Workshop-workshop "formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children through play activities." Methodology for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts (famp) in the middle group

Means of forming elementary mathematical representations for children in kindergarten

The process of forming elementary mathematical concepts is carried out under the guidance of a teacher as a result of systematically carried out work in and outside the classroom, aimed at familiarizing children with quantitative, spatial and temporal relationships using a variety of means. Didactic tools are a kind of teacher’s tools and tools cognitive activity children.

Currently, in the practice of children's work preschool institutions The following means of forming elementary mathematical representations are widely used:

Sets of visual teaching materials for classes;

Equipment for independent games and activities for children;

Methodological manuals for educators kindergarten, in which the essence of the work on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children in each age group is revealed and approximate lesson notes are given;

National team didactic games and exercises for the formation of quantitative, spatial and temporal concepts in preschoolers;

Educational and educational books for preparing children to master mathematics at school in a family environment.

When forming elementary mathematical concepts, teaching aids perform various functions:

Implement the principle of visibility;

Adapt abstract mathematical concepts in a form accessible to children;

Help preschoolers master the methods of action necessary for the emergence of elementary mathematical concepts;

They contribute to the accumulation in children of experience of sensory perception of properties, relationships, connections and dependencies, its constant expansion and enrichment, help to carry out a gradual transition from the material to the materialized, from the concrete to the abstract;

They enable the teacher to organize the educational and cognitive activities of preschoolers and manage this work, develop in them the desire to acquire new knowledge, master counting, measurement, the simplest methods of calculation, etc.;

Increase the volume of independent cognitive activity of children in and outside of mathematics classes;

Expand the teacher’s capabilities in solving educational, educational and developmental problems;

Rationalize and intensify the learning process.

Thus, teaching aids perform important functions: in the activities of the teacher and children in the formation of their elementary mathematical concepts. They are constantly changing, new ones are being constructed in close connection with improving the theory and practice of pre-mathematics training for children in preschool institutions.

The main teaching tool is a set of visual didactic materials for classes. It includes the following: AND - objects environment, taken in kind: A variety of household items, toys, dishes, buttons, pine cones, acorns, pebbles, shells, etc.;

Images of objects: flat, contour, color, on stands and without them, drawn on cards;

Graphic and schematic tools: logical blocks, figures, cards, tables, models.

When forming elementary mathematical concepts in the classroom, real objects and their images are most widely used. As children age, there are natural changes in use separate groups didactic means: along with visual aids, an indirect system of didactic materials is used. Modern research refute the statement that generalized mathematical concepts are inaccessible to children. Therefore, in working with older preschoolers, visual aids that model mathematical concepts are increasingly being used.

Didactic means should change not only taking into account age characteristics, but depending on the relationship between the concrete and abstract in different stages children's assimilation of program material. For example, at a certain stage, real objects can be replaced by numerical figures, and these, in turn, by numbers, etc.

Each age group has its own set of visual materials. This is a comprehensive didactic tool that ensures the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the context of targeted learning in the classroom. Thanks to it, it is possible to solve almost all program problems. Visual didactic material designed for specific content, methods, frontal forms of training organization, corresponds age characteristics children, meets various requirements: scientific, pedagogical, aesthetic, sanitary and hygienic, economic, etc. It is used in the classroom to explain new things, consolidate them, to repeat what has been learned and to test children’s knowledge, i.e. at all stages of education .

Usually used visual material two types: large, (demonstration) for showing and working with children, and small (distributing), which the child uses while sitting at the table and performing the teacher’s task at the same time as everyone else. Demonstration and distribution materials differ in purpose: the first serve to explain and show the teacher’s methods of action, the second make it possible to organize independent activities of children, during which the necessary skills and abilities are developed. These functions are basic, but not the only ones and strictly fixed.

Demonstration materials include:

Type-setting canvases with two or more stripes for laying out various flat images on them: fruits, vegetables, flowers, animals, etc.;

Geometric shapes, cards with numbers and signs +, -, =, >,<;

A flannelgraph with a set of planar images glued onto the flannel with the nap facing outward, so that they adhere more firmly to the flannel-covered surface of the flannelgraph board;

An easel for drawing, on which two or three removable shelves are attached to display voluminous visual aids;

Magnetic board with a set of geometric shapes, numbers, signs, flat object images;

Shelves with two and three steps for displaying visual aids;

Sets of objects (10 pieces each) of the same and different colors, sizes, volumetric and planar (on stands);

Cards and tables;

Models (“number ladder”, calendar, etc.);

Logic blocks;

Panels and pictures for composing and solving arithmetic problems;

Equipment for conducting didactic games;

Instruments (regular, hourglass, cup scales, floor and table abacus, horizontal and vertical, abacus, etc.).

Certain types of demonstration materials are included in the stationary equipment for educational activities: magnetic and regular boards, flannelgraph, abacus, wall clock, etc.

Handouts include:

Small objects, three-dimensional and flat, identical and different in color, size, shape, material, etc.;

Cards consisting of one, two, three or more stripes; cards with objects depicted on them, geometric figures, numbers and signs, cards with nests, cards with sewn buttons, lotto cards, etc.;

Sets of geometric shapes, flat and three-dimensional, the same and different colors, sizes;

Tables and models;

Counting sticks, etc.

The division of visual didactic material into demonstration and handout is very arbitrary. The same tools can be used for both display and exercise.

The size of the benefits should be taken into account: the handout should be such that children sitting next to each other can comfortably place it on the table and not interfere with each other while working. Since the demonstration material is intended to be shown to all children, it is larger in all respects than the handout material. Existing recommendations regarding the size of visual didactic materials in the formation of children’s elementary mathematical concepts are of an empirical nature and are based on an experimental basis. In this regard, some standardization is essential and can be achieved through dedicated scientific research. There is still no uniformity in the indication of sizes in the methodological literature and in those produced by industry.

sets, one should practically establish the most acceptable option and in each specific case, focus on the best teaching experience.

Handouts are required in large quantities per child, demonstration material - one per group of children. For a four-group kindergarten, demonstration materials are selected as follows: 1-2 sets of each name, and handout materials - 25 sets of each name for the entire child

garden to fully provide for one group.

Both materials should be artistically designed: attractiveness is of great importance in teaching children - with beautiful aids it is more interesting for children to study. However, this requirement should not become an end in itself, since the excessive attractiveness and novelty of toys and aids can distract the child from the main thing - the knowledge of quantitative, spatial and temporal relationships.

Visual didactic material serves to implement the program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts

during specially organized exercises in the classroom. For this purpose use:

Aids for teaching children to count;

Aids for exercises in recognizing the size of objects;

Aids for children's exercises in recognizing the shape of objects and geometric figures;

Aids for exercising children in spatial orientation;

Aids for teaching children time orientation. These manual sets correspond to the main sections

programs and include both demonstration and handout material. Teachers make the didactic tools necessary for conducting classes themselves, involving parents, bosses, older preschoolers, or take them ready-made from the environment. Currently, the industry has begun to produce separate visual aids and entire sets that are intended for mathematics classes in kindergarten. This significantly reduces the amount of preparatory work to equip the pedagogical process, freeing up the teacher’s time for work, including the design of new didactic tools and the creative use of existing ones.

Didactic tools that are not included in the equipment for organizing educational activities are stored in the methodological office of the kindergarten, in the methodological corner of the group room, they are kept in boxes with transparent lids or the objects that are in them are depicted with appliqué on thick lids. Natural materials and small counting toys can also be placed in boxes with internal partitions. Such storage makes it easier to find the right material, saves time and space.

