Lesson - fairy tale “Autumn phenomena in the lives of animals? Animals in autumn. How does the life of animals change in autumn? Preparing animals for winter

Municipal educational institution "Amvrosievskaya school No. 6"

Amvrosievsky district council of Donetsk region

Subject: Environment

Lesson - a fairy tale

(based on the Russian folk tale"Mitten")

Autumn phenomena in the life of animals? Animals in autumn. How does the life of animals change in autumn? Preparing animals for winter.

Subject:Animals in autumn. How does the life of animals change in autumn?

Preparing animals for winter

Objective of the lesson: Summarize and consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities of students; identify the volume and quality of knowledge about preparation for winter period wild animals and birds. Improve students' ability to make logical conclusions. Show the connection between changes in the lives of animals in autumn and changes in inanimate nature and in the plant world. To develop thinking, oral speech, memory and attention of younger schoolchildren. Bring up careful attitude to nature

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: Illustrations, plot pictures, magpie (stuffed animal), rowan fruits, seeds, cones, fairy tale text.

Lesson progress

Organizational moment.

The bell has already rung.

We are starting the lesson.

I just need to remind you

That we work together.

Do you guys agree?

Well, sit down, everything is fine.

Greetings. Let's turn to each other. Let's smile, wink: how are you going? How are you running? How are you being naughty? How are you threatening? How are you living?

Creating a positive emotional atmosphere. Let's get ready for today's lesson. Everything is fine in my world. I am human, part of nature. I love the natural world: plants, animals, birds and everything that surrounds me. I live in harmony with this world. We are all one. We all feel good together.

Update background knowledge and skills and their correction


What time of year is it now?

How many winter months are there?

What winter months do you know?

What month is it now? Let's remember the proverbs about the winter months.

January is the beginning of the year, winter is the middle.

February is a fierce month: He asks how the shoes are.

December is the end of the year, and the beginning of winter.

(note about the weather today, in notebooks).

calendar - what is it?

Calendar - the schedule of the sun for the whole year. December is the tail of the year. January is the tip of the year.

Motivation for learning and cognitive activities.

Expectations. We will write our own fairy tale. It will not be easy, but it will be instructive. We will learn a lot of new things about preparing birds and animals for winter, and the heroes of the Ukrainian folk tale “Rukavichka” will help us with this. After all, a fairy tale is interesting, exciting and educational. And so, we go on a journey.

State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice. (A. S. Pushkin “Winter Morning”)

Show the signals. In what mood are you going on this journey?

Introductory conversation.

Calendar winter has arrived. And the weather makes us happy. Snow and frost.

Today we will talk about how animals and birds prepared for winter. We have a lot of work.

And for this we will mentally go on an excursion to already snowy forest. December came to earth white and sparkling.

(Reproduction of the painting “Winter in the Forest” by I. I. Shishkin, 1877).

And one forest resident will help us find out everything. She knows everything that is happening in the forest. Who is she?


The fidget is motley,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most chatty one. (Magpie)


Have you been to the forest in winter?

If not, follow me quickly!

The winter forest knows a lot

And mysteries and miracles...

Magpie, of course, loves summer very much. In the summer she has many talkative girlfriends - neighbors.

The magpie is complaining that we won’t see many neighboring birds in the forest today.

Why? Which ones flew away first?

Why? Which ones were the last to fly away?

Why? What do you call birds that fly away for the winter and then return?

Where did we read about this? What is the name of this fairy tale?

Do all birds fly away? warm regions? What are the birds that stay called? What happens to them?

Reference: Out of 10 tits, only 2 meet spring (Describe a tit).

Magpie is a good housewife and loves to greet guests.

What kind of guests are these? Where are they flying to us from?

This is what the magpie stored for them: rowan berries, seeds, cones, sunflower seeds.

What birds breed their chicks here? Why?


We see the bullfinch only in snowy times. With the first snow, bullfinches come to us. And in the spring they fly north, to their native lands. (Describe the bullfinch).

How can and should we help birds?

Physical education break.

Like snow under a hill, snow,

And there's snow on the hill, snow,

And there is snow on the tree, snow,

And a bear sleeps under the snow.

Quiet! Quiet! Don't make any noise!


Our magpie was worried for some reason. Oh, that's it! A grandfather is walking through the forest, not alone, but with his faithful dog. A magpie will fly and notify the whole forest. Grandfather dropped his mitten and moved on.

What kind of fairy tale? What's it called?

Let's try to tell a fairy tale.

A little mouse is running.

Mystery: Small animals, gray fur coats.

