Picking mushrooms in Borovoe. Everything for mushroom pickers: when to collect porcini mushrooms

The porcini mushroom, popularly called the noble beauty and the king of mushrooms, is ranked among the forest products with the best taste. You can prepare many dishes from the fragrant forest product: soups, solyankas, roasts, pies, pickles and marinades. In nature, there are about two dozen species of porcini mushrooms, differing in color and place of growth.

The porcini mushroom, popularly called the noble beauty and the king of mushrooms, is ranked among the forest products with the best taste.

Boletus is distributed on all continents except Australia. Prefers to settle in deciduous (birch, oak) and coniferous (pine, spruce) forests.

Depending on the age of the place of growth, the fruiting bodies of porcini mushrooms differ. If it grows in an oak forest, then the cap is light in color and the leg is elongated. In birch forest, the caps are also light, but the legs are tuberous in shape. When settling near firs, dark caps are placed on long stems. If the mushroom grew in a pine forest, it has a brownish-red cap and a short thick stalk.
Porcini mushrooms begin to bear fruit singly, closer to autumn period heap. Grows in seasons:

  • in areas with temperate climate– from the middle of the first summer month until the end of September;
  • in warmer regions - from the end of May until October.

Although porcini mushroom belongs to light-loving plants; it can grow in places shaded by dense crowns. If in summer there are low daily temperatures and high humidity, the harvest can only be harvested in open, well-lit and warmed meadows. If the summer is favorable, the growth of mushrooms does not depend on the light. Optimum temperature for fruiting: 15-18°C in summer and 8-10°C in autumn.

How to quickly find a porcini mushroom in the forest (video)

Rules for collecting porcini mushrooms

Since boletus is very sensitive to temperature conditions, it grows very quickly under favorable climatic conditions. The duration of the period from the beginning of growth to full maturity is several days. In just 7–10 days, the mushroom ages, losing taste qualities and accumulating toxic waste products of the pests that have settled in it. In view of this feature, the mushroom picker must prepare in advance for harvesting so as not to miss the very peak of its growth.

Mushrooms grow especially quickly after rain. 2 - 3 days after precipitation, you can go in search of boletus mushrooms. As autumn approaches, it becomes cooler and the growth of forest inhabitants slows down.

It is important to know the places where porcini mushrooms grow. Having discovered at least one individual, you should carefully examine the nearby territory, examining possible areas of their appearance. It is recommended to cut the mushrooms with a knife, but if you don’t have one, you need to carefully swing the mushroom and twist it out of the ground.

In order not to cause harm to health, It is important to adhere to some rules:

  • any mushrooms are natural sorbents that absorb toxic substances, so they are prohibited from being collected in environmentally unfavorable areas;
  • since the product is useful only until the end of the growth period, it is not recommended to use it after the start of the decay period;
  • edible mushrooms have inedible doubles or similar poisonous mushrooms, so you should not collect unfamiliar specimens.

Porcini mushrooms have white and dense flesh, practically tasteless, but with a pleasant aroma. They contain substances beneficial to the body. The plant product is widely used for culinary purposes, but they must be properly processed before use.

It is important to know the places where porcini mushrooms grow

Time and place for collecting porcini mushrooms in Russia

IN northern regions In Russia, porcini mushrooms begin to bear fruit from the beginning of summer, in the south - from mid-May. Fruiting dates may vary depending on temperature regime.

Mass harvest begins in the middle last month summer. It is at this time that mushroom pickers go on a quiet hunt and return with full baskets. In Siberian forests, mushrooms grow in the taiga, in other districts in forests with a predominance of coniferous or mixed species. Experienced mushroom pickers advise looking for mushrooms around deciduous trees aged from 50 years and pine 20 - 30 years. The soil should be sandy, sandy loam and loamy. Mushroom pickers have nothing to do in swampy areas, since mushrooms practically do not grow there.

Where and when to look for porcini mushrooms in Belarus

Mushrooms are a traditional and favorite delicacy of Belarusian cuisine. The republic has ideal mushroom conditions: availability mixed forests and swamps. Unique climatic conditions have a beneficial effect on growth various types mushrooms First edible mushrooms begin to appear already in the first spring month, but the exact timing depends on weather conditions. The Minsk and Vitebsk regions are considered the best mushroom grounds. A large harvest can be harvested in forest areas located in the Vitebsk direction.

