Why meat broth can be hazardous to health. Why does chicken broth help cure colds and flu?

Modern nutritionists unanimously claim that all meat and chicken broths are harmful. Why? The original purpose of the broth is heat treatment piece of meat (not bones!). Even at the dawn of civilization, primitive people compensated for the energy costs of hunting only with nourishing and fatty foods, such as meat soups. Modern man no longer needs to actively work to get his own food. However, having gotten used to the taste of meat and rich broths, a person is still not able to give up bone broths.

What's good about meat broth?

As scientists have long proven, extractive substances that enter meat broth during the cooking process, they unnecessarily overload our digestive system and even impede the functioning of the liver. A chemical substances(purine bases) contained in pork, lamb, beef, chicken broth are especially dangerous for the following diseases: arthritis, gout, blood diseases. What is used to weigh down, treat, preserve for transportation and storage, process pieces of meat (so-called chemical “additives”), easily pass into liquid, that is, into the broth during the cooking of meat: this is how antibiotics, preservatives, and growth hormones get into the soup .

Bone broth is considered the absolute record holder for the content of substances harmful and undesirable for the human body. Few people know, but it is in the bones that heavy metal salts are mainly deposited; mercury and arsenic compounds are present. Therefore, the thicker and more concentrated the meat broth, the more harm you will do to yourself, especially if you have digestive problems. But the meat itself, which was boiled in the broth, is precisely freed from most of the unwanted additives and excess fat. It is boiled meat that is recommended for dietary nutrition for both adults and children.

And yet you shouldn’t give up. The broths that our parents fed us since childhood are not so harmful if they are prepared from high-quality meat and according to all culinary rules. Meat broths made from dietary meats are recommended by doctors during the period of recovery from severe infections and recovery from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In such patients, complex meals are not able to be fully digested, which becomes an obstacle to the recovering person receiving all the necessary nutrients and energy restoration. Chicken breast broths are good, which have always been used to feed sick and infirm patients. Concentrated beef broths indicated for patients with chronic gastritis with low acidity and anemia, as well as for physical exhaustion.

Still, you shouldn’t give up soups completely. An excellent alternative to meat broths are vegetable soups. They are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. They are completely free of harmful animal fat. Vegetable broths are dietary dishes that are not contraindicated for anyone.

How to cook proper, healthy meat soup?

  • Choose only proven low-fat meat without any bones. Give preference to chickens, rabbits, veal.
  • Wash the meat thoroughly, cut off all veins and fat. Place in cold water, bring to a boil, cook for at least 10-15 minutes, drain all the broth. With the first water in which the meat boils, all dangerous extractive substances will disappear. Refill the meat with fresh water and continue cooking. If you want to achieve a lower concentration of the decoction, repeat the procedure again. Ready-made vegetable broth is ideal for re-cooking meat.
  • You can saturate the broth with vitamins, microelements and, of course, a pleasant aroma and taste by adding fresh herbs to it.

What water is best to cook broth with?

The broth will turn out really tasty and healthy if you choose the right meat and water for it. The fact is that tap water cannot always be used for cooking food and broths. In order for the broth to turn out perfect, it is better to use bottled, spring or well water for cooking it. In extreme cases, tap water can still be used, but before doing so it must be filtered. If there are no filters, let the water sit for several hours.

About the secrets of making delicious broth

To prepare the broth, the meat must be filled only with cold water, and the cooking process must take place only with the lid tightly closed. The lid can be removed only when the broth boils, removing all the foam from its surface. Next, the cooking process should take place without a lid so that drops of moisture do not settle on it. Otherwise, they can seriously spoil the taste of the broth.

When a greasy film appears on the surface of the broth, it must be removed. Otherwise, the fat will simply dissolve in the broth, spoiling its taste. There is no need to throw away fat. This is a very valuable product, so it must be collected in a bowl. Subsequently, this fat can be used in the frying process. It is also used for seasoning second courses and making sauces.

As for the dishes, for preparing the broth it is better to choose a pan with thick walls and a bottom. In such a container, the heat is distributed evenly, and the broth itself will cook slowly. Gradually its taste will become more intense. You can add salt half an hour before the end of cooking. During the boiling process, some of the water boils away. If you add salt to the broth at the beginning, it may end up being too salty. It is also worth noting that in unsalted water, meat more actively releases its beneficial components.

Broth from different types of meat can be cooked for different times. So, beef broth will cook for about three hours. The pork broth will take more than two hours to cook. But lamb can be cooked in an hour and a half. The least amount of time is needed to prepare broth from veal, rabbit and chicken - up to an hour and a half. However, the readiness of the broth is determined quite easily. You just need to pierce the meat with a knife or fork. If it is pierced, then the pan can be removed from the heat. It's important not to overdo it here. If the broth is overcooked, its taste will not be very pleasant. When the meat is ready, you need to take it out, separate it from the bones, and then cut it up and put it on a dish. You can make soup from this meat or add it to a main course. All that remains after straining the broth - spices and bones - can simply be thrown away.

Speaking of spices. To give the broth a special taste, add carrots, onions, celery, garlic, black pepper, parsley, cloves, and bay leaves. But all this does not apply to the broth from chicken meat. All these spices can only interrupt its natural taste. You can only add fresh parsley and carrots to the broth prepared with chicken. All spices are added to the dish thirty minutes before it is ready. The same applies to vegetables. A small amount of onion peel gives the broth a golden color. And to make the broth more piquant, you can add a little hard cheese to it.

About the calorie content of the broth

Considering that the problem of obesity is one of the main medical problems Nowadays, it makes sense to understand the calorie content of meat broth. So, one hundred grams of chicken broth contains about twenty kilocalories. In the same quantity beef broth forty-five kilocalories. As for pork and veal broths, they contain fifty-four and twenty-eight kilocalories, respectively. These data were derived by calculating the average value from three liters of broth prepared from one kilogram of meat.

How to prepare meat broth for a child?

To prepare broth for a child, you need to take only lean meat, from which you need to remove all the veins, and then rinse it thoroughly. When the meat comes to a boil, it should simmer for about ten minutes. After this, the liquid must be drained, pour fresh water over the meat, and cook until tender.

If the child is not yet a year old, then the meat for him needs to be cooked separately and added to the vegetable broth in the required quantity. If the child is over a year old, then the soup for him can be immediately prepared using meat broth.

