Summary of a mathematics lesson in the middle group of kindergarten “Comparison of objects by size, width. Summary of a mathematics lesson in the middle group: “Problems from Fixies Mathematical lessons in the middle group

Summary of mathematics lessons in the middle group

Subject: We count and compare together with Winnie the Pooh.

Software tasks:

Develop the ability to compose the simplest geometric figures from sticks on a table plane, examine and analyze them in a visual-tactile way;

To develop the ability to find signs of similarity and difference between objects, to identify patterns in the arrangement of figures, and the ability to compare objects by size;

To consolidate ideas about geometric shapes, the ability to group them based on color and shape;

Strengthen spatial concepts: wider, narrower;

Strengthen counting to five, the ability to correlate numbers with quantities;

Continue to teach how to explain, tell, prove, give detailed answers, construct sentences in different ways, choosing equivalent formulations;

Teach children to listen to the opinions of others, listen carefully to the teacher’s questions and each other’s answers;

Develop logical thinking;

Cultivate interest in mathematics.


Demo– magnetic board, images of cartoon characters Winnie the Pooh and his friends, snowflakes made of colored paper, paper templates (oval, circle) and scarves (rectangles).

Dispensing – counting sticks, templates, rectangles made of colored paper.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Introductory part.

Guys, in our classes we often travel with fairy-tale characters, and today, we will count and compare together with... (OnA picture of Winnie the Pooh surrounded by snowflakes appears on the magnetic board...

Who are the guys with? You know him? (Yes, it's Winnie the Pooh)

What's all this about Winnie the Pooh? (snowflakes)

Yes, guys, he dreams of spending his weekend at the skating rink with his friends.

What groups can these snowflakes be divided into? (By size and color)

What color are the snowflakes? (Blue and white)

How many snowflakes are blue? (4 blue)

How many white snowflakes? (5 white)

Which are more, white snowflakes or blue? (white)

Now we will check this (A child called to the board lays out white snowflakes on the top line, below, under each white one, blue ones. It turns out that there are more white ones than blue ones (there are fewer blue ones than white ones)

How many more white snowflakes are there than blue ones? (For 1 snowflake)

What needs to be done so that there are equal numbers of snowflakes? (Remove or add 1 snowflake)

II. Main part.

Winnie the Pooh loves to study, and especially to play the game “Make a Figure”.

Let's play too? (Each child has a set of counting sticks on the table)

Take 4 sticks and make them , and from three sticks - ∆.

How are these figures similar? (They have corners and sides)

What is the difference? (U - 4 angles and 4 sides, ∆ - 3 angles and 3 sides)

Take a circle in your left hand and an oval in your right

How do Ο and 0 differ from and ∆? (Ο and 0 have no angles)

III. Physical exercise.

We've been sitting too long. Winnie the Pooh invites us to do some physical education.

The wind quietly shakes the maple tree,

Tilts right, left:

One - tilt and two - tilt,

The maple branches rustled.

(feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head. Torso tilts to the right and left.)

IV. Final part.

Winnie the Pooh is very concerned about his health and in winter he always hardens himself, goes ice skating with his friends, and does not forget to take scarves with him. Winnie the Pooh takes a wide and long scarf with him, and his friend Piglet takes a narrow and short one. (There are two rectangles on the board and the guys have two rectangles on the table)

Guys, what geometric shapes do these scarves look like? (rectangles). Find these figures on your table.

- Lift up a rectangle that resembles a Winnie the Pooh scarf. Well done.

Now, pick up that rectangle that resembles Piglet’s scarf. That's right, guys!

How did you determine which one belongs to whom? (Reception of application and reception of application. Children perform independently, frontal check)

V. Summary.

So, guys, Winnie the Pooh and his friends went to the skating rink, and our lesson came to an end.

Let's remember what we did today?

(they compared objects by size, width, length, color, named geometric shapes and composed them themselves and compared them by shape, counted objects).

Well done boys. You did a good job today. In the next lesson, we will continue to study numbers (and get acquainted with the number 6), we will count more objects and learn other signs of comparison. (can be compared by height, volume, weight, etc.)


  1. Metlina L.S. Mathematics classes in kindergarten: (Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers). A manual for kindergarten teachers. – 2nd ed., add. – M.: Education, 1985.
  2. Nikitin B.P. Steps of creativity, or Educational games. – 3rd ed., add. – M.: Education, 1990.

This summary of the mathematics lesson “Playing and Counting” will help educators working with children 4-5 years old to continue working on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

During the "journey" that the children will go on, they practice the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes, circle, square, triangle, rectangle, and also consolidate



Summary of GCD for FEMP in the middle group “Playing and counting”


  • exercise the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes, circle, square, triangle, rectangle;
  • strengthen the ability to count within 5, introduce the ordinal value of a number, teach how to answer the questions “how much?” ", "Which one is it? ", "in which place?";
  • use specific examples to reveal the meaning of the concepts: large, small, shorter, longer.

Material for the lesson:a letter from Umnyashka, a doll, geometric shapes for each child (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) and modules of geometric shapes, hoops, cards with a task for k/r, colored pencils, counting cards, cards with numbers, projector, slide presentation “Entertaining puzzles”, gifts - “decorating books”

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

We will build an even circle,

On the right is a friend and on the left is a friend.

Let's hold hands together,

And let's smile at each other!

Is everyone in a good mood?

Are all your sorrows forgotten?

I ask you to tell me:

Guys, today the postman brought me a letter. Want to know what's there?

"Hello guys! My name is Umnyashka doll. I live in the magical country of Igland! And I invite you to visit me! I heard that you are very obedient, smart and smart guys, and I really want to meet you! »

Do you want to meet Umnyashka? How do we go to a magical land? (children's assumptions)

And I suggest you go on foot. We have a long way to go.

Let's go friends! There's no way you can fall behind!

(children walk on pebbles, sand, leaves)

1 task “Geometric shapes”.

Oh guys, look where we ended up? And I know. We're on the lawn. And we will find out who lives on this lawn if we solve the riddles.

The wheel rolled

After all, it looks similar

Like a visual nature

Only for a round figure.

Did you guess it, dear friend?

Well, of course it is... (circle)

Look at the figure

And draw in the album

Three corners. Three sides

Connect with each other.

The result was not a square,

And beautiful... (triangle)

I am a figure - no matter where,

Always very smooth

All angles in me are equal

And four sides.

Kubik is my beloved brother,

Because I... (square)

We stretched the square

And presented at a glance,

Who did he look like?

Or something very similar?

Not a brick, not a triangle -

It became a square... (rectangle).

Can you guess who lives on this lawn? (geometric figures)

Guys, would you like me to tell you a fairy tale about a rectangle and a square. Sit down more comfortably. And so, listen to the fairy tale.

“In the kingdom - the state of geometric figures - there lived the Rectangle and the Square. “I’m so clumsy,” said the Rectangle. “If I rise to my full height, I become tall and narrow. Like this.

And if I lie on my side, I become short and fat. Like this.

“And you always remain the same,” he said, turning to Kvadrat, “both standing, and sitting, and lying down.” “Yes,” Kvadrat answered proudly. “All sides are equal for me.” And he turned over from side to side, but his height and width did not change from this.

But one day this happened. One girl was walking in the forest and got lost. She didn’t know which way to go, where her home was. And suddenly she met Square and Rectangle. Since Kvadrat looked very important, the girl turned to him: “Can I climb on top of you and see where my home is? “She first climbed onto one side of it, but didn’t see anything because of the trees, then she asked the Square to turn over, but this time she didn’t see anything, since all sides of the square are equal. “Maybe I can help you? "- asked the modest Rectangle. He stood up to his full height, the girl climbed onto him and found herself higher than the trees. She saw her house and knew where to go. “Let us take you out,” suggested Kvadrat. Suddenly a river appeared on their way. “Mr. Square, help me cross the river! "- the girl asked. The square approached the river and wanted to reach the other bank, but... He splashed and fell into the water. Good Rectangle helped his friend get out of the water. And then he lay down on his side and became a bridge. The girl ran across the Rectangle and found herself at home. “Thank you,” the girl said to the geometric figures, “you didn’t leave me in the forest and helped me find my way home. “Now I know,” the girl turned to the Rectangle, “that you are a very useful figure.” “Well,” Rectangle answered modestly, “it’s just that my sides are of different lengths: two are long and two are short.”

