Why did the Snow Maiden melt, lesson notes. Open lesson why the Snow Maiden melted

SOFTWARE CONTENT. Expand children's understanding of the properties of water, snow and ice. Learn to establish elementary causal investigative connections: snow melts in warmth and turns into water; In the cold, water freezes and turns into ice.
MATERIAL. Snow Maiden - doll; snow in a container; ice in molds; snowflakes cut out of paper; a dark sheet of paper for laying out snowflakes; dark sheets of paper (for each child); white gouache, brushes No. 5, jars of water, napkins; large container with water; plasticine for making snowmen.
PROGRESS OF THE CLASS. Quiet music is playing.
The teacher reads M. Poznanskaya’s poem “It’s Snowing”:
Quiet, quiet it's snowing,
White snow, shaggy.
We will clear the snow and ice
In the yard with a shovel.
From the gate we have difficulty
We'll lead the stitches to the house,
Mom will come out to the door,
He will say: “Who could do this?
Draw a path
To our doorstep?
The Snow Maiden enters (the teacher brings in the doll) and brings a container of snow into the group.
Snow Maiden (the teacher speaks in a changed voice): Hello, children! I came to visit you from Russian folk tale"Snow Maiden".
Children: Hello, Snow Maiden!
Snow Maiden: Children, what time of year is it now? What is the weather like in winter?
The teacher summarizes the children’s answers: “In winter, the weather can be different: frosty, snowy, windy, sunny.”
Snow Maiden. I really like frosty weather! I brought you some snow. Children, what do you think will happen to the snow in the room?
Educator. Snow Maiden, we will definitely watch the snow and see what happens indoors. Children, why does the Snow Maiden love cold weather?
The teacher summarizes the children’s answers: “The Snow Maiden loves winter, because her grandparents made her out of snow. If it’s warm, the Snow Maiden may simply melt. The Snow Maiden comes to visit children in winter and only for New Year's holiday. But at the holiday she does not melt, because in New Year miracles happen! Every year we look forward to meeting Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden.”

The Snow Maiden invites children to play the active game “A Little White Snow Fell.”
Children stand in a circle, performing movements in accordance with the text of the poem:
A little white snow fell (Children crouch.)
Let's gather in a circle. (Form a circle.)
We'll stomp, we'll stomp! (They stomp their feet.)
Let's dance merrily, (Spin around ourselves.)
Let's warm our hands. (Rub their palms.)
We'll clap, we'll clap! (Clap their hands.)
Let's jump more fun, (They jump.)
To make it warmer. (They jump.)
We'll jump, we'll jump! (They jump.)
Educator. Oh, Snow Maiden, it’s warm in our group, you need to hurry home.
Snow Maiden. Yes, it’s hot here, I need coolness, I’ll go to Grandfather Frost’s house. And in memory of our meeting, I would like to give you snowflakes.
The Snow Maiden gives the children beautiful snowflakes, says goodbye and leaves.
Educator. Children, let's arrange snowflakes on a dark background, like white snowflakes in the evening sky! Look what beautiful snowflakes the Snow Maiden gave us!
Children admire the beauty of snowflakes, examine their structure and shape.
Educator. All snowflakes are similar, but they are all different, two identical snowflakes can't be found. Guys, remember how we watched snowflakes while walking? Show me how they spun in the air!
Next, the teacher invites each child to remember what snowflakes he saw on a walk, come up with and draw his own snowflake. Draws children's attention to the fact that all snowflakes have six rays.
Children come to the table and use white gouache to draw snowflakes on a dark sheet.
Educator. When a lot of snowflakes fly, this phenomenon is called snowfall! So we got snowfall! What happens if you catch a snowflake with your hand? (Children's answers.) Let's see what happened to the snow that the Snow Maiden brought.
Summarizes the children’s answers: “The snow began to melt from the heat, turning into water. What do you think can happen to water in the cold? Will the water turn into snow?
The teacher brings water, pre-frozen in molds, to the group and invites the children to examine the ice cubes.
Summarizes the children’s answers: “The water froze in the cold and turned into ice.” The teacher invites the children to look at and touch the ice cubes and asks:
“What kind of ice?”
Children determine the properties of ice. (Hard, transparent, cold, melts in your palm.)
The teacher puts ice in the water and says: “What happens to the ice in the water? Ice does not sink, but floats on the surface of the water and slowly melts. In the fairy tale, grandfather and grandmother made the Snow Maiden out of snow. Spring has come, the sun has warmed, and the Snow Maiden has melted. But our Snow Maiden went out into the cold and will not melt. Children, what else do you think can be made from snow? (Children's answers.) From snow you can make a snowman with a carrot instead of a nose or make snow buildings. In the cold winter, snow covers the ground and under blanket of snow Plants and insects overwinter; snow helps them survive severe frosts. Ice covers water bodies with a thick, durable layer so that all living things do not die from the cold. Here's what amazing properties you learned about ice and snow today.”
IN free time The teacher invites the children to make snowmen from plasticine.
On a walk, children make a snowman out of snow.

