How to find a wealthy man for a serious relationship. How to meet a rich man? Trainings, courses, classes

An article about where and how to meet a rich man.
About where meet a man A lot has already been written. But having a very large and successful experience in this, I consider it my duty to contribute to the topic of where to meet the guy of your dreams. So, you’ve already read a lot of books and articles about how to be irresistible, how a man will like you, what to talk about with him, how to behave on the first and subsequent dates, and how to maintain and develop your relationship. But the smallest thing is missing. HIS. The only one who will give you true love, happiness family life and harmony. Or THEM. Those who will give you bright and unforgettable emotions, as well as a trip to Mauritius, an Hermes bag and Damiani earrings. In general, it doesn’t matter which man or men you are interested in dating at the moment. The main thing is that you are interested in DATING. Below I will provide a list of the most promising places to meet successful and wealthy men.

1. Internet, Internet and once again Internet Today this is number ONE on my list. A lot has already been said and written about this, but still a huge number of girls still do not believe in the possibility of meeting worthy men on the Internet. And now, ATTENTION! There are a HUGE number of smart, interesting, successful and, most importantly, free and single men on the Internet! I'm stating this from a place of wealth. personal experience, as well as the experiences of my close friends. With the help of the Internet, I met very interesting and worthy men. Among them were two multimillionaires. (Yes, yes, a multimillionaire, where do you think very busy and rich people meet, who move along the same route: work - home - work?!). And at least two of my friends are married to young men whom they met on the Internet. If it worked for them, why can’t it work for you?! In fact, when many people hear about online dating, they think exclusively about a dating site. Now I want to write a few words about other alternatives to online dating, namely: forums, community sites, social media, chats, diaries, blogs. There are a huge number of forums with similar interests: forums for cyclists, BMW lovers, Feng Shui experts, as well as defenders environment. Decide what area of ​​life you are interested in and go ahead! Find a forum on your favorite topic on the entire Internet, but the forum should be made professionally, with the ability to post an avatar photo (do not put any funny pictures etc., only your very self should be on the avatar beautiful photo!). After this, you will have to become an active commentator and author of numerous posts on the forum. This way you will attract attention to yourself, and over time the one for whom you actually registered on this forum will appear. Also remember, when choosing a forum topic, think about who more women or men will be on the forum with such topics. Try to choose a topic that is interesting to men.

2. Motorist clubs Dating using a car in different variations is becoming increasingly popular. But if you are not the owner steel horse, don’t rush to get upset. This method is suitable for everyone! In almost any city there are many clubs for fans of one or another brand, “Mitsubishi club”, “Subaru club”, etc. (more detailed information You can find information about clubs in your city in a search engine). As a rule, all these clubs host various events, as well as regular meetings in cafes and bars. To come to such a meeting you do not have to show driver license, as well as documents for the car. But keep in mind that there will really be a lot of talk about cars at such meetings, so to be completely sure, you can invite with you a friend who is a car enthusiast or a friend, brother, neighbor, classmate, whose knowledge is enough to at least know which side the brake and gas are on. . And of course, you will feel a lot more confident if, before going to such a meeting, you still devote some time to studying the basic properties of the car, and also read about the features of the car brand whose fans you are going to the meeting with. It’s also a good move at a meeting to pretend to be a potential car buyer and ask in detail about the pros and cons of this brand from the nicest guy at the meeting.

3. Courses, classes, trainings The similarity of interests and the same hobbies can incredibly bring together and make even friends strangers. And psychologists have already said a lot about the benefits of having a common hobby for couples in love. So I propose to kill two birds with one stone, or maybe three. Firstly, courses are a great place to meet new people. Secondly, you meet like-minded people, which initially gives you a head start for development romantic relationships, and thirdly, you gain additional knowledge and expand your horizons, which makes you even more interesting personality. But here, as in the previous method, the main thing is to choose a topic that is interesting to men. As an example, I can give courses in public speaking, business English (German, etc.), management courses, MBA courses, courses for directors, producers, forex club, as well as all courses related to sports. Also pay special attention for short-term trainings and seminars on personal development, increasing efficiency, resource management and time management. As a rule, participants in such courses are ambitious and aspiring people who have already achieved certain successes in life. And of course, the rule here is “the more expensive the training (seminar), the more quality contingent will attend it.” I understand that it is not always possible to afford such expensive trainings, but you can find alternative ways: ask management at work to pay (or partially pay) for professional courses/trainings, negotiate payment in installments for such training with the organizers, join an organization and club, participants of which are provided with significant discounts on such trainings... if you set a goal, you can find relatively inexpensive trainings that successful people attend. Well, the prerequisites for success in dating at such courses or trainings are: active participation, questions to teachers, participation in discussions, etc. You must be seen and heard! Prepare questions and interesting suggestions in advance. And finally, I’ll mention that if you work in an international company, then your company is probably already a member of such international organization like the EBA (European Business Association), which very often holds various meetings, and also free courses for employees of companies that are members of this organization. Don't forget to ask your HR or marketing department about this. It may turn out that your company is a participant in at least others interesting organizations. Find out all about social events conducted by such organizations.

4. National holidays, buffets, exhibitions, embassy parties If you live in a sufficiently big city, then there are probably a large number of all kinds of public organizations, clubs, and communities in your city. And all of them from time to time hold meetings, events, and celebrations, which you can attend even if you are not a member of such an organization. So, start, for example, Chamber of Commerce (website: This organization holds at least once a month a variety of open-format meetings by appointment. You will find more detailed information on the website. The contingent at such meetings is very diverse, but as a rule, a large number of top management is always present international companies, which is already quite good. The main thing is to be active yourself! Stock up on business cards and go ahead. Plus of this format dating - you can calmly introduce yourself first and offer to exchange business cards, ostensibly with the aim of expanding the circle of business acquaintances... well, then all the cards are in your hands, try to make the most favorable impression and maintain a conversation for at least a few minutes and remain in the memory of your interlocutor (than The longer your conversation, the higher the chances of being remembered!). From my own experience I will say that the success of dating at such events depends only on you!!! If you overcome your shyness and offer to exchange business cards with at least one person, then everything becomes much easier and at the end of the evening you have in your hands a stack of contacts of at least 20 successful men. And believe me, many will be interested in continuing not just a business acquaintance! After such meetings, I receive 2-3 offers to drink coffee, visit a national restaurant or another similar party. So go for it!!! Also similar events include: buffets after exhibitions (if your company participates in any professional exhibition, ask the marketing department, is it forbidden for the CC? to go to the buffet that takes place after such an exhibition), conversation clubs, charity events, events held by embassies in honor of national holidays, etc. Set a goal and look for information about such events on the Internet.

5. Lobby bars of expensive hotels, business lunches in prestigious restaurants. In my opinion, not the best effective way, but the good thing is that with the help this method you can meet really very successful men. Every city has expensive hotels, and all have bars where anyone can have a cup of coffee and a delicious cake. Sometimes the guests of such hotels are very high-ranking officials, owners or managers of multimillion-dollar companies, ambassadors, diplomats, stars, athletes, etc. the list can be continued endlessly. So the habit of occasionally visiting such birrs for a cup of coffee can serve you well. Also, have you been to prestigious restaurants for lunch? If so, then I should have been incredibly amazed. a large number men's groups at tables. Business lunch for many business men great opportunity conduct additional negotiations in an informal setting or meet with friends for whom there is not enough time. Even girls with not very high earnings can afford set meals even in the most prestigious restaurants at least once a week. The downside of this dating place is that, as a rule, men are in the middle of a “business day” and all their thoughts are absorbed in work, leaving no room for romantic acquaintances. However, the likelihood of meeting an interesting man in such places is still very high!

6. Give me a ride Prince Charming on a white horse This method is not suitable for everyone, but in terms of efficiency, for example, for me it occupies one of the highest positions. Are you going to meet your girlfriends on Friday evening or at a cafe with friends and have already picked up the phone to dial a taxi number? Forget! If you are not a resident of a very remote area where one car appears per hour, then feel free to go out onto the street and catch a car! How more central area, where you will catch a car, the higher the likelihood that you will actually be given a lift by a prince in a Lexus, and not by a grandfather -? TsksTsst in a Zhiguli. The main thing here is to remember a few rules. First rule: safety comes first! Don’t get into a car with several guys, drunk or suspicious men, trust your intuition and don’t be afraid to refuse the trip if the driver seems suspicious to you! Second rule: if a taxi driver or a broken-down six stops, offer to give you a ride at a very low cost; as a rule, taxi drivers leave, and if they still agree, don’t be upset, you saved on a taxi anyway and you’ll definitely be lucky next time! Third - don’t expect the prince to stop right away, sometimes you need to wait 5-10 cars, sometimes more... it all depends on your perseverance. I will say one thing, there has never been a case where I caught a car in the center and at 10-12 the car did not really agree to give me a lift interesting man, and sometimes the prince can already sit in the first car that stops. The fourth rule is that the more prestigious the area, and even better the restaurant (cafe, cinema, club) near which you catch a car, the higher the likelihood that you will be lucky enough to meet a truly successful man. I wish you good luck!