Equipment for independent games and activities may include:

Special didactic tools for individual work with children, for preliminary familiarization with new toys and materials;

A variety of didactic games: board-printed and with objects; training developed by A. A. Stolyar; developmental, developed by B. P. Nikitin; checkers, chess;

Entertaining mathematical material: puzzles, geometric mosaics and constructors, labyrinths, joke problems, transfiguration problems, etc. with the application of samples where necessary (for example, the game “Tangram” requires dissected and undivided, contour samples) , visual instructions, etc.;

Separate didactic tools: 3. Dienesh blocks (logical blocks), X. Kusener sticks, counting material (different from what is used in the classroom), cubes with numbers and signs, children's computers and much more; 128

Books with educational and cognitive content for reading to children and looking at illustrations.

All these tools are best placed directly in the area of ​​independent cognitive and play activity; they should be periodically updated, taking into account children's interests and inclinations. These tools are used mainly during play hours, but can also be used in classes. It is necessary to ensure children's free access to them and their widespread use.

By using a variety of didactic means outside of class, the child not only consolidates the knowledge acquired in class, but in some cases, by mastering additional content, he can get ahead of the requirements of the program and gradually prepare for its mastery. Independent activity under the guidance of a teacher, carried out individually or in a group, makes it possible to ensure the optimal pace of development for each child, taking into account his interests, inclinations, abilities, and characteristics.

Many of the teaching tools used outside of class are extremely effective. An example is “colored numbers” - didactic material by the Belgian teacher X. Kusener, which has become widespread in kindergartens abroad and in our country. It can be used from nursery groups to the last grades of high school. “Colored numbers” is a set of sticks in the form of rectangular parallelepipeds and cubes. All sticks are painted in different colors. The starting point is a white cube - a regular hexagon measuring 1X1X1 cm, i.e. 1 cm3. A white stick is one, a pink stick is two, a blue stick is three, a red stick is four, etc. The longer the stick, the greater the value of the number it expresses. Thus, a number is modeled by color and magnitude. There is also a planar version of colored numbers in the form of a set of stripes of different colors. By laying out multi-colored rugs from sticks, making trains from carriages, building a ladder and performing other actions, the child gets acquainted with the composition of a number of ones, two numbers, with the sequence of numbers in the natural series, performs arithmetic operations, etc., i.e. prepares for mastering various mathematical concepts. Sticks make it possible to construct a model of the mathematical concept being studied. /An equally universal and very effective didactic tool is the blocks of 3. Dienes (logical blocks), a Hungarian psychologist and mathematician (this didactic material is described in the chapter, § 2).

One of the means of developing elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children is entertaining games, exercises, tasks, and questions. This entertaining mathematical material is extremely diverse in content, form, developmental and educational influence.

At the end of the last - beginning of this century, it was believed that through the use of entertaining mathematical material, it was possible to develop in children the ability to count, solve arithmetic problems, develop their desire to study, and overcome difficulties. It was recommended to use it with children up to school age.

In subsequent years, a decline in attention to entertaining mathematical material was noticed, and interest in it has increased again in the last 10-15 years in connection with the search for new teaching tools that would most contribute to the identification and implementation of the potential cognitive capabilities of each child.

Entertaining mathematical material, due to its inherent entertaining nature and the serious cognitive task hidden in it, captivates and develops children. There is no single, generally accepted classification of it. Most often, any task or group of similar tasks receives a name that reflects either the content, or the game goal, or the method of action, or the objects used. Sometimes the title contains a description of the task or game in a condensed form. The simplest types of entertaining mathematical material can be used in working with preschoolers:

Geometric constructors: “Tangram”, “Pythagoras”, “Columbus Egg”, “Magic Circle”, etc., in which from a set of flat geometric figures it is necessary to create a plot image based on a silhouette, contour sample or according to design;

- Rubik’s “Snake”, “Magic Balls”, “Pyramid”, “Fold the Pattern”, “Unicube” and other puzzle toys consisting of three-dimensional geometric bodies rotating or folding in a certain way;

Logical exercises that require inferences based on logical diagrams and rules;

Tasks to find a sign(s) of difference or similarity between figures (for example: “Find two identical figures”, “How do these objects differ from each other?”, “Which figure is the odd one here?”);

Tasks to find a missing figure, in which, by analyzing object or geometric images, the child must establish a pattern in the set of features, their alternation and, on this basis, select the necessary figure, completing the row with it or filling in the missing space;

Labyrinths are exercises performed on a visual basis and requiring a combination of visual and mental analysis, precision of actions in order to find the shortest and correct path from the starting point to the final point (for example: “How can a mouse get out of a hole?”, “Help the fishermen untangle the fishing rods” , “Guess who lost the mitten”);

Entertaining exercises for recognizing parts as a whole, in which children are required to determine how many and what shapes are contained in the drawing;

Entertaining exercises to restore a whole from parts (assemble a vase from fragments, a ball from multi-colored parts, etc.);

Inventive tasks of a geometric nature with sticks, from the simplest to reproducing a pattern to composing object pictures, to transfiguration (changing a figure by rearranging the specified number of sticks);

Riddles that contain mathematical elements in the form of a term denoting quantitative, spatial or temporal relationships;

Poems, counting rhymes, tongue twisters and sayings with mathematical elements;

Problems in poetic form;

Joke problems, etc.

This does not exhaust all the entertaining mathematical material that can be used in working with children. Its individual types are listed.

Entertaining mathematical material is similar in structure to children's games: didactic, plot-role-playing, construction-constructive, dramatization. Like the didactic game, it is primarily aimed at developing mental abilities, qualities of the mind, and methods of cognitive activity. Its cognitive content, organically combined with an entertaining form, becomes an effective means of mental education, unintentional learning, best corresponding to the age characteristics of a preschool child. Many jokes, puzzles, entertaining exercises and questions, having lost their authorship, are passed down from generation to generation, just like folk educational games. The presence of rules organizing the order of actions, the nature of visibility, the possibility of competition, and in many cases a clearly expressed result make entertaining material similar to a didactic game. At the same time, it also contains elements of other types of games: roles, plot, content reflecting some life phenomenon, actions with objects, solving a constructive problem, favorite images of fairy tales, short stories, cartoons, dramatization - all this indicates the multifaceted connections of entertaining material with the game . He seems to absorb many of its elements, features and characteristics: emotionality, creativity, independent and amateur character.

Entertaining material also has its own pedagogical value, allowing you to diversify didactic means in working with preschoolers to form their simplest mathematical concepts. It expands the ability to create and solve problem situations, opens up effective ways to enhance mental activity, and promotes the organization of children’s communication with each other and with adults.

Research indicates that individual mathematical entertaining tasks are accessible from 4-5 years of age. Being a kind of mental gymnastics, they prevent the occurrence of intellectual passivity and form perseverance and focus in children from an early age. Nowadays, children are increasingly drawn to intellectual games and toys. This desire should be used more widely in working with preschoolers.

Let us note the basic pedagogical requirements for entertaining mathematical material as a didactic tool.

1. The material must be varied. This requirement follows from its main function, which is to develop and improve quantitative, spatial and temporal concepts in children. There should be a variety of entertaining problems with different ways of solving them. When a solution is found, similar problems are solved without much difficulty, the task itself goes from being non-standard to being formulaic, and its developmental influence is sharply reduced. The forms of organizing work with this material should also be diversified: individual and group, in free independent activity and in classes, in kindergarten and at home, etc.

2. Entertaining material should not be used sporadically, randomly, but in a specific system that involves gradually increasing the complexity of tasks, games, and exercises.

3. When organizing and directing children’s activities with entertaining material, it is necessary to combine direct teaching methods with creating conditions for independent searches for solutions.

4. Entertaining material should meet different levels of general and mathematical development of the child. This requirement is realized by varying tasks, methodological techniques and forms of organization.

5. The use of entertaining mathematical material should be combined with other didactic means to develop elementary mathematical concepts in children.

Entertaining mathematical material is a means of complex influence on the development of children, with its help mental and volitional development is carried out, problems in learning are created, the child takes an active position in the learning process itself. Spatial imagination, logical thinking, focus and dedication, the ability to independently search and find ways of action to solve practical and cognitive problems - all this, taken together, is required for the successful mastery of mathematics and other academic subjects at school.

