Who is the real father of Maria Golubkina? Biography of Maria Golubkina

Masha Golubkina comes from a family of artists loved by audiences. Mom - Larisa Golubkina. Adoptive dad- Andrey Mironov. A beautiful and independent actress, she has a sharp mind and a wonderful sense of humor. Each of her roles bears the stamp of individuality and unique talent.

Internet users are discussing with interest Maria Golubkina’s new husband, her biography and personal life.

Masha's family

Mashenka was born in September 1973. Larisa was not married at that time, lived civil marriage with famous screenwriter and cameraman Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev, who was the baby's official dad. Golubkina gave her daughter her last name. Whose child Maria really is, her mother and close people know one hundred percent. But for others, this question still remains an incompletely solved mystery.

Nikolai himself stated in an interview that he was not Masha’s father, since at that time Larisa was in a legal relationship with Vladimir Dostal. But Golubkina refutes this information and claims that during her life together with Nikolai she did not communicate with Dostal. They broke up with Shcherbinsky even before the child was one year old.

As a result, the girl’s real father was actor Andrei Mironov, whom Larisa married when Masha was three years old. The actor adopted the girl, falling in love with her my own daughter. Mironov was wonderful caring father. They had wonderful family, they loved each other very much. Fans of the work of Mironova and Golubkin did not even realize that Masha step-daughter artist.

Character Formation

The youngest Golubkina grew up in a very creative atmosphere. There were always a lot of guests in their house. It was fun and interesting. Masha really enjoyed communicating with her parents’ friends, listening to their conversations, and absorbing the spirit of freedom and creativity.

She never had any desire to go to kindergarten. The day spent in this institution seemed somehow unbearable to her, since she did not like the company of her peers, she was more interested in being with adults. But her main friend was, of course, dad. Despite being extremely busy, he tried to spend every free minute with Mashenka and spoiled her with gifts.

She was a very inquisitive girl, she read a lot of books, which did not stop her from studying poorly and upsetting her parents with hooligan antics.

As a child, Masha was fond of horse riding and practiced it professionally. She left serious sports as soon as she received the title of master. But warm attitude She has retained her affection for these noble animals to this day. She instilled a love for them in the children with whom she free time often went on horseback rides.

As a teenager, she took part in performances at the Satire Theater, where she last days Andrei Mironov worked his life. And what is important, she, like the adult actors, was paid money for participating in the play.

In 1987, when Masha was thirteen years old, Andrei Mironov died. She was very upset about her father's death. From the day her dad left, her childhood ended.

The actress did not ignore the topic of age, since this is the fate of everyone famous personalities. Nowadays, it is not worth any effort to satisfy this interest and find out how old Maria Golubkina is.

Start of a career

At the age of sixteen, young and independent Masha starred in the film “Adam’s Rib.” The girl felt film set so freely that she even got into arguments with the film’s director and got on the screenwriters’ nerves. Thanks to her rebellious character, she stood out among her peers.

The cinematic debut turned out to be successful. For her role she even received prestigious award from the acting community "Constellation".

As a result, the girl decided to become a professional actress, which is not surprising, since she grew up among actors. After school, she entered the Shchukin School with teacher A. A. Kazanskaya

After graduating in 1996, Golubkina’s daughter got a job at the Moscow Satire Theater. Since 2007, for five years she appeared on the stage of the A.S. Pushkin Theater. At the moment, Maria does not officially work in theaters, but actively takes part in many enterprise productions.

She is firmly convinced that it is necessary to do something that brings true pleasure. And if for some reason the job ceases to satisfy you, you should change it without hesitation.

In addition to working in the theater, the actress took part in cinematic life with interest. Widespread fame overtook her after the film “Wedding” directed by Pavel Lungin.

To date, the list of Golubkina’s film roles has expanded significantly. Original, confident, unlike anyone else, attracting viewers with her acting skills, Maria wins the hearts of the audience. She leaves no one indifferent. Some love her and admire her wit, others find flaws in her and are outraged by her free-thinking.

But the actress is not embarrassed by the rumors. She is a self-sufficient, creative person who lives her own life.

