Yulia Savicheva, what's wrong with her now? Yulia Savicheva

why is she more than a year was absent from Russia and spent all this time, without breaking silence, in Portugal. As it turned out, the singer did not plan to stay in this country for such a long period. Initially, Savicheva and her husband Alexander Arshinov went to the sea to relax and gain strength. She notified producer Maxim Fadeev in advance, explaining that she needed a break, since the incredibly busy touring schedule had shaken her health, and Yulia and Sasha could not conceive the long-awaited baby.

"WITH negative test pregnancy in hand, all in tears, I called Max and admitted that I was in a dead end situation,” Yulia said in an interview with Caravan of Stories magazine. - I adore the audience and my profession, but I will never be happy without children. Fadeev listened to me. He felt my despair and said: “I’m letting you go, so be it. I don’t want you to be unhappy.” Both my family and I are incredibly grateful to him for this. Max didn’t say a word then about the fact that someday I might regret my decision. He supported me, as he has done all his life.

Thank God we have a place we can always go to. Arshinov’s father, a professional welder, went to work in Europe back in the nineties and settled in Portugal. When the opportunity arises, Sasha and I come to visit him. On that vacation, I decided to fly by plane. Probably out of desperation. Yes, and I already managed to get treatment. For two months we traveled around Portugal, walked by the ocean, rode bicycles, and generally enjoyed life. A week before returning to Moscow, another test again showed a negative result. This time I took the information calmly. The next day we went to shopping mall to buy gifts for relatives and stopped at a gas station along the way. I don’t know why, maybe because my chest hurt a little, I bought another test and did it right there. I look for two seconds, three - nothing shows. And at the fifth second a barely noticeable second stripe begins to appear. My eyes widen. I understand that the main thing is not to be nervous, but this does not help. I go out, call Arshinov, and say: “I have a second line looming here, we’re going back urgently, because I need to take hormones. Urgently!" He flies like a bullet into the car. I absolutely couldn’t fly, so we decided to stay in Portugal.

We registered at the local clinic. I had to extend tourist visas several times. Of course, we were worried that they would refuse us and send us home. However, at the visa center they treated my condition with understanding, and we also presented a doctor’s report that flights were contraindicated for me. The Portuguese doctors did not even think that something could go wrong. There were several difficult moments, but we survived them. Despite some difficulties, the pregnancy was very easy. I was calm, walked a lot and, of course, played music: I worked with Sasha on a new album. When Fadeev was asked where his ward had gone, he replied that she was improving her health and writing an album. It was absolutely true, Max simply didn’t say anything..." Full interview with Caravan of Stories.

For some time, Yulia stopped giving concerts, practically did not communicate with journalists, many fans and creative colleagues were at a loss. But everything became clear when Yulia Savicheva and her husband (see photo below) talked about the birth of their child.

Yulia Savicheva and her husband, composer Alexander Arshinov, became parents. This event happened in August, Maxim Fadeev was the first to announce it with sincere joy. A little later, young parents Yulia and Alexander in one of social networks published a touching letter to their newborn daughter.

From the message to many of the couple's fans, it became clear that the path to motherhood was long and difficult. Anna (that’s what Julia and Sasha named their daughter) was born in Portugal, where the couple lived and worked for several years. The first photo of the daughter Yulia Savicheva and her husband Alexander Arshinov was posted on his page by Maxim Fadeev. It is known that Julia previously worked a lot with a popular producer, and now they are on strong friendly terms.

So far, the couple have not commented on the birth of their daughter, but prefer to enjoy quiet family happiness.

But the newly-made grandfather Stanislav Savichev willingly told some details. According to him, he and his wife were always in touch, and often spoke on Skype with their daughter and son-in-law. He also emphasized that their family had been waiting for this event for a long time. They have only seen Anechka through the monitor screen so far, but they hope to meet in the near future. Recently, thanks to one of the new photos, information appeared on the network about the arrival of Yulia Savicheva and her husband in Russia.

As a participant in the “Star Factory 2” project, Yulia listened to one of the albums of the group “Bay of Joy”, she immediately liked Alexander’s voice, but at that time they did not know each other. For a long time, Yulia couldn’t make it to the concert of Sasha and his band, and one evening she simply asked a friend for his number and called him herself. For Sasha, this call came as a big surprise; after a twenty-minute conversation, it seemed to the guys that they had known each other for an eternity. That same evening, their first meeting took place; Yulia Savicheva was only 16 at that time, and Sasha Arshinov was 18 years old.

After the first meeting, there was a long separation; Sasha was leaving for a tour. But every time they came to Moscow, Sasha and Yulia met and walked for a long time, chatting about everything in the world. At first, Arshinov did not plan a long-term relationship with Yulia Savicheva; it seemed to him that the girl was about to have a more mature man who could offer her an apartment, a car and other benefits, which Alexander did not yet have.

Yulia Savicheva took these meetings seriously and with great persistence. According to her story, she could be the first to call cell phone If he didn’t answer Sasha, she called him at home. Very often during their meetings there would be a heavy downpour; they say this is a good omen.

Soon the girl introduced Alexander to her parents; the young man was very worried before meeting Stanislav Borisovich, who had once been a drummer in the rock band “Convoy”.

But everything went well, although when the guest left, the father asked Yulia to be careful with this young man, since he was “too difficult and mature for you.” In turn, Alexander Arshinov invited Yulia to visit him on one of his walks, adding that he had never invited a single girl to his house. Yulia was pleased with his words, this once again proved the seriousness of their relationship. The guys were met by a cheerful, energetic woman in sneakers, jeans and a sweatshirt - it was Sasha’s mother. The time spent chatting and looking at photos flew by.

Life together

As soon as Yulia turned 18, she and Alexander decided to live together in his house. All that remained was to inform Yulia’s parents about this. To the children’s surprise, mom and dad reacted calmly, saying that they had to wait for this, since the meetings had been going on for two years.

After Yulia moved to Sasha, they began to work together. As a result, the following songs appeared: “Seventh Heaven”, “Above the Stars”, “Goodbye, Love”, “The Day After Tomorrow”. In addition to working with producer Maxim Fadeev, Arshinov successfully graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy, and Savicheva became a participant in many television projects.

While the couple is living together yellow press more than once attributed an affair with Yulia Savicheva, since at that time joint photographs often appeared on the Internet. But the singer herself denied the rumors, emphasizing only friendly relations that last for several years.


Yulia Savicheva and her husband Alexander Arshinov have been working towards this event for ten long years; there is a photo of the wedding banquet online. The official part of this event took place without wide publicity.

The ceremony at the registry office was attended by a circle of closest people. The rest of the guests were invited to the elite Crocus City Hall, which seats 400 people.

Among the guests who came to congratulate the couple were the most famous stars Russian show business: Zara, Natasha Koroleva, Joseph Kobzon, Nargiz Zakirova, participants of the children's “Voice” and other celebrities. The hosts of the wedding were Lera Kudryavtseva and Alexander Anatolyevich.

Julia's dress, like many brides', was white elegant cut, with a small collar and a figure-flattering pink ribbon at the waist. Yulia did not have a veil, but thanks to her hairstyle, the image turned out to be gentle and feminine. The newlyweds’ dance based on the composition “Mellow Like Snow” was very gentle and bright. Yulia could not hold back her tears, and Sasha gently whispered something to her and kissed her.

Many guests were moved at this moment, and after the end of the dance they applauded Yulia and Alexander for a long time. Then the newlyweds accepted congratulations, gifts and had fun with the guests. Fans of Yulia Savicheva left sincere wishes of love and happiness under their photos with her husband. Let us remember that this event occurred at the end of October 2014.


After the wedding, Yulia and Alexander did not go traveling, but got busy with work. The “honeymoon” happened unexpectedly after the cancellation of the role in the musical “Peter Pan”; the newlyweds went to Venice, one of the most romantic cities. During the week, the children walked along narrow streets, visited local attractions, attended a service in one of the cathedrals, and, of course, rode gondolas.

How loving wife Yulia Savicheva sometimes, during breaks from work, pleases her husband with all sorts of goodies, which she learns to cook herself.

So to one of New Year's holidays she made gingerbread cookies. But my passion for cooking began with Italian cuisine. The first dish that Julia prepared for her husband was pasta, then she managed to make risotto and some salads.

But, like many couples, quarrels occur between Yulia and Sasha; in such situations, according to the singer, do not withdraw into yourself, but enter into dialogue, and most importantly, be able to forgive.

Yulia Savicheva has won millions of fans across the country. And she is famous not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the former CIS. Many consider her their idol.

Today, Julia is a successful singer. She starred in a youth series about love. She got married and now has given birth and is raising her daughter. Few people know how hard this popularity was achieved and that the artist lost her child.

Death of Yulia Savicheva's child: the early years of a celebrity

Yulia Stanislavovna Savicheva was born in the Soviet Union in the city of Kurgan. The family of musicians in which the singer grew up gave her a good impetus for her future. Her mother taught a piano class. At the age of 5, the artist was already a leader and soloist in the group “Firefly”. Her father worked in Fadeev’s rock band and at the age of 4 her first performance took place.

A little later, Yulina’s father was offered to work in the capital and the whole family moved to Moscow. There Savicheva participated in many productions and performances. Then she was invited to join the ballroom dancing team, where the artist and her partner twice took the championship in Moscow.

After this, the young singer performed in leading role performance "Snowdrifts". Little Yulia was offered to make a recording for Linda's album, which was supposed to be the introductory text. The girl also starred in a video with the star. Working with famous star brought Savicheva recognition as a young actress and singer. The girl is still on backing vocals and took part in the filming with Linda.

Yulia graduated from school as an excellent student. There were only 4 items below five.

The death of Yulia Savicheva’s child: the career of a successful singer

In high school, the singer had a dream about the stage. Having learned about the Star Factory project, Julia was thinking about casting. After she found out that her old friend Max Fadeev would be the producer, she went there without hesitation.

Savicheva passed all the qualifying rounds and got into the show. Having reached the semi-finals, the singer is eliminated. Despite this, Savicheva left the show as a popular and promoted star. Thanks to her performance of the song “Vysoko”, Yulia gets to the first lines of all radios in Russia and the countries of the former CIS. After such a triumph at the Star Factory show, she burst into the world of show business like a hurricane. Huge posters with her photographs were in absolutely all cities.

Everyone thought that it was very easy for her, but in fact it is very difficult and the hard way. The path to the stage was thorny, like other paths to the stars.

The actress tried out for films. In 2009, she starred in a series about love, where she played the main role. Everyone believes that it was at that time that the singer began to lose her popularity and her creativity faded. Yes, she was seen on screens, remembered, but she no longer caused a storm of emotions addressed to her, the Internet portal noted. The singer no longer thought that someday she would again be at such a peak of fame as recently.

Three years later, Savicheva is recording her new album, “Heartbeat,” which seems to take her back to the past and evokes a hurricane of emotions from listeners, a web source reports. The most used song from the album was her joint track with Dzhigan. Their joint composition took the top spot in absolutely all charts in the country.

Death of Yulia Savicheva's child: personal life

The topic of the personal life of the performer and actress remained in the shadows covered in darkness for a very long time. Only after her 22nd birthday did it become known that she had been living with Alexander Arshinov, at that time a little-known composer, for more than six years. The actress also had an affair with TV presenter Borisov. The couple was not shy and did not hide their relationship in front of the cameras. Their photos and articles often appeared on the pages of all magazines and newspapers.

In 2014, Yulia finally married Arshinov. The couple now live in Portugal. Most recently, in August 2017, a beautiful daughter was born into their family.

According to a former Star Factory participant, a couple of years ago she already had a child. I found out that she was pregnant very accidentally. The pregnancy had passed without any complications before, so the singer had no idea about her situation. Having decided that since everything is going so smoothly and smoothly, she will go on tour and work while she can be physically active.

