    Proper nouns are written with a small letter.

Mutual verification + - - + +- . Who has everything right?

b) Working with the weak

Card No. 1
r…ga – gl…for -

this...zhi – r...ka –

pch...la - b...yes –

How to check an unstressed vowel in the root?

Card No. 2 Vocabulary words

R..bota, d...revn, m..l..ko, p..court, k..rzina, k..rtina, s..p..gi, p..lto, n..ro. .

We reviewed our knowledge of nouns.
4 A minute of penmanship

F, W, L, H, Sh

Which letter is missing? Why?

What do the other letters have in common?

Which ones are paired?

What spellings are associated with these letters?

What needs to be controlled when writing letters? Register.

What is the letter b?

What kind of work does he do?

Softness Separates a consonant from a vowel

5. Working with proverbs.

Good speech, good listening.

How do you understand them?

What do these proverbs have in common? (There are words with ь, there are hissing words.)

What are they talking about? (About studying)

What kind of letter “b sign” is this? Does it designate any sound? (No).

Why is it then needed in the Russian language? (Denotes the softness of a consonant sound, separates a vowel and a consonant.)

Find words in proverbs where it indicates the softness of a consonant. (Listen, darkness)

Find words in proverbs where he separates a vowel from a consonant. (Learning, ignorance)

6. Statement of the problem. (7min.)

In which group will you write the word speech? Why?

Why is the sign written in it? Observation of the word.

What sound does the word end with? (Soft, unpaired).

If I close the sign, the word will be pronounced the same way as with the sign. (Yes)

Is a sign needed to indicate the softness of the consonant [h’]? (No).

This means that we will not include this word in group 1, nor in the second.

So this is some kind of new job b sign.

Let's also observe words - nouns with a hiss at the end and find out what other work the soft sign does in words.

7. Solving the problem.

How are the words similar? What is the difference?

Distribute the words into 2 groups.

Speech, husband, key, daughter, baby, watchman, night, thing

daughter key

night baby

thing guard

Why do entities with 1 column have b written at the end, but entities with 2 columns do not?

What work does b do? (Indicates that the entity is J.r.)

Is this true? Let's read the rule on page 165

8 Reading the rules.

What work does b do at the end of nouns after sibilants?

COMPLETE an algorithm

    Determine part of speech

    If it is a noun with a sibilant at the end, you need to determine the gender

    If the entity is J.r - b, if the entity is M.r. - X

- Let's determine which group of words the word speech belongs to?

9 Consolidation

A) Replace one word. Write down words with explanation

Black bird, the herald of the coming spring. (rook)

Small child (toddler)

It is worn in the rain (raincoat)

Hunter's catch (game)

Person treating sick people (doctor)

Small change (change)

Football competition (match)

b) Fourth wheel

Mouse, ray, game, youth

Siskin, ball, key, night

Oven, rye, hedgehog, midnight

What do you know about the hedgehog?

What gender of nouns end with b?

B) Physical education minute (2 min.) “Hedgehog”

10 Work on cards in pairs, work with strong

By cards

Huts, garages, raincoats, mice, things, balls.

    Find words with no vowel and select test ones

NIGHT LIFE, raincoat fabric, flight of a swift, trembling fingers.

    For the strong. To make a sentence.

Faithful, comes, comrade..., help..., for, always.

Explain spellings.

Do you agree with this statement?

Does it mean that a comrade comes to help when asked?

What proverbs about friendship do you know?

11 Independent work with self-test

Check it out. If correct, then put +

If you made a mistake, correct it. Try to understand why you made a mistake.

Who has no errors? Who has errors?

Did you like the lesson?

What new did you learn?

What work does b do in a word? What does it indicate?

What tasks did you enjoy doing?

Were there any tasks that you had difficulty completing?

