Fortune telling online whether the wife will return. Fortune telling “Will your loved one return”: the most truthful options

For beautiful girls, separation from a loved one seems like a real disaster. Maybe that's how it is. However, why torment yourself with tears and suffering? After all, there are special magical ways of influencing a windy gentleman. He will not even suspect that he “crawled” to you not of his own free will. Let's talk about how to find out whether your loved one will return, as well as how to push him to take the necessary actions.

It must be said that rituals do not always help. Returning a loved one is a very delicate matter. What if he is not at all the one who is needed? Are you sure that you have parted with your destiny? To avoid mistakes, check yourself. Take, for example, fortune telling online. After all, it’s better to first understand that it was the one without whom “the world is not nice” that has left, and then act.

Choose a tool for fortune telling:

We take the cards in our hands

This method is both fortune telling and a ritual to influence a loved one. You need a deck of Tarot cards. It is advisable to purchase it. By the way, it is often needed by those who follow a path consistent with intuition.

Shuffle the cards. Throw them on the table and stir. They need to take an arbitrary position. After all, these cards have a “top” and a “bottom”. And our fortune telling depends on the position of the lasso. While you're shuffling, ask a question. Think about how your relationship will develop in the future. And are they even possible in principle?

Now randomly take out three lassos. Don't change their orientation towards you. That is, pull it out from the side and turn it over with a picture, put it on the table. Consider what fell out. So, let's see whether your loved one will return or not.

  • If you see the Hanged Man with a Broken Heart, then give up all hope. You don't need this ladies' man.
  • The answer expressed by the combination: Moon and Magician is negative. This couple says that your love is damaged. It needs to be removed.
  • It is bad when the third card in any combination is inverted: Peace, Empress or Popess. In the near future, do not expect either the return of your loved one or the appearance of a new one.
  • The remaining three are considered positive.

If you haven’t come across any of the obviously losing combinations, then you should do this. Place the dropped cards in a pile. Place a photo of the two of you on top. Place all this in a red velvet bag and place it under your pillow. Soon the obstinate gentleman will calm down and try to resolve the conflict.

Fortune telling for the return of a loved one by cup

This method is suitable for girls who are brave and brave, and who are not greedy. You’ll have to drink your dear, beloved tea or coffee from before you leave. Take this valuable item in your hands. Think about it. How is he without you, does he think, does he want to return? Ask the question that is bothering you and drop the cup on the floor. Please note that you should not throw with all your might. You just need to drop it.

  • If the cup splits in half, don't expect it back. The beloved is gone forever. You will have to accept this answer. This requires courage! Even if you get together again, it will not bring happiness. Don't insist, otherwise you will miss your real destiny!
  • A broken cup speaks of the possibility of reunion after a serious “debriefing”. There is a serious explanation ahead. A lot will be said offensive words, many tears were shed. Do you agree? Wait. The circus is already on its way.
  • Did a small piece break off? You're just making up problems for yourself as you go along. The beloved has not gone anywhere. So, I got a little naughty! If the handle falls off, you know he already has another one. Get thoughts about him out of your head. Otherwise, you will face humiliation that will undermine your self-confidence.

When will your loved one return? - the ring will tell you

It is widely known, however, effective method. Make a pendulum from a ring (not necessarily a wedding ring) given to your loved one. If you haven’t acquired one, then any other one that you have worn for a long time will do. However, then the accuracy of fortune telling will be lower. The thread of the pendulum should be thirty centimeters. Take its end in your hand and place it in front of you. Wait until it stops.

Ask the main fortune telling question and see what happens.

  • If the ring starts to swing along your body, then don’t expect a return.
  • When it moves towards you and back, the answer is yes. It’s worth thinking about how to influence your loved one. By the way, this can be found out with the same pendulum. You ask, will he return on his own? If not, then “torture” the ring further.

There are many ways to solve love issues. However, it is important not to shuffle the cards, it is better to learn to feel the future with your heart. Then it will definitely become beautiful, the most real love, you will follow the path of destiny, and not the paths of an offended ego.