Here are just some of the films in which the actress starred:

In addition to filming films, Golubkina participated in the unusual TV show “Girls” on Russian television. And she also hosted a radio show on Mayak. And from 2005 to 2006 she was a member of the KVN jury.

Life together with Fomenko

The husbands of actress Maria Golubkina are a separate topic to which she periodically stirs up interest.

Golubkina had her first serious relationship when she was twenty years old. She met with actor Andrei Sokolov. They loved each other very much, they even planned a wedding. But by chance, Maria met musician and actor Nikolai Fomenko, who captivated her with his intelligence and sparkling humor.

According to rumors, it is known that Nikolai was in love with Larisa Golubkina since childhood. And having met Maria and learned that she was the daughter of his favorite actress, he decided that this was fate and proposed to the girl.

Before this fateful meeting, Nikolai had already been married twice.

The couple had two wonderful children: daughter Nastya and son Vanya. According to Golubkina, they were happy until their daughter was born. Periodic scandals began to occur in the house.

The youngest Golubkina is an ambitious and independent girl, and Nikolai dreamed that she would be more obedient, calm and not fight with him for leadership. In the celebrity crowd they were considered a wonderful couple. They seemed to be perfect for each other. But after being married for thirteen years, they separated. According to Masha, this happened because of her husband’s betrayal.

After divorce

As time passed, she realized that she herself was not a gift, since she has a very difficult character. Although then it seemed to her that only her husband was to blame for everything.

Despite the divorce, they remained friends. Nikolai actively participates in raising children. Pays for their studies in English special schools. Spends time with them. Maria believes that he is a wonderful and very caring father.

After the divorce, she spent a long time in depressed state, I couldn’t find a place for myself. For some time there were even rumors that she was addicted to alcohol. But Maria is a strong woman. She pulled herself together, realizing that after a divorce life does not end, and she has someone to live for. She spent all her free time with the children.

For some time she dated actor Euclid Kyurdzidis. But their romantic relationship didn't last long, they broke up.

Interest in the personal life of Masha Golubkina subsided for some time. But it didn't last long.

Golubkina's draws

Maria is a very shocking lady who loves to shock others. She loves to prank not only her family and friends, but also the general public.

So, in 2013, she came to the opening of the film festival wedding dress. She answered all questions that she married an astronaut named Andrei. Moreover, she made up a whole story about meeting her groom in church, about wedding ring with pearls and meeting parents.

It later turned out that it was just a prank, for which she was very well prepared. She agreed with her friends and even her ex-husband to confirm to everyone that she was really married. The joke was a success, everyone believed it. But when the truth came out, many were sincerely outraged. And Maria became convinced that some people completely lack a sense of humor.

In the summer of 2017, in an interview, the artist spoke about serious relationship with Boris Livanov, with whom she plans to get married in church. Son famous actor became famous thanks to a high-profile murder case, for which he spent five years in prison. Now he is writing books and scripts.

Later, Maria said that the wedding was postponed. And Boris himself spoke very ambiguously about their relationship, which confused everyone. And this happened more than once.

After the previous joke with the wedding, few people believe in the seriousness of Golubkina’s intentions. But she assures that they have a wonderful relationship, and they love each other, although they live separately. Masha introduced the groom to the children and mother, and he introduced her to his parents.

Larisa Golubkina treats everything her daughter does with understanding, completely trusts her and supports her. She likes Boris, and besides, she sees that her daughter is delighted with him. And the mother, in turn, sincerely wishes her daughter love and happiness.

And who knows, maybe this time everything will work out well, and the independent, free-thinking Maria Golubkina will finally find peace and tranquility in family life.

Attention, TODAY only!

A magnificent actress, who gained her popularity thanks to the theater stage and cinema, is also known as a television and radio presenter - all this is Maria Golubkina. From childhood it became clear that the life of this person would be connected with the world of theater and cinema. After all, Maria from the very early age spent a lot large number time behind the scenes and on stage.

Her childhood dream was to have a brother or sister, but the dream never came true. Her dream may have been due to the fact that she was very loved and cherished. However, Maria herself did not want to use this at all and understood how to behave.

