Useful properties of pork and beef. Beneficial properties of pork that we don’t know about - is it possible to pacify the soul and body? Indications for use

It has already happened that there are many myths about the role of pork for human health. Now we will find out which of the widespread “theories” is true and which is false.

General characteristics

Pork is the most consumed red meat in the world. Especially popular in East Asian countries, but “outlawed” for Jews and Muslims.

It is a product rich in proteins, minerals and many vitamins.

By the way, pork can provide a person with almost the full spectrum of food, which is not typical for other types of meat. Lean cuts (removed from lard) are an excellent choice for most dishes.

And tenderloin and shoulder are even more dietary meats than chicken.

Nutritional value

If we talk about the nutritional value of pork, it is important to remember: the calorie content of different parts of the carcass is not the same. Meat is divided into 2 types:

  • less fatty: shoulder, brisket, ham, loin, lumbar;
  • greasy: neck, drumstick, shank.


Like any other meat, pork contains large amounts. More than a quarter of lean cuts consist of proteins. The dry weight of lean pork can have nutrient content as high as 89 percent, making it one of the richest food sources of protein.

For this reason, pork is an important source of nutrients necessary for the development of the body and maintaining its vital functions.

Promoting the growth of muscle tissue and faster recovery from injury, pork meat is indispensable for bodybuilders.


In addition to proteins, pork contains a large amount. A piece of medium fat content is about 10-16 percent, but it can be much more. It is precisely because of such an impressive lipid content that some people completely refuse pork as a too high-calorie product. Interestingly, in its chemical composition, lard is somewhat different from the fat of ruminant animals. The pork product is slightly richer and contains little conjugated linoleic acid. Another feature of pork fat is that unsaturated lipids in its composition are presented in approximately equal proportions.

Vitamin-mineral complex

Pork meat is a rich source of a complex of minerals and vitamins. The highest concentrations are represented by:

  1. . Unlike other types of red meat (such as beef or lamb), pork is especially rich in thiamine (more than 50% of the daily value per serving). This vitamin represents group B substances, which play an important role for the body (responsible for the growth and restoration of muscle tissue, nerve cells, and are useful for metabolism).
  2. . This mineral, essential for the immune system, can be obtained from various animal products (meat, eggs, dairy products, seafood), but pork is one of the best sources.
  3. . Approximately 20% of the recommended daily intake of zinc is found in 100 g of pork. This element is important for the immune system, brain, and bone tissue.
  4. (8% of the daily dose). Only animal products can serve as a source of this important vitamin, which is responsible for blood formation and brain function. Its deficiency leads to anemia and neuronal damage. You can always provide your body with this important element from pork.
  5. . This vitamin, obtained from meat, is essential for the formation of red blood cells, promotes metabolism, and supports the proper functioning of the nervous system. A 100-gram slice of pork contains 37% of the daily value of the vitamin for adults.
  6. . Another name for the substance is vitamin B3. Responsible for proper cell growth and metabolism. Contained in pork meat (almost 40% of the daily dose).
  7. . This mineral, the source of which is also pig meat, is important for the adequate development and functioning of the body: it strengthens bone tissue and plays the role of “energy” for cells. A serving of pork will provide 1/5 of your daily requirement for phosphorus.
  8. (5% of the daily value). Pork contains less iron than lamb or beef. However, the human body absorbs iron obtained from pork more efficiently. And, as you know, it is necessary to prevent anemia.
  9. . The presence of this vitamin in red meat makes pork an important food for skin health. 100 g contains almost a fifth of the daily vitamin requirement for adults.
  10. . Necessary for normal fermentation, important for muscle tissue. A serving of pork contains about 6% of the recommended daily intake of magnesium.
  11. (11% of the daily value). Plays a key role in maintaining water balance and helps stabilize blood pressure.

In addition, red meat contains other important components:

  • creatine (necessary as a source of energy for muscles, popular among bodybuilders, since laboratory studies have proven the effect of creatine on the rate of muscle tissue growth);
  • taurine (the human body is capable of producing this amino acid on its own, but obtained from food sources, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and muscles);
  • glutathione (an antioxidant found in large quantities in red meat);
  • (pork is rich, but as recent scientific research shows, cholesterol from food has virtually no effect on the level of the substance in the human body).