Chicken bouillon is the main product during the period of therapeutic nutrition. The broth is a decoction made from chicken bones, meat and cartilage. The fat that forms on the surface must be removed. On average, it takes up to 2 hours to cook chicken broth over low heat. It looks like a transparent liquid with a slight yellowish and greenish tint (see photo).

Beneficial features

The benefits of chicken broth are: various kinds vitamins and minerals. IN folk medicine It is recommended to use it for colds and flu. The liquid contains the amino acid cysteine, which helps cope with colds, and it also thins phlegm and helps remove it. The broth helps to recover faster from fractures, as bone healing occurs faster. Chicken broth activates the secretion of digestive juices and bile. Considering this property, traditional healers It is recommended to use broth for hypoacid gastritis and pancreatitis.

Warm broth helps improve performance digestive system, as it improves the activity of the stomach and duodenum. In addition, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and of cardio-vascular system. It is recommended to include it in the diet of people with gastritis. Low-fat versions of chicken broth can be consumed by people who want to lose weight or are watching their weight.

Use in cooking

Chicken broth is an excellent independent product, and it can also be an ideal basis for preparing a huge number of first courses, including puree soups. Chicken broth is also included in the recipe for various sauces, aspic, and it is also added when stewing vegetables and when preparing porridges.

Secrets of making homemade chicken broth

Even this one simple dish How chicken broth has its own characteristics in preparation:

How to cook deliciously?

Each housewife has her own broth recipe, we suggest considering the most popular one. To prepare it you need to take chicken leg, approximately 300 g, 2 liters of purified water, an onion, carrots, celery root, some herbs, a couple of bay leaves and the same amount of black peppercorns, as well as salt. Chicken meat must be clean if you want to get dietary dish, then remove the peel and fat. Wash and peel the vegetables. If you need broth without vegetables, then you can not chop them, but use them whole.

Take a pan, put the chicken in it, fill it with water and bring to a boil. Periodically remove any foam that forms on the surface. Add vegetables and spices to the pan, do not forget to reduce the heat. Cook the broth for 45 minutes, with the lid slightly open. Make sure that the liquid does not boil too much, otherwise the broth will be opaque. Add the greens at the end. After cooking, it is recommended to strain the broth. It should be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days.

Harm of chicken broth and contraindications

Chicken broth can be harmful due to the presence of extractive substances, which can cause complications with ulcers, acute pancreatitis and gastritis. It may cause heartburn in some people. It is forbidden to eat broth if you have gout or urolithiasis. It is also worth considering that too much fatty broth can lead to weight gain, as well as the accumulation of cholesterol.

This in turn increases the risk of intestinal and stomach tumors. It is worth mentioning that chicken broth and dishes prepared on its basis should be excluded from the diet if an individual intolerance is detected. Chicken broth made from cubes is considered harmful.

  • There are several ways you can reduce the harm from consuming chicken broth:
  • It is best to use not chicken, but young chicken, which contains much less extractive substances.
  • The skin and any visible fat should be removed from the chicken you use. During cooking, remove any fat that forms on the surface.
  • Do not use offal for cooking, as they contain quite a lot of cholesterol.
  • Use recycled chicken broth, that is, first boil the chicken in one liquid, and then pour it out and fill it with new liquid.

Chicken broth is a real find in the field of cooking. This dish is loved for its relative ease of preparation, excellent taste and healing composition. The broth will be extremely useful for people who have recently suffered serious illness or surgery. A light decoction helps you recover faster, gain strength, and strengthen your immune system. But, in order not to be unfounded, we will present effective arguments.

Composition and properties of chicken broth

Chicken meat is famous for its accumulation of a large list various substances, including vitamins. A special place is given to thiamine, vitamin B12, folic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, vitamin H.

The meat broth is not deprived of mineral elements. Among all the variety, it makes sense to highlight the most useful ones. These include calcium, potassium, sulfur, copper, magnesium, fluorine, phosphorus, zinc, chlorine and others. All these connections support vital important systems and organs of the human body.

Minerals are concentrated not only in poultry meat, but also in bones, cartilage, and skin. That is why the broth is prepared from “prefabricated” hodgepodge. A special effect is achieved on bone tissue; chicken broth easily heals fractures.

The most delicious decoction is obtained if you combine celery, carrots, onion, various parts of chicken, other roots and herbs. Each beneficial substance contained in a particular product fuels the action of another.

As a result, a person begins to feel better within half an hour after a meal. All this becomes possible thanks to the fact that chemical composition The broth is fully formed and easily penetrates the blood.

However, you should remember one important rule: when cooking broth, try to do without salt or reduce the amount of this ingredient to a minimum. Sodium chloride is found in many foods, and if it is in excess, it can cause health problems.

Benefits of chicken broth

  1. Broth has long been used as a medicine for thousands of diseases. Some even consider a decoction of meat to be a panacea for all ills. This statement is partly true. Greatest benefit broth brings a person with a cold, flu, etc. viral infections, vitamin deficiency, naturally low immunity.
  2. The main value of the broth lies in its ability to remove mucus from the respiratory tract and alleviate pneumonia, bronchitis, and asthma. Interestingly, the composition partially cleanses the smoker’s lungs of poisons and tars. Due to its bactericidal properties, the decoction kills harmful microorganisms almost immediately.
  3. Easy digestibility allows you to include chicken-based broth in the menu of people who closely monitor their weight or are obese. Low calorie content and very high nutritional value suppress hunger and eliminate the risk of gaining excess weight.
  4. The broth is recommended for use by people who suffer from irritable bowel diseases, gastritis, ulcers, diarrhea, and other pathological ailments of the esophagus. The decoction also rids the intestines of fecal stones, removes radionuclides and prevents liver cancer.
  5. A completely natural composition, prepared without spices and salt, envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines. Improves peristalsis and microflora internal organs, the likelihood of developing peptic ulcers is reduced.
  6. The broth increases metabolism to unprecedented heights. It is quickly absorbed into the walls of the esophagus and enters the blood, then spread throughout the body. Just one serving will satisfy an adult’s need for B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and other valuable substances.
  7. The composition compacts bone tissue, reduces the likelihood of fractures to zero, and improves the structure of muscle fibers. This dish should be taken while athletes are gaining mass. The decoction is also indicated for consumption for osteoporosis and osteochondrosis.
  8. The product speeds up the digestion of food, especially for heavy dishes. B-group vitamins tone up the nervous system, fight poor sleep and nightmares, and relieve irritability.
  9. It contains a mass of gelatin, which is considered natural collagen. This substance must be ingested with food to maintain beautiful skin and hair.

