Lesson on cognitive activity “Animals of hot countries. Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic: Summary of GCD in the senior group "Animals of hot countries"

Senior group

Educational area: Communication, health, cognition

Chapter: Speech development, ecology.

Subject: Animals of hot countries

Target: Continue learning to compose descriptive stories according to the supporting scheme-plan, practice the formation of possessive adjectives, enrich vocabulary children through familiarization with animals of hot countries. Formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and development of coherent speech on the topic “Animals of hot countries.” Preserving and strengthening health through breathing exercises. Develop hand motor skills logical thinking. Foster curiosity and love for animals.

Educator: Today, guys, we will travel, the sun will help us along the way. Let's make our own little sun. The sun shows, look, what is missing from our sun? (rays). To do this, we need to choose words that we will use to call the sun, and attach rays (the rays will be clothespins). Guys, who were touched by the rays, magical transformations began to occur, who were

Cheerful - more fun
Kind -
affectionate -
happy -
Beautiful -

We go on a journey to the animals, and to determine which animals we will talk about, we will find out by playing the game.

A game to develop nasal breathing. (Magic oranges).

That's right guys, these are oranges, which means we are going to visit the animals of hot countries, he suggests going by plane.

Dear passengers, fasten your seat belts: take off (sound of a flying airplane).

Our plane flies over our country, lands in Africa and returns home. We are approaching and about to land.

Guys, what kind of animals of hot countries can we meet here? (children answer).

Game "Fourth wheel".

What are these animals called in one word? (children call).

A teacher's story about the savannah.

Game "Why?"
Why does a monkey need a tail?
Why does an elephant need a trunk?
Why does a tiger need fangs?
Why does a giraffe need long neck?

Game "Say the word."

What's in my hands (orange). I will throw it to you, naming the animal, and you name the sign (and vice versa, the sign is an animal)

Funny - monkey
Terrible - lion
Dangerous - rhinoceros
Huge - elephant.

Riddles about animals (children make riddles).

Offers to listen to a pure phrase and repeat it.

The turtle is not bored
Sitting for an hour with a cup of tea
The turtle makes everyone laugh
because he's in no hurry.

Didactic game"Animal Family" (Children call the animal family).

Elephant - female elephant - baby elephant.
Leo - lioness - lion cub.
Hippopotamus - hippopotamus - hippopotamus.
Giraffe - giraffe - giraffe.
Tiger - tigress - tiger cub.
Zebra is a foal.
Cheetah is a kitten.

Now guys, look at your fingers, the better they are developed, the more expressive our speech.

Finger gymnastics “We are quietly in let's go to the forest»

We will quietly go into the forest, what will we see in it?
There the trees grow, the branches rise towards the sun

We found ourselves in hot countries and were surprised for a very long time
Tiki - tiki, tiki - tiki, we want to find animals.

Game “Whose tail, whose head?”

Physical exercise for animals.

An antelope is not too lazy to frolic every day
Jumps quickly around the yard
Shakes his head, makes turns
An important rhinoceros walks, the pitter-patter of feet can be heard everywhere
He twirls his huge horn and looks at everyone sternly
He stamped once with one foot, and now he strikes with the other
He walks heavily, he is very fat and strong.
Today you are monkeys, in English you are just monkeys
Let's make a little face and clap our hands
Let's nod our heads to each other and shake our neighbor's hand
Let's sit down, stand up and jump, you're a decoy, my friend.

Didactic game “Beautiful words”.

Leo, which one?
Elephant, what?
And what kind of zebra, etc.

A descriptive story about the animals of hot countries according to a diagram.

1. Who is this?
2. Structure
3. What is it covered with?
4. Animal color
5. How does it move?
6. What does it eat?
7. My attitude.

Well done guys, it's time for us to go home (sound of an airplane).

Sums it up. Offers using cards to evaluate yourself (self-esteem). Well done today and you good mood. When a person is in a good mood they are called orange, I give it to you for the whole day (gives orange chips to children).

not the topic “Animals of hot countries”

Target: Enriching the vocabulary on the topic: “Animals of hot countries”;

Formation grammatically correct speech:


Practicing plural endings of nouns. Numbers, genitive and prepositional cases;

Practicing prepositions: on, with, for, because of, from under, over;

Work on sound and syllabic analysis of words; over

rhythmic-melodic structure; over facial expressions and pantomimics; above the spatial orientation on a sheet of paper.