Little black eyes, sharp teeth.


How does this animal prepare for winter? What other small animals hibernate? Tell us about them.

Who came running next?

Behind her is a bouncing bunny.

Mystery: White in winter, gray in summer

Jumps deftly and loves carrots.

Guess what kind of hat?

A whole armful of fur.

The hat is running in the forest,

And the trunks gnaw the bark.


Does he have his own home? How did the bunny prepare for winter? What other animals change their fur color? Why do the hare's legs save him, but his heels give him away? When are the bunnies hatched?

Who came running next?

Little fox-sister is running.

Mystery: Red-haired mistress

Came from the forest

I counted all the chickens

She took it with her.


What do you know about her? What does “the fox is mousing” mean? What is it?

Who came running next?

Brother wolf is running.

Mystery: Grayish, toothy prowls across the field

Looking for calves and lambs.


What kind of animal is this? What does he eat? What do we call it?

Who came running next?

The Father Bear is coming.

Mystery: The owner of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under the blizzards howl

He sleeps in a snow hut.

He is a furry, club-footed beast

He sucks his paw in the den.


What does a bear do in winter? Why does he suck his paw? When are cubs born?

Who else would you like to invite into the mitten? Listen to the letter we received. And you will find out what kind of animal this is. (Reading the letter).


"Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are"

Guess who I am? I eat bugs and ants!

I thought and firmly said: Woodpecker!

I guessed wrong! I also eat wasps and bumblebees.

Yeah! You're a honey-buzzard bird!

Not a buzzard! I also eat caterpillars and larvae!

Thrush bird.

And I'm not a thrush! I also gnaw on the elk’s shed antlers.

Then you must be a wood mouse.

And I'm not a mouse at all. Sometimes I eat mice myself!

Mice? Then, of course, you are a cat.

Either a mouse or a cat! And I didn’t guess at all.

Show yourself!

I'll show myself if you admit defeat!

Sometimes I eat lizard. And occasionally fish.

Maybe you're a heron?

Not a heron. I catch chicks and steal eggs from birds' nests.

It looks like you're a marten.

Don't tell me about the marten. The marten is my old enemy. I also eat kidneys, nuts, seeds of fir trees and pine trees, berries and mushrooms.

Most likely you are a pig! You eat everything. You are a feral pig who foolishly climbed onto the Christmas tree!

Are you giving up?!

To make it easier for you to recognize this animal, guess the riddle.


TASKS: to promote a deepening of ideas about the forest: different animals live (animals, birds, insects); establishing cause-and-effect relationships based on understanding the dependence of the life activity of living beings on the conditions of their habitat; to cultivate in children an interest in the life of the forest in the autumn, an understanding of the need to preserve its integrity; teach skills to behave in the forest.

P r e d u r i t e l n a y a r a b o t a.

– Conversations with children.

– Examination of illustrations and books about forest animals.

– Work in the ecological room (forest).

- Guessing riddles.

– Working with models (animals, birds, insects), etc.

– Production of environmental and prohibition signs.

Progress of the lesson

1. Reading the nature of the work “Autumn the Artist”:

Knitted a colorful apron in autumn

And she took buckets of paints.

Early in the morning, walking through the forest,

I circled the leaves with gold.

2. Conversation.

– What animals can be found in the forest in autumn?

– Who goes to bed for the whole winter?

– Who changes their fur coat for the winter?

– Who makes supplies for the winter?

– Who spends the winter under leaves, in crevices, in the bark of trees?

Children answer questions and find pictures of the animals they name.

3. The teacher’s story about preparing animals for winter.

To meet harsh winter, forest animals Preparations begin in early autumn. They build holes for themselves and stock up. Squirrels and hares begin to molt and change their coats from summer to winter. Winter coats have thicker, fuller fur, and a color more suited to winter nature.

A bear wanders through the forest, eats ripe berries, nuts, acorns, and fattens up for the winter.

Moles and mice stock up on spikelets. Badger collects roots and mushrooms. He dries them near his hole, laying them out on tree trunks.

The squirrel stores in hollows, in crevices of the bark and under the roots of trees. The wolf and the fox do not sleep in winter and do not prepare supplies in the fall; they hunt.

In late autumn it is quiet and deserted in the forest. Why? No ringing bird voices can be heard. The forest inhabitants hid in holes and hollows.

4. Discussion of the story.

- What is the bear doing? (Climbed into the den.)

-Who hid in the holes? (Hedgehog, badger, field mouse.)

- What is the squirrel doing? (She doesn't like it cold, rainy weather, so she hid, sits in her hollow and gnaws on pine cones and nuts.)

– Is it comfortable for a bunny in a white fur coat when the snow has not yet fallen? Why?

5. O f t g a d y v a n i e s a g a d o k.

Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?

And flies up into the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel.)

Burned up like a fire

There are brushes on the rowan tree,

The ball is rolling towards

From autumn leaves.

Don't you recognize him?

Take a closer look! This… (hedgehog).

Who goes to bed in the fall and gets up in the spring? (Bear.)

Who is hungry in the forest,

Looking for a bunny under a bush? (Wolf.)

What a little white ball

Did you lie down on the ground under a bush? (Hare.)

The first snow lay on the roofs,

He filled the garden with furs.

Poultry girl in a red fur coat

6. Compound of a tale - a riddle about a favorite or liked forest animal. The rest of the children guess.

Hello, our dear moms and dads! We continue the autumn theme and today we will tell children about the life of animals in the fall.

In autumn, animals prepare for the harshest time of the year - winter. The life of furry, feathered and other inhabitants of forests, fields, city parks, and squares depends on how this preparation goes.

Insects are among the first to react to weather changes.

Most of them are looking for cozy shelters in which they can sleep all winter. They find these shelters under fallen leaves, under bark that has fallen away from a tree trunk, in the cracks of houses.

But butterflies turn into pupae and thus wait out the cold winter.

Lizards, snakes, frogs, and toads are also in a hurry to leave for the winter. Brown grass and green frogs in the fall, stay close to bodies of water, at the bottom of which they spend the winter. Toads seek shelter on land: under the roots of trees, in the burrows of small rodents.

In the fall, lizards climb deeper into their burrows, under moss, into fallen leaves, under tree roots, into rotten stumps.

When the cold comes and the insects disappear, migratory birds- swallows, swifts, flycatchers - begin to prepare for travel to warm countries.

Forest animals also begin to prepare for winter. Some of them begin to eat a lot so that fat will form under their skin, which will warm the animal well in the winter cold. For example, bears and badgers. Many forest inhabitants make provisions for the winter (squirrels, mice, moles) and prepare winter housing.

In the fall, many animals begin to shed - they grow a warm undercoat, and their fur changes color.

The entire fur coat of the white hare becomes white, and only the tips of the ears are black, while the fur coat of the brown hare becomes lighter only on the sides.

By winter, the squirrel turns gray, exchanging its bright fiery red coat for a more inconspicuous one in winter.

When snow appears and the weather gets colder, some animals hibernate. Such animals include hedgehogs and bears, which cannot feed themselves in the winter.

That's all for today. Soon a presentation on the topic “Animal Life in Autumn” will appear at Yasny Solnyshok.

Also, you can get my free book.

Elena Medvedeva.

Late autumn. Wild animals are preparing for winter.

Children should know:

Names of wild animals in our forests: bear, wolf, elk, wild boar, badger, beaver, fox, hare, squirrel, hedgehog, lynx;
- that wild animals get their own food, build their own homes;
- what is the name of the home of a bear (den), wolf (den), fox (hole), squirrel (hollow);
- which other animals live in minks (hares, moles, mice, gophers, hamsters);
- which of the animals changes the color of their fur coat (hare, squirrel), horns (elk, deer);
- distinguish between the names of body parts of animals and humans.

Extension vocabulary children:

Nouns: bear, wolf, fox, hare, hedgehog, elk, deer, wild boar, badger, lynx, squirrel, den, lair, hole, hollow, wool, skin, predators;

Adjectives: shaggy, shaggy, fluffy, strong, cunning, prickly, fast, dexterous, brown, toothy, clumsy, club-footed, timid, long-eared;

Verbs: hunts, sneaks, howls, gets scared, jumps, waddles, cunning, tracks, stores, digs, hibernates, lies down, hibernates.

Conversation "How wild animals"We're getting ready for winter."

Winter will come soon. The animals of the forest have the hardest time. They are preparing to face winter. Some animals will sleep peacefully in their houses all winter. Who is this? Bear and hedgehog. Three months is a very long time, so now these animals must eat well and accumulate a lot of fat so as not to freeze and not get hungry until spring. They insulate their houses.

Where will the hedgehog hide? In the hole.

Where will the bear sleep? In the den.

But there are animals that do not have a house and will run through the forest all winter, looking for food.

The hare changes his summer coat to a winter one. It is not only warmer, but also a different color.

Which one? - Why white?
- From whom do his long legs and white fur save the hare? From the fox and the wolf.

