Technological map of the Russian language lesson, methodological development in the Russian language on the topic. Technological map of the Russian language, grade 1 Technological maps of lessons with integrated Russian

Technological lesson map

Full name of the teacher: Khvorenkova Larisa Petrovna Position: primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution secondary school named after academician V.I. Kudinova, Votkinsk

Item: Russian language Class: 4 Textbook (UMK, program): UMK “Russian Language” by V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky

Lesson topic: Proposal Lesson type: lesson on updating knowledge and skills

Equipment: Whiteboard, projector, computer, textbook, workbook.

Characteristics of the learning capabilities and previous achievements of students for whom the lesson is designed:

Students speak:

1. Regulatory UUD:

- independently discover and formulate an educational problem, determine the goal of learning activities

- give versions of a solution to a problem, realize (and interpret, if necessary) the end result, choose means of achieving the goal from those proposed, and also look for them independently

- draw up (individually or in a group) a plan for solving a problem (implementing a project)

- working according to the plan, check your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct errors yourself (including adjusting the plan)

- in dialogue with the teacher and with classmates, improve independently selected assessment criteria

2. Cognitive UUD:

- analyze, compare, classify facts and phenomena

- build logical reasoning, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships

- draw up abstracts, various types of plans

- convert information from one type to another (table to text)

- identify possible sources of necessary information, search for information, analyze and evaluate its reliability

3.Communicative UUD:

- independently organize educational interaction in pairs or groups (identify common goals, negotiate with each other)

- in a discussion be able to put forward arguments and counterarguments

- learn to be critical of your own opinion, with dignity to admit the fallacy of your opinion and correct it, understanding the position of another, to distinguish in his speech: opinion, facts

- be able to look at a situation from a different position and negotiate with people from different positions

4. Personal UUD:

- establish a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive

-make moral choices based on social and personal values

Lesson objectives as planned learning outcomes, planned level of achievement of goals:

Type of planned learning activities

Learning activities

Planned level of achievement of learning outcomes


Learn new vocabulary on the topic

Use acquired knowledge on a topic in writing and speaking

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Carry out goal setting independently

Independently transform a practical task into a cognitive one

Planning ways to achieve goals

Level 2 – performing actions in joint (pair or group) work with peers or individually according to an algorithm or pattern.


Search for information using a textbook and additional materials

Collect and extract information from various information sources

Build logical reasoning

Level 2 – performing actions in joint (pair or group) work with peers or individually according to an algorithm or model;

Level 3 – independent individual performance of actions, the ability to transform knowledge (KT) and adapt it to a new situation.


Discuss different points and develop your own and common position

Organize and plan educational collaboration with the teacher and peers

Level 2 – performing actions in joint (pair or group) work with peers or individually according to an algorithm or model;


Formation of cognitive interest and formation of the meaning-forming function of the cognitive motive

Formation of educational-cognitive motivation and interest in learning.

Level 1 – performing actions under the guidance of a teacher; the student’s ability to recognize (identify, distinguish, classify) previously received information when presented again; understand the meaning of words, terms and other signs used in text and spoken language.

Level 2 – performing actions in joint (pair or group) work with peers or individually according to an algorithm or model;

Level 3 – independent individual performance of actions, the ability to transform knowledge (KT) and adapt it to a new situation.

Lesson stage,

stage time

Stage tasks

Methods, techniques


Forms of educational interaction

Activities of a teacher

Student activities

Formed UUD and subject actions

Motivational-target stage

Arouse educational interest in the topic

To ensure that students are aware of the unreliability of existing knowledge about the object of study

Organize independent formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Creating a problem situation


Checks readiness for the lesson and greets the class:

- Hello, guys!

-We begin our lesson in a good mood. Let's welcome everyone.


Offers a task to update existing knowledge and experience on the topic

-Read the words


-Why are the words written in two columns?

-Name the test words for the words in the second column.

-Write down the words from dictation.

Chill, spikelet, head, beard, cheer, troublesome,

furrow, far, starvation,

fluttering, evening.

Organizes inspection

Self-determination for activity.

-Read the sentences. Find the grammatical basis in them.


-How are these sentences similar? How are they different?

-What are sentences called that consist only of the main members of the sentence?

How What are sentences called, in which, in addition to the main ones, there are secondary members of the sentence?

How What are sentences that have the same grammatical basis?

How are sentences containing two or more grammatical stems called?

-Why is there a comma in the last sentence?

-What do you think we will talk about today?

Leads to the purpose of the lesson

Let's think together, what goal do we need to set for ourselves today?

Greetings from teachers

Children read the text

Complete the task based on existing knowledge

Answer the question:

(The first column contains words with unstressed vowels that cannot be checked

stress, and in the second - words with unstressed vowels, verified


Write down the words in a notebook.

Sample check, self-assessment.

Answer questions





(Parts of a complex sentence are separated by a comma.)

(Ability to find the grammatical basis and secondary members of a sentence in sentences, distinguish

common and uncommon, simple and complex sentences, sentences with homogeneous members, correct punctuation in complex sentences.)

Personal UUD:- outline the scope of his knowledge and record those errors and shortcomings that he was able to detect during the implementation of the initial trial tasks.

Regulatory UUD:

Define purpose and theme

Cognitive UUD:

Conscious construction of statements in oral form

Communication UUD:

Participate in group discussion

Show interest in the problem

Realize the incompleteness of knowledge

Indicative stage

Organize independent planning and selection of information search methods


Offers to complete the test tasks and, after checking, determine the range of questions, knowledge of which will help in achieving the goal and solving the problem

What will we do first?

What needs to be repeated to solve the problem?

They complete the test tasks, after checking they find their mistakes and draw up an action plan taking into account the final result, formulate tasks:

Personal UUD:

Show interest in the topic

Regulatory UUD:

Draw up an action plan taking into account the final result

Cognitive UUD:

Independent creation of an action algorithm

Communicative UUD:

Planning educational cooperation

Search and research stage

Organize and didactically ensure students’ independent search for solutions to problems and construction of new knowledge

Organize an exchange of views on the research topic

Ensure a change of dynamic poses and switching of attention (physical education minute)

Ensure understanding, practice, meaningful assimilation and consolidation of knowledge

Solving problem situations



Organizes oral performance of exercises from the textbook Exercise 268 (p. 126)

Summarizes a mini-summary of the first task.

-What did we need to do? Did we do it?

Organizes independent implementation of exercises from the textbook. Exercise 269 (p. 126)

Summarizes a mini-summary of the second task

Physical education minute.


Reminds you that there are still tasks left: What haven't we done yet?

Test: Tic-tac-toe game (0-disagree, x-agree)

    OCPs in letters are always separated by a comma

    PDEs are not separated by a comma when they are connected by AND, OR

    There is always a comma between OCHI if they are connected by conjunctions

    A comma is always placed between OCHI unless they are connected by conjunctions.

    A comma is placed between OCHI if they are connected by conjunctions A, BUT

    Are the signs placed correctly in this diagram: Multi-level tasks

Read the sentences

From oil, people get rubber, kerosene and

plastic. (petrol)

Blueberries and lingonberries ripen in the fall and raspberries and cherries in the summer. (cranberry, strawberry)

Swifts eat and drink on the fly, (sleep)

Do you know these facts?

Or maybe someone can add something?

Complete all or some of the tasks:

    Copy the sentences using punctuation marks and underline the sentences

    Copy the sentences using punctuation marks, underline the special expressions, draw up a sentence diagram

4) Copy the sentences, placing punctuation marks, underline the OCP, draw up a sentence diagram and supplement the OCP sentences

Summarizes a mini-summary on task 3: What did we repeat??

Collect information necessary to eliminate errors (look for and read rules)

Do the exercise from the textbook

- answer the question (write sentences with OCP)

Determined by the choice of task.

They complete tasks according to the card.



-answer the question

Personal UUD:

The emergence of interest in solving the problem

Regulatory UUD:

Anticipate the result and level of assimilation

Adjust learning activities after discussion

Cognitive UUD:

Formation of logical universal actions: analysis, comparison, derivation of consequences, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, construction of a logical chain of reasoning

Communication UUD:

Be able to listen and engage in dialogue

Participate in collective discussion of problems

Plan educational cooperation

Practical stage

systematization of students’ knowledge, bringing skills to the level of automation

Preparing for homework

study of text (dialogue)


Draws attention to the fact that there is still 1 task left

Offers tasks to consolidate knowledge.

Organizes inspection

Children complete tasks.

Pair work, check.

Personal UUD:

Development of cognitive interests, educational motives

Regulatory UUD:

Control in the form of comparison of a method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations

Cognitive UUD:

Choosing the most effective ways to solve problems

Communication UUD:

Mastery of certain verbal means of communication

Reflective-evaluative stage

Formation of the ability of self-analysis and self-assessment of the process and result of one’s own activities


Read the sentence.


