Aphorisms and quotes about power, politics, management. The best catchphrases of politicians

The policy of wise tyrants is always to clothe their autocratic actions in popular forms.
Thomas Macaulay

Politics is a dirty business, but not dusty.
A. Samoilenko

Politics is a gambling den in which spectators risk losing just like the players.
author unknown

Politics is a fickle lady
But men are stubbornly drawn to her.
If it weren't for this craving of men,
Before there would have been no mess in the world.
V. Orlov

A politician is a person who is ready to do everything in the world for the workers, except become one of them.
author unknown

A politician is a person who will sacrifice your life for his homeland.
T. Ginen

A politician, even in his dreams, cannot afford to say about any journalist what any journalist is allowed to say about politicians.
M. Lernwr

The politician does not take his words on faith to such an extent that he is always surprised when others take him literally.
Charles de Gaulle

A politician must be able to predict what will happen tomorrow, in a week, in a month and in a year. And then explain why this did not happen.
W. Churchill

The politician is thinking about the next election; statesman - about the coming generation.
D. Clark

A politician shouldn't be too smart. A very smart politician sees that most of the problems facing him are completely insoluble.
S. Lem

The politician does not represent the majority, but creates the majority.
S. Hall

A good politician must have a stock of prejudices sufficient to satisfy the needs of all voters.
E. Mackenzie

A good politician or political scientist analyzes not facts and events, but the analytical conclusions of his colleagues on them.
V. Zubkov

In principle, a great politician must be a villain, otherwise he will govern society poorly. A decent person in the role of a politician is like a feeling steam engine or a helmsman who declares his love while holding the steering wheel: the ship is going down.
O. Balzac

Nowadays, a politician speaks the truth only when he calls another politician a liar.
A. Newman

When a politician hears the word “culture,” his hand reaches for a pencil to cut this budget line.
L. Escher

Accusing his opponent of cleverly deceiving the people, a smart politician hides notes of envy in his voice.
E. Mackenzie

To become a master, a politician plays a servant.
Charles de Gaulle

The statesman is a politician who died 15 years ago.
G. Truman

It is not difficult to be an honest politician - there is almost no competition.
E. Mackenzie

Above a great politician, I place only the one who does not desire to become one, because every day I become more and more convinced that this world is not worth wasting energy on.
J. Labruyère

Give a politician free hands and you will find them in your pockets.
E. Mackenzie

For a politician, honoring religion is beneficial, but following its teachings is disastrous.
B. Whichcote

The ability to renounce one's views without giving up one's post is a characteristic of a great politician.
M. Udall

Politicians are a machine that destroys friendship.
E. Balpadur

Politicians are like doves! When they are at the bottom, they eat out of your hands, and when at the top, they shit on your head.
"Evening Kazan"

Politicians do not realize how inimical equality is to freedom. There were free people in Greece
because there were slaves.
A. Camus

Politicians and artists become overgrown with rumors and gossip, like ships with shells. And you can only get rid of them by leaving the professional arena.
V. Zubkov

When politicians step on the rake, the bumps go to the people.
V. Zubkov

Cheap policies are especially expensive.
E. Mackenzie

It is curious, but today politicians prefer to talk about morality, and bishops prefer to talk about politics.
D. Lynn and E. Jay

Scientists reveal the secrets of nature for the benefit of humanity, politicians immediately use them to destroy humanity, creating and producing weapons of mass destruction.
V. Zubkov

The only thing that saves us is that politicians do not keep their promises - otherwise the country would have gone bankrupt long ago.
E. Mackenzie

Politicians have to deceive us to maintain our trust.
M. Shargan

Politicians, like prostitutes, have a bad reputation, but, one wonders, who do we go to when the need arises?
B. Francis

Most politicians, alas, are bastards not by birth, but by vocation.
K. Whitehorn

Why can’t we meddle in the affairs of politicians? After all, they climb into ours every day.
T. Gobert

A political speaker is a person who can speak for four hours without taking a break to think.
author unknown

A political decision requires moral cover. An immoral decision requires political cover.
Yu. Bester

Political predictions are wishes expressed out loud.
P. Buast

In political games, unlike the game of blind man's buff, only a few see everything, and everyone else has blindfolds over their eyes.
P. Buast

All political parties eventually die, choking on their own lies.
Mark Twain

Universal suffrage, the palladium of civil liberty, also has its downside. The political underdevelopment of the people, their illiteracy, inability to understand ideas and trends, lack known to the people figures... - all this raises very real fears, gives scope for distortion of popular opinion, makes
think about the immediate results.
V. Korolenko

For politicians It is often advantageous to disappear for a time from the scene: they thereby avoid the possibility of losing themselves in the fruitless battles of the day, and their reputation not only does not fall, but rises due to their absence.
Napoleon III

This is how it goes in this world: one person is good, another is bad, and people get rich at the expense of the poor. Should I step into the political light? Freedom for loudmouths and stupid smart people; no bad thing for rogues.
N. Karamzin

Of the ten political decisions that a person must make, no matter where he is, nine will always be prescribed to him by circumstances. And the higher his post, the more limited his freedom of choice.
L. Feuchtwanger

On the political horizon, as well as on the sky, the strongest thunderstorms always form on the clearest days.
P. Buast

In the modern political arena, each party strives to raise the banner of the struggle for social justice and... puts it in a corner of honor in his office.
V. Zubkov