This beasts of prey. If they catch a hare, it won't be good for him. The fox has a home - a hole, where she can hide from the winter cold, and the wolf has a wolf's lair.

Do foxes and wolves need to change their fur coats to new winter ones? Of course it is necessary.
After all, in the summer you and I wear light clothes so that it is not hot, and in the winter we put on warmer ones, so the animals also have to change clothes.
This does not mean that they take off their skins and put on new ones, they just grow different, warmer fur. This period in the life of animals is called molting.

Another small furry forest dweller who changes the color of his coat for winter.
The squirrel was red all summer, but by winter it turns gray.

Where does the squirrel live? In the hollow.
-How did she prepare for winter?
All summer and autumn she collected mushrooms and berries and hid them in various places. In winter, she looks for her reserves, but, unfortunately, does not always find them. But in the place where the cones or nuts were hidden, a small sprout may appear in the spring and in a few years a new tree or bush will grow here.

But this handsome forest man wears a beautiful decoration on his head.
- Who is this? Elk.
- What does elk eat? Plants.
-Are there many plants in the forest in winter?
There are many trees and bushes in the forest. This big beast eats their bark. Does he need much for food? Many. Therefore, forest rangers feed these beautiful animals so that they can survive the winter. A forester is a person who monitors the safety of the forest.

Didactic exercise "One-many" (education plural nouns):

Fox is a fox.
Hedgehog - hedgehog.
Squirrel is protein.
Hare - hares.
Wolf - wolves.
Elk - moose.
Boar - boars.

Didactic exercise “Call it affectionately” (formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes in singular and plural):

Squirrel is a squirrel.
Fox is a fox.
Hare - bunny, little bunny.
Squirrel is a baby squirrel.
Bear is a bear cub.
Wolf - wolf cub.

Didactic exercise "Count to Five"(agreement of nouns with numerals):

One rabbit, two birds, three birds, four birds, five birds.
One fox, ..., five foxes.
One wolf, ..., five wolves.
One bear, ..., five bears.
One squirrel, ..., five squirrels.

Didactic game "Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose?"

Fox tail - fox tail.
Bear paw - bear paw.
Wolf teeth - wolf teeth.
Hedgehog needles - hedgehog needles.

Whose footprint? - fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel.
Whose ears? - fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel.
Whose head? - fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel.

Didactic exercise "Pick up definitions" :

Wolf (what?) – gray, toothy, scary, ...
Bear (what kind?) – brown, club-footed, clumsy, ...
Fox (what kind?) - cunning, fluffy, red, ...
Hedgehog (what?) – prickly, small, ...
Hare (which one?) – long-eared, timid, cowardly, small,

Didactic game "Who lives where?" (use nominative case noun-x):

There lives (who?) a bear in the den.
Living in the hole (who?) is a fox.
There lives (who?) a wolf in the lair.
Living in a hole (who?) is a hedgehog.
In the hollow lives (who?) a squirrel.

Didactic exercise "Compare animals with people."

Man has a mouth, and animals have a mouth.
A person has a face, and animals have a muzzle.
Humans have teeth, and animals have fangs.
A person has a belly, and animals have a belly.
Humans have nails, and animals have claws.
Humans have hands, and animals have paws.

Didactic game “Name the family” (word formation exercise):

Dad is a bear, mom is a bear, cub(s) is a bear cub(s).

The father is a wolf, the mother is a she-wolf, the cub(s) are a wolf cub(s).

The father is a fox, the mother is a fox, the cub(s) are a fox cub.

Dad is a hare, mother is a hare, baby(s) is a hare(s).

The fox barks.
The bear growls.
The wolf howls.
Hedgehog - snorts, etc.

Didactic exercise "What's extra and why?"

Squirrel, fox, cow, wolf (cow, since the rest are wild animals).
Hedgehog, bear, hare, dog (dog, since the rest are wild animals).
Hare, dog, cow, cat (hare, since the rest are domestic animals).
Fox, cat, hare, wolf (cat, since the rest are wild animals).
Horse, bear, goat, dog (bear, since the rest are domestic animals).

Game "Who will we give what?"

Meat for the wolf.
Malina -...
Honey -...
Carrot -...
Apple - ...
Nuts -...
Mushrooms - ... etc.

Game "Who has who?"

The bear has cubs.
The fox has...
The wolf has...
The hare has...
The hedgehog has...
The squirrel has ... etc.

How animals prepare for winter. Part 2.

How animals prepare for winter. Part 2:squirrel, badger, beavers, fox, wolf, mouse. Speech exercises and finger theater about how animals prepare for winter.