Didactic tools include manuals for kindergarten teachers, which reveal a system of work on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Their main purpose is to help the teacher carry out in practice the pre-mathematical preparation of children for school.

High demands are placed on manuals for kindergarten teachers as a didactic tool. They have to:

a) be built on a solid scientific and theoretical foundation, reflect the basic modern scientific concepts of the development and formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers, put forward by teachers, psychologists, and mathematicians;

b) comply with the modern didactic system of pre-mathematical training: goals, objectives, content, methods, means and forms of organizing work in kindergarten;

c) take into account advanced pedagogical experience, include the best achievements of mass practice;

d) be convenient for work, simple, practical, specific.

The practical orientation of manuals that serve as a teacher’s reference book is reflected in their structure and content.

The age principle is most often the leading one in the presentation of the material. The content of the manual may include methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting work on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers in general or for individual sections, topics, questions; game lesson notes.

A summary is a brief description containing the goal (program content: educational and educational tasks), a list of visual aids and equipment, coverage of the progress (main parts, stages) of a lesson or game. Typically, manuals provide a system of notes that consistently reveal the basic methods and techniques of teaching, with the help of which problems from different sections of the program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts are solved: work with demonstration and handout material, demonstration, explanation, demonstration of samples and methods of action by the teacher, questions to children and generalizations, independent activities of children, individual and collective tasks and other forms and types of work. The content of the notes consists of a variety of exercises and didactic games that can be used in mathematics classes in kindergarten and outside of them in order to develop quantitative, spatial and temporal concepts in children.

Using notes, the teacher specifies and clarifies the tasks (notes usually indicate educational tasks in the most general form), can change visual material, at his own discretion determine the number of exercises and their parts in a lesson or in a game, use additional techniques for enhancing cognitive activity, and individualize questions , tasks according to the degree of difficulty for a particular child.

The existence of notes does not mean direct adherence to ready-made material; they leave room for creativity in the use of various methods and techniques, didactic means, forms of organizing work, etc. The teacher can combine, select the best options from several, and create something new by analogy with the existing one.

Notes from mathematics classes and games are a didactic tool successfully found by the methodology, which, with the right attitude and use, increases the effectiveness of the teacher’s pedagogical activity.

In recent years, such a didactic tool as educational books has become increasingly used to prepare children for mastering mathematics at school. Some of them are addressed to the family, others - both to the family and to the kindergarten. Being teaching aids for adults, they are also intended for children as books for reading, viewing and lustration.

This didactic tool has the following characteristic features:

A sufficiently large volume of cognitive content, which generally corresponds to the program requirements for the development of quantitative, spatial and temporal concepts in children, but may not coincide with them;

The combination of educational content with artistic form: heroes (fairy-tale characters, adults, children), plot (travel, family life, various events in which the main characters become participants, etc.);

Entertaining, colorful, which are achieved by a complex of means: artistic text, numerous illustrations, various exercises, direct appeal to children, humor, bright design, etc.; all this is aimed at making the cognitive content more attractive, meaningful, and interesting for the child;

The books are designed for minimal methodological and mathematical training for an adult, contain specific, clear recommendations for him either in the preface or afterword, and sometimes in parallel with the text for reading to children;

The main material is divided into chapters (parts, lessons, etc.), which are read by an adult, and the child looks at the illustrations and completes exercises. It is recommended to study with the child several times a week for 20-25 minutes, which generally corresponds to the number and duration of mathematics classes in kindergarten;

Educational books are especially necessary in cases where children enter school directly from their families. If a child attends kindergarten, then they can be used to consolidate knowledge.

The process of forming elementary mathematical concepts requires the integrated use of a variety of didactic means and compliance with their content, methods and techniques, and forms of organizing work on pre-mathematical preparation of children in kindergarten.

Internet gnome website

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers / ed. A.A. Joiner. - M.: Education, 1988.


The goal of mathematical development of preschoolers

Comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

Preparing for success in school.

Correctional and educational work.

Problems of mathematical development of preschool children

1. Formation of a system of elementary mathematical representations.

2. Formation of prerequisites for mathematical thinking.

3. Formation of sensory processes and abilities.

4. Expansion and enrichment of the dictionary and improvement
connected speech.

5. Formation of initial forms of educational activity.

Brief summary of the sections of the program on FEMP in preschool educational institutions

I. “Quantity and counting”: ideas about set, number, counting, arithmetic operations, word problems.

I. “Size”: ideas about various quantities, their comparisons and measurements (length, width, height, thickness, area, volume, mass, time).

III. “Form”: ideas about the shape of objects, geometric figures (flat and three-dimensional), their properties and relationships.

IV. “Orientation in space”: orientation on one’s body, relative to oneself, relative to objects, relative to another person, orientation on a plane and in space, on a sheet of paper (blank and checkered), orientation in motion.

V. “Time orientation”: an idea of ​​the parts of the day, days of the week, months and seasons; development of a “sense of time”.

Principles of teaching mathematics

Consciousness and activity.


Activity approach.

Systematicity and consistency.


Constant repeatability.



Connection with life.

Developmental training.

Individual and differentiated approach.

Corrective focus, etc.

Features of the practical method:

Performing a variety of subject-specific, practical and mental actions;

Wide use of didactic material;

The emergence of mathematical concepts as a result of action with didactic material;

Development of special mathematical skills (counting, measurement, calculations, etc.);

The use of mathematical concepts in everyday life, play, work, etc.

Features of the visual method

Types of visual material:

Demonstration and distribution;

Plot and non-plot;

Volumetric and planar;

Special counting (counting sticks, abacus, abacus, etc.);

Factory and homemade.

Methodological requirements for the use of visual material:

It is better to start a new software task with voluminous plot material;

As you master the educational material, move on to plot-flat and plotless visualization;

One program task is explained using a wide variety of visual material;

It is better to show new visual material to children in advance...

Requirements for homemade visual material:

Hygiene (paints are covered with varnish or film, velvet paper is used only for demonstration material);






Logical connection (hare - carrot, squirrel - pine cone, etc.);

Sufficient quantity...

Features of the verbal method

All work is based on the dialogue between teacher and child.

Requirements for the teacher's speech:




Quite loud;


In younger groups, the tone is mysterious, fabulous, mysterious, the pace is slow, multiple repetitions;

In older groups, the tone is interesting, with the use of problem situations, the pace is quite fast, approaching the teaching of a lesson at school...

Requirements for children's speech:


Understandable (if the child has poor pronunciation, the teacher pronounces the answer and asks to repeat it); full sentences;

With the necessary mathematical terms;

Quite loud...

FEMP techniques

1. Demonstration (usually used when communicating new knowledge).

2. Instructions (used in preparation for independent work).

3. Explanation, indication, clarification (used to prevent, identify and eliminate errors).

4. Questions for children.

5. Verbal reports of children.

6. Subject-based practical and mental actions.

7. Control and evaluation.

Requirements for teacher questions:

Accuracy, specificity, laconicism;

Logical sequence;

Variety of formulations;

Small but sufficient amount;

Avoid suggestive questions;

Skillfully use additional questions;

Give children time to think...

Requirements for children's answers:

Brief or complete depending on the nature of the question;

To the question posed;

Independent and conscious;

Accurate, clear;

Quite loud;

Grammatically correct...

Lecture No. 2



Approximate structure of traditional classes

1. Organization of the lesson.

2. Progress of the lesson.

3. Summary of the lesson.

Organization of the lesson

The lesson begins not at their desks, but with the gathering of children around the teacher, who checks their appearance, attracts attention, and seats them taking into account individual characteristics, taking into account developmental problems (vision, hearing, etc.).

In younger groups: a subgroup of children can, for example, sit on chairs in a semicircle in front of the teacher.

In older groups: a group of children usually sits at desks in twos, facing the teacher, as they work with handouts and develop learning skills.