7. Supermarkets A lot has also been written about this method. But in my personal list of places to meet, it also occupies a leading position and has actually proven its effectiveness, so I can’t help but give it its due place. Again, as with any method, there are little tricks. The first trick: successful men are successful because they devote a lot of time to work, so don’t expect to meet them in particularly large numbers during the day on a weekday. The optimal time is Thursday evening, Friday evening (best), Saturday and Sunday daytime. Trick two: choose where you shop. I understand that it is much more convenient to make purchases near your home, BUT, the likelihood of actually meeting successful person in a mini-market on the outskirts of the city is hundreds of times lower than in the city center, in a prestigious supermarket (each city usually has several favorite supermarkets of wealthy people). There is also a very high probability of successful acquaintance in good delis, as well as premium supermarket chains (for example, Furshet Gourmet), wine boutiques and gourmet food stores. Trick three: the longer you spend in the supermarket, the more likely you are to meet someone. Walk, look, read, choose, take an interest, consult. I repeat, the longer the better! Trick four: the two most likely places to meet are in the meat department and in the checkout line. In meat departments, men, as a rule, are completely confused and in dire need of advice - don’t be shy, don’t wait for a question; if you see a man who has been trying to make a choice for ten minutes - don’t be shy, give advice first. It's easiest to get acquainted with people in line at the checkout. Here you can ask where the man found exactly that type of mayonnaise that you were looking for in the supermarket and didn’t find, what kind of interesting green fruit it is and whether it’s tasty, or you can just exchange a few insignificant words while passing the time in line. Therefore, before you get in line, wait until a truly interesting man comes up to the line. Don't try to get in line if there's a pensioner in front of you.

8. Public organizations, political parties One of the best places. But to succeed here you will have to be active and participate in numerous events and congresses, so try to choose an organization or party whose interests are at least somewhat close to you. The membership of such organizations and parties consists of 60-80% men. And not just men, but ambitious and purposeful men. So find an organization in your city, carefully read the regulations on its activities, call and tell them how you are inspired by the ideas of this organization and want to contribute to its activities. And then be fully prepared at the numerous congresses and conferences held by this organization. It’s not easy to meet people here, but it’s very easy! I’ll be honest, while still a student, I was a member of one youth party, and I had occasion to attend congresses where leading politicians countries, and I had the opportunity to see them with my own eyes. My head was not yet occupied with questions of romantic dating, so I missed the glances high-ranking officials which they threw at a beautiful and young student. If I had been a little quicker back then, my chances of meeting a politician would have been incredibly high. Tskk don't put it off and go ahead!

9. Sports club An old, long-established method, which, nevertheless, has not been canceled, and which can lead in any dating rating. As with many other ways to meet rich men, remember, if you want to be rich, think like a rich man. So try to try on the shirt of a successful man and imagine ideal club and dating time. I understand that prestigious sports clubs are not a cheap pleasure, but you can always figure out how to find a middle ground. The main thing to remember is that rich people are, as a rule, busy people who devote a lot of time to work or public life. Therefore, do not expect to see successful men in a sports club during the day, or at 18:30 in the evening. Most likely, you will see them no earlier than 20:00 in the evening or at 8 in the morning. And don’t try to meet a man while he or you are doing strength exercises. It is best to do this at the exit, in the locker room, in the rest room, etc.