Features of a personality in which there is a highly developed tendency to political activity, are reflected primarily in the fact that it must combine and appear simultaneously two seemingly completely opposite qualities: persistence in decision-making and
mobility in their implementation.
F. Holzendorf

I know people who are erotically excited to express themselves politically. And vice versa.
E. Lec

Today's political promises are tomorrow's taxes.
American wisdom

A statesman is a person who can decide serious problems, which would not have existed if he had not been a statesman.
author unknown

He who is not capable of crime cannot be a statesman.
V. Krymov

Politics is a lie in the interests of a cause.
A. Perlyuk

Politics is not a bad profession. If you have a political career, rewards await you; if you have embarrassed yourself, you can always sit down with a book.
R. Reagan

Politics is the soil on which the thistles of poisonous enmity, evil suspicions, shameless lies, slander, painful ambitions, disrespect for the individual quickly and abundantly sprout - list everything bad that is in a person - all this sprouts especially brightly and richly precisely on the soil political struggle.
M. Gorky

Politics is such a subtle thing that it is not visible to the naked eye.
Yu. Klimov

Politics is the art of acceptance important decisions with insufficient information and lack of time.
K. Attlee

Politics is the only profession in which one earns a living solely by boasting.
B. Hecht

Politics is a way of earning a living, controlled by the most degraded part of our criminal elements.
A. Beers

Politics is the management of public affairs for the benefit of a private individual.
A. Beers

Politics is the art of adapting to circumstances and extracting benefit from everything, even from what is disgusting.
O. Bismarck

Politics is the noble art of winning votes from the poor and campaign money from the rich by promising to protect one from the other.
O. Ameringer

Politics is the art of keeping people from participating in matters that directly concern them.
P. Ustinov

Politics, although dirty, is a necessary business.
V. Zubkov

Politics depends on politicians almost as much as the weather depends on astronomers.
R. Gourmont

Politics does not aim at a select few, but at the masses, that is, a herd of idiots for whom the more stupid, the more intelligible and better.
Yu. Nagibin

The stick policy and the carrot policy are equivalent in effectiveness, the difference is in cost: one stick is enough, but you need a lot of carrots, which may not be enough for everyone.
V. Zubkov

Politics is like the sphinx from a fairy tale: it devours everyone who cannot solve its riddles.
A. Rivarol

Politics is too serious a matter to be left to politicians.
Charles de Gaulle

Politics, whatever its creed, is in practice a systematic organization of hatred.
G. Adame

If you lie to people to get their money, it's fraud. If you lie to people to get their votes, that's politics.
E. Mackenzie

Uncollected, scattered and idle,
I watch newspapers in the morning while drinking tea;
Politics is a subject so dirty
That we are entrusting it to scoundrels.
I. Guberman

Realpolitik is to ignore the facts.
G. Adame

Nothing needs morality more than politics, and no one hates politics more than moral people.
F. Iskander

The highest politics without union with morality is a false jewel.
D. Volkogonov

The main slogan in all countries became the words “realpolitik”, which meant approval of myopic nationalism and compromise with forces and tendencies that had previously been fought as reactionary. One of the most obvious signs of decline was the fact that superstitions, long banished from educated classes, were now once again considered acceptable.
A. Schweitzer

You may not be involved in politics, but politics is still involved with you.
C. Montalembert

In politics, a lie that is not refuted within 24 hours becomes the truth.
W. Brown

In politics, a straight line is the shortest distance between two misfortunes.
D. Roche

In politics, for the sake of a certain goal, you can enter into an alliance even with the devil himself - you just need to be sure that you will draw the devil, and not the devil you.
K. Marx

In politics, the word “truth” means any statement that cannot be proven to be false.
D. Dinn and E. Jay

In politics, what begins with fear usually ends in madness.
S. Coleridge

In politics, as in religion, by convincing others, we convince ourselves.

The best rule of politics is not to manage too much.
Jean Paul

In love and in politics, the winner is the one who does not recognize any rules.
Y. Rutkovskaya

Nowadays, specialists are needed in all areas. There are only amateurs left in politics.
R. Hochhuth

Where you came from depends on genetics, but what you turn into depends on politics.
E. Lec

Quotes from famous people about politics, our sinful government, aphorisms about management in all spheres of life.

Modern politics is a struggle not between people, but between social forces.

G. Adame

Generosity in politics it often represents genuine wisdom: great empires and insignificant minds do not fit well together.

E. Burke

Government- the sails, the people - the wind, the state - the ship, time - the sea.

L. Berne

Who can't rule, he always becomes a usurper.


That He who rules must see people as they are and things as they should be.

L. Bonald

The most The hard art is the art of managing.

K. Beber

Civil government is the will of all, carried out by one or a few, by the force of laws made by all.


Which is the government better? The one that teaches us to manage ourselves.


The most the main thing for statesman- so that he does not consider important things that are not important.

Charles de Gaulle

To To conduct a reasonable and correct policy, it is not enough to know people, you must love them.

A. Graf

Liberal may become a minister, but it does not follow from this that he will be a liberal minister.

V. Humboldt

If the government is based on the general will, the freedom of each individual citizen becomes a matter of importance to everyone.

T. Jefferson

On October 11, 1922, speaking at the Komsomol congress, Leon Trotsky called on young people to “gnaw on the granite of science.” Obviously, his contemporaries liked the call, the phrase quickly became a “catchphrase” and still retains its popularity.

Today we decided to remember 5 more Soviