Interesting tasks on parts of the face. Body anatomy in English for children

Every little resident wants to delve into the world as much as possible and as quickly as possible. human life on the ground. Learning foreign languages ​​is an excellent way to introduce a child to the knowledge of living nature, which in the future can turn into favorite hobby or an interesting profession. The topics of the lessons should expand your horizons, and the knowledge on them should be useful in the future. One of these is reviewing body parts in English for children.

The best way to start a story about the human structure is with simple drawing or a small layout (Fig. 1)

Learning body parts in English with your baby using bright pictures

We study body parts in English together with the baby using transcription

We need to start the explanation with the fact that every person on earth has a body - body [‘bɔdi](transcription will be given in square brackets, which is necessary so that the student knows how to read a certain word). Note that the pronunciation of this the words are coming like "badi", although it is written as "body". It is necessary to carefully hint to the baby that the structure of a boy’s body is slightly different from a girl’s body, which is why guys are always stronger than their girlfriends. For general development, we can add that the science that studies human bodies is called anatomy. True, a lot depends on the age of the student, since he may not remember the difficult name.
The human body is conventionally divided into head, arms, legs and torso. Here it is appropriate to give an example of a simple image of a little man, familiar to everyone from deep childhood (stick, stick, cucumber - a little man came out). Another way to remember is a little rhyme:

You have 10 fingers,
You have 10 toes,
You have 2 eyes,
And you have 1 nose.

English songs for children about body parts

A song about body parts in English for children will help you not get bored and learn quickly new material. You should start studying from top to bottom, i.e. from the head - head . Its open side is called the face - face , on the crown (closed side) we grow hair hair , and ears are hidden under them on the sides.
Everyone has a forehead on the top of their face. forehead [‘fɔrid] , followed by eyebrows and eyes. Below in the center is the nose, and on the right and left sides are the cheeks cheeks [ʧi:k] . We have a mouth under our nose, and our chin is hidden behind it. chin [ʧin] .
Brows - eyebrows [‘aibrau] consist of small hairs, and they help us express our state and emotions. May be dark brown eyebrows or light - blonde eyebrows .
Thanks to the eyes - eyes we see the world as it is, in all its bright colors. We have eyelashes on our eyes - eyelashes which protect them from dust and dirt. Basically, there are 3 eye colors:

  • green – green eyes,
  • brown – brown eyes,
  • blue – blue eyes.

Nose - nose , perhaps the most important organ in humans, because thanks to it we can breathe. Mouth - mouth responsible for food intake. Externally, the oral cavity is under the “supervision” of the upper and lower lips - upper and lower lips .

Thanks to them, we learn to distinguish between cold and hot by touch. There are teeth inside - teeth (an adult healthy person has 32 of them), helping to chew food, and the tongue - tongue (needed then to verbally convey your thoughts to others).
It’s easy to remember by playing a simple game: the teacher points with his hand to a certain part of the head, and the children say this word out loud in English.
Hair protects our heads from negative influences environment. Hair can be:

  • dark and light - dark and blonde ,
  • long, medium and short – long, medium and short ,
  • white, black, blond and red – blond, brunette, brown, red ,
  • straight and curly - straight and curly.

Ears - ear are also considered one of the sense organs. They help us hear others. We remember thanks to the song:

Your ears are very tall,
My ears are very small.
Some ears are black as ink,
But my ears are pale and pink.

Next, the head is connected to the body through the neck - neck . It is attached to the shoulders - shoulders [ʃəuldə] . From them a person’s torso begins. On the front of the body are the rib cage - breast and belly stomach [‘stʌmək] , the back is occupied by the back - back .
This video explains it clearly and colorfully:

Our arms grow from the shoulder joint hand - there are two of them. The place where the arm can bend is called the elbow - elbow [‘elbəu] . Through the wrist - wrist this part of the body connects to the hand and palm - palm . The hand consists of five fingers - fingers [‘fiŋgə] . People have ten fingers in total. Our hands allow us to realize everything we want, so we need to take care of them and strengthen them in every possible way.
A good riddle to remember:

I am a body part,
But I am not a knee,
I am found on your face,
I’m what you use to see.

Below the body is connected to a particularly important part human body, from which legs grow - leg , which, like hands, we also have two. The upper part of the leg is considered the thigh - thigh [θai] . The place where the legs can bend is usually called the knee or knees - knee . The lower part goes all the way to the foot and is called the lower leg - feet . The heels are on the foot - heels , and on the opposite side - toes - toes . There are five toes on each foot, so humans have ten toes in total.

We teach body parts in English for children and do exercises

An excellent exercise for memorizing body parts and new English vocabulary for the baby there will be the following. Show your child this picture and fill out the captions for the images together.

Do an exercise with your child to memorize human body parts in English

A good example of memorizing body parts is a game in which a student asks someone else a specific part, and he tries to guess its translation by asking questions based on the “yes” or “no” answer.
No wonder it is said that in healthy body healthy mind. We recommend that children constantly take care of the health and cleanliness of their bodies, do exercises, choose active games and visit sports more often. fresh air. You can find more information about body parts in English for children in the relevant literature or among online sources. Basic knowledge will definitely come in handy for the young talent in biology lessons. Learning body parts in English for children and other vocabulary is fun and easy with EnglishGood courses. We invite all children to our classes to learn a foreign language in an interesting way!

Today I would like to continue the series of articles about important groups of words. We suggest learning the names of body parts in English. Many students admit that they know this topic superficially, only basic words, because their field of activity is not related to anatomy or medicine. But our life is so unpredictable: sometimes ignorance of just one word stressful situation may endanger someone else's life or your own.

When my close girlfriend I was on vacation in Europe, and a very unpleasant incident happened to her. While walking, she tripped and fell. The pain was very severe, they called an ambulance, but my friend didn’t know how to say “ankle” or “shin” over the phone. Fortunately, an English-speaking compatriot was nearby to help. But after this story, my friend can take the body parts knowledge test with her eyes closed.

And, of course, very often in conversation we describe other people, their appearance and character. These are all cases in which knowing body parts in English will help you a lot.

Our body consists of a torso ( body), heads ( head), two hands ( two arms) and two legs ( two legs). We see with our eyes ( eyes), we hear with our ears ( ears), we catch odors with our nose ( nose), eat with teeth ( teeth), located in the mouth ( mouth, lips - lips). When you're learning new words, it's best to work with pictures. We invite you to say the words out loud and “apply” them to yourself, naming your (or someone else’s) body parts. And here are the pictures!

Body. Body

Word Translation
Body Body
Hand Hand
Head Head
Neck Neck
Elbow Elbow
Shoulder Shoulder
Chest Chest, chest
Armpit Armpit
Arm Arm (from hand to shoulder)
Abdomen, stomach Stomach
Waist Waist
Hip Thigh (side)
Thigh Hip
Knee Knee
Calf Calf)
Shin Shin
Leg Leg
Foot(plural – feet) Foot (plural – feet)

Face. Face

I hope the first part was easy. Now let's look at the face and find out what it consists of. Do you know all these words?

Word Translation
Face Face
Hair Hair
Skin Leather
Eyebrow Eyebrow
Forehead Forehead
Eyelash Eyelash
Eye Eye
Ear Ear
Cheek Cheek
Nose Nose
Nostril Nostril
Mole Mole, birthmark
Mouth Mouth
Lip Lip
Jaw Jaw
Chin Chin

Arms and legs. Hands and feet

The next group of words is for the curious. Let's look at the structure of the hand and foot.

Idioms with body parts in English

We ourselves don’t notice how often we use set expressions (idioms) in our speech. For example, common phrases are “ears on top of the head”, “soul has gone to the ground”, “sit with folded hands”, etc. Set expressions should be known by heart, since they cannot be translated literally. All words in the phrase lose their original meaning, and the expression is translated by some phrase as one whole. They say about a man who is head over heels in love he is head over heels in love(literally “he is head over heels in love”). If someone promises something but does not fulfill it, they use the expression lip service(literally “lip services”) – empty promises. When they say that the information given should be trusted, it means that it is from a reliable source - the horse's mouth(literally “from the mouth of a horse”). And if someone tries not to notice certain facts, they will definitely say that he turns a blind eye to everything - to turn a blind eye to(literally “to turn with a blind eye towards something”).

Marina Shevelkova

My body.

Acquaintance with new lexical material

Goals and objectives:

Educational: activate previously studied lexical and grammatical structures in children’s speech, repeat the names of body parts, colors

Developmental: develop children's cognitive activity; develop an ear for music, memory, attention, dexterity, motor activity, sense of rhythm.

Educational: to cultivate interest in English classes.

Equipment: toy kitten, handouts - task sheets, markers, magnetic fishing rod, 8 cardboard fish with metal clips on the fins (colors are glued to the fish); a rug imitating a lake;


I. Introduction. Greetings. Organizing time.

Teacher: Hello, children! I’m happy to see you today! Let's say HELLO to our parts of the body. They work for us day by day, they deserve polite treatment.

You are so nice!

Hello, my shoulders!

Hello, my knees!

Stay healthy, please

My body, my tummy,

My back and my arms!

Stay healthy, my body!

Be clear, my mind!

(Children greet parts of their body: nose, eyes, ears, shoulders, tummy, knees, toes, back, arms. They greet them and touch the named part of the body, thereby repeating vocabulary on the topic “Parts of the Body.”)

2. Game “Let’s go fishing!” Game "Fishing". Repetition of color.

Teacher: Children, look! There is a small lake full of fish here. But the fish are different colors.

Teacher: Yes! Let's catch the fish with the help of this fishing rod. Let's try to catch the fish.

Child:I have got a blue fish.

3. Riddles: Learning vocabulary on the topic BODY

In any weather,

Tempering the body... body.

From the shoulder to the hand myself,

I call my hand...arm.

Friend extended his hand to me.

The hand was called ... hand

I love a great run

Everyone called the leg...leg.

I broke my finger in the ring

Finger in English...finger.

Bend your leg at the knee

Knee in English… knee.

From problems and school troubles

I got very sick... head

Bad grades

I got a nice beating... ear

He runs faster

Who has longer...leg

4. Head Shoulders Knees and Toes song

knees and socks

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Head, shoulders, knees and socks (toes)

knees and socks

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Head, shoulders, knees and socks (toes)

knees and socks

5. Studying vocabulary Body and face. Application "Clown's face". The teacher names a part of the face in English, the children take (if the teacher names Magic word PLEASE) and glued. Take a nose please.

6. Phonetic warm-up.

Tongue tongue [t]

by name , lives in a comfortable warm house, in the mouth of its owner. The house has two walls (cheeks), a floor and a ceiling. The tongue loves warmth, so he has two doors in his house: the outer one is the lips, the inner one is the teeth teeth

The tongue sleeps on the floor, where it is more comfortable for him, and at the tip of the tongue there is favorite place on the ceiling, on a raised platform, just behind the upper teeth. The tongue likes to play different sounds: - [d], [t], [n], [l], [s], [z]. This is how the tongue lives and lives, it doesn’t come out, it’s afraid of a cold. One night bad weather broke out, a strong wind [u:] blew, the trees rustled and rain began to pour. The tongue woke up and began to listen to sounds outside. First, he heard an owl hooting in a tree [u], and a snorting hedgehog running very close [f], [v]. Some bird kept repeating [:]. Somewhere in the distance a cow [m] mooed, a dog [r] growled, and geese [g] cackled. Under the window of the tongue, two beetles, [z], were hurrying for cover, talking angrily. The tongue was sleeping and breathing quietly [h].

In his dream, he heard rain pattering on the roof [p]. And in the morning there was no trace left of the storm. The sun came out, the birds sang, the flies buzzed

The tongue woke up, stretched like a cat [--], and he wanted to go for a walk. He opened the outer door and at first only stuck out his tip, and then, becoming bolder, he jumped out of the house and ran to the pond. Little Tongue became amused, began throwing pebbles [b] into the pond, and then decided to take a swim. The water was very cold, but the tongue forgot about everything and sat in the pond for a long, long time until it froze. He returned to his house, his tip jumped to his favorite place on the ceiling, but even there he continued to tremble slightly. In his haste, the tongue forgot to close the outer door, and it slammed [w]. The tongue quickly closed it and went to bed under the blanket.