It is recommended to look for white mushroom among coniferous trees. He prefers to settle in clearings and forest edges. On hot days summer days Most often it hides in shelters under trees, and in cool autumn it basks in open sunny areas, especially on moist soil.

In order not to miss the hidden fungus, It is important to look very carefully at places along the paths. Experienced mushroom pickers advise not to pass by small, half-dried forest streams and hillocks. It is especially difficult to find it in fallen leaves.

After haymaking (usually from the second half of July), a second layer of mushrooms appears. After 2 - 3 weeks there is a lull. Then comes the most abundant mushroom layer, which continues until frost. During the summer, the mycelium grew, and the soil warmed up, which contributes to abundant fruiting.

Season and places for collecting porcini mushrooms in Ukraine

Not many Ukrainian residents show interest in early mushrooms. The massive harvest of valuable harvest begins at the end of the spring period. Except warm weather, one more a necessary condition For mushrooms to appear, the presence of a moist top layer of soil is necessary; otherwise, if there is a lack of moisture, there will be no harvest.

You can go looking for porcini mushrooms at any time throughout the summer. There are especially many of them growing in forests western Ukraine. These territories are characterized by the presence tall trees, which helps maintain the required level of moisture, stimulating the growth of fungi.

Autumn is also a good time for collecting forest gifts, since this time is characterized by heavy rainfall. Experienced mushroom pickers note the high productivity of the Tsyuryupinsky region, where in addition to white mushrooms, others grow no less delicious mushrooms, for example, boletus and truffles.

Porcini mushrooms are found before the temperature drops in October, although they can be collected in the Carpathians all year round. The product is known for its nutritional and healing properties. Despite the fact that pests are often observed inside the fruiting body, they do not lose their value.

Collection of porcini mushrooms in Germany

There are at least five thousand in Germany known species mushrooms The third part is edible. Porcini mushrooms, actively used in German cuisine, can be harvested as early as May. They appear in rare young oak plantings, clearings and row-spacings. A little later, umbrella mushrooms and chanterelles begin to appear. The peak is in autumn. In regions located to the south of Lake Constance, even black truffles, which are classified as gourmet foods, are found.

Before going in search of a harvest, in Germany they offer to complete preparatory courses, including theoretical studies and practice. In order not to confuse useful forest beauties with poisonous individuals, it is recommended to download a special application to your electronic device, which describes each type of mushroom in detail and with pictures.

But even experienced mushroom pickers cannot collect as many mushrooms as they want, since limited collection is allowed by law. If you abuse natural gifts, you can receive a large fine.

How to collect porcini mushrooms (video)

You can make broth from porcini mushrooms, beneficial properties which are considered higher than traditional meat broth. It contains large number vitamins that promote proper functioning of the thyroid gland and improve the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Experts do not recommend eating freshly prepared porcini mushrooms, as they contain quinine, which interferes with the absorption of healthy proteins. In order for the quinine to evaporate, the product must first be dried. In dry form, they will be used to prepare vegetable soups.

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This is what the September headlines of the republican online media look like. Mushroom pickers are arguing: some are sure that the coming weekend is the last chance to return from the forest with a basket of white mushrooms dusted with a thin layer, others say that the season will last until the end of October. “Inde” talked with adherents of “silent hunting” about tricks, favorite dishes and fly agarics.

Igor Galiakberov

29 years old, developer of equipment for quests

I have a dacha in Aryshkhazd, which is 30 kilometers from Kazan along the KAMAZ highway. Within a radius of 15 kilometers from it, I know all the mushroom places, although in general I don’t know my way around Tatarstan very well.

I believe that the peak of the mushroom season, when you can cut seven or eight mushrooms without getting up from your squat, begins in early September and lasts until the middle of the month. But, of course, it all depends on the weather. There are subperiods within the season: first come boletuses and aspen mushrooms, then white and saffron milk caps. But the abundance of fly agarics - a clear sign that there is nothing more to catch. There are a couple of magical days in September when you can go and easily pick up two baskets of whites, but you need to be able to intuitively feel this time. Porcini mushrooms are the most difficult to find, so they are highly prized, although I personally like them less than the same boletus and aspen mushrooms.

I am the mushroom picker who loves to both collect and eat, but I try not to collect something that needs to be kept under the sun for six hours, boiled for eight hours and evaporated for ten. Milk mushrooms, for example, are very tedious to salt, so they are a waste. Volnushki, pigs, russula - too. I don’t collect umbrellas - I know that Europeans value them very much, but here they grow like giant champignons and attract no one. In general, I think that being greedy is bad: cut only what you know well. Most food poisoning occurs due to the fact that people collect one thing under the guise of something completely different. Fortunately, our forests have no shortage of good mushrooms to collect dubious russula.