  1. If you look at the situation as a whole, meat broth cannot significantly harm a person if consumed reasonably. Detrimental effects on the body can be caused by poor-quality raw materials.
  2. You don't know for sure how the chicken was raised or what it ate. As a rule, owners feed livestock and poultry with far from high-quality feed and natural products. Growth hormones are often added to food.
  3. In any case, when raising animals, they must be vaccinated against harmful bacteria and infections. As a result, the drugs leave a noticeable imprint on the quality of the product you purchase.
  4. The benefits of broth made from such raw materials are clearly in doubt. There is a way to protect your body from the harmful effects of drugs and take healthy dish.
  5. When preparing raw materials in the first 25-30 minutes, harmful substances from the meat enter the water. In this case, it is recommended to drain the liquid and refill with fresh one. As a result, the broth will be able to retain the benefits described above for the body.
  6. Please note that salting the dish is not recommended. The mineral suppresses the majority useful microelements. In addition, salt has a detrimental effect on kidney function. Try to add spices to a minimum.
  7. Rich ready-made broth is prohibited for use by patients who suffer from pathologies of the liver, gall bladder, or low acidity. The dish can be made dietary; to do this, you need to remove the skin and fat from the bird.

How to reduce the harm of chicken broth

  1. If you suffer from salt buildup, gout, urolithiasis or allergic reaction components, you should completely stop consuming the dish. In other cases, you can resort to simple methods.
  2. It is recommended to prepare broth from chicken carcasses. This meat contains much less preservatives and extractives. Try to cook the dish from fresh meat, it contains little cholesterol.
  3. As described above, to reduce the calorie content of the broth, you need to remove all the fat and skin from the bird. Also remove after cooking. upper layer with oily stains.
  4. It is prohibited to cook a dish from offal. They contain a high content of cholesterol and harmful substances that accumulate due to poor quality feed. Give preference to the broth that was cooked after the first draining of the liquid.
  5. Regardless of what kind of chicken you purchased, homemade or broiler, it is still recommended to drain the primary broth. The composition will contain less fat and nitrogenous compounds.

Chicken broth is good for the body for minor illnesses. It is important to choose quality raw materials. The bird should eat natural products and be kept in an ecologically clean area. Prepare the broth correctly, do not neglect practical recommendations.

Video: how to make chicken broth

Since childhood, my mother always said that you need to eat thin food, but when I grew up, I realized that this thin food is not so healthy! Let's figure out how to cook the broth so that it doesn't become harmful to the body!

Eat right, exercise and!

How to make healthy broth

Hot liquid dishes such as broths, soups, borscht, solyanka and others are increasingly being squeezed out of life. modern man. They are replaced by liquid ingredients such as beer, wine, juices, mineral waters or “synthetic” drinks, tea, coffee. They do not require much time to prepare, are convenient for sale, and can be consumed practically on the go.

Even theories have been created in which broth is called heavy food that is harmful to digestive tract and poisonous due to the presence in meat for broth of antibiotics, pesticides, cadaveric poison, hormones that were fed to animals, and fear hormones, heavy metal salts, arsenic and mercury compounds, fat, and extractive substances. However, many of those who condemn meat broths quite calmly eat and recommend cutlets, steaks, baked or fried meat, as if the “poisons” had disappeared somewhere in these products. Another category of broth opponents recommends eating only boiled meat without broth.

Our parents and grandparents knew nothing about the dangers of broth and could not afford to throw away food. They calmly ate both the meat from which they made broth and broth-based soups; they considered them medicinal, since they felt it.

Boris Polevoy excellently described the effects of chicken broth in his book “The Tale of a Real Man.” Remember, in order to save the pilot Maresyev, who was dying from frostbite and exhaustion, crawling through the snow after being wounded for 18 days, the old woman sacrificed the only laying hen in the village and cooked broth from it. An excerpt from the book is given at the end of the publication.

So what is broth - a harmful and poisonous product or a healthy and even medicinal dish? What components of broth make it healthy or harmful? What good do we lose when we throw away the broth? For what diseases is broth contraindicated? How long do contraindications last? We will consider these questions in the next publication. And now - about the benefits of broth.

What is included in meat or fish broth?

Only that which is soluble in water or capable of dissolving in water when heated can get into a meat or fish broth.

The main nutrient protein in broth is collagen dissolved in water. Collagen from meat and fish is insoluble under normal conditions, therefore, in the gastrointestinal tract its ability to come into contact with stomach enzymes that dissolve collagen into amino acids is reduced. This makes the meat's insoluble collagen "heavy" food product. We get undissolved collagen in food, for example, in lightly fried meat, as well as fried and baked meat (if the frying and baking process was accompanied by loss of liquid from the meat). People with low acidity of gastric juice especially feel the “heaviness” of such meat.

Collagen, when heated in the presence of water, both contained in meat and used for cooking, undergoes the following changes: at a temperature of 50-55 ° C, collagen fibers swell, absorbing a large amount of water; at 58-62°C they denature (change their natural configuration); with further heating, collagen disintegrates into individual polypeptide chains - collagen turns into soluble glutin.

Glutin (not to be confused with cereal protein gluten) is a transparent viscous mass that is formed when animal collagen is dissolved during the process of heating it with water. It is to gluten that we owe the transformation of strong broth into jelly in the cold.

The transition of collagen to glutin is the main reason for meat softening during heat treatment in the presence of water. Depending on culinary readiness, from 20 to 60% of collagen goes into glutin.

In the stomach, glutin easily comes into contact with digestive enzymes and, under their influence, is broken down into individual amino acids that can be absorbed in the intestines. Any proteins cannot be absorbed and enter the blood. Only the components of proteins - amino acids - can be absorbed into the blood.

When meat enters the stomach, it must be treated with digestive enzymes. Undissolved meat collagen reduces the contact of enzymes with muscle proteins. Only after collagen has dissolved, muscle tissue proteins begin to be actively broken down into amino acids and short proteins (peptides). Pre-dissolution of collagen makes the meat easily digestible. Such meat does not cause “heaviness” in the stomach. Meat with undissolved collagen can remain in the stomach for up to 8-10 hours until it can move forward.

Proponents of a raw food diet claim that boiled meat, like fried meat, is poorly digestible because it is denatured. Fortunately, they are mistaken. Meat will never be digested without first denaturing it. Meat can denature both when cooking broth and in the stomach. Otherwise it will come out undigested.

For people with reduced acidity of gastric juice, broth is very useful. Muscle proteins of meat are broken down into amino acids under the influence of the enzyme pepsin, the optimum action of which is achieved only with normal acidity of gastric juice (pH = 0.9-2.0), therefore, with reduced acidity (the higher the pH, the higher the acidity) of gastric juice, the effect of pepsin both collagen and other proteins are reduced. The enzyme gelatinase (aka pepsin B), capable of breaking down collagen (glutin) into amino acids, has an optimum acidity pH = 3.0-4.0, that is, even in people with low acidity. At pH = 5.6 and above, the action of the enzyme is inhibited.

Thus, meat broth containing glutin can help people with low stomach acidity provide themselves with important amino acids, but not all. There are no amino acids such as tryptophan, cystine, thyroxine in the broth. Cystine and thyroxine are non-essential amino acids, as they can be synthesized in the body from other essential amino acids. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that must be supplied to the body through food. That is, use it as protein product Only broth is not allowed. Along with broth, it is necessary to consume other foods with a complete amino acid composition (meat, fish, dairy products, eggs).

But the broth is a very good source of such important amino acids as glycine, proline, lysine, hydroxyproline, and hydroxylysine, which are necessary for the synthesis of the most important connective tissue protein in the body - collagen.

Collagen is a complex fibrous protein of animal origin. Plant collagen does not exist. It may be that collagen, as they say, is of “plant-marine origin”; such a veiled name is intended to impose the opinion that the source of collagen is algae, not fish.

The rate of transformation of collagen into glutin and, therefore, the rate of achievement of culinary readiness depend on a number of factors: the type and age of the animal, part of the meat, temperature, environment. There are parts of meat in which collagen does not dissolve. As temperatures rise, collagen breakdown accelerates. It occurs especially quickly at temperatures above 100°C (under autoclaving conditions). An acidic environment accelerates the breakdown of collagen. This is the basis for marinating meat, stewing it with sour sauces and seasonings.

Amino acids from glutin are the “building” material for the synthesis of our own collagen in the body.

Please note that collagen (from any product, broth, dietary supplement, mask) is not able to integrate into our body. It has a positive effect on collagen building only as a source of amino acids necessary for collagen building. It is not a fact that the body will be able to synthesize collagen from these amino acids. The construction and renewal of collagen protein in our body is a very complex biochemical process.

To synthesize any protein in the body, first of all, building materials are required in the form of certain amino acids. However, the presence of “bricks” does not always guarantee the construction of a building. In addition to building material, a design, sand, cement, builders, energy, allocated territory, a building permit and much more are required. It's similar in the body.

A project is a construction program various types collagen, embedded in the human genetic code. If there is an error in the design, the walls will not be strong or unfinished. In the body, similarly, mutations in genes or the structure and shape of collagen will differ from normal protein (“the building will not be strong or will remain unfinished”). With hereditary disorders in the genes responsible for the construction of collagen, little collagen is synthesized or the structure and shape of collagen is different from normal protein, no matter how many building materials are supplied. Identify errors in the “project”, i.e. Genetic analysis helps the collagen building algorithm. If genetic changes are detected, the diet should be agreed with a geneticist. There are known hereditary diseases that lead to the synthesis of low-quality collagen: osteogenesis imperfecta, Kniest's disease, Stickler and Wagner syndrome, a group of hereditary diseases - Ehlers-Danlos-Rusakov syndrome.

The process of building collagen is a multi-step process that requires many reactions to occur quickly. Almost all reactions recorded in genes require certain enzymes that accelerate these reactions, as well as cofactors. Enzymes (or enzymes) are usually protein molecules, accelerating chemical reactions in living systems. Without the necessary enzymes in our body, we would burn for years small quantities glucose and could hardly be human.

For the biosynthesis of enzyme proteins from amino acids, vitamins are usually needed. They themselves do not serve building material for biosynthesis, however, they are needed for the functioning of enzymes. Enzyme activators are usually inorganic substances - ions of zinc, copper, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, molybdenum, etc. In many cases, vitamins without minerals are absolutely useless, since the enzymes created with their help are not activated. And vice versa, if there is a necessary trace element, but not the right vitamin, the enzyme is not synthesized and there will be nothing to activate.

Some microelements are necessary to ensure the functioning of hundreds of enzymes (zinc is a member of about 300 enzymes, magnesium - 350). There is a certain synergy between vitamins and microelements that provide certain reactions. So iron, in addition to the fact that it is necessary for the creation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, thyroid hormones, a large group of P-450 enzymes, is also necessary for the synthesis of collagen. When building collagen, iron works in synergy with vitamin C.

With a deficiency of vitamin C, certain disturbances occur in the synthesis of collagen, which leads to the development of such known disease like scurvy. With scurvy, less strong and stable collagen fibers are formed, which leads to greater fragility and fragility of blood vessels. The clinical picture of scurvy is characterized by the occurrence of multiple pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin and mucous membranes, bleeding gums, tooth loss, and anemia. However, vitamin C in the process of building collagen only serves as a cofactor that retains iron Fe 2+ in the desired form. With severe iron deficiency, we will also not be able to build strong collagen, and symptoms similar to those of scurvy will appear.

Our body’s dependence on enzymes, that is, certain amino acids, vitamins and microelements, is written in the genetic code - given from above. The human body is unable to synthesize essential amino acids, many vitamins, and no microelements. All this must be contained in food.

There are also hereditary forms of enzyme deficiency. Thus, insufficiency or inactivity of the copper-containing enzyme lysyl oxidase, necessary for the synthesis of full-fledged collagen, is possible with a deficiency in the diet of vitamin B6 or copper (they work in synergy), a hereditary deficiency in the formation of lysyl oxidase, as well as a hereditary malabsorption of copper (Menkes disease).

Hereditary or acquired deficiency of enzymes necessary for the construction of collagen can be considered as a lack of “builders”.

In the absence of hereditary disorders in the synthesis of collagen and enzymes, the main causes of collagen weakness may be the absence or deficiency in the diet of at least one of the nutritional nutrients:

  • amino acids glycine, proline, alanine, lysine;
  • vitamins C, B6, B2, B3, A;
  • trace elements iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, chromium, molybdenum;
  • oxygen (all types of anemia, vasoconstriction, hypoxia, etc.).

These deficiencies can occur in diseases of the digestive tract in which absorption disorders occur (diarrhea, low acidity, pancreatic diseases, impaired bile synthesis in the liver and its outflow, etc.).