Pork: benefits and harm to the body

The debate about how pork affects the human body did not arise today. For many years, groups of scientists have been arguing whether it is possible to consume pork and whether such a diet is more beneficial or harmful. Be that as it may, pork is an important source of many beneficial components for humans. Therefore, it would be strange if a product with such a diverse composition did not provide any benefit to humans.


Along with many other animal products, pork is one of the best sources of proteins. Maintaining muscle tone is an important factor affecting the health of the entire body. Without exercise and proper nutrition, muscle mass does not experience the most favorable changes with age. In severe cases, loss of muscle mass can lead to sarcopenia (complete muscle wasting, a common condition among older people).

High quality pork protein contains all the essential amino acids and is an important component for maintaining muscle mass. Especially useful in combination with strength training.

Inadequate protein intake may accelerate age-related muscle degeneration and increase the risk of sarcopenia. Eating pork or other protein-rich animal products can provide your body with the protein it needs for muscles.


Eating meat is not only beneficial for muscle growth. This nutritious product improves muscle functionality and increases physical endurance. In addition, protein-rich meat contains amino acids necessary for the functioning of the human body. Last but not least, this effect is achieved due to the high content of beta-alanine, which in turn is necessary for the production of carnosine (reduces muscle fatigue during high physical activity).

Thus, it makes sense to say that pork is beneficial for those who want to maximize physical performance.


But regarding the effect of red meat on the heart muscle, the opinions of researchers differ. There is no clear evidence that pork itself can cause heart disease. Meanwhile, scientists suggest that high meat consumption against the backdrop of an unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, decreased physical activity, overeating) and low consumption of fruits and vegetables may subsequently cause cardiac problems. On the other hand, some consider pork to be a harmful food due to its high cholesterol and saturated fat content. But opponents of this theory argue that the so-called dietary cholesterol (from foods) has little effect on the level of sterol in the body. As for saturated lipids, there is a counterargument to this argument: adequate consumption of pork will not cause health problems.

Oncological diseases

Uncontrolled cell growth in the body is a manifestation of cancer. Some researchers have found a link between red meat consumption and an increased risk of colon cancer. Others categorically deny this assumption. It is still difficult to definitively answer the question of whether pork causes cancer. But most researchers agree that processed red meat (especially fried meat) may contain carcinogens such as heterocyclic amines. They are found in most processed animal products. Heterocyclic amines are produced as a result of exposure of animal protein to high temperatures. But these substances are believed to already be able to increase the risk of certain types of cancer (colon, breast or prostate). But many scientists are still in no hurry to draw final conclusions and continue research into the advisability of consuming pork.

Side effects of eating pork

Pork tapeworm



Toxoplasma poses the greatest danger to people with weakened immune systems, pregnant women and their unborn children.

Myths about pork

In fact, this type of meat contains a large amount of B vitamins, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, potassium, and almost all the necessary amino acids. It is believed that properly cooked pork is beneficial for women during lactation, as it enhances the production of breast milk. In addition, some substances contained in pork have natural antidepressant properties. This type of meat is also recommended for men to increase potency.

  1. Causes indigestion.

In reality, pork is perfectly digestible by a healthy stomach. Moreover, researchers have proven that lean pig meat is the best choice for the diet.

  1. Very fatty meat.

At first glance, it may seem crazy, but pork is one of the leanest meats. Pure pork contains much less fat than beef or young lamb and is not too much higher than chicken meat. Meanwhile, pork contains components that contribute to a more active accumulation of lipids in the human body. For comparison: a 100-gram piece of chicken breast contains 142 kilocalories, a similar portion of pork tenderloin is approximately 96 kcal. And what’s most interesting is that both products contain the same amount of fat - 3 g. But those who want to lose extra pounds should not get carried away with pork cutlets. Although if once a week a dietary tenderloin or pork shoulder appears on the menu, this will definitely not affect your figure. By the way, an adult can consume almost 200 g of pork daily without harm to health.

It is important for children to prepare dishes from dietary parts of meat (pre-cut out all the fat).

  1. Not for children.

Nutritionists advise starting the first feeding of babies after 8 months. And lean pork slices, minced into puree, are also suitable for this. It is important to start complementary feeding with meat from half a teaspoon of the product, gradually increasing the pork portions. By the way, it is extremely undesirable for children with intolerance to be given veal meat puree, but nutritionists have nothing against pork. The main thing is to trim off the greasy parts.

The quality of the finished dish directly depends on the freshness of the pork used during cooking. Here are some tips on what a cut of fresh pig meat should look like.

And one more thing. When choosing pork, you need to decide in advance what you plan to cook. And again - valuable tips:

  • neck - for barbecue;
  • carbonade – barbecue, frying;
  • ribs – barbecue, baking, smoking;
  • rump – baking, stewing;
  • ham – frying, baking, stewing, boiled pork;
  • knuckle - jellied meat;
  • undercut – frying, smoking;
  • brisket - soup;
  • front ham – frying;
  • head - jellied meat;
  • ear - jellied meat;
  • tenderloin (the most dietary part) – frying, stewing.

How to reduce the calorie content of pork

In dietary rations, chicken is usually used as a meat component. But pork can also be suitable for those losing weight. Of course, if you choose correctly.

It is important to take parts where calories are contained in small quantities. Replace fried foods with stewed, baked or the healthiest boiled meat. You can reduce the calorie content of cutlets by mixing pork and beef in equal proportions. And for breading in the summer season, it is better to use grated zucchini rather than crackers (very tasty, but with minimal calories).

What goes with it?

Pork is one product that can be prepared any way and it will still be delicious. One of the most popular pork dishes is shish kebab with vegetables. But in this case, it is important to remember: the finished pieces of meat should be cleaned of the charred crust (it is harmful to digestion and may contain carcinogens).

In addition to traditional vegetable side dishes, sweet and sour berries and fruits are excellent for pork dishes. The taste of meat is enhanced by apples, pineapples, cranberry or plum sauces. By the way, fruit and berry sauces bind excess fats from meat.

As for spices, it is better to supplement the pork dish with bay leaf, rosemary, capsicum, cloves, mint, and thyme. Juniper berries will add a piquant taste to the finished dish.

Pork is one of the most popular types of meat. It serves as a rich source of high-quality protein, as well as various minerals and vitamins. Red meat is necessary for proper muscle development, increased performance and physical endurance. Meanwhile, raw or improperly cooked fillets can cause serious health problems. Although overcooked meat is also dangerous, since such a product may contain carcinogenic substances. Remember these rules when enjoying pork, and it will only bring benefits.

Pork is one of the most popular types of meat on our planet. Dishes prepared from it are the basis of the national cuisines of the countries of Southeast Asia, Europe, the Far East and North America. Pork meat products are widely popular in other parts of our planet. Bans or restrictions on their consumption are established only in those states whose population professes Islam or Judaism.

Pork is eaten boiled, fried and stewed, and is used to prepare soups, kebabs, jellied meat, schnitzels, stews, cutlets and other meat dishes. In addition, pork meat and offal are processed into sausages, frankfurters and wieners, and smoked products are made from them (bacon, ham, brisket, etc.). Sometimes a whole roasted pig is served as a separate dish.

There are two types of pork meat. First grade pork includes:

  • shoulder parts - the shoulder itself and shoulder meat on the bone (used in the preparation of soups, cutlets, roasts, stuffed and stewed dishes);
  • loin - cutlet meat, boneless back and loin with bone (suitable for preparing chops on the bone, schnitzels, escalopes, kebabs, roasts);
  • boneless and bone-in brisket (used for making soups and roasts);
  • flank – muscle tissue of the pig’s abdominals (used in preparing borscht, soups, roasts);
  • lumbar part - thick sirloin and tenderloin (suitable for preparing escalopes, soups, roasts, kebabs, goulash);
  • boneless and bone-in hams, sirloin part of the ham (whole fried and stewed, used for making chopped cutlets, roasts, and cooking broths).

The following are recognized as second-class pork meat:

  • knuckle and shank - the forearm and shin of a pig's legs (used for making soups, fried, stewed);
  • tanks with a neck cut - cheek meat, boneless neck and neck on the bone (used for stewing, grilling meat, roasting).

Nutritional value of pork and vitamins in its composition

Nutritional value pork depends on which part of the pork carcass the meat was cut from. On average, a 100 g serving of the product contains:

  • 14.297 g protein;
  • 33.278 g fat;
  • 51.419 g water;
  • 0.814 g ash;
  • 0.218 g omega-3 fatty acids;
  • 3.417 g omega-6 fatty acids;
  • 69.814 mg cholesterol.