Guys, did you like the fairy tale? What are the sides of the rectangle? (two are long and two are short)

And now the geometric shapes invite you to play the game “Find your house.”

Once upon a time there lived geometric figures in their houses. What are their names? Circle, square, triangle and rectangle (shows and arranges large shapes into hoops). Then he distributes one geometric figure to all children.

I play math

I'm turning you into figures!

One, two, three, triangle, run to the house! (triangle children run into their hoop).

Well done boys! We did it!

Task 2 “Counting to 5”

Look, guys, we ended up in the kingdom of the fairy Counting, but she is now away on business. And so the counting fairy left, and the numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5 decided to play a little prank while she was gone and got so mixed up that they forgot their ordinal places. That's why even the sun hid in the kingdom. Let's help them put things in order?!

(Children put the numbers in order.)

Well done, you did everything right!

And the Counting Table left us some task. Let's see?

(each child has a card with a task: count the drawn objects and connect the resulting answers with numbers)

While you and I were completing the fairy’s task, the sun came out.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Little ray, naughty little ray, come play with me (they blink their eyes)

Come on, little ray, turn around and show yourself to me. (circular eye movements)

I’ll look to the left, I’ll find a ray of sunshine (look to the left)

Now I’ll look to the right, I’ll find the ray again (look to the right)

Guys, look, there are some pictures here too.

(we look at pictures depicting different objects that hang on the board. Then the children perform movements corresponding to the text)

How many apples do we have?

We'll jump that many times. (1)

How many leaves do we have?

We will sit down that many times. (2)

How many red fly agarics,

We'll do so many bends. (3)

How many jars do we have?

We'll clap you so many times. (4)

How many funny clowns

Let's stomp with you that many times (5).

Well done! We completed all the tasks of the Counting Fairy! We can move on!

Task 3 “Solve the problem”

Oh, where have we come again? And we ended up in the kingdom of Prince Zadachkin, here we also need to complete several tasks. You are ready?

Then let's solve with you the entertaining puzzles that the prince has prepared for us. You just need to listen to them very carefully!

Prick up your ears and listen: Presentation.

Problem “Visiting a bee.”

A magpie flew through the forest and said that the bees would treat the animals with honey. The first to run to the hive was a bear with a barrel. A squirrel with a mug galloped after him. The third to rush in was a hare with a bowl. Then the fox came with a jug, and the last to hobble was the wolf.

List everyone who came running to the hive. How many are there in total?

At what time did the hare rush to the hive? And the squirrel?

How long did the wolf hobble?

Who had the smallest dishes?

Who had the biggest dishes?

Problem “Wolf and fox fishing”

A fox and a wolf got together to go fishing. The fox took a small fishing rod with a short line, and the greedy wolf thought: “If I take the biggest fishing rod with a long, very long line, I’ll catch more fish.” We sat down to fish. The fox only manages to pull out the fish: either crucian carp, then bream, then catfish, then pike. And the wolf caught one crucian carp, began to pull it from the river, and got entangled in a long fishing line. By the time I've unraveled, it's time to go home.

How many fish did the fox catch? Wolf?

How many did they catch together?

Who caught more fish and why?

Problem “Visiting a moose”

The elk bought a TV and invited the animals to watch the cartoon. Guests came to the elk, and he only had two benches: one large, the other small. An elk and a bear sat down on a large bench. And for the small one - a hedgehog, a squirrel, a hare, a gopher and a mouse.

How many animals fit on the big bench?

How many animals fit on a small bench?

Which bench accommodated more animals? Why?

Well done boys!

Well, finally, we have reached the country of Igland! (children are greeted by the Umnyashka doll)

Hello, Umnyashka!

Hello guys! How did you get to me? Was it difficult? What a great fellow you are! Do you want to play with me? And I’ll see how smart and smart you are!

We start again:

Solve, guess, be smart!

I wish you good luck-

Good luck to work!

Children play with Umnyashka.