Lyudmila Finko
Lesson summary “Why did the Snow Maiden melt?”


organized educational activities By topic:

« Why did the Snow Maiden melt? in the senior group

teacher, MDOU DSKV No. 5 st. Yasenskaya

Municipal district Yeisk district Krasnodar region

Subject: « Why did the Snow Maiden melt?»

Program content:

1. Learn to install in an elementary way cause-and-effect communications: snow melts in heat and turns into water; In the cold, water freezes and turns into ice.

2. Expand children’s understanding of the properties of water, snow and ice.

3. Strengthen ideas about seasonal changes in nature.

4. Develop cognitive interests, observation and curiosity in the process of becoming familiar with natural phenomena.

5. Develop children's creative abilities.

6. Cultivate interest in phenomena inanimate nature.

Previous work:

Reading a Russian folk tale « Snow Maiden» ; games with snow, ice, colored ice flakes. ; looking at snowflakes through a magnifying glass; reading a story by I. Ilyin and E. Segal "Snowflake"; freezing ice in molds, asking riddles about snow, ice, snowflakes; didactic games.

Vocabulary work:

Activating the dictionary: snowy, snowflake, ice, cold.

Dictionary enrichment: snowfall, frosty weather.


Snow Maiden- doll or adult in costume Snow Maidens; snow in a container; ice in molds; snowflakes cut out of paper; a dark sheet of paper for laying out snowflakes; white gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins; large container with water.

Methods and techniques:

Explanation, demonstration, encouragement, questions, artistic word, musical accompaniment.

Quiet music is playing.

The teacher reads a poem by M. Poznanskaya « It's snowing»

Quiet, quiet it's snowing

White snow, shaggy

We'll clear it out snow and ice

In the yard with a shovel.

From the gate we have difficulty

We'll carry out a stitch to the house,

Mom will come out to the door,

He will say: "Who could it be

Draw a path

To our doorstep?

Included Snow Maiden and adds a container with snow.

Snow Maiden:- Hello, children! I came to visit you from a Russian folk tale « Snow Maiden» (children say hello)

Guys, what time of year is it now?

What is the weather like in winter?

Educator: - That's right, children, the weather happens in winter different: frosty, snowy, windy, sunny.

Snow Maiden: - I really like frosty weather! I brought you some snow. Children, what do you think will happen to snow in the room?

Educator: - Snow Maiden, we will definitely keep an eye on snow and we'll see what will happen to him in the room.

Guys, why Snegurochka loves cold weather?

Well done guys. Snow Maiden loves winter because her grandparents made her out of snow. If it's warm, The Snow Maiden might just melt. Visiting the children Snow Maiden comes in winter and only for the New Year holiday. But she doesn’t hide it during the holiday, because different miracles happen on New Year’s Day! Every year we look forward to meeting Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: - Guys, what is the weather like, do your cheeks tingle in the cold?

That's right, in the frosty weather. Do you want to play in frosty weather?

Fizminutka "A little white snow fell"

A little white snow fell (children crouch)

Let's gather in a circle. (form a circle)

We'll stomp, we'll stomp! (stomping feet)

Let's dance merrily (circle around themselves)

Let's warm our hands. (rubs palms)

We'll clap, we'll clap! (clap hands)

Let's jump more fun (jumping)

To make it warmer. (jumping)

We'll jump, we'll jump! (jumping)

Educator: -Oh, Snow Maiden, New Year's holiday is coming! You need to hurry home!

Snow Maiden: - New Year is coming, and I will definitely come to you with Grandfather Frost. As a keepsake of our meeting, I would like to give it to you.

Guess what it is?

Fall from the sky in winter

And they circle above the ground

Light fluffs,

White. (snowflakes)

Well done, you guessed right, let's play with them.

Didactic game “Name what kind of snowflake”

Arrange snowflakes against a dark background, as if in the evening sky. What are they like? (for stars, needles, records, for a hedgehog).

