Scenario for March 8, 2nd junior group. Scenario “March 8!” (2 junior and middle groups)

Alieva Anzhelika Robertovn;
Seasonova Yulia Valentinovna,
group teachers


Teacher 1 - Alieva A.R., teacher of the junior group.

Teacher 2 - Sezonova Yu.V., teacher of the younger group.

Doll - girl preparatory group.

Behind the scenes, teacher 2 and the nanny hand out a bouquet to the children.

Teacher 1 and the child come out.

Teacher 1 : Spring walks through the courtyards in rays of warmth and light.

Today is the holiday of our mothers and we are pleased with this.

Our kindergarten, I am glad to congratulate all mothers around the planet.

Both adults and children say thank you to mothers.

Veronica : This is such an elegant kindergarten,

This is mother's holiday for the guys,

We'll sing a song for mom,

We'll start a dance for mom.

Children enter the hall behind teacher 2, the nanny stands behind the chairs by the window, the children stand in a circle (DANCE WITH FLOWERS)

Teacher 1: We will collect flowers and put them in a vase

And happy spring women's day Congratulations to mommy

(Teacher 2 and the nanny collect flowers from the children in a basket)

The sun is playing
The rays sparkle.
Happy spring holiday
Congratulations to mom.

Let's get up, guys, near our chairs and sing a song to our mothers.

SONG (“Okay, okay, the sun has woken up”)

Teacher 1: What a wonderful song. Well done guys, sit down on the chairs! Someone is in a hurry to visit us for the holiday. Do you hear? Let's see who it is. A DOLL ENTERS (from behind the scenes - a child from the preparatory group). Oh, what a beautiful girl, what’s your name?
Doll: I am the doll Nastya!

Teacher 1: Hello, doll Nastya!
Doll: I'm a great toy, I'll be a girls' friend.
I came to see you, to tell you about myself.
I can do a lot: sing songs loudly,
I quickly close my eyes and laugh.
I can cry a lot, I’ll call my mother loudly,
And this cannot be taken away - I love to dance.

Teacher 1: Guys, let’s dance our “Hugs” dance with the Nastya doll?


Teacher 2: Oh, what great fellows! Nastya, did you like our dance? Stay and play with us! (A.R. arranges flowers and places baskets)

Guys, in the spring everything blooms, flowers bloom, and they also grew in our meadow. Yellow and red flowers grow here. Let's collect for moms different bouquets- in one there will be only yellow flowers, and in the second - only red. Now a few guys will play, and then we will invite others. Everyone will take one sprig of flowers and put it in a basket of the same color as the bow. Here we will have yellow flowers, and here they are red.

Teacher 2: Come on, children - restless ones, sit down in order.

To make it more fun, guess the riddle. (CHILDREN SIT DOWN)

The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does this happen? (Spring)

It shines, sparkles, warms everyone. (Sun)

The blue icicle is crying

But he doesn’t hide his nose from the sun.

And all day under the bird's trill

Drip-drip-drip - it rings... (drips)

Let's make a house for the birds

With a small round window.

Here is a starling sitting on a hazel tree,

We are building him... (birdhouse)

On a forest thaw

A small flower has grown.

Hiding in dead wood

Little white... (Snowdrop)

(Teacher 1 and nanny hand out spoons)

Teacher 2: Well done guys, now let’s show our caring mothers how we have fun, dance and dance.

(DANCE WITH SPOONS, Teacher 2 and nanny dance with the children)

Teacher 2: Well done guys, what a fun dance! Now I’ll go and collect your spoons.

Teacher 1: On this day, the most spring,
We want to congratulate mom.
Let mom about love
The nightingales are singing!

Let's turn to the mothers and sing a song.

(SONG “Mommy, darling, my mother...”)

Teacher 2: Now we sit down on the chairs and the guys will read poems.

(children sit down, those who read poetry come out one by one)

Kirill+Petya: Mom, I love you so much that I don’t even know you

I big ship I'll give you a name - MOTHER!

Taya+Fatima: I'll cut out a circle from colored paper,

From it I will cut out a small flower.

Shakhzoda+Varya: I'll prepare a gift for mommy,

My most beautiful mommy!

Kamila+Natasha: Reads books in the evening.

And he always understands us,

Even if I am stubborn, my mother loves me.

Dima + Ilya G.: Mom, mom, mommy I love you,

I'll sing you a spring song.

Teacher 2: Well done boys! Now let’s all sing to mom one more song that we have prepared. Look, butterflies have flown into our clearing, flowers have bloomed, there are even apples - now each of you will find such a picture and stand next to it, and then you will all be visible.

(SONG “GIFT TO MOM” (I picked a blue flower in the field…)

Teacher 1 : Dear friends, today, on spring day, the guys want to congratulate their beloved grandmothers.

About grandma, about grandma.

There are few songs in the world.

And grandma, and grandma, she’s also a mother.

(SONG ABOUT GRANDMOTHER (Our grandmother loves to play with us...)

Teacher 1: Well done, guys, and now Vitya and Ksyusha want to read a poem to us.

(Teacher 2 controls the poems - is next to the children and, if necessary, prompts and supports, Teacher 1 brings the next children, the nanny at this time puts toys on chairs for dancing)

Ksyusha+Vitya: We love grandmothers

We respect them

And dear grandmothers

We congratulate everyone

Lisa+Nastya: I love my grandmother and my mother very much.