The organization depends on the content of the work, the age and individual characteristics of the children. The lesson can begin and be carried out in a playroom, in a sports or music hall, on the street, etc., standing, sitting and even lying on the carpet.

The beginning of the lesson should be emotional, interesting, and joyful.

In younger groups: surprise moments and fairy-tale plots are used.

In older groups: it is advisable to use problem situations.

In preparatory groups, the work of those on duty is organized, and what they did in the last lesson (in order to prepare for school) is discussed.

Progress of the lesson

Sample parts of a math lesson

1. Mathematical warm-up (usually from the older group).

2. Working with demonstration material.

3. Work with handouts.

4. Physical education lesson (usually from the middle group).

5. Didactic game.

The number of parts and their order depend on the age of the children and the tasks assigned.

In the younger group: at the beginning of the year there can be only one part - a didactic game; in the second half of the year - up to three hours (usually working with demonstration material, working with handouts, outdoor didactic games).

In the middle group: usually four parts (regular work with handouts begins, after which physical education is required).

In the senior group: up to five parts.

In the preparatory group: up to seven parts.

Children's attention is maintained: 3-4 minutes for younger preschoolers, 5-7 minutes for older preschoolers - this is the approximate duration of one part.

Types of physical education minutes:

1. Poetic form (it is better for children not to pronounce, but to breathe correctly) - usually carried out in the 2nd junior and middle groups.

2. A set of physical exercises for the muscles of the arms, legs, back, etc. (best performed with music) - it is advisable to carry out in the older group.

3. With mathematical content (used if the lesson does not carry a large mental load) - more often used in the preparatory group.

4. Special gymnastics (finger, articulation, for the eyes, etc.) - regularly performed with children with developmental problems.


If the activity is active, physical education may not be necessary;

Instead of physical education, you can do relaxation.

3. Lesson summary

Any lesson must be completed.

In the younger group: the teacher summarizes after each part of the lesson. (“We played so well. Let’s collect our toys and get dressed for a walk.”)

In the middle and senior groups: at the end of the lesson, the teacher himself sums up the lesson, introducing the children. (“What did we learn new today? What did we talk about? What did we play?”). In the preparatory group: children draw their own conclusions. (“What did we do today?”) The work of the duty officers is organized.

It is necessary to evaluate the children's work (including individual praise or reprimand).

Methodological requirements for a lesson in mathematics (depending on the principles of teaching)

1. Educational tasks are taken from different sections of the program for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and combined in interconnection.

2. New tasks are presented in small portions and are specified for a given lesson.

3. In one lesson, it is advisable to solve no more than one new problem, the rest for repetition and consolidation.

4. Knowledge is given systematically and consistently in an accessible form.

5. Used various visual material.

6. The connection between the acquired knowledge and life is demonstrated.

7. Individual work is carried out with children, a differentiated approach to the selection of tasks is carried out.

8. The level of learning by children is regularly monitored, gaps in their knowledge are identified and they are eliminated.

9. All work has a developmental, correctional and educational orientation.

10. Mathematics classes are held in the first half of the day in the middle of the week.

11. It is better to combine mathematics classes with classes that do not require much mental stress (physical education, music, drawing).

12. Combined and integrated classes can be conducted using different methods if the tasks are combined.

13. Every the child must actively participate in everyone class, perform mental and practical actions, reflect their knowledge in speech.

1.1 From the history of the development of quantitative concepts

2.1 Stages of historical development of methods for measuring quantities. Origin of the names of units of measurement of quantities

3.1 From the history of the development of geometry. The origin of the names of geometric shapes and their definition

4.1 Age-related features of the development of spatial concepts in children of early and preschool age

6.1 General characteristics of FEMP content

8.4 Orientation in space

8.5 Time orientation

A brief analysis of teaching arithmetic in 1st grade of primary school (before the introduction of new programs)

On some directions in the reform of mathematics education in primary school

New mathematics program for the first grade of school (approved by the USSR Ministry of Education)

§ 1. Education and development of children

§ 2. The uniqueness of teaching young children the elements of mathematical knowledge

§ 3. Sensory development - the sensory basis of the mental and mathematical development of children

§ 1. Methods of teaching detailed arithmetic in the 18th-19th centuries. in primary school

§ 2. Questions of methods of teaching children number and counting in preschool pedagogical literature

§ 1. Development in children of the concept of set

§ 2. Comparisons of sets by children of different ages

§ 3. The role of various analyzers in the development of counting skills and ideas about set

§ 4. On the development of counting activities in children

§ 5. Development in children of the idea of ​​known segments of the natural series

§ 1. Organization of education for children in the second junior group

§ 2. Program material for children three years old

§ 3. Sample activities with sets in a group of three-year-old children

§ 4. Methodology for developing spatial and temporal concepts in children of the second younger group

§ 1. Organization of work with children of the fifth year of life

§ 2. Program material for a group of children of the fifth year of life

§ 3. Sample lessons with sets and counting in a group of children of the fifth year of life

§ 4. Sample lessons on the development of spatial and temporal concepts

§ 1. Organization of work with children in the sixth year of life

§ 2. Program material for a group of children of the sixth year of life

§ 3. Sample lessons: set, number and counting

§ 4. Formation of spatial and temporal representations

§ 5. Consolidation and use of acquired knowledge in other classes, in games and everyday life

§ 1. Organization of work with children of the seventh year of life

§ 2. Program material for the preparatory group

§ 3. Sample classes in a kindergarten preparatory group: set, counting, number

§ 4. Teaching children elements of computational activity

§ 5. Methods of teaching children to solve arithmetic problems in kindergarten

§ 6. Sample lessons on developing children’s ideas about size and measurement, shape, spatial and temporal relationships

§ 7. Consolidation of ideas and application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in classes, in games and in everyday life

History of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts

Formation and development of methods for forming elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers

Features of mathematical concepts of children with problems in intellectual development

The first stage of teaching children with intellectual disabilities elementary mathematical concepts

Main goals

The second stage of teaching children with intellectual disabilities basic mathematical concepts

Main goals

Games and play exercises with mathematical content

Expected learning outcomes

The third stage of teaching children with intellectual disabilities basic mathematical concepts

Main goals

Games and play exercises with mathematical content

Expected learning outcomes

Knowledge of some general principles of counting

Possession of abstract calculation skills

Possession of numeracy skills using visual material

Survey of skills relating the number of objects

Possession of the ability to solve arithmetic problems (senior preschool age)

Mastery of the vocabulary necessary for the formation of mathematical concepts

Mastery of geometric concepts

Possession of ideas about size

Mastery of spatial concepts

Mastery of time concepts

Games and play exercises in correctional work with children

Excursions and observations

Using fiction in games with mathematical content

Finger games

Sand games

Games with household tools

Game activity option

Water games

Theatrical games

Dramatization game for teaching children to solve arithmetic problems

Plot-didactic games

Games with bunnies

Contents of the game-activity

Bunnies and sunshine

Visiting the hedgehog

Mushroom walk

Contents of the game-activity

Swimming and sunbathing with dolls and a dog on the river

Elena Beskrovnaya
Long-term planning for FEMP (Formation of elementary mathematical concepts) for the second junior group


TOPIC: (3) Kindergarten. On the way to kindergarten

Program content: To give children the concept that there can be “one” and “many” objects; they can be located differently in space.

Learn to find a given number of objects in the environment.

Didactic game "Train" - orientation in space.

Material: Sets of toys: a hen with chicks, a car with Christmas trees (colored flat images on stands, as many chickens and Christmas trees as there are children in the group)

Work outside of class: Games in the play corner, d/game “Our group”

TOPIC: (1) Seasons. Autumn. Visiting Autumn

Program content: Reinforce the concepts of “one” and “many”.

Learn to lay out objects with your right hand from left to right. Game exercise: “Let’s assemble a bouquet of leaves” (many leaves in one bouquet).