The game is called: “Which is longer.”

The doll throws the ball to one of the children and says: “Match, which is longer? »

The child catches the ball and answers: “Pencil, which is longer? "- and throws the ball to the next player (the girl’s braid, ribbon, stick, rope, rails, road) The ball is thrown until the imagination runs out and there is nothing to compare with.

Game "When does this happen?"

We have breakfast in the morning and dinner... (in the evening)

We sleep at night and do exercises... (in the morning)

During the day we have lunch and breakfast... (in the morning)

The sun shines during the day, and the moon... (at night)

We have dinner in the evening, and lunch... (in the afternoon)

We go to kindergarten in the morning, and from kindergarten....(in the evening)

After the games, the Umnyashka doll sums up the lesson together with the children.

And he offers to take with him the game-task “Coloring Books”

(for each child a sheet with a task)

1. Color only round objects.

2. Color only rectangular objects.

3. Color objects that move quickly.

It's time for you guys to go back to kindergarten. I am very glad that you came to visit me! Goodbye! Come again!

Lesson summary for the middle group “Travel to the country of Figurunia”

Papaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher of the MKDOU "Kindergarten "Vesnushki" in the city of Rodniki, Ivanovo region."
Description of material: I offer you a summary of directly organized educational activities in a group room for middle group children (4-5 years old). This material will be useful for middle school teachers.
Target: Reinforcing the material covered.
Software tasks: Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, consolidate the ability to communicate with adults and peers; develop social intelligence; develop creativity and imagination.
Methods and techniques:
1.Surprise moment, games,
2. Verbal: conversation, explanation, questions, poetry.
3. Visual: examination.
4. Practical: children’s own activities.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Children, today we will go on a trip. We were invited to the country of Figurunia by a fairy-tale hero whom you probably almost all know. It is made of wood and has a very long nose. (children express their guesses).
And here he is.
Buratino comes out to the music and greets the children.
Children: Hello Buratino! We recognized you. Welcome to visit us.
Pinocchio: Your place is so great, I really like it, but today I would like to invite you to the country where I live. This is Figurunia.
Educator: Shall we go to visit Buratino, guys?
Children: Of course we'll go
Pinocchio: Then get on our fabulous train and go.
The children cling to each other and to Pinocchio and ride off.
Pinocchio: Here's our first stop. And so that we can go further with you, we need to complete the task.

There are cut up figures on the tables. You and I need to assemble the required geometric figure from the parts.
Children are divided into 4 teams and each team assembles: a square, a triangle, a circle.
Pinocchio: Well, did you all manage?
Children: Yes.
Pinocchio: Then we can move on.
And here is our next stop. And a new task.
« Match each picture with a geometric shape.”.
(On the tables there are pictures depicting a ball, watermelon, box, etc. The children’s task is to choose a figure for the picture that the given object resembles.)

Pinocchio: Did you complete the task, guys? Well done. And this means that our train can continue to travel through the magical land of Figuronia.
And again a stop. This time we won’t do any tasks, but will warm up a little.
Physical exercise "We're going, we're going, we're going for a long time"
We're going, we're going, we're going for a long time,
This path is very long.
Soon, soon we will get there,
And we can rest.
Here is our train coming,
The wheels are knocking
And on our train
The guys are sitting.
The locomotive is running.
He took the boys far, far away.
(Walking on bent legs.)

Pinocchio: Guys, warm up, rest a little, then we’ll move on.
Here comes one more stop.
The game “Who will see more?”
(Various geometric shapes are arranged in random order on the board. Preschoolers examine and memorize them. The leader counts to three and closes the figures. Children are asked to name as many figures as possible. To prevent children from repeating their friends’ answers, the leader can listen to each child separately. The one who wins is the one who wins. Whoever remembers and names more pieces becomes the leader. Continuing the game, the leader changes the number of pieces)
Pinocchio: Well done guys, you completed the task.
And our journey has come to an end.
Did you like my country?
Guys: Yes, I liked it.
Pinocchio: Of course, I’m very sorry to part with you, but I think that you will definitely come to Figurunia to visit me.
Hands out candy to children. Says goodbye.
Educator: Well, guys, it's time for us to hit the road, back home, get on our magical train.
Children cling to each other and to the teacher and return to kindergarten.