Due to her popularity, the actress has many fans of her talent. But in addition to admiration, fans want to know what the actress’s height, weight, and age are. How old is Maria Golubkina is a fairly popular question, and the answer is publicly available. The actress is 165 centimeters tall and weighs 64 kilograms. This amazing woman has such physical characteristics at 44 years old.

Most of the female audience wants to know how Maria Golubkina maintains her figure. Photos in his youth and now, which, by the way, can be found in public access, reflect the fact that the actress’s figure has hardly changed.

Biography 👉 Maria Golubkina

The future actress made her first screams in the maternity ward of the capital, at that time still the USSR, in 1973, on September 22. At the moment when the little girl was born, then the biography of Maria Golubkina began. The girl’s mother, Larisa Golubkina, mastered the craft of acting and achieved great popularity. At the same time, Maria Golubkina’s biological father, Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev, left the family, leaving his wife with a newborn child.

The mother of the future actress married for the second time. At the age of seven, little Masha develops foster father- Andrey Mironov. Maria, in turn, considers Mironov to be the real father. From the age of eleven, future actress I started equestrian sports and achieved considerable heights in this sport, but still decided that I would choose the stage.

The girl decides to apply to “Pike” and at the age of sixteen receives her debut role in cinema.

Upon completion educational institution, a young girl performs as part of the theater troupe of the Moscow Theater of Satire, and then at the A.S. Pushkin. After working for five whole years in the theater, Maria leaves the troupe because she did not agree with the appointment of the artistic director.

Filmography 👉 films starring Maria Golubkina

Filming for cinematic films began in student years. Maria Golubkina took part in the filming of such films as “Round Dance”, “Fandago for the Monkey”, “Felix Detective Bureau” and many others. The most famous roles of the actress, which brought her fame and fame, were such films as “The Scam” (Maria played a journalist) and “Wedding” (the role of Sveta).

In addition to working on the theater stage and in big cinema, Maria Golubkina is on friendly terms with television and radio. The actress does an excellent job as a presenter of various television programs, as well as columns on radio stations.

As Maria herself notes, the most successful television show was the program “Girls”. One of the hosts of this TV show was Marina Golub, who died under tragic circumstances. After this unfortunate event, it was decided to close the program due to the refusal to replace the deceased TV presenter. After this, Golubkina decides to devote herself to working on radio.

Now the actress continues her career both in the theater and on the stage of big cinema. Her filmography is full of such films as “Leningrad”, “Yesenin”, “Moscow Heat”, “The Fifth Corner”, and many others. Speaking of theater, Maria performs in various performances in various theaters.

An interesting fact is that Maria’s adoptive father, Andrei Mironov, has a daughter from his first marriage. Her name is also Maria, but Golubkina and Mironova were never able to become related, although they are both involved in acting and even took part in the filming of a film together. But they are not destined to become real sisters.

Personal life of 👉Maria Golubkina

The actress, like everyone else, tries to hide all the details of her personal life, but still some episodes did not remain in the shadows and the press quickly published it. In general, Maria Golubkina’s personal life was happy and measured, and this lasted for thirteen years. But everything quickly began to change when the actress’s first husband cheated on her. Maria was unable to forgive and filed for divorce.

The actress was lonely for some time, until such a topic as her new husband. After all, the press service employees now have three goals: Maria Golubkina herself, biography, husbands. How has her life changed, do her ex and her keep in touch? current spouse, all in order to complement the biography of the actress.

Maria herself also maintains communication with her ex-husband, but she does this in order not to spoil the already strained relationship with her children.

Family 👉 Maria Golubkina

As noted earlier, the actress grew up and was very happy. Maria Golubkina’s family is very closely connected with the acting profession, as is her adoptive father, Andrei Mironov, whom the woman herself considers real and in no way adopted. Maria very rarely made contact with her biological father, but even then she did not feel that this man was her father.

An interesting fact is that the actress’s adoptive father already had a daughter, also named Maria. In this regard, our heroine took her mother’s maiden name - Golubkina. This was done so that in the future they would not be confused by TV viewers.

Children 👉 Maria Golubkina

Apart from children from her first marriage to Nikolai Fomenko, the actress has no others.

Such a topic as the children of Maria Golubkina in itself is very sensitive, because after the divorce from Nikolai, the children were seriously upset and even stopped communicating with their mother. Because of this, the son went to his father, and the daughter did not communicate with Maria until the actress promised to have other children.