Material: A box with small leaves, a red and blue stripe to the left and right of the other.

Work outside of class: Walking around the property, making a bouquet of leaves

TOPIC: (3) Garden. Fruits and berries. "Magic chest"

Program content: Introduce children to a new geometric figure - a square. Exercise in examining the form tactile-motor.

Reinforce the definition of the shape of objects (what shape is an apple, etc.)

Didactic game: “Find your house” - orientation in space using geometric shapes.

Materials: Chest, fruit dummies, cube, “Find your house” activity outside of class: Looking at fruits, drawing, coloring in coloring books

TOPIC: (1) Furniture. Comparing furniture pieces

Program content: Introduce children to the method of comparing two objects in length, using words (longer, shorter, equal in length).

Didactic game: “Name the figure” - fix geometric shapes: square, circle.

Material: A set of children's furniture, a toy cat and mouse, two strips of paper, short and long

Work outside of class: S.r. game "House", buildings from building materials, design

TOPIC:(3) Dishes. Tea party

Program content: Teach children to compare two equal and unequal in number and size groups of objects (within three, using the techniques of superimposing objects of one group on another and applying objects of one group to another. Use expressions in speech: as much as, equally.

Game exercise: “big and small cup” - consolidate the ability to compare objects by length, using the words longer, shorter, equal in length.

Materials: Dolls large and small, tea cups large and small: flat saucers 3 blue, 3 red, tablecloth

Working outside of class: Getting to know your surroundings, p. R. game "House", drawing

TOPIC: (1) Hygiene items. Gryaznulkin visiting children

Program content: Give the concept that objects can be different in size, shape, color. Reinforce the concepts of “one” and “many”.

Didactic game: “Which towel is longer”

Game exercise: “Lay out the combs from the shelf” - arranging objects with the right hand from left to right.

Material: A set of hygiene items, comb, soap, toothbrush, towel. Flat combs of different colors and a shelf.

D/i “Which towel is longer”

Work outside of class: Familiarization with the environment, conversations, carrying out cultural and hygienic skills

TOPIC: (3) Seasons. Winter. "Winter's Tale"

Program content: Teach children to distinguish between parts of the day based on changes in the content of the activities of children and adults.

Strengthen children's ability to recognize and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.

Game exercise: “Snowman and snowflakes” - the concepts of “one” and “many”.

TOPIC: (3) Pets and birds. Visiting Byashka

Program content: Teach children to compare two objects in width, using the techniques of superposition and application, denoting the results of comparison with words wider - narrower, equal in width.

Material: Didactic game “Mashenka’s Day” - to develop the ability to identify contrasting parts of the day: morning - evening, evening - night. Large and small lamb toys, 2 white sheets, 2 boxes with ribbons for each

Work outside of class: Conversations, looking at paintings of rams, classes to familiarize yourself with the environment

TOPIC: (1) Wild birds. "Zayushkina's hut"

Program content: Teach children to compare two objects in height, using the words higher, lower, equal in height, consolidate the ability to establish equality and inequality between two groups of objects located in a row, using the words as much - as, more - less.

Material: Didactic game: “Colorful lanterns”

Didactic game: “Planes” - orientation in space. Toy sleigh, Oksanka doll, dolls - tall and small, 3 circles, 3 squares, handout: circles and squares

Work outside of class: Reading a fairy tale, holding conversations, walking

TOPIC: (3) Animals of hot countries. Let's go to the zoo

Program content: Develop the ability to distinguish spatial directions in relation to oneself: right - left, ahead - behind, above - below, far - close, high - low.

Didactic game: “Find an object of the same shape” - fixing geometric shapes.

Didactic game: “On which bridge is the bun rolling?”

Material: Zoo toys, images of grids for animals of different sizes and heights. r/m-l: Food for zoo residents,

Work outside of class: Looking at pictures, getting to know your surroundings

Program content: Continue to teach children to establish equality and inequality between two groups of objects located in a row, using in speech the expressions: more, less, equally, as much. Make groups of individual objects, coordinating nouns with numerals, arranging objects with the right hand from left to right.

Didactic game: “Mashenka’s Day” - parts of the day.

Game exercise: “Find the same one and put it in the basket” - size, shape, color of the object

Material: Karkusha toy, Masha doll, calendar with parts of the day, mushrooms of different sizes, basket

TOPIC: (3) Nauryz. Nauryz holiday

Program content: Teach children to find objects in the world around them that correspond to geometric shapes, comparing them with objects in the surrounding life: square - chair, circle - ball, triangle - pyramid, etc.

Didactic game: “Where is the toy” - orientation in space.

Didactic game “Streams” - comparison by size (wide - narrow, long - short).

Material: Toy, Aldar Kose, scarves - long and short, carpet of geometric shapes - circle, squares, triangles, ribbons, screen

Work outside of class: Classes to familiarize yourself with the environment, celebrating holidays in kindergarten and on the streets of the city

TOPIC: (1) Our street. Traveling down the street

Program content: Continue to teach children to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects in quantity and size, using the techniques of superposition and application.

Develop the ability to distinguish between where the right and where the left hand is.

Didactic game “One - many” - to consolidate the concepts of “one” and “many”.

Game exercise: “Big-small”.

Material: 3 squirrel toys; screen; Pinocchio toy, small and large fungus, basket.

Work outside of class: Games in the play corner, d/i “What we see on a walk”

TOPIC: (3) Professions in transport. Let's go visit Sunny

Program content: Develop the ability to find one or many identical objects in the environment. Improve the ability to recognize and name the geometric shapes circle, square, triangle.

Didactic game: “Colored cars” - focus on color and shape.

Game exercise “Where the path is longer”

Material: Matryoshka dolls – 3 large, 3 small, r/m-l: triangles, squares, circles of the same color, each group of figures

Work outside of class: Bus trips with parents, walks and observations on them, classes to get acquainted with the outside world

TOPIC: (1) Children all over the Earth are friends. We are so different

Program content: Continue to teach children to compare two objects in length using the overlapping method, using the words: longer, shorter, equal in length.

Reinforce the concepts of “one” and “many”.

Didactic game "Train".

Game exercise: “What has changed” - orientation in space.

Material: Cat and goat toys; stripes long and short; r/m-l geom. figures; (circles, squares, triangles, strips of different lengths, 2 pcs.

Work outside of class: Conversations, comparing the growth of children in the group, observations while walking.

TOPIC: (3) Insects. At the spring jailau"(final)

Program content: Tracking practical work skills.

Game exercises:

“Butterflies and Flowers” ​​- develop the ability to find one or many identical objects in the environment.

“Let's walk along the bridge” - comparison of two objects in size (length and width).

“Help Baby Camel find the yurt” - orientation in space.

“Baby Camel’s Favorite Toy” - improve the ability to recognize and name geometric shapes.

“When it happens” - parts of the day.

Material: 3 boxes with geometric shapes glued on them; hint diagrams; insect models, r/m-l geom. figures; (circles, squares, triangles) Conversations, observations while walking, classes on speech development

Forms of control

Interim certification - test

Compiled by

Guzhenkova Natalya Valerievna, senior lecturer at the Department of Technologies of Psychological, Pedagogical and Special Education at OSU.

Accepted abbreviations

Preschool educational institution - preschool educational institution

ZUN - knowledge, skills, abilities

MMR - method of mathematical development

REMP - development of elementary mathematical concepts

TiMMR - theory and methodology of mathematical development

FEMP - formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Topic No. 1 (4 hours of lecture, 2 hours of practical work, 2 hours of laboratory, 4 hours of practical work)

General issues in teaching mathematics to children with developmental disabilities.


1. Goals and objectives of mathematical development of preschoolers.

in preschool age.

4. Principles of teaching mathematics.

5. FEMP methods.

6. FEMP techniques.

7. FEMP means.

8. Forms of work on the mathematical development of preschoolers.

Goals and objectives of mathematical development of preschool children.