Summary of a math lesson in the middle group:
“Comparison of objects by size, width”

Program content:
Target: Learn to compare objects by size - large, medium, small.
In length - long, shorter, shortest; relate objects to size.

Educational: Continue to learn to compare by size - big,
medium, small; comparison of an object by length: long, shorter,
The shortest. Practice naming familiar geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, oval, trapezoid.
2) Educational: Develop logical thinking, memory, intelligence, promote the development of independence and creativity
3) Educational: Cultivate interest in mathematics, activity, perseverance.

Enrichment and activation of the dictionary: Longer, shorter, size, longer.

Equipment and materials: magnetic board, nesting dolls, scarves, cup templates for each child, pictures with geometric shapes, pencils.

Progress of the lesson:
Introductory part:

(Children sit on chairs on the carpet)
Educator: Guys, nesting dolls came to visit us. They are waiting for you and arguing about which of them should stand first. Let's help them stand up correctly

Main part:
Educator: Count how many nesting dolls there are?
Children: Three
Educator: Dima, how many nesting dolls do you have?
Dima - Three!
Educator: Mila, how many nesting dolls are there in total?
Mila: I got three
Educator: Oscar, if you put this nesting doll here, how many of them will there be?
Oscar: Three!
Educator: That's right guys, there are only three nesting dolls
- Let's compare them. Do you think they are the same size?
Children: No, they are different. Large, medium, small
Educator: Lera, look at the nesting dolls, they are the same size
Lera: No, they are different. Large, medium small
Educator: What do you think, Lesha, are the nesting dolls the same size?
Lesha: It seems different to me
Educator: Which nesting doll will we put in first place?
Children: Large
Educator: Second place?
Children: Average
Educator: On the third?
Children: small
Educator: Christina, do you think so too?
Christina: Yes

Educator: Vika, maybe you can arrange the nesting dolls differently?
Vika: The big matryoshka should come first, then the middle one, and then the small one.
Educator: Andrey, go put the nesting dolls in order of size
Educator: Guys, look, I have scarves on my table for nesting dolls, they are all different lengths. Long, short and shortest. We will need to choose scarves for each matryoshka that are appropriate in size. Shall we help?
Educator: Children, what scarf should you give to the largest nesting doll? How to find it?
Children: You need to put corner to corner and see if there is excess
Educator: Mila, go find a scarf for the big matryoshka doll
- How long is it?
Mila: Long
Educator: Place it next to the matryoshka doll!
- Nastya, do you agree with Mila that the scarf is long?
Nastya: Yes
Educator: Sasha, what do you think of the scarf, how long?
Sasha - Long
Educator: Sasha, what scarf will you give to the middle matryoshka?
Sasha is short, the nesting doll is small and a short scarf suits her, otherwise she will be uncomfortable and get confused.
Educator: Who will we give the shortest scarf to?
Children: Little matryoshka
Educator: Katya, can I give the short scarf to the big nesting doll?
Katya - No, she won’t have enough scarf because she’s big, she needs a long scarf
Educator: And who will we give the short one to?
Katya – Short scarf for a little matryoshka
Educator: Maxim, do you think so too?
Maxim - Yes, the short one should be given to the little nesting doll; it will be convenient for her.
Educator: Let's take a little rest

Physical exercise "Pinocchio"
Pinocchio stretched,
Bent over once, bend over twice,
He spread his arms to the sides
Apparently I didn't find the key.
To get him the key,
We need to stand on our toes.
Stand tighter than Pinocchio,
Here it is - the golden key