She has a lot of wrinkles and a streak of gray hair on her forehead.

I just want to touch it and then kiss it.

Gleb L.+Vladik: My grandma has gentle hands.

The little grandchildren love their grandmother very much.

Teacher 1: The toys have been waiting for us for a long time
And we got a little bored!
Take some toys

Have fun dancing with them.

(DANCE WITH TOYS, Teacher 2 and nanny dance)

Teacher 1: Well done boys! Go and rest on the chairs with your toys.

Nastenka, did you like it with us, did you have fun with the guys?

Doll: Very funny! Well done boys! Well, it’s time for me to go, goodbye, kids!

(nanny collects toys)

Teacher 1:

Boys and girls

Let's go together with you

Let's say thank you to the grandmothers,

Let's say thank you to moms.

For kindness and affection,

For songs and fairy tales,

For dolls and cars,

For good laughs.

For buns and gingerbread.

For sweet jam,

For your long patience.

Children in chorus : THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Teacher 2: Let's now, guys, each give gifts to his mother, invite your mothers. Dear mothers, come out and dance with us with the kids!

(Round dance “Smile”)

Teacher 2: Dear children, invite your mothers and grandmothers to join our group!

Children with their parents and teachers go to the group.

Goals:create a festive mood, evoke an emotional response to the festive action.
Educational: continue to form musical performances about spring; the ability to move rhythmically to music, to intonate clearly; develop the ability to sing in an ensemble.
Educational: develop speech, the ability to recite, enrich lexicon, learn to express your feelings in music.
Educational: lay the foundations of moral education; develop respect for elders, careful attitude to the family.

The phonogram sounds, the children enter the hall with flowers to the music and perform

“Dance with flowers”, sit down.


Spring has come, spring has come

Brought flowers as a gift

Mom, grandmother, sister,

We are grateful for spring

Ved : What kind of holiday is it with you?

We will meet first in the spring

Let's ask all the guys in the world

And they will answer us

Children: This is the holiday of our mothers!


Who came to you this morning?


Who said it's time to get up?


Who braided your hair?


Sweeped the whole house alone?


Who cut the flowers in the garden?


Who kissed me?


Who as a child loves laughter?



Who is the best in the world?


Song “We love mommy very much”

1 We love mommy very much

Yes Yes Yes!

We won't part with her


2. We will hug mommy

That's it!

Let's kiss mommy

So strong!


1. The snow is melting today

There was a whiff of spring.

Today is a big holiday

Mom's dear.

2. Let them sound in the hall today

Songs, music and laughter.

We invited mothers to the holiday,

Our mothers are the best!

3 . I will hug my mother tenderly,

I will kiss you deeply.

Because I love

Dear mom!

4. Mom, I love you so much

That I don’t really know!

I'm a big ship

I'll give you the name "MOM"!

Ved: Let's give mom a song,

It rings and flows.

Let mom have fun

Let mom smile!

The song “Oh, what a mother!”

    I'll wake up my mom in the morning,

“Hello, mommy, I’ll tell you.”

Chorus: Oh, what a mother, truly a sight for sore eyes.”

2. I love you very much

My beloved.

    Sing a song with me,

After all, today is your holiday!


We sing at the holiday

And we read poetry!

And to make it more fun,

Let's play!

Ved: Guys, today the postman came to our kindergarten and brought a postcard. I wonder who it's from? Shall we read it? (is reading)

Happy holiday, I congratulate grandmothers, girls, mothers!

Let the sun knock on your window every day.

(Spring is red)

Ved: Guys, the postcard is here, but there is no bell. Ah-ah-ah, here is a little note in the corner:

Look under the chair and you will find a bell there (search, find )

Ved: Ring our bell - and invite guests to your place!(rings a bell )

The phonogram plays and the clown Klyopa runs merrily into the hall

Klyopa : Hello, kids, girls and boys!

I, Klyopa, am a nice, cheerful and funny clown.

I was in a hurry to see you, I was in a hurry, I almost fell into a ditch,

I flew into a birch tree, hit two bushes with my nose,

And then.....I fell five times - finally I got to you!

Have you seen my friend - Kaprizka? Has she not arrived yet? Well, okay, I'll play with you for now. Do you want to play a game called "Guess what I'm playing on"? Well, then try to guess my musical riddles! But so that you don’t see what I’m playing on, I’ll hide right here!

Game "Guess what I'm playing on"

Klyopa goes behind the screen where the musical instruments lie and hides.

Klyopa: Can not see?. And now? But soooo? Well, shall we begin?

Plays musical instruments, and when the children guess correctly, shows the instruments and plays them (Spoon handle, rumba rattle, drum) .

Klyopa: La la la la la la! Now what did I play?? (Giggles) .

Ved: Well, Klyopa, you’re already playing around! This instrument is your tongue!

Ved: And you, Klepa, guess which one is the most spring musical instrument?

Klyopa: Of course it's a bell.

Here it is, hear, ringing like droplets.

Klepa plays the bell .

Ved: Klyopa, you have a wonderful game, and the guys know a very kind and

a good song called “Song of Drops”. Do you want to play along with


The “Drop Song” sounds, and Klepa plays the bell

Klyopa: It turned out very beautifully. It’s a pity that Kaprizka doesn’t hear anything. Guys, you

Well done, you've already congratulated your mothers, what about your grandmothers?