The mathematical development of preschoolers should be understood as shifts and changes in the cognitive activity of the individual that occur as a result of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and related logical operations.

The formation of elementary mathematical concepts is a purposeful and organized process of transferring and assimilating knowledge, techniques and methods of mental activity (in the field of mathematics).

Objectives of the methodology of mathematical development as a scientific field

1. Scientific justification of program requirements for the level
formation of mathematical concepts in preschoolers in
every age group.

2. Determination of the content of mathematical material for
teaching children in preschool educational institutions.

3. Development and implementation of effective didactic tools, methods and various forms of organizing work on the mathematical development of children.

4. Implementation of continuity in the formation of mathematical concepts in preschool educational institutions and at school.

5. Development of content for the training of highly specialized personnel capable of carrying out work on the mathematical development of preschool children.

The goal of mathematical development of preschoolers

1. Comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

2. Preparing for success in school.

3. Correctional and educational work.

Problems of mathematical development of preschool children

1. Formation of a system of elementary mathematical representations.

2. Formation of prerequisites for mathematical thinking.

3. Formation of sensory processes and abilities.

4. Expansion and enrichment of the dictionary and improvement
connected speech.

5. Formation of initial forms of educational activity.

Brief summary of the sections of the program on FEMP in preschool educational institutions

1. “Quantity and counting”: ideas about set, number, counting, arithmetic operations, word problems.

2. “Value”: ideas about various quantities, their comparisons and measurements (length, width, height, thickness, area, volume, mass, time).

3. “Form”: ideas about the shape of objects, geometric figures (flat and three-dimensional), their properties and relationships.

4. “Orientation in space”: orientation on one’s body, relative to oneself, relative to objects, relative to another person, orientation on a plane and in space, on a sheet of paper (blank and checkered), orientation in motion.

5. “Time orientation”: an idea of ​​the parts of the day, days of the week, months and seasons; development of a “sense of time”.

3. The importance and possibilities of children’s mathematical development
in preschool age.

The Importance of Teaching Children Math

Education leads development and is a source of development.

Education must come before development. It is necessary to focus not on what the child himself is already capable of doing, but on what he can do with the help and guidance of an adult. L. S. Vygodsky emphasized that we must focus on the “zone of proximal development.”

Orderly ideas, correctly formed first concepts, well-developed thinking abilities are the key to children’s further successful education at school.

Psychological research convinces us that during the learning process, qualitative changes occur in the mental development of the child.

From an early age, it is important not only to provide children with ready-made knowledge, but also to develop children’s mental abilities, teach them independently, consciously obtain knowledge and use it in life.

Learning in everyday life is episodic. For mathematical development, it is important that all knowledge is given systematically and consistently. Knowledge in the field of mathematics should become more complex gradually, taking into account the age and level of development of children.

It is important to organize the accumulation of a child’s experience, teach him to use standards (shapes, sizes, etc.), rational methods of action (counting, measuring, calculations, etc.).

Given the insignificant experience of children, learning proceeds primarily inductively: first, specific knowledge is accumulated with the help of an adult, then it is generalized into rules and patterns. It is also necessary to use the deductive method: first assimilation of the rule, then its application, specification and analysis.

To carry out competent training of preschoolers, their mathematical development, the teacher himself must know the subject of the science of mathematics, the psychological features of the development of children’s mathematical concepts and the methodology of work.

Opportunities for the comprehensive development of a child in the process of FEMP

I. Sensory development (sensation and perception)

The source of elementary mathematical concepts is the surrounding reality, which the child learns in the process of various activities, in communication with adults and under their teaching guidance.

The basis for young children’s cognition of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of objects and phenomena are sensory processes (eye movements tracing the shape and size of an object, feeling with hands, etc.). In the process of various perceptual and productive activities, children begin to form ideas about the world around them: about the various characteristics and properties of objects - color, shape, size, their spatial arrangement, quantity. Gradually, sensory experience accumulates, which is the sensory basis for mathematical development. When forming elementary mathematical concepts in a preschooler, we rely on various analyzers (tactile, visual, auditory, kinesthetic) and simultaneously develop them. The development of perception occurs through the improvement of perceptual actions (looking, feeling, listening, etc.) and the assimilation of systems of sensory standards developed by humanity (geometric figures, measures of quantities, etc.).

II. Development of thinking


Name the types of thinking.

How does the work of a teacher on FEMP take into account the level
development of a child's thinking?

What logical operations do you know?

Give examples of mathematical tasks for each
logical operation.

Thinking is the process of consciously reflecting reality in ideas and judgments.

In the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts, children develop all types of thinking:

visually effective;



Logical operations Examples of tasks for preschoolers
Analysis (decomposition of the whole into its component parts) - What geometric shapes is the machine made of?
Synthesis (cognition of the whole in the unity and interconnection of its parts) - Make a house from geometric shapes
Comparison (comparison to establish similarities and differences) - How are these objects similar? (shape) - How are these objects different? (size)
Specification (clarification) - What do you know about the triangle?
Generalization (expression of the main results in general terms) - How can you name a square, a rectangle and a rhombus in one word?
Systematization (arrangement in a certain order) Arrange the nesting dolls according to height
Classification (distribution of objects into groups depending on their common characteristics) - Divide the figures into two groups. - On what grounds did you do this?
Abstraction (distraction from a number of properties and relationships) - Show round objects

III. Development of memory, attention, imagination


What does the concept of “memory” include?

Offer children a math task to develop memory.

How to activate children's attention when forming elementary mathematical concepts?

Formulate a task for children to develop their imagination using mathematical concepts.

Memory includes memorization (“Remember - this is a square”), recollection (“What is the name of this figure?”), reproduction (“Draw a circle!”), recognition (“Find and name familiar figures!”).

Attention does not act as an independent process. Its result is the improvement of all activities. To activate attention, the ability to set a task and motivate it is crucial. (“Katya has one apple. Masha came to her, she needs to divide the apple equally between the two girls. Watch carefully how I will do this!”).

Imaginative images are formed as a result of the mental construction of objects (“Imagine a figure with five corners”).

IV. Speech development

How does a child’s speech develop in the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts?

What does mathematical development provide for the development of a child’s speech?

Mathematical classes have a huge positive impact on the development of a child’s speech:

vocabulary enrichment (numerals, spatial
prepositions and adverbs, mathematical terms characterizing shape, size, etc.);

agreement of words in the singular and plural (“one bunny, two bunnies, five bunnies”);

formulating answers in full sentences;

logical reasoning.

Formulating a thought in words leads to better understanding: by formulating a thought, a thought is formed.

V. Development of special skills and abilities


- What special skills and abilities are formed in preschoolers in the process of forming mathematical concepts?

In mathematics classes, children develop special skills and abilities that they need in life and study: counting, calculation, measurement, etc.

VI. Development of cognitive interests


What is the significance of a child’s cognitive interest in mathematics for his mathematical development?

What are the ways to stimulate cognitive interest in mathematics in preschoolers?

How can you arouse cognitive interest in FEMP classes at a preschool educational institution?

The meaning of cognitive interest:

Activates perception and mental activity;

Broadens the mind;

Promotes mental development;

Increases the quality and depth of knowledge;

Promotes the successful application of knowledge in practice;

Encourages independent acquisition of new knowledge;

Changes the nature of the activity and the experiences associated with it (the activity becomes active, independent, versatile, creative, joyful, productive);

Has a positive impact on the formation of personality;

Has a positive effect on the child’s health (stimulates energy, increases vitality, makes life happier);

Ways to stimulate interest in mathematics:

· connection of new knowledge with childhood experience;

· discovery of new aspects in children’s previous experiences;

· gaming activity;

· verbal stimulation;

· stimulation.

Psychological prerequisites for interest in mathematics:

Creating a positive emotional attitude towards the teacher;

Creating a positive attitude towards classes.