In general, children are very subtle topic and not just her own. The woman is seriously involved in charitable activities; in her opinion, there are no other people’s children and they should not all be left alone.

Son 👉 Maria Golubkina - Ivan Fomenko

The son of Maria Golubkina, Ivan Fomenko, was very concerned about the divorce of his parents. The boy was born four years after his birth older sister Anastasia.

Fans note the fact that the guy’s appearance is very similar to his father’s, but at the same time he has the look of his mother. IN at the moment At the time, Ivan lives with his father, since he could not accept his mother’s new husband. Now the guy is a student at the capital’s gymnasium. He is seriously passionate about sports, his choice fell on such sports as American football and rugby. Ivan is sure that the main thing in life is developing oneself as an individual.

Daughter 👉 Maria Golubkina - Anastasia Fomenko

The first-born in the first marriage was a girl who was born in 1999. The daughter of Maria Golubkina - Anastasia Fomenko, just like her younger brother loves her parents very much; to confirm this, it can be noted that Nastya was very jealous of her parents for the birth of Ivan. Another moment of jealousy was the divorce of her parents. The girl had a very strong quarrel with Maria because of speculation about the birth of new children in her mother’s second marriage.

Anastasia shares her mother’s way of thinking in terms of theatrical and cinematic craft, as she decided to follow in the acting footsteps of her relatives.

Ex-husband of 👉 Maria Golubkina - Nikolai Fomenko

Married for the third time ex-husband Maria Golubkina - Nikolai Fomenko. Their union gave birth to two wonderful children.

The couple carried out the marriage process shortly before Anastasia was born. By the way, the initiative to name the girl that name came from Maria herself, and Nikolai did not object to this.

A few years later, the couple had a second child, which strengthened their happiness married couple and it seemed that nothing would separate them. But still, five years after the birth of their son, the couple decide to divorce.

At this point in time, the ex-husband of the actress is quite popular and he manages to work at a radio station and host television program on one of the Russian channels.

Husband of 👉 Maria Golubkina - Andrey

The actress does not want to comment on her personal life or tell anything about her second husband. Almost nothing is known about this man; Maria Golubkina’s husband is Andrei, a cosmonaut pilot by profession, and the couple met in one of the church buildings in the capital Russian Federation. However, apart from this, the press services did not find any other information about this person.

In turn, neither the actress herself, nor her relatives, nor her close circle comment or disclose any details. The press couldn't even find out real name Mary's new husband.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Maria Golubkina

The social life of the actress is not limited to all kinds of interviews and appearances. So it turns out that Maria Golubkina’s Instagram and Wikipedia are quite in demand. The actress personally maintains pages on many social Internet services. Instagram, or as it has become fashionable to call it “Insta,” was no exception – it is a service for sharing photos and videos.

Fresh photos of herself, as well as those of the actress’s loved ones, constantly appear on Maria’s Instagram. Also, the photographic materials that a woman posts reflect almost her entire life. These are photos from filming locations, and from vacation spots, and from places professional photo sessions, as well as other leisure activities. Maria has an official page in the free Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia. There you can find out accurate and up-to-date information about the actress herself, as well as information about adding to her filmography or possible filming.

By the way, you won’t be able to find photos with your current husband, as the actress herself says.

Having grown up in the family of Soviet cinema stars Andrei Mironov and Larisa Golubkina, Maria Golubkina continued the famous acting dynasty. Her father is director Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev, Mironov adopted the girl after formalizing his relationship with Larisa Golubkina in 1976. Masha practically grew up behind the scenes of the theater; as a child she began to appear on the stage of the Satire Theater, and at the age of 16 she first appeared on the big screen , playing one of the main roles in the film "Adam's Rib". For her, the young actress even received the Screen Actors Guild Award “Constellation” in the “For Debut” category. After school, Golubkina entered the Shchukin Theater School on the course of Alla Alexandrovna Kazanskaya and graduated in 1995. Immediately after graduation, the girl began working as an actress at the Satire Theater, where both Larisa Golubkina and Andrei Mironov served. In parallel with her work in the theater, she continued to act. Despite the fact that this stage of her career occurred in the mid-90s, when very few films were made, at least once a year Maria Golubkina’s filmography was replenished with a new film. Among her works of those years are “Fandango for a Monkey”, “Felix Detective Bureau”, “Round Dance”, “Tomorrow. Love in the Forbidden Zone,” etc. The most noticeable for both viewers and critics was her role in “The Wedding” by Pavel Lungin (2000), where her namesake and paternal sister, the daughter of Andrei Mironov and actress Ekaterina Gradova, also starred. Maria Mironova.