Children : No!

Ved: Thank you for reminding me, Klyopa! The guys have prepared congratulations for their beloved grandmothers!


1. Happy holiday

Spring holiday

All the grandmothers in the world


2. We congratulate grandmothers

We promise to grandmothers:

We won't fool around

And let's forget about quarrels!

3. Grandma has a lot of different worries,

Grandma has a lot of troubles

Kind, dear our grandmother,

There is no you better, younger and more beautiful.

4. And our grandmother's

Skillful fingers.

Next to our grandmother

We don't know boredom.

Song about grandmother “My Grandmother”

    Grandma, grandma, I love you.

I'll sing you a spring song

Chorus. Grandma, grandma.

My grandmother!

Grandma, grandma,

Happy holiday to you!

    Listen to our song, beloved grandmother.

    Always be healthy, always be happy!

Klyopa holds the box in his hands and brags.

Klyopa: And I have something e-e-e!

Ved: Well, since you brought it, then let’s see what you have in your basket?

Klyopa: (Takes out a ball)

Grandma started knitting

colorful socks,

Only suddenly they fell apart

She has balls.

Ved: And our guys love to help grandmothers. And now they will help you collect the balls.

Game "Collect balls"

Klyopa: Well done, guys, everything is fine now, but Kaprizka is not going well.

Let's call her together!

Children : Ka-priz-ka!

You can hear the whims and screams of Kaprizka .

Klyopa : I heard! It's coming! And here is a gift for her! (takes a flower )

Capricious: I don't want to wash my hands

I'll be whining all day

Don't listen to anyone


u. U-U-Uuuuuuuu


Klepa (removes the flower ): Something happened again. And like this every time.

Poor girl, how difficult it is to be friends with her.

Ved : She probably needs to be consoled.

Klyopa waves his hand.

Ved: Look how smart our children and cheerful parents are.

Capriciousness (closes eyes): I don't want to watch...

Ved: Maybe you're hungry, so we'll treat you...

Capricious: I do not want and I will not…

Ved: Guys, I know what can cheer up Kaprizka! A funny dance that boys, girls and boys will show us.

Dance "Factory Girls"

Klepa (comes with a spoon) : I know you're sick. Say Aaaaaah!

Capricious : Be-be-be!

Klyopa: Breathe, don't breathe.

Capricious : Breathe or don’t breathe!

Ved: We need to listen to her better. Like this, with a straw (Listens with a stethoscope). Yeah! Oho (whispers with Klepa) .

Capricious: What, yeah. What a hoho.

Klyopa : Ok I will tell. You got infected terrible disease while she was crying. In your mouth

Zlyuka got pregnant!

Capricious : Who?. . How! Don't want! You -ho -di. (Knocks himself) What is she like?

Klyopa : Angry, whiny, nasty, pugnacious. You can't even get close to the guys

Come closer, otherwise they will get sick.

Capricious: Help, help.

Klyopa: I'll help you well. Come here. No, it's better here. And now you need to show that you

you're not afraid of her. Say boldly: “Evil one, go away! “And we will help you.

Really, kids?

Capricious (quietly) : Evil one, come out.

Klyopa: No, we need to have fun, Capricious.(confidently ): Zlyuka, come out!

Klyopa: Oh, look, it flew!Kaprizka (runs) : Where.? . Where? .

Ved: Guys, quickly stomp loudly and clap cheerfully so that she doesn’t fly into you.

Capricious: Oh, thank you, Klyopa!

Klyopa: These guys are great, today is a holiday for everyone good mood. Here's a gift from me to you! (Gives a Flower)

Capricious : Thank you! Klyopa, tell me why you love your mother?

Klyopa: She is beautiful, affectionate, and plays with me.

Capricious: So let's play now. Just solve the riddles first.

Game "Riddles"

Kaprizka and Klyopa play with the children.

1 .Whoever goes to bed later than everyone else and gets up earlier than everyone else,

Spends the day worrying and gets very tired?(Mother)

2. Mom’s ears sparkle and they don’t melt at all

Crumbs of ice turning silver in mom's ears? (earrings)

3 . These balls on a string

Would you like to try it on?

For all your tastes

In my mother's box...(beads)

4 . Its edge is called fields,

The top is decorated all over with flowers.

The headdress is a mystery

Our mother has it. (hat)

Capricious: There are answers to my difficult riddles on the table.

Ved: Now it's time to play! And the children will decorate their mothers!

Game "Decorate Your Mom"

Ved: Guys, look at our mothers. They became even more beautiful, their eyes shone, their faces glowed with smiles.

Klöpaa: You guys are great! Moms were pleased - they dressed up for the holiday!

The mothers all smiled, which means that our efforts were not in vain!


And with us, and with us

There will be a merry dance.

We are for our beloved mothers

We'll show you the “Couples” dance!

Dance in pairs “We run after each other”

Ved: Our children are growing up good helpers to your mothers! They will tell you about it now!

1st child.
I am my mother's only son,
Mom doesn't have a daughter!
How can you not help your mother?
Wash handkerchiefs?
The soap foams in the trough,
I'm doing the laundry, look!

