30 12 1974 woman what a talisman. Precious stones, talismans and amulets for women according to zodiac sign and date of birth: names, magical properties, strength

Compatibility horoscope: September zodiac sign Virgo stone - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Virgos are the biggest pedants and bores among all the zodiac signs. They are very hardworking and persistent. Perfectionism is extremely developed in them. Virgos will torture everyone, including themselves, but will fulfill the assignment in the best possible way. The zodiac sign is subordinate to the planet Mercury. The patron gives Virgo a sharp mind and good memory, which are used with maximum efficiency. Virgos in politics and big business act as eminence grises. They don’t need fame and recognition, the main thing is to get the job done!

Virgos react poorly to rude flattery and lies in general. They often criticize others, but they themselves are ready to accept criticism. To earn the respect of a Virgo, you need to be no worse than her or strive for it. It is difficult for representatives of this sign to make serious decisions; they are very afraid of mistakes. Virgo has a hard time revealing her feelings and confessing them to her loved one. Therefore, among them there are many old bachelors and unmarried women.

Birthstones for Virgo

The Virgo talisman stone is chosen in accordance with the date of birth according to the horoscope:

  • Virgos born from August 24th to September 2nd, are under the influence of the Sun. For them, peace and harmony with others are most important. The zodiac sign of this decade does not like change and moving. Natural stones are suitable for them: agate, malachite, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, carnelian, Moonstone, jasper, aventurine, jade and amethyst.
  • Modest and secretive Virgos born in the 2nd decade ( from 3rd to 11th September), value their own inner world and fight for his integrity. Their patron planet is Venus. Amulet stones for this period are heliotrope, pearls, jadeite, onyx, hairy, chrysoprase, sardonyx, citrine and chalcedony.
  • Virgo by date of birth from 12th to 23rd September protected by Mercury. They are shy and silent. In life they have to overcome their laziness and passivity. Garnet, chrysolite, topaz, sapphire, and emerald can help Virgos.

More information about stones for Virgo - in the video:

Virgo talisman

Virgos are alien to emotional impulses, so they are often dry in communication even with close people. Jade will soften their soul, add recklessness and humanity. For a prudent Virgo, the gem will help you become a little more gambling, which can have a positive impact on business. Jade jewelry or household items give good luck in business and happiness in love. The mineral is an indicator of the internal state and mood of its owner. At the slightest problem, the jade darkens. Jasper will help you get your financial affairs in order. The mineral helps its owner become more decisive and confident. Representatives of the sign lose a lot because of their suspiciousness, jasper relieves it. The gem has a positive effect on eloquence and the ability to negotiate. Overly modest Virgos in society get lost among the brighter signs. Chrysolite will help you express yourself. In addition to external attractiveness, the stone gives them softness and tenderness. The mineral has a positive effect on boringness and pedantry, turning them into goodwill and love of order. Chrysolite is very useful for Virgos who strive to find a common language with the team. Lapis lazuli helps to establish contacts with others. It smooths out sharp corners in Virgo's character, helps them understand and accept the point of view of other people. Jewelry with lapis lazuli makes Virgo cheerful and sociable. The stone is especially recommended for those whose work involves communication. Virgos have limited intuitive and imaginative thinking. Products with yellow topaz will help to activate creativity and open the soul to the world.. A Virgo wearing this stone becomes more attentive to loved ones. Topaz protects from intruders and envious people, but when traveling, on the contrary, it can attract negative energy. At home, the mineral helps with insomnia and liver diseases. Malachite helps Virgos get rid of indecision and suspiciousness. The stone is removed emotional stress and calms nervous system after a hard day. Malachite removes accumulated negative energy and has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs. The gem promotes the fulfillment of desires. Malachite is very suitable for little Virgos. Carnelian has great magical powers. It protects its owner from the evil eye, evil spirits and dark forces. The stone makes Virgo kinder and more merciful, helps to develop intuition. Carnelian promotes success in money matters and love relationships. It helps to properly organize the work process and avoid wasting time. Virgo needs to wear pearls carefully. It pacifies and softens a tough character, brings prosperity and financial stability. But pearls are not suitable for weak and insecure people. It will only bring them misfortune. It is not recommended to wear jewelry with pearls for those who work with children or travel a lot, and for actors. The stone helps businessmen and people whose work involves risks.

Charms for the Virgo zodiac sign

Milky white opal is a good amulet for Virgo women, as they like to take on the role of the victim. This stone helps you switch to yourself and concentrate on your own needs. Opal helps Virgo, who is a bit dry in communication, to find a common language with loved ones. The stone enhances creativity and enhances intuition.

Rock crystal helps the Virgo woman fight injustice and imperfection in the world, because she cannot imagine herself without this fight. Crystal crystals protect their owner and his home from the evil eye, damage and magical influences. The mineral takes Virgo communication to a whole new level, allowing you to expand your circle of useful acquaintances.

White and yellow agate protect married Virgo women. Stones bring peace, help to communicate with children and maintain comfort and order in the house. Agate is also useful for career women; it promotes quick decision-making and eliminates the suspiciousness and softness of Virgos. Light agate specimens should be worn in earrings, brown ones - in a pendant or brooch.

Virgo is an earth sign, which is why its representatives are a little down-to-earth. They need to add femininity and softness to themselves. Any matte green stone protects the sign from its own hardness and dryness. A wonderful amulet is a jade figurine or jewelry with jade. The stone helps with health problems and strengthens the immune system. Jade brings good luck and protects against damage. The greatest magical effect of the stone will be if it is set in silver or platinum.

Men born under the sign of Virgo are stingy with praise and romantic recognition, and are difficult to please. They cannot make decisions themselves, so they constantly find themselves on the sidelines. The stone amulet that gives Virgo men self-confidence is carnelian. The gem helps you concentrate, gather strength and make a decisive push. Carnelian is good for health and energy field. The stone saves from envious people, evil eyes and damage.

For softness, it won’t hurt a Virgo man to sometimes wear items with jade. The mineral helps relieve emotional tension and relax. In addition, jade brings good luck in business and improves oratory abilities. A jade figurine or writing utensil on your desk will help you negotiate successfully.

Secrets of the stones

Malachite is best set in copper or silver. This way he will bring Virgo the greatest benefit. Chrysoprase must be set in silver. It is undesirable to combine jade with gold; in it it loses its power. It is best to wear pearls for Virgos in a bracelet or beads.

The amulet is an owl, so jewelry with the image of this bird helps the sign achieve its goals. An owl pendant will help you better understand people and negotiate. In summer, it is better for Virgo to wear transparent stones of bright colors, and in winter - more muted and calm ones.

Too shiny stones contradict Virgo's modesty, so it is better for her not to wear such minerals. The sign cannot be worn with obsidian, onyx, labradorite and mother of pearl. It is not advisable to use turquoise of any shade in jewelry for Virgo. Hematite is contraindicated for this sign due to its strong energy component.

Virgo talisman stones

Virgo is the central part of the trine of the Earth element; this is perhaps the only sign of the Zodiac that combines excessive perfectionism and amazing tediousness. In addition, Virgos are inveterate conservatives; it is painfully uncomfortable for them to implement various changes in life.

They are usually modest, hardworking, pedantic, and not particularly emotional. Another trait of Virgos that needs talismans is the pathological inability to show true attention to others, as a result of which they experience difficulties in relationships, family, and at work.

And hypertrophied suspiciousness dooms them to the endless “pranks” of other people, therefore, to increase self-confidence and protect them from various influences, mineral amulets are not placed on them.

