Phenomena in inanimate nature. Summary of a lesson on familiarization with nature “Winter phenomena in nature. What phenomena are observed in inanimate nature in winter

Goal: To stimulate children's curiosity, the desire to study natural phenomena more deeply (properties of snow), support children's interest in experimentation and research.

Program content:

  1. Shape elementary representations about changes in the position of the Earth relative to the Sun; idea about snow and its properties (snow melts in warmth, snow is not transparent, snow is white, snow has no smell).
  2. Teach children to analyze and draw conclusions through experimentation.
  3. Activate speech using words: ice crust, water vapor, snow pellets, magnifying glass, experiment. Improve children's ability to answer questions about the content of the story
  4. To develop thinking, interest in winter natural phenomena, the desire to actively learn and act.
  5. Foster a desire to preserve and protect natural world, see its beauty.
  6. Wellness: health-saving approach to educational activities.

Preliminary work

  1. Looking at winter-themed paintings
  2. Reading poems about winter and snowflakes.
  3. Observing falling snow, snowflakes, playing with snow on walks.
  4. Drawing snowflakes.
  5. Cutting snowflakes from napkins.

Materials and equipment

Dem. - models of planets (Sun and Earth); visual models of snowflakes indicating the properties of snow;

Sec. - disposable snow plates (on each table there is a deep and flat plate), snow, magnifying glasses according to the number of children, half a cut apple on a napkin, a disposable spoon, three containers of water, circles different colors, napkins and towel.

Methodological techniques: research method; problem statement and resolution; modeling; reading fiction using the information-receptive method aimed at organizing the perception of children’s memorization of information; musical accompaniment; imitation of movements; reflexive method.

Progress of direct educational activities

The teacher says: Guys, listen to the poem carefully and tell me if everything in it is correct.

“The days have become shorter,
The sun shines little.
Here come the frosts -
And SPRING has come!”

Educator: Guys, do you know why winter comes?

Educator (summarizes children's answers) You and I know that our Earth is a planet, and it rotates around its axis, this is how our globe rotates now, and now let’s imagine that this is the sun, and so the earth also rotates around the sun, like this. Now let's P

Let’s imagine that our planet is divided into four parts, the first will definitely be spring, the second will be summer, the third will be autumn and the fourth will be winter. The one barrel of earth that she placed closest to the warm sun is heated the most - it’s summer here, in winter, of course, the sun also shines, only during the three winter months the sun is furthest from the ground, so it warms less. This makes it cold in winter, the days become shorter and the nights longer.

Educator: What happens in winter? One of the signs of winter is snow falling from the sky. Educator: There is a story by Vladimir Arkhangelsky

"Snow fluffs are flying" . Do you want to listen to him?

Children's answers

Conversation with children on the content of the story read.

What kind of snow fluffs are we talking about?

What did the snowflakes look like? ("Flower with six petals" , "A star with six rays" )

Where have the scientists been? (in the clouds)

What did they see there? (they saw snowflakes forming)

What is a snowflake? (this is a frozen droplet of water vapor)

How is crust formed? (hard crust on the snow)

Who finds it difficult to move on the crust? Why?

Why does a hare rush across the crust as if it were on parquet?

Physical education lesson "Winter sleep"

Quietly, quietly humming a fairy tale,
Winter floats by at dusk (running in circles on tiptoes)
Covering me with a warm blanket,
Land and trees and houses.

Light snow swirls over the fields,
At midnight the stars fall from the sky.
Lowering his furry eyelashes,
A dense forest slumbers in silence.

Golden owls sleep on the fir trees,
In the fabulous glow of the moon.
Snowdrifts sleep on the edges of the forest
Like big snow elephants.

Everything changes shape and color,
The windows of sleepy houses are turned off.
And, winter telling tales
She slowly falls asleep on her own.

Educator: Do you want to learn even more about snow? Imagine that you are scientists - researchers. Who are scientists? Let's sit down at the tables. We will find out what kind of snow it is and what its properties are. And our assistant will be a special research device. Find it on your desks, what is this device called? (magnifying glass). What is a magnifying glass? (magnifying glass). What else do you see on the tables? (Children's answers)

Educator: Guys, I brought snow to the group in the morning, but what happened to the snow? (melted) Why? (a snowflake with the image of 1 property is attached to the board, a drop of water is drawn on the snowflake: snow melts in warmth). How are we going to explore the snow now? Where can we get it? (we will ask you to bring a second teacher using magic word"Please"). Let's take a magnifying glass and take a close look at the melted snow. What do you see? (water is dirty). Guys, why is the water dirty? (bring snow) Let's touch the snow, what does it feel like? (cold). Guys, I saw that some children eat snow. Are they doing the right thing? Why? Is it possible to eat snow? (no, the snow is cold and can be dirty).