2nd child.
I help my mother
I work every day!
I'm clearing the table
I wash the floor with pleasure!
3rd child.
I take care of my mother’s work,
I help as much as I can.
Mom's out for lunch today
I made cutlets
And she said, "Listen,
Help me out, eat!";
I ate a little.
Isn't it help?
4th child.
I'm not rolling around on the carpet
I don't skip.
I'll clean it myself today
All toys and books!

Round dance "Mom's Helpers"


Mommy, mommy,

We will help you.

We'll clean it all ourselves

And we'll put it back in place.

1. We are our own handkerchiefs

We wash it in a basin.

That's how we are today

Let's help mom!


Mommy, mommy,

We will help you.

We'll clean it all ourselves

And we'll put it back in place.

2 .We wash the plates

Wipe dry.

That's how we are today

Let's help mom!


Mommy, mommy,

We will help you.

We'll clean it all ourselves

And we'll put it back in place.

3. Broom in the kitchen

Sweep clean

That's how we are today

Let's help mom!

Capricious. Klepa! The guys are so funny. Interesting! I think we should leave them some gifts!

Klepa. Of course, Capricious! But today is a holiday not for boys, but for girls! This means that gifts are needed only for them! Right?

Capricious. No, everyone needs gifts! Really, guys?

Klepa . Well, then you need to come up with a gift that will suit both boys and girls!

Both clowns “think.”

Capricious. Hooray! I came up with an idea! ( Whispers something in Klepa’s ear.)

Klepa . Oh, where can we get them?

Capricious. Let the guys help us! Can you help, guys? Then everyone close your eyes tightly and count to five! Get ready... Let's count! One! Two! Three! Four! Five!

At this time, Klepa brings a basket with lollipops, on which petals and leaves made of colored paper are glued.

Klepa . You can open your eyes! Capricious. Look what wonderful flowers we got! Beautiful and sweet!

Cheerful music is playing. Clowns hand out food to the kids .


Now it's time to say goodbye.

You had fun!


Klepa .


Together. We will come again!

Clowns run away from the hall to the music .


Boys and girls

Let's go together with you

Let's say thank you to the grandmothers,

Let's say thank you to mothers,

For kindness and affection,

For songs and fairy tales,

For dolls and cars,

For good laughs,

For balls and balls,

For buns and gingerbread,

For sweet jam,

For your long patience!

The children say in unison: “Thank you!”


Our dear mothers and grandmothers!

We are finishing our holiday

Happiness, joy, health

We wish you with all our hearts!

May the sun shine brighter for you,

Let the gardens bloom for you,

Let children not know grief,

And they grow up happy!

And to remember our bright holiday

We give you all these gifts!

Children give gifts.

(2 junior group)

(to cheerful music, children enter the hall with flowers and stand in a semicircle)


Spring, spring walks through the courtyards, in rays of warmth and light,

Today is the holiday of our mothers, and we are pleased with this.

Our kindergarten is happy to congratulate all mothers around the planet,

“Thank you!” - both adults and children say to mothers.

So as not to offend the holiday, we want to see you all,

For whom they came here, they brought congratulations!

Moms, moms, get up and show yourself to the guys!

Happy Women's Day to you

Children: Congratulations!

Leading: Happiness, joy:

Children: We wish!

Leading: And on this spring day we are not too lazy to dance and sing!

We invited grandmothers and mothers to visit us,

We promise, we promise you won’t get bored here!

How much sun, how much light, spring brought for everyone,

Songs and dances are heard everywhere, and ringing laughter is heard.

Everything is ready for the holiday, so what are we waiting for,

We will start our holiday with a cheerful song!

Song-dance “Flowers”

Finally, the holiday has come to us,

We all stood in a circle with flowers in our hands.

We follow each other, we walk merrily,

We carry our flower and sing songs.

You, my friend, don’t be lazy, spin around with the flower,

Now swing your flower above your head.

Let's collect in large bouquet we are our flowers,

With them the holiday is more fun, with them the room is more beautiful.

You, my friend, don’t be lazy, spin around with the flower,

Now swing your flower above your head.

(after the dance the children sit on chairs)

(cheerful music sounds)

Leading: What is this, guys? Let's sit back and see who's rushing towards us.

(Carlson appears)

Carlson: Hello, kids!

Girls and boys!

Hello girls!

Salute boys!

Do you recognize me?

Children: Yes!

Carlson: Good Carlson has come to you! Eat, drink some tea!

Well, where do you have cakes, sweets and ice cream, jam, chocolate, and delicious marmalade?! Treat me soon! After all, I am Carlson, the funniest in the world, so adults and children like me!

I hurried to you, friends, with terrible impatience,

It was not in vain that I lubricated the motor with jam,

There's a propeller spinning behind me,

I want all the guys to sing with me,

I was cooking dinner for my girlfriends' friends,

The soup was made from sweets, and the compote was made from buns,

Well, I myself lost two hundred kilograms,

I ate two hundred bagels, along with gingerbread,

Leading: Wait a minute, wait a minute Carlson! We are, of course, very glad to see you at our holiday, but why did you say hello only to the guys?! Look how many beautiful, elegant guests are in our hall today!

Carlson: Oh, and really, what wonderful guests!

(comes a little closer to one mother, then to another, then to grandmother, greets them, taking them by the hand, looking at their bags)

Let me introduce myself! Carlson! The most beautiful, well-mannered,

smart and moderately well-fed! Carlson! A man in his prime!