Vitamins in pork (per 100 g serving):

  • 0.519 mg thiamine (B1);
  • 4.094 mcg folate (B9);
  • 0.469 mg pantothenic acid (B5);
  • 0.386 mg tocopherol equivalent (E);
  • 0.139 mg riboflavin (B2);
  • 5.711 mg niacin equivalent (PP);
  • 0.321 mg pyridoxine (B6);
  • 74.446 mg choline (B4).

Pork calories

  • Calorie content of raw pork is 356.693 kcal.
  • Calorie content of lean pork tenderloin is 148.599 kcal.
  • Calorie content of stewed pork is 234.818 kcal.
  • Calorie content of boiled pork is 374.668 kcal.
  • Calorie content of fried pork is 488.792 kcal.
  • The calorie content of pork shoulder is 256.794 kcal.
  • Brisket calorie content (on the bone) is 173.334 kcal.
  • Calorie content of pork ham is 262.476 kcal.
  • The calorie content of pork neck meat is 266.486 kcal.
  • Calorie content of pork kebab is 287.575 kcal.
  • Calorie content of pork cutlets – 466.878 kcal.
  • Calorie content of breaded pork chops – 349.462 kcal.

Video recipe for the occasion:

Useful elements in pork


  • 284.978 mg potassium;
  • 163.127 mg phosphorus;
  • 23.756 mg magnesium;
  • 219.791 mg sulfur;
  • 57.466 mg sodium;
  • 48.512 mg chlorine;
  • 6.914 mg calcium.

Microelements in a 100 g serving of pork:

When purchasing pork in stores and markets, you need to pay attention to the following points.

  • Fresh pork has a light pink tint, and rainbow tints never appear on its surface. Meat that is too dark is obtained when slaughtering older animals: dishes prepared using it turn out tasteless and tough. And, on the contrary, too light a shade of pork indicates that the diet of the slaughtered pig was oversaturated with hormonal drugs that can negatively affect human health.
  • The surface of the pork meat should be dry. There should be no liquid in the packaging used for packing pork.
  • Fresh pork has virtually no odor. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers try to hide the smell of spoiled meat by treating the product with a solution of potassium permanganate or vinegar.
  • High-quality pork meat has a dense and elastic structure: after pressing with a finger, no dents form on its surface. Loose consistency is a sign of spoilage of meat or excess content of hormonal drugs.
  • Repeated freezing of pork significantly worsens its nutritional and taste properties. The fact of secondary freezing can be easily determined by the small pink ice crystals present in the meat.

Fresh pork can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. However, you should not use airtight packaging for storage: it is best to put the meat in a deep bowl or pan with a lid. Frozen pork can be stored in the freezer for about six months.

Agree, meat is necessary for humans, because it contains almost all the necessary substances necessary for the complete and normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Pork is very popular on store shelves. Let's find out what benefits and harm it can bring to the human body.

  • Pork is an easily digestible meat after lamb.

Scientists together with nutritionists have proven that pork ranks second in digestibility by the stomach, which has a beneficial effect on the body’s digestive system. For example, lean pork contains slightly more fat and protein than chicken.

  • The enormous benefit of pork lies in the content of large amounts of B vitamins (especially B12), iron, zinc and proteins.

It should be remembered that these are irreplaceable components of the body. In turn, B vitamins control the normal functioning of the central nervous system, which is manifested by healthy sleep, calmness and balance.

Also, do not forget that iron is an important component of the human body. It is part of hemoglobin and various enzymes; iron stimulates the function of hematopoietic organs and promotes the rapid restoration of hemoglobin in patients with iron deficiency anemia.

In addition, pork contains a lot of protein, which is why it is recommended that lactating women consume pork, as it has a good effect on the production of breast milk.

Harm from pork

  • Pork is classified as an allergic food.

Pork allergies are quite rare, but people with food allergies should still be wary. This is due to the fact that pork serum contains proteins - albumins and immunoglobulins, which stimulate the allergy process in the body. For obvious reasons, meat contains a huge amount of harmful bacteria.

The best nutritionists in Russia and the CIS countries claim that if you do not exceed 200 grams of pork per day, you will not feel any harmful effects on the body from this meat.

So, we figured out the benefits and harms of pork. Let everyone choose for themselves whether to refuse this product or not.

How to choose pork?

You should pay attention to the purchase of meat:

  1. Always buy pork only where there is laboratory testing of the products, in trusted stores. For example, in large supermarkets - they will definitely check suppliers!
  2. Do long cooking of meat: boil well, fry the meat. A simple way to check the readiness of pork: pierce the middle of the meat with a knife: if the pink juice does not flow, the meat is ready.

Let's start by roughly dividing pork into two varieties:

  1. The first grade includes t - “groin area, brisket, shoulder, lumbar part and ham.” This category of meat is more useful in terms of vitamin and protein composition.
  2. The second grade includes “forearm or shank, shank and neck cut.” The second category of pork is sometimes simply necessary for some culinary dishes.

How to choose and understand old or young pork:

  1. Preference is given to young pork, since this type of product does not require additional cooking; it can be distinguished by its light pink color and slightly matte surface when cut. In addition, young pork has a dense consistency and almost no films.
  2. Old pork, on the contrary, requires additional cooking and wetting of the meat, otherwise the future dish will turn out dry and hard in taste. Typically, old pork is covered with many films and its color varies from dark red to burgundy.

Composition of pork meat

100 grams of raw pork contains:

  • Nutritional value
  • Vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • Microelements
  • Calorie content 142 kcal.
  • Proteins 19.4 g.
  • Fats 7.1 gr.
  • Water 72.4 g.
  • Ash 1.45 gr.
  • Vitamin PP2.63 mg.
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.11 mg.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.1 mg.
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 0.5 mg.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.3 mg.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic) 4.1 mcg.
  • Vitamin PP 5.8504 mg.
  • Choline75 mg.
  • Calcium 8 mg.
  • Magnesium 41 mg.
  • Sodium 58 mg.
  • Potassium 345 mg.
  • Phosphorus 220 mg.
  • Chlorine 48.6 mg.
  • Sulfur 220 mg.
  • Iron 1.6 mg.
  • Zinc 2.07 mg.
  • Iodine 6.6 mcg.
  • Copper 96 mcg.
  • Manganese 0.0285 mg.
  • Chromium 13.5 mcg.
  • Fluoride 69.3 mcg.
  • Molybdenum 13 mcg.
  • Cobalt 8 mcg.
  • Nickel 12.3 mcg.
  • Tin 30 mcg.

Pork is the main type of meat product from which many different dishes can be prepared. It is used in the preparation of table dishes, processed into sausages, smoked meats, canned food, etc. Pork meat comes in several varieties, differing not only in the breed of animal, but also in the volume of fat mass, heat treatment (chilled, chilled, frozen) and the composition of nutrients.

Based on the age of the animal cut for meat, the finished product also has different values:

  • Pig meat - up to four months;
  • Gilts - from four to nine months;
  • Pork – older than nine months.

The fatness of the pork determines the category of the product: bacon, meat, fat or trim. Pork meat differs from similar products in its lighter color, fatty layer in the pulp and a thick layer of fat. Tender, dense meat can be distinguished by age depending on its color: the “young” product is pale pink, and the “old” product is reddish. The high fat content of the product indicates the youth of the pork meat and high quality. The earlier the animal was cut for meat, the more beneficial the finished product is for the human body, since it contains many useful elements and practically does not contain harmful components.

Content of vitamins and minerals in 100 g of pork

100 g of pork contains 355 kcal and 33 g of fat, which is not very healthy for humans, so many people prefer to include beef in their diet. There are no carbohydrates in this product at all, and there are 14.6 g of proteins, which is an indispensable source of this component for athletes. But chicken breast contains much more protein, so pork can be replaced with a healthier product.

The vitamins in pork are preserved almost completely after gentle cooking, that is, during stewing and boiling, but it is better not to use frying for cooking, since the harm to the product increases many times over after this procedure.

The incredible benefits of pork meat

Pork, compared to other meat, contains a large amount of B vitamins. This is useful for everyone without exception, as it promotes better absorption of the product and normalizes many body functions. B vitamins are also indispensable for maintaining the nervous system, normalizing sleep and improving the general condition of a person. The high content of zinc and iron prevents problems with the heart and blood vessels, normalizes sexual activity and provides irreplaceable benefits to the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamins and mineral components are mainly concentrated in the muscle tissue of pork meat; fatty and connective tissue contains fewer nutritional components. Arachidonic acid and selenium are also found here, which prevent the occurrence of depressive conditions and help cope with them. Also, the vitamins and microelements included in the product contribute to the renewal of body cells.

A real health hazard!

Despite the fact that this food product contains a huge amount of many vitamins and minerals, it is harmful to the human body. This is due to the fact that it contains high levels of lipids and cholesterol. After research, it was also found that it contains a lot of antibodies and growth hormones, which is really dangerous for health!

By consuming this product, you may encounter obesity, acromegaly and pathological growths, including malignant ones. It is growth hormone and cholesterol that cause such pathological processes. Pork also has an itchy effect on the body, which consists of the activity of histamine, which penetrates into human organs and tissues, causing a number of inflammatory processes and skin diseases in them: furunculosis, appendicitis, abscess, dermatosis, urticaria, eczema.

How to make the right choice?

You should purchase a product only if there is documentary evidence that a laboratory test of the product has been carried out. It’s best to avoid market stalls, but large, reputable supermarkets probably check their suppliers.

When purchasing, you should focus on the youth and freshness of the meat, since this is the option that will outshine the harm of the product with the help of its constituent vitamins and mineral elements. The color of quality meat is light pink, and the cut must have a dull surface. There should be practically no films, the consistency should be homogeneous, and the smell should be reminiscent of “milk.”

Pork is the meat of domestic pigs. It is eaten fried, boiled and stewed, both separately and together with other food products in various dishes.


Pork used in cooking is divided into two grades. The most valuable is considered to be first grade pork, which includes brisket, lumbar and back (loin) and ham. As a rule, these parts are used in the preparation of stewed and fried main courses. In turn, second-grade pork includes the neck, shank and shank. In most cases, various soups are prepared from this meat.

Calorie content

100 grams of fresh pork contains about 198 kcal.


The chemical composition of pork is characterized by a high content of proteins, fats, ash, vitamins (A, B1, B3, B5, B9, B12, C), macro- (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus) and microelements (iron, manganese, copper , zinc, selenium).

How to cook and serve

Pork is one of the ingredients often used in cooking. This food product owes its very wide use in cooking to its pleasant taste and aroma, as well as ease of processing. There are a huge number of recipes for cooking pork. As a rule, it is boiled, fried, stewed, both separately and together with other food products, and is also used as a filling in many baked goods.

In addition to fresh meat, marinated pork is popular in cooking. Most often, in this form, it is used to prepare shish kebab, having previously been soaked in vinegar, red wine, kefir or mineral water with the addition of various seasonings and spices. Pork is often used as a raw material for the production of various sausages and semi-finished meat products.

In most cases, pork is served with a side dish of vegetables. As a rule, these are potatoes, cabbage or legumes fried, boiled or stewed. In this case, a whole pig can be served as a separate dish.

What goes with it?

Pork goes well with most popular foods, especially vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, legumes), fruits, berries, mushrooms, sweet and sour and spicy sauces, cheese, nuts, and honey.

How to choose

When choosing pork, you should pay attention to the color of the flesh. It should not be too dark and not too light. Dark color indicates that the meat was taken from an older animal and will become tough and tasteless after cooking. In turn, the excessively light color of the flesh indicates that hormonal drugs were actively used when raising the animal. Therefore, the most preferable choice is the meat of a young animal, the flesh of which is colored in soft shades of red. In this case, the fat layers should be soft and white. Another factor in choosing pork is its elasticity and the absence of any dark spots on the skin. At the same time, it should be smooth and evenly colored light yellow, almost white.

In addition to appearance, when choosing pork, you should take into account that for the preparation of certain dishes, meat obtained from various parts of the animal’s body is used. This is due to the fact that each pork part has certain characteristics that significantly limit their use in cooking.


Fresh pork should be stored in the refrigerator, eating meat within 5-7 days. It is not recommended to use sealed containers for storage.

Another way to store pork is smoking. For these purposes, it is best to use bacon (without bones, sternum and limbs) or ham (thigh, legs, thigh). Smoked pork can also be frozen, but this is not recommended. Once defrosted, it may taste rancid.

Useful properties

Even after prolonged heat treatment, pork retains a significant part of its original nutritional value, which is due to the rich content of various biologically active substances. This explains the presence of a number of beneficial properties in this type of meat. In particular, its regular use reduces nervous excitability, stimulates the processes of hematopoiesis, metabolism, formation of bone and muscle tissue, and also helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, improves the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract.

Restrictions on use

Individual intolerance, tendency to an allergic reaction, the need for mandatory heat treatment at a temperature of at least 75 degrees Celsius, diseases of the cardiovascular system (consume in limited quantities).