Vitamin B 8. Vitamin B8 (Inositol)

Vitamin B8, or in other words inositol, inositol, belongs to the B vitamins. Since it can be synthesized by the body, it is a vitamin-like substance, somewhat similar to a saccharide, but is not a carbohydrate. Vitamin B8 can be destroyed by exposure to high temperature and dissolves in water. This vitamin has a lot beneficial properties, it is considered one of the most common B vitamins. Inositol or inositol is also called the “vitamin of youth”.


In its structure, it is a six-hydroxy cyclic alcohol. In the human body, this vitamin is present in tissues nervous system, in eye and seminal fluids. Tears contain a lot of inositol.

During normal functioning of the intestinal microflora, inositol is synthesized from glucose in the human body. Its concentration in the blood in free form is only 037-0.76 mg. Only 12 mg per day is excreted in the urine, but if a person suffers from diabetes or chronic nephritis, then the excreted amount of the vitamin increases sharply.

The effect of vitamin B8 on humans

The substance is contained in many enzymes, thus it is responsible for metabolic processes in the body, accelerates lipid metabolism, helps to level cholesterol levels (preventing the development of atherosclerosis, obesity, and other diseases that are caused by excess weight).

Inositol promotes the correct passage of nerve impulses, helps remove fats from the body, dissolves cholesterol, protects vessel walls from fragility, is a reliable protection for the liver, improves appearance hair and skin, prevents the formation of dandruff and, and in case of neoplasms, helps prevent the development of dystrophy, it has a very strong lipotropic effect.

Vitamin B8 also appears in the cerebrospinal fluid, but when affected by tuberculous meningitis, its concentration increases sharply.

Inositol should be on the menu of any person, even a newborn baby. In its absence, it is lost motor activity stomach and intestines.

Inositol takes active participation in the division of eggs and the formation of sperm, helps cope with the load on the kidneys and adrenal glands, and normalizes nervous and stressful conditions. A lack of it in the body can be a cause, therefore, to normalize reproductive function, care must be taken to ensure that the body has enough of the substance.

A lack of this vitamin creates vision problems, since the retina and lens require large amounts of it.

Inositol thins the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, and keeps blood vessels elastic.

The presence of this component in the body helps the healing of fractures and rapid rehabilitation in the postoperative period. Since inositol accelerates the synthesis of protein molecules, affecting the growth of bone and muscle tissue, then its presence in the child’s body in sufficient quantities is simply necessary.

What indicates a vitamin deficiency?

If there is a lack of vitamin B8, it reacts to this:

  • insomnia;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • a person develops vision problems;
  • hair begins to fall out;
  • a person begins to get nervous over trifles, becomes irritable and prone to stressful conditions.
  • Constipation, skin diseases (presence of various dermatitis) appear.

During significant mental stress, with a lack of inositol in brain cells, the ability to remember is limited, concentration decreases, and mental activity decreases. If a child lacks this substance, this leads to a slowdown in his growth.

To avoid unpredictable consequences, people with inositol deficiency should exclude coffee and alcohol from their diet, as they destroy vitamin B8.

Vitamin B8 norm

An adult needs 50-1000 mg of B8 per day. People with a history of diabetes mellitus or alcohol addiction, as well as avid coffee drinkers, the daily dose of the substance should be increased.

Although our body produces inositol itself, a quarter of it daily norm must be introduced into the body through food. A lot of B8 is found in citrus fruits, nuts, legumes, sesame oil, bran, brewer's yeast, in the brains, liver, kidneys and hearts of animals. To replenish the body with inositol, it is recommended to eat wild rice, bread made from regular flour, fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots), green peas.

It should be noted that if the body suffers from inositol deficiency, then the presence of other B vitamins loses their effectiveness.

Indications for use

Medications containing vitamin B8 can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is sold in tablets and liquid state. The dosages of inositol in these preparations are designed for good absorption by the body.

These medications are prescribed if serious problems with its deficiency:

  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • high mental stress;
  • liver diseases (fatty degeneration, cirrhosis, hepatitis);
  • overweight;
  • obesity;
  • diabetic or alcoholic neuropathy;
  • speech disorder;
  • skin problems;
  • hair loss;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • infertility, as well as in the case when a child is born premature.

Since it is impossible to overdo it with vitamin B8 (the body requires a large amount of it), then side effects taking medications, does not. In very rare cases, an overdose of the drug can cause an allergic reaction.


  • The substance is better accepted by the body if it contains.
  • If you take sulfonamides, they can interfere with the production of B8 in the intestinal microflora.
  • When using estrogens, the effectiveness of inositol is greatly reduced.

What is the conclusion? In order not to suffer from vitamin deficiency, lack of certain micro- and macroelements, eat well and take care of your health!

Our hair needs constant care, because it is always under the external influence. negative impact. To make your curls look healthy and beautiful, you need to use auxiliary cosmetics, improving the condition of curls. This article will talk about what vitamins in ampoules for hair growth are. We will tell you which vitamins in ampoules are best to use, and which ones you should avoid.

Benefits of vitamins

The fact that vitamin supplements are beneficial to human health is undeniable. Nutritionists recommend that we consume them with food, however, it is impossible to meet the body’s needs only with the amount of useful substances that are ingested with food.

It is extremely necessary to use additional vitamin complexes to improve vision, nails, skin, and hair.

In view of this, the pharmaceutical industry has developed many drugs that are beneficial for curls. All of them are conventionally divided into three groups: for hair growth, strengthening and against dryness.

For hair growth

  • B8, slowing down the process of hair loss;
  • B9, stimulating rapid cell renewal and hair growth;
  • vitamin B12 ampoules, which need to be taken together with B9 (they will have a complex effect on the hair).

To strengthen

  • B1, B2, B3, strengthening the structure of curls, restoring their color;
  • E- hair vitamins in ampoules, without which long locks cannot fully grow. Without it, the strands will fade and become brittle;
  • vitamin D for hair- the best way to protect them from destructive influences from the outside.

For dry hair

  • B6, eliminating dandruff, relieving irritability of the head skin;
  • F- pharmacy vitamins in ampoules for hair, nourishing and moisturizing the hair, but they must be taken together with vitamin E;
  • WITH- vitamins for hair in ampoules, giving strands shine and silkiness.


Pharmacy vitamins in hair ampoules are a budget-friendly but high-quality option for caring for and strengthening your hair. The price of one type can start from 30–60 rubles. Examples of inexpensive vitamins: Aevit.

It’s another matter if you order expensive drugs used by professional stylists and hairdressers. Their cost can be equal to 5 thousand rubles or more.

Advice. We recommend using expensive products if you are diagnosed by a trichologist difficult case, which cannot be treated with conventional vitamins in ampoules.

Rules of application

Liquid hair vitamins in capsules are not recommended for use in any case. pure form. This is due to the fact that such a product can have an irritating effect on the scalp.

This is especially true for vitamin B12 ampoules, as well as other vitamins represented by group B. Below we list A few basic rules to follow:

  1. Each capsule must be shaken well before opening.
  2. Before applying a fortified product, the hair must be clean and damp. Liquid hair vitamins in capsules should be rubbed in with your fingertips, and thick vitamins should be rubbed in using a toothed comb.
  3. After applying the product to the strands, wrap them in a plastic bag and towel. This will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.
  4. It is necessary to wash off the product from your curls one hour after application. For this purpose, you should only use clean warm water. No shampoos or masks can be applied.
  5. If there is any unused product left, it is not allowed to be used after a while; it is better to dispose of it immediately.
  6. You can repeat the procedure of applying the elixir to the strands once every 10 days.


As we have already mentioned, red vitamin B12 should be used with caution for strands, since it is the most “capricious” of all the elements of group B. It cannot be combined with B1 and B3, as well as with vitamin E. It is acceptable to combine it with B6, which moisturizes curls shampoo or red pepper tincture. This product can be kept on your hair for no longer than 8–10 minutes.

If you have a mesoscooter, then use it to apply evenly vitamin complexes on strands. This device is filled with a mixed composition of vitamin products, after which it must be slowly moved over the skin in different directions, covering the entire surface of the head. After this procedure, the curls should be combed slowly, and then, if desired, wash your hair with shampoo enriched useful substances.