Carlson! Very an interesting man! Oh, what's in your purse?! Marshmallows, chocolate?! Oh, I think you have sweet toffees? No! (shakes his finger) And someone smells like chewing gum! How I crave sweets, I’m losing weight right before my eyes!

Leading: Wait, wait Carlson! Do not rush! Moreover, it’s been a while since you visited us.

Carlson: Business, you know. How many houses I flew around, how many kids I met! And how many different sweets I ate!

Leading: Yes, Carlson! You are still the same restless and sweet tooth! But the guys and I are glad to see you! Really, guys?!

Carlson: How glad I am! After all, I now live on the roof of your kindergarten and one day, flying past the window, I saw that the children were preparing for some kind of holiday. Just what kind of holiday?! I didn't understand!

Leading: Guys, what kind of holiday are we celebrating?

Leading: But now the guys will tell you what kind of holiday this is!

There is no one on the whole earth, no one.

Not a prankster at all

Guess why?

Because it's a holiday!

I'll cook.

The most beautiful

I have mom!

(children stand in a circle)

Song "Sun"

Sunshine, sunshine, gentle sunshine,

Shine a light through the window, smile a little.

Brighter, sunshine, shine! Congratulations to our mother!

Sunshine, sunshine, gentle sunshine!

The sun shine brighter, gild our circle!

Carlson: Yes! I understood why the children sang so loudly every day. They were rehearsing this! So that at the holiday their mothers, grandmothers, and sisters will smile and be happy. Will there be food at your party?

Leading: Of course it will, but you still need to earn it! You sing or dance for us, then we’ll see whether we should treat you or not!

Carlson: Well, what are you talking about, I'm shy!

Leading: We'll have to help you out! Guys, let's all dance a fun dance together!

Dance "Sponges in a bow"

(after the dance, the children sit down in their seats, and Carlson falls)

Carlson: All! The dance is, of course, very good, but I’m so weak, I’m sick, quickly give me at least something sweet!

Leading: Guys, we need to save Carlson! Where is our jar of jam?!

Carlson: (raises head)

What do I hear?!!! Jam?!!!

Leading: Yes, jam!

Carlson: Is the jar big?!

Leading: Big, big!

Carlson: Is the spoon big?!

(the presenter approaches Carlson with a large spoon and a jar)

Presenter: What a spoon! Open your mouth wider, we will save you!

(the presenter feeds Carlson, he gets up, takes the can and runs into the corner, where he continues to eat)

Leading: Oh, and Carlson: It seems to me that you got everything mixed up and came to the holiday of those with a sweet tooth, and today we have a holiday for mothers and grandmothers!

Carlson: (wiping himself off, goes out to the middle) I didn’t mix up anything! I even prepared a surprise for you!

Leading: Surprise?! This is great! Tell us about it!

Carlson: Guys, do you like to play?

Children: Yes!

Carlson: Here's my surprise for you - this is a game!

Let's play the game "Collect a flower?"

Game "Collect flowers"

(There are colorful flowers on the floor; children collect flowers to the music.)

Leading: You guys are great, you played with all your heart. Thank you too, Carlson, for good game and for the flowers! For this I want to give you this candy! Here's a surprise from us for you!

Carlson: Wow! What a sweetie! Thank you, it was just right! That’s what I thought, since you give out such big candies here, I probably won’t rush to leave! I'll probably stay here with you!

Leading: Of course, we don’t mind you staying with us, but if the candy is big, then it can be divided among everyone!

Carlson: Well, I do not! What is there to share! One is not enough for me!

Leading: Well, okay, I was joking! You certainly deserve this delicious treat! Tell me, Carlson, do you like it at our holiday?

Carlson: Of course, it’s so great here! Girls and boys are dressed up! And mommies are so nice!

Leading: Carlson, look, not only mothers, but also grandmothers came to our holiday.

Carlson: Yes! Yes! From my roof every morning I see that your old grandmothers love you and your grandchildren very much. They buy you toys and bring you to kindergarten! That's how good your grandmothers are.

Leading: Our children prepared a surprise for their grandmothers.

All children love good grandmothers,

To our good grandmothers - GREETS!

The grandmother smiled and became young.

"Young grandmother!" - people says,

I am very, very happy for our grandmother.

and now we’ll sing you a song about grandma.

Paint flowers,

To congratulate grandma

Spring holiday.

There are roses and daisies here,

And there is only one clove,

And here are these three flowers

I came up with it myself.

Knits warm socks,

Knows fairy tales and poems.

I love my grandmother

I'll give her a postcard!

Who grows flowers?

Most beautiful

Who will knit some socks?

Grandma, grandma,

My grandmother.

Grandma, grandma,

Happy holiday to you!

Song "Grandma"

I'll sing a song for my grandma,

because I love my grandmother very much! La-la-la:

Grandma, grandma, I’ll cuddle up to you,

I’ll kiss grandma and smile tenderly! La-la-la:


Mom's hands

They don't know boredom.

I invite moms to work hard

And I suggest they take part in competitions

Game “Swaddle a baby (doll).”

Game “Tie bows for the doll.”

Game “Feed Grandma Yogurt”

(for the game 3 yoghurts, 3 spoons, 3 napkins, 3 bibs)

Carlson: We had fun playing, the grandmothers were full!

Leading: And Carlson, our children love to work.

Carlson: Do you like to work?

And do you clean up the toys yourself?

And do you set the table?