Parting with your loved one hurts your soul. It takes time to come to terms with the idea of ​​separation. But, if the feelings are alive, hope smolders in the woman’s heart, a willingness to give the person another chance.

Will your loved one return? How can you understand that after a breakup a man has reconsidered his life, made the right conclusions and is ready to renew his relationship?

Each situation is individual. But, in any case, behave with dignity. Try to avoid five common ladies' mistakes that will only make the problem worse.

These methods are often used by inexperienced girls, but, contrary to expectations, they do not add attractiveness to the young lady in the eyes of her lover and, rather, have the opposite effect.

  1. You shouldn’t set up “random” meetings, bother with frequent phone calls, or neglect ex-boyfriend messages.
  2. Throw hysterics, reproach and try to humiliate, hurt a man, because he “hurt” your soul by leaving.
  3. Threaten, terrorize, promise to commit suicide or make his life hell. Demonstrative revenge is not The best way treatment of heart wounds. Over time, emotions will subside, the pain will pass, and the unpleasant aftertaste from impulsive actions and harsh words will forever turn away your chosen one and cast a shadow on your reputation.
  4. Surveillance of life ex-partner. Eavesdrop on conversations, read correspondence, involving children, colleagues, acquaintances or mutual friends in this fascinating, but by no means useful activity.
  5. Exaggerate, hype yourself up. Again and again remembering traumatic events, and all his sins, even minor punctures.

False hopes or correct tactics?

Psychologists say that the pain of separation lasts at least two months before a person gets used to the idea of ​​loss. Just let him go and perhaps the man will return, comparing life “before” and “after” in favor of your union.

How to find out if the chosen one will return? The simplest and most effective way is a frank conversation. Without unnecessary emotions, accusations and reproaches.

Don't isolate yourself. If a woman lives in prison of heavy thoughts, hides in the walls of the past, constantly returns to where the separation happened, she degrades and ceases to be interesting to the opposite sex. Agree, “canned” pain is not the best the best remedy from loneliness.

Let the man figure it out own feelings. The chosen one needs time to realize what he has lost, to weigh the pros and cons. If the relationship has not exhausted itself, your loved one, after a short pause, will realize his mistake and try to win you back.

The main thing for a woman is to survive the acute period of separation and not do anything stupid.

Switch attention to yourself, your favorite thing. Think about a wonderful future and do not rush into the pool of past grievances.

Return symptoms

Pay attention to his behavior. If a guy is interested in your life, asks friends, writes messages, visits pages on in social networks or is looking for a reason to meet and talk, that means you are important to him.

Beginning new life, people, as a rule, do not show a burning interest in former passions. Moreover, they don’t try to see each other more often, bumping into each other even in the most unexpected places. They do not call with requests to return a forgotten item if it does not have special value for the owner.

Be prepared for any scenario. Think carefully about how to behave in a given situation. Are you ready to renew your relationship? What should you consider to avoid repeating old mistakes on the new pages of your novel? What conclusions can we draw?

If your loved one, after so many years spent together, is in no hurry to renew the family, then he simply failed to become your support and you need to move on, to real happiness. And it is much closer than you think.

When a loved one suddenly ends the relationship, it is easy to understand the confusion and loss a girl feels. And if he is already a husband, the head of the family, the father of children, then the loss can darken his days for a long time and throw him off balance.

During such periods, it is necessary to know whether the appearance of another in his life was the reason for this, or whether he is running away from your relationship because he was unhappy in it. Will the husband return to the family, is it worth fighting for love or has he already accepted final decision and bridges are burned.

Millions of women have faced such family difficulties, wanting to help them, oracles created predictions for the return of a loved one. There are online fortune telling on the Internet, this modern way has not yet been sufficiently tested in practice and raises doubts about the reliability of the online predictions obtained.

You can compare the effectiveness of traditional predictions and virtual ones, making your own conclusion regarding the veracity of online answers.

Fortune telling by ring

Married ladies have a small talisman of marriage and family ties. Wedding ring can answer whether the husband intends to return to the family.