I usually go out to pick mushrooms at nine o’clock, but I’ve heard beliefs that say you must definitely be in the forest at three in the morning - I don’t know why. I also heard that after a certain time of day, mushrooms become stale and absorb poison, but in practice I have not encountered this. Once I cut some fly agarics for beauty, but they quickly became wrinkled and dry, and I threw them away. I don’t know if it’s possible to make all these useful tinctures for rubbing from Tatarstan fly agarics - I haven’t seen a single grandmother who would collect them, and grandmothers, as you know, are experts in folk medicine.

There is such a thing - mushroom intuition. A set of signs by which you can understand whether you will find mushrooms or not. For example, if you walk for five to seven minutes and don’t see a single mushroom, most likely there won’t be any. The second trick is understanding the landscape. There are no mushrooms in a dense forest: they like there to be a little sun and a little moisture, but no light penetrates into the thicket.

One of the most important reasons to go mushroom picking is a freebie, because what you collect in two or three times is enough for a whole year. They used to be dried, but now the most popular method is freezing. Of course, then the mushrooms will not be as tasty as in fresh, but it will also work. But the main thing about mushroom hunting is that it is an adventurous journey - almost like “The Hobbit.” There and back." I remember as a child, my friends and I went into the forest to fantasize that we were carrying the ring to Mount Orodruin. I understand that as an adult it is very difficult to take a step towards such escapism. And even as children, we had a crazy idea to make a first-person analogue of Doom 2, where you go with a knife and pick mushrooms. During the process, some creatures jump out at you, and at the end - a boss in the form of a giant satanic mushroom.

Are mushrooms healthy? Don't know. It seems to me that food is, in principle, useful, because without it we are all guaranteed to die. My favorite mushroom dish is fried potatoes with boletus mushrooms, and you definitely need to add some mixture of peppers and sour cream to the mushrooms.

Boris Moskalu

26 years old, regional manager of the Kazan plant "Greifer"

As a child, my father often took me with him when he went mushroom picking. He taught me, and now I teach my son - the guy is only a year and a half old, but I am already explaining to him how to distinguish edible from inedible. Since I grew up in a military family, we moved often - Nizhny Novgorod, Moldova, southern part Russia. I can say that although in Moldova the nature is richer and purer, in Tatarstan mushroom places much more.

Not a single mushroom picker will tell you the exact coordinates of their places, but I can indicate my favorite directions. I have several proven clearings in the village of Voronovka - last couple My wife and I have only been going there for years. It is almost within the city limits, and the harvests are not inferior to either Mariyka or remote areas of Tatarstan. It’s still good in Petrovsky. Usually I cut a mushroom, cover it with leaves, two or three days later I come to the same place, remove the leaves and cut a new one. I always drive deeper into the forest so as not to bump into anyone and collect what has grown along the road. Of course, this is fraught: in last time We sat down on our stomachs and had to put my wife behind the wheel and push the car out myself. But there are adventures - life in the city is boring.

In recent years, one of the most good seasons It was autumn 2015. This year is also good: everywhere you go, there are mushrooms everywhere. The most disastrous season was after the terrible dry summer of 2010. By the way, today, due to the heat, the season also opened late: I went into the forest for the first time a couple of weeks ago, although I usually collect from mid-August. As a rule, the season lasts until mid-October, but this year I think it will be longer. Now the weather is optimal: it rained and then became a little warmer. In the 20th of September, honey mushrooms just began to appear - this means that the most interesting things are ahead.

I’ve never made a mistake with mushrooms, but before I eat something unusual, I often ask for advice on the Internet. I either send photos to mushroom picking groups, or read feature articles with pictures. It turns out that many of the mushrooms that we are used to kicking and trampling in the forest are actually edible. There are, for example, mushrooms that look like umbrellas, only their caps are curved inward - it looks like a dome. I always thought these were fly agaric mushrooms, but it turned out that they are very tasty. The legs cannot be eaten, but the heads can and should be fried in batter.

This year, after two trips, three three-liter jars of pickled mushrooms appeared at our house. The last time we collected 30 liters - it’s good that my wife handles everything. I think if we collect a lot this weekend, we’ll sell it, because we don’t have any strength to clean it anymore. We will act through Avito or VKontakte groups, we will give a kilogram of white rubles for 300-350 rubles. To collect such an amount, you need to walk through the forest for half an hour or an hour, although it all depends on luck and the weather.

Nikolay Panchenko

85 years old, retired

I grew up next to the Bryansk forests, on the border with Ukraine. When I was three years old, my older brother and sister took me mushroom hunting for the first time. They returned without me - I fell asleep in the clearing. I returned to picking mushrooms as a hobby about 15 years ago.

I usually go to the forest in Borovoye Matyushino - it’s about an hour’s walk from my garden on Chistoe Lake. My favorite mushrooms are podgrudki and milk mushrooms. In addition to them, I collect honey mushrooms, butter mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, and saffron milk caps. I collect buttermilk in a young pine forest, milk mushrooms - in a mixed forest where birch and pine grow, honey mushrooms most often appear on the stumps of birch or linden, I look for white milk mushrooms under birch trees. The best honey mushrooms, forest ones (there are also meadow ones), need to be collected within five days - approximately from September 5th to 10th, otherwise they will outgrow. The loads are collected twice a year: the first layer occurs at the end of July, the second begins around September 5 and continues until October.

If you want the loads not to turn black as soon as you bring them from the forest, you need to wash them, let them cook for five minutes after the water boils, and immediately transfer them to cold water. After that, you put them in layers in a bucket, salt them, put garlic, currant leaves and horseradish on top. The layer is approximately five centimeters. Then you fill it with brine, close the bucket and put pressure on top - stone is best, but in no case brick or metal. All mushrooms should be under water. After 40 days you can eat. If you want to transfer them from a bucket to a glass jar, press them tightly with the rack up, fill them with brine and put them in the refrigerator, otherwise they will start to foam.

The loader grows in the garbage, you need to look for it carefully. But if you find one, you’ll collect six to ten pieces nearby at once. Just do not pull it out under any circumstances - you will damage the mycelium, and next year there will be no mushrooms in this place. Now at the market porcini mushrooms are sold directly with the roots - they are, of course, edible, but this means that next year mushroom pickers will have fewer places to collect. They also sell pigs, although they are semi-edible and not everyone knows that before eating they need to be soaked until cold water the blackness will not go away, and then cook until the boiling water stops being black.

You can easily pick up a basket or two of butter at one time, but you have to hurry: they grow for only four to five days, and then they outgrow and become tasteless. It is better to notice the place in advance - if you see an old fallen or dried birch without leaves, know that there will be boletus there. If you find two or three such birch trees, consider yourself to have collected a full basket of mushrooms. At home you need to wash them cold water, but you don’t need to peel it - just cut off the stem and immediately salt it.

I myself practically don’t eat mushrooms - I pick them for pleasure. You walk through a quiet forest after dawn - an owl will fly by, then you will see a kite in the sky, then you will hear wild animals. Beauty. Of course, I sold the surplus. Two years ago, a jar of salted toppings was sold for 800 rubles, and regular customers took four at once. There was a season when I earned 30 thousand rubles from mushrooms - I had to take care of my health, but I picked mushrooms.

The duration of your mushroom hunting trip depends on the containers you take with you. You can fill a small basket in five minutes, then return to the car and empty the contents into a large bucket. For some Mariyka this ideal option, because there you don’t want to go further than 200-300 meters from the car - it’s easy to get lost. And in Borovoye Matyushino there is sparse forest, so I go far and take larger baskets. Although, to be honest, walking through the forest with a ten-kilogram burden is not a fountain.

An experienced mushroom picker in the forest may have a feeling that I would call mushroom intuition: he looks around and understands that he will soon find something. Mushrooms grow next to each other - if you catch one with your eye, squat down and look around from different angles. This is an excellent training for vision and attention, which immediately identifies absent-minded people. It happens that you follow some grandmother through the forest and think: she probably collected everything! And then you look at your feet - not only did you not collect it, you also trampled it. But the main principle of the mushroom picker: if you’re not sure, don’t take it. There are false honey mushrooms, false chanterelles and false whites. More than once I witnessed how people cut them off, but remained silent, because the second main principle of a mushroom picker is that the fewer mushroom pickers, the more mushrooms. Just kidding, just kidding.

I don’t have a personal mushroom rating, but I know that there is a table of the taste value of mushrooms that cooks use. The first thing in it is truffle. I have heard stories that they were also found in our strip, but, unfortunately, I do not have trained pigs to check this. After the truffle comes the camelina, then the white one. Chanterelles are considered super healthy - they remove toxins. Personally, I love white and saffron milk caps, but it all depends on how to cook them and what to eat them with. Salted milk mushrooms with vodka - wow! But salting milk mushrooms is a problem; I don’t do it myself.

The main mistake that a novice mushroom picker can make is to come to an unfamiliar place and get lost. The second point is to come to a place where mushrooms cannot be found by default. Signs of such places: thick grass, plenty of standing water, cultivated soil. I know that whites love abandoned roads - as a rule, they are covered with moss, which accumulates moisture, and the mycelium spreads well there.

Nowadays you can’t even post mushrooms on Instagram once again, it has become bad form - like cats or food. Maybe even worse.

The boletus mushroom (ceps) is the most popular. In addition, boletus has excellent nutritional and taste qualities.

In nature, there are several types of porcini mushroom:

  • The most common type is spruce.
  • The birch species grows under birch trees, hence its name.
  • The oak type has the loosest pulp.
  • Mushrooms with a dark cap are classified as pine mushrooms.

The taste of all types is excellent, but each has its own peculiarity. Therefore, they try to keep the entire range on sale.

All famous chefs love boletus, since the quality of mushroom broth is in no way inferior to meat broth due to its high nutritional value, but at the same time low calorie content. This valuable advantage is used during Orthodox fasting, when the church imposes a ban on the consumption of animal food, allowing the use of mushrooms in food.

Profitable and safe purchase

There are currently enough offers to buy fresh boron mushrooms. When choosing a supplier, you should focus on his reputation, documented evidence of the safety of the product and, of course, the seller’s attitude towards his customers.

You can order from our company fresh mushrooms boletus mushrooms wholesale, having received all permitting documents. With ongoing cooperation, significant discounts are provided for customers.

Pleasant cooperation

Another advantage of working with us is the opportunity to buy fresh boletus mushrooms in Moscow with delivery. Customers do not need to waste their time on something that we will do with pleasure.

You can purchase fresh boletus mushrooms online at any time convenient for the buyer. This will be especially appreciated by people who are sorely short of time to go shopping, and even more so through the forest. This opportunity will also please large retail chains when the volume of purchases is very large.

Whatever the buyer’s choice, we are always happy to provide him with exclusive terms of cooperation.

Forests of Kazakhstan:

The pine forests of the Kazakh small hills are scattered on granite hills in an intermittent strip from northwest to southeast, starting in the southern part of the Kokchetavsky (Airtavsky, Burluksky, Aryk-Balyksky, Zerendinsky, Malotyuktinsky, Borovskoy, Barmashinsky, Bulandinsky and Urumkay forestry enterprises) and the northern part of the Tselinograd (Maraldinsky, Sandyktavsky, Bolshe-Tyuktinsky, Otradnensky, Krasnoborsky, Alekseevsky and Kenessky forestry enterprises) regions, in separate tracts among the endless steppe flaunt in the south of Pavlodar (Bayanaul national natural park), the west of the Karaganda (Karkaraly, Taldinsky, Kuvsky forestry enterprises) and ending in the southwestern part of the East Kazakhstan (Ayudinsky and Samara forestry enterprises) region in the mountain spurs of the Kalbinsky ridge. The forests of Borovoe, Karkaraly, Bayanaul and Kalba are of greatest interest.

The main forests of small hills grow on the rocky slopes of low mountains on granites and their eluvium, in crevices between rocks and stones, on granite destruction products. The Kokshetau mountain range from the city of Shchuchinsk stretches in an arc for almost 20 km and ends in the north with Mount Sinyukha (947.6 m). In the middle part of the mountain range is the peak “Camel” (840 m), and “Sleeping Knight” (825 m) is visible even further away. At the foot of Mount Sinyukha lies Lake Borovoye and a resort of federal importance with the same name.

In 1935, to preserve the unique natural complex The Borovsky Nature Reserve was founded on an area of ​​83 thousand hectares. The reserve functioned for 15 years. In 1951, a forestry and hunting enterprise was organized on the territory of the reserve, which was engaged in the protection and reproduction of fauna and flora. In 1984, the forestry and hunting enterprise was transformed into a regular forestry enterprise, where, unfortunately, although with restrictions, almost all types of economic activities are permitted.