Development of auditory and visual memory and attention;

Development of logical thinking.

Material for the lesson.

Two toy monkeys, palm tree,

screen – flannelgraph with a planar image of animals;

games: “Ladybug”, “ABC of Mood”, “Fish”, “Parrot”, “Sun”, “Monster”;

cards "X", " II».

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher shows the picture “Sunny”.

What is the sun's mood? Smile at the sun, stretch, take a deep breath.


Good, joyful, kind...

They sit in a semicircle in front of the screen.

2. Progress of the game journey.


- Today we will go on a trip, we will play different games, and this funny monkey will help us with this. She is very curious and loves to listen to what they say about her. Whoever she jumps to will tell you what she is like.


The monkey is funny, kind, furry, yellow, etc. (All children must answer).


This monkey is a big fidget. She runs and jumps a lot and doesn't listen well to what she is told. Therefore, she often confuses and forgets everything. She even forgot where her left was and where right hand. What about you?

Children show their hands and then the right and left sides of the playing sheet of paper.

Game "Ladybug".

(For orientation on a piece of paper).

The teacher invites the children to replant correctly ladybug to the desired cell of the game. Children place the ladybug on the desired square after 2 - 3 moves.


One day, a friend invited a monkey to stay with her in Africa. The monkey read a lot about animals that live in Africa, but she got everything mixed up and had a terrible dream.

Game "Monster".

(To activate vocabulary and visual attention).

Children name the animals whose parts make up the “monster”.


The monkey agreed to go on a visit and began to pack his suitcase.

Game “Pack a suitcase”.

(Auditory attention and memory).


What did the monkey put in the suitcase?

1st child:


2nd child:

Panama, banana.

3rd child:

Panama hat, banana, glasses.

Children pronounce all the named words in chorus, speeding up the text, adding one word at a time.


The monkey packed his suitcase and went to Africa by plane. And we are with her.

Exercises “Tuning the antenna”, “Gaining energy”.


Let's fly!!! The monkey saw different animals from above

(exposes groups of animals to the flannelgraph) and shouted:

I see a lot of sonorous, grovti, corcodiles, nowslo, wowle.

Children “untangle” the words:

Rhinoceroses, tigers, crocodiles, elephants, lions.


- Who else could the monkey see?


- Antelopes, hippos, zebras, giraffes, etc.


Finally arrived in Africa. Oh! Hot!

Pantomime "It's Hot".

Dance "Chunga-Changa".

The teacher draws the children's attention to the cards. Cards "X", " II " While dancing, children look at the cards and make cross and parallel movements.


The monkey met many different animals and birds along the way and played with them. She learned to puff up her tummy like a fat hippopotamus.

Children perform the exercise 2-3 times according to the teacher’s text.


She met a cheerful fish in the lake (showing the picture “Fish”) and she told her a nursery rhyme.

Children articulate any nursery rhyme of their choice without sound, depicting a cheerful fish and moving its “fins.”


Then the monkey met a sad parrot (show a picture of a parrot). He also read his nursery rhyme.

Children quickly recite the nursery rhyme, flapping their “wings” to the beat.


Then the monkey saw a herd of antelope.

The teacher recites a nursery rhyme: “Dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves.” Children repeat the nursery rhyme, clapping and stamping it at the same time.


Then the monkey saw a herd of smart elephants. They thought, moving their ears, and wrote something with their trunks.

Game "Elephant".

Children write 2-3 words of their choice with their hand – “trunk”.


Finally, our traveler found a friend. She was sitting on a palm tree and eating a banana. The monkeys were very similar, but still somehow different from each other. Find five differences.


The first one has a banana, the second one doesn't.

One has earrings, the other doesn't.

One has a tongue to the right, the other to the left.

One is shaggy, the other is combed.

One has beads, the other does not.


The monkeys played happily and jumped on the palm trees. Where did they jump?

The teacher demonstrates the “jumping” of the monkeys.


- The monkeys were jumping up and downon palm tree, jumped overWith palm trees on palm tree, jumped offWith palm trees, running around palm trees peeking outbecause of palm trees, hidingfor palm tree, etc.


When the monkey returned home, she thought about her friends for a long time. Who was she thinking about?


About tigers, about zebras, about elephants, etc.


The monkey ate bananas and treated all the children to banana sweets.

Treats for children.

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Target: enriching expressive vocabulary and developing the ability to construct different types of sentences according to the model.

Educational objectives:

  • Learn to finish sentences with antonym words.
  • Learn composition different types common sentences based on the example of a speech therapist (sentences listing homogeneous members; with connecting union And; complex sentences with compound conjunction because).

Developmental tasks:

  • Activate and expand the vocabulary of nouns, adjectives, verb dictionary.
  • Practice choosing antonym words.
  • Reinforce the use of prepositions for in speech.
  • Reinforce the use of nouns in the form plural case singular and plural.
  • Develop fine and gross motor skills.
  • Develop observation, attention, memory.

Educational task:


  • presentation for the games “Agree on a Word”, “Who’s Hiding Behind the Tree?”, “What’s Missing?”;
  • pictures depicting animals of hot countries;
  • numbers 2 and 5;
  • coloring drawings on the topic;
  • recording of instrumental music - Kenny G Silhouette (mp3ostrov.com).

Organizational moment

WITH good morning little eyes! Blinking their eyes
Are you awake? Big and index fingers connected together, making a “circle”, put to the eyes - “binoculars”
Good morning ears! Ears stroked
Are you awake? Place your palms on your ears one by one
Good morning, hands! Stroke the outside of the hands
Are you awake? Clap your hands
Good morning, legs! Stroking the legs
Are you awake? Stomping feet
Good morning, sun! Open your arms up - raise your head
We woke up! Smile widely

Slide 1

Today I will tell you about the animals of hot countries. Do you know why they are called animals of hot countries? Do you want to visit hot countries? Then you need to cast a special spell. And for it to work, you need to close your eyes and repeat the spell after me.

Dily - dily - dily -
Crocodiles appeared.
Mots - mots - mots -
Hippos appeared.
Afa - afa - afa
Giraffes chew leaves.
We - we - we -
Elephants splash water.
Yans - yans - yans -
Monkeys are jumping along the branches.

Open your eyes. Oh, how hot! You and I found ourselves in hot countries. But for some reason there is no one in sight. In order for the animals to appear, you need to guess the riddle and finish the word.

Game “Agree a Word”

Slide 3

This is the one with the long neck,
Does it warm its horns under the sun?
He has a calm disposition
Looking down from above... giraffe.

The animals are flexible and mustachioed,
Striped from head to tail,
You can't play games with them -
Dangerous are the toothy... tigers.

Someone is carrying matches in his bag,
Someone important things,
Someone a book and a game,
And the kids... kangaroos.

He trumpets, but is not a trumpeter,
A universally recognized strongman.
He sleeps standing under a palm tree.
Did you guess it? This is... an elephant.

Two buckets of river water
He loads it into the humps.
Respects all work
Important, slow... camel.

The beast fell asleep, covering himself with his mane.
A playful ponytail with a tassel.
I would touch, emboldened,
Yes, I'm afraid the lion will wake up.

Her beautiful shirt -
Like a sailor's vest!
Her home is in the depths of Africa
She's not a horse, but... zebra.

Game “Say the opposite”.

Let's play a little with the animals of hot countries. We will choose words - “on the contrary”. I start a sentence and you finish it.

  • The giraffe has a long neck, and the lion...(short)
  • At the elephant's big ears, and the zebra's...(small)
  • A lion has a thin tail, and a kangaroo...(thick)
  • A zebra has a (narrow) back, and an elephant... (a wide)
  • A camel has dull teeth, but a tiger...(sharp)
  • An elephant has thick legs, and a giraffe... (thin)
  • The camel is slow, and the lion...(fast)
  • The kangaroo is dexterous, and the elephant... (clumsy)

Game “Who is doing what?”

Our animals are busy all day, they have a lot of important things to do. Choose action words. Tell me, what can animals in hot countries do?

(Children select action words and answer with a complete answer)

  • An elephant knows how to: lie, sleep standing, eat, water itself from its trunk.
  • A lion can: jump, growl, catch up with prey, run, guard its cubs.
  • A zebra can: run fast, beat its hooves, chew grass, neigh.
  • A camel can: eat thorns, go for several days without water, walk for a long time through the desert, spit.

Physical education minute. (Performing movements according to the text of the poem)

Stand in a circle and do the movements with me.
The giraffe has spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere -

(Children slap themselves on the body, pretending to be spots)
The elephant has folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere -
On the forehead, on the ears, on the neck, on the bellies and on the legs.
(Children pinch themselves to imitate folds)
And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere -
On the forehead, on the ears, on the neck, on the bellies and on the legs.
(Children show stripes with the edge of their palms).

Game “Two - Five”.

Look at the pictures. Imagine that they depict not one animal, but two and five (showing numbers). Make a sentence like me.

I have two crocodiles and five crocodiles.

(Children make sentences according to the speech therapist’s model. To help, the speech therapist shows the numbers 2 and 5 in turn).

Game “Who hid behind the tree?”

Like all animals, animals in hot countries have young. Animals love and protect them. Look at the screen and tell who is hiding behind the tree.

Slide 10 (The speech therapist draws the children’s attention to ensure that they name the baby correctly).

A baby giraffe hid behind a tree.

A tiger cub hid behind a tree.

A baby kangaroo hid behind a tree.

A baby elephant hid behind a tree.

A baby camel hid behind a tree.

A lion cub hid behind a tree.

Slides 16 (The speech therapist draws the children’s attention to ensure that they name the baby correctly).

A zebra cub hid behind a tree.

Game “What’s missing?”

I wanted to leave drawings as a souvenir of our trip, but I was in such a hurry that I didn’t have time to finish drawing them. Look at the screen and tell me what animals lack?

What's missing from a giraffe? (The giraffe lacks horns on its head and spots on its body (on its skin)).

What does a tiger lack? ( The tiger lacks eyes and stripes on its skin).

What do kangaroos lack? ( The kangaroo is missing a pouch containing the baby and a hind leg).

What is missing from the elephant? (The elephant is missing a trunk and one ear).

What does a camel lack? (The camel is missing a neck and a hump.)

What is missing from a lion? (The lion is missing its mane and nose).

What does a zebra lack? (The zebra is missing an ear, mane and tail).

Thanks, the pictures are fine now. And you can color them and tell your friends about the animals of hot countries.

(Children are given drawings and coloring books).

Did you enjoy traveling through hot countries? What about animals? Answer in a complete sentence who you liked and why.

(Children answer according to the speech therapist’s model)

  • I liked the elephant because it is big.
  • I liked the tiger because it is striped.
  • I liked the zebra because it looks like a horse.
  • I liked the giraffe because it is tall.

(Calm music sounds)

It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Close your eyes. Quietly say: “Goodbye, hot countries! See you, animals of hot countries!”



integrated cognitive -

speech lesson on the topic:

"Animals of hot countries"

with older children


Topic: “Animals of hot countries”
Goal: To form cognitive activity, interest in objects of living nature.
introduce children to characteristic features animals of hot countries;
develop the ability to form possessive adjectives, coordinating them in gender, number, case and expand the semantic field on the topic;
foster a positive attitude towards the animal world and instill learning skills.
Progress of the lesson:
Children, do you like to travel? (Yes)
Where would you like to go? (list)
The globe will help us choose a travel route (I specially twist the globe so that it stops on the African continent).
So we're going to Africa.
Do you agree? Then let's go
(I invite the children to stand in a circle)
One, two, three (2 times) Here we are in Africa, look!
Children, what animals of Africa do you know? (children's answers)
Yes, amazing and some are simply unique animals live here:
giraffe is the tallest animal in the world;
the elephant is not only the largest animal in Africa, but also the only animal that cannot jump;
crocodile is the oldest animal on Earth, which appeared more than 190 million years ago;
cheetah is the fastest animal;
The kangaroo is the only animal in hot countries that has a “pouch” for its baby. And another interesting fact: the word “kangaroo” does not decline, that is, it never changes.
- Let's now read the poem “Kangaroo” together. I will start the line, and you will finish it.
Trick poem "Kangaroo"
I'm not lying one bit
What did the kangaroo see? Early in the morning we met a kangaroo.
Right in her own yard, Sok gave juice to a kangaroo.
And mended the hole
I'm in the kangaroo's pocket. So that there is no hole in the kangaroo pocket.
In the middle of the yard, a kangaroo was having fun. Thunder suddenly woke me up -
I said goodbye to the kangaroo. (I praise the children)
I bring the children to the table on which illustrations of animals from both Africa and the North are laid out.
Look how many different animals there are. Do they all live in Africa?
D/i “Who lives where? (compiling common sentences: “The hippopotamus lives in Africa, and polar bear in the north").
Children make up a sentence and put illustrations on
tables decorated as “Africa” and “North”. I invite the children to sit at their tables. While the children are taking their seats, I take illustrations with animals from hot countries and hide them behind the board.
D/i “Whose tail?” (from behind the board, different parts of the animal’s body are shown one by one)
Animals are afraid of humans, and therefore hide from us.
Let's find them.
Whose tail is this? - this is a lion's tail.
Whose neck is this? - This is a giraffe's neck.
Whose hump is this? - this is a camel's hump.
Whose trunk is this? - this is an elephant trunk.
Whose mouth is this? - this is a crocodile's mouth...
Well done!
Guys! Look at the boxes that are on your tables. And here everything is mixed up! What is this? (parts from pictures).
D/i “Fold a picture” - children use parts to put together a picture depicting African animals (at this time I give additional information about crocodiles)
Physical pause:
Children got to Africa (walking in a circle)
They told everyone about it (turn heads to each other)
Children jump early in the morning with a kangaroo (jumping on two legs, moving forward)
The children rode on an elephant and were not at all scared (sitting on their haunches, swaying)
Children, together with a monkey, deftly climb vines (the “rope climbing” movement)
The children ran quickly, even overtook a zebra (running one after another in a circle)
The children approached the lion and sat down on the grass (sit with your knees bent)
A lion was scratched behind the ear (imitation)
And everyone ran home (running turning into walking)
I invite the children to go and sit at the tables.
Let's play the game "Small - Big"
- I will call you a baby animal, that is, a small one, and you will call me a big one.
D/i “Small - big” (formation of new words using suffixes - their-, - isch-).
elephant - elephant;
giraffe - giraffe;
hippopotamus - hippopotamus;
camel - camel;
crocodile - crocodile;
cheetah - cheetah (information about the cheetah)
Now, let's play the game:
D/i “The fourth is extra”
passed: lion, rhinoceros, hippopotamus (the extra one is a lion. The rest of the animals have a body not covered with hair)
lion, giraffe, cheetah, leopard (giraffe is a cat)
crocodile, monkey, camel, elephant (crocodile - only its cubs hatch from eggs)
You did an excellent job with this difficult task.
Do any of you want to read poems about African animals?
Did you enjoy our trip?
Very good! But it’s time for us to go back (children stand in a circle).
“One, two, three, four, five (2 times) Here we are in kindergarten again.”
Who did we talk about today?
Where in our country can you see these animals? (at the zoo)
Why don't they live with us? (cold climate)
Next time we'll go on a trip again?
And this journey is over.




Attached files

Open lesson on speech development in senior group"Animals of hot countries"

Completed by: Teacher of the first qualification category Natalya Aleksandrovna Golyatina



clarify the names of animals of hot countries and their young;

specify external signs, their structure, what they eat;

learn to form the names of baby animals;

learn to form possessive adjectives and compound words.


development of attention, memory, thinking;

3. Educational:

instill a love for animals;

develop the ability to listen to the teacher and peers.

Equipment: box (parcel), bananas, magic bag, toys (elephant, giraffe, hippopotamus, zebra, rhinoceros), soft monkey toy.

Preliminary work: conversation about animals of hot countries, looking at illustrations, reading interesting facts about animals, learning phys.min., “Exercise with animals”

Good morning Guys!

Everyone in this group is friends

Me, you, he, she

Hug the neighbor on the left

Hug the neighbor on the right

Smile at the neighbor on your left

Smile at the neighbor on your right

All of us friendly family

Me, you, he, she

Reflective circle

Guys, look, a cheerful monkey came to visit us for class today and brought a package with her! Let's see together what's there!

These are bananas – our guest’s favorite food!