How animals prepare for winter: part 2

Stories in pictures on the topic “How animals prepare for winter”

Today we continue the topic of how animals prepare for winter. we discussed with you:

  • Experiments for children“Why is a hare gray in summer and white in winter?”, “Which fur coat is warmer?”
  • How hare getting ready for winter?
  • How bear getting ready for winter?
  • How hedgehog getting ready for winter?
  • Presentation for looking at pictures of children.
  • Poems, stories, assignments for children.
  1. How squirrel getting ready for winter?
  2. How beaver getting ready for winter?
  3. How badger getting ready for winter?
  4. How mouse getting ready for winter?
  5. How fox and wolf getting ready for winter?
  6. 4 speech exercises for children.
  7. Games are dramatizations.
  8. How to make it quickly and easily finger theater for performances forest conversations and dialogues?
  9. Poems, pictures, stories for children about animals

Wish have an interesting trip into the world of animals and new discoveries!


Almost all children know how a squirrel prepares food for the winter, because all cartoons show how it hangs mushrooms on tree branches and dries them on stumps. She also collects nuts, acorns, and cones. Where does the squirrel hide them? Under stumps, under tree roots, in hollows, in moss.

Squirrels also prepare their homes for winter. A squirrel's house is called a "hollow". But if there is no hollow, then the squirrel builds a nest for itself. This is a ball of twigs and pieces of bark with one entrance. Inside the nest the squirrel puts moss and bird feathers to make it warmer. She plugs the cracks with moss and grass. The squirrel builds its nest very high in the tree so that no one can climb into it.

The squirrel's winter coat is silvery, similar to snow. And in the summer - red. You already read in the first part of our conversation about autumn how to conduct a simple and interesting experiment for kids, showing the child why a squirrel changes its red coat to a silver one. Did your child enjoy guessing?

Belkina drying room. V. Bianchi

The squirrel took one of its round nests in the trees for a storage room. She has hazelnuts and cones stacked there.

In addition, the squirrel collected mushrooms - boletus and birch mushrooms. She planted them on broken pine branches and dried them for future use. In winter, it will wander through the branches and feed on dried mushrooms.

G. Skrebitsky

Here you go late autumn through the forest among bare, leafless trees. Look, something is darkening on the branches of one of them; It looks like dried leaves.
No, these are not leaves, but dried mushrooms.
Who brought them up the tree? This is the job of a busy squirrel. At the end of summer and autumn, she collects mushrooms - prepares her food for the winter.

During the fall, the mushrooms on the branches will wither and dry up, and they will remain hanging there until one day. winter days the squirrel will not find them and will not eat them.
In addition to mushrooms, the squirrel prepares other food for the winter. She stuffs nuts and acorns into hollows and wood cracks. All this will be useful to her during the winter lack of food.
By winter, squirrels not only store food: they take care of insulating their homes. With the onset of autumn, the busy animals plug the cracks in their nests with withered grass and moss. Every hole is plugged. Well, now everything is ready, we can welcome winter.

Squirrels, chipmunks, hamsters and many other animals store food for winter.


Beavers.A. L. Barto
I've been walking since the morning,
I ask everyone:
- What kind of fur does a beaver have?
What kind of fur, tell me?

Is it true that beavers
Erecting mound fortresses
And do they hide beavers there?

And what they say is true,
Why do they have carpets there?
From fragrant herbs and bark?

I asked my mother about the beaver,
But it's time for her to go to work.

I see a janitor in the distance
He sweeps the yard.

Could you tell me:
Where does the beaver live? -
And the janitor told me: - Don’t stand in the dust,
Let's put the conversation aside.

Without looking up from the game,
Playing dominoes
The neighbor laughs: - Where are the beavers?!
I haven't seen them for a long time.

Tell me, would you be so kind as to
Tell me, where do beavers live?

Task for children: Do you know where beavers live? How would you answer this boy's questions?

The beaver is an amazing animal! He is even called the “King of Rodents”! The beaver has a spatula tail, sharp teeth. A beaver can even chew through a tree with its teeth! Beavers can swim, and they have a special coat - it doesn’t get wet in the water! Beavers take care of their coat and groom it carefully. They scratch it with their front paws, teeth and claws of their hind paws. But other beavers help them comb their backs, because they can’t reach their backs themselves! Just like you, your mom probably helps you rub your back with a washcloth when you wash!

The beaver's house is called a "hut". Beavers build a house from branches and twigs. The beaver's house is very strong, because all the branches are held together with clay and silt. You can only enter the hut underwater.