13. Reflection

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you, so that learning does not be night, darkness for you, and the light of knowledge illuminates your path, let's use the stars that lie in your envelopes (they different color). Pick up the appropriate star:

1. If the lesson was interesting and easy, take yellow (the brightest).

2. If sometimes there were difficulties, doubts - red

3. If you don’t understand the topic – blue.

Topic: “Soft sign (b) at the end of nouns after sibilants”


1. Introduce students to the spelling of a soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants,identify the grammatical function of the soft sign as an indicator of the feminine gender through research work;
Develop memory, attention, ability to analyze, draw conclusions, ability to work in a group, ability to act according to an algorithm;

3. To cultivate in students respect for language, the ability to work individually and collectively, the ability to listen and express their point of view;

Lesson type: lesson of new knowledge.

Methods: verbal, visual, partially search, practical.

Equipment : textbooks, notebooks;computer, projector, presentation “b after sizzling”, individualtask cards different levels, crossword puzzle;

tasks on cards with a differentiated approach,cards with letter writing samples; reference cards with the definition of the work of a sign in various words; reference cards with words; reference table with algorithm.

Annotation: During the lesson, students become familiar with the rule of spelling a soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants. As a result of research and identification of common and distinctive features names of nouns, students must come to a conclusion about the peculiarities of using a soft sign in nouns after sibilant letters. Children should understand that along with its main functions, b can also indicate its form - it is a feminine noun.

During the classes

I . Organizational stage.

Hello guys!

The cheerful bell rang,

He called you to class

It's time for you to study

Lesson... /Russian language / (children)slide 1

Sit down. Let's get acquainted. Today I will teach a Russian language lesson. My name is Gulnara Rafailovna

So guys, we're heading out on the road.

Good mood Let's take it to our aid.

Today you and I will be researchers, discoverers, we will have to leaf through the book of Knowledge(slide 2 ), and this requires following certain instructions. Listen to the first briefing. Open the first page(slide 3).

Be attentive, listen and do everything she tells you.

II . A minute of penmanship.

I'll put the notebook on an angle.

I'm holding the pen correctly.

I'll keep an eye on the landing.

I am friends with cleanliness.

I'll write it as “excellent”.

Those who listened carefully will answer which group of consonant sounds are found in this poem more often than others. (Hissing consonant sounds).

Which consonants are called sibilants and why? (When they are pronounced, the air comes out with a hiss).

Name the hissing sounds. [H'], [Sh], [Sh'], [F].

Describe these sounds.

Children, what letters are they denoted by? (CHE, SHA, SHA, ZHE). (slide 4)

- Write today's date.

We will practice writing these letters.

Look at the blackboard. I offer you this chain. (show).

We write beautifully, calligraphically correctly, and display each element.

Write down the proverb:

Good speech is good to listen to.

III . Generalization of knowledge about the soft sign.

Written carefully

And not at all tired.

We continue our lesson,

Read another proverb from the Book of Knowledge: (slide 5 )

Learning is a ray of light, and ignorance is darkness.

What do these proverbs have in common? (About studying. In both there are hissing ones. Both proverbs contain words with a soft sign ).

What kind of letter “b sign” is this? Does it represent any sound? (No ).

Why is it needed in Russian then? Maybe she's unemployed?

How do you think,what will we do in today's lesson? ? ( Today we will repeat what the sign is for, what we know about its work and, probably, we will learn something new about it) .

Exercise 1. Let's look at words with b from proverbs

What is the role of ь in the words:darkness, learning, listen (cards on the board)

Provide grammatical meanings.

Students explain how the sign works. Next to each word is attached a card on which the work of the sign is indicated.

dark – b is an indicator of the softness of a consonant.

study – ь – dividing.

listen – ь – indicator of the grammatical form of a word.

Summary: b sign can perform in words3 works :

Indicate the softness of the previous consonant;

Warn about the appearance of the sound [th’] after a consonant sound before a vowel;

Do grammar work (indicates indefinite form verbs).

I V. Statement of the problem.

Creating a situation leading to the formulation of a learning task.