Choosing a stone by date of birth

Which stone is suitable for Virgos by date of birth will help determine the periods of decades:

  • August 24 – September 2 first decade under the auspices of the Sun: Virgos are amazingly patient and harmonious with the world around them, they are terribly conservative and seriously fear various changes. Aventurine, agate, malachite, rock crystal, jade, carnelian, amethyst, lapis lazuli, moonstone and jasper are suitable for them as talismans and amulets.
  • September 3 – 11 the second decade is under the influence of Venus: for these Virgos, the center of the Universe is their inner world and they are ready to protect it until their last breath. Their minerals: chalcedony, citrine, jadeite, heliotrope, sardonyx, onyx, rock crystal (hairy), chrysoprase.
  • September 12 – 23 third decade under the leadership of Mercury: characterized by such unpleasant traits as laziness, excessive passivity and hypertrophied modesty that harms them. Talismans made of sapphires, chrysolites, garnets, emeralds and topazes will help them adjust their personal characteristics.

Stones suitable for Virgo women

  • According to the horoscope of a shy girl, Virgo is ideal nephritis as a talisman of love, personal life and health.
  • Rhinestone will support in the fight for justice, an excellent amulet against black magic and witchcraft.
  • White opal will protect against excessive sacrifice.
  • Chrysoprase bestows successful studies.
  • Yellow and white agate can be used as a talisman in marriage, in building a career, as a powerful amulet against accidents.
  • Virgo women selenite will help relieve stress, internal tension, and prolong youth.
  • Sapphire will heal the genitourinary system, and the energy of aventurine will lift your spirits, fill you with positivity and grant healing.

Stones suitable for Virgo men

Let us list which stones are suitable for men representing this zodiac sign.

  • Jasper bestows peace, harmonious relationships with the world, energy charge, wisdom and reliably relieves the tediousness inherent in this sign.
  • Nephritis– a stone of luck, softens severity, develops eloquence, balances the nervous system.
  • Chrysolite develops diplomacy, forms the social attachment of others, a penchant for innovation, intellectual breadth, and obtaining new information.
  • Lapis lazuli helps the Virgo guy build friendly and working relationships, teaches him to listen and hear others.
  • Cornelian helps you make the right decisions, cultivates self-confidence, takes care of your health and cleanses your energy. This is a reliable amulet against envy and attacks from ill-wishers.
  • Sapphire will get rid of grumpiness, increase charm, teach you to learn everything new.

Stones contraindicated for Virgos

It’s clear what stones Virgos wear, now it’s worth paying attention to those that are contraindicated:

  • Tourmaline and obsidian(strengthen unpleasant character traits, attract various misfortunes and problems);
  • Turquoise and hematite(minerals too strong for Virgos);
  • Ruby(accumulates exclusively negative energy in representatives of this sign).

Talisman stones for Virgo

  • Pearl helps in business, brings material wealth, favors adventurers and people whose profession involves risk.
  • Lapis lazuli establishes interpersonal connections, ennobles the difficult character of Virgos, and imparts cheerfulness and optimism.
  • Topaz (yellow) will help you control yourself better, reveal creative potential, will help cope with hidden fears.
  • Chrysolite– bestows gentleness, humanity, attractiveness, develops charm and sociability.
  • Malachite– a stone of wish fulfillment, calms frayed nerves, frees energy fields from negativity.
  • Nephritismagic stone to attract love, happiness, changes personal characteristics, adds a little excitement and drive to life.
  • Cornelian- the most faithful love talisman and witchcraft amulet.
  • Jasper– the personification of confidence and financial wealth for Virgos, will protect you from destructive suspiciousness.

Natural minerals allow you to make almost any available choice from the many photos presented on the Internet. Today there is absolutely no difficulty in choosing for yourself exactly the talisman or amulet that will serve faithfully for many years.

Virgo stones, gemstones for the Virgo zodiac sign, talismans

  • Virgo- interest in all sorts of little things and details of the surrounding world.

    The ability to engage with passion in something that others would find unbearably boring.

    Interest in collecting, the internal structure and operating principle of things, the need for variety and constant change of sensations. Pickiness results from the ability to notice the slightest flaws.

    Often interested in a healthy lifestyle.

    Virgo I am fascinated by the diversity of the surrounding world, and the Sun in this sign is characterized by the ability to simultaneously direct energy to many things, constantly switching from one activity to another.

    It is difficult for Virgo to concentrate on one thing, because she, like no one else, understands that life consists of a huge number of interacting processes. Focus on just one of them and all the others will go awry.

    An irreplaceable quality of representatives of this sign is the ability and desire to delve into details and details - sometimes so small that others will not even notice them.

    Thanks to this skill, Virgos find interest in things that seem unbearably boring to others, and become reliable performers of routine tasks. It is believed that the Virgo stone, rock crystal, concentrates attention, improves speech and sharpens thought processes.

    And another stone of the Virgo zodiac sign - jade - was a favorite stone of alchemists in the Middle Ages.

    Owners of the Sun Virgo- collectors by nature. Experience shows that the vast majority of collectors have this particular sign emphasized in their horoscope in one way or another. Some Virgos collect stamps, others collect car models, others collect badges, and others collect lovers.

    In order to satisfy their desire for variety, Virgos need to have a large number of different objects or material evidence of belonging, and among them is a talisman made of a serpentine stone, which can become a symbol of knowledge

    Making a decision is not the easiest task for the owner of the Sun in Virgo. Before choosing one from many possible options, such a person will most likely choose to try almost every one of them. And then, based on the experience gained, after much thought, he will offer to choose two or three options at once - but in no case just one.

    From a health point of view, the strength of the Virgo sign is that it increases the coefficient useful action body. The Sun in Virgo effectively organizes physiological processes without wasting large quantities energy (which he doesn’t have). But it is difficult for him to cope with overload, and therefore, to maintain health, Virgos need a regular routine, proper nutrition, and sufficient, but not excessive, physical activity.

    One of the stones of the Virgo sign, heliotrope, is considered as a stone that forms a strong protective energy field that can protect the owner of the stone from negative influences. And jewelry with the “tiger’s eye” will help you quickly cope with fatigue and overcome stress.

    Communication with living nature is of great importance, since Virgo’s body is good at establishing energetic contact with animals, plants, minerals and thereby correcting its condition. Pendants and pendants with jadeite can be given to your Virgo friends who love to grow plants, since the beneficial effects of jadeite also extend to the plant world.

    Names for children born in August and September

    Characteristics of the combination of Virgo zodiac sign by Year of Birth:

    Stones for the Virgo zodiac sign (August 24 – September 23)

    In ancient mythology, Virgo was the goddess of love and fertility. This sign belongs to the element of Earth. The strength of people born under this zodiac sign lies in their diligence. You can rely on them in any situation, they are smart and reliable. For Virgos, the most important thing in life is their career. Representatives of the sign always plan their time very competently, so success always favors them, they are pedants. Virgos are independent and are never used to accepting help from anyone. These people are also quite restless and cautious; Virgos are endowed with these qualities by their patron, the planet Mercury.

    For women born under the Virgo zodiac, the recognized stone is carnelian. Having a warm, flesh-colored color, this stone perfectly emphasizes the calm optimism of people who were born under the sign of Virgo. Carnelian is one of the varieties of chalcedony. Its name comes from the Greek word "sardolith", meaning "stone from Sardis" - the capital ancient state Lydia. Among the ancient Egyptians, carnelian was considered the stone of the goddess Isis.

    These people sincerely believed that they were able to protect against dangers in this world and beyond. This also explains the finding large quantity products with carnelians in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Back in the 17th-18th centuries, Persians and Arabs wore carnelian stones with texts of prayers from the Koran printed on them. They believed that such talismans would protect them from the evil eye and destructive envy. From carnelians to Ancient Greece made wedding gems. In ancient times, seals and beautiful gems were made from these stones. Today, carnelian jewelry has an affordable price, although in ancient times this stone stood next to diamond and emerald in terms of its cost.

    The second most important stone for Virgos is the serpentine stone (aka serpentine). This mineral has different shades Green colour with veins, resembles snake skin in appearance. This is where its name comes from. According to their properties, jewelry made from coils protect their owner from negative influences, since they are able to draw out negative energy and concentrate it in themselves. For this reason, it is necessary to place the stone in running water at least once a week. For the Virgo zodiac sign, the serpentine opens up all opportunities for knowledge, and is also excellent as an amulet against the evil eye and damage.

    The jade mineral is perfect for women. It is a healing mineral. This ornamental material can have any colors and shades, ranging from light gray to blue. Jade is characterized as a stone of change, helping its owner to change both his habits and the sphere of the subconscious. This gem is also capable of endowing Virgos with wisdom and attracting true friends. Jade is quite effective for kidney diseases. Jade jewelry in the form of beads, pendants and rings is recommended to be worn if you have heart disease.

    Jasper is a mineral that can have different colors, for example, red, yellow or green, with the presence of white inclusions. Translated from Greek, the name of the stone means “variegated shade.” Yellow, red or reddish-black jasper is good for Virgos. Wearing jasper jewelry can attract wealth and attract success in the social sphere. Jasper in yellow shades is especially famous for this.

    Representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign are idealists and dreamers, inclined to create their own utopias. A pomegranate amulet will protect Virgos from enemies and envious people. The mineral gives additional vitality, promotes intellectual growth and spiritual development personality. Pomegranate has a beneficial effect on the creativity of women. In addition, jewelry with this stone slows down aging.

    Topaz may be of interest to people born in the constellation Virgo, as it brings mental stability, which for some characteristics is close and understandable to them. The gem will support Virgo, increase the level of trust in others, and contribute to even greater stability of state of mind. Topaz will help men become a true leader and team leader.

    Agate will give its owner good health and true, true love. White agate will help Virgos find a common language with loved ones and switch to realizing their own ideas and creative potential.

    If you want to gain resistance to stress and always be in a good mood, then wear earrings and rings with moonstone. The mineral perfectly helps to endure mental trauma and suffering for emotionally unstable people. For Virgo women, moonstone will add charm and charm, making them even more attractive.

    Amethyst is a gem that bestows chastity, fidelity, and purity of relationships, brings happiness and success on the love front. A talisman with a lilac amethyst will help you find your place and take it, as well as overcome all fears and doubts in life. life path.

    Many astrologers believe that opal improves and supports all the positive qualities that are inherent in representatives of the Virgo sign - this is healthy optimism and a positive attitude towards everything around them.

    An attractive sapphire can influence Virgos in the most soothing way, absorbing excessive excitability, taking away anxiety and a tendency to act rashly, under the influence of a restless emotional background.

    A talisman with citrine for Virgos is an elegant and reliable protection against ill-wishers, most valuable at the pinnacle of success and self-realization.

    Rauchtopaz is used in meditation and helps to get rid of obsessive thoughts to know yourself. Virgo, smoky quartz will bestow strong character and the ability to lead.

    Coral will be a very useful mineral for those Virgos who constantly strive to expand their knowledge and intellectual development.

    Emerald will be an excellent addition to any image of a Virgo woman: from a quiet shy woman to a fatal temptress. Vibrations of the mineral penetrate into secret depths human soul and reflect everything that is there.

    Heliotrope is a talisman stone that is perfect for this zodiac symbol. This name is given to an opaque variety of chalcedony, which has bright red spots or stripes of oxidized hematite. In the East, heliotropes are considered symbols of fearlessness and wisdom. At the same time, in Indian yoga, heliotrope is considered a stone that forms a powerful protective energy field that protects the owner from negative influences. Christianity treated heliotrope somewhat differently. In the Middle Ages, the stains present on it were identified with the blood of Jesus Christ, which was shed for everyone living on Earth. Although this stone was called “bloody”, it was still considered the best Christian amulet.

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  • Aquarius- one of the most unusual signs of the zodiac, he is distinguished by unconventional thinking and a rebellious spirit. They also show their extravagance in the choice of personal items, especially for women.

    Aquarius Woman will always strive to stand out, to express his individuality through clothes and personal belongings.

    And talisman stones are the best way to do this if we're talking about about jewelry. They will emphasize her feminine astral nature and become good helpers on the path of life, beneficially influencing her character, smoothing and harmonizing it.

    Choosing a stone by date of birth

    The main stones of Aquarius are garnet, sapphire, and lapis lazuli. They will suit most Aquarians. However, when choosing a stone, you should focus on decades (certain periods of time, each of which is equal to ten days).

    The zodiac sign Aquarius has three decades, respectively:

    • January 21-February 1. Aquarians born during this period are under the protection of Venus, which brings calm to their disposition, makes them prone to romance, more sensitive, and subject to changes in mood. Despite this combination of romance and modesty, Aquarians born during this period are very attractive to the opposite sex. Stones that give their character determination and energy are suitable for them.
      These stones include:
      • pomegranate;
      • amber;
      • tourmaline;
      • jasper;
      • nephritis;
      • pearl;
      • aquamarine.
    • February 2-February 11. During the second decade, Aquarians are born, under the auspices of Mercury. This planet gives them such qualities as energy, determination, a lively, sharp mind and a great sense of humor. People born under the sign of Mercury are wise and insightful.
      Stones of a similar nature are suitable for them:
      • lapis lazuli;
      • amber;
      • amethyst;
      • onyx;
      • turquoise;
      • Charoite
    • February 12-February 20. This period is ruled by the Moon, and people born under its protection cannot stand lies. Without regret, they part with people who have deceived them at least once, since they themselves prefer never to lie. In addition to the love of truth, they have restraint and the sensitivity inherent in the Moon.
      They need stones that will smooth out these character traits, making them more relaxed:
      • alexandrite;
      • sapphire;
      • tourmaline;
      • pomegranate;
      • aquamarine;
      • chrysoprase;
      • zircon;
      • hyacinth.

    More specifically, the advantage of choosing a talisman stone can be expressed in its correspondence to the birthday of the Aquarius sign:

    • January 21 - Hyacinth;
    • January 22 - Citrine;
    • January 23 - Amazonite;
    • January 24 - Lapis lazuli;
    • January 25 - Agate;
    • January 26 - Jade;
    • January 27 - Rhinestone;
    • January 28 - Zircon;
    • January 29 - Sapphire;
    • January 30 - Amethyst;
    • January 31 - Chrysoprase;
    • February 1 - Moonstone;
    • February 2 - Turquoise;
    • February 3 - Turquoise;
    • February 4 - Beryl;
    • February 5 - Sardonyx;
    • February 6 - Sapphire;
    • February 7 - Agate;
    • February 8 - Malachite;
    • February 9 - Yantar;
    • February 10 - ;
    • February 11 - Heliotrope;
    • February 12 - Sardonyx;
    • February 13 - Cat's eye;
    • February 14 - Chrysoberyl;
    • February 15 - Aventurine;
    • February 16 - Opal;
    • February 17 - Sapphire;
    • February 18 - Obsidian;
    • February 19 - Aventurine.