In 1995, Maria Golubkina married actor, TV presenter and showman Nikolai Fomenko; subsequently, together with her husband, she worked at the Pushkin Theater, where she moved from the Satire Theater in 2007. In 2010, after the death of the artistic director of the theater Roman Kozak and the appointment of a new artistic director Golubkina and Fomenko simultaneously announced their departure from the troupe. The couple lived together for 13 years, in 1998 they had a daughter, Anastasia, and in 2003, a son, whom they decided to name Ivan. The couple’s separation was loud and public, in particular, the upcoming divorce of Fomenko and Golubkin was reported directly on the air of the Mayak radio station, where Maria then worked as the host of a daytime show. In 2014, the actress returned to Mayak, becoming a co-host of the daytime show weekday“Love and Doves” (another presenter is her friend Margarita Mitrofanova). Subsequently, writer Arina Kholina became Golubkina’s partner in the show at Mayak.

In addition to experience working on radio, the actress also has experience as a TV presenter: from 2012 to 2014, she was one of the hosts of the “Girls” program on the Russia-1 TV channel.

After her divorce from Fomenko, practically nothing was known about the actress’s personal life. In 2013, Maria Golubkina's appearance at the Moscow International Film Festival caused a lot of noise: she came to the opening of the film festival in a snow-white wedding dress and veil and happily posed for photographers. And only later it turned out that Golubkina appeared at the Moscow International Film Festival right after own wedding, held in the circle of those closest to you. Initially, she did not plan this, but she succumbed to the persuasion of Mitrofanova, who was a witness. Little is known about the actress’s new boyfriend: his name is Andrei, he is a pilot-cosmonaut, lives and works in Star City, and they met Golubkina in a church, of which both are parishioners.


  • Maria Golubkina loves horses very much, she has been involved in equestrian sports since she was 9 years old, keeps her own horse and is a master of sports in equestrian sports. The actress is also participating in the “Galloping in Rio de Janeiro” project, whose goal is to draw attention to equestrian sports before the 2016 Olympics in Brazil.
  • In 2005-2006, Golubkina was on the jury of the KVN major league games.
  • The actress is friends with TV and radio presenter Margarita Mitrofanova; together they hosted the program “Girls” on “Russia-1” and “Love and Doves” on radio “Mayak”; Mitrofanova was a witness at Golubkina’s wedding.
  • Golubkina lived with her first husband, actor, TV presenter and showman Nikolai Fomenko for 13 years. In 2013, the actress married again, her wife’s name is Andrei, he is a pilot by profession.
  • From her first marriage, Maria has two children - daughter Anastasia and son Ivan.

1991 — “Constellation” Award in the “For Debut” nomination
1990 - “Adam’s Rib”

1991 - “Tomorrow”

1992 - “Fandango for a monkey”

1993 - “Detective Bureau “Felix”

1994 - “Round Dance”

2000 - “Instead of me”

2000 - “Wedding”

2001 - “The Fifth Corner”

2001 - “Scam”

2001 - “Saint and Sinner”

2003 - “Heaven and Earth”

2003 - “Don’t get used to miracles”

2004 - “French”

2004 - " Personal number»

2004 - “Moscow Heat”

2004 - “Jackpot for Cinderella”

2005 - “Brezhnev”

2005 - “Yesenin”

2006 - “Girls”

2007 - “Leningrad”

2007 - “Pictorial adventure”

2008 - “The Tale of a Woman and a Man”

2009 - “Village Comedy”

2011 - “Crazy”

2011 - “Let’s come in large numbers here”

2011 - “Relationships”

2012 - “The Nightingale the Robber”

2013 - “Upside Down”