10. Rich girlfriends A controversial and not feasible method for everyone, but definitely very effective. If it so happens that among your friends - middle class, again, don’t rush to get upset. Start looking! Look on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki for old school acquaintances (who were daughters of rich parents back in school), girls from the yard, courses, camps, trips, etc. Go through all the places where you have ever talked to rich girls/women. And reconnect with them. As a rule, no girl will refuse a spontaneous friendly offer for a cup of coffee from a former classmate or fellow student. And then you simply must charm your future girlfriend and make your meetings regular. Flatter, give compliments, increase your worth with the opportunity to get invitations to interesting places or meeting the artistic elite of the city. It doesn’t matter how or what, but you must find at least something that will interest your rich friend and give her the impression that you are worth keeping in touch with. Well, then everything depends on you. The closer you can become to such an acquaintance, the better. The main thing is to get an invitation to a birthday, holiday or trip out of town. Believe me, there will definitely be successful people at such an event. And don't forget about other women! If it turns out that the event is more like a bachelorette party for rich women (and doesn’t even smell like men), don’t be upset, make an impression, try to please them as much as possible more I'll give you and exchange with them telephone numbers under any pretext. Perhaps if you get to another woman’s birthday, next time you will be surprised at the number free men, present at the holiday!

Detailed instructions and clear directions from our relationship expert.

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Surprisingly, you can still hear the public trying to condemn women who want to marry a successful man. However, if the girl herself is smart, beautiful, with an excellent education and a good career, then who else could she want as her husband?

Is it really a modest worker who wanders home with a bottle of beer to pass the next level? computer game? Obviously not. Any successful girl needs a man to at least match her - smart, successful and interesting. But here another question arises. Where can I meet him?

Writer, relationship consultant, TV presenter, founder of a family training center " good wife" Author of unique training programs aimed at helping women decide family problems and young girls who intend to start a family.

First of all, you need to think carefully and act from the opposite. Think: what kind of man do you want to meet? So that he is serious and family-oriented? Then please do not go to restaurants and questionable bars to meet people. Do you want him to be stable on his feet? Then forget about dating at poker tournaments. Do you want him to share similar values ​​with you? Then forget about holiday romances with yogi travelers. Focus your attention on the segment of men that you need, and avoid those places where you can meet good man with serious intentions is impossible.

So, the top 5 places where you can definitely find yourself an enviable groom. Passwords, appearances, tricks.

1. Helicopter schools

Dear girls, having a helicopter, maintaining it and being able to control it is expensive pleasure. And if a man is passionate about this process, then at least he has the means for it. And obviously not the last. Therefore, subscribe and monitor all possible events that such flight schools organize. Oddly enough, but given the general high cost, even they organize something like a day open doors, trial classes, very affordable in price, or reporting performances, where, having arranged in advance, you can arrange an invitation for yourself.

Important! Be sure to learn at least the basic basic knowledge that will help you carry on the conversation. Go to the site and learn the models of helicopters on which training takes place, training periods and anything else on the topic that will help you at least start a conversation. There is nothing worse than appearing to be an accidental dummy for the purpose of dating.

Cunning. If you didn’t succeed in infiltrating the orderly ranks of the celestials, act more cunningly. Find a restaurant that is located on their premises and come there for lunch.

2. Golf courses

This place has both its advantages and disadvantages. Among the disadvantages: first of all, you need to be determined that nothing will happen at once. This is due to the specifics of this sport. The people who come there are scattered around the field, and everyone goes their own route from hole to hole. At the same time, pushing a player or, conversely, delaying his progress is considered indecent. Therefore, in one place you can meet several at the same time interesting persons You can either go to the driving range, or, again, in a restaurant after the game.

Important! If you are not a member of the club, meeting your judge there will be very problematic. Girls who have nothing to do with golf and come for the sake of dating are instantly identified and laughed at slightly. Therefore, the only way is to become a member of the club, get carried away by the game, become one of the other members, and then, gradually getting to know and getting to know other people, there is a chance to get to know each other.

Cunning. Golf courses, especially in Russia, are a unique phenomenon. Due to the fact that weather conditions play time is reduced to five months a year, and the field and adjacent complexes need to be maintained all year round, the administration has to get out and organize various trial days and other inviting events in order to attract new members. If you get into the habit of tracking such activities, you can attend the most interesting meetings even without being a member of the club.