Broth, with collagen (gluten) dissolved in it, is a source of amino acids, some vitamins and microelements necessary for building collagen in our body. However, they are also necessary for other purposes.

Let's look at the main amino acids of dissolved collagen, that is, broth.


Glycine appears in collagen much more often than other amino acids, making up about 35% of collagen. It is a nonessential amino acid as it can be synthesized in the liver. However, it is better if it comes with food, because glycine synthesis occurs with energy expenditure and requires other amino acids and vitamins.

Glycine is necessary not only for collagen synthesis. It is part of many proteins and biologically active compounds. From glycine in living cells, porphyrins are synthesized, which are necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochrome c, and cytochromes P450. Without cytochromes P450, the synthesis of sex and stress hormones and the process of detoxification of steroids and fat-soluble toxins in the liver are impossible.

With the help of glycine, bile acids are synthesized, that is, digestion and cholesterol elimination are improved. The body's strongest antioxidant, glutathione, can be synthesized from glycine. Glycine supports the prostate gland.

Glycine acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, has a calming, weak antidepressant effect, reduces feelings of anxiety, fear, psycho-emotional stress, aggressiveness, and conflict. Is this why in Russia, after a funeral, broth with noodles was a mandatory funeral dish.

Glycine can reduce the toxic effect of alcohol, so dishes based on rich broth are eaten after excessive consumption of strong alcoholic drinks or before. So common throughout the Caucasus and Transcaucasia is the hot liquid dish khash, as well as shurpa in Central Asia usually eaten in the morning, before breakfast or for breakfast after the New Year or wedding. Among the Slavic peoples, such snacks for the festive table as jellied meat and jellied fish are common.

Glycine makes it easier to fall asleep, normalizes sleep, increases mental performance, and improves memory. Glycine reduces the craving for sweets.

By pouring out the broth, we “throw out the baby” with it - the amino acid glycine, that is, we reduce the nutritional value of the meat. When there is a deficiency of glycine for essential functions (for example, the synthesis of stress hormones), the body is forced to take glycine from the body’s collagen, having previously destroyed it.

It is especially important to obtain a sufficient amount of “ready” glycine if liver function is impaired, since in this case the synthesis of the nonessential amino acid glycine may be disrupted and it will become indispensable.


The amino acid proline is responsible for the formation and accumulation of glycogen (glucose reserves) in the muscles and liver, participates in detoxification reactions, stimulates the pituitary gland, takes part in the synthesis of thyroid and adrenal hormones, and takes part in hematopoiesis.

Proline improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract, has a tonic effect, reduces the sensation of pain, helps relieve headaches and pain associated with diseases of the joints, spine, as well as menstrual pain.


Alania is present in human muscles and connective tissue collagen. It is also one of several amino acids that, under the influence of glucocorticoid hormones, can be converted into glucose when it is deficient in the blood. This is important for “saving” the brain (which feeds only on glucose) during hunger, lack of carbohydrates in food, stress, and increased physical activity. Alanine is involved in the production of lymphocytes, helps with prostate diseases in men (if used with glycine), regulates the functioning of the adrenal glands, and strengthens the immune system.


Lysine is an essential amino acid that is part of almost any protein. It is especially necessary during the period of tissue growth and repair, for the production of antibodies, hormones, enzymes, and blood albumins.

Protein synthesis obeys the “all or nothing” law and is carried out provided that the cell has a complete set of all 20 amino acids and, above all, 8 essential amino acids. Lysine is the first of the limiting amino acids necessary for the absorption of food proteins. If there is a shortage of the essential amino acid lysine, food amino acids will be poorly absorbed, and protein synthesis from amino acids will be possible only as much as the lysine content in food allows. Amino acids not used to build protein will be excreted or used for energy purposes rather than plastic ones. With a lack of lysine, the entire protein metabolism is disrupted.

Lysine deficiency leads to fatigue, tiredness and weakness, poor appetite, slow growth and loss of body weight, but not due to fat, but due to a decrease in muscle mass.

Lysine is necessary for the synthesis of the vitamin-like substance L-carnitine in the body, without which it is impossible to “transport” fatty acids inside the “energy factories” of cells - mitochondria. Fats can only be burned in the mitochondria; there is no other way to naturally get rid of excess fat mass. Without carnitine, people with huge stores of fat in the body cannot convert it into energy, which is why their appetite is increased. During hunger, lysine, found in collagen and muscles, is used to create L-carnitine and convert fats into energy, that is, first of all, we lose proteins, collagen, and then fats.

Fats are an excellent source of energy, especially at night, for the cells of many organs (muscles of the heart, liver, kidneys, skeletal muscles etc., except brain cells). L-carnitine is required to “supply fats into the furnaces of cells.” People with L-carnitine deficiency usually wake up at night and cannot sleep. Their blood pressure rises and their heart rate increases—this is a byproduct of increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol, the synthesis of which stimulates the brain to provide itself and other organs with energy by breaking down muscles and converting them into glucose. Low-fat broth, as a source of lysine for the formation of L-carnitine, helps reduce triglyceride levels in the blood. We can obtain L-carnitine directly from food, especially from the meat of young animals. The synthesis of L-carnitine in the body can be disrupted even with a normal amount of lysine in food. This occurs with a deficiency of iron, vitamins C, B1 and B3.

Lysine has an antiviral effect, especially against viruses that cause herpes and acute respiratory infections. To prevent relapses of herpes infection, it is important to maintain the correct ratio between the amino acids lysine and arginine - it should be higher than 1, or even better, closer to 2 or higher. That is, there should be more lysine than arginine. If you pour out the broth, then the correct ratio between lysine and arginine in the remaining boiled meat may be disrupted.

A deficiency in the diet of these amino acids can lead to serious disruptions in the synthesis of your own collagen.

What does collagen mean for the human body?

Collagen is the main building block of the body of animals and our body. It ensures the strength of body tissues, organ formation, tissue regeneration and much more. Collagen is moderately flexible, very durable, does not dissolve in water, that is, it is a reliable material.

Normally, collagen makes up more than 30% of the total protein in the human body. It, like a web, permeates the entire body, connecting and gluing it into a single whole. Approximately 10% of collagen proteins are located between the cells of various organs: lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, spleen, endometrium, uterus, placenta, esophagus, all blood vessels, cornea, vitreous body, heart and venous valves. 50% of the body's total collagen is the main protein of bones, tendons, ligaments, fascia, cartilage, joints, intervertebral discs, and teeth. The remaining 40% of collagen protein is found in the skin.