And do you arrange the cups and plates?

Leading: Of course, our guys are excellent helpers. And our girls even know how to do laundry. But now they will show you themselves.

Song-dance “Little washerwomen”

We help our mother, we wash handkerchiefs,

That's it, that's it! We will wash the handkerchiefs.

We'll rinse the handkerchiefs, they'll help. daughter's mother,

That's it, that's it! Help mother daughters!

That's it, that's it! We will squeeze them out.

Little daughters will hang handkerchiefs on a string!

That's it, that's it! The little daughters will be hanged!

The sun will shine, the daughters will have a rest!

That's it, that's it! The daughters will have a rest!

Leading: Well, Carlson, did you like how our girls can help their mothers and grandmothers?

Carlson distributes candy to children.

Carlson: I had a lot of fun, well, goodbye kids. It's time for me to fly to the roof and congratulate my friends. Goodbye friends! I'm already flying away!

(leaves the hall)

Leading: Congratulations to our dear mothers on this day.

Do we give them wonderful gifts?

Accept gifts from your guys,

They were made by our friendly, cheerful kindergarten!

Children take turns giving gifts to their mothers!

Leading: Our holiday is already over,

What else can I tell you?

Let me say goodbye

I wish you good health.

Don't get sick, don't get old,

Never get angry.

So young

You always stay!

Leading: Our holiday is already over, what else can we say?! Let me wish you all happiness in parting. Be cheerful, healthy, give good light to everyone, come visit again and live to be a hundred years old.

Documents for download:

(to cheerful music, children enter the hall with flowers and stand in a semicircle)

Leading: Spring, spring walks through the courtyards, in rays of warmth and light,

Today is the holiday of our mothers, and we are pleased with this.

Our kindergarten is happy to congratulate all mothers all over the planet, “Thank you!” - both adults and children say to mothers.

Happy Women's Day to you moms

Children: Congratulations!

Leading: Happiness, joy:

Children: We wish!

Leading: And on this spring day we are not too lazy to dance and sing!

How much sun, how much light, spring brought for everyone,

Songs and dances are heard everywhere, and ringing laughter is heard.

Everything is ready for the holiday, so what are we waiting for,

We will start our holiday with a cheerful song!

Song-dance “Flowers”

(after the dance the children sit on chairs)

(cheerful music sounds)

Leading : What is this, guys? Let's sit back and see who's rushing towards us.

(Carlson appears)

Carlson: Hello, kids! Girls and boys!

Hello girls! Salute boys!

Do you recognize me?

Children: Yes!

Carlson: Good Carlson has come to you! Eat, drink some tea!

Well, where do you have cakes, sweets and ice cream, jam, chocolate, and delicious marmalade?! Treat me quickly! After all, I am Carlson, the funniest in the world, so adults and children like me!

I hurried to you, friends, with terrible impatience,

It was not in vain that I lubricated the motor with jam,

There's a propeller spinning behind me,

I want all the guys to sing with me,

I was cooking dinner for my girlfriends' friends,

The soup was made from sweets, and the compote was made from buns,

Well, I myself lost two hundred kilograms,

I ate two hundred bagels, along with gingerbread,

Leading: Wait a minute, wait a minute Carlson! We are, of course, very glad to see you at our holiday, but why did you say hello only to the guys?! Look how many beautiful, elegant guests are in our hall today!

Carlson: Oh, and really, what wonderful guests!

(comes a little closer to one mother, then to another, then to grandmother, greets them, taking them by the hand, looking at their bags)

Let me introduce myself! Carlson! The most beautiful, well-mannered, smart and moderately well-fed! Carlson! A man in his prime! Carlson! Very interesting man! Oh, what's in your purse?! Marshmallows, chocolate?! Oh, I think you have sweet toffees? No! (shakes his finger) And someone smells like chewing gum! How I crave sweets, I’m losing weight right before my eyes!

Leading: Wait, wait Carlson! Do not rush! Moreover, it’s been a while since you visited us.

Carlson: Business, you know. How many houses I flew around, how many kids I met! And how many different sweets I ate!

Leading: Yes, Carlson! You are still the same restless and sweet tooth! But the guys and I are glad to see you! Really, guys?!

Carlson: And how glad I am! After all, I now live on the roof of your kindergarten and one day, flying past the window, I saw that the children were preparing for some kind of holiday. Just what kind of holiday?! I didn't understand!

Leading : Guys, what kind of holiday are we celebrating?

Carlson: Wow! What is this? March 8?!

Leading : But now the guys will tell you what kind of holiday this is!

2. The holiday morning is knocking on our house,

3. Mom! I love you so much Mom! I love you so much,

I don’t really know! -I will name the big ship “Mother”.

4. There are many mothers in this world, Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother, she is dearer to me than anyone else.

Who is she? I will answer: This is my mom!

5. Mom, mom, mommy, I love you, I’ll sing you a spring song!

The song “Who loves us deeply?”

6. On a spring day, Sunny Mamu Congratulations!

Long and joyful lifeWe wish you from the bottom of our hearts!

7. I am my mother’s only son, my mother has no daughter! How can you not help your mother?

Wash handkerchiefs? Soap foaming in the trough,I'm doing the laundry, look!

8. Ruddy apple There is one (one) I won’t,

I will give half an apple to my beloved mother.

9. I watered the flower, My flower became beautiful.

I give it to my mother. Mom I love you!