2014 - “Breaking vicious circle»

Russian theater and film actress. Maria Golubkina born September 22, 1973. Her mom is an actress Larisa Golubkina, father - Nikolay Shcherbinsky, director and cameraman over 50 documentaries. Maria's surname at birth is Shcherbinskaya. When the girl was six months old, Larisa and Nikolai broke up. In 1976 Larisa Golubkina and Andrei Mironov formalized their marriage, and Andrei Mironov adopted the girl. The actors lived together for 14 years. And, of course, with such parents, Maria had practically no doubts about choosing a profession - so, even as a child, she appeared on the stage of the Satire Theater. Maria Golubkina She entered the Shchukin School and graduated in 1995.

Film career of Maria Golubkina

The first film in which Maria Golubkina appeared on the silver screen, - “ Adam's Rib" She was 16 years old at that time.

I don't think 16 years is adolescence. I already had some experience then and played in the theater. Of course, at that time I had a slightly different approach to work. For example, I could argue with the director; I considered myself too smart. Now I don’t allow myself to do that. The painting "Adam's Rib" was a success. And this dispelled all my doubts and convinced me that I could be an actress.

After that there were films and TV series, but the most striking film in the actor’s biography Maria Golubkina became the painting “Wedding” by Pavel Lungin. By the way, she played in it with her half-sister Maria Mironova.

In 2012, Maria Golubkina became the host of the show “Girls” on the Russia-1 channel. Together with her different years the program was hosted by Irina Saltykova, Olga Shelest, Alla Dovlatova, Rita Mitrofanova, Yulia Kuvarzina, Marina Golub and Yulia Baranovskaya. In 2014, the actress again began hosting the show “Love and Doves” together with Margarita Mitrofanova on Mayak radio.

Theater career of Maria Golubkina

After graduating from college Maria Golubkina came to the troupe of the Satire Theater, where she played and Larisa Golubkina, and Andrey Mironov. Then she moved to the Pushkin Theater, but in 2010 Maria Golubkina and Nikolai Fomenko announced their resignation from the theater troupe. This decision was caused by the not entirely ethical appointment of a new artistic director of the theater almost immediately after his death Roman Kozak. Now Maria plays in an enterprise.

There is a devaluation of the acting profession. Here, only in our country. This is what I see. The performances of the 20th century are about great, great actors, about personalities. There was such a happy period in the Russian theater, which ended by the end of the 80s. Compared to this period, there is probably a crisis now. But this is not only in the theater, it’s like that everywhere.

Personal life of Maria Golubkina

Maria Golubkina continued family tradition and married a character adored by the people - an actor and musician Nikolai Fomenko.

I got married at 22 years old. Speaking about the impossibility of combining creativity and normal family life, people sometimes cover up their reluctance to start a family. It is important that people want to be around and communicate. You have to love (although, in my opinion, this is so clear that it’s stupid to talk about it), but the main thing is not to cross boundaries, not to declare: “I am the master of the house.” Even in conflict situation You must remain polite and not offend or insult your loved one.

The couple lived together for 13 years and seemed ideal; they had a daughter, Nastya, and a son, Vanya. However, not all was well in the family - Maria did not want to give up primacy to her husband either at home or in the profession. Constant rivalry led to divorce. The couple’s separation was stormy, Nikolai Fomenko and Maria Golubkina stated on the air of the Mayak radio station, where Maria worked at that moment.

For me, family is my children. Families must be preserved at all costs. No matter what happens, you don’t have to look for happiness, it won’t happen, because there will only be difficulties. There are these difficulties in my life, and I will somehow try to come to terms with them... Therefore, there is no need to attribute any marriages to me, nothing will happen, no! I won't get married again. I've been there for 13 years already. And I don’t really imagine why and how this can be done a second time... I am for people to stop this terrible thing - divorces. Unfortunately, this is how the world works - for some reason people need to converge and disperse ten times. And the funny thing is that the state is built on this. And people's lives. And this is bad.

After divorce Maria Golubkina gave a series of emotional interviews in which she said that she had rethought her life values ​​and was taking a new look at how family relationships should be built - not fighting for leadership, not putting work above family relations, give in to your husband, be more feminine, etc.