Even in the last century, these places were famous for their indescribable beauty and healing climate. Thanks to the forest and lakes, the scorching heat is less felt here in summer, and it is warmer in winter than in the open steppe. The forest protects from wind and heat, heals with healing air, saturated with pine phytoncides and negatively charged light ions.

Much has been written about the beauty of Borovoye and its healing effects on humans. But let us once again cite the words of the Russian geographer and traveler I. Slovtsov, recorded by him more than 100 years ago and giving a clear idea of ​​this unique corner of nature: “On a small (relatively piece of land, 20 versts in diameter, black cliffs reminiscent of the Caucasus or Altai, overgrown with pine needles, they entered into a wonderful combination with the element of water, which is represented here by many large and small Lakes with water as clear as crystal, and surrounded by a barricade of rocks of the most fantastic combinations. In Borovoe, the air is clean and fragrant; you can breathe easily, with all your might... In a word, this is a corner where the sick and the healthy can fully relax, gain strength and health.”

Borovoe is deservedly called “Kazakhstan Switzerland”, “Pearl of Kazakhstan”. The unique beauty of the fish-rich lakes Borovoe, Karasye, Bolshoye and Maloye Chebache, Shchuchye, Kotyrkol, the mountain peaks covered with legends “Sleeping Knight”, “Camel”, “Okzhetpes”, which means “Can’t be reached with an arrow”, and the cliff “Zhumbaktas” protruding from the water "("The Mystery Stone"), golden-trunked pine trees exuding the aroma of resin, birch "dancing" groves, an abundance of berries and mushrooms attract more and more people who want to relax and improve their health every year.

In pine forests growing in elevated, dry places, the ground cover is most often formed by lichens, covering the soil with a dense silvery carpet that crunches underfoot. There are pure birch forests here, aspen on steppe lands in lowlands, and mixed pine-birch plantations. Under the canopy of such a forest, rose hips, hawthorn, currants, viburnum, cotoneaster, juniper, raspberries, lingonberries, stoneberries, strawberries and even cranberries grow on the shores of Lake Svetloye. This forest region is rich and medicinal plants, however, like the forests of all Kazakhstan.

The forests are home to wild boars, Siberian roe deer, wolves, squirrels, hares and foxes, deer and muskrats, and over 150 species of birds. Here you can see wood grouse and black grouse, black stork and gray heron, swans and gray geese, cranes and many ducks, and in the summer the forest is full of singing and chirping birds: blackbirds and warblers, nightingales and orioles. About the rich animal and flora Kokshetau is told by the exhibits of the Museum of Nature, organized by the Borovsky forestry enterprise.

Not much inferior in value and beauty pine forests and other areas of the Kokchetav and Akmola regions, in many ways similar to Borovoye both in climatic and forest conditions.

The mountains of Karkaraly (the highest point above sea level, peak Komsomolsky - 1403 m), Ku (1356 m), Kent (Mount Shamantau - 1411 m), Kyzylray (1565 m) in the Karaganda region present an amazing sight. Over the course of many thousands of years, wind and water have created here thousands of stone sculptures of various shapes, amazing and causing admiration even for our contemporaries, who are accustomed, it would seem, not to be surprised by anything. There are many “miracles” here.

Only in the Karkaraly mountains there are “Stone Chambers” and labyrinths of “Mockingbird” rocks with amazing acoustics that repeat any sound seven times, and caves where a man’s camp was located in the New Stone and Bronze Ages, and Lake Shaitan-kol, which translated means “Devil’s Lake” ", and Lake "Pool" and many other attractions that are described by M. M. Prishvin in his essay "Devil's Lake": "Several dragonflies were circling over the water. Below, under the coniferous mass of forests, a butterfly flew like a piece of white paper. Here and there, between the harsh pines and huge rocks, birch trees were extinguished in the September sun. How many dilapidated fantastic castles are there, slumbering figures, changeable like clouds: the defeated Mephistopheles, a kneeling woman with a prayer book in her hand, and a toad, and a camel, and huge, pot-bellied, bulging-eyed freaks - all dozed on the rock and all were slowly overgrown with pine trees below like moss."

In the book by Yu. G. Popov “Karkaraly”, published by the publishing house “Kainar” in 1982, the author cites. simple, but giving an accurate description of the area, the words of one of the first travelers who visited these places, I. F. Rusakov: “The Karkaraly hills stand on the steppe, like in a square, and can be seen a hundred miles away. Their elevation is not so significant, but the special charm of mountain nature is visible in them; Mountain springs flow through the gorges in places; the valleys adjacent to the mountains are very picturesque, from them along granite slopes you go to the very peaks coniferous forest, which in many places is completely inaccessible for felling and, thus, intended, as if by nature itself, only to decorate the desert steppes.”