Educator: Let's conduct an experiment. Under your flat plates are geometric shapes, name them (circle, square). What color are they? Place one circle on an empty plate, we will put snow on top, and lower the other into water. Where is the cool visible and where is it not? Why? (2 snowflakes are attached to the board: the snow is opaque - a closed eye is drawn)

Educator: Let's compare: what color is water and snow? (snow is white, water is colorless) What else is white? (3 snowflakes are attached: white snow - cotton wool in the center of the snowflake).

Educator: Guys, how do you know if snow smells? (need to smell). Let's smell the apple first, which apple? (fragrant, fragrant). And now it's snowing (snow has no smell) (4 snowflakes are attached: snow has no smell - a nose is drawn on the snowflake)

Educator: Well done! You showed me so many experiments, and now I want to show you one more experience. Look: I have three jars. Pour into one cold water (the child is invited to check the water temperature), (cold). We'll pour warm water into the second one, but how can we get it? warm water, what kind of water should be poured first: hot or cold, why? (cold, then hot). I will pour hot into the third jar. I will drop snow into three jars at the same time. For this I need an assistant. Where did the snow melt faster and where more slowly? Conclusions. (the warmer the water, the faster the snow melted; the speed of snow melting depends on the water temperature).

Educator: Guys, now let's remember what properties snow has? (at the end of each experiment, snowflakes with the properties of snow were attached to the board). Draws children's attention to the fact that snow is frozen droplets of water vapor. We Swami know that snow turns into water, I have two droplets, one smiles, the other is sad, if you liked ours educational activities take a smiling drop, if not, take a sad one.

Irina Vederina
Summary of a lesson on getting to know nature " Winter phenomena in nature"

Target: creating conditions for expanding children’s understanding of winter phenomena in nature. Tasks:


Reinforce with children the signs of winter, seasonal changes in nature related to in winter; practice selecting definitions for a given word.

Activate vocabulary (blizzard, frost, snowfall, etc.).

Learn to gain knowledge about the properties of snow through experimental activities.


Develop children’s ability to give detailed answers, develop children’s imagination skills.

Develop cognitive activity, creation.


Cultivate love for nature, interest in learning nature.

Materials: plates with snow, napkins.

GCD move:

1. Motivational and incentive stage.

Guys, do you like to solve riddles? Listen attentively:

What kind of miracle blanket is this?

At night everything suddenly became white.

No roads or rivers to be seen -

The fluffy one covered them. (snow).

Fell out of a white cloud

And she fell into our laps.

This fluff of snow

Silver. (snowflake).

The snow turned blue from the cold,

There is white frost on the trees.

Even Bobik hides his nose

After all, it's on the street. (freezing).

The sorcerer froze

And lakes and streams.

I breathed cold, and now -

Not water in the stream, but. (ice)

The puddles are frozen in the yard,

The drifting snow swirls all day long,

The houses became white.

It came to us. (winter).

That's right - it's winter. Winter is a magical, fabulous time of year.

2. Main part. Organizational and search stage.

Reading a story from the book by N. Vinogradova "Riddle stories about nature» : « Winter brothers» .

I'll tell you about winter brothers. There are three of them. They are very similar and yet not the same.

Second, middle, winter brother starts New Year. According to his command, the cold is fierce, the frost is crackling, the snow is creaking underfoot. He paints the windows with different patterns. Passers-by are in a hurry, afraid of his pranks - he can freeze his cheeks, nose, ears. When the second brother arrives, the weather is clear, there is not a cloud in the sky, and the prickly needles of dry snowflakes sparkle in the frosty air. Third, youngest winter brother loves snowstorms, snowstorms, strong winds. Severe frosts occur only at night, and during the day the sun begins to warm up. On the sunny side, the snow melts and becomes covered with a shiny crust. The third brother also loves snow, but his snow is not the same as the second one brother: fluffy snow flashes and swirls, as if dandelions are flying.

Guess which moon brothers are mentioned in the story? What are they called?

Riddles about winter months:

Name it guys

A month into this mystery.

His days are the shortest of all days,

All nights are longer than night.

To the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass -

We are celebrating the New Year.


It stings your ears, it stings your nose,

Frost creeps into felt boots.

If you splash water, it will fall

Not water anymore, but ice.

Even a bird can't fly:

The bird is freezing from the frost.

The sun has turned to summer,

What month is this, tell me?


Snow is falling in bags from the sky,

There are snowdrifts around the house.

Those are storms and blizzards

They attacked the village.

The frost is severe at night,

During the day, drops can be heard ringing.

The day has grown noticeably

Well, what month is this?


Well done, you guessed correctly!

The story about winter months: December, January and February.

In the old days the month of December was called "jelly". December paves, December nails, December nails. Trees and bushes stand without leaves, snow lies on bare branches, but pine and spruce remain green. In December, the days are short, the nights are long, it gets dark early, and sometimes there is severe frost. At the very end of December, children and adults prepare to celebrate the New Year.

January. The month of January was called "Lute". “The month of January is winter, sovereign”- that’s what people called him. In January the snowdrifts are high and the frost on the windows creates amazing patterns. In January the feast of the Nativity of Christ is celebrated. Children have a lot of fun things to do this month.

February – last winter month. This month strong winds blow, snowstorms and blizzards sweep up high snowdrifts. In the old days February was called "Let's make snow". In February, the days become longer and the sun begins to warm up. This month there are thaws, the snow melts and becomes sticky. From such sticky snow you can sculpt snow figures and play snowballs. At the end of February, people say goodbye to winter and celebrate Maslenitsa. This is a celebration of meeting the sun. On this day, everyone bakes pancakes, because they look like suns, just as round and rosy.

Physical education minute.

It's frosty outside (Children clap their hands on their shoulders and

To keep your nose from freezing, you stomp your feet)

We need to stomp our feet

And clap your palms.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky, (Children raise their hands above their heads and make

Like in a fairy tale picture. grasping movements, as if catching) snowflakes.

We'll catch them with our hands

And we'll show mom at home.

And there are snowdrifts around, (Stretching - arms to the sides).

The roads were covered with snow.

Don't get stuck in the field so that (Walking in place with high knees).

Raise your legs higher.

We go, we go, we go (Walking in place).

And we come to our house. (Children take their seats).

Didactic game “Choose a sign word”

Guys, winter months offer you interesting game. You need to name as many words as possible that answer the questions: Which? Which?

Winter (Which)

Children: snowy, frosty, cold

Snowflake (Which)

Children: beautiful, light, fluffy

Christmas tree (Which)

Children: beautiful, elegant, green, fragrant, New Year's, real, forest

Wind (Which)

Children: strong, scary, cold

Snowfall (Which)

Children: strong, beautiful, light

Blizzard (Which)

Children: snowy, strong, terrible, fierce, howling.

Frost (Which)

Children: silver, light, delicate, white, shiny.

Well done guys! Did a great job!

Experimentation « Winter phenomena in nature» .

Guys, take a close look at the snow in the plates. What color is the snow? Does it have a smell? (Children's answers).

Watch. What's happening to him? (melts). Why did the snow begin to melt? (Indoors kindergarten warm, air temperature is higher than outside).

What did the water look like after it melted? snow: clean, transparent or cloudy, does it have particles of dust or dirt? (After the snow melts, the water becomes dirty, as it contains various impurities of dust and dirt).

Reading a poem by A. Brodsky "Freezing":

Invisible carefully,

He comes to me

And draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.

This is maple, and this is willow,

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

Just white paint!

I look - I can’t look away

The branch lines are tender!

And the artist is happy to try,

You don't even need brushes.

What patterns does frost draw on the window?

3. Reflexive-corrective stage.

Guess another one riddle:

Troika, troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white,

And the queen sits in the sleigh,

White-haired, white-faced.

How she waved her sleeve -

Everything was covered with silver.

(Winter and Winter months) .

What did we talk about at class? (About winter, winter months) .

Name winter months.

About which we talked about winter phenomena?

Guys, what did we do on class? (We guessed riddles, played games, observed the melting of snow).

Do you want to play in the snow and build a snowman? (Yes). Then it's time for us to go for a walk!

Winter is a harsh time, especially in northern latitudes our hemisphere. Its calendar time is known, but it often happens that the first signs of winter come much earlier. The slushy November weather gives way to December frosts, freezing the reservoirs and covering the ground in a fluffy blanket of snow. The days become short, and the nights drag on tediously, waiting for the first ray of sun.

The shortest day falls on the period winter solstice. This is December 21 on the night of 22. The shortest day and the longest night. From this time the countdown begins and daytime increases, shortening nighttime.