The tongue failed to protect itself from a cold. His throat hurt, he started coughing [k], his temperature rose, and he sneezed several times. The tongue lay there and moaned quietly until the doctor arrived. First like this [e], and then longer [e:]. Finally the doctor came, shook his head when he learned about bathing [ :]., and told the tongue to say [ :]. But the tongue turned out to be something completely different: strange, then [i] and finally

[i:]. The doctor was not satisfied, and then the tongue tried very hard, but it only succeeded. The doctor had to give the tongue a bitter medicine. The tongue swallowed the tasteless pill and said.

Soon he fell asleep and had a wonderful dream. Eight little gnomes came to visit him. They wanted to meet and play with him. The eldest gnome, putting his finger to his lips, said, “He’s sleeping, let’s not disturb him.” And the smallest gnome said: “He’s dreaming about us, which means we’re not bothering him.” And then each dwarf approached the tongue, greeted politely and said his name. So they met and became friends - a little tongue named [i] and eight dwarves [ei],

[ai], [i], [au], [u], [u], [i], [є]. Then they played merrily, and as a farewell, the tongue asked the gnomes to visit him more often in his dreams.

7. A lullaby for our tongue

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (original by Jason Graves)

Twinkle twinkle little star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

How I long to know who you are!

Up above the world so high,

You are so high above the whole world,

Like a diamond in the sky!

You are like a diamond in the sky!

When the blazing sun is gone,

When the sun goes down

When the nothing shines upon,

When nothing shines

Then you show your little light,

Then you shine quietly,

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Twinkle, twinkle all night long.

Then the traveler in the dark,

Traveler in the Dark

Thanks you for your little spark,

Thank you for your sparkle.

He could not see which way to go,

He wouldn't see where to go

If you didn't twinkle so.

If only you didn't sparkle so much.

When the blazing sun is gone,

When the sun goes down

When the nothing shines upon,

When nothing shines

Though I know not what you are,

I may not know who you are

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star!

As the child begins to learn about the world around him, he learns many basic words. His picture of the world immediately becomes brighter and richer. Same thing when studying foreign language, you need to increase your vocabulary with basic words. It is these basic words that include body parts in English. The names of body parts can be useful both in everyday speech and when reading fiction and specialized literature. Body parts in English is an important topic for children too. In addition, the entire arsenal of names of body parts in English can be useful in an emergency situation.

Table of "external" body parts

Those around them have noses, lips, arms, legs and other visible body parts. It is also important to know the correct names for large parts of the body: stomach, chest, back in English. Often people can tell funny stories, in which this or that part of the body appears, and may even complain of pain. To help you understand your interlocutors, we have prepared a list of the 15 most common “external” parts of the human body in English.

Body part in Russian Body part in English Transcription
hand arm [ärm]
leg leg
back back
stomach belly [ˈbelē]
rib cage chest
breast breast
elbow elbow [ˈelˌbō]
wrist wrist
wrist hand
nipple nipple [ˈnipəl]
foot foot
finger finger [ˈfiNGgər]
toe toe
shoulder shoulder [ˈSHōldər]
knee knee

Anatomy table

You can’t ignore the internal organs either. We have prepared a list of the 15 most common components of human anatomy.

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Body part in Russian Body part in English Transcription
heart heart
liver liver [ˈlivər]
bud kidney [ˈkidnē]
spleen spleen
intestine intestine
gallbladder gallbladder [ˈgôlˌbladər]
vein vein
blood blood
stomach stomach [ˈstʌmək]
esophagus esophagus
uterus uterus [ˈyo͞otərəs]
brain brain
adrenal adrenal [əˈdrēnl]
lymph node lymph node
bone bone
skeleton skeleton [ˈskelitn]
cartilage cartilage [ˈkärtl-ij]
lung lung
bronchi bronchi [ˈbrɒŋkʌɪ]
pancreas pancreas [ˈpaNGkrēəs]

Face and head table

Mentions of body parts such as the face and head can arise in a variety of situations. For example, fiction and poetry in English are full of references to eyes and lips. So that someone's sharp cheekbones don't make you reach for the dictionary, we've prepared a list of the 15 most common names for facial parts.

Body part in Russian Body part in English Transcription
scull skull
hair hair
eye eye [ī]
eyebrow eyebrow [ˈīˌbrou]
cheek cheek
eyelash eyelash [ˈīˌlaSH]
mouth mouth
lip lip
tooth tooth
language tongue
chin chin
cheekbone cheekbone [ˈCHēkˌbōn]
ear ear
mustache mustache
nose nose
beard beard
eyelid eyelid [ˈīˌlid]
nostril nostril [ˈnästrəl]
neck neck
Adam's apple Adam's apple [ˈædəmzˌæpl]
head head
whiskers sideburns [ˈsaɪd.bɜːnz ]
forehead forehead [ˈfôrəd]
dimple on the cheek dimple [ˈdimpəl]
gum gum

Idioms with body parts

English is full set expressions with which body parts are mentioned. These can have a variety of meanings. We have selected for you 15 of the most interesting and common idioms about body parts. For convenience, we have made a table with idioms and their translations.

Idiom in English Literal translation Adapted translation
I'd give my right arm to do it I would give mine right hand, to do this I would give a lot to do this
He's twisting my arm He twists my arm He's putting pressure on me
To keep an eye on something Keep your eye on something Keep an eye on something
His eyes are bigger than his stomach His eyes are bigger than his stomach Devour with eyes
In the blink of an eye While blinking In the blink of an eye
I've got itchy feet I have itchy feet I have a wanderlust
I got cold feet My feet are cold I was afraid
I shot myself in the foot I shot myself in the foot I did it to my detriment
I let my hair down I let my hair down I gave myself a break
I'm pulling your leg I'm holding your leg I'm fooling you
It costs an arm and a leg It costs an arm and a leg It's too expensive
Cat got your tongue? Did the cat take your tongue? Swallowed your tongue?
On the tip of my tongue On the tip of my tongue It's on the tip of your tongue
Pain in the neck Pain in the neck Source of constant irritation
Shake a leg Shake your leg Hurry up

Video about body parts for children and adults in English:

English has become an international language due to its relative simplicity and logical construction of phrases. It is not surprising that in our country schoolchildren begin to learn it almost from the first grade. If you are no longer a schoolchild, but at one time you studied at school, say, German, which you happily forgot six months after leaving school, then you will probably need to learn at least the basic and basic concepts, the most frequently used words and phrases. For example, such as “exit”, “entrance”, “call”, “police”, “hotel”, etc. They will be very useful to you when you find yourself abroad. And knowing what parts of the body are called in English can even save your life.

Here, for example, is such an unpleasant, but quite possible situation: you received an injury to any part of the body or saw someone get it. The injury is serious enough that you call ambulance. But, without knowing how to tell which specific part of the body is injured, you will not be able to explain over the phone what exactly happened and what help you need.

Let's look at the main parts of the human body and their names in English. These should include, firstly, the head. In English it will be “head”. Transcription (pronunciation) of this word, if written in international format, it will look like this: . You can completely simplify the task and write the same transcription in Russian symbols, but you should keep in mind that in this case the pronunciation will only be approximately correct, since many sounds of the English language are completely alien to Russian, therefore, reliably depicting them using Russian symbols will be very difficult . So, the word “head” is pronounced [head], and the sound “e” should sound drawn out.

Basic parts of the human body in English

Similarly, using Russian and international transcription, we will write down other parts of the body.