    Aquarius talisman stone

    Talisman stones for Aquarius:

    1. Quartz. This stone can be used by Aquarius for different purposes. For example, it can be carried with you as a talisman that prevents accidents, protects life and physical health Aquarius. To attract love or to develop their creativity, Aquarius can use light shades of quartz. Rose quartz will make it softer and protect against negative thoughts, will liberate you, give you self-confidence and help you overcome your creative crisis.
    2. Sapphire. Blue sapphire will be a good talisman stone for Aquarius who want to improve or simply strengthen their health. This stone will help get rid of insomnia and normalize the functioning of internal organs. In addition, blue sapphire can be used to protect against slander, lies and envy of others. Sapphires of other shades can be chosen by Aquarians who want to strengthen their inner world, increase intuition, attentiveness, gain wisdom, and peace of mind.
    3. Obsidian. Obsidian will help Aquarius in the desire to get rid of bad habits. It can also be used in the process of solving complex problems, in finding a solution to a specific problem.
    4. Amethyst. Aquarius - complex sign zodiac, and despite everything positive traits, sometimes he is too pliable dark sides of your personality. The amethyst gemstone will help to cope with this problem. It will protect Aquarius from unnecessary waste of energy, quarrels and scandals, and will help overcome life’s difficulties.
    5. Agate. This stone is designed to protect Aquarius from the evil eye and damage, and is also able to protect him from energy vampirism.
    6. Hyacinth. For lovers of travel, an indispensable stone on the road. It will also be useful to Aquarius during major changes in his life, upcoming or already occurring; it will help maintain balance and clarity of thinking.
    7. Lapis lazuli. Brings success, shelters from negativity. It is believed that he is able to protect Aquarius from any unclean intent or evil presence. This stone will help its owner feel safe wherever he is.
    8. Pomegranate. Red pomegranate is a talisman for bright, active, hardworking Aquarius. It will help them maintain high working capacity, quickly restore their strength, and protect them from stress and overwork. This stone will also help the sociability of Aquarius: it will make communication with others easier, speed up the establishment of contacts both with strangers and friends, and with the object of attraction.
    9. Amazonite. It is believed that this stone is capable of granting youth to the owner, endowing him with colossal vital energy, and preserving beauty for a long time.

    Aquarius Woman Stones

    Luck stones for an Aquarius woman that can bring her success in her personal life,
    self-realization, career and motherhood will be represented by precious and semi-precious (natural) minerals.

    Gems for an Aquarius woman:

    1. Topaz. Among other properties, it has the ability to “shelter” Aquarius from unaccountable fears and obsessions. Topaz is also suitable for passionate natures, because its main task is to calm, harmonize and purify thoughts, retain passions boiling in the soul, impart transparency and clarity to thoughts, and protect the mind from negative, depressive thoughts and feelings.
    2. Aquamarine. Aquarius women will definitely like this stone, because it has very unusual properties. For example, but it is capable of changing its color, adapting to the mood of the hostess: the light blue color of the stone will be evidence of the good health of the Aquarius woman, and a greenish tint will indicate the opposite. In love, aquamarine will help the Aquarius woman get rid of unnecessary dreams and make Aquarius, who is prone to idealization, more practical.
    3. Amber. A stone that gives vitality, vigor, activity, self-confidence and emancipation.
    4. Chrysoprase. A symbol of new beginnings and successful completion of current affairs. This is a stone for women who want to advance in career ladder: it gives its owner determination, clarity of thinking, the ability to quickly make the right decisions, and ability to work.

    Natural stones for the Aquarius woman:

    1. Pearl. It is not surprising that pearls have long been perceived by people as the guardian of purity, fidelity, decency and prosperity. And therefore, undoubtedly, it should be present in the box of every married Aquarius woman. It will help save the marriage, protecting it from unnecessary quarrels, scandals and reproaches, will give Aquarius femininity and softness, will make her more compliant and gentle.
    2. Pomegranate. For an Aquarius woman, the garnet stone is a symbol of success. A stone of passion, clairvoyance and love of life. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on women expecting a child and helps pregnant women during childbirth. It helps unmarried girls find a betrothed, start a family, and attract a man.
    3. Amethyst. A very favorable stone for the Aquarius woman, it will give her insight and sensitivity. In addition, amethyst is able to accumulate and store a certain energy of the owner for a long time, so it will be useful to wear it in connection with happy, joyful events, then after a while the stone will acquire the properties of a real guardian talisman. There is also an opinion that amethyst can help a young woman get pregnant faster.
    4. Rhinestone. Gives its owner a positive attitude and also protects her from the evil eye. Among other things, it can be used to cleanse energy.
    5. Obsidian. For a sociable Aquarius, who is constantly at the center of events, this stone will help protect himself from the bad thoughts and emotions of other people, as well as gossip and deceit. Taking the blow, he absorbs all the negativity of outsiders, keeping Aquarius calm and peaceful.

    Stones that are contraindicated for Aquarius

    Aquarius should not wear such stones:

    1. Diamond. Diamond makes Aquarius overly stubborn and arrogant. Women should not wear this stone if they do not want to become cold, harsh, and contemptuous in their relationships with other people. This stone develops egocentrism and narcissism in Aquarius.
    2. Citrine. Citrine has a dual effect on Aquarius. On the one hand, it strengthens him positive features, makes him more open and purposeful, expands the boundaries of his knowledge. On the other hand, it has exactly the same effect on the negative sides of Aquarius, bringing them to the extreme, so the stone should be handled carefully, and it is better to give preference to a more suitable decoration.

    Brief summary

    Aquarians are recommended to wear stones as Jewelry, choosing silver or platinum as a frame, metals suitable for them water element. The following are preferred: quartz, sapphire, agate, amazonite, lapis lazuli, garnet and others.

    It is undesirable to use stones of the fire element: diamond and citrine. Unfavorable, but in some cases acceptable for Aquarius, will be stones such as onyx, emerald, carnelian and sardonyx. The colors of stones that are more suitable for Aquarius are blue, blue, pale pink and other light shades.

    Aquarius should choose one stone just in case, that is, they should not wear several talisman stones at once, otherwise they will negatively influence each other, and their beneficial effect on a person will be reduced to almost zero.

    Leo - the Sun, and its corresponding stone, . This stone is recognized as an excellent healer that can cope with many skin diseases, rheumatism and problems with the larynx. A piece of amber is hung on newborns; this talisman gives strength and good health.

    It is not recommended to set amber in silver; copper or gold are better suited for it. For married women, beads or a necklace are suitable. It is also undesirable for Leos to wear jewelry that is made of melted metal; only new ones will suit them. When choosing the shape of a pendant and brooch, it is recommended to pay attention to shapes such as a cow, swan or eagle. Images of your own zodiac sign also have a positive effect, whether the sun or stars are good.

    Leos are strongly discouraged from wearing aventurine. This stone can lead to uncertainty, indecision, and the development of complexes. These traits are completely unusual for the sign, and as a result, many psychological problems and internal conflict may appear. Chrysoprase is also not suitable for Leo.

    Another contraindication for wearing is turquoise. This stone has a relaxing effect on people and often completely removes their fears. For already overly brave and even reckless Leos, wearing this stone can have very sad consequences.

    Mascots of Lviv, born from July 23 to August 3

    The first decade of the sign Leo is under the influence of Saturn. The planet endows its wards with courage, strength, and authority. In addition to amber for them are suitable stones jade, aventurine, tiger's eye, obsidian, carnelian, jasper.

    These stones have strong energy, corresponding to the rebellious and wayward nature of those born under the sign of Leo.

    Talismans born from August 4 to August 12

    Those born during this period are under the protection of Jupiter. This planet gives its wards prudence, pickiness, attentiveness, and the ability to get out of the most difficult situations with dignity. Confident in themselves and their strengths, these people will come to the aid of friends and acquaintances in difficult times and have an innate, heightened sense of justice.

    Talismans born in the second decade of the Leo sign should be looked for among amber, onyx, cat's eye, agate, amethyst, and hematite.