In 2017 Maria Golubkina in the show “Secret for a Million” she shocked everyone with the news that she was marrying the son of the famous actor Vasily Livanov, Boris. The Golubkina and Livanov families had known each other for a long time; Maria and Boris studied at the Shchukin School. Boris Livanov said that he had been in love with Golubkina for 25 years. Livanov was convicted of murder in 2008, but Golubkina is not at all embarrassed by his past.

It’s very good that Bori has such a past. All our men should be sent to Kolyma, at least for two years. There he hardened. To be honest, I still don’t understand what it was. Perhaps there was some kind of protest on his part... For me, the main argument in favor of Bori is his parents. Borya is an intelligent person, in such a family he simply cannot be different.

Now we live in Boris's apartment. He doesn't drink at all. He writes scripts, librettos, works a lot, although he sleeps until 12 noon. I tell him: if you behave like this, I will disgrace the whole country - I will cancel the wedding. The wedding could be in a month or a year. It depends on what else my confessor, Father Vladimir, says. Borya is a non-religious person. But now he has nowhere to go; he will join the church. Otherwise, I’ll turn our matrimonial plans into a joke if he doesn’t do it the way I want. You can't feel sorry for men. Just give them free rein... Yesterday Boris and I had a fight, and now I don’t even know what will happen next. He got it right. When, on his initiative, we announced our wedding on the television program “Secret to a Million,” he thought that I wouldn’t be able to get away with such PR, I’d have to marry him. But in fact he got it, not me. Now I can do whatever I want. And, in case something happens, I will say that our wedding was a joke...

Hobbies of Maria Golubkina

Maria Golubkina is a master of sports in equestrianism, has her own horse, and takes part in horse racing.

As a child, I saw a horse, and from the age of 9 I began to engage in equestrian sports. With varying success, but for the rest of my life I can’t somehow part with this. This is partly professional, but it is not income. I have my own horse. I raised this horse with the help different people, friends and their own high physical and financial costs. Animals must be loved, they must not be offended, they must not be beaten, they must be fed, they must be cleaned, and this must be done very well and regularly. This is your culture and your understanding.

Filmography of Maria Golubkina

  • 1990 – Adam's Rib
  • 1992 – Fandango for a monkey
  • 1993 – Detective Bureau “Felix”
  • 1994 – Round dance
  • 1995 – Tomorrow. Love in the Forbidden Zone
  • 2000 – Wedding - Sveta
  • 2000 - Instead of me
  • 2001 – Scam
  • 2001 – Fifth Corner (TV series)
  • 2003 – Heaven and Earth (TV series)
  • 2004 – French
  • 2004 – Personal number – Tatiana
  • 2004 – Moscow Heat
  • 2004 – Jackpot for Cinderella – Natasha
  • 2005 – Yesenin – Sofya Tolstaya
  • 2005 – Brezhnev
  • 2007 – Leningrad – Ageeva
  • 2007 – Scenic adventure – Vika Gagarina
  • 2009 – Country comedy – Galina
  • 2011 – Crazy – Ekaterina Kerzhakova
  • 2011 – Let’s come in large numbers here – Tatyana
  • 2012 - Nightingale the Robber - Ustinya, Abbess
  • 2013 - Upside down - Zoya Olgovna Salamatnikova, car mechanic
  • 2013 - Iron Mountain - Aunt Stesha
  • 2013 - The Path of a Leader - Aunt Stesha
  • 2014 - Breaking the vicious circle - bus driver
  • 2016 - Garden Ring - Katya
  • 2016 - Synchronized swimmers (mini-series)
  • 2016 - Pearls (TV series) - Aglaya Sivers
  • 2017 - Cuba (TV series) - Irina Odintsova

Fans of Maria Golubkina's talent had every chance of never seeing the role of this beautiful actress in theater and cinema. The thing is that since childhood the girl dreamed of devoting herself to sports. She was seriously involved in equestrian sports and even had the title of candidate master of sports. But closer to graduation, the acting genes took their toll. Maria decided to enter drama school.

After graduation, the aspiring actress successfully acted in films. Of course, there was a lot of gossip that this could not have happened without the help of the eminent mother and stepfather.