The clouds descend lower, becoming heavy and gray with overflowing moisture. They are not light or compact; they cover the entire winter sky, filling the air with the smell of moisture and freshness. They are the ones who bring heavy snowfalls, covering the ground with meter-long snowdrifts.

Snow is winter precipitation. In winter, they cover everything around with a thick blanket, creating a kind of microclimate that helps plants and small animals survive the harsh cold. The lower the air temperature, the looser the snow flooring becomes, the harder it crunches underfoot and pricks when you touch it.

In calm weather, snow falls in large snowflakes; with increasing intensity, the snow turns into a blizzard - the most dangerous winter phenomenon of nature. It occurs when the first gust of wind appears. He picks up the snow cover and carries it, dragging it along with him. In nature, snowstorms are distinguished between high and low snowstorms, depending on the redistribution air masses. Typically, severe snowstorms occur in the middle of winter, at the peak of seasonal temperatures. The formation of a snowy landscape depends on this natural phenomenon: wind-blown snow takes on the bizarre shapes of snowdrifts.

Frequent travel companion winter weather- icy conditions. This is an ice crust that forms on any surface after a sharp temperature change. Wet snow, rain before severe frost can provoke its appearance. As a rule, it is black ice that binds the entire area of ​​small streams and other sources of moisture, so it does not necessarily have to rain for it to appear. If there are severe, long-term frosts in winter, they freeze the deepest bodies of water, which freeze to very decent depths, and this is how ice freezes begin, paralyzing shipping. The ice will begin to move only with strong warming, when the rays of the sun begin to warm up its firmament.

Frosts refer to hazardous phenomena nature. They can be installed on for a long time, if a winter anticyclone dominates the area. As a rule, abnormal frosts are a rare occurrence. Deviation from the usual norm does not occur everywhere and not always. Low temperatures can cause significant damage agriculture and provoke the appearance emergency, so all public utilities are on alert in winter.

Another indispensable attribute of winter is an icicle - a cone-shaped piece of ice that hangs from any plane. During the day, the sun warms the snow, it begins to melt and leak, and at night the frost intensifies, everything around freezes. The mass of the icicle grows as the snow melts, then it collapses from own weight and crumbles upon impact with the ground.

It is with the melting of icicles that a smooth transition to spring begins, when the air temperature gradually rises, the days become longer, and frost patterns disappear, seeping melt water into the warmed ground. Snow is a winter look atmospheric precipitation. It has its own crystal structure, which is based on frozen microscopic drops of water. When a drop passes through the cold atmospheric layers of air and falls to the ground, it freezes and becomes overgrown with its fellows, clinging to them, forming six-pointed snowflakes. This form is due to the physical laws of water freezing.

Winter is a fierce time, especially in the north of the planet. Sometimes its appearance does not coincide with calendar time. Signs of winter may appear earlier. The slushy weather changes to frost, ponds freeze, and the ground is covered with a white blanket of snow. During this period the days are short and the nights are cold.

The first signs of winter. Snow

Nature calendar

Frost and snow appear in different ways. Nature has its own calendar, so signs of winter are noticeable in different times year.

Every year the timing of the annual seasons changes. Therefore, spring may come early or, conversely, late. This happens in winter too. Every year maybe different quantities precipitation, there may be more clear or cloudy days, the temperature can also present its own surprises.

It is important for many people to monitor fluctuations in nature. Gardeners, landowners, fishermen, and hunters pay attention to them. Depends on weather conditions such industries:

  • poultry farming;
  • agriculture;
  • fishing;
  • livestock farming;
  • sericulture;
  • beekeeping.

End of winter

Winter doesn't last forever, it ends eventually. The first thawed patches appear and the ground is visible. Previously, they can be seen on the slopes, and then - in the fields. But in the north, in the forests, snow can last a long time.

Migratory birds are starting to return home. The first to be noticed are the rooks. But there are also places of their residence from which they do not fly away, since there are no harsh winters there.

The beginning of winter in nature

There are signs of winter in wildlife. You can observe the following changes:

  1. Trees and bushes are shedding leaves. This happens because there is little light in winter, so they don’t need this part. Only coniferous trees They don’t lose leaves, they fall out gradually so that new ones can grow. These needles of fir trees and pine trees are covered with a coating that protects them from severe frosts.
  2. In winter there is little food. For this reason, animals, such as bears, hibernate. Those who continue to lead an active life grow a warm fur coat. Such changes will prevent them from freezing. By the way, the hare turns white for the winter, and the hedgehog finds a cozy place and sleeps there, curled up, until spring.
  3. The number of birds decreases in winter, as migratory birds fly to regions where it is warmer. Only those who have adapted to eat food remain various types stern. And many insects disappear in winter, so it becomes more difficult for birds to find food.