    Talismans born from August 13 to August 23

    The patron saint of these people is the planet Mars. The planet is quite powerful, and gives people determination, strength, and power. For the most part, her students are thoughtful and smart, and become the best at what they do, achieving success in all endeavors. They quickly climb the career ladder.

    Wards of Mars can look for support in the form of a talisman among stones such as ruby, garnet, obsidian, sapphire, agate, and coral.

    Stones for women by zodiac sign.

    Women not only become more beautiful by having chic jewelry, but can also receive support in many areas of life by choosing the right stones in their own products. Let's take a closer look at which stones should be worn with jewelry, taking into account your date of birth and astrological sign.

    The power and magical properties of protective gemstones, as amulets and talismans for women according to their zodiac sign and date of birth

    The energy of stones and knowledge about them have come to us since ancient times. Shamans used various stones to communicate with the elements of nature.

    Now this knowledge has dissipated a little, but in vain. After all, a correctly selected talisman protects against problems and is a very strong amulet.

    Women often select talismans, associating them with their date of birth. And do it right, because for a long time the astrological sign and date of birth were successfully combined with various minerals, which had special power for a person born on a certain day.

    But, in addition, you should also focus on personal preferences. After studying the stones that match your date of birth, look at the options offered and listen to yourself. This way you can choose an amulet that will be dear to your heart and soul.

    “He who owns knowledge owns the world.” Let's apply this saying and master the knowledge of stones together. Dear ladies, get ready to study interesting information.

    Which gemstone is a talisman and amulet suitable for an Aries woman and which one should not be worn?

    Each woman is very individual and interesting in her own way. Therefore, let's try to choose stones for the fair half not only astrological sign, to which she belongs, but also taking into account the decade in which she was born.

    Aries rules with March 21 to April 20. Those born in the first ten days, that is, at the beginning of the period and until the end of the month, are very purposeful. Therefore, women should choose products with the following precious stones:

    • rock crystal
    • quartz
    • agate
    • coil
    • hematitis
    • jasper

    A ring with hematite on the index finger helps to saturate with energy and get rid of depression.

    From the beginning of the month of April until the 11th, women are born who are the guardians of the family hearth. Jewelry with:

    • Amber
    • Pearls
    • Cat's eye
    • Heliotrope

    It is red heliotrope that will help further connect the Aries woman with blood relatives.

    Stones for Aries
    • Rubin
    • Diamond
    • Sapphire
    • Garnet

    The first two stones will attract wealth to a woman and further emphasize her romance and femininity.

    IMPORTANT: If a woman has difficulty getting pregnant, then she should constantly wear products with green diamond. It will not only help you get pregnant, but also make childbirth easier.

    Aries should not wear such stones as:

    • Coral
    • Lapis lazuli
    • Amethyst
    • Malachite

    Which gemstone is a talisman and amulet suitable for a Taurus woman and which one should not be worn?

    The Taurus woman is the real guardian of the hearth. In addition, women are very confident in themselves. The most powerful talisman for Taurus is sapphire. In addition to sapphire, precious stones are also amulets for women:

    • Aventurine, which reveals and strengthens the leadership qualities of the fair half of humanity. This stone is also a strong protector against magical influences.
    • Women born from April 21 to the end of the month should choose products with jasper. Negative energy and depression will leave women if only they have a ring with this stone on their finger.
    • Agate for women born in the first decade, it is an incentive to open up to communication. Women, having such a mineral in their jewelry, become pleasant conversationalists, and also forget about health complaints.
    • For older women, a cat's eye is ideal, as it promotes self-confidence even at an advanced age.
    • From 2 to 11 May is ideal coral. It will not only relieve fatigue, but also prevent depression. You will feel how the vitality of your body will increase when you get this stone.
    • Keepers of the hearth will need to have a product with chalcedony. It brings peace and prosperity to a woman's family life.
    • Ideal for business women chrysoprase. It helps to attract material wealth and good luck in your career.
    • Those born from May 12 to May 20 should only have diamonds. This is the main talisman of Taurus women of this period. It's nice, after all.
    • Women who want to find friends and a loved one should take a closer look at products with pomegranate. In addition, the stone promotes healing after serious illnesses.

    Stones for Taurus

    It is prohibited to wear products with:

    • Amber
    • Amethyst
    • Obsidian
    • Pyrite

    Which gemstone talisman and amulet is suitable for a Gemini woman and which one should not be worn?

    • Women born from May 21 until the end of the month are generous and hospitable people. For them excellent option is Moonstone and Beryl. But the first mineral should be worn only when the Moon is waxing. It should be in a silver product, preferably a ring that a woman should wear on her ring finger left hand.
    • Beryl is used as a natural healer, especially effective in women's diseases. Geminis are also often subject to colds. In this, the gemstone is also a savior for them.
    • From June 1 and the next 10 days, women are born under the rule of Mars. Therefore, they have a warlike character. That is why the Tiger's Eye is suitable for them, which is able to smooth out the nervousness of the sign. It is best to wear it as decoration on beads or a pendant.
    • Products with citrine are suitable for career women. They are the ones who help build courage in communicating with large audiences, subordinates and colleagues.
    • From 11 to 21 June born women Alexandrite and tourmaline stones are suitable. But remember that products with Alexandrite must be worn in pairs.
    • Tourmaline should be worn in a gold frame on the index finger if you want to attract stability and success in business. For these purposes, use red. Wear pink tourmaline on your ring finger. It attracts love and romance into relationships.

    Gemini Stones

    Stones such as:

    • Aquamarine
    • Nacre
    • Coil
    • Nephritis

    Which gemstone is a talisman and amulet suitable for a Cancer woman and which one should not be worn?

    So, let's move on to Cancers, the most summer signs. Their period is from June 21 to July 22. Cancers love stability, cherish memories and value their family. The best choices for them are:

    • From the beginning of the period until the first day of July, modest and quiet personalities are born. They are always friendly with people, and they need stones that are delicate and almost invisible. Therefore, for women in the first decade, products with precious stones are suitable: rock crystal, amethyst, hematite, emerald, tourmaline, moonstone and carnelian.
    • The second day of July opens the second ten-day period of the sign, which lasts until the 11th. The representative of the sign is suitable for jewelry with sardonyx, natural pearls, turquoise, opal, heliotrope and chrysoprase.
    • From July 12 until the end of the period, creative and charismatic women are born. And the following can highlight their best features: emerald, ruby, aquamarine, cat's eye and beryl.

    IMPORTANT: The strongest amulet for Cancer is a gemstone called emerald. It will help get rid of and protect against diseases, and is also necessary as a permanent amulet for a pregnant woman.

    Stones for Cancer woman

    Forbidden for Cancers the stones are:

    • Chalcedony
    • Diamond
    • Rauchtopaz
    • Topaz

    IMPORTANT: Only Cancers who are married can wear pearls. This stone is prohibited for unmarried young ladies.

    Which gemstone is a talisman and amulet suitable for a Leo woman and which one should not be worn?

    Leos are a very majestic and proud sign, born from July 23 to August 23. Lionesses should pay attention to the following products with precious stones:

    • Those whose birthday falls in the first ten days - from the beginning of the period until the third of August should pay attention to ring with jasper, which a lady should put on her index finger. All woman's jewelry should be in the shape of the sun and only gold or bronze. If you want to start life from scratch, then purchase amber necklace, which can help you get through difficult times.
    • August 4-12 – second ten days of Lviv. During this period, people are born who like everything to be according to the rules. Ring with cat's eye is a real amulet for ladies of this period. But earrings, where the main stone is carnelian, will reveal all your talents in the best possible way. Pendant with heliodor will help the Lioness find a worthy suitor who will brighten up her loneliness in the best possible way.
    • The most powerful and powerful Lionesses are those born in the last ten days - August 13-23. Set with amber is an excellent protection against the evil eye and damage, you will really need it. Active ladies born in this period will come in handy pomegranate decorations. It is this stone that can restore and increase the strength of an active representative of the sign.
    • Older women need ruby, it is this stone that is a stimulant of activity and simply ignites vital energy in the heart of the Lioness.