The engagement ring is connected with the other half and can reveal all its secrets at any moment, even after a divorce or temporary departure from the family.

You can also use the ring on days of prosperity in marriage to dispel all doubts and drive bad thoughts out of your head, or in time to throw a lifeline to the collapsing harmony of the union.

If a girl tells fortunes about the groom using this method, then you can get by with any ring, although the reliability will decrease. It is best if the jewelry was presented by the person who caused the fortune telling.

Choose a photo of your loved one in which there are no strangers, only him. Pass a silk thread or your own hair through the ring, tie the ends of the thread into a knot at a distance from the jewelry approximately equal to the length of your arm from the elbow to the wrist.

Hold the pendulum by the knot and place your elbow on the table. The ring should swing freely over the photo. Wait until the pendulum ring oscillates, then ask a question, for example: “Will my husband come back?”

  • Rocking the ring from side to side means a negative answer.
  • Rotation in a circle - the pendulum responds positively.

This is a simple and accessible fortune telling, variations of which are used even by professional psychics. Mastering this technique is not difficult at all.

Tarot spreads

They will clarify the circumstances of the betrayal, the prospects for restoring the relationship and the reasons for such behavior. loved one Tarot layouts for the return of a loved one.

The type of Tarot deck is not important. Having completed the fortune telling, look up the meaning of the arcana of the selected deck online; here we will consider the methods of laying out the cards themselves.

Place the Tarot deck face down on the table and shuffle the cards in a circular motion, keeping the question and the image of the person in mind in your thoughts. Arcana can have direct meaning and inverted, shuffling the cards eliminates the possibility of a card always falling out in the same position.

For the first Tarot layout, you will need to lay out six cards:

  • The thoughts of a loved one, mental state.
  • Heart secrets, emotional sphere.
  • Opening prospects, predictions for the near future.
  • Intentions, desires, expectations of the person in the layout.
  • Sudden intervention of fate, fate, surprises for your loved one.
  • Outcome, distant future, result.

Three Tarot symbols

The next Tarot layout will let you know whether fate is preventing your husband from returning and will direct magical power cards on circumstances in such a way that he would hurry up to his family. The prediction is made on three lassos, which should be laid out in a line on the table.

  • The Tower and Hanged Man arcana speak of the absence of any hope.
  • When the “Moon” lasso is in combination with the “Mage” - this is a sure sign of damage or a love spell, the magical effect will have to be removed, then there is a chance that the husband will come to his senses.
  • In the third position, the inverted lassos “Popesses”, “Empress”, “Peace” - you are destined for loneliness for an indefinite period.
  • Swords will indicate that the struggle for a man will be difficult, but do not exclude his return.
  • The remaining combinations indicate the possibility of returning your spouse and give advice on how to do this.

If the Tarot arcana did not indicate the impossibility of the desire, choose a photo that captures the happy time of your union. Only you and the chosen one, no strangers. Collect three layout cards and photos in a pile, wrap them in scarlet velvet and hide them under the pillow. Your husband will remember his feelings for you and want to return the relationship.

Meditation on a candle

When a relationship crisis occurs, this fortune telling will tell you how to sort out a confusing situation, reveal the true meaning and causes of the discord, and answer whether the betrothed will return to the family.

You can resort to this meditation only in the most difficult and confusing periods of relationships. Fortune telling releases all the power of the subconscious to solve a difficult problem, gives a wise solution, and helps to restore order in the depths of the soul.

For meditation, find a medium-sized mirror and a wax candle, which will last for half an hour. Church candles They are made of wax, if they are not too thin, they will do, the main thing is to check the burning time of the candle. The mirror is installed so that you can see the reflection of the flame, but in no case your own face.

Having installed a mirror and a candle, get ready for sleep; you can no longer get up after meditation. Light the wick and gaze into the reflection of the fire while sitting on the bed. You can’t go to bed, there’s a risk of falling asleep. In the best case, the fortune telling about the return of the relationship with your spouse will fail; you will no longer be able to ask the question whether he will return; in the worst case, a fire may start.