Educator: Guys, how many nesting dolls did we have as guests?
Children: Three
Educator: Each of them has girlfriends. They wanted to drink tea, but they didn't like the cups. They said they didn't want to drink from white people. And they want to drink from elegant cups, with geometric shapes. What geometric shapes do you know? Let me show you, and you tell me what kind of figure it is?
Children: Circle, rectangle, oval, trapezoid, square, triangle.
Educator: Ask 5-6 children individually
- But let's look at what kind of matryoshka cup is suitable in terms of size and size. So big matryoshka doll, what kind of cup does it need?
Children: Big
Educator: Christina, go pick up some dishes for the big matryoshka doll
Christina - Here it is, big one
Educator: Which cup is more convenient for a little nesting doll to drink tea from? Timofey?
Timofey – From the little one
Educator: Children, do you agree?
Children: Yes from the small one
Educator: Mila, can you bring me a cup for a medium matryoshka?
- Mila, what size is she?
Mila: Average
Educator: Guys, how many cups do you need to paint so that each nesting doll gets one?
Children: One!
Educator: Ask 5-6 children
Educator: Go, choose a cup for the matryoshka doll according to the size you took, sit down at the tables and draw geometric shapes

Final part:
Educator: So, let's see if everyone has chosen the right cup sizes!
— How we helped the nesting dolls today, what we did for them
Children: They told which nesting doll to stand up first, second and third, the large one, the middle one and the small one, and selected scarves of the required length. A long scarf, a short one and the shortest one, they drew geometric shapes
Educator: You understand the nesting dolls, now how should you stand?
Educator: Children, let's tell them again that the first matryoshka is big, then medium, and then small
Educator: Well done boys! But it’s time for the nesting dolls to go. They thank you for the delicious tea.

Title: Summary of a mathematics lesson in the middle group of kindergarten “Comparing objects by size, width”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD / Mathematics, Secondary group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MADOU No. 232 “Combined kindergarten”
Location: Kemerovo, Kemerovo region

Summary of the final lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts with children 4-5 years old in secondary group No. 1

Compiled by: Gubanova S.V., teacher of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 78”, 2007

Topic: Matroskin's riddles

Program content:

2. practice comparing objects by length, width, thickness, height: reflecting these features in speech;

3. continue to develop the ability to navigate in time, to know what is happening in a certain period of time (morning, evening, day, night);

4. consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes through the game “Find your house”;

Preliminary work: Classes on REMP, conducting didactic games, individual work in free activity.

Methods and techniques: Gaming - character introduction, didactic games, outdoor games; verbal - explanation, posing problematic questions; visual - attributes.

Equipment: Fruit basket; 3 ribbons of different lengths and colors; 3 boxes of the same length but different widths; 3 pencils of different thicknesses: thick, thin, thinnest; 3 pyramids of different heights; ball; 4 hoops; geometric shapes: squares - 7 pcs., circles - 7 pcs., rectangles - 7 pcs., triangles - 7 pcs.

Progress of the lesson

The cat Matroskin comes to visit, with a basket in his hands, says hello, and says that he brought gifts for the children, but in order to receive them, you need to guess all of Matroskin’s riddles.

Children sitting at the table

This basket contains fruits. Name them and say how many there are.

What number is the orange? banana?

Then I invite the children to close their eyes, swap the fruits, when the children open their eyes, I ask:

Which one is orange now? banana?

Matroskin praises the children and says that they will receive these fruits as a gift if they solve the rest of his riddles. Offers play the game “Guess what’s missing?”. (children move to the carpet).

On the carpet are: 3 ribbons of different lengths, 3 boxes of different widths, 3 pencils of different thicknesses, 3 pyramids of different heights.

Rules of the game:

The guys close their eyes, at this moment I remove one object. It is necessary to say what is missing and to characterize this object. (For example, the shortest tape was removed).

Matroskin praises the children and invites them to play a game.

Physical education lesson: “The mice came out one day”

Matroskin: And now I want to know if the guys know the parts of the day? Here is a magic ball, you need to catch it and answer the question.

(children stand on the carpet in a circle)

When do you have breakfast?

When does your mother come to pick you up at kindergarten?

It's dark outside, do you unmake your bed and go to bed when?

When do we have lunch in the kindergarten?

Matroskin praises the children and offers a new one game "Find Your Place"

Rules of the game:

Take any geometric shape from the tray. According to the music, you move throughout the group; when it ends, you must stand at the hoop where your geometric figure lies. The team that lines up next to its hoop first wins.

Matroskin sums it up; says who showed his worth and in what game; asks what the kids liked and gives fruit as a gift.

The lesson is over.