But Golubkina reacted calmly to this. She noted more than once that her parents only helped her with advice, and she achieved everything else herself. But there was one situation in Maria Golubkina’s life when she could not have done without her mother’s help. She chose her daughter's husband.

Unusual acquaintance

Maria Golubkina's only husband was a singer and showman. And this would not be surprising if it were not for the story of our acquaintance. First, Larisa Golubkina, Maria’s mother, met her future. This happened on one social event, where they were both invited.

After meeting Nikolai, Larisa decided that this was the kind of man that would suit her daughter and she would be happy with him. Fomenko always liked Larisa Golubkina, both as an actress and as a woman, but he could not even imagine that he would be her daughter’s husband. Larisa Golubkina was not embarrassed by either her two previous marriages, or her daughter from her first marriage, or the 10-year age difference with Maria. She believed that such a wise man in family life would be an excellent match for Maria. And so it happened.

Fomenko's previous relationships

Before meeting Maria Golubkina, Nikolai Fomenko was married twice. The first time he married his daughter famous actors Elena Lebedeva. When they got married, they were both young, but it’s not worth calling this marriage a mistake of youth. Between the young people there was true love, which faded away after five years of marriage.

In their marriage, Nikolai and Elena had a daughter, Ekaterina. Now she has become a famous journalist in Russia. The girl got married and gave birth to two children. Nikolai Fomenko’s second wife was a soloist of an army dance ensemble. The girl’s name was Lyudmila. People around the couple said that it was because of Lyudmila that Nikolai’s first family broke up.

Nikolai Fomenko with his daughter Ekaterina Grishkovets

The man fell in love with Lyudmila and left his wife and child for her sake. This marriage lasted much longer. Nikolai and Lyudmila divorced after 10 years of marriage. There were no children in the marriage.

Family life with Maria Golubkina

The young people met when Maria was 17 years old, Nikolai was 28 at that time. She was an aspiring movie star, and he was already a famous musician and singer, the creator of the group “Secret”. They met at one of the parties. The girl was then captivated by the fact that Nikolai remembered the color of her coat. It meant a lot to her.

That evening, a man simply walked up to her and took her away from the party. Nikolai took Maria to his home and from the first day they began to live together and did not part for 13 years. This couple was considered almost a role model.

In their marriage, Golubkina and Fomenko had two children: Maria gave birth to a daughter, Nastya, and a son, Ivan. Their marriage was like a fairy tale. And then, like a bolt from the blue, the news about the divorce of this couple sounded. Maria and Nikolai announced this in live one of the radio stations.

Reasons for divorce

Then all the couples they knew wondered what was the reason for this decision. According to one version, Nikolai was jealous of Maria for her popularity. After the collapse of the Secret group, Fomenko's popularity began to wane. At the same time, Golubkina was invited to play in many films and she became a recognizable actress. The family could not bear such a test.

Interesting notes:

But this version seems implausible. Fomenko was and remains such a multifaceted personality that oblivion certainly does not threaten him. After finishing his musical career, Fomenko was the author and presenter of many programs on radio and television. He was invited to act in films and participate in theatrical productions. Therefore, it is not necessary to say that the reason for the divorce was the wife’s popularity.

Maria Golubkina considered her behavior to be the reason for the divorce. She once said that she behaved towards Nikolai like a real witch. For her, he was bad, but she considered herself almost ideal. She was jealous of his freedom all the time.

When she had to look after the children, Nikolai was at some premiere or meeting. Maria also wanted to be the center of attention and she decided that she would achieve this when she filed for divorce.

To some extent, she succeeded. Only the lazy did not write about the divorce of Maria Golubkina and Nikolai Fomenko. But then interest in this event faded. Then Maria decided to stir up the public’s interest with news about her own marriage. She walked at the opening of the film festival in a wedding dress and said that she married a test pilot. She later admitted that it was a joke.

Several years after the divorce, Maria Golubkina still remains alone. Periodically there are news about her upcoming wedding, but they are not confirmed. There were rumors that her new husband was Boris Livanov, but they turned out to be fiction. Perhaps the actress is still having a hard time with the breakup and blames herself, but this cannot go on forever, because Maria deserves to be happy in her family life.