While contemplating the flame, concentrate on the problem, the circumstances of the relationship, ask the subconscious what the best decision is for all parties, think about what will happen when the spouse returns. You need to achieve calm, accept any outcome, slow down the speed of thoughts. There is no need to constantly pronounce the question; rather, you need to move on to the figurative flow.

Intend to receive an answer in a dream, configure your subconscious so that it speaks to you in understandable symbols. You can turn to the subconscious, it always hears us and is ready to help, we just have to allow the mind to listen to this whisper.

Take twenty minutes to half an hour to meditate, put out the candle, and go to bed. The solution will be given in the dream. Often there is a dream with immediate events that are understandable without unnecessary interpretation.

There is an unusual set of characters. Remember how you felt in the dream. Your condition is the key, this is how events will develop. Author: Anastasia Tetereva

When everything is good in a relationship and lovers understand each other perfectly, it seems to them that time passes unnoticed. And when a relationship ends or quarrels occur, then every minute seems like an eternity. Everyone dreams of finding out when this period will end and when their loved one will return. Fortune telling for the return of a loved one - great option, allowing you to find out how a quarrel or separation will end. By making a simple layout and familiarizing yourself with the meaning, you will understand what you can expect in the near future.

It's very simple and truthful fortune telling for the return of a loved one, which, with the help of just one card, will tell you when the beloved will return and whether he will return at all.

To carry it out you will need fortune telling deck a card that no one had ever played before. You can only use a deck that no one but you has ever held in their hands before.

Fortune telling can be done on any day except church holidays. Also, the ritual is performed only once a day, even if you are not satisfied with the result.

Having shuffled the deck well, you need to remove some of the cards with your little finger right hand on yourself, thinking about the young man with whom you broke up or quarreled. These cards should be moved down. Your card is the top one. By looking at its meaning, you will find out your future with this young man.

Fortune telling with 7 cards

This fortune telling is considered more complex and allows you to find out not only the future, but also the past, the causes of discord in relationships and much more. To complete it, you will need a fortune-telling deck, which needs to be shuffled well.

As you shuffle the cards, think about a loved one with whom your relationship didn't work out.

Now you can randomly draw seven cards and place them in front of you on the table.

  • The first card (on the left) is the guy’s thoughts;
  • Second – feelings young man;
  • The third is his desires;
  • The fourth (central) is the future;
  • Fifth – the goals of the chosen one;
  • Sixth – your thoughts;
  • Seventh – the causes of discord.

Using this fortune telling, you can find out a lot about your lover: his thoughts and feelings, goals and desires. Remember, you can perform this ritual only once a day.

The meaning of the cards


  • Six - the future is ambiguous and a lot depends on you;
  • Seven - if you change something in your character, a lot will change;
  • Eight - you will still be together;
  • Nine - your happiness is in your hands;
  • Ten - most likely you will not be together;
  • Jack - happiness with his friend;
  • Lady - a friend will help you be together;
  • King - try to improve relations with his parents;
  • Ace - it will end in a wedding.


  • Six - he got another one;
  • Seven - a lot depends on his friend, who influences him;
  • Eight - you have one more chance;
  • Nine - your hopes will not come true;
  • Ten - a future together is possible if you try hard;
  • Jack - ask his relatives for help;
  • Lady - there is a girl who wants to take your place;
  • King - you will have children together;
  • Ace – happiness to be together.


  • Six – unforeseen problems;
  • Seven - only friendship is possible;
  • Eight - quick reconciliation, which will be the beginning of the end;
  • Nine - being together means sacrificing your independence;
  • Ten - you don’t love him, so it’s better to let him go;
  • Jack – problematic relationships;
  • Lady - your mother will give you the right and necessary advice;
  • King - soon everything will work out for you;
  • Ace - let him go and you will be rewarded.