Choose the correct statements and write down their numbers..

Asks students to express their opinion about the stages of the lesson, point out difficulties that have arisen, sums up the lesson, evaluates the students’ work in the lesson, and stimulates further work

Asks students to place emoticons with moods on the board.

Execute exercise 273 page 127 from the textbook

They complete tasks and check.

Answer reflective questions during a conversation with the teacher

Express their own opinions, analyze their own achievements and difficulties, ask questions

I liked the lesson. It was difficult...

Students use emoticons to express their “impressions” about the lesson

Write down homework

Regulatory UUD:

Identification and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, assessing the quality and level of learning

Technological lesson map

Full name of teacher: Piotrovskaya Marina Alekseevna

Class: 3

UMK: School 2100

Item: Russian language

Subject: A noun as a part of speech. Constant and inconstant signs of nouns

Lesson type: Repetition, deepening and generalization of what has been learned

Place and role of the lesson in the topic being studied:Lesson 3 in the “Word” section. Parts of speech and members of a sentence."What do we already know about nouns (Unit 4, Lesson 74)

Target: Developing the ability to find nouns in a text, gaining experience in identifying the grammatical features of nouns and the role of nouns in a sentence and text.

Planned results

Subject knowledge, subject actions






Know the role of nouns in speech, constant and inconstant signs of nouns, perform morphological analysis of a noun, the ability to distinguish a noun from a pronoun, find in the text

1. We develop the ability to express our assumptions based on working with the textbook material.

2. Ovalue learning activities according to the task at hand.

3. Predict upcoming work (make a plan).

4. Carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

1.Developability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, texts.

2. Ppresent information in the form of a diagram.

3 . Reveal the essence and features of objects.

5. Summarize and classify according to characteristics.

6. Focus on the spread of the textbook.

7. Find answers to questions in illustrations

1.PWe develop the ability to listen and understand others.

2. Construct a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks.

3. Express your thoughts orally.

4. Ability to work in pairs.

1. creating conditions for developing interest in the topic being studied;

2. development of independence, friendly attitude, emotional responsiveness;

3. developing the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor;

4.development of the ability to determine the rules of work in pairs and groups;

5.developing the ability to cooperate with the teacher and peers when solving educational problems, to take responsibility for the results of their actions.

Lesson progress


lesson stage

The task that should be

solved (within the framework of achieving the planned lesson results)

Forms of organizing student activities

Teacher’s actions to organize students’ activities

Students’ actions (subject, cognitive,


The result of interaction between teacher and students to achieve the planned lesson results


achieving the planned lesson results

Motivation for learning activities

Update the requirements for the student in terms of educational activities.


Today in class we will work a lot, so you need to get ready, be very attentive and active. How would you like the lesson to go? What do you expect from this lesson? Let our lesson be held under the motto “Learning to read and write is always useful”

They perceive by ear the list of necessary supplies for the lesson, visually and kinesthetically control readiness.

Answer questions.

In a good mood, so that everything works out.

We are waiting for something useful for us. (They know how to express their thoughts orally, they know how to listen and understand the speech of others - communicative UUD. Regulatory UUD:

Exercise self-control;

Master the skill of forecasting.)

Mood for learning activities

Children express a positive attitude towards the learning process and show attention.

Updating knowledge.

Systematize students' existing knowledge. Create a situation of success.




Open your notebook.

What should you write down?

Language warm-up. Write down the words from dictation.

    Underline the words that contain the spelling letter of a vowel with a red pencil, and those that contain the spelling letter of a consonant with a blue pencil.

Which word did you underline twice?

Which word has a different spelling-letter? Check the sample. Evaluate your work.

2. – Label all spellings.

3. – Parse the word according to its composition

    Circle the words that have more sounds than letters.

Then I suggest you play the game.

I will name the words. If it's a noun then you say

What do all these words have in common? What do you love to do most?

“yes” if the other part of speech is “no”.

Record the date, “Cool work.”Write down the words in notebooks and go up to the board in a “chain”, writing down one word at a time:heart, iron, cheek, blackberry, sum, reed, water strider, art, cable, huntsman, ladder, filling, nut, hedgehog .

Cane .


Underline spelling patterns in notebooks independently.

Parse the word.

(Based on the analysis of objects, conclusions are drawn aboutgeneralize and classify according to characteristics. -cognitive UUD; communicative - express their thoughts orally)

Name the common feature of words.Check with a sample on a presentation slide.

Performance evaluation.



Children check and evaluate the result and choose the appropriate emoticon.

Children answer “yes” and “no”.

Spelling patterns are distinguished and designated.

They analyze the word according to its composition and name the parts of the word.

Determine the number of letters and sounds.

Activation of knowledge about a noun as a part of speech.

Template check

Template check

Self-assessment of students using a self-assessment sheet.

Template check

3 .

Formulating the problem.


Group work

Read the title of the new large section.

What parts of speech do you know? Members of the sentence?

Words - the main worker in the language. With their help, we name objects, signs, actions, states, etc. Could we really formulate our thoughts without words? In a sentence, each word fulfills its syntactic role.

A motivating technique is used.

What part of speech words do we use most often?

Check your guesses, write down the first letters of the words from the language warm-up.

What letter is missing? What is its role in this word?

Give the full name of this part of speech.

Today we will remember everything we know about the noun, and we will draw up a repetition plan as the lesson progresses.

Let's make a lesson plan.

What were we doing now?

With. 97 Reading section

List the parts of speech and members of a sentence.

Draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects.


b. The role is called b.


The children and the teacher make a plan.

Formulated the topic of the lesson. We made a plan.

Know the parts of speech, can identify parts of a sentence

The goal and problem of the lesson are formulated

Skill development.

Work in groups, individual

Let's remember what we know.

What feature of nouns does Exercise 101 demonstrate?

The teacher writes on the board: The role of nouns in speech .

Group assignment .

Read and draw a conclusion: which parts of speech predominate in the text and why?

2. Signs of nouns (individual work).

Ex. 102 – permanent (animate/inanimate, gender) and non-constant (number) features of nouns are identified.

The execution is preceded by a collective conversation:

What needs to be done to determine whether a noun is animate or inanimate?

What kind of nouns are there and how to determine it?

How do nouns change? (By numbers.)

Continue the sentence:constant signs of nouns are ...., non-constant signs are ...

How do you understand the expression “permanent feature”? (A sign that is in any form of a given word is always there.)First example ( hut ) are analyzed collectively, then performed independently according to the assignment.

shower inanimate

hunter – m.r., unitshut – zh.r., units

Emelya – m.r., unitsforest – m.r., units

grandson – m.r., unitsEarth – zh.r., units

Grishutka – m.r., unitslight – m.r., units

window – average, units

roof – zh.r., units

pipe – zh.r., units

bricks – m.r., plural

fence – m.r., units

gates – plural

barn – m.r., units

What did we repeat during this exercise?

The teacher writes on the board:

Constant and inconstant signs of nouns .

3. Syntactic function of nouns (performed in pairs).

Ex. 103 – differentiation of nouns in the role of main and secondary members of a sentence.

Students discuss spelling in pairs (insert the missing letters), copy a sentence that contains a complex word. Then they find nouns in the text and make a conclusion.

What parts of the sentence are nouns? (Main (subject) and secondary.)

Give examples of nouns as main nouns; in a supporting role.

What important things did you learn about nouns from this exercise?

The teacher writes on the board:

Sentence member .

4. Analysis of a noun as a part of speech.

Ex. 104 – develops the ability to distinguish between nouns and pronouns in the text, to conduct a morphological analysis of nouns.

Execution sequence.

1) Placement of commas in the textbook.

2) Copying the last sentence.

3) Recording words with the same root.

Conclusion : Among words of the same root there may be words of different parts of speech.

4) Analysis of nouns as parts of speech.

Draw children's attention to the order of parsing and the abbreviated notation of words.

The work takes place under the guidance of a teacher.

What did you remember while doing this exercise?

The teacher writes on the board:

Morphological analysis of a noun .

What did we do today? What skills did you develop?


Lesson summary.

According to what plan did we repeat the noun?

Write down keywords based on this outline.

What did you do best today?

What difficulties did you have?

They call the plan.

List the key words for the lesson.

Children's answers.

Selecting an emoticon.


Ex. 105 (orally).

2. Ex. 53 (“Didactic material”).

Municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary school No. 55

Ulan-Ude", Republic of Buryatia.

Technological map

open Russian language lesson 2nd grade UMK PNSh

Prepared by a primary school teacher

Guryleva Evgenia Vladimirovna

Item: Russian language

Class: 2nd grade

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of knowledge


Technological map


Repetition on the topic “Spelling”


Summarize and systematize knowledge on the topic “Spelling”, ensure that students apply knowledge of methods of action when solving spelling problems.


To promote the development of spelling vigilance, the ability to exercise self-control, and self-assessment of educational activities.