    But for strong and powerful Lionesses there are also forbidden stones, namely:

    • Aventurine - with it, women become indecisive and timid, and this is absolutely contrary to the character of Leo.
    • Amethyst
    • Pearl
    • Chrysoprase
    • Turquoise

    Which gemstone is a talisman and amulet suitable for a Virgo woman and which one should not be worn?

    Virgo women need to pay attention to the following products with precious stones:

    Those born in the first ten days - from August 24 to the second day of September - are very conservative. An excellent gift would be:

    For Virgo

    Those born on September 3-12 have Venus as their patron. For virgins of this period, their own inner world is very important. For meek ladies, you should choose products that contain:

    Stones for Virgos

    September 13-23 is the third decade, which characterizes women as silent and shy. To prevent women from being too passive, they should have talismans with a small gem:

    • Emerald
    • Sapphire
    • Garnet
    • Topaz
    • Peridot

    In addition, you can choose stones taking into account the area in which you would like to succeed:

    • Jade can attract good luck in both love and professional spheres.
    • Beads with pearls will give the owner financial stability.
    • A ring with carnelian will serve as a guardian of your feelings and relationships with your beloved man.
    • Malachite is an excellent helper if you need to calm the nervous system. It will relieve the tension that has accumulated after a hard day.

    Stones for Virgos

    In no case should Virgos have stones such as:

    • Ruby
    • Tourmaline
    • Turquoise
    • Nacre
    • Onyx

    Which gemstone is a talisman and amulet suitable for a Libra woman and which one should not be worn?

    • Libra women who were born from October 24 to October 2 should wear stones that will add a little hardness to their overly soft character. Therefore, pay attention to precious stones: jasper, quartz, amethyst, moonstone, rock crystal, diamond.
    • If you were born in the second decade, namely October 3-13, then you are very hardworking and modest. Often women in their second decade underestimate their work. To teach yourself to spend more time on your own body and soul, you should pay attention to products with: zircon, emerald, amethyst, opal, ruby, topaz, sapphire, tourmaline.
    • Refined ladies of the third decade, which begins on October 14 and lasts until October 23, should choose jewelry with: aquamarine, diamond, topaz, chrysoprase, beryl.

    Stones for the Libra woman

    Libra women are not allowed to have jewelry, where the main stone is onyx, hematite, rhodolite or serpentine. And also discard all stones with a red color, except those that suit your birth period.

    Which gemstone is a talisman and amulet suitable for a Scorpio woman and which one should not be worn?

    The period from October 24 to November 22 belongs to the astrological sign of Scorpio. Representatives of this sign should pay attention to the following minerals:

    From the beginning of the period until November 2, very energetic girls are born who definitely need precious stones:

    • Tiger's eye in a bracelet that will protect a woman from the evil eye and other influences. In addition, women of this sign are very jealous and it is this stone that can protect you from betrayal.
    • Sapphire, which will look best in a ring, will relieve problems and mental burden. If you are involved in science or research, then this stone is ideal for your development in the field of knowledge.
    • Coil

    From the third to the thirteenth day of November, brave and strong-willed women. For them, the best amulet will be earrings and rings with stones:

    • Coral
    • Turquoise
    • Sardonyx

    Stones for Scorpio

    From November 14 until the end of the astrological period, passionate natures are born. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to:

    • Hematite increases sexual energy
    • Intuition-boosting alexandrite
    • Topaz that preserves youth
    • Preserving fidelity and family harmony opal
    • Stone for attracting a loved one - carnelian

    Destroying stones for Scorpio are:

    • Pearl
    • Agate with amber

    Which gemstone is a talisman and amulet suitable for a Sagittarius woman and which one should not be worn?

    Sagittarians are very trusting by nature. Therefore, in order not to fall into a trap or be deceived, you should wear amulets and amulets. Let's sort out the protective minerals according to the decades of birth:

    • From November 23 to the second day of December, truth-tellers are born, who often find themselves in unpleasant adventures in the struggle for the truth. Protective amulet for women there will be products with agate, lapis lazuli and tiger's eye.
    • From the third day of December to the 12th of the same month, women have changeable moods and wild imagination. Gemstones suitable for them: onyxes, hairs, opals, chalcedony and turquoise.
    • In December, from 13 to 21, the sign of Sagittarius completes its cycle. Such women love chic and luxurious life. Therefore, the stones for them should be the best - emeralds, rubies, sapphires and garnets.

    Stones for Sagittarius

    Also keep in mind that if you:

    • If you want to attract love into your life, then your choice should fall on a ring with topaz or turquoise
    • feminine wisdom will give you a set of earrings and a ring with sapphire.
    • Pearl
    • Citrine
    • Alexandrite
    • Nephritis
    • Black opal

    There are also certain conditions for women:

    • Topaz and sapphire should only be worn in platinum or silver items, not gold.
    • Turquoise with lapis lazuli is allowed for women over 30 years old.

    Which gemstone is a talisman and amulet suitable for a Capricorn woman and which one should not be worn?

    Capricorns are a very strict and reserved sign. Let's find out which gemstone is the best talisman for him:

    Those born in the first ten days, namely from December 22 to the 2nd day of January, are very calm and purposeful people. They go through life, accumulate experience and material wealth. Therefore, the ideal option for them would be products with:

    • Agate
    • Serpentine
    • Tiger's Eye
    • Amethyst
    • Malachite

    Stones for Capricorn

    From the third to the thirteenth day of the first month of the year, the second ten-day period comes into force. This sign needs constant recharge in this period, otherwise, halfway through, his enthusiasm may fade for a very long time. In this case, women need:

    • Ring with onyx or opal
    • Earrings with chrysoprase or chalcedony
    • Pendant with heliotrope or sardonyx

    In the third decade (January from 14 to 20) people with unrealistic hard work are born. But there are moments of turmoil when life seems to have lost its meaning. It is during these periods that women need to pay attention to the presence of beautiful stones, such as:

    • Pomegranate
    • Zircon
    • Ruby
    • Tourmaline

    But there are also stones forbidden for Capricorn:

    • To avoid losing happiness in love, you should not wear pearls.
    • To save internal energy and cheerfulness, avoid products with sapphires.
    • In order not to be led by vice and passion, do not buy products with citrine.
    • In order not to turn into a hermit, not to close yourself even deeper in your world, forget about jewelry with emerald.

    Which gemstone is a talisman and amulet suitable for an Aquarius woman and which one should not be worn?

    Romantic Aquarians born in the first decade (January 21-February 1) should not only emphasize their romanticism, but also gain courage, and also get rid of melancholy. Products with precious stones will help them with this:

    • Jade or amethyst rings
    • Earrings with aventurine or obsidian
    • Pearl necklace
    • Bracelet with jasper or serpentine

    From the second to the eleventh day the second ten-day period is in force. Women of this period are wise and respected. They just need:

    • Amber or turquoise beads
    • Pendants with onyx or lapis lazuli
    • Ring with amethyst
    • Earrings with sardonyx or chrysoprase

    Stones for Aquarius
    • Tourmaline
    • Aquamarine
    • Garnet
    • Alexandrite

    Aquarius women should not have the following stones:

    • Turquoise, which is not desirable for all married women of this sign
    • A diamond that will add unwanted stubbornness to a sign
    • Citrine, which will strengthen and reveal the negative qualities of the sign

    Which gemstone is a talisman and amulet suitable for a Pisces woman and which one should not be worn?