My husband and I were very pleased and told many people about the miracle that had happened. The first person they told was their producer and friend Maxim Fadeev. But in the second month of pregnancy, in the midst of a tour, Yulia had a very bad stomach ache. The girl did not immediately pay attention, but after spending the night at the hotel, in the morning the pain intensified and bleeding began. The artists were quickly taken to a local hospital, where doctors did everything possible.

After Savicheva woke up from anesthesia, she was told that the child was no more. The couple was very upset about what happened. The singer expressed gratitude to everyone who supported her at that moment and by telling this, she hopes that she will help someone who finds herself in a situation like her.

Savicheva Yulia Stanislavovna - young Russian singer, who represented the country at Eurovision and does not have a musical education.

Since 2014, 7 albums have been released, and her songs have topped the music charts almost every year.

He has several Golden Gramophone statuettes and is a frequent guest of the Song of the Year festival.

Childhood and youth

Julia was born on February 14, 1987 in Kurgan into a family of musicians. She became the only child in the family.

Father Stanislav Borisovich played drums in the group “Convoy”, which performed rock music.

In 2009, the youth series “First Love” was released on the STS channel, where the singer played the leading role. The game was rated negatively by critics.

In the same year she became a participant in the show “Dancing with the Stars”. Together with his partner E. Papunaishvili they became finalists.

In 2013, Julia decided to try her hand at the genre of parodies in the “One to One” project. The work was not easy, but Savicheva took an honorable 2nd place.

In the musical “Three Heroes” (2013) she played the role of Suok. Nanti speaks in her voice in the cartoon “Savva. Heart of a Warrior" and Mary Catherine in "Epic".

Personal life

Yulia Savicheva met her husband, rock musician Alexander Arshinov, when she was only 16 years old. He is 2 years older than her.

Julia became the initiator of their relationship. She was the first to get his phone number and call.

The singer immediately realized that Alexander was her betrothed, and decided to act actively.

Yulia Savicheva constantly wrote SMS to Alexander after the tour. Not receiving an answer, I called first on my mobile phone and then on my landline.

Gradually the young people became closer. When Yulia turned 18, they decided to live together.

At the same time, Yulia Savicheva introduced Sasha to her parents. She had a wonderful, warm relationship with his mother.

Sometimes being alone with yourself, not thinking about what is happening in the world right now, is very useful. And the stars need it too relaxing holiday, spent away from television cameras.

Where did Yulia Savicheva go? Max Fadeev explains

Maxim Fadeev is the producer of Yulia Savicheva. It is not surprising that it was he who the star’s concerned fans turned to after she stopped posting new photos on social networks.

By the way, Yulia rarely did this before; she never put virtual life above real life. But when the period of silence turned out to be too long, the singer’s fans began to worry.

What did Savicheva’s producer answer them? He called for calm and assured that their favorite was preparing a surprise. What are we talking about?

Personal life or creativity?

IN lately Rumors are increasingly appearing in the press that Yulia Savicheva and her husband Alexander Arshinov are expecting an imminent addition to the family. The singer does not comment on these rumors in any way, which further fuels the public’s interest in her personal life.

Fadeev spoke on this topic. On his Instagram page, the producer wrote: “Yulia is now busy preparing material for a new album. She decided to devote the remaining time from work to her family. She’ll come back soon and tell you everything herself.”

But where will the celebrity return from?

Where is Yulia Savicheva

The star and her husband went on vacation to Portugal. The vacation was delayed, and that is why nothing has been heard about the singer lately.

By the way, Julia and her husband love to travel and meet different countries, peoples and their culture. Savicheva especially fell in love with Portugal because it is a country with open and pleasant people, delicious food that can be bought everywhere, and a wonderful climate. Therefore, the couple decided to spend their long vacation there.

What else did Fadeev say?

But let’s return to the rumors about the singer’s disappearance and how her producer commented on them. There is another interesting point in this regard.

When asked where rumors about his ward’s pregnancy could have come from, Maxim replied that they were spread by the same strange individuals. As it turned out, they even called his mother several times and asked where the singer had gone. Although they received no replies, articles about possible pregnancy Julia began to appear on the Internet.