10. This is how elegant the kindergarten is - This is mother's holiday for the guys.

We will sing a song for mom, We will start a dance for mom.

Song "Pies"

Leading: Well, now, Carlson, do you understand what March 8 is?!

Carlson: Yes! I understood why the children sang so loudly every day. They rehearsed this! So that at the holiday their mothers, grandmothers, and sisters will smile and be happy. Will there be food at your party?

Leading: Of course it will, but you still need to earn it! You sing or dance for us, then we’ll see whether we should treat you or not!

Carlson: Well, what are you talking about, I'm shy!

Leading: We'll have to help you out! Guys, let's all dance a fun dance together!

Dance "Make up"

(after the dance, the children sit down in their seats, and Carlson falls)

Carlson: All! The dance is, of course, very good, but I’m so weak, I’m sick, quickly give me at least something sweet!

Leading: Guys, we need to save Carlson! Where is our jar of jam?!

Carlson: (raises his head)

What do I hear?!!! Jam?!!!

Leading: Yes, jam!

Carlson: Is the jar big?!

Leading: Big, big!

Carlson: Is the spoon big?!

(the presenter approaches Carlson with a large spoon and a jar)

Presenter : What a spoon! Open your mouth wider, we will save you!

(the presenter feeds Carlson, he gets up, takes the can and runs into the corner, where he continues to eat)

Leading: Oh, and Carlson: It seems to me that you got everything mixed up and came to a holiday for those with a sweet tooth, and today we have a holiday for mothers and grandmothers!

Carlson: (wiping himself off, he goes out into the middle) I didn’t mix anything up! I even prepared a surprise for you!

Leading: Surprise?! This is great! Tell us about it!

Carlson: Guys, do you like to play?

Children: Yes!

Carlson: Here's my surprise for you - this is a game!

Let's play the game "Collect a flower?"

Game "Collect flowers"

(There are colorful flowers on the floor; children collect flowers to the music.)

Leading: You guys are great, you played with all your heart. Thank you too, Carlson, for the good game and for the flowers! For this I want to give you this candy! Here's a surprise from us for you!

Carlson : Wow! What a sweetie! Thank you, it was just right! That’s what I thought, since you give out such big candies here, I probably won’t rush to leave! I'll probably stay here with you!

Leading: Of course, we don’t mind you staying with us, but if the candy is big, then it can be divided among everyone!

Carlson: Well, no! What is there to share! One is not enough for me!

Leading : Well, okay, I was joking! You certainly deserve this delicious treat! Tell me, Carlson, do you like it at our holiday?

Carlson: Of course, it's so great here! Girls and boys are dressed up! And mommies are so nice!

Leading: Carlson, March 8, a holiday not only for mothers, but also for grandmothers

Carlson: Yes! Yes! From my roof every morning I see that your old grandmothers love you and your grandchildren very much. They buy you toys and bring you to kindergarten! That's how good your grandmothers are.

Leading: Our children prepared a surprise for their grandmothers.

All children love good grandmothers,

To our good grandmothers - GREETS!

1. Grandma has a lot of trouble with us, Grandma cooks us sweet compote.

We need to knit warm hats, tell us a funny fairy tale!

2. Beloved grandmother, The most beautiful! Hands of gold,

Young eyes. Be always happy, wise and beautiful.

Happy holiday, dear! Congratulations again!

Leading There are many different songs in the world about everything,

and now we’ll sing you a song about grandma.

Song "Grandma"

Carlson: Guys, do you help your grandmothers? Now we will play and see which of you will be the fastest and most dexterous assistant. Help me move my purchases.

Game "Move your purchases"

Carlson: We had fun playing, clever guys!

Leading: And Carlson, our children love to work.

Carlson: Do you like to work?

And do you clean up the toys yourself?

And do you set the table?

And do you arrange the cups and plates?

Leading: Of course, our guys are excellent helpers. And our girls even know how to do laundry. But now they will show you themselves.

Song-dance “Little washerwomen”

1. We help our mother, we wash handkerchiefs,

That's it, that's it! We will wash the handkerchiefs.

2. We rinse the handkerchiefs, help the daughter’s mother,

That's it, that's it! Help mother daughters!

That's it, that's it! We will squeeze them out.

4.Baby daughters will hang handkerchiefs on a string!

That's it, that's it! The little daughters will be hanged!

5. The sun will begin to shine, the daughters will rest!

That's it, that's it! The daughters will have a rest!

Leading: Well, Carlson, did you like how our girls can help their mothers and grandmothers?

Carlson distributes candy to children.

Carlson: I had a lot of fun, well, goodbye kids. It's time for me to fly to the roof and congratulate my friends. Goodbye friends! I'm already flying away!

(leaves the hall)

Leading : Our holiday is already over, what else can we say?! Let me wish you all happiness in parting. Be cheerful, healthy, give good light to everyone, come visit again and live to be a hundred years old.

Song "The Most"




Children with toys


Progress of the performance

To the music, children enter the hall and stop in front of the chairs in a semicircle, facing the audience.


Today is a special day

How many smiles there are in him,

Gifts and bouquets

And affectionate “thank you.”

Whose day is it? Answer me.

Well, guess for yourself

Spring day on the calendar.

Whose is it? Certainly...

Children. Mom's

First child.

On a sunny spring day

Congratulations to mom,

Long and joyful life

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts.