  • 🔊 Listen to Body [‘bɔdɪ], [badi] - body
  • 🔊 Listen to Shoulder - [‘ʃəuldə], [shaulde] - shoulder
  • 🔊 Listen Arm - [ɑːm], [aam] - hand (from the shoulder to the fingertips)
  • 🔊 Listen Hand - , [hand] - hand (brush)
  • 🔊 Listen Elbow - [‘elbəu], [elbow] - elbow
  • 🔊 Listen to Chest - [ʧest], [honest] - chest
  • 🔊 Listen to Stomach - [‘stʌmək], [stamak] - belly, stomach
  • 🔊 Listen to Back - [back] - back
  • 🔊 Listen to Bottom - [‘bɔtəm], [botem] - back
  • 🔊 Listen Thigh - [θaɪ], [sai] - thigh (the sound “s” is pronounced by pinching the tip of the tongue between the teeth, as a result it sounds like a cross between the sounds “s” and “f”)
  • 🔊 Listen Leg - , [leg] - leg
  • 🔊 Listen to Knee - , [nii] - knee
  • 🔊 Listen Calf (calves) - , , [kaaf], [kaavz] - caviar (calves of the legs) (the pronunciation is given in the second brackets plural body parts)
  • 🔊 Listen Foot (feet) - , , [foot], [fiit] - foot (feet)
  • 🔊 Listen to Ankle Ankle - [‘æŋkl], [enkl] - ankle (the sound “n” is pronounced “in the nose”, as if you have a cold)
  • 🔊 Listen Heel - , [heel] - heel
  • 🔊 Listen to Finger - [finge] - finger on hand
  • 🔊 Listen to Fist - [fist] - fist
  • 🔊 Listen Neck - [neck] - neck
  • 🔊 Listen Palm - , [paam] - palm
  • 🔊 Listen Toe - [tou] - toe
  • 🔊 Listen to Waist - [waist] - waist

Knowing the names of the main parts of the human body, you will be able to communicate with, say, the same ambulance, find out what hurts the person, etc.

How to quickly learn the names of body parts in English?

You should try to teach them with the help of pictures, tongue twisters, and various sites where you can learn words.

Remember how as a child you learned parts of the human body in your native language: mouth, ears, eyes, nose... Try to do the same now - point in the mirror at yourself or at the person with whom you are learning, and pronounce the parts of the body. This way they will be better remembered in the mind. In general, look for ways, fantasize, learn from someone else!

Description of a person's appearance in English. Just as in the first case, for some reason you may need to describe the appearance of a person, and for this you also need to know the names of some parts of the body. But, a description of a person in English, as, in general, in any other language, can consist of several hundred different parameters and characteristics, so let’s consider what gives the most accurate and understandable description of a person’s appearance - his face. After all, sometimes it’s enough to say that someone has dark hair, long hair a big nose And Brown eyes

and everyone has already quite vividly imagined this person, right?

  • Parts of a human face in English
  • 🔊 Listen to Cheek
  • 🔊 Listen to Chin [chin] chin
  • 🔊 Listen to Ear [ɪə(r)] [IA] ear
  • 🔊 Listen to Eye [ay] eye
  • 🔊 Listen to Eyebrows [ibrow] eyebrows
  • 🔊 Listen to Eyelashes [aylash] eyelashes
  • 🔊 Listen to Eyelid [ailid] eyelids
  • 🔊 Listen to Face [face] face
  • 🔊 Listen to Hair [hea] hair (at the end of a word, if you follow British pronunciation, there should be a faint [r] sound, pronounced as if you were not pronouncing the letter r; in American English there is no such sound)
  • 🔊 Listen to Lips [lips] lips
  • 🔊 Listen to Mouth [mauf] mouth (at the end - the same sound [s], at the same time similar to [f])
  • 🔊 Listen to Nose [nose] nose
  • 🔊 Listen to Nostril [ˈnɔstrɪl] [nostril] nostril
  • 🔊 Listen to Pupil [ˈpjuːp(ə)l] [pupil] pupil

🔊 Listen Tooth / teeth [tus] [yew] tooth (teeth)

Interestingly, all parts of the face associated with the eyes (eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids) have the word “eye” as a prefix in their name in English.

Example of using words in speech
Using words meaning parts of the face, you can construct something like this description of a person’s face: He had beautiful blue eyes long eyelashes and thin brows. When his lips made a smile everyone could see his perfect white teeth. - He had wonderful, long eyelashes and thin eyebrows. When his lips smiled, everyone could see his perfect white teeth.

So you have studied the main parts of the human body that will help you describe it. Of course you can't become a master verbal description just like that, right off the bat - they learn the language for years. But these words will help you describe yourself or someone else in emergency, just explain to a passerby or seller and help your little son do his homework. In the end, the main thing is that the study of parts of the human body has begun. And you will be able to describe your girl’s pale pink skin color, high cheekbones, pleasant eye shape and long curly hair when you become more familiar with the language and devote more time to studying it. Learn, dare, master English language