Promote the development of interest in the subject.

Formed UUD

Personal : educational and cognitive motivation, motivational basis of educational activities, educational and cognitive interest, adequate understanding of the reasons for success / failure in educational activities.

Regulatory : volitional self-regulation, control, correction, self-control based on the result and method of action

Cognitive : analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, seriation, classification, analogy, structuring knowledge, constructing a logical chain of reasoning, setting and formulating a problem, independent creation of activity algorithms, independent consideration of established action guidelines in new educational material, construction of speech statements, use of general techniques solving problems, using sign-symbolic means, summing up a concept, reflecting on the methods and conditions of action, monitoring and evaluating the process and results of activity.

Communication : planning educational cooperation, fairly complete and accurate expression of one’s thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, formulation and argumentation of one’s opinion and position in communication, taking into account different opinions, coordinating different positions in cooperation.

Basic Concepts

Spelling, word root, related words, test words


- basic

- additional

N.A. Churakova. Textbook Russian language part 1, M.L. Kalenchuk Russian language part 2, T.A. Baykova Notebook for independent work No. 1, S. I. Ozhegov Dictionary of the Russian language, spelling dictionaries on each student’s desk;

Multimedia projector, screen, individual cards, self-assessment sheet.

Organization of space

Frontal work, pair work, group work, individual work

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activity

Tasks for students, the completion of which will lead to the achievement of planned results

Planned results


1. Self-determination for activity


Involving children in activities on a positive emotional level.

Motivates students to work.

Greetings from the teachers.

    Read the epigraph of the lesson.

    What time of year is the poet talking about?

    For which of you is winter also “magical beauty”?

  • It's a beautiful winter in our region! Winter is a great master of inventions! What can you see in winter! What winter fun can you take part in! Name what you like to do in winter.

    Today in the lesson we will repeat the rules for checking words with paired consonants and unstressed vowels at the root of the word. And the main postman of Santa Claus will help us.. And who he is, you need to guess:

    Three balls, a bucket, a carrot

    And for the eyes - two coals;

    Let’s deftly insert the hand sticks:

    We are making...(snowman)!

    A minute of penmanship.

Updating basic knowledge.


Repetition of the studied material necessary for organizing generalization and systematization

Organizes repetition of what has been learned.

Repeat previously studied material.

Students have self-assessment sheets for each stage of work

1 .-Carefully and beautifully write down the number.

and m z a e 1 row

amo s rzo 2nd row

Write it down beautifully. Pay attention to the correct spelling, height, and inclination of letters.

Highlight those letters that turned out beautiful for you.

Make words from these letters (winter, frost)

Which letters are extra and why? How did you guess?

What difficulties did you encounter when writing words?

    What helped you write these words correctly?

We study spellings in the section of the Russian language called

“Spelling” is the topic of our lesson. Today we will repeat the spelling patterns we learned. But what spellings we will repeat today - you have to guess for yourself.

- What stage of work have we gone through?

We continue to work.

Know the signs of related words, the concepts of “word root”, “spelling”, “spelling task”, spelling of dictionary words

3. Vocabulary work. Setting a learning task


Formulating the topic of the lesson.

Organizes the work of students. In the form of a leading dialogue, he leads students to formulate the topic of the lesson.

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

Next stage. Vocabulary work...

    Our guest Snowman really likes the words that we will write down today, and you will guess why when you collect them.

They are usually made of leather,

But they also knit from wool

In them to spite any winter

Your fingers are always warm. (gloves)

Underline all spellings.

Are there related words here?

Add two more related words to this row. Explain why they are related.

How did we check for dangerous letters in words?

How else can you check?

What goals will we set for ourselves? What spellings will we repeat?

Be able to find studied spellings

4. Independent work with self-test Generalization and systematization of knowledge


Clarify methods for selecting test words for different parts of speech

Determine by what characteristics nouns are combined into groups. An algorithm is drawn up for selecting test words for root spellings.

Working with the textbook

P. 172, exercise 137(142). Read the assignment.

Independent work.

Be able to select test words to solve spelling problems at the root of the word

5. Physical education for the eyes on the topic “Winter” (presentation)

Goal: changing the nature of activity through physical activity.

6. Primary consolidation


Strengthen the skill in selecting test words to solve spelling problems in the root of the word

Conducts training for students.

Group work

Each group chooses a commander and he goes out to receive an envelope with the task and time to complete it. The requirement to act together and support each other.

Let's check the work done and evaluate ourselves.