    The last sign of the astrological system is from February 21 to March 20. In the first ten days, that is, from the beginning of the period until the 1st day of March, romantic people are born who crave constant change. They just need these strong amulets with gem:

    • Aventurine
    • Moon rock
    • Eye of the Tiger
    • Amethyst

    From March 2 to March 11, the main feature of the sign is honesty and openness. They are very worried about the opinions of others. Achieve positive feedback from the outside they will be helped by products with:

    • Hairy
    • Pearls
    • Coral
    • Opal

    Stones for Pisces

    From March 12 until the last day of the period, women have a cheerful and sociable character. They try to achieve everything in life on their own. They can help with this:

    • Diamonds
    • Tourmalines
    • Alexandrites
    • Sapphires
    • Emeralds
    • Peridots

    Extremely undesirable for Pisces:

    • Nephritis
    • Sardonyx
    • Obsidian
    • Onyx
    • Olivine

    Video: Which stones suit your sign?

    Zodiac stones of January In January, two zodiac characters intersect: the second and third decades of Capricorn (1-10 and 11-20) and the first decade of Aquarius (2...

    Zodiac stones for January

    In January, two zodiac characters intersect: the second and third decades of Capricorn (1-10 and 11-20) and the first decade of Aquarius (January 21-31).

    ZODIAC STONES - Capricorn third decade (born January 11-20)

    distinguished by a universal mind, at the same time scientific, broad and philosophical. Good psychologist, but quite a caustic critic. Tiger's eye is recommended for him. Almandine and dark amethyst are also suitable. Garnet and moonstone are not contraindicated. He should not wear ruby ​​and opal.

    ZODIAC STONES - Aquarius of the first decade (born January 21-31)

    a type inventive to the point of genius, a born humanist, often an altruist. He has artistic and artistic inclinations, but his disadvantage is excessive coldness. He is recommended to use “warmer”, “more soulful” stones, primarily turquoise, blue-green aquamarine, and light yellow amber. Ruby, hyacinth, and sardonyx are contraindicated.

    And now more about the magical properties of the mentioned stones.


    - transparent corundum, colored with impurities of iron and titanium compounds. Has many varieties. Ural sapphires are gray-blue, and Khibiny sapphires have a greenish tint with a thick dark blue color. Some sapphires are two-colored: dark blue along the crystal and green across the crystal.

    As a talisman it promotes spiritual development. Brings concentration and purity of soul during meditation hours. Strengthens fidelity, chastity, cools excessive passion. Brings spiritual comfort. Increases determination and courage. Attracts friends and repels enemies. For its full action, kindness is required from the owner. It is dangerous due to its defects: cracks, stains, shells, depriving the owner of joys and cheerful company.

    How an amulet protects against treachery and fear, protects against slander, heart disease and poisons, and purifies the blood. In Indian lithotherapy it is used for epilepsy, eczema and diseases of the uterus.


    - quartz with fibrous inclusions of iron hydroxide and the finest tubular voids, which gives it a brown, brown and golden-yellow color with a silky sheen. When heated, it acquires a spectacular red color. Tiger's eye is a yellow-brown layered chalcedony with radial inclusions and iridescence of light and dark hairs.

    As a talisman, it enhances the ability to concentrate, strengthens common sense, and stimulates teaching abilities. Directs the owner to essential matters in a timely manner. Helps a woman become a good housewife. How an amulet protects against the treachery of competitors and the torment of unfounded jealousy.


    - hydrate of double salt of aluminum phosphate and copper hydroxide, sky blue and green in color with blue, apple and grayish tints. The color variation greatly depends on the degree of water content of the stone. Under the influence organic compounds, especially alcohols, oils, acids, cosmetics, can change color to green and even brown-black or become discolored. This is “dead” turquoise, which does not have any magical properties. Turquoise is a universally beneficial stone and has no contraindications for wearing by any character of the Zodiac. The only thing is that in the hands of evil, unkind people it quickly deteriorates.

    As a talisman, it enhances intuition, calls for independence, gives ambition, courage, foresight, insight and constancy. Brings happiness, peace to the family, removes anger powerful of the world this, all this - to people who keep moral commandments. Draws men's attention to women's virtues.

    As an amulet, especially on the neck, it moderates menstrual bleeding, alleviates the suffering of patients with jaundice, and helps during childbirth. In environmentally polluted areas and in the face of imminent danger, it ages before our eyes - from whitish to blue and from blue to green. Green turquoise is dead.


    - layered chalcedony, a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz. Very varied in appearance. As a talisman, it gives courage, calmness, promotes longevity, develops subtlety of feelings, and attracts success. Black agate gives power over the forces of hell. Layered gives men charm in the eyes of women.

    As an amulet, layered agate relieves pain, sharpens hearing, and heals stomach diseases.


    - quartz colored with iron purple of varying thickness, up to barely noticeable. If exposed to sunlight for a long time, dark amethyst may turn pale. As a talisman, it imparts prudence, vigor, and deliberate courage. Promotes meditation, helps the soul create lasting values, brings glory in the arts (if the person has even a little talent). Strengthens social status.

    How an amulet protects against drunkenness and drug addiction, preserves memory, drives away bad thoughts, and under the pillow sends happy dreams. Strengthens vision, regulates digestion, protects against kidney diseases. This stone is avoided by snakes and all sorts of reptiles (including those in human form).


    - a variety of beryl of light greenish-blue tones, the color clearly appears only on a pure blue or light blue background. The color is caused by iron impurities. May fade in the sun. It can easily be confused with pale sapphire or topaz. Its characteristic is two-color in different viewing directions. As a talisman, it develops courage and supports the unity of spouses. Warns the owner by darkening and decreasing transparency about intrigues directed against him.

    As an amulet it cools the heat of quarrels and passions, preserves the marital union, relieves toothache and pain in the stomach and liver. With prolonged viewing, it has a beneficial effect on vision.


    will be considered for grenades.

    Zodiac stones for February

    Of the zodiac characters, February includes the second and third decades of Aquarius and the first decade of Pisces.

    In accordance with the dominant planet for the sign of Aquarius, Uranus, blue-green (turquoise, aquamarine) and light yellow (amber) stones are suitable for Aquarius. Various sources list stones favorable for Aquarius as rock crystal, obsidian, black pearl, sapphire, pink topaz, zircon, and garnet.

    The sign of Pisces has two “bosses” - Neptune and Jupiter. Accordingly, light purple and white stones are acceptable for the Pisces psychotype, preferably light amethyst, moonstone and milky white opal. Some astrologers believe that it is better for Pisces not to wear stones at all - this psychotype is very emotionally excitable! Beneficial for Pisces different times Peridot, flint, coral, sapphire, alexandrite, jasper, agate, emerald, aquamarine, and transparent varieties of beryl the color of clear sea water were considered.

    ZODIAC STONES - Aquarius of the second decade (persons born February 1-10)

    He is distinguished by a lively, precise, scientifically oriented mind, meticulousness in research, and a penchant for statistics. This is an inquisitive person interested in travel, space research, music, not shying away from risk. Women are distinguished by their love for flowers, silk fabrics and glass art. They are gentle, love children, participate in their games, and are good housewives. The shortcomings of this psychotype that need to be smoothed out: carelessness, reaching the point of cynicism, and a tendency to multi-stage combinations that greatly complicate life. For Aquarius of the second decade, amber is recommended, which supports in him the desire to make the right choice in friendship and enhances intuition, which is very useful for researchers and inventors. Turquoise also harmonizes with his character, supporting the owner in the desire to free himself from the routine of everyday life and soar in spirit.