These are signs of winter in living nature.

What is snow made of?

Snowflakes come in various sizes, but no larger than 5 mm. And openwork weaving differs from each other, surprising with its uniqueness. There are different signs of winter, but snow is considered the most basic. Snowflakes are symmetrical, have clear geometric edges, and are connected into a hexagon. The water molecule has a hexagonal shape. Because of this, when she freezes in the clouds, she transforms into small crystals. Formation occurs with the capture of neighboring molecules. Thus, a chain of frozen molecules is obtained.

The resulting shape is affected by air temperature and humidity. Snow plays an important role in winter, as it provides protection to the earth in the cold, covering it blanket of snow. It allows you to keep warm, plants and small animals will not die in such conditions. If there is no snow, winter crops will not produce a harvest. Snow also retains moisture, which is needed in spring.

Games for children that will help you recognize the beginning of winter

Many parents want their child to quickly be able to tell what signs of winter exist. You can teach him this by playing. At the same time, his mental abilities will develop and improve.

The first game is called "Homemade Lotto". It can be used for 3-year-old children. The signs of winter will become clear to children and they will be able to talk about it. To do this, you need to make a lotto for each season. Pictures are collected showing signs of winter and other periods of the year. After this, you need to invite your child to choose from the drawings those that are associated with the winter period. The parent can take out the pictures one by one, and the baby must identify the signs of the cold season. To make it interesting for the child, you can later switch roles with him. This will allow him to consolidate his knowledge. It is allowed to make mistakes so that the child corrects his parent.

Similar to the previous game, you can write words on cardboard: signs for the word “winter” and other seasons. The activity is similar to the previous one, the child must collect words related to winter.

The game “What to Wear” develops a child’s thoughts well. To do this, you will need clothing that should be worn in different times year. The child must choose from the pile only those things that are suitable for winter. The parent can also show one wardrobe attribute at a time, and the children make a conclusion regarding it. The same game can be played with shoes. If you are concerned that things will get dirty, you can use pictures. They should depict different clothes. For the child to develop his logical thinking, you can ask why he chose a particular thing.

You can help recognize the signs of winter while walking. When the mother goes for a walk with the baby outside, he can begin to talk about the changes that have come with the advent of winter period. A parent can help the children, noting that the dog’s fur has become thicker, and smoke can be seen from the cottages, as the stove is being heated there. The child will realize that with the arrival of winter it becomes cold, which is why such changes occur.

You can also play winter words. To do this, participants name words associated with winter one by one. For example, cold, snow, Santa Claus, Snowman and others. If someone doesn't know what word to say, they're out of the game. The last remaining participant is the winner.

So, there are a lot of changes when winter comes. Every person should notice them, and children should be helped to see these signs.

Hi all. The leaves have fallen from the trees, there is crisp ice on the puddles, you can’t hear the chirping of birds - these are the main signs of winter in wildlife that say that winter is coming. Do you want to know what happens in nature on the threshold of winter? How do trees, birds, animals, insects, and fish prepare for winter? Surprise your friends with your knowledge about wildlife?

How often does someone ask: “When will winter come?” Tired of this autumn slush...

Quote from Pushkin: - That year I stood in the yard for a long time, Nature waited, waited for winter..., answer - In fact, the signs of winter are already everywhere in nature.

You can only be able to determine the onset of winter in nature by observing changes in nature, where everything is interconnected - winter and summer, spring and autumn.

The first signs of winter can be detected by all living things.

It is still far from cold weather and there is no snow and frost, but it is already clear that winter is on the doorstep.

  1. The days are getting shorter, the nights are longer and colder, the slanting rays of the sun cannot warm the earth during the day.
  2. The clouds hang low, become heavy, sad gray, and fill the entire sky.
  3. The air is damp and cold.
  4. An ice crust appears on the puddles.

How plants greet winter

The main signs of approaching winter are shown by trees and shrubs. Waiting for the cold winter , trees not only shed their leaves, under their bark the cork tissue has become denser in winter and added over the summer, which keeps heat inside the trunk, like a double-glazed window.

They shed their leaves, taking care of themselves: under the cover of last year's foliage, the roots will freeze less. Trees and shrubs “fall asleep” in winter so as not to waste energy and nutrients for life activities.

What signs of approaching winter are visible in herbaceous plants?