You have already noticed that in the descriptions of I.F. Rusakov and M.M. Prishvin there is a coniferous forest - pine. Pine in the Karkarala Mountains and especially in the Kent Mountains grows literally on bare stone. Sometimes you are amazed at how amazingly these trees are able to use any cracks to extract juices for life. Some pines literally settle on steep granite cliffs. It is not for nothing that this tree is sometimes called a “climbing tree.”

In low-lying, more moist and rich soils, birch, aspen, bird cherry, and willows grow. Under the canopy you can find the ubiquitous rose hips, currants, honeysuckle, cotoneaster, drupes, raspberries, and on the mountain tops - Cossack juniper.

In mountain forests and valleys there are lynx, roe deer, wolf, argali, fox, hare, and saigas. Scientists settled teleduck squirrels in the Karkaraly forests, and they took root here perfectly.

Birds include golden eagles; in the forest - woodpecker, thrush, crossbill, owl, eagle owl, waxwings, redpolls, great tits, finches, coals, chickadees and cuckoos; there are ducks on the lakes.

The forests are also rich in mushrooms: milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, boletus mushrooms, boletus, valui and others are found in abundance.

The Karkaraly mountain-forest oasis is not inferior to the famous Borovoye in beauty, clean air, and healing effects on the human body.

The southernmost pine forests in Kazakhstan grow on the slopes of the Kyzylraya mountains, 110 km south of Karkaralinsk. Along with pine trees, there are also birch and aspen groves.

North of Karkaraly, in the southern part of the Pavlodar region, among the bare steppe lies the Bayanaul mountain-forest range (the highest point above sea level is Mount Akpet-1026 m), another “pearl” of the republic, where the Bayanaul National Park was created.

Bayanaul is in many ways similar to Karkaraly, but there are also differences. Here, in low, humid places, you can often find thickets of low-growing alder, aspen, and birch.

And yet the main species is pine, which grows, just like in Karkaraly, on rocky slopes and mountain tops. In Bayanaul there are perhaps even more stone sculptures created by nature than in its southern neighbor.

Here is what is told about this in the book “Pearls of Kazakhstan”: “But what nature created in the Bayanaul Mountains is difficult to imagine and imagine. Even color photographs and film do not convey the stunning impression that you experience when you first encounter the works of this natural vernissage.”

Here is the “Old Woman-Stone” rock (Kempir-tas), which looks like the head of Baba Yaga, and the “Horse Head” rock (“Atbasy”), and the “Hat” rock, which is now also called “UFO”, because in its outline it really resembles a “flying saucer” and the “Launching Rocket” rock.

Mountains covered with forest, fancy stone sculptures, streams with crystal clean water, lakes at the foot of the mountains, clean healing air create all the conditions for people to relax. Logging is completely prohibited here.

In the southwestern part of the East Kazakhstan region, along the left bank of the Irtysh, lies the Kalbinsky mountain range (the highest point above sea level - 1607 m), the highly dissected slopes of which and the banks of water channels are covered with pine forests with an admixture of birch and aspen. Laurel poplar and willows are found in the floodplains of rivers.

About 60 species of tree and shrub plants grow in the forests of the Kalbinsky ridge, including bird cherry, rowan, hawthorn, viburnum, yellow acacia, juniper, black and red currant, black elderberry, raspberry, Siberian gooseberry, blackberry, barberry, honeysuckle, rose hips, blueberries, etc. In river valleys, shrubs and vines of the Siberian princeling and clematis form impenetrable thickets where nightingales, tits and other small forest birds like to settle.

The nature of Kalba is not inferior in beauty and richness to the landscapes of Borovoe. There are all conditions for creating a large recreation area. In the 19th century, the forests of the Kalbinsky ridge were greatly thinned out, and in some places completely destroyed by the settlers of these places, who cut down trees for the construction of villages and military fortifications. With the development of the mining industry and construction settlements The Kalbinsky forest was repeatedly subjected to massive logging at the beginning of this century. Therefore, now we need to take care of the forest preserved here so that it does not disappear completely.