Congenital or acquired weakness of collagen is always a pathology of these organs and structures. So the skeleton of bone tissue, into which calcium is embedded, consists of 30% collagen, and only 70% of the bone is a mineral component. There is no collagen skeleton - there is nowhere for calcium to be embedded. Actually, osteoporosis is the destruction of the collagen skeleton, and not the primary loss of calcium. Primary low calcium levels in bone are osteomalacia in adults or rickets in children.

With weakness and insufficiency of collagen synthesized in the body, the risk of many diseases sharply increases. Here are some of them:

  • spinal deformities (scoliosis, hyperkyphosis, hyperlordosis),
  • osteocondritis of the spine,
  • intervertebral hernia,
  • mitral valve prolapse,
  • weakness of the vascular wall (aneurysm, varicose veins veins of the upper and lower limbs, hemorrhoids, endothelial dysfunction),
  • arrhythmic syndrome (ventricular arrhythmia, extrasystole),
  • pathology of the visual organs (myopia, astigmatism, strabismus, nystagmus, retinal detachment),
  • prolapse of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, pelvic organs,
  • dyskinesia,
  • reflux,
  • sphincter incompetence,
  • hernias hiatus diaphragm,
  • flatfoot longitudinal and transverse,
  • clubfoot,
  • joint hypermobility (frequent joint dislocations),
  • malocclusion,
  • pronounced facial asymmetry,
  • deformation of the limbs (O- or X-shaped),
  • skin abnormalities (thin, hyperextensible, vulnerable skin),
  • tendency to gastritis,
  • formation of ulcers,
  • blue sclera,
  • increased fatigue, deterioration of tolerance to physical and psycho-emotional stress,
  • tendency to depression and others.

As you can see, the list of diseases associated with the formation of low-quality collagen in the body is very long. Naturally, it is important to ensure the construction of strong collagen. Unfortunately, many modern recommendations lead to collagen degradation or a deficiency in the diet of substances necessary for its construction. The advice to pour out the broth, which is an important supplier of building blocks for collagen building, is one of these harmful recommendations.

Of course, you can replace the required amino acids with collagen from dietary supplements, amino acid complexes in the form of dietary supplements, or gelatin, but this is only necessary in some situations, not on an ongoing basis. And amino acids for collagen are constantly needed, otherwise it will not be able to fully recover, especially after hunger or serious illnesses. On an ongoing basis, the source of amino acids is whole food. By pouring out the broth, we disrupt the necessary optimal ratio between the amino acids of meat and fish, which will gradually affect our health.

Other broth ingredients

Bone broth contains large amounts of calcium. After dairy products, broth is an excellent source of calcium, especially for children.

When cooking meat, the fat melts and a significant part of it goes into water. Melted fat is insoluble in water, so it floats to the surface of the broth. A small part of it emulsifies with water, that is, it mixes with water (does not dissolve in it), which makes the broth cloudy. This usually happens when the broth boils vigorously. To make the broth transparent, you should slowly heat the meat with water, and then maintain a barely noticeable boil.

When heated for a sufficiently long time in contact with water and a temperature above 100°C (when cooking in a pressure cooker, for example), the fat undergoes chemical changes, which changes the aroma of the broth for the worse, giving it a greasy smell. Salting is associated with the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids that are part of the meat cell membrane. The more actively the broth boils and stirs, the greater the contact with oxygen, the more unsaturated fatty acids are oxidized. The broth should boil barely noticeable; it is not recommended to stir it frequently. During the cooking process, it is advisable to constantly remove the top layer of fat.

The decrease in the nutritional value of fat depends on the severity of the heating. So, at high temperatures during frying meat and fish, processes occur that lead to fat spoilage.

Cholesterol is found in meat in the form of esters with free fatty acids, and about 80% of cholesterol is in free form (in cell membranes). Cholesterol is insoluble in water. Cholesterol esters and free cholesterol are insoluble in water, therefore, like fat, they accumulate on the surface of the broth, from where it can be partially removed by cooking over low heat. In the blood, cholesterol is bound to proteins (part of lipoproteins), which makes it soluble in water. At proper cooking broth, only cholesterol combined with proteins may remain in it. By eating meat with cholesterol partially transferred into the broth, as well as broth with the top layer of fat removed, we will get much less cholesterol than by frying and baking meat.

Vitamins, primarily water-soluble ones, get into meat broth. Some of them are not stable when heated and collapse. The least stable vitamins are B1 and C. Fat-soluble vitamins A and D generally do not pass into the broth. When cooking meat, vitamins A and D practically do not change (they can withstand temperatures up to 130°C. With strong dry heating in contact with air, for example when frying meat products, vitamins A, E, D and C are actively destroyed.

Numerous substances are involved in creating a specific “bouquet” of taste and aroma of meat and various meat products. They appear during the process of autolysis from proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and others. components meat and during heat treatment. As a result of heating meat, complex reactions occur, leading to the formation of new products that have flavor and aromatic properties. These substances are either released from the bound state in which they were in meat, or appear as a result of the transformation of precursors, or are formed as a result of the interaction of substances with one another.

Extractive substances play a decisive role in the formation of the taste and smell of boiled meat. After cooking, meat that is thoroughly washed to remove water-soluble substances is tasteless and has a very faint odor. Meat extractives accumulate as a result of the breakdown of high-molecular compounds, and at the same time their amount decreases as a result of their own breakdown under the influence of heat. An important role in the formation of the taste of boiled meat is played by 1-glutamic acid and its sodium salt (monosodium glutamate). It is they, in small quantities, that give the product a taste close to the taste of meat. Glutamic acid can appear when meat is exposed to heat as a result of the release of glutamic acid contained in muscle tissue.

IN last years There are ongoing discussions about the dangers of glutamic acid and monosodium glutamate. If they are formed naturally(in broth, soy sauce, hard cheeses, miso paste), they are completely harmless, unlike the chemically created food additive monosodium glutamate, which is added to chips and crackers to give them the characteristic taste of meat.

When making bouillon cubes, glutamic acid or its salt, monosodium glutamate, is added to give the broth a rich taste. They are obtained from blood protein - fibrin, containing 14% glutamic acid, as well as from milk protein - casein, containing 15-20% glutamic acid and other sources. Other components are also involved in the formation of taste.

A possible source of glutamic acid formation is glutathione.