Beavers live in families. In the fall they have a lot to do - they need to prepare the dam for winter, repair it, prepare a lot of branches and stack them near their house - “hut”. This is their “food” for the winter. They store “food” underwater near their home. And they will need a lot of food in winter! After all, beavers do not sleep in winter, and they need to eat! In winter, beavers swim underwater and eat the roots of aquatic plants and their autumn food supplies - stored branches.


Under a birch tree on the mountain... Timofey Belozerov
Under a birch tree on the mountain
A badger sleeps in its hole.
And the badger's hole
Deep, deep.

The badger is warm and dry,
Caress your ear all day long
The noise of birch branches
Yes, the sniffling of children:

They sleep soundly on the bedding
Boys with mustaches
And they sniffle from satiety
Wet noses...

A branch or twig creaks -
The badger will open his eye slightly.
He will lead with a sensitive ear,
He smiles and falls asleep:

After all, the badger has a hole

The badger is also preparing his home for winter. The badger's home is a hole. In the fall, the badger repairs the house, brings dry grass, moss, leaves and prepares a warm and soft bed for the winter. Just as we have a mattress and pillow on our bed to make it soft and comfortable to sleep, so the badger wants to make his bed soft and comfortable.

The badger also stores food for the winter, dries it and hides it in a hole. It stores acorns, seeds, and plant roots.

By winter, the badger falls asleep in its hole.

Badgers. I. Sokolov-Mikitov
Once upon a time there were many badgers in our Russian forests. They usually settled in remote places, near swamps, rivers, and streams. For their burrows, badgers chose high, dry, sandy places that were not flooded. spring waters. Badgers dug deep holes. Above their holes grew tall trees. There were several exits and entrances from the holes. Badgers are very neat and intelligent animals. In winter, they, like hedgehogs and bears, hibernate and emerge from their holes only in the spring.

I remember when I was a child, my father took me to see residential badger holes. In the evening we hid behind tree trunks, and we were able to see how old short-legged badgers went out to hunt, how small badgers played and romped near their holes.

In the forest in the mornings, I had to meet badgers more than once. I watched how a badger carefully made its way near the tree trunks, sniffing the ground, looking for insects, mice, lizards, worms and other meat and plant food. Badgers are not afraid poisonous snakes, catch them and eat them. Badgers do not go far from the hole. They graze and hunt near their underground dwellings, not relying on their short legs. The badger walks quietly on the ground, and it is not always possible to hear his steps.

The badger is a harmless and very useful animal. Unfortunately, there are almost no badgers in our forests now. It is rare that inhabited badger holes remain in the deep forest. The badger is a smart forest animal. He doesn't harm anyone. It is difficult for a badger to get used to captivity, and in zoos during the day badgers usually sleep in their dark kennels.

It is very interesting, having found holes, to follow the life of their inhabitants.

I have never hunted the peace-loving badgers, but sometimes I have found their forest homes. It was rare to see live badgers. It used to be that you were walking from a capercaillie current, and the sun rose over the forest. You stop to sit down on a tree stump and listen and look carefully. You will see a badger carefully making its way near the tree trunks and sniffing every inch of the ground. A badger's paws look like small, strong shovels. In case of danger, a badger can quickly bury itself in the ground. When badgers dig their holes, they scoop out the earth with their front legs and push it out with their back legs. They dig holes quickly, like machines.

If you find live badger holes in the forest, do not touch them, do not destroy them, or kill useful and good-natured animals. The badger has become a very rare animal in our forests. It is not difficult to completely destroy this beast.


The mouse prepared its pantry for the winter and filled it with grain. Sometimes mice make their own pantry right in the field and carry grains into it every night. The mouse hole has several entrances, and it contains a "bedroom" and several "storage rooms". In winter, the mouse sleeps only in cold weather, and on other days it needs to eat, which is why it stores so much food! Here's how Vitaly Bianchi writes about it:

Getting ready for winter. V. Bianchi.
The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to yawn: when it hits, it immediately freezes the earth and water with ice. Where will you get food for yourself then? Where will you hide?
In the forest, everyone prepares for winter in their own way.

Those who are supposed to fly away from hunger and cold on wings. Those who remained are in a hurry to fill their pantries, preparing food supplies for future use. Short-tailed field mice carry it around especially diligently. Many of them have dug winter holes for themselves right in the stacks and under the stacks of grain and steal grain every night.
Five or six paths lead to the hole, each path leading to its own entrance. Underground there is a bedroom and several storage rooms.