Ways to stimulate cognitive interest in FEMP classes:

§ explanation of the meaning of the work being performed (“The doll has nowhere to sleep. Let’s build a bed for her! What size should it be? Let’s measure it!”);

§ working with your favorite attractive objects (toys, fairy tales, pictures, etc.);

§ connection with a situation close to the children (“Misha’s birthday. When is your birthday, who comes to you?
Guests also came to Misha. How many cups should be put on the table for the holiday?");

§ activities that are interesting for children (games, drawing, design, appliqué, etc.);

§ feasible tasks and help in overcoming difficulties (the child should experience satisfaction from overcoming difficulties at the end of each lesson), a positive attitude towards children’s activities (interest, attention to each child’s answer, goodwill); encouraging initiative, etc.

FEMP methods.

Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities

1. Perceptual aspect (methods that ensure the transmission of educational information by the teacher and the perception of it by children through listening, observation, and practical actions):

a) verbal (explanation, conversation, instructions, questions, etc.);

b) visual (demonstration, illustration, examination, etc.);

c) practical (subject-practical and mental activities, didactic games and exercises, etc.).

2. Gnostic aspect (methods characterizing the assimilation of new material by children - through active memorization, through independent reflection or a problem situation):

a) illustrative and explanatory;

b) problematic;

c) heuristic;

d) research, etc.

3. Logical aspect (methods characterizing mental operations when presenting and mastering educational material):

a) inductive (from particular to general);

b) deductive (from general to specific).

4. Managerial aspect (methods characterizing the degree of independence of children’s educational and cognitive activity):

a) work under the guidance of a teacher,

b) independent work of children.

Features of the practical method:

ü performing a variety of subject-specific, practical and mental actions;

ü wide use of didactic material;

ü the emergence of mathematical concepts as a result of action with didactic material;

ü development of special mathematical skills (counting, measurement, calculations, etc.);

ü use of mathematical concepts in everyday life, play, work, etc.

Types of visual material:

Demonstration and distribution;

Plot and non-plot;

Volumetric and planar;

Special counting (counting sticks, abacus, abacus, etc.);

Factory and homemade.

Methodological requirements for the use of visual material:

· it is better to start a new program task with voluminous plot material;

· as you master the educational material, move on to plot-flat and plotless visualization;

· one program task is explained using a wide variety of visual material;

It is better to show new visual material to children in advance...

Requirements for homemade visual material:

Hygiene (paints are covered with varnish or film, velvet paper is used only for demonstration material);






Logical connection (hare - carrot, squirrel - pine cone, etc.);

Sufficient quantity...

Features of the verbal method

All work is based on the dialogue between teacher and child.

Requirements for the teacher's speech:




Quite loud;


In younger groups, the tone is mysterious, fabulous, mysterious, the pace is slow, multiple repetitions;

In older groups, the tone is interesting, with the use of problem situations, the pace is quite fast, approaching the teaching of a lesson at school...

Requirements for children's speech:


Understandable (if the child has poor pronunciation, the teacher pronounces the answer and asks to repeat it); full sentences;

With the necessary mathematical terms;

Quite loud...

FEMP techniques

1. Demonstration (usually used when communicating new knowledge).

2. Instructions (used in preparation for independent work).

3. Explanation, indication, clarification (used to prevent, identify and eliminate errors).

4. Questions for children.

5. Verbal reports of children.

6. Subject-based practical and mental actions.

7. Control and evaluation.

Requirements for teacher questions:

accuracy, specificity, laconicism;

logical sequence;

variety of wording;

small but sufficient amount;

avoid prompting questions;

skillfully use additional questions;

Give children time to think...

Requirements for children's answers:

short or complete depending on the nature of the question;

to the question posed;

independent and conscious;

precise, clear;

loud enough;

grammatically correct...

What to do if your child answers incorrectly?

(In younger groups, you need to correct, ask to repeat the correct answer and praise. In older groups, you can make a remark, call another and praise the one who answered correctly.)

FEMP means

Equipment for games and activities (typesetting cloth, counting ladder, flannelgraph, magnetic board, writing board, TCO, etc.).

Sets of didactic visual material (toys, construction sets, building materials, demonstration and handout materials, “Learn to count” sets, etc.).

Literature (methodological manuals for educators, collections of games and exercises, books for children, workbooks, etc.)...

8. Forms of work on the mathematical development of preschool children

Form Tasks time Reaching Children Leading role
Class Give, repeat, consolidate and systematize knowledge, skills and abilities Planned, regularly, systematically (duration and regularity in accordance with the program) Group or subgroup (depending on age and developmental problems) Teacher (or defectologist)
Didactic game Fix, apply, expand ZUN In class or outside of class Group, subgroup, one child Teacher and children
Individual work Clarify the ZUN and eliminate gaps In and outside of class One child Educator
Leisure (math matinee, holiday, quiz, etc.) Engage in mathematics, summarize 1-2 times a year Group or several groups Teacher and other specialists
Independent activity Repeat, apply, practice ZUN During routine processes, everyday situations, daily activities Group, subgroup, one child Children and teacher

Assignment for independent work of students

Laboratory work No. 1: “Analysis of the “Program of education and training in kindergarten” of the section “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.”

Topic No. 2 (2 hours of lecture, 2 hours of practical work, 2 hours of laboratory, 2 hours of practical work)


1. Organization of mathematics classes in a preschool institution.

2. Approximate structure of mathematics classes.

3. Methodological requirements for a lesson in mathematics.

4. Ways to maintain good performance of children in the classroom.

5. Formation of skills in working with handouts.

6. Formation of skills in educational activities.

7. The meaning and place of didactic games in the mathematical development of preschool children.

1. Organizing a math lesson in a preschool institution

Classes are the main form of organizing children's mathematics education in kindergarten.

The lesson begins not at their desks, but with the gathering of children around the teacher, who checks their appearance, attracts attention, and seats them taking into account individual characteristics, taking into account developmental problems (vision, hearing, etc.).

In younger groups: a subgroup of children can, for example, sit on chairs in a semicircle in front of the teacher.

In older groups: a group of children usually sits at desks in twos, facing the teacher, as they work with handouts and develop learning skills.

The organization depends on the content of the work, the age and individual characteristics of the children. The lesson can begin and be carried out in a playroom, in a sports or music hall, on the street, etc., standing, sitting and even lying on the carpet.

The beginning of the lesson should be emotional, interesting, and joyful.

In younger groups: surprise moments and fairy-tale plots are used.

In older groups: it is advisable to use problem situations.

In preparatory groups, the work of those on duty is organized, and what they did in the last lesson (in order to prepare for school) is discussed.

Approximate structure of mathematics lessons.

Organization of the lesson.

Progress of the lesson.

Summary of the lesson.

2. Progress of the lesson

Sample parts of a math lesson

Mathematical warm-up (usually from the older group).

Working with demo material.

Working with handouts.

Physical education lesson (usually from the middle group).

Didactic game.

The number of parts and their order depend on the age of the children and the tasks assigned.

In the younger group: at the beginning of the year there can be only one part - a didactic game; in the second half of the year - up to three hours (usually working with demonstration material, working with handouts, outdoor didactic games).

In the middle group: usually four parts (regular work with handouts begins, after which physical education is required).

In the senior group: up to five parts.

In the preparatory group: up to seven parts.

Children's attention is maintained: 3-4 minutes for younger preschoolers, 5-7 minutes for older preschoolers - this is the approximate duration of one part.

Types of physical education minutes:

1. Poetic form (it is better for children not to pronounce, but to breathe correctly) - usually carried out in the 2nd junior and middle groups.

2. A set of physical exercises for the muscles of the arms, legs, back, etc. (best performed with music) - it is advisable to carry out in the older group.

3. With mathematical content (used if the lesson does not carry a large mental load) - more often used in the preparatory group.

4. Special gymnastics (finger, articulation, for the eyes, etc.) - regularly performed with children with developmental problems.


if the activity is active, physical education may not be carried out;

Instead of physical education, you can do relaxation.