100 ml of chicken broth contains:

  • 3-4 g protein (average daily norm– 54 g of animal protein), the amino acid composition of the broth proteins is incomplete;
  • 1.5-2.0 g of fat (average daily value 110 g);
  • 1.5-2.0 g of carbohydrates (average daily value is about 400 g). Carbohydrates in meat come from glycogen located in the muscles (or liver).

Calorie content of 100 ml of chicken broth is 30-40 kcal.

Note: 54g of protein does not mean you need to eat 54g of meat or fish. For an approximate calculation, it should be taken into account that 100 g of meat or fish contains 17-20 g of pure protein. That is, if you satisfy the need for animal protein only through meat or fish (excluding dairy products and eggs), then to get 54 g of pure animal protein per day you need to eat 270 g of meat or fish.

So, if you eat only meat or fish broth, then your diet will be incomplete in terms of amino acid composition. But no one does this (only a short time during illness, after surgery). Many people eat boiled meat and broth. However, more and more often nowadays it is recommended to boil the meat and pour out the broth completely. As a result, the correct ratio between amino acids in boiled meat without broth is reduced, which affects its nutritional value.

How to make healthy broth

  • Meat for broth must be “tested” and dietary.
  • Residual amounts of animal growth stimulants (including hormonal drugs), medicines(including antibiotics) used for fattening purposes, treatment and prevention of diseases in livestock and poultry (bacitracin, tetracycline, penicillin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol group.
  • Buyers control the quality of meat by smell, the depth of the dent formed when pressing on the meat and the speed at which the dent disappears, and color.
  • In terms of taste, the meat of more mature animals is the most delicious for broths, but the meat of young animals (chicken, turkey, guinea fowl, rabbit, as well as veal and even young lamb) is more dietary.
  • Proper quick freezing of meat and fish does not affect their quality. Improper defrosting affects. Thaw the meat slowly, transferring it from freezer into a regular refrigerator compartment or into a zero chamber.
  • When cooking meat for broth, there is no need to remove the bones. Bone broth is especially useful for children.
  • The meat should be washed well, visible fat removed, cut into pieces, placed in a saucepan and covered with clean cold water.
  • The meat should not boil quickly. It is advisable to bring it to a boil for 20-30 minutes. Fish for broth should boil even more slowly (up to 40 minutes). It is very important not to miss the moment when the water starts to boil. Firstly, at this moment you need to actively remove the foam from the surface of the water, and you should also reduce the heat in time so that there is no violent boiling at all. The foam should be skimmed several more times after the start of a slow boil.
  • Cook the meat for about 15 minutes, and then pour it out (for well-washed meat). In the first minutes after boiling, extractive substances enter the broth, giving a pleasant aroma to the broth. The “second” broth will be less aromatic.
  • The lid of the pan must be closed when preparing broth.
  • A tasty and healthy broth cannot be cooked quickly. The cooking time for young meat is from an hour (for young poultry, rabbit and fish), up to 2-3 hours for other types of meat (the older it is, the longer it takes to cook). You should not cook meat for more than 3.5-4 hours. For 4 aces, the meat is cooked for jellied meat.
  • During cooking, constantly skim off the top layer of fat.
  • Do not allow it to boil violently. If this rule is violated, the broth will become cloudy.
  • The broth should be salted about half an hour before it is ready.
  • After the broth is ready, strain it. There are ways to increase the clarity of the broth (adding egg whites and then straining), but this is of no use at home.
  • If the foam has settled at the bottom of the pan and stuck, you should carefully pour the broth through a sieve into another container, but so that the foam does not get into it.
  • At the end of cooking, you can add onions, celery, parsnips, carrots to the broth, but not everyone likes this.
  • The broth should be stored in the refrigerator, but it is better to eat it fresh.
  • To reduce the amount of fat in the broth, you should cool it in the refrigerator and then skim off the top frozen layer of fat.
  • The broth can be used as a separate dish, for example, in the morning or evening instead of tea, and you can also cook a variety of soups based on it.

Meat broths are very common among many peoples. Even in those countries where broths are not particularly accepted, they are present in a “hidden” form. Few people know that delicious Spanish paella cannot be prepared without strong fish broth.

The broth and boiled meat are presented to the person. They had a decisive impact on the restructuring of the human digestive organs, and primarily the stomach, which began to sharply decrease in volume. A person, having received digestible collagen and well-digestible meat from the broth, was able for real straighten up, become slender, straight, tall. And, who knows, people would be able to achieve modern level civilization, to survive in conditions of global glaciation without hot broth and boiled meat.

IN modern conditions the importance of dissolved collagen and meat has not lost its significance. The broth is especially indicated for people with weak collagen caused by a lack of certain amino acids. You can go back to the list of problems that arise with weak collagen to see if you belong to this group.

And now the promised excerpt from the story by Boris Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man":

And look, I brought some soup... Maybe the soul will accept some soup.

Aunt Vasilisa! - Varya screamed. - Really...

Well, yes, chicken, why are you alarmed? Business as usual. Touch him, wake him up - maybe he will eat.

And before Alexey, who heard all this half-forgotten, managed to open his eyes, Varya shook him strongly, unceremoniously, joyfully:

Lexey Petrovich, Lexey Petrovich, wake up!.. Grandma Vasilisa brought chicken soup! Wake up, I say!

A splinter, crackling, burned, stuck into the wall at the entrance. In her uneven, hazy light, Alexey saw a small, hunched old woman with a wrinkled, long-nosed, angry face. She fiddled with a large bundle that stood on the table, unwrapped the burlap, then the old shushun, then the paper, and there was a cast iron pot; such a tasty and fatty spirit hit the dugout from it chicken soup that Alexey felt cramps in his empty stomach.

Grandma Vasilisa’s wrinkled face retained a stern and angry expression.

I brought it here, don’t disdain it, eat it to your health. Maybe, God willing, it will do some good...

And Alexei remembered the sad story of his grandmother’s family, the story about a hen who had a funny nickname: Partizanochka, and everyone - the grandmother, and Varya, and the deliciously smoking pot on the table - blurred into a haze of tears, through which they looked sternly, with endless pity and sympathy he has stern old lady eyes.

“Thank you, grandma,” was all he could say when the old woman walked towards the exit.

And already from the door I heard:

Nothing. What is there to thank? Mine are also fighting. Maybe someone will give them some soup. Eat for your health. Get better.

And right next to his face, Alexey saw a large spoon, blackened with age, with a chewed wooden edge, full of amber broth.