In winter, voles go to sleep only in the most severe frosts. That's why they stock up on large amounts of bread. In some holes, four to five kilograms of selected grain have already been collected.
Small rodents rob grain fields. We must protect the harvest from them.

Fox and wolf

By the fall the fox has already raised her cubs, so she does not sit in the hole. But if danger threatens, the fox runs to its house and hides. The fox has a hole at the edge of the forest on a hill so that the fox can see the forest from all sides. The fox is very smart, she never runs straight to the hole, first she makes a loop to confuse her tracks, and then hides in the hole.

The fox is a predator; it does not sleep in winter and does not store food for the winter, just like the wolf.

But both the fox and the wolf are preparing their fur coat for winter. Their fur, like that of all animals, grows and becomes very warm and fluffy so that it is not cold in winter.

Speech exercises on the topic “How do animals prepare for winter?” Playing with words

Game “Where is whose house?” Guess how to continue

  • Lives in a den...
  • Can live in a hole...
  • Lives in a hut...
  • Lives in a hollow...
  • Lives under a bush...

If the baby makes a mistake, then you can play a game called “Help the kids find a house.” The little animals got lost and lost their homes. Where are their mothers waiting for them? Where should I take the baby squirrel? Where's the bunny? Where is mama bear waiting for her baby? Where is daddy beaver waiting for the baby beaver? Where should the little badger go? Where's the hedgehog? In the game, the baby will quickly remember who lives where. You can use toys or pictures to play.

"Continue the sentence"

  • IN winter forest you will never meet...
  • In the winter forest you can find...
  • In the fall they change their fur coats...
  • In autumn the hedgehog...

“Name the animals affectionately.”

  • Squirrel - squirrel,
  • fox - ... (chanterelle),
  • bear - (bear, bear),
  • hare - ... (bunny, bunny, bunny),
  • hedgehog - ... (hedgehog).

Game “Let's build a bridge. The longest sentence about autumn"

Take the chips. Any small objects can act as chips: pencils, cones, buttons, shells, pebbles, blocks of building material or designer parts. You can cut out squares from thick colored cardboard. One chip is one word. You lay out one chip and say one word. For example, "hedgehog". The child lays out the second chip and says the second word, adding it to the first: “Runs.” "The hedgehog is running." You place the third chip and say the third word. You can name two words if a preposition is used: “Through the forest. A hedgehog is running through the forest." But every word is one trick! Ask the child: “What word is this? This is the word "by". And this word is “forest”. Together we did it: through the forest.” Next, the child adds his word. For example, "Autumn". The result is the following sentence: “A hedgehog is running through the autumn forest” and you have 5 chips laid out. Continue to expand this offer as much as you can. For example, your final result might look like this: “A spiky, cheerful hedgehog runs through the golden autumn forest and carries dry leaves on its back.” The rule is that one word is used only once in a sentence, so that it doesn’t turn out to be “butter oil” :)

I usually use a game version of this exercise. The children and I “build a bridge” from one bank of the river to the other using our chips.

  • On old wallpaper we draw two banks across which we need to build a bridge. You can draw “shores” with chalk on the linoleum or lay out strings.
  • We discuss why this bridge is needed. For example, a kid got lost, he needs to go home, but he cannot swim across the river. If we build a bridge of words, he will cross it. But we need a long bridge, so we need a lot of words!
  • We build a bridge from words, that is, we make a sentence. And at the same time we get acquainted with the term “sentence”, learn to select beautiful figurative expressions and build complex sentences in your speech!
  • When the bridge is ready, our hero runs happily across it to his mother.
  • It is possible to build sentences - bridges with any words and in any game situation: the car needs to drive to the other side, Aibolit needs to go to the sick bear, etc. You can build not a bridge, but a road.

Dialogues are dramatizations on the topic “How animals prepare for winter.” Forest conversation

How to conduct a dialogue between animals in the autumn forest - dramatization with a child

The animals gathered in a forest clearing and began to tell each other about their affairs. “I will spend the winter in a hollow,” said the squirrel. - “And for the winter I stored food for myself - dried mushrooms, collected nuts and acorns.”

“And I will sleep in the den,” the bear said in a deep voice. “Now I need to eat a lot of food so that I can sleep peacefully all winter.” In winter I don't need food. I prepared a den for myself. I will sleep in it in winter.”

Act out this conversation with your child and continue it on behalf of different animals. You can introduce other characters - birds and insects. Let the birds tell you how they are going to fly away to distant lands, and the insects tell you how they hide in cracks and under the bark from the cold and frost. Each character talks about himself, about his autumn affairs, about how he prepared for winter.