3. Extreme driving schools

This is a cool place! There are many tracks in Moscow where you can go, hone your driving and cornering skills, and at the same time make life-changing acquaintances. Getting there is much easier than getting into helicopter schools, and the effect can be very interesting. By the way, you don’t have to torture your car. Many schools offer training on their machines.

Important! Again, the most important thing is not to look like a black sheep who came to hunt for men. Remember, such girls are always and everywhere identified instantly. Therefore, your main task is to merge with the amateurs high speeds and sincerely admire the number of engine revolutions.

4. Economic forums

If you are smart, beautiful, with a good career, then by any means try to get to the Sochi Economic Forum, which takes place in October, respectively, in Sochi, to the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, which takes place in June, respectively, in St. Petersburg, and to the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, which takes place in February, guess where. The number of interesting and successful men there exceeds all acceptable standards. If you don’t get confused, you will go home with several wonderful acquaintances that you can develop upon your return. The main thing is not to run into married people, there are a lot of them there too.

Cunning. It’s extremely difficult to get to the St. Petersburg forum, the Sochi forum is a bit expensive, and the Krasnoyarsk forum is a little cold. Joke. Be that as it may, if it is difficult to get to the forum itself, then keep in mind that in all these cities on the dates of these forums, all these men do not disappear anywhere in the evenings. Therefore, for example, during these three days in Sochi the city is crowded with successful managers and executives. And they all need to eat somewhere and meet with partners, discuss daily needs. Therefore, even if you don’t make it to the forum itself, it is on these days that you can meet very successfully in these cities.

5. Exhibitions of auction houses

Now this has become somewhat more difficult, since all auctions are moving online. However, there are still live exhibitions, when art objects worth the GDP of a small state are exhibited for review by connoisseurs of beauty. It is necessary to monitor such events, immerse yourself, gain the minimum knowledge necessary to start a conversation - and go ahead!

Cunning. Even if you don’t have a very deep understanding of art, you can talk about how these objects of art fascinate you and how you would like to see more of this or that work. A girl admiring such beautiful things arouses interest and even delight.

What else is worth saying to someone who has decided to actively take charge of her personal life? I would like to warn you about two points. First. Don't forget to work on yourself. If a girl is uninteresting, then even if she is placed on an island inhabited by millionaires, she will not be able to captivate any of them. Because it is important not only to meet him, but also to interest him. And the second point. Success and money are matters that can change quickly and do not guarantee happiness. You probably know many examples when a man is rich, but his moral qualities so primitive that no one needs such a groom. And there are also many stories when yesterday’s millionaire, having fallen, can no longer get up and return to his former self. Therefore, it is better to place a bet on moral qualities, on values, on upbringing, on education and on good family your chosen one.

Each of us dreams of meeting our soul mate, loving and being loved, but very often we are faced with the difficulty of initial acquaintance, and when you meet, it happens that it is not at all what you expected, and you have to start all over again. But don’t despair, any woman can meet the man of her dreams, the main thing is to approach it correctly.

Most women want to meet not only a good man, but also a support for their future family, who can provide not only for her, but also for their future children. In order to meet a wealthy man, you need to know several rules of conduct, as well as places where to meet a wealthy man.

What to pay attention to

Getting to know a successful man is not entirely easy, since he is quite smart, otherwise he would not be rich, and he is also used to always being on top, so the requirements for his companion are quite high. Such people are usually picky, distrustful, and sometimes even a little rude. A wealthy man is quite secretive and does not let anyone into his inner world right away on the first date. Often, he may have a very sensitive and subtle nature, but it is hidden under a huge layer of everyday worries, contracts and business contacts.

There are several rules that a woman must follow when meeting a man.


You should not dress revealingly or brightly. Most wealthy men know the price of things and can easily determine in which store you purchased certain things. It will be better if for the first meeting you choose a plain sheath dress or suit. You should definitely give up jeans or sportswear. Men, regardless of their condition, perceive a woman as a woman precisely when she is wearing a dress. In addition, do not forget that there should always be some kind of mystery in a woman, and if you dress very revealingly, a man will have an intimate idea of ​​the woman almost immediately.


You need to approach accessories very responsibly. Exactly the same as in the first case - you should not resort to artificial jewelry, you should limit yourself to a gold chain and earrings.

