Borsch kcal per 100g. How many calories are in borscht with chicken?


One of the most popular dishes of the national cuisines of the East Slavic peoples, and at the same time a dish known to any housewife, is borscht. The calorie content of this dish is a subject of interest to those who watch their figure and simply adhere to a healthy diet. It should be noted that there are two types of borscht: simple and Ukrainian. But it is only possible to determine how nutritious borscht is, that is, what the calorie content of borscht is. After all, every chef has his own secrets for preparing this dish. And thanks to such secrets, the taste, aroma, and, of course, the calorie content of borscht vary.

Borsch, benefits:

There is a standard set of products contained in most borscht recipes. This list may include: cabbage, beets, potatoes, carrots, tomato paste and onions. Of course, this list is not complete, because some housewives add their own “zest” to the recipe or replace certain products with something, which in turn will affect the calorie content.

Let's say a few words about the benefits of this dish. The main ingredient in borscht is beets, a rich source of vitamins B1, B6, B2, C, pantothenic (B5) and folic (B9) acids, as well as minerals and pigments - yellow, red, orange.

Beets have a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic functions of the body and improve metabolic processes.

Another important ingredient in borscht is meat, which is a source of proteins and amino acids needed by the body.

So we come to our main question - how high-calorie borscht is. Calorie content of borscht per 100 grams. product may be as follows (depending on the type):

Borscht calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of borscht prepared in different ways is as follows:

Salmon nutritional value table, per 100 grams of product:

ProductSquirrels, gr.Fats, gr.Carbohydrates, gr.
summer borscht1,1 2,1 6,4
Siberian borscht1,9 1,5 6,8
1,1 2,2 6,7
borscht without meat1,0 1,7 5,0
borscht with chicken4,3 1,8 3,4
borscht with pork2,8 4,2 3,8
borscht with beef1,7 1,7 2,2
green borscht3,3 3,8 3,0

The idea that the calorie content of cold borscht is lower is true. 10-20 kcal lower.

There are many recipes for making borscht. Here's a simple recipe for you:


This is one of the many recipe options for making borscht. The dish is distinguished by its rich red color.

Products needed:

- Broth.

— Beetroot (large) - 1 pc.

— Vegetables (those that you usually take for borscht).

The prepared broth is placed on the fire. The beets are cleaned and cut into large pieces - into 4-6 parts. Then put into boiling broth.

Boil the beets for about 15 minutes, and then cook according to your usual recipe - add meat, vegetables, spices, herbs in your usual order.

When the cabbage and potatoes are ready, turn off the heat and use a spoon to remove the beets from the borscht. If the pieces look faded and undercooked, don’t worry, that’s exactly how it should be.

When the beets have cooled slightly, chop them on a fine grater. It was boiled out on the outside, but retained its color on the inside. And along with it - useful properties.

Put the beets back into the borscht and let it brew for about 15 minutes. You may need to add salt, spices, etc. Do not boil the borscht as soon as you put the beets in!

With this recipe, the dish will have a bright, rich color and taste. So eat for your health, especially since the relatively low calorie content of borscht will not ruin your figure.

What is borscht? This is one of the subtypes of soup, the obligatory ingredient of which is beets, which gives the dish a characteristic reddish tint. Most often it consists of products such as: carrots, potatoes, cabbage, onions and many different spices to taste.

Is it healthy or just tasty?

Borscht is rightfully the favorite first dish of many Slavic (in modern times - not only) people. It consists of a large number of ingredients, and the taste can vary depending on personal preferences.

It is this fact that makes it not only very tasty, but also a very healthy product, because many components provide an excellent balance between fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

This will not be an advantage if, for example, you are at the “drying” stage, because controlling carbohydrates and fats in a mixed product is much more difficult. But for all other cases, borscht is the standard of consistency and balance between all components.

If we consider the usefulness of borscht at the component level, we get:

  • an abundance of vitamins necessary for the human body thanks to the vegetables contained in the dish;
  • borscht broth, which thins the blood, which has a positive effect on the entire cardiovascular system (this prevents the formation of blood clots);
  • a large amount of protein and, as a result, energy, because borscht is cooked based on meat;

Of course, everything has a downside, and this dish is no exception. This is a very fatty food that is quite difficult for the human body to digest. The only option to make it somewhat more dietary is to cook it not with meat and bones, but only with vegetables.

The ideal is achievable

It is very difficult to spoil borscht, because even an unprofessional cook can successfully prepare this dish. But in everything we must strive for the ideal, and borscht is no exception. Of course, food is a highly subjective matter, but the basic ingredients almost always remain the same. What is needed to prepare truly delicious red borscht?

We will need the following list of products:

  • one and a half liters of rich meat broth (it is best to use beef);
  • three hundred grams of beets;
  • two small carrots;
  • one and a half medium onions;
  • two or three potatoes;
  • one or two cloves of garlic;
  • half a kilogram of cabbage (you need fresh, not pickled);
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • seventy to eighty grams of tomato paste;
  • several sprigs of dill.

This is what the list of basic borscht ingredients looks like. Of course, the most basic ingredient, without which it is simply impossible to imagine a dish, is beets. Spices, herbs and other ingredients can be added based on individual preferences.

How calorie is borscht?

As mentioned above, the calorie content of borscht can vary greatly depending on its components. So, for example, if borscht is cooked with pork ribs, then the calorie content will be much higher than that of beef or chicken broth.

IngredientWeight (g)Calorie content per 100g (kcal)Calorie content in dish (kcal)
Beef500 324 1620
Beet300 43 129
Carrot100 41 41
Potato250 77 193
Onion100 40 40
Cabbage500 25 150
Tomato paste75 82 62
Water2500 0 0
4325 52 2235

So, based on the table proposed above, through simple mathematical calculations, we find that the calorie content of borscht is about 52 kcal per 100 grams of product.

How to reduce the calorie content of borscht?

For people who carefully monitor their diet and figure, borscht cooked, for example, with pork ribs is not suitable, because they are very high in calories in themselves, and when cooked, all the fat goes into the broth.

Depending on how much it is necessary to reduce calories, certain products are replaced. First of all, of course, the meat is replaced. If you need a completely dietary borscht, then meat should be excluded in principle. If a little more energy is allowed, then the broth can be prepared using chicken or beef.

Since potatoes contain a large amount of starch and carbohydrates, they should be replaced with beans, which are much lower in calories. And when preparing the ingredients, you don’t have to fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil - this will significantly reduce the fat content and, as a result, the energy value.

We also often add sour cream immediately before eating a ready-made dish - it can also be omitted due to the high percentage of fat content.

Thus, we can actually turn a very fatty and high-calorie dish into a dietary meal.

Diet borscht – minimum fat and calories

As mentioned above, there are people for whom the classic borscht recipe is not suitable due to the fat content of the broth and other ingredients. But what should people with chronic stomach diseases do, when even slightly fatty foods are strictly contraindicated? In this case, dietary recipes that involve a minimum of calories and fat come to the rescue.

Smelly celery

One of these dishes is borscht with celery. Its peculiarity is the absence of meat and, as the name suggests, the addition of celery.


  • one whole beet;
  • two hundred grams of potatoes;
  • one medium carrot;
  • a quarter kilo of cabbage;
  • one celery root;
  • one parsley root;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • two tablespoons of tomato paste (to taste);
  • one liter of water.


  1. First you need to wash the beets, then remove the peel and put them on the stove to cook.
  2. After half an hour, add the pre-washed and peeled roots.
  3. Once ready, grate the vegetables on a fine grater.
  4. There is no need to throw out the water in which the vegetables were cooked - it will be needed for boiling the potatoes.
  5. Wash the potatoes, peel them and cut them into small cubes, then throw them into the water.
  6. Cut the cabbage into small strips, then add it to the potatoes.
  7. After fifteen to twenty minutes, add grated vegetables, vegetable oil, tomato paste and chopped garlic to the broth.
  8. Cook until done.

Borscht with chicken breast

Another type of dietary borscht is borscht made with chicken breast broth. Since the fillet is not at all fatty, it can be safely consumed even by those who have problems with the digestive system.


  • one and a half liters of water;
  • half a kilo of chicken fillet;
  • two small beets;
  • two hundred grams of white cabbage;
  • medium bulb;
  • small carrots;
  • one bay leaf;
  • just a little pepper and salt;


  1. To begin with, of course, you should thoroughly wash and peel all the vegetables.
  2. Then grate the carrots and cut the onion into small pieces.
  3. The same thing needs to be done with beets.
  4. Throw the cabbage cut into strips into boiling water along with other vegetables.
  5. The next step is to let the chopped potatoes and brisket cook for about fifteen minutes, after which add the rest of the vegetables.
  6. Salt and pepper the borscht, add bay leaf.

We lose weight with borscht!

Since dietary borscht has no calories at all, it is great for diets where quick results are needed. The principle of such a diet is very simple - during the week our main food is borscht. Naturally, this does not eliminate drinks like coffee or tea (without sugar!), but high-calorie foods should not be present in the diet.