But bananas are not simple (riddles about animals)

Let's help the monkey solve the riddles! Let's tell you what else we

we know about the animals of hot countries.

Working with a presentation of a riddle about animals of hot countries .

Checking homework (working with parents)

Which one of you can tell about the elephant?

There are two types of elephants: African - the largest animals, Indian - smaller.Elephant - huge animal. His skin is wrinkled, his head is hairless. The trunk is long and elastic. Elephants use it to pick plants and bring them to their mouths. Elephants use their trunks to spray themselves with water or sprinkle dust. If you tame an elephant, it will a good helper: uproot trees with fangs, drag large stones from place to place. The elephant is a very smart animal. Well done!

Who will tell you about the kangaroo?

Kangaroo - animal of Australia. Moves by jumping. It has powerful, strong hind legs and a tail, with which it maintains balance.

On the kangaroo's belly is a pouch with a small baby inside. Kangaroo is a herbivore. Well done!

Does anyone know anything about the camel?

Camels There are two types: single-humped and double-humped. They live in hot, shifting sands. Camels can endure hunger and thirst the longest. They have humps on their backs filled with fat. They can live for a whole week without food or drink - the fat will feed them.

Camels feed on dry grass and leaves of desert plants. Amazing!

What about the lion, giraffe, rhinoceros? Well done!

- What can we call these animals, in one word?

Besides Africa, there are other hot countries. Which ones?

Didactic game "Make a word."

Formation of complex words.

A giraffe has a long neck - what kind of giraffe?

A hippopotamus has thick legs - thick-legged...

An elephant has a long nose, what is it like? (long-nosed)

The lion has a thick mane - thick-maned...

The monkey has a long tail - long-tailed...

A camel has humps - humpbacked...

Game "Magic bag"

Guys, look in our package there is some kind of magic bag! (there are animals in the bag) Guess by touch which animal you took. Name the babies. (formation of names of cubs in singular and plural).

The lioness has a lion cub, lion cubs

The tigress has a tiger cub and cubs.

The elephant has a calf and baby elephants.

A giraffe has a giraffe, a giraffe.

The camel has a baby camel and camels.

Kangaroos have kangaroos and kangaroos.

A zebra has a baby zebra, zebra cubs.

Didactic game “Identify the extra word”

The giraffe is tall, hoofed, spotted, long-tailed. (Giraffe doesn't have long tail, he is not long-tailed).

The elephant is large, eared, horned, strong. (An elephant has no horns; it is not horned).

Crocodile - green, toothy, gentle predator. (A crocodile cannot be affectionate because it is a predator).

The hippopotamus is fat, heavy, long-nosed, and a herbivore. (The hippopotamus has no long nose, he is not long-nosed).

Rhinoceros is dangerous, small, fat. (Rhinoceros is dangerous, fat, but not small).

Phys. Just a minute – coordination of speech with movement: “Animals”

This is a lion. He is the king of beasts.

There is no one stronger in the world

(we walk in a circle leisurely, raising our heads)

And funny monkeys

All the vines shook.

(spring, standing in a circle, feet shoulder-width apart)

But a smart, kind elephant

Sends his regards to everyone

(palms pressed to the head, body tilted forward - to the right, forward - to the left)

The leopard gallops so deftly

Like our favorite ball.

(jumping in place)

The pony runs and frolics,

Wants to make friends with us.

(running around in circles)

Zebra shakes his head

He invites you to visit him.

(hands on the belt, head tilted to the right - left).

Game: “Add a word”

In Africa live dexterous, tailed...

In Africa there live large, thick-skinned...

In Africa live huge, strong, thick-legged...

In Africa live spotted, long-necked...

In Africa live strong, yellow-maned...

In Africa live timid, striped...

Guys, the animals decided to play hide and seek with us, let's find them.

(work in pairs. I hand out pictures to the children, they look for animals)

Game "The Fourth Wheel" "(work in subgroups)

Look carefully at the picture.

Which animal is the odd one out?

Game "Who's So Big" (with ball)

I throw the ball and name the animal, you catch the ball and name this animal so that the name contains the -ish part










Well done!


Did you guys help the monkey?

How did you help her?

What did you like most about what we did?

I liked how much you know about animals in hot countries

And our guest too. She brought you a treat.