Second child.

Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers

We are for everything, for everything, dear ones,

We're talking...

All. Thank you!

Third child.

Mom, mom, mommy,

I love you,

I love you in the spring

I'll sing a song.

Presenter. For our beloved mothers we will perform the song “Mommy, let this song be yours.” Sl Ivsen Muz E. Tilicheva

First child.

Mom brings me

Toys, candies,

But I love my mother

Not for that at all.

Second child.

Funny songs

She hums

We're bored together

Never happens.

Third child.

I open it for her

All your secrets.

But I love my mother

Not only for this.

Fourth child.

I love my mom

I'll tell you straight

Well, just for that

That she is my mother!


Let the snow continue to swirl

Yes, the frost is still naughty,

March climbed the threshold

And spring looks out the window.

The sound of drops can be heard everywhere,

We're tired of snowstorms,

Birds are flying high,

Mom, the song is about you.

Children perform the dance “We sang a song about you, dear.”

After the song, the children sit on chairs

Spring enters - a disguised teacher in a spring costume, holding a basket in her hands.


Hello, Spring-freckle!

Cheerful girl!


Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all.

I knocked on the window with rain...

Children. Knock, knock, knock.

Spring. A stream in a ditch...

Children. Zhur, zhur, zhur.

Spring. Weed near the pie...

Children. Shih, shih, shih.

Spring. A bird on a branch...

Children. Chiv, chiv, chiv.

Presenter. Spring is red, and did you bring the sun for the holiday?


Of course, I bring my warmth to everyone.

So that everything blooms around.

Shine brighter, you rays

And warm the land.


That's how many bunnies of sunshine

Came to visit us

Come on, girls and boys,

Let's decorate the holiday of mothers with dance.

Children perform the “Dance of Flowers” ​​to the song “I Kiss Your Hands” gr. Fidgets (children sit on chairs)


What's in your basket, Spring,

So beautiful and bright?

What did mom bring for the holiday?


Fun Gifts:

A whole box full of fairy tales,

Tumblers, ball, flag,

Handkerchiefs and toys,

For the whirligig breeze,

Beautiful, noticeable,

So colorful.

The presenter distributes flags on a stick to the children.


Let's, friends, play the game "Whose circle will gather faster."

We invite mothers (3) to help us host the game.

Game condition: children form two circles: around the Leader with red flags, around Spring - with green ones. To the music, children run scattered around the hall, and during the second play, squat down and knock on the floor with sticks. After the words of the Leader, “Whose circle will gather faster,” two circles are formed again.

The game “Whose circle will gather faster” is played.

Tumbler girls go to change clothes

Spring. I also brought toys.

He distributes a flag, a doll and a bear, children with toys go to the middle and read poetry.

Child with a flag.

Flag, flag, how good you are,

You will come to the holiday with us.

Child with a doll.

I sewed a skirt for a doll,

I'll cut a new jacket,

The doll “Mom” tells me

So, I sew for my daughter.

Child with a toy bear.

Teddy bear

Doesn't eat anything.

No sweets, no chocolate -

He doesn't need anything.

Sitting in the corner all day -

His stomach hurts.


And this toy doesn’t want to lie down,

If you put it down, it will get up again,

And it stands, sways - what is it called?

Children. Tumblers.

Three or four girls in headscarves come out.

The first tumbler.

How good are baby tumblers?

The second tumbler.

We bend low and sing loudly.

The third tumbler.


We can bow all day.

The girls perform the song "Tumblers". Music by Z. Levina Music by Z. Petrova

Presenter. Spring-freckles, did you say that you also have a fairy-tale guest hidden in your box?

Spring. The sun rose early in the morning. And with him our Mashenka.

Mashenka comes out. (child of the pre-school group)

Mashenka: Guys, I didn’t come to you by accident, for a reason

You have such beauty here!

Here is fun, joy, songs, Here I will be interested

Today I congratulate everyone around you on Women's Day!

Ved. And our guys also congratulate their mothers today!

Masha: What can your guys do? How do they help mothers?

Ved: Our guys love their mothers very much and help.

Now they will help mothers hang and dry their laundry!

Game - hanging the laundry (pull the rope, girls will hang handkerchiefs on the rope!) mothers hold the ropes

Masha: Well done! Guys, do you love your grandmothers just as much?

Children: Yes...

They perform the song “Grandma-Granny” by muses and lyrics. I. Toptygina

1 child We adore dear grandmothers,

We feel sorry for them, we help them!

2 children And, to congratulate all our grandmothers,

We will have fun and dance together for them!

Masha: Where there is singing, life is fun.

Oh, I’ll stamp my foot, and I’ll stamp the other one,

No matter how much I stomp, I still want to dance.

GENERAL DANCE “Eh, stomp your foot, stomp your right one.”

Masha: Guys, the holiday is so fun and joyful that I don’t want to part with you! But I also didn’t come to you empty-handed, I prepared candy for you as a gift.

The presenter distributes candy to the children while music is playing, Spring helps.

Presenter: Our dear mothers and grandmothers!

We are finishing our holiday,

Happiness, joy, health

We wish you with all our hearts!

May the sun shine brighter for you,

Let the flowers bloom for you,

Let children not know grief

And they grow up happy!

And to remember our bright holiday

We in the group will give you our gifts!

Everyone disperses to the music