Be able to select words from a group of words that correspond to the specified spelling in a task, select test words to solve spelling problems at the root of the word

7. Lesson summary

What was your goal for the lesson?

Did you manage to achieve it?

Do you think this work should be continued in the next lessons?

8. Reflection


Students’ awareness of their educational activities, self-assessment of the results of their own and the entire class’s activities.

    Through my work in class I...

I was most successful...

    Now I can...

It was interesting...

The knowledge gained in this lesson will help me...

I want to thank my classmates...

My mood...

9. Homework

Repeat the rules.

1. Copy 3 sentences from Christomathy, cross out the spellings.

2.P.t. No. 62 (p. 50)

1 group 2nd group

Exercise. Find in the text words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word. Correct the mistakes.

Do you know what kind of miniatures vada turns into? They fall from the sky, so beautiful and tender, like thin flowers.

3rd group.

4th group. Come up with a title for the text. Correct errors. Prove your answer.

Dictation with tapping

During a dictation, the teacher taps on the table at the moment when he pronounces a word with a spelling. This tapping makes the student think.

1 group. Find in the text words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word. Correct the mistakes.

2nd group. Find in the text words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word. Correct the mistakes.

Do you know what kind of miniatures vada turns into? They fall from the sky, so beautiful and tender, like thin flowers.

Do you know what kind of miniatures vada turns into? They fall from the sky, so beautiful and tender, like thin flowers.

3rd group. Insert the missing letters in the words, select the test word:

x...lodny - _________ hawk... - _________

tr...kick - __________ arbu... - __________

s...blah - ________ nail _________

4th group. Come up with a title for the text. Correct errors.

There was a heavy drizzle. It's cold in the fox. Branches and tree trunks are shaking. The wind quietly swirls the snack. It creaks under the nagas. Birds hide in hollows and nests. There is a forest in the forest.

Technological map of a fragment of a Russian language lesson

Subject: declension of singular masculine and neuter adjectives.

Class: 4

Lesson type: learning new things.

Equipment: computer, Microsoft Office Power Point presentation, textbook “Russian language. 4th grade" V.P. Kanakina

Target: introduce the declension of adjectives in the singular.


Educational : introduce students to the declension of singular adjectives m.r and s.r

Developmental : to promote the development of students’ communicative competence, the formation of UUD.

Educational: promote interest in the Russian language and hard work.





Forms and methods

    Learning new things


Primary consolidation

Secondary consolidation


20 min.

5 min.

4 min.

2 min.

Teacher's actions

Student action


Group, individual, frontal.

Today in our lesson we will learn how to decline singular masculine and neuter adjectives. Let's formulate the topic of our lesson today.

Open the textbook on page 126, let's read the topic of our lesson again...

Let's decline the words FROST and SNOW, guys, tell me what part of speech these words have?

I suggest inflecting nouns along with adjectives.(displayed on the slide)





Frost (what?) crackling

sun (what?) winter


frost (what kind?) crackling

sun (what?) winter


frost (what kind?) bitter

the sun (which one?) winter


frost (what?) bitter

sun (what?) winter


frost (what kind?) crackling

sun (what?) winter


about the frost (what kind?) we are crackling

about the (what?) winter sun

The adjective changes by case and always has the same gender, number and case as the noun with which it is related in meaning.

Our delicate flowers -fingers clenched into fists

The petals are blooming – open your fingers

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway. –move your fingers

Our wonderful flowers cover their petals -clench your fingers into fists

Quietly falling asleep, shaking their heads- rotate your hands

Group work.

Group 1 declines the feminine adjective – tasty water

Group 2 declines the masculine adjective - delicious .

Group 3 declines the neuter adjective - tasty apple.

One person from the desk works at the blackboard.

For each noun, select an adjective that has a suitable meaning, placing it in the correct case.

on ………field


at ………window






near………Christmas tree


What new did you learn in today's lesson?

What difficulties did you encounter during the lesson?

If you understood and learned a lot of new things in today’s lesson, raise the yellow circle

If the lesson was difficult for you and you didn’t learn anything blue

The topic of today's lesson is declension of adjectives

Read the topic of the lesson.


Decline nouns together with the teacher.




I.p. delicious water


delicious apple

R.p. tasty water

delicious syrup

delicious apple

D.p. tasty water

delicious syrup

delicious apple

V.p. tasty water.

Delicious syrup

delicious apple

etc. tasty water

delicious syrup

delicious apple

P.p. about delicious water

about delicious syrup

about a delicious apple