Which group will you write the word in?speech ? Why is the sign written in it? Does b only indicate a grammatical feature in verbs? Let's find out from the Book of Knowledge(slide 6)

Focus on the screen.

Read the words:









Lexical meaning, what words do you not understand?

(Possible difficulties: luxury - wealth, “splendor”; horsetail - herbaceous plant; power - power, strength.)

Let's ask the Book of Knowledge what horsetail is, etc.)(slides )

What part of speech are these words? (these are nouns )

Prove that these are nouns.

How are they similar? What else do they have in common? (nouns numbers with a hiss at the end).

Guys, let's observe the wordsSWORD and SPEECH (cards)

Say the wordspeech ).

Say the wordsword . Highlight the last sound. Describe the last sound. (Sound – consonant, dull, unpaired, hissing, soft ).

That’s right, the sound [CH"] is always soft. Is b needed to indicate the softness of the consonant [CH"]?

But then why is b written in one word and not in another?

- Today we will try to answer this question.

Let's read how the authors of the textbook formulate this topic (Open the topic, read the title of the section on p. 109).

(slide 7-8)

What should you learn today? (We must learn to recognize and distinguish words in which b is written after the hissing word. ).

Of course, the textbook will help you answer this question, but it seems to me that we can do it on our own, because we are researchers...

V. Children's discovery of new knowledge.

So let's look at these words again.(slide 9)

We have determined that these words are nouns, in the singular, they end in a hissing sound.

What kind of nouns are these? (m.r. and f. R .). How to correctly determine the role of a noun?

Arrange the nouns in two columns:

feminine in the first column,

masculine - in the second column.

Who wants to work at the board? (2 children work at the board, the rest write words in notebooks).

Prove your choice.

In the written words, underline the letters denoting hissing sounds with two lines, b - with one line. (Emphasis).

This is how this spelling is designated.

Please note, what kind of nouns have b written after the sibilant?

Conclusion : The soft sign after hissing nouns at the end is written only in feminine nouns in the singular. h., in masculine nouns with a hissing “b” at the end, the sign is not written. This is a spelling.

Let's check if our conclusions are correct? Open exercise 174, add the words to the started columns. (explains the meaning of the words “plush” and “wasteland”)(slide 10) Plush pile fabric. It is used for sewing and finishing clothes, upholstering furniture, making bedspreads, curtains, etc.

Wasteland , -i, female An uncultivated plot of land overgrown with grasses and small bushes.

Having combined your conclusions, formulate a rule: when is it written after sibilants in nouns?

Let's compare it with the definition in the textbook. (read to themselves and out loudslide 11 )

This means that b is also an indicator of the feminine gender of nouns.

VI. Physical education minute. (slide 12)

We worked hard - to rest,

It is necessary, without a doubt.

Together we quickly get up,

Let's go through the motions.

(music sounds).

VII . Working on the text of the rules. Practicing the method of action.

Construction of an algorithm for solving a spelling problem.

1 . - We will answer the questions:(slide 13)

1. What new spelling have you encountered??

2. How to find the place of this spelling in a word? (A hissing sound is heard at the end of a word or at the end of a noun the letter ch, sch, zh, sh is written. This means there is a spelling after it. )

3. What is the main thing in choosing writing? (Gender of noun .)

4. Which of the three cases do you think is suitable to explain why b is written in nouns? ( It turns out that not only in verbs b indicates a grammatical feature, but also in nouns; it indicates gender)

Practical work (exercise 175 orally)

Now is the time to put your knowledge about the work of b into practice. Find from Exercise 175 the words that perform the first (2, 3) work b. Name them.

What needs to be done?

What is the role of b in words?


Although b does not represent a sound, it is a very important hard-working letter.

2 . Drawing up an algorithm.

How will you proceed to determine whether you should or should not write the letter b at the end of a noun after sibilants? Let's create an algorithm of actions.

Where, with what question will we start working? (Do I hear a hiss at the end of a word? Is this a noun?) (Yes or no.)

If the answer is no, what conclusion do we draw? (This spelling is not here .)