The pine forests of the island forests of the north-west, the Irtysh region and the Kazakh small hills can produce national economy not only very valuable pine wood, mushrooms, berries and fruits of wild plants, but also a mass of pine resin - a valuable raw material (during the summer, an average of 1.2-2 kg can be collected from one tree).

The porcini mushroom or boletus is considered the “king” among other types of mushrooms and the most desired prey among lovers of “quiet hunting”. Every mushroom picker wants to know in what places porcini mushrooms grow, as well as when the richest harvest of these fruiting bodies can be collected.

I would like to note that porcini mushrooms are considered very healthy and tasty gifts of the forest. They got their name because of the cap, which does not change color even after processing, including drying. Borovik remains white always, but other types of mushrooms change their shade. In addition, the taste and nutritional qualities of these fruiting bodies are excellent. The mushroom contains vitamin C, B, D, as well as carotene and riboflavin, which strengthens hair, nails and skin. In addition, they contain lecithin, which helps with atherosclerosis and increases hemoglobin.

Few people know where porcini mushrooms grow, so in this article we will tell you where these fruiting bodies can be collected. Rainy weather is the best choice for collecting boletus mushrooms. Distinctive feature porcini mushroom is its habitat next to fly agaric mushrooms. What places does the porcini mushroom choose and where is the best place to collect it? Note that if there is a lot of horsetail growing in the forest, you will practically not find boletus there.

Every mushroom picker knows that all fruiting bodies love warmth and moisture. If the weather is hot in summer, then they can be found under bushes and in the grass. And in the fall, boletus mushrooms grow in open places, under the rays of the sun.

Experienced mushroom pickers always have an idea in which places to look for porcini mushrooms, because they are not found in all forests. For example, pine forests or birch groves have always been famous for boletus. Here they do not grow alone, but prefer large clusters. If you find one boletus, do not rush to leave, because there are probably more specimens nearby.

What other places do porcini mushrooms like?

The following fact tells us what places the porcini mushroom loves. It must be said that in young forests that are not yet 20 years old, you will not find boletus mushrooms. But pine forests, coniferous and deciduous with a predominance of birches, which are more than 30 years old, are famous for the abundance of this delicacy.

But it is important to remember that you will never find boletus mushrooms in the spring. This mushroom grows in summer and autumn, so its harvesting season begins at the end of June and lasts until the end of October. If the spring was warm enough and rainy, then the porcini mushroom can be found as early as May. But if the autumn turned out to be frosty, then you will not see boletus mushrooms in October. We invite you to watch a video showing in which forest porcini mushrooms grow:

All fruiting bodies favorable conditions grow very quickly, and porcini mushroom is no exception. A small boletus weighing only 3 g can increase in weight to 300 g in just 5 days. Large specimens weighing 600 g can often be found. However, a mushroom weighing from 150 to 300 g is considered ideal. Big mushrooms are poorly absorbed by the human body, as they contain too much fiber. Small specimens are digested easier and faster, but they contain less vitamins. Therefore, when to pick porcini mushrooms, decide for yourself.

Favorite places where porcini mushrooms grow

Favorite places for porcini mushrooms to grow are considered to be forests with a predominance of birch and oak, as well as pine forests and spruce forests. Mushroom mycelium penetrates deep into the roots of trees, from which both types of plants receive mutual benefits. However, it is worth noting that the porcini mushroom is a capricious fruiting body. It is too sensitive to changes in temperature in the area where it grows. Humidity level and other climatic parameters – main reason what kind of harvest of porcini mushrooms should be expected.

If the weather is sunny and warm, the porcini mushroom grows quickly. Full ripening takes several days, after 10-12 days the fruiting body begins to age: the unique taste qualities are lost, worminess and the accumulation of toxic products increase.

Therefore, in order to catch the boletus collection period, you need to prepare in advance for “ quiet hunt" Everyone simply needs to know the places where porcini mushrooms grow and boldly go in search of them.

In which forests do porcini mushrooms grow (with photo video)

We invite you to look at the photo showing in which forests porcini mushrooms grow. These fruiting bodies are distributed throughout the world. The exception is Australia and the Arctic latitudes. Sometimes this mushroom is found in Kamchatka and Chukotka. Actively found in large colonies in the Siberian taiga. However, the richest harvests can be found in the vast mixed forests European part of Russia. The porcini mushroom feels great in places where there are a lot of mosses and lichens. Particularly favorite places for porcini mushrooms are mixed forests with trees such as birch, oak, hornbeam, fir, pine and spruce.