Behavior and conversation

In the process of communication, you cannot ask a man any questions regarding his financial status or wages. A wealthy man immediately crosses such a woman out of his life, because he believes that they are not interested in the person as a person. During a conversation, do not laugh loudly or use rude words. There is no need to discuss others and comment on their appearance. It is better to try to delve into the conversation as much as possible and try to switch to the same language of communication with the man. Try to keep the conversation going as much as possible. If a situation arises where you don't know how to respond, you haven't read this book or watched latest news, you shouldn’t be ashamed of this, but you should honestly say that you don’t know about this, but you will definitely ask.

Farewell and next meeting

At the end of the evening together, it is worth unobtrusively thanking the man for the wonderful time spent. You shouldn’t make the next appointment yourself; it’s better to wait for the initiative from him. The same applies to exchanging phone numbers. If, nevertheless, the man turns out to be indecisive and does not offer to meet again, you can take the initiative into your own hands, but just don’t “overdo it.”

In addition to appearance and manners, a woman needs to know exactly where to go in order to definitely meet a wealthy man.

Where can you meet a rich man?


Perhaps this is considered the most effective place where you can meet a rich man. In this case, it is worth mentioning not only dating sites, although there are many interesting and educated people. It is worth noting various communities, forums, chats, etc. You can choose them according to your interests and find your destiny within communication. As for the dating site, you can also meet rich men there. Since they are very busy during the day and night at work, this is a salvation for them and an opportunity to communicate with the opposite sex. A woman should not put funny or cartoon pictures on her avatar; the most beautiful photo of herself should be installed there. It is worth remembering that honesty from the very beginning of your acquaintance and communication is the first step to a successful relationship.

Trainings, courses, classes

These are the places where you can find not only an interesting and wealthy man, but also a like-minded person. In this case, you can only get benefits: it’s not only meeting interesting people, including those of the opposite sex, it’s also gaining additional knowledge. This could be English courses or, for example, something related to business. If you manage to get into such classes, you should not only attend them, you need to carefully prepare for them. To do this, try to study in advance next topic and prepare questions so that you can show others your erudition.

Expensive restaurants and hotels

Another option on how to meet a rich man. But, here certain difficulties arise, so in order to get into such an institution, a woman will have to spend money. There are, of course, cases when a woman orders only a glass of water at a restaurant and sits all day waiting for her prey, but the men of such representatives of the fairer sex immediately figure it out and do not show much interest in them. As for visiting such places in the middle of the day, it is worth noting that no matter how you show yourself, the man is busy with work and may simply not notice you.

Buffets or parties from large organizations

The effect of this is approximately the same as in the previous case. Many events from the outside only appear to be parties and celebrations where everyone drinks and has fun, but in fact they are meeting places business people, and many business issues are resolved in an informal setting. The advantage of such events for a woman is that she can start dating first and wedge herself into almost any conversation. In this case, you can justify yourself, for example, by expanding your circle of contacts and business relationships. In this case, if you try hard, by the evening you can have more than twenty promising acquaintances.

Sports and sports sections

Most wealthy men try to relieve stress after a hard day at work in the gym or sports section. In this case, there are no restrictions on your imagination, but it will be better if the sport is chosen not only according to the principle of “watching others”, but also “participating”. This could be tennis, horse riding, and, of course, swimming.


This one more is enough effective way make acquaintance with a wealthy man. These are usually construction firms, engineering or automobile business. Men love nothing more than cars. Absolutely any man will tell you this. Getting acquainted here will not be difficult, but such work will require quite a lot of knowledge.

Features of life with a wealthy man

Before you start looking for a wealthy man, you should clearly define what kind of result you should get.

  • A rich man is not only the fulfillment of all desires, but also a complete renunciation of his “I”. Such a lover will most likely demand complete obedience from the woman.
  • Most likely, his interests will become the interests of his wife.
  • In addition, you should not seek pity and compassion from such a man. Due to the harsh business competition, such lovers forget that they can be more sensual and romantic in some ways.
  • Since a male businessman’s workday is very busy, you should not expect that he will be able to spend a lot of time with you. Most often, you will be at home alone, just as you will be primarily involved in taking care of the children.
  • It will be useless to use reproaches and complaints against a wealthy man, since they are the leaders of this life and will not bend to you in the same way as to their competitors.
  • Not having a job is another thing that a woman will most likely have to give up. A wealthy man, as a rule, believes that a woman does not need to go to work for small pennies, because he already earns enough. Household chores and raising children are the very jobs that a rich husband considers relevant for his beloved.