What are they like? (light, fluffy, white, cold).

All snowflakes are similar, but they are all different; no two snowflakes are alike. Guys, remember how we watched snowflakes while walking?


White patterned little star,

You fly into my hand, sit for a minute.

The star spun in the air a little,

Sat down and melted on my palm.

Show me how they spin in the air? (I invite the children to blow on a snowflake and spin around with them).

Snow Maiden - Guys, and you know why is it snowing does it squeak in frosty weather? (children's answers)

The creaking comes from the fact that the rays of many snowflakes, which are very brittle in frosty weather, break underfoot.

So I have snowflakes with broken rays. What should I do with them?

Didactic game “Complete the rays”

(The teacher calls the children to the board and the children complete the rays with white gouache)

Snegurochka - Thank you, you guys, for bringing fluffy snowflakes to life.

It's time for me to go to my grandfather.

(The Snow Maiden says goodbye and leaves)

Educator - Guys, when a lot of snowflakes fly, this phenomenon is called snowfall. Here we have it snowfall.

What is this phenomenon called? (I ask 2-3 children)

What happens if you catch a snowflake with your hand?

Let's see what happened to snow which she brought Snow Maiden.

That's right guys snow began to melt from the heat, turning into water.

Guess the riddle, what is it about?

Guess when and where

Do people walk on water?

That water is still

Don't strive anywhere

And it doesn’t splash, and it doesn’t pour,

Because it is. (ice).

(The teacher brings water pre-frozen in molds to the group and invites the children to examine the ice cubes).

Educator - Guys, tell me, what happened to the water in the cold?

That’s right, the water froze in the cold and turned into ice.

Can water turn into ice again? (no, water turns into ice)

Guys, touch the ice cubes, what is it like? (hard, transparent, cold, melts in the palm)

The teacher puts ice into the water

What happens to the ice? (ice floats)

That's right, guys, ice does not sink, but floats on the surface of the water and slowly melts. In a fairy tale, grandfather and grandmother blinded Snow Maiden made of snow. Spring has come, the sun has warmed, and The Snow Maiden has melted. And ours The Snow Maiden went out into the cold and will not melt, and he will definitely come to us again.

Educator - Children, what else do you think can be made from snow? (children's answers)

That's right, guys. From snow you can build a snowman with carrots or make snow buildings. Cold winter snow covers the ground and winters under a blanket of snow plants, insects. Snow helps them survive severe frosts. Ice covers reservoirs with a thick transparent layer so that all living things do not die from the cold.

Guys, let's post ours snowmen from magic snowballs.

Didactic game "Lay it out snowman»

(children from different sizes circles are laid out snowmen).

Educator: Guys, what are the amazing properties of ice and snow you learned today. What snow in heat it melts and turns into water, and in cold weather it freezes and turns into ice.

And now you and I will go for a walk and make funny snowmen.



SOFTWARE CONTENT. Expand children's understanding of the properties of water, snow and ice. Learn to establish basic cause-and-effect relationships: snow melts in warmth and turns into water; In the cold, water freezes and turns into ice.

MATERIAL. Snow Maiden - doll; snow in a container; ice in molds; snowflakes cut out of paper; a dark sheet of paper for laying out snowflakes; dark sheets of paper (for each child); white gouache, brushes No. 5, jars of water, napkins; large container with water; plasticine for making snowmen.

CONNECTION WITH OTHER CLASSES AND ACTIVITIES . Reading the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden". Games with snow, ice, colored ice floes. Looking at snowflakes through a magnifying glass. Reading the story “Snowflakes” by I. Ilyin and E. Segal. Freezing ice in molds.


Quiet music is playing.

The teacher reads M. Poznanskaya’s poem “It’s Snowing”:

Quietly, quietly the snow is falling,

White snow, shaggy.

We will clear the snow and ice

In the yard with a shovel.

From the gate we have difficulty

We'll lead the stitches to the house,

Mom will come out to the door,

He will say: “Who could do this?

Draw a path

To our doorstep?

The Snow Maiden enters (the teacher brings in the doll) and brings a container of snow into the group.

Snow Maiden (the teacher speaks in a changed voice): Hello, children! I came to visit you from the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”.

Children: Hello, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: Children, what time of year is it now? What is the weather like in winter?

The teacher summarizes the children’s answers: “In winter, the weather can be different: frosty, snowy, windy, sunny.”

Snow Maiden. I really like frosty weather! I brought you some snow. Children, what do you think will happen to the snow in the room?

Educator. Snow Maiden, we will definitely watch the snow and see what happens indoors. Children, why does the Snow Maiden love cold weather?

The teacher summarizes the children’s answers: “The Snow Maiden loves winter, because her grandparents made her out of snow. If it’s warm, the Snow Maiden may simply melt. The Snow Maiden comes to visit children in winter and only on New Year's holidays. But it doesn’t melt during the holiday, because different miracles happen on New Year’s Day! Every year we look forward to meeting Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden.”

The Snow Maiden invites children to play the active game “A Little White Snow Fell.”

Children stand in a circle, performing movements in accordance with the text of the poem:

A little white snow fell(Children crouch.)

Let's gather in a circle. (Form a circle.)

We'll stomp, we'll stomp!(They stomp their feet.)

Let's dance merrily(They spin around themselves.)

Let's warm our hands.(Rub their palms.)

We'll clap, we'll clap!(Clap their hands.)

Let's jump more fun(They jump.)

To make it warmer.(They jump.)

We'll jump, we'll jump!(They jump.)

Educator. Oh, Snow Maiden, it’s warm in our group, you need to hurry home.

Snow Maiden. Yes, it’s hot here, I need coolness, I’ll go to Grandfather Frost’s house. And in memory of our meeting, I would like to give you snowflakes.

The Snow Maiden gives the children beautiful snowflakes, says goodbye and leaves.

Educator. Children, let's arrange snowflakes on a dark background, like white snowflakes in the evening sky! Look what beautiful snowflakes the Snow Maiden gave us!

Children admire the beauty of snowflakes, examine their structure and shape.

Educator. All snowflakes are similar, but they are all different; no two snowflakes are alike. Guys, remember how we watched snowflakes while walking? Show me how they spun in the air!

Next, the teacher invites each child to remember what snowflakes he saw on a walk, come up with and draw his own snowflake. Draws children's attention to the fact that all snowflakes have six rays.

Children come to the table and use white gouache to draw snowflakes on a dark sheet.

Educator. When a lot of snowflakes fly, this phenomenon is called snowfall! So we got snowfall! What happens if you catch a snowflake with your hand? (Children's answers.) Let's see what happened to the snow that the Snow Maiden brought.

Summarizes the children’s answers: “The snow began to melt from the heat, turning into water. What do you think can happen to water in the cold? Will the water turn into snow?

The teacher brings water, pre-frozen in molds, to the group and invites the children to examine the ice cubes.

Summarizes the children’s answers: “The water froze in the cold and turned into ice.”

The teacher invites the children to examine and touch the ice cubes and asks: “What kind of ice?”

Children determine the properties of ice.(Hard, transparent, cold, melts in your palm.)

The teacher puts ice in the water and says: “What happens to the ice in the water? Ice does not sink, but floats on the surface of the water and slowly melts. In the fairy tale, grandfather and grandmother made the Snow Maiden out of snow. Spring has come, the sun has warmed, and the Snow Maiden has melted. But our Snow Maiden went out into the cold and will not melt. Children, what else do you think can be made from snow? (Children's answers.) From snow you can make a snowman with a carrot instead of a nose or make snow buildings. In cold winter, snow covers the ground and plants and insects hibernate under the snow blanket; snow helps them survive severe frosts. Ice covers water bodies with a thick, durable layer so that all living things do not die from the cold. These are the amazing properties of ice and snow you learned about today.”

In their free time, the teacher invites children to make snowmen from plasticine.

On a walk, children make a snowman out of snow.

Summary of an open lesson on cognitive and research activities in younger group:
“Why did the Snow Maiden melt?”
Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Speech”, “Physical Education”.
Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the transformation of snow depending on temperature.
Educational objectives:
-Expand children’s understanding of the properties of snow and ice.
Developmental tasks:
-Develop connected speech and the ability to conduct dialogue.
-Learn to make comparisons.
-Develop thinking and memory.
-Develop cognitive interest in the world around you.
Educational tasks:
-Cultivate curiosity and interest in new things.
Preliminary work:
-Reading the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden".
-Targeted walks observing snow and ice.
-Conversations about natural phenomena - snow, frost, ice.
-Experiments and experiments with snow and ice on a walk.
Equipment and material: Containers with snow, containers with ice and water, snowflakes.
Type of activity: Gaming, educational and research.

Direct educational activities
Introductory part:
Quiet music is playing. The teacher reads the poem “It’s Snowing” by M. Poznanskaya.
Quietly, quietly the snow is falling, White, shaggy snow.
We will clear the snow and ice
In the yard with a shovel.. From the gate we can hardly
We'll lead the stitches to the house,
Mom will come out to the door,
He will say: "Who could it be? Lead the path
To our doorstep?"
Main part:
Children, the Snow Maiden came to visit us. (An adult dressed as the Snow Maiden enters.)
Snow Maiden: Hello, children!
Children: Hello, Snow Maiden!
Snow Maiden: I came to visit you from the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden".
Children, tell me what time of year it is now? (Winter). What is the weather like in winter?
(Cold, frosty).
Snow Maiden: Correct. Cold weather I really like it!
Educator: Why does Snegurochka love cold weather? (Snow Maiden made of snow).
The teacher summarizes the children’s answers: “That’s right. The Snow Maiden loves winter because her grandparents made her out of snow. If it’s warm, the Snow Maiden will melt.
The Snow Maiden comes to visit the children in winter and only for the New Year holiday.

The Snow Maiden invites children to play
"A little white snow fell."
(Children stand in a semicircle, performing movements in accordance with the text of the poem):
A little white snow fell (Children crouch.)
They gather in a circle. (Form a circle.)
We're stomping, we're stomping! (They stomp their feet.)
Let's dance merrily. (They spin around in a circle.)
Let's warm our hands. (Rub their palms.
We will clap, we will clap! (They clap.)
Let's jump more fun, To make it warmer. (They jump.)
We'll jump, we'll jump!
Snow Maiden: Children, I brought you some snow so that you can watch it.
Teacher: Snow Maiden, we will definitely watch the snow and see what the snow turns into in a warm room.
Teacher: Oh, Snow Maiden, the New Year holiday is coming! You need to hurry home!
Snow Maiden: Children, New Year is coming, and I will definitely come to you with Grandfather Frost. To remember our meeting, I would like to give you snowflakes.
(The Snow Maiden gives the children beautiful snowflakes, says goodbye and leaves.)
The teacher invites the children to look at snowflakes on dark-colored paper sheets, as if in the evening sky.
Children, you and I watched the snowflakes while walking. Show me how they spun in the air! (Children spin at a slow pace.) When a lot of snowflakes fly, this phenomenon is called snowfall! What happens if you catch a snowflake with your hand? (It will melt). Why? (Because the palm is warm.) Let's see what the snow that the Snow Maiden brought has turned into? (In some water). Right. And in the cold, the water will turn into ice. The teacher brings water pre-frozen in molds to the group and invites them to examine and touch the ice cubes. Children determine the properties of ice (cold, transparent, hard). The teacher puts ice into the water and explains that ice does not sink, but floats and slowly melts in the water.

Final part:
In cold winter, snow covers the ground and plants and insects hibernate under the snow; snow helps them survive severe frosts. Ice covers the rivers in a thick layer so that all living things (fish, etc.) in the river do not die from the cold.

Summary of direct educational activities in middle group“Why did the Snow Maiden melt?”

Program content.

Educational objectives:

Expand children's understanding of the properties of water, snow and ice. Learnestablish basic cause-and-effect relationships: snow melts in warmth and turns into water; In the cold, water freezes and turns into ice.

Developmental tasks:

To develop thinking, interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature, to evoke joy from discoveries obtained from experiments.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate moral and aesthetic feelings in communication with nature.

Material. Character costume. Snow in a container. Ice in molds.Snowflakes. A dark sheet of paper for laying out snowflakes. Dark sheetspaper (for each child). White gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins.Glasses of water. Laptop. Music from the opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Times"year." Slides depicting snowy buildings and winter landscapes.

Connections with other activities and activities. Reading Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden". Games with snow, ice, colored ice floes. Looking at snowflakes through a magnifying glass. Reading the story “Snowflakes” by I. Ilyin and E. Segal. Freezing ice in molds.


Game situation “In the winter forest”

Educator : Oh, guys, how beautiful it is here! It's white all around, there's so much snownoticeably. Where are we? IN winter forest? Guys, I know something wonderful.a poem called “It’s Snowing.” Listen to him


The teacher reads M. Poznanskaya’s poem “It’s Snowing”:

Quietly, quietly the snow is falling,

White snow, shaggy.

We will clear the snow and ice

In the yard with a shovel.

From the gate we have difficultyWe'll lead the stitches to the house,Mom will come out to the door,

He will say: “Who could do this?

Draw a path

To our doorstep?

Educator : What time of year is this poem talking about?Children: Winter.

Educator : Children, what time of year is it now? What is the weather like in winter?Children : Winter. The weather in winter can be cold and frosty.

Educator : “In winter the weather can be different: frosty, snowy, windy, sunny."

Educator : Look, guys, someone left a basket here. And whatis in the basket, let's take a look! What is this?

Children: Snow.

Educator : What do you think will happen to the snow if we pick it up?

Children: The snow will melt.

Educator : Let's check.

Experience 1 .

Educator : What happened to the snow?

Children : The snow began to melt.

Educator : “The snow began to melt from the heat, turning into water.

- Guys, let's play the game “A Little White Snow Fell.”

Children stand in a circle, performing movements in accordance with the text of the poem:

A little white snow fell(Children crouch.) Let's gather in a circle.(Form a circle.) We'll stomp, we'll stomp!(They stomp their feet.) Let's dance merrily(They spin around themselves.)

Let's warm our hands!(Rub their palms.) We'll clap, we'll clap!(Clap their hands.) Let's jump more fun(They jump.) To make it warmer.(They jump.)

We'll jump, we'll jump!(They jump.)

- Look, guys, there's something else in the basket. What is this?
Children: Ice.

Experience 2 .

- Guys, let's look at ice cubes. What happened to the water on

Children: The water is frozen.

Educator : The water froze in the cold and turned into ice.

- Touch the ice. Place it on your palm. What's happening to him?
Children: The ice is melting.

Educator : What kind of ice?

Children : Transparent, cold, melts in your palm.

Educator : Let's try to drop the ice on the table. What happened?

Children: The ice hit the table.

Educator : What does it mean?

Children : This means the ice is hard.

Experience 3 .

Educator : What do you think will happen to the ice if we let's put it in the water?

Children : The ice will float.

Educator : Let's check. Place ice cubes in glasses of water.

What happens to ice in water?

Ice does not sink, but floats on the surface of the water and slowly melts.

Surprise moment. There is a knock on the door.

Educator : Oh, someone came to us.

Winter enters.

Winter: Hello guys! I lost my magic basket. Have you seen her?

Children: We saw it.

Winter: I I walked through the forest and picked up a lot of beautiful snowflakes and I want them

to give to you for finding my basket.

Educator : Children, let's arrange snowflakes on a dark background, like white snowflakes in the evening sky! Look what beautiful snowflakes Zimushka - Winter gave us!

(Children admire the beauty of snowflakes, examine their structure and shape).

Educator : All snowflakes are similar, but they are all different; no two snowflakes are alike.

Winter: Guys, I want to show you how snowflakes swirl in the air! And you repeat after me.

(Winter demonstrates movements to music, children repeat.)

Educator: Guys, come up with your own snowflake and draw it.

(Children come to the table and use white gouache to draw snowflakes on a dark sheet, then the drawings are hung on the board).

Educator: When a lot of snowflakes fly, this phenomenon is called snowfall! So we got snowfall! When the wind swirls a lot of snowflakes, a blizzard or blizzard begins.

Sometimes the snow is wet. What do you think can be done with raw snow?

Children: Build a snowman.

Educator: Children, sit down on the chairs. You and I will show Zimushka -In winter, like the grandparents from the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden,” they made a daughter for themselves.In this fairy tale, grandparents made the Snow Maiden out of snow. Spring has come, the sun has warmed up, and the Snow Maiden has melted (showing frames from the cartoon “The Snow Maiden”). Zimushka - Winter: Children, what else do you think can be made from snow?

Children: Snowman, snow woman

Educator: Right. You can make a snowman with a carrot out of snow

instead of a nose or make snow buildings (show slides of snow buildings).

Educator: In the cold winter, snow covers the ground and under the snowplants and insects overwinter as a blanket; snow helps them survivesevere frosts. Ice covers bodies of water with a thick, durable layer toall living things did not die from the cold (slide show).

Conversation with children.

What interesting and new things did you learn today?

What happens to the snow in the room?

What happens to the ice?

What happens to water in the cold?

Zimushka - Winter : Guys, it was very interesting for me to be with you. But I have to go

go about their business: we need to sweep the snow, build bridges on the rivers.

Educator : Zimushka - Winter, we want to invite you to our

New Year's holiday.

Winter: Thanks for the invitation. See you.

Educator: It's time for us to go to kindergarten. Guys, say goodbye to guests.

Children: Goodbye.