    ZODIAC STONES - Aquarius of the third decade (February 11-19)

    endowed with great imagination and capable of large theoretical generalizations. He has strict and faithful taste, an interest in all kinds of antiquities, in history. He pays attention to music and poetry, loves detective stories and all sorts of mysteries, gravitates toward everything strange, inexplicable, and some are not averse to tickling the nerves with horror. This psychotype sympathizes with dreamers and does not like creeping empiricists. Prone to melancholy. This character is slightly lacking in sensuality and selfishness is slightly above average. It is recommended for him to have aquamarine, which gives off greenery, which supports Aquarius in friendship, and olivine, which promotes a good mood and activates the sexual sphere.

    ZODIAC STONES - Pisces first decade (February 20-29)

    They are distinguished by imagination and poetic feeling, many of them write poetry. Their imagination easily finds a means of expression: literature, music, original ideas and inventions; a naval career is also likely. A philanthropist by nature, this character has the gift of constructive criticism - he easily finds a weak spot in other people's constructions and is able to show the way to their direction. The manner of relationships between these people lies in the golden mean between irony and tenderness, which allows them to remain optimistic and, as far as possible, avoid drama in life. Two shortcomings deserve attention and correction: a certain weakness of will, which often makes this character an object of exploitation, and a tendency towards mysticism, which leads away from the struggle for existence that is inevitable in our world.

    For Pisces of the first decade, amethyst is recommended, a stone of faith that focuses yet unknown but beneficial cosmic influences, protects against temptations, drugs and those who like to profit at the expense of their neighbors, stimulates inspiration and develops a broad (“cosmic”) view of everything that happens. Sapphire is also suitable for them, promoting spiritual development.

    March zodiac stones

    March includes two decades of the sign of Pisces and the first decade of Aries.

    ZODIAC STONES - Second decade of Pisces - people born on March 1-11.

    They are characterized by great emotionality, susceptibility to mood, and acute sensitivity to the attitude of others towards them. In an unfriendly team, these people, due to stress, can develop indigestion and even stomach ulcers. As a rule, their life is not easy, it is constantly complicated. These people best realize their potential in altruistic activities for the benefit of society - in the service and healthcare sectors. The main thing for this psychotype is not to take unnecessary blame for the mistakes of others, so as not to fall into the position of “scapegoats”. The best jewelry stones for the second decade of Pisces - moonstone and sapphire. The first enhances the ability of foresight and strengthens memory, which helps the owner to avoid the traps placed on his life path. The second protects the owner from envy and attracts the sympathy of others. Peridot also harmonizes with this type of personality, enhancing self-esteem, relieving sadness and delusions. Jasper is not contraindicated.

    ZODIAC STONES - Third decanate of Pisces (March 12-20)

    Of all Pisces, he has the strongest and most stable personality. A person of this type lacks the characteristic indecisiveness of Pisces, is constant in ideals, does not easily change his point of view, but is capable of showing aggressiveness and selfishness - often to his own detriment. Combining energy and intuition, he can achieve a lot and knows how to make others work for him. The third decade of Pisces should not rush into action; the saying “measure seven times, cut once” is relevant for them. It is useful for them to get rid of excessive suspiciousness: all ailments of this psychotype are exaggerated through self-suggestion. Zodiac stones of the third decade of Pisces are alexandrite, which stimulates brain function and pacifies the soul, and aquamarine, which cools the heat of quarrels and passions. A person who feels the power of accomplishment, who has set a life goal in the social or artistic sphere, and who has decided to devote himself to music or caring for the seriously ill, can wear white opal, but at the same time he must be ready to sacrifice the small joys of life for the sake of the great goals.

    ZODIAC STONES - First decade of Aries (March 21-31).

    Energetic, impulsive, open type individuals with great potential as a leader, discoverer, and initiator of new directions. He is characterized by passion and ambition. An ardent, generous (even to the point of self-sacrifice) nature, very vulnerable to psychological shock. A rich spiritual life, colored by hidden dreams and instinctive intuition. Strange artists (Goya, Van Gogh) and original poets (Alfred de Vigny) belong to this decade. People of this type need to get rid of dictatorial habits, exaggerated jealousy, and self-centeredness. Wearing a ruby ​​contributes to the fullest disclosure of personality (alas! both for good and for bad), but it can be recommended to people who vouch for themselves that under no circumstances will they transgress the boundaries of legality and will not violate the norms of philanthropy. Calmer stones for the first decade of Aries are amethyst, which imparts prudence and prudence, and sardonyx, which increases vitality and promotes happiness in marriage.

    And now, as usual, let’s move on to considering the “magical” properties of the most important stones mentioned in this article.

    RUBY (from the Latin "rubur" - red).

    Gemstone upper class. Its record price for international market- $100,639 per 1 carat (0.2 grams). The largest ruby ​​found in its raw form was 3,421 carats. The largest processed stone is considered to be a Burmese ruby ​​at 1184 carats. Currently, ruby ​​is synthesized on a significant scale. Chemically, it is corundum (aluminum oxide, A1203), colored with impurities of chromium and iron oxides (the latter gives it a bluish tint, bringing this type of ruby ​​closer to sapphire). The chromium oxide content in synthetic rubies is significantly higher than in natural ones. In Rus', a ruby ​​was called a yakhont, in the East - a lal. The magnificent ruby, red as blood, really has a long bloody trail throughout history. That is why, before you decide to wear it, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with its magical properties.

    As a talisman, at its best, the ruby ​​inspires a person to great things. On the hand of a noble, moral leader, leader, it leads to exploits and victories. To ordinary people promises love and happiness through activism. According to Eastern tradition, it gives the owner the strength of a lion, the fearlessness of an eagle and the wisdom of a snake. For women, ruby ​​brings fertility. But ruby ​​also enhances negative qualities. It accentuates selfishness, enhances natural cruelty, mercilessness, and often its influence becomes fatal. He turns a naturally evil person into a real devil.

    As an amulet, ruby ​​strengthens the body, increases blood circulation, protects against nightmares and unwanted mental influences (evil spells). It strengthens the heart, drives away melancholy, protects against false friends and prolongs life. The question of whether synthetic rubies have these properties remains open.

    MOONSTONE (adularia, selenite).

    Sodium-calcium silicate with a milky bluish glow and a magical play of light. Moonstone from the coast White Sea called belomorite. The so-called black moonstone is Labradorite. As a talisman, it enhances the owner’s lunar qualities (emotionality, protective instincts, love of home, wanderlust). Gives dreaminess, softness, tenderness. Stimulates memories. Softens those who are adamant and overly self-confident. Dangerous for closed and capricious natures. It is especially strong during the new moon, filling with an icy shine. It is rarely used as an amulet; believed to help with epilepsy and renal colic, apparently through a slight hypnotic effect when viewed for a long time. Gives prudence in words and caution in actions.


    Silica is very contaminated with impurities. Offering a stunning array of colors and patterns to choose from, it is sometimes confused with agate. The ancient name is jasper. The most common are red and green jasper, sometimes it is bluish, orange, gray-violet, black, but never pure blue. The jasper from the Orsk deposit (Southern Urals) is particularly picturesque. It is very hard and does not scratch itself the best steel and is not afraid of weathering. As a talisman it is good for scientists: it gives tirelessness in repeating experiments. A cool-colored jasper talisman gives the power of foresight, concentrates attention and strengthens the instinct for small business benefits. As an amulet, jasper helps overcome fever and epilepsy, heals memory, and restores strength. Red - sharpens the sense of smell, relieves women's suffering. Dark - protects from poison and hatred.