The very first spoons of soup awakened a beastly appetite in him - to the point of pain, to the point of cramping in the stomach, but he allowed himself to eat only ten spoons and a few fibers of white soft chicken meat. Although his stomach insistently demanded more and more, Alexey resolutely pushed away the food, knowing that in his situation, excess food could turn out to be poison.

Grandma's soup had miraculous properties. After eating, Alexey fell asleep - did not fall into oblivion, but rather fell asleep - a sound, healing sleep. He woke up, ate and fell asleep again, and nothing - not the smoke of the fireplace, not the woman’s talk, not the touch of Varya’s hands, who, fearing that he was dead, no, no, and leaned down to listen to whether his heart was beating, could to wake.

He was alive, breathing evenly and deeply. He slept the rest of the day, night and continued to sleep so that it seemed that there was no force in the world that could disturb his sleep.

Rich chicken broth in history is often considered as complete remedy. For flu and colds, stomach upset, after serious illnesses and operations, this simple dish is often prescribed, which literally puts the patient on his feet. So, what is its real benefit, and how to use it?

Ingredients of chicken broth

The first thing that needs to be answered is: can broth be healthier than the product on which it is made? If we talk about fresh meat, then, of course, no, however, raw chicken breasts no one eats. But during cooking, all the nutritional components from them pass into the water and are stored there. During frying, in contrast to the first option, most of the macro and microelements are destroyed.

First of all, it is worth noting that rich chicken broth contains 2 g of protein and only 15 calories per 100 g finished product. This ensures its satiety and nutritional value, which allows you to maintain strength, even with serious dietary restrictions for a long period. During cooking, the following components pass into the water from chicken meat and bones:

  • vitamin B4 (choline), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B12 (cobalamin);
  • vitamin H (biotin);
  • vitamin PP and niacin;
  • potassium, magnesium, sodium;
  • sulfur, phosphorus, iron;
  • molybdenum, chromium, zinc.

Especially a lot of cobalt goes into the broth! In addition to everything, there are ascorbic acid, other B vitamins, vitamin A, calcium, chlorine, iodine, manganese, fluorine, almost all essential and essential acids, saturated and unsaturated fats. As can be seen from the composition, the nutritional value of chicken broth is indeed very high. For this reason, it is used as a supporting supplement during rehabilitation and even treatment of weakened patients.

But you need to remember about contraindications. This simple dish is highly allergenic, and it is not recommended to eat it in a strong version even healthy people due to the high concentration of fatty acids in the composition. You can't eat it often increased acidity stomach, as well as in case of individual intolerance to cobalt and other substances contained in the product. Given these nuances, careful consideration should be given to not only beneficial features broth, but also some recommendations for its use during illness.

Benefits of chicken broth

The choline content in the dish provides significant support for the brain. Throughout life, this substance protects brain cells from destruction, helps strengthen memory, preserving important neural connections. People who regularly include chicken broth in their diet have strong memory and healthy thinking into old age. Choline is especially important for pregnant women, since a lack of this substance causes underdevelopment of the brain in the fetus.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is important for maintaining optimal cardiovascular function, maintaining vascular health and the cleansing ability of the liver and kidneys. Eating some chicken broth with cooked vegetables before a long trip or flight can help your body cope with seasickness and generally feel more comfortable. In addition, optimal consumption of B6 helps maintain the strength of bones and nerve fibers. Along with pyridoxine, cobalamin or B12 is of great importance for hematopoiesis and the development of the nervous system. This substance is a binder in amino acid interaction reactions, and is also involved in the synthesis of DNA molecules, that is, it is important for the transmission of the genetic code.

In combination with other B vitamins, as well as biotin, niacin and vitamin PP, the above components are involved in the prevention of skin diseases, strengthening nervous responses, development of reaction and memory, preservation of vision, and proper functioning of the stomach and intestines. The mineral composition ensures the strength of bone and muscular system, supports joint mobility and health.

Chicken broth also has a positive effect when you need to lose weight. This product helps improve the absorption and processing of fats, liver function, and intestinal activity, which allows you to normalize the entire digestion process and speed up metabolism. In addition, this simple dish quickly satisfies hunger and allows you to control your appetite throughout the day, preventing eating breakdowns.

You can use chicken broth with the addition of vegetables to maintain immunity, especially in the autumn-winter and winter-spring period. When the diet lacks natural vitamins, such a dish is an excellent analogue to taking supportive medications and vitamin complexes, which today are increasingly replacing natural means of maintaining health.

Taking chicken broth when sick

To use chicken broth during illness, first of all, you should get acquainted with simple recommendations regarding how to prepare it.

1. Choice of chicken. You should not choose fattened broilers for boiling. Remember that to build muscle tissue, they are often fed fortified feeds that contain special additives. Don't forget about large quantities antibiotics that prevent increased morbidity in birds. All this goes into liquid and significantly reduces the benefits of the broth. The best option would be thin, nondescript-looking chickens or village chickens from the household. As a rule, they allow you to get the most delicious and nutritious broth.

2. Before preparing a healthy dish, first bring the water with the chicken to a boil, remove the foam, remove all fat and skin from the meat, you can leave the bones. Pour off most of the first broth. Top up the pan clean water and cook until fully cooked.

3. The medicinal broth should contain a minimum of salt, or it should be completely absent.

4. Depending on the initial task, various vegetables can be added to the chicken. For example, for colds and flu, add garlic or onions to the broth. Add more parsley to the hot broth. This is an excellent preventive and restorative remedy. To improve physical and mental abilities It is good to use chicken broth with carrots, celery, turnips, and leeks.

5. After the broth has cooled, there is no need to boil it again. Consume it slightly warmed.

To speed up recovery and during the rehabilitation period, take chicken broth in small portions. Remember that the dish should not be consumed hot if the person has a very heat. You can move on to additional methods of treatment only when the thermometer shows no higher than 37.5°C, and the patient does not complain of abdominal pain, nausea or dizziness. The intake of broth should be divided into three main stages: morning, afternoon and evening. In the morning and evening hours, the amount consumed should be approximately two times less than at lunch. When a person feels relatively well and his condition is stable, you can add dried white bread croutons and a little lean chicken meat to the broth.

As you recover, you can add even more nutritious components to the broth, thereby increasing the average calorie intake without harm to the body. First, you should introduce a little more protein, then add carbohydrates in the form of potatoes, steamed rice or pearl barley, which can be added during cooking.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
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