  • — Annual plants die, dropping their seeds into the ground. Next spring, in warm soil, the seeds that have lain under the snow all winter will again give life to the plant.
  • — Perennial plants store nutrients in their rhizomes all summer. Their bright summer greenery turns yellow and fades. Some herbs retain color, even fruits (lingonberries and cranberries).

How birds prepare for cold weather

It’s not easy for birds in the cold, there’s not enough food. To withstand and survive the frost, a bird needs to eat as much food as it weighs.

Bird conversations in the forests fall silent, quiet and lifeless without their hubbub. The birds scattered to the south in search of food-rich lands. Many move closer to people's homes (tits and bullfinches).

Frost-resistant species of birds “goosebumped” and prepared food.

Birds spend the night and look for food in cold weather in flocks and flocks; in winter a bird cannot be alone: ​​together and from predators it is easier to protect yourself and look for food.

What do animals do on the eve of frost?

The most characteristic features occur in the world of animals awaiting the onset of frost. Knowing that winter is coming, many animals fall into hibernation- This is an adaptive mechanism of some species of animals and plants during winter and frost. A way not to die of hunger.

During hibernation or torpor, the body temperature of animals decreases, digestion stops, heart rhythms are rare, and breathing is weak. Bears make warm and cozy dens for themselves. Other animals also hibernate: badgers and hedgehogs, raccoons and chipmunks, hamsters and dormouse, bats and snakes, frogs and lizards.

Who changes the color, insulates the fur coat? Which animal is not waiting? warm weather in winter?

  1. The hare changes the color of its skin from gray to a white, warm new thing.
  2. Squirrels put on winter outfits: their summer red sundresses are easy to see on gray tree trunks, because they turn gray, in this way they camouflage themselves from predators.
  3. And predators camouflage themselves; protective coloring will allow them to hunt more successfully. Arctic foxes change from dark gray to snow-white. The stoats and weasels turn white.

The fur coats of animals become richer not only in terms of coloring, but as winter approaches, a thick, short undercoat grows closer to the skin, which provides warmth in the winter frosts.

How do insects survive in winter?

Insects are also waiting for the onset of winter and have been preparing for it since the summer.

Ants hid deep underground, closed the entrances to the house, and are not visible. Ants huddle in groups and economically eat summer food supplies while waiting out the winter.

Wasps and bees seal the honeycombs, form swarms, and cover all the cracks of the nests with wax. They feed on honey reserves.

Flies, butterflies and beetles will only smell: winter signs- they hide under the bark of trees, huddle in cracks, wait out frosts in a state similar to the hibernation of animals, this state is also called suspended animation.

How fish and underwater inhabitants live under the ice

The water temperature in rivers and reservoirs drops every day, ice freezes - it is clear to underwater inhabitants: winter is coming according to the time of year. Under the layer of ice it becomes dark and there is not enough oxygen. All inhabitants have developed reflexes that help them survive winter time.

Crayfish dig holes in river banks and lead an inactive lifestyle, and female crayfish also bear eggs at this time.

All aquatic life awaits the onset of winter. Fish accumulate fat all summer, and spend it sparingly in winter.

  • - There are types of fish (carp and tench, catfish and crucian carp) that go to wintering pits at this time, where they bask side by side, being half asleep.
  • - Active predators (pike, perch and pike perch) do not change their lifestyle in winter.

How a person greets winter

Man is also an object of living nature, so people prepare and wait for the onset of winter, try to observe and learn from nature.

  1. Purchase and wear suitable clothing.
  2. Houses and windows are insulated in various ways.
  3. Supplies of food and firewood are being prepared.

The signs of winter are conveyed to each other in sayings:

  • The year ends and winter begins.
  • A fur coat in winter is no joke.
  • In November, winter fights with autumn.

Winter is a difficult time for all living things in nature. Frosts, hard-to-get food, short daylight hours - all this forces animals, birds, insects to adapt and survive.

It is known that in especially difficult times, animals feel sorry for each other. For example, herbivorous fish flock into schools and stand side by side in wintering pits throughout the cold season, and predatory fish don't touch them, that's how it is.

People also take care of their smaller brothers: they set up feeders near their houses for birds and in forests for animals, they drill holes in lakes so that the fish have an influx of oxygen. Then in the summer it will be more fun with the noise of birds and the fishing will be more successful.

I hope you liked mine brief overview the most important signs of winter in wildlife. Please write what other signs of winter you know in the comments. I will be very interested to know about them. And that's all for today. Let me say goodbye to you and see you again.

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