If you don’t have such a comb, and you need to achieve results in the next month, then it makes sense to go to a salon where mesotherapy is performed - the administration of vitamin preparations through injections under the scalp. This is a very painful procedure that will have to be repeated at least three times.

Advice. Taking a course of mesotherapy is expensive. It is much more pleasant and economical to purchase several ampoules of different vitamin preparations at the pharmacy to add them to your shampoo.

Adding to Shampoo

You can add useful substances to any shampoo you have in your home so that it becomes not only a hygienic product, but also a healing one. However, before diluting your shampoo, for example, with vitamin B12 for curls, you need to conduct a small test for individual intolerance to such a product.

Now let's take a closer look at Which capsules with useful substances are best to use:

  • E- moisturizes, nourishes curls, heals the scalp. It should be used for itchy, dry skin. You can purchase this product at any pharmacy. It is sold in a liquid, oily consistency. You should add only 4 drops of this product to your shampoo ( we're talking about about a portion calculated for one hair wash);
  • A (retinol)- regenerates scalp cells, dryness disappears, it stops flaking. If you don’t find it in its pure form at the pharmacy, purchase the drug “Aevit”. It contains trace elements A and E;
  • B1, B6, B9 and B12- they need to be used in combination, one capsule added to a portion of shampoo. They will return your hair to beautiful, healthy looking. The strands will grow faster, and will also become silky, soft, and bright. The user will forget about split ends forever;
  • PP (nicotinic acid)- it must be used so that the curls do not fall out. The product should be added to shampoo in the same way as any of the above components.

Mask recipes

To strengthen and stimulate hair growth, you can prepare cosmetic masks yourself at home. We will present you several interesting recipes that everyone can use:

  1. Prepare a nourishing mask: to do this, just mix half a teaspoon of vitamins E, A and B3, two tablespoons of flaxseed oil, one teaspoon of eleutherococcus tincture, one egg yolk. Apply the mixture to your scalp for 60 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  2. To prevent the strands from splitting and becoming brittle, mix castor oil, burdock oil, components A, E, dimexide (one-third of a teaspoon) in a teaspoon. Heat the resulting mixture, apply it to the strands, and then rinse with water and shampoo. Do this mask once a week.
  3. To make your hair shine, prepare a strengthening herbal mask: mix a tablespoon of chamomile with the same amount of nettle and linden. Pour boiling water over the herbs, let them steep for 30 minutes, and then strain the resulting aromatic herbal decoction. Add here capsules B1, B12, E and A, as well as rye bread. Let the nourishing mask sit for 15 minutes, and then apply it evenly to the scalp and curls. Leave on for 60 minutes, then rinse off.
  4. Mix one teaspoon of honey with the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Add B6, B12 here. Apply the resulting mask to clean hair. In 5 courses, your curls will become much more beautiful and healthier.
  5. Mix ampoule B3, A, E. Add to the resulting mixture two tablespoons of flax oil, one yolk, one teaspoon of eleutherococcus. Apply all this evenly to your curls. You will get a very good nourishing mask.

Advice. Dilute one tablespoon of gelatin into three tablespoons of boiling water. Add here the balm mixture, any elixirs that you have at home. With this procedure you can add shine and beauty to your curls.

Remember that the use of these vitamins will only help you if the underlying problem that led to the deplorable state of your hair has been solved. This can only be found out by consulting a doctor.

You should not hope that the use of these drugs will help you quickly grow your braids. This process will take quite a lot of time and effort. But your strands will look healthy after the first three procedures. Improvements will be noticeable almost immediately.

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Hair vitamins B6 and B12.

Magic hair vitamins B1, B6 and B12.

Vitamin B8 is the common name for the substance inositol, a hexahydric alcohol that plays an important role in various biochemical reactions and is necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. In particular, with its help, signaling interaction occurs between cell organelles; it is needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system, participates in the breakdown of fats and the regulation of cholesterol levels in the blood.

On the one hand, this substance has many important functions for the body. Therefore, it is not surprising that for quite a long period of time, inositol was considered specifically as a vitamin and was even given a standard name - B8.

On the other hand, today inositol is not considered a vitamin, but is classified as a vitamin-like substance: yes, its functions are important, but it does not correspond to the scientific definition of a vitamin. The term “vitamin B8” itself is therefore considered obsolete, and its use is considered a kind of flaw, unacceptable in professional scientific circles.

This, however, does not prevent proactive manufacturers of dietary supplements and multivitamins from actively using inositol in tablets and capsules of their complexes, sometimes describing the properties of these products to the point of speculation.

Now we will try to figure out why our body needs inositol, whether it is worth taking it additionally, and if so, when and in what quantities. And for simplicity of presentation, we will call this substance both strictly scientifically inositol (or inositol - this is the same thing), and more clearly for most readers - vitamin B8. May scientific men forgive us these liberties...

Is this a vitamin?

Let's start, perhaps, with the most controversial issue: whether to consider vitamin B8, in fact, as a vitamin, or to consider it as a vitamin-like substance, but not on a par with such “masters” as ascorbic acid, riboflavin or, for example, vitamin D?

How to find out? In fact, it’s simple: you need to find precise definition the words “vitamin” and check if inositol matches it.

We check: with modern positions Vitamins are organic substances necessary for the normal functioning of a heterotrophic organism, but not produced by the organism itself. Plus additional clarifications: vitamins do not include microelements (that is, inorganic elements) and essential amino acids (that is, protein molecules are not built from vitamins).


It is worth noting that vitamin is a relative concept. For example, vitamin B12 is a vitamin for humans because it is not produced in the body and must be consumed through food. But for herbivores, B12 is not a vitamin, since it is produced in their digestive tract bacteria and fully meets the body's needs. That is, a cow or horse does not need to get the same B12 from food.

So, inositol (inositol) is really necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Moreover, the body itself needs very small doses of this substance. At the same time, inositol - organic compound, which is not an amino acid. Based on these characteristics, it fully meets the definition of a vitamin.

But here is one thing where B8 stands out from the ranks of classical vitamins: the human body produces it independently in an amount that is approximately ¾ of the total requirement. Another quarter will almost certainly come from food, since inositol is very widespread in nature and is found in most foods.

Plus this note: today there are no known cases of a lack of inositol in the diet that would lead to at least some significant pathological conditions, while a decrease in its production by the body can be dangerous. Therefore, to say that the body must receive it from food is at least unreasonable. Especially, healthy person there is no need to take it in tablets or use a solution in ampoules, although such administration may be necessary for some diseases.

So, inositol does not fully meet the definition of a vitamin. This means that it cannot be considered a true vitamin.

Functions and roles of vitamin B8 in the body

So, why does the body need “vitamin” B8?

First of all, this substance protects cell membranes from damage by certain aggressive compounds. It has been proven that the membranes of all cells of the body contain vitamin B8, especially in the cells of the brain and eyes. A certain amount of this substance is constantly maintained in the blood, due to which cells can “take” it from the blood as much as they need, and it does not matter where these cells are located - they all need this substance.

This leads to a very important property of vitamin B8: it helps maintain the health and normal functioning of nerve tissue, heart muscle and eye membranes. This is partly why it is prescribed in additional quantities for some mental illnesses, such as depression.

This is interesting

Inositol occurs in nature in several isomers - forms in which its molecule has the same set of elements, but a different arrangement of atoms relative to each other. Highest value The so-called myo-inositol plays a role in the functioning of the human body. For simplicity, it is often called simply inositol, or the term inositol is used.

That is, we can conclude that almost all organs and organ systems need inositol in one way or another. Moreover, the theory here is confirmed by the results of experiments and studies: the most active form of inositol - myo-inositol - supports the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems of the body, is necessary for the normal functioning of the liver and kidneys, as well as for regulating insulin levels in the body.

The use of inositol in the treatment of certain diseases and in medical technologies in general has even greater practical meaning. For example, it is used for:

It has also been shown that insufficient inositol production in the body can be a cause of hormonal imbalances, polycystic ovary syndrome and diabetes during pregnancy. In addition, a connection has been found between a lack of vitamin B8 in pregnant women and the likelihood of fetal malformations. For example, with insufficient production of this substance, the risk of cleft palate in a newborn increases 3 times.

But here it is important to distinguish between a low level of vitamin in the body and a lack of it in food...

Can inositol deficiency develop?

Deficiency or reduced amount of vitamin B8 in the body is a rare phenomenon, but not exceptional. It is registered in many patients seeking medical care and those donating blood for analysis, it is often noted in pregnant women and sometimes even in newborn children.

The content of inositol in the blood serum is considered low if it is less than 13.5 µmol/l in adults and less than 21.5 µmol/l in children of the first years of life. Today there is still no clear certainty about the reasons that cause such a decrease in the level of this substance, but it is tentatively believed that the situation is associated with hormonal disorders. It is these low concentrations of inositol in the blood that are associated with the development of certain diseases.

However, it has been shown that a lack of vitamin B8 in food has virtually no effect on the functioning of the body. If the body produces this substance in normal quantities, its normal concentration is maintained in the blood and pathologies associated with deficiency do not occur, even if inositol is supplied with food in insufficient quantities.

Anyway, practical research it was shown that complete absence Inositol in the diet does not lead to any disease. The only danger is the disruption of its production by the body.

At a minimum, this means that a low concentration of inositol in the blood plasma can be considered as a sign of certain pathologies. But if there are no signs of such a decrease, then there is no point in worrying about additionally supplying the body with it.

Sources of vitamin B8 for the human body

The main source of vitamin B8 for the body is its independent production in the kidneys. Here, several grams of this substance are produced every day, which on average is approximately 70-80% of the daily requirement, and taking into account its large reserves in the blood, it compensates even for a long and complete absence of inositol in food.

In fact, you still need to try very hard not to consume inositol in food. We will see further that it is contained in many regular products nutrition, and therefore even the most uncomplicated diet ensures the entry of significant quantities into the body.

By by and large, these two sources of vitamin B8 - food and endogenous production - are the main ones, and in a healthy person they completely cover the need for this substance. Only in cases of serious metabolic disorders or in certain pathologies may it be necessary to take significant amounts of B8 with medications.

Such drugs are quite common on sale. For example, the following single drugs are used as medications:

The instructions for use for each of these drugs as indications provide specifically for the prevention of inositol deficiency in the body.

Multivitamins with vitamin B8 are also available for sale:

Vitamin B8 is practically not available in ampoules in pharmacies, and it will not be possible to buy it for a simple preventive dose in this form (and it is also impractical).

However, taking into account the characteristics of vitamin B8, we can conclude that its presence in vitamin preparations is not particularly necessary. When the body needs inositol, it must be consumed in significant amounts. large quantities, than it is contained in dietary supplements, and when the body is already provided with it, there is no need for additional intake.

Daily requirement for inositol

Today it has been established that the daily requirement of inositol for the adult human body is about 0.5 g per day. Children under 6 years of age need about 90 mg per day, children and adolescents 7-18 years old need 200-500 mg per day.

Let us remember that such consumption is optimal, but not vital. Reducing the amount of inositol consumed through food does not lead to any pathological consequences, so it is irrational to worry about receiving such doses.

However, it is still useful to know which foods contain vitamin B8.

Which foods contain inositol in the largest quantities?

The largest amount of vitamin B8 is found in flour. It contains approximately 1150 mg (1.15 g) of inositol per 100 grams of product, due to which most flour products are very rich in this substance, despite its decrease in the amount during baking.

Of the more traditional products, the champions for inositol content are:

  • Prunes - 470 mg per 100 grams;
  • Melon - 355 mg per 100 grams;
  • Orange - 307 mg per 100 grams of whole fruit;
  • Bran - 274 mg per 100 grams;
  • Grapefruit - 199 mg per 100 grams;
  • Young green peas - 193 mg per 100 grams of product.

The table below shows the amounts of vitamin B8 in other foods:

Product Vitamin B8 content, mg per 100 grams Amount of product required to obtain the daily requirement, g
Almond 278 180
Walnut 198 253
Peanut 133 376
Cashew 81 618
Dates 152 329
Nectarine 118 424
Beef liver 64 782
Fresh tomatoes 54 925
Chicken breast 30 1667
Oysters 25 2000
Champignons 24 2083
Carrot 12 4167
Eggs 9 5555
Whole milk 4 12500

Nutritionists have also calculated that a standard diet with vegetables, fruits, meat and flour products of 1800 kcal, normal for a healthy person leading an active lifestyle, provides the body with approximately 1186 mg of inositol every day - this is twice as much as the body actually needs need to.

It is important to pay attention to this point: in plant foods, vitamin B8 is in a low-active form in the form of phytic acid. It is absorbed much worse than pure myo-inositol, and therefore the same amounts different forms this substance in different products cannot be considered equivalent. A milligram of it obtained from chicken breast will be more valuable than a milligram obtained from, for example, an orange.

Can vitamin B8 be toxic to the body?

Myo-inositol is safe in large doses and is therefore taken in significant quantities to treat certain diseases.

For example, in preparation for IVF or in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, vitamin B8 can be prescribed in the amount of 2000-4000 mg per day, and in the treatment of certain mental disorders - up to 12,000 mg per day.

Such high dosages do not cause significant side effects, therefore it is believed that vitamin B8 is safe and its overdose (at least temporary and irregular) does not harm the body. This is partly due to the fact that the body's mechanism for recycling inositol is well developed, and excess amounts of the substance are easily broken down, and the breakdown products are either used in the body or excreted in the urine.

As a result, vitamin B8 is a substance that a healthy person does not need to worry about taking or maintaining in the diet. If you don't have enough of it in your food, that's okay. There will be a lot - especially not scary. If you have certain diseases that require taking inositol, you should not buy the appropriate tablets and drink them at your own discretion. In these cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor, who will decide on the prescription of certain medications.

BBC film: the whole truth about vitamins

Useful video: how to take vitamins correctly

Vitamin B8 (inositol, inositol, mesoinositol, vitamin Y) also called the “vitamin of youth”. Inositol was discovered by the German chemist Liebig in 1848. In 1928, it was included in the classification of vitamins as vitamin B8. Three quarters of the inositol needed by the body is synthesized in the intestines, by the body itself. Therefore, vitamin B8 is considered more of a vitamin-like substance. Inositol is a water-soluble vitamin.

Inositol is involved in the regulation of fat metabolism, helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, preventing the development of atherosclerosis and obesity. According to scientific data, inositol improves blood flow (rheology) and prevents the formation of blood clots, and also promotes the elasticity of artery walls.

Inositol improves the transmission of nerve signals. It is effectively used in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy (the effect of inositol on metabolism in general is also used) and diseases with impaired nerve sensitivity. It is absolutely necessary for proper development and the functioning of spinal cord cells.

According to the latest data, inositol regulates the balance of copper and zinc in the body, because maintaining them normal level Helps reduce nervousness and irritability. Inositol has another unique property- changes the quality of sleep! It has calming properties, so it is effective for sleep disorders and high blood pressure.

As a growth vitamin, inositol is essential for children and adolescents. Research has shown that vitamin B8 is involved in the process of DNA replication and protein synthesis. Therefore he promotes rapid growth bones and increased muscle mass.

Vitamin B8 deficiency can lead to infertility, both female and male. Inositol is essential for sperm production and plays a central role in triggering egg division.

The lens and tear fluid contain a high concentration of inositol. Vitamin B8 is necessary for the normal functioning of the visual system, therefore, its additional introduction into the diet improves the condition of the visual system and prevents eye fatigue and visual impairment.

By participating in the formation of lecithin, inositol helps improve concentration and memory ability. Therefore, its use is especially useful for schoolchildren, students, and people of mental work.

Vitamin B8 normalizes the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, actively participates in metabolic processes throughout the body, helps the formation of pyruvic and lactic acids, and is part of some enzymes. Inositol regulates intestinal and stomach motility, lowers blood pressure, prevents the formation of blood clots and blood thickening, and is a kind of regulator of the balance of zinc and copper in the body.

Vitamin B8 prevents atherosclerosis, it is known as a hair growth stimulator, which also prevents hair loss. Vitamin B8 is also useful for insomnia, sleep disorders, and obesity. And, most importantly, inositol stimulates brain activity, reducing brain fatigue. This suggests that vitamin B8 is essential for children and teenagers who study a lot. This vitamin also helps the visual system, improving its condition. Scientists note that the back wall of the eye, the lens and tear fluid should contain a sufficient amount of inositol.

Vitamin B8 is also important for maintaining the reproductive function of the body. It is necessary for the process of egg division and sperm reproduction, so inositol deficiency can lead to infertility in both men and women.


Symptoms of deficiency are:

  • stress, insomnia;
  • increased cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • impaired vision;
  • skin rashes, hair loss.


When consuming large doses of the vitamin, allergic reactions are possible.

Sources of vitamin B8 (inositol)

Approximately three-quarters of the daily requirement of inositol is produced by the body itself.

The best food source Inositol is considered to be sesame seed oil. It is also found in whole grains, soybeans, beans, grapefruit, nuts, raisins, citrus fruits, melon and cabbage, wheat germ, young shoots and sprouts, brewer's yeast. Animal products containing vitamin B8 are liver, beef heart and brains, pork, veal, fish caviar.

Good day, dear readers!

Vitamin B 8 (Inositol, English Inositol)-, which is part of many enzymes and plays an important role in regulating metabolism, cholesterol levels in the blood, and also helps fight.

Vitamin B8 belongs to the group of vitamin-like substances, although according to the classics, it is called.

Other names for vitamin B8 - inositol, inositol, inositdroretinol.

The discoverer of inositol was German chemist Liebig, in 1848, and several decades later, and in 1928, this substance was classified as a B vitamin, under the name vitamin B8.

Chemical properties of inositol: water-soluble, but resistant to alkalis and acids, powder, crystalline structure, destroyed when heated, taste slightly sweet.

Inositol is found in large quantities in the brain, blood, eye lens, tears, nervous system tissues and seminal fluid.

Systematic name: cis-1,2,3,5-trans-4,6-cyclohexanehexaol.
Chemical formula: C6H12O6.
CAS: 87-89-8.

Functions of vitamin B 8 (inositol)

Vitamin B8 is necessary for normal metabolism. In addition, inositol has the following beneficial functions in the human body:

- necessary for normal metabolism;
- regulates cholesterol levels in the blood, prevents the development of;
- normalizes;
— restores the structure of tissues of the nervous system;
- stimulates brain activity, increases mental abilities, reduces brain fatigue;

- normalizes sleep;
— activates lipid metabolism, helps in;
- is an antidepressant;
- protects cell membranes from various types of damage;
— helps in maintaining the health of the stomach, intestines, liver and skin;
- has a beneficial effect on hair: strengthens, restores structure, enhances growth and prevents hair loss, therefore, inositol is included in many cosmetic hair care products;
- has a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of men and women. Without inositol, fertilization is impossible;
- takes an active part in the construction of protein, as well as in the growth of bones and muscle tissue.

Inositol is directly involved in the construction of protein, so it is extremely important for the growth of bones and muscle tissue, which is especially necessary for children and adolescents.

Symptoms of deficiency (hypovitaminosis) of vitamin B 8

Vitamin B8 deficiency can cause:

mental disorders: nervous breakdowns, irritability, fears;
— ;
- increased fatigue;
- increased hair loss, baldness;
- memory impairment, poor concentration;
increased level cholesterol in the blood;
- tendency to,;
— ;
- disturbances in liver function;
- circulatory disorders;
- loss of vision;
- stopping the growth and development of the body as a whole;
— muscle dystrophy;
- : , etc.
- tendency to;
- poor absorption of other vitamins and.

Daily requirement of vitamin B 8 (inositol)

Vitamin B8, with proper nutrition, is synthesized by the body itself in sufficient quantities.

Additional intake of inositol, i.e. increasing the daily dose of vitamin B8 increases in following cases:

- with heavy mental work;
- with frequent psychological stress, depression;
- to strengthen memory;
- when playing sports;
- diseases of the intestines, liver, blood vessels;
— ;
- consumption of alcohol and fast food.