  • Six - your relationship will be based on benefits;
  • Seven - this guy doesn't suit you, don't try;
  • Eight – common problems, the solution of which will bring you closer together;
  • Nine - falling in love will soon pass, and you will meet another man;
  • Ten - this guy loves you and will return;
  • Jack - your happiness does not depend on this young man;
  • Lady - his relatives are against such a relationship;
  • King - happiness with his acquaintance or friend;
  • Ace - wedding or birth of a child.

If in one of the two fortune-telling above it turns out that you and the young man will still be together and you have prospects, then one simple trick will help speed up this process.

That card with a good meaning foreshadowing his return should be kept. It needs to be placed on your joint photo or on your two photos. Along with the photo, the card should be placed in a clean white envelope and sealed.

The envelope should be placed at the end of the book with a good ending, where the lovers ended with a wedding. Naturally, tragedies like Romeo and Juliet will not work.

Fortune telling answer to question

The ritual on cards for a Yes/No answer is also considered quite effective. To complete it, you will need a fortune-telling deck, well shuffled. While you are shuffling the cards, ask one specific question, the answer to which will be a clear yes or no.

When the cards are shuffled, draw one randomly and look at the answer:

  • Hearts and spades - yes;
  • Clubs and diamonds are not.

As you can see, everything is very simple and clear. You cannot ask the same questions more than once. In total, this ritual can be repeated no more than seven times a day.

Card fortune telling for the return of a loved one is a truthful and proven magical ritual. Over a long period of time, such rituals told girls what awaited them in the future. After all, when breaking up, you don’t always want to come to terms with this state of affairs. And such a ritual can give hope and push to decisive action.

Fortune telling helps you find out whether your loved one will return, whether reconciliation will take place, what the future of your couple and the relationship between you will be.

  • Before fortune telling, focus on the request.

  • It is important to be in a calm environment.

  • You can take a couple of deep breaths and breaths.

  • It is useful to think about the time of the fortune telling in advance.

  • You should not often guess at the same situation.

  • See the answers as an opportunity for personal growth.

  • You decide how wonderful your future will be.

Have a nice session!

  • What led to the breakdown of the relationship?
  • Your feelings for your chosen Partner.
  • How does your partner feel about you? this moment?
  • Will you get together (make peace) in the future?

    What led to the breakdown of the relationship? Your feelings for your chosen Partner. How does your Partner feel about you at the moment?
  • The Partner's plans for you in the near future.
  • What prevents your couple from being together?
  • What will (would help) bring the Partner back?
  • Will you get together (make peace) in the future? If the answer is negative, then why “no”; if positive, then under what circumstances?
  • The result of the relationship between you. Distant future.

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


How to interpret the layout

After you start the session and lay out the cards, pay attention to positions 1, 2, 3 - together they form the basis of the layout on which the remaining cards are strung.

Points 2 and 3 – your and your Partner’s feelings for each other – influence the first card. What impact does this have? What causes the gap? After all, we often strive to take the blame only on ourselves or completely shift it onto others. The combination of 1, 2, 3 will help you understand where it is thin and torn, what is important to take care of in relation to each other.

Add the 4th to the positions you viewed, which tells about your partner’s expected plans for you and the near future. Pay attention to points 5 and 6 as relationship strategies that help or hinder reunification. Were there any figured cards among the six cards of the layout - Kings, Queens, and less often Knights and Pages?

The figured arcana signify other people, as well as personality traits that have caused misunderstandings and disagreements. Take a closer look to see if the Major Arcana (with names in English) have fallen out. Their situations have a transformative impact and are more acutely felt: confronting, forcing, or giving a chance to live an experience important for the development of relationships.

The Tarot has an ambiguous interpretation of the answer to the question: yes or no. Therefore, the answer to point 7 is not stated categorically! The map shows the probabilities, the strength of favorable/unfavorable conditions for reconciliation and mutual development. The negative 7th lasso can also emphasize that the experience of development has been learned (painfully).

Sometimes card 7 is negative, and card 8 is positive. Since the 8th position shows the distant future, it may mean unaccounted factors that become apparent over time and influence the course of events. The 8th card may be unrelated to the current situation, for example, symbolize a new relationship.

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