3. Summary of the lesson

Any lesson must be completed.

In the younger group: the teacher summarizes after each part of the lesson. (“We played so well. Let’s collect our toys and get dressed for a walk.”)

In the middle and senior groups: at the end of the lesson, the teacher himself sums up the lesson, introducing the children. (“What did we learn new today? What did we talk about? What did we play?”). In the preparatory group: children draw their own conclusions. (“What did we do today?”) The work of the duty officers is organized.

It is necessary to evaluate the children's work (including individual praise or reprimand).

3. Methodological requirements for a mathematics lesson(depending on the principles of training)

2. Educational tasks are taken from different sections of the program for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and combined in interconnection.

3. New tasks are presented in small portions and are specified for a given lesson.

4. In one lesson, it is advisable to solve no more than one new problem, the rest for repetition and consolidation.

5. Knowledge is given systematically and consistently in an accessible form.

6. A variety of visual material is used.

7. The connection between the acquired knowledge and life is demonstrated.

8. Individual work is carried out with children, a differentiated approach to the selection of tasks is carried out.

9. The level of learning by children is regularly monitored, gaps in their knowledge are identified and they are eliminated.

10. All work has a developmental, correctional and educational orientation.

11. Mathematics classes are held in the first half of the day in the middle of the week.

12. It is better to combine mathematics classes with classes that do not require much mental stress (physical education, music, drawing).

13. Combined and integrated classes can be conducted using different methods if the tasks are combined.

14. Each child must actively participate in every lesson, perform mental and practical actions, and reflect their knowledge in speech.


1. Stages of formation and content of quantitative ideas.

2. The importance of the development of quantitative concepts in preschoolers.

3. Physiological and psychological mechanisms of quantity perception.

4. Features of the development of quantitative concepts in children and methodological recommendations for their formation in preschool educational institutions.

1. Stages of formation and content of quantitative ideas.

Stages formation of quantitative ideas

(“Stages of counting activity” according to A.M. Leushina)

1. Pre-number activities.

2. Counting activities.

3. Computing activities.

1. Pre-numerical activity

For correct perception of numbers, for the successful formation of counting activities, it is necessary, first of all, to teach children to work with sets:

See and name the essential features of objects;

See the multitude as a whole;

Select elements of a set;

Name a set (“generalizing word”) and list its elements (define a set in two ways: indicating a characteristic property of the set and listing
all elements of the set);

Compose a set from individual elements and from subsets;

Divide a set into classes;

Arrange the elements of a set;

Compare sets by quantity through one-to-one correlation (establishing one-to-one correspondences);

Create equal sets;

Unite and separate sets (the concept of “whole and part”).

2. Accounting activities

Account ownership includes:

Knowledge of numeral words and naming them in order;

The ability to relate numerals to the elements of a set “one to one” (to establish a one-to-one correspondence between the elements of the set and a segment of the natural series);

Highlighting the total number.

Mastery of the concept of number includes:

Understanding the independence of the result of a quantitative count from its direction, the location of the elements of the set and their qualitative characteristics (size, shape, color, etc.);

Understanding the quantitative and ordinal meaning of a number;

The idea of ​​the natural number series and its properties includes:

Knowledge of the sequence of numbers (counting forward and backward, naming the previous and subsequent numbers);

Knowledge of the formation of adjacent numbers from each other (by adding and subtracting one);

Knowledge of connections between neighboring numbers (more, less).

3. Computing activities

Computing activities include:

· knowledge of connections between neighboring numbers (“more (less) by 1”);

· knowledge of the formation of neighboring numbers (n ± 1);

· knowledge of the composition of numbers from units;

· knowledge of the composition of numbers from two smaller numbers (addition table and corresponding cases of subtraction);

knowledge of numbers and signs +, -, =,<, >;

· Ability to compose and solve arithmetic problems.

To prepare for mastering the decimal number system you need to:

o mastery of oral and written numbering (naming and recording);

o mastery of arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction (naming, calculation and recording);

o mastery of counting in groups (pairs, triplets, heels, tens, etc.).

Comment. A preschooler needs to master this knowledge and skills qualitatively within the first ten. Only after fully mastering this material can you begin to work with the second ten (it is better to do this at school).



2. The importance of developing ideas about quantities in preschoolers.

3. Physiological and psychological mechanisms of perception of the size of objects.

4. Features of the development of ideas about quantities in children and methodological recommendations for their formation in preschool educational institutions.

Preschoolers become familiar with various quantities: length, width, height, thickness, depth, area, volume, mass, time, temperature.

The initial idea of ​​size is associated with the creation of a sensory basis, the formation of ideas about the size of objects: show and name length, width, height.

BASIC properties of the quantity:





Determining a value is possible only on the basis of comparison (directly or by comparing it with a certain image). The characteristic of the quantity is relative and depends on the objects chosen for comparison (A< В, но А >WITH).

Measurement makes it possible to characterize a quantity with a number and move from directly comparing quantities to comparing numbers, which is more convenient because it is done in the mind. Measurement is a comparison of a quantity with a quantity of the same kind taken as a unit. The purpose of measurement is to give a numerical characteristic of a quantity. The variability of quantities is characterized by the fact that they can be added, subtracted, and multiplied by a number.

All these properties can be comprehended by preschoolers in the process of their actions with objects, the selection and comparison of quantities, and measuring activities.

The concept of number arises in the process of counting and measurement. Measuring activities expand and deepen children's ideas about number, already developed in the process of counting activities.

In the 60-70s of the XX century. (P. Ya. Galperin, V. V. Davydov) the idea arose about measuring practice as the basis for the formation of the concept of number in a child. There are currently two concepts:

Formation of measuring activities based on knowledge of numbers and counting;

Formation of the concept of number on the basis of measuring activities.

Counting and measurement should not be opposed to each other, they complement each other in the process of mastering number as an abstract mathematical concept.

In kindergarten, we first teach children to identify and name different size parameters (length, width, height) based on eye comparison of sharply contrasting objects in size. Then we develop the ability to compare, using the method of application and superposition, objects that are slightly different and equal in size with a clearly expressed one value, then according to several parameters simultaneously. Work on laying out serial rows and special exercises for developing the eye strengthen ideas about quantities. Familiarity with a conventional measure, equal in size to one of the objects being compared, prepares children for measuring activities.

The measurement activity is quite complex. It requires certain knowledge, specific skills, knowledge of the generally accepted system of measures, and the use of measuring instruments. Measuring activities can be developed in preschoolers under the condition of targeted guidance from adults and a lot of practical work.

Measuring circuit

Before introducing generally accepted standards (centimeter, meter, liter, kilogram, etc.), it is advisable to first teach children to use conventional standards when measuring:

Length (length, width, height) using strips, sticks, ropes, steps;

Volume of liquid and bulk substances (amount of cereals, sand, water, etc.) using glasses, spoons, cans;

Squares (figures, sheets of paper, etc.) in cells or squares;

Masses of objects (for example: apple - acorns).

The use of conventional measures makes measurement accessible to preschoolers, simplifies the activity, but does not change its essence. The essence of measurement is the same in all cases (although the objects and means are different). Usually, training begins with measuring length, which is more familiar to children and will be useful in school first of all.

After this work, you can introduce preschoolers to standards and some measuring instruments (ruler, scales).

In the process of developing measurement activities, preschoolers are able to understand that:

o measurement gives an accurate quantitative description of the quantity;

o for measurement it is necessary to choose an adequate measure;

o the number of measurements depends on the quantity being measured (the more
quantity, the greater its numerical value and vice versa);

o the measurement result depends on the selected measure (the larger the measure, the smaller the numerical value and vice versa);

o to compare quantities it is necessary to measure them with the same standards.

Measurement makes it possible to compare quantities not only on a sensory basis, but also on the basis of mental activity, and forms the idea of ​​a quantity as a mathematical