Speaking about finding a life partner, perhaps every woman should choose what is more important to her - material or moral benefits. It's very difficult to have both at the same time. Therefore, before meeting a wealthy man and moving on to a more serious relationship than just communication, you need to say to yourself: “Can I love him?” And if the answer is negative, then it’s better to stop them, because there is nothing better than love and understanding within a family.

Before reading this article, you can fill out a questionnaire from the dating agency in Moscow PRESIDENT. We work with worthy successful men. For girls the service is FREE. We do not offer escort services, we are against content and other similar offers. Our main task is to create equal serious relationships between two people who are pleasant to each other. Therefore, if you need a “male sponsor-wallet”, then pass by.

Few women will refuse to have a wealthy boyfriend, and even more so if the woman considers herself worthy of him. But in order to have an affair with a rich man, you first need to find him, and also spark his interest in your person.

Where to meet a wealthy man?

0. The simplest and safe way- send a profile to our dating agency PRESIDENT. If you have already done this, then you can try an independent search, and what if...
1. Expensive restaurants. It's logical. If you want to meet a wealthy man, go to a good restaurant. If a cup of coffee costs exorbitant amounts of money there, then it is wealthy people who come to dine there. Order yourself something (the same coffee, for example) and wait. Of course, it would be ridiculous to sit with a cup of coffee for an hour. But half an hour is quite appropriate. If you have the means, then order yourself something more substantial. If you add a salad to a cup of coffee, it will pass for... dietary food, not savings. Remember that rich people are not particularly fond of purse hunters. Therefore, try not to show your financial insolvency at the first meetings.
2. VIP clubs. The principle is the same. You determine the cost of drinks in the club and, accordingly, the wealth of its clients. Next, proceed by analogy with an expensive restaurant.
3. Exhibitions. Wealthy people are mostly well-mannered and intelligent. They are interested in art in all its forms. The main thing that you must be able to accurately identify a wealthy person by his “shell”. Take a closer look at his watch, shoes, clothes. It is worth noting that we are against “rich hunters”. In addition, from our experience it is obvious that smart and wealthy men often look as simple as possible and do not strive to buy a new iPhone as quickly as anyone else.
4. Sports clubs. If you play sports, then buy a subscription to the most expensive club in your profile. It is there that you can find yourself a worthy gentleman. Besides, a pumped up butt has never hurt a single girl.
5. Dating sites. Paid dating sites. Successful people are very busy. They don’t have time to walk around the park, picking daisies, and dreamily peering at the girls. Rich people are rational. That is why on the website of the elite dating agency PRESIDENT you can find a truly wealthy man. In fact, this is exactly the issue we are solving - we are saving the man time.
6. Hobbies. Wealthy people often have hobbies “for the soul.” You can enroll in courses that cost a decent amount. Next, pay attention to the status of the men who will be in the audience. The signs are the same as for exhibitions. There is a great risk of running into a “show-off” or a “major” - do you need it? On the other hand, having a hobby is fundamental for most worthy men. There are always more pacifiers next to them than required, don’t be one of them.
7. Wealthy acquaintances. Never lose touch with your established acquaintances. And when communicating with them, mention that you are single and looking for a partner. Perhaps they will offer you their help.
8. Forums. Preferably themed. For example, a forum for motorists. If you see that a person is discussing expensive brands of cars, then perhaps he is rich (or perhaps, on the contrary, he will never be able to afford something more serious than a Lada)

So, we discussed where to look for a rich man. Now is the time for the jewelry work - to win him over.

How to interest a wealthy man?