So, one of the options for an effective borscht diet looks like this:

Start of the week - Monday

The number of meals throughout the diet reaches six times a day. Thus, six times a day we eat about 250 grams of borscht and 50 grams of rye bread;

Continuation of the “banquet” – Tuesday

The same borscht in the amount of 250 grams six times a day. Chicken breast is added to it - one hundred and fifty grams at a time in the main meals (the second and fifth, for example);

It's already mid-Wednesday

On this day we eat borscht not six, but 4 times in the same portion. For the remaining two meals, we eat low-fat, lightly salted buckwheat (like borscht, 250 grams each);

Salad, but not Caesar - Thursday

As on Wednesday, four times a day we eat 250 grams of borscht, snacking on 50 grams of rye bread. Also, two or three times you can have salad (with low calorie content - this is very important) 200 grams per serving;

End of the work week – Friday

We return to the original scheme with 6 meals a day in the form of borscht. Dietary fish is added to it (based on individual preferences) in the amount of 200 grams per meal (no more than twice a day);

Long-awaited day off - Saturday

Six meals a day of borscht, between meals we snack on apples (one apple between each meal);

How about going to work tomorrow?! – resurrection

On the last (and for some, the only) day off, in addition to four meals of borscht, we can enjoy low-fat kefir and low-fat cottage cheese. We eat 250 grams of each product twice a day.

This diet is very effective and efficient, moreover, it cleanses the body of accumulated toxins and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Although vegetables are very useful, doctors do not recommend staying on such a diet for more than a week, maximum two, because low calorie content does not always have a good effect on the general condition and functioning of the body.

You can learn more about the calorie content of borscht in the following video:

Borscht is rightfully considered one of the best first courses. Thanks to the large number of ingredients, you can adjust the recipe to suit any, even the most demanding taste. It is suitable for both athletes when gaining weight and “cutting” due to the strong variability of preparation methods. No wonder this versatile dish has won many hearts!

The calorie content of this dish depends on the recipe: the starting ingredients and the cooking technology.

So, from a serving of 100 g, the body will receive 28 kcal if it is lean borscht, 48 kcal if it is Siberian borscht, 49 kcal if it is summer or Ukrainian.

The benefits of borscht are also determined by the method of preparation and ingredients.

Classic borscht always contains cabbage, beets, potatoes and carrots. Accordingly, the value of borscht for the body is determined by these ingredients:

  1. These are vegetables, which means the dish will contain fiber, which stimulates the intestines, provides energy, but is not stored as fat.
  2. Vitamins A and C– necessary for healthy skin, hair and nails, prevention of colds (the effect is enhanced by phytoncides, which are contained in onions and garlic).
  3. This is one of the most popular first courses, which must be present on the menu of a healthy person - it stimulates the activity of the digestive glands well, and, therefore, increases the digestibility of other dishes. That is why borscht (vegetarian only) is included even in diets for gastritis with low acidity, liver and biliary tract diseases.
  4. Borscht cooked in meat broth will contain animal squirrels, fats And B vitamins. These substances are necessary for the functioning of the nervous system.

However, there are also contraindications to eating borscht: gastritis with high acidity, exacerbation of other diseases of the stomach and intestines.

For calculation number of calories in borscht Enter its weight in grams in the "Some First Courses" section in the calculator form below.

How many calories

If you are preparing borscht according to a special recipe, then information about how many calories are in borscht you will determine by calculating the number of calories from each ingredient, which is indicated in the corresponding sections of our calculator.

Calorie calculator

The old version of the calorie calculator has been saved, you can find it here.

Greetings, dear readers! Today we’ll talk about the principles of preparing such an amazingly popular dish as borscht.

For any person, the most delicious food is the one to which he has become accustomed since childhood. For Russians, borscht is not just food, it is a real cultural heritage. We will now talk about this “significant” dish.

Borscht is a truly universal dish. Today it is often served as a first course.

It gives strength, warms in cool weather, refreshes in hot weather. And although it has been prepared since ancient times, there are no housewives who would cook it the same way. Even one cook can prepare it in different ways, for example, replacing tomato paste with fresh tomatoes or putting sauerkraut in a pan. For this reason, the calorie content of this dish is difficult to determine.

In many countries they prepare borscht. It is also eaten by those who watch their figure. Among the many dish options, everyone can choose the most suitable one.

Benefits of the dish

Boiled with beets, without meat , green - borscht will in any case be beneficial for the body. This balanced dish contains many vitamins and minerals, it helps to cope with gastrointestinal diseases, saturates even a small portion, improves metabolism, and carbohydrates, fats and proteins entering the body are quickly broken down. During digestion, heat is released, which is why it becomes hot after eating a portion of borscht.

Just as it is impossible to imagine cabbage soup cooked without cabbage, there is no borscht without beets. Other ingredients may be added or omitted, but the broth and beets are always present.

The dish may contain various ingredients, but potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, cabbage, and herbs are required. The options for this dish depend on the imagination of the cook and the availability of products. You can make the broth more rich by boiling it with pork. Garlic will add piquancy to the dish. Borscht must be acidified; vinegar or cabbage brine is used for this purpose. It is also worth including sugar in the recipe, which will give the dish a sweetish taste. This soup is prepared with both boiled and raw beets. It is cut into strips, vinegar is added and fried with oil.

Processing of this vegetable is necessary so that when stewing it does not lose its rich burgundy hue. Then add broth, sugar, tomato paste or fresh tomatoes to the beets, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat. Shortly before the end of the stewing, add the fried roots and onions. The broth is cooked separately, so that it is transparent, it is necessary to remove fat and foam from its surface. Fresh shredded cabbage is added to the soup, and after boiling, stewed beets and roots are added to it, continuing cooking for about another half hour. At the end of the cooking process, add browned flour, various spices, as well as salt and sugar to the borscht and boil for 10 minutes. If sauerkraut is used in the preparation of borscht, it is first stewed.

Lenten borscht

Vegetarian borscht is made in the same way, but vegetable broth is used for this. To increase the nutritional value, beans are sometimes added to it. Vegetable broth does not affect the taste and will not harm the figure. For this reason, many women love vegetarian borscht - there are few calories, and in terms of its usefulness it is not inferior to the traditional version.

Cold borscht

This borscht is also called okroshka, since they have much in common in the method of preparation. Pre-boil the beets, potatoes and eggs, then cut them into cubes. Cucumbers and greens are cut and added to the prepared vegetables. Instead of boiled meat, pork, beef tongue or sausage are sometimes used. The significant difference between cold borscht and okroshka is that it is prepared with beetroot broth, which gives it a rich raspberry hue and a unique taste. This dish is most often made in the summer, when it is difficult for the body to digest heavy food.

How to determine the calorie content of borscht?

Its nutritional value depends on the composition of the dish. Thus, lean borscht, which is cooked in vegetable broth, can be safely consumed by people who are watching their figure, since its calorie content is only 30 kcal. The calorie content of borscht with beets, which is cooked in meat broth, depends on the meat. If borscht was cooked with beef, then its nutritional value corresponds to approximately 90 kcal.

What are the benefits of the ingredients?

Borscht contains such a healthy vegetable as beets. It has a laxative effect and has a beneficial effect on digestive processes. Another healing component of this soup is onion. It stimulates the immune system and accelerates metabolism. Poultry meat is considered dietary, so the nutritional value of borscht with chicken or turkey will be low. Protein from poultry meat is easier to digest, and digestion occurs without complications for the gastrointestinal tract. Many doctors recommend chicken broth during the recovery process after illnesses and operations.

How to reduce calories?

  • Fry vegetables adding minimal oil.
  • It is better to cook broth with meat.
  • If you cook broth with chicken without adding oil, the calorie content of the dish will decrease.
  • Borscht with fresh cabbage is less nutritious.
  • Place a minimal amount of potatoes in the dish.
  • For dressing, use low-fat sour cream, not mayonnaise.

It is known that during frying the nutritional value of foods increases, especially when using animal fats. When stewing, beneficial substances are preserved, thus, food processed in this way is deprived of a minimum amount of vitamins.

There are no contraindications for consuming borscht, regardless of individual intolerance to its individual components. In general, like most first courses, borscht has many useful qualities. Among them, it is worth noting such an ability as normalizing the functioning of the digestive organs and calming the irritated gastric mucosa. In addition, this dish affects metabolism.

Calorie counting is the prerogative of not only adherents of nutritional programs, diets and sports; nutritional control is often necessary to maintain health. Obesity, anorexia, and upcoming cardio operations require the patient to strictly adhere to the kcal norm, and absolutely all dishes need to be monitored, in particular the calorie content of borscht with chicken. Breast is considered the most dietary type of meat and is the basis of “light” nutrition systems, but the energy value of even chicken soup largely depends on the entire composition.

What determines the calorie content of homemade borscht?

Surely many people know the popular wisdom that “every cook makes different borscht” or “every housewife has her own borscht recipe.” And you can’t argue with this, because even if you prepare this traditional Slavic soup strictly according to your mother’s recipe, the taste will not be the same. It won't be worse or better, it will just be different.

And the same situation arises with the energy value of the dish. It is not possible to say exactly and confidently how many calories are in borscht with chicken, because everyone has their own cooking recipe. Some people add beans to the soup, some like borscht with boiled beets, and others prepare the dressing in a frying pan.

The absence and presence of potatoes in the soup, the amount of beets, the type of dressing (sour cream, mayonnaise), and even the banal part of the chicken carcass from which the first course is cooked affect the number of calories in 100 grams of chicken borscht.

Today we will carefully analyze all the most popular versions of borscht with chicken and find out how many kcal are contained in our lunch plate.

Calorie content of classic borscht

We took the classic recipe as the starting point for calculating the energy value of red cabbage soup:

  1. Chicken thigh for rich broth is the best choice. To prepare 3-4 liters of soup, you can take 400-600 g of legs, the calorie content of which will be 740-1100 kcal (100 g = 185 kcal). If you prepare soup from a “lighter” chicken breast, then the calorie content of the soup will be significantly reduced, because one hundred grams of white fillet contains only 113 kcal, which is 678 kcal in terms of 600 g.
  2. White cabbage - 27 kcal, which in terms of 500 g needed for soup is 135 kcal.
  3. Potatoes in classic borscht are an indispensable product. Three medium tubers will be enough, in total, plus another 228 kcal.
  4. Dressing for borscht is usually prepared from one carrot (75 g = 24 kcal), one onion (75 g = 35 kcal), 2 tbsp. tomato paste (46 kcal) and pre-boiled beets (150 g = 74 kcal) by frying and sautéing with the addition of vegetable oil (40 g = 360 kcal). Summing up all the components, we find that the dressing has a calorie content of 539 kcal.
  5. At the very end of cooking, a finely chopped bunch of greens, which weighs 40 grams (15 kcal) and chopped garlic (16 g = 23 kcal), are added to the borscht.

In total, 4 liters of chicken borscht with breast comes out to 1617 kcal (42.6 kcal/100 g), and borscht with legs is 2049 kcal (51.6 kcal/100 g).

However, do not forget that when serving borscht, sour cream is also offered, the energy value of which, depending on the fat content, varies from 133 to 380 kcal, or mayonnaise, the calorie content of which is on average 660 kcal or 220 kcal if you decide to use “light” Calve."

Calorie table for borscht with chicken

Well, now let's take a look at other versions of borscht and find out how different the nutritional value of one soup, prepared using different technologies, is.

Type of borscht Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Calorie content (kcal) per 100 grams Calories in 1 plate (270 g)
Borscht with chicken without potatoes 4.5 g 2.71 g 1.69 g 49 kcal 132.3 kcal
Borscht with chicken breast without potatoes 4.9 g 1.5 g 1.7 g 40 kcal 108 kcal
Borscht with chicken and potatoes 4.4 g 2.5 g 2.5 g 51.6 kcal 140 kcal
Borscht with chicken breast and potatoes 4.7 g 1.5 g 2.64 g 42.5 kcal 115 kcal
Borscht with chicken without potatoes and beans 4.7 g 2.6 g 2.5 g 53 kcal 143 kcal
Borscht with chicken breast without potatoes and beans 5 g 1.5 g 2.6 g 44 kcal 119 kcal
Borscht with chicken and sour cream 18% 4.3 g 3.5 g 2.6 g 60 kcal 162 kcal
Borscht with chicken breast and sour cream 18% 4.6 g 2.4 g 2.7 g 51 kcal 138 kcal
Borscht with chicken and mayonnaise 4.3 g 6.4 g 2.6 g 85 kcal 229.5 kcal
Borsch with chicken, potatoes and beans 4.5 g 2.5 g 3.4 g 54.5 kcal 147 kcal
Borscht with chicken breast, potatoes and beans 4.8 g 1.4 g 3.4 g 45.9 kcal 124 kcal
Borscht with chicken without oil (without frying the dressing) 4.35 g 1.75 g 2.6 g 44.5 kcal 120 kcal
Borscht with chicken breast without frying the dressing (without oil) 4.7 g 0.6 g 2.6 g 35.5 kcal 96 kcal

If you meticulously monitor the quality of your diet, then our calorie table for borscht with chicken will become your guide in the kitchen. With these data, you will certainly be able to prepare with your own hands the option for lunch that will fit into your calorie standards.