For dialogues, you can use toys - a bunny, a fox, a bear, a mouse, a squirrel. You can cut out silhouettes of animals or use pictures. By playing animal dialogue, the child consolidates acquired knowledge about the natural world in an interesting and exciting way. And what is also important is that the child learns to apply the acquired knowledge in life! This is much better and more effective than “tormenting” a child with questions: “How did the hare prepare for winter? Remember, how did the badger prepare for winter? Remember..." The child will remember, and after a few days... he will forget! But he will never forget the information that the child used in the game! After all, he lived and felt it, it was interesting and emotional, it was so bright and exciting! Play and develop your baby in the game! And success will be guaranteed!

Children love to act out such animal dialogues using finger theater. You don’t have to buy or sew or knit a finger theater. You can quickly make it from scrap materials available in every home.

How easy it is to make a finger theater on the topic “How animals prepare for winter”

  • Draw the animals yourself or print out ready-made pictures and stick each one onto a thin strip of thick cardboard. The width of the strip is approximately 1cm. Length 7-8 cm. You can color the pictures, or you can leave them as they are – black and white. Coloring pictures with colored pencils is very useful for a child. It develops fine motor skills, so you can involve your baby in this matter. After all, preparing toys for your future game is always interesting for a child!
  • Take a strip of cardboard 3-4 cm wide and about 8-10 cm long. Glue it into a “ring” onto the child’s finger using tape. The exact size of the part depends on the size of the child’s finger - the “ring” should be put on and taken off freely, but should not fall off the finger.
  • Insert the finished strip of cardboard with an image of an animal glued to it inside the “ring” and put it on your finger. You can change characters by inserting them into the “ring” and taking them out. It turns out to be a finger theater.
  • In this finger theater, one child can either play the role of one animal or play several roles. Each animal talks about how it prepared for winter.
  • To conduct a dialogue-game, the baby will need your help. Take on one of the roles, ask questions, suggest new stories and topics for discussion!

Plots for the game - dramatizations with children on the topic

"How animals prepare for winter"

As a basis for such dramatization by children of the dialogue between animals, you can take a folk song.


There is a fence above the city,

The animals sat on the fence,

We boasted all day.

For older children 5-7 years old, you can take Nikolai Sladkov’s story as a basis for dramatizing the dialogue of animals. Let the raven ask the animals questions, and they answer him. At first, the mother can take on the role of a raven and ask the animals questions about how they are preparing for winter. Then switch roles. Each time, change the composition of the animals answering Raven's question.

A fairy tale for children about autumn by Nikolai Sladkov

- Forest dwellers! - the wise Raven shouted one morning. — Autumn is at the threshold of the forest, is everyone ready for its arrival?
Like an echo, voices came from the forest:
- Ready, ready, ready...
- But we’ll check it now! - Raven croaked. - First of all, autumn will let the cold into the forest - what will you do?

The animals responded:
- We, squirrels, hares, foxes, will change into winter coats!
- We, badgers, raccoons, will hide in warm holes!
- We, hedgehogs, bats Let's fall into a deep sleep!

The birds responded:
- We, the migratory ones, will fly away to warmer lands!
- We, sedentary people, will put on down padded jackets!

“Secondly,” the Raven shouts, “autumn will begin to rip off the leaves from the trees!”
- Let him rip it off! - the birds responded. - The berries will be more visible!
- Let him rip it off! - the animals responded. - It will be quieter in the forest!
“The third thing,” the Raven continues, “autumn will click the last insects with frost!”

The birds responded:
- And we, blackbirds, will fall on the rowan tree!
- And we, woodpeckers, will begin to peel the cones!
- And we, goldfinches, will get to the weeds!

The animals responded:
- And we will sleep more peacefully without mosquito flies!
“The fourth thing,” the Raven buzzes, “autumn will become boring!” He will catch up with dark clouds, let down tedious rains, and incite dreary winds. The day will be shortened, the sun will be hidden in your bosom!
- Let him pester himself! - the birds and animals responded in unison. - You won’t keep us bored! What do we care about rain and wind when we are in fur coats and down padded jackets! Let's be well-fed - we won't get bored!

The wise Raven wanted to ask something else, but he waved his wing and took off.
He flies, and under him is a forest, multi-colored, motley - autumn.
Autumn has already crossed the threshold. But it didn’t scare anyone at all.

You can also use for dramatization a fairy tale about how animals prepare for winter by G. A. Skrebitsky “Everyone in his own way” (riddles, tasks for children, folk traditions, video)