If the answer is yes, what do we determine next? etc.

An algorithm is being compiled.(slide 14 )

The same algorithm is on everyone’s desk.

VII I. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Work gathers again,

Don't waste your time,

The Book of Knowledge offers

“Pin the page” for us.(slide 15)

1. Work in groups.

A game "Find Friends" . Working with signal cards.

If the word is friendly with b, we raise the signal card, and if not, then we show the other side. And to make this work more lively, we will do this: if you see a feminine word, then girls stand up, and if a masculine word, then boys stand up. (Children explain the spelling of nouns).Slides .

Attention to the screen. (ball_, lily of the valley_, stove_, key_, small thing_, many clouds_ - plural, female)

(The guys who showed the wrong card prove their choice).

Okay, well done! You all completed the task!

Conclusion: the spelling of b after sibilants at the end of nouns is influencedgenus Andnumber.

2. Work on cards with multi-level tasks (students' choice).

- Did everyone understand the topic of the lesson?

Answer with a few words

From your cards of different colors.

The main thing is to remember the rule!


    If you think that you have understood the topic very well, take the red card (knowledge of other topics is also required here).

Exercise - select nouns with a sibilant at the end that are close in meaning to the words, highlight the spelling and indicate the gender.

Card No. 2 (high level).

Task: Choose nouns with sibilants that are close in meaning to the words

at the end. Label the studied spellings and determine the gender.

Doctor, friend, darkness, guard, hero.

If you think you understand the topic but still have a little doubt about yourself, take the green card.

Exercise - form singular nouns from these words, highlight the spelling and indicate the gender.

Card No. 3 (intermediate level).

Task: Form singular nouns from these words.

Label the studied spellings and determine the gender.

Heal, friendly, nocturnal, guard, strong.

    But if you think you haven't fully understood yet, take the blue card.

Exercise - write singular nouns. Select the studied spelling and determine the gender.

Card No. 1 (low level).

Assignment: Write these nouns in singular form. Label what you have studied

spelling, determine the gender

Doctors, comrades, nights, watchmen, strong men.

Think and take the card with the task that you can definitely handle.

(Complete in a notebook and check the work).(slides)

We will check at the same time. Although you performed different tasks, the answers should be the same.

What was the first noun you wrote? Raise your hands if you feel the same way. Let's ask the Book of Knowledge.

How did you spell this word? What will the Book of Knowledge tell us?

(Right answers:doctor, comrade, night, watchman, strongman ).

Who completed the task without errors? Well done!

IX . Generalization.

Time to take stock

Did the kids benefit from the lesson?

- Dear researchers! What discovery did you make today? (The rule for writing a soft sign after hissing ones.)

So, when is b written at the end of nouns after sibilants?

X . Homework. Making marks.


Crossword puzzle with task - home game,

A number of riddles will help you in it,

Select words related to the key one -

Your notebooks will be in order.

At home, I suggest you solve the crossword puzzle with the task.


If sharpened well,

He cuts everything very easily. (Knife).

Duck in the sea, tail on the fence. (Ladle).

In winter it eats firewood and sleeps in summer. (Bake).

Hiding under the floor, afraid of cats. (Mouse).

Task: match to keyword words with the same root, make a sentence with it.

By doing homework to you great help the rule will be the algorithm.

Today in the lesson the most active were...... They gave correct answers and received marks “5”.

XI . Reflection.

Today I saw in your eyes a spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity. I would like to wish you that this light does not fade over the years, and that the discoveries that you make day after day with your teachers will help you overcome all the difficulties of studying.


So that learning does not become darkness for you, and the light of knowledge illuminates your path, let's use the stars that lie on your desks. They are different colors. Pick up the appropriate star:

If the lesson was interesting and easy, take yellow (the brightest).

If sometimes there were difficulties, doubts - pink.

If you don’t understand the topic - blue.

(Children show stars.)(slide)

Look. How many yellow stars are there?

I am very glad that this lesson was interesting and informative for you.

Thanks everyone for your work! Good luck!

Vocabulary and logical exercises:
-Replace with one word, write the words in accordance with the spelling rule b, determine the gender, underline b.
Black bird, herald of the coming spring (Rook)
Football competition (Match)
Item that Emelya rode (Stove)
You can't open the lock without it (Key)
It is worn in the rain (Cloak)
Little child (Baby)
Hunter's prey. (Game)
Middle of the night. (Midnight)
All items for harnessing horses. (Harness)
Quiet, windless weather. (Silence)
Small money. (Trifle)

\ \ For primary school teachers

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Development of a lesson on the Russian language in grade 3 on the topic: “A soft sign at the end of nouns after hissing ones.”

Lesson developed by: Galina Vasilievna Basova, primary school teacher, Oktyabrskaya secondary school, Manturovsky district, Kostroma region

Lesson #16

Subject: A soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants.

Lesson objectives:

  • To deepen students' knowledge about the functions of the soft sign as an indicator of the feminine gender of nouns;
  • Create organizational and content conditions for the development of critical thinking in children.

Equipment: cards with text.

Look at the epigraph to the lesson.

Asks for real knowledge A soft sign after the sizzling ones.

What will the lesson be about? (spelling of a soft sign after sibilants)

I will write the topic of the lesson on the board.

Spelling a soft sign after hissing...

I'm not finishing it, you can do it yourself.

A minute of penmanship.

The words are written on the board: notebook, coat, skates, potatoes, sparrows.

Read these words. Find the similarities between them. (This vocabulary words. All words contain a soft sign. All words are nouns.)

What is the difference between these words? (Here the nouns are singular and plural. The soft sign occurs in the middle of the word and at the end.)

You will create a chain for penmanship yourself. Use the first letters of nouns for this. plural and a soft sign, which must appear after each consonant. What kind of chain did you get?

Whoa, whoa, whoa


1.Individual tasks.

Think about what you know about spelling a soft sign.

2. Pair actions.

Exchange information, discuss.

3. Let's write down everything you know about the topic on the board in a table.


Based on all your information, we will draw up a diagram for you:

Phys. just a minute.

III. Reflection.

Problematic question.

Are all cases of spelling b did we write it down?

"Reading with notes."

Each of you has a card with text. The text will be for you new information. You can make notes above the words with b. Familiar "v" - already familiar, "+" - these are new to me

Last flowers. Another frosty night. In the morning I saw a group of young bluebells. A bumblebee sat on one of them. I picked the bell. The bumblebee remained sitting. I shook off the bumblebee. He fell. I put it under a hot beam, it came to life and flew. And the red dragonfly became numb on the cancer neck overnight. And grasshoppers in a huge number began to fall out from under my feet. And they were revived by a ray of sunshine.

  • - What words did you put v?
  • - What was new for you?
  • - You learned that there is another group of words in which a soft sign is written at the end.
  • - What do you want to know about? Let's write these words in the table in the "X" column.
  • - Where can we find out about this?

Listen to the poem:

To know how to write, you need to determine the gender. If the gender is feminine, then you need to use the Soft sign. And then we write rye, mouse, oven, dry land and youth. If the word has a masculine gender, there is no sign! And then write: kalach, doctor, baby, garage and rook!

What can we conclude?

Conclusions are coming.

We read the rule on pp. 170-171, and perform the exercise orally. 450.

We add the topic of the lesson.

Let's return to our table. Where should we place feminine nouns with sibilants at the end?

IV. Reflection.

Replace the phrases with one word. Write them down in your notebook (the teacher reads).

  • 1. close friend, friend
  • 2. person treating sick people
  • 3.small money
  • 4. part of the day from evening to morning
  • 5.young people
  • 6.waterproof, lightweight clothing against rain

Examination: name the nouns with b. why did you write that?

V.Homework: optional - exercises 452, 453, 454. Learn the rule.

Today in class I learned...

The most interesting thing was...