1. Be a good listener. Of course, any man will appreciate a girl who is attentive to his problems, and rich people are no exception. They work hard, they constantly have some problems with their business. Add caution to this - not every woman will be trusted by such a man with his experiences. If you manage to get a wealthy man to talk and give him a feeling of comfort with you as an interlocutor, then consider that you have already done half the work! They, in turn, know how to listen. If you're the only one doing the talking on a date, be prepared to fail.
2. Be interesting. Rich people are fed up with communicating with beautiful dummies. If you want to arouse such a man's interest in you, you will have to find a way to surprise him. Show him that you are rich from within. Perhaps you have a non-standard view of some things. Present yourself in the most beneficial way, but in a way that is not intrusive on your part. In fact, many girls “show off” and show off. Understand, you yourself don’t like exactly these kind of ostentatious men, why should a worthy man love a ostentatious woman? Most best way to seem interesting is to be so. You must have a hobby, a favorite thing. Very often, in girls’ profiles they write “I like to read, I like sports, I am interested in traveling” - this means nothing at all. If you have a real hobby, then there are achievements in it, for example: “I love to travel, I’ve already traveled to 12 countries” or “I like to crochet, I knitted 5 pairs of socks for all members of my family and their friends.”
3. Look decent. Never skimp on the “wrapper”. You should forget about cheap clothes and shoes. Wear only high-quality, expensive underwear, even if you are not planning a date. Buy good quality cosmetics and original perfumes only in specialized stores. Remember that accessories should also be expensive. Visit beauty salons. Always look after yourself. You must have well-groomed hands and feet, regardless of the time of year. A man is attracted to a girl by her grooming and self-love. A girl gives a man energy only when she is confident in herself. Beautiful, well-groomed girls are always more pleasant to communicate with and easier to work with. They are confident.

A woman who invests in herself, studies, undergoes training, buys clothes that emphasize her figure, regularly goes to the gym, LOSSES WEIGHT - becomes more self-confident, values ​​herself more and behaves with dignity. Men always pay attention to well-groomed and confident women. By the way, overweight- this is unkemptness. Men prefer slim people.

These tips will help you get attention wealthy men, and then you must interest such a man and be able to keep his attention on you.

If you have not yet started filling out the mini-questionnaire for the President dating agency, then do it now.

Are you looking for a successful and financially secure man who will become a worthy financial support, a responsible father for future children and a reliable companion in your life? Tired of weak-willed losers, gigolos, and unpromising suitors? The fairy tale about Cinderella can become a reality for you if you act following a well-thought-out strategy. Where to meet a rich man in Moscow?

Where do rich men live?

If you want to meet the richest, most successful and powerful men, then first of all you should learn the lesson that they will not come to you if you remain idle and sit at home. It is especially difficult to meet a worthy gentleman if your level of material wealth does not match, and you live in a block with economy-class apartments, because worthy gentlemen have housing in elite countryside villages, dine in the best restaurants in the capital, and relax only at closed VIP events. To find common ground with the highest levels of society and meet a rich man in Moscow, try to expand your range of interests and more often visit those places where VIPs live - private parties, yacht clubs, elite men's stores, expensive restaurants, luxury car showrooms.

Strategy for dating a rich man in Moscow

How to meet a rich man? To present yourself from the right angle and find the best places to meet, follow the instructions:

  1. Make a list of prestigious places in your city where wealthy people most often relax, work, do business, and make appointments.
  2. Go exploring these places with a friend more often. Try to feel comfortable and confident in the atmosphere of chic and aristocracy.
  3. Expand your circle of acquaintances. Try to communicate more with those people who can open the way to new life or introduce you to wealthy gentlemen.
  4. Business centers, where business meetings, negotiations, and corporate events often take place, can be an excellent place to “hunt” for wealthy men. Monitor yours carefully appearance, study representatives of the opposite sex who work in neighboring offices, park cars in the parking lot (special attention should be paid to senior managers).
  5. When meeting a potential partner, do not let go of the initiative. You should act prudently and wisely. The smartest thing to do is to push a man to take the first step or create a prerequisite for acquaintance.
  6. The standard excuse for meeting a wealthy, confident and strong man may be a request for help (to understand documents, equipment, find the right office or address, etc.). Having allowed a man to take on the role of a knight, switch his attention to abstract topics, give compliments, ask for advice so that he feels emotionally involved. As a sign of gratitude for the help provided, you can invite the man for a cup of coffee and exchange contacts.
  7. After receiving a phone number, you should wait a few days for the man to take the initiative to meet. If there is no reaction, then you can send an unobtrusive SMS message and remind you about coffee again.

Remember that for wealthy men, not only external attractiveness is important, but also the intelligence of the chosen one, the ability to carry on a conversation on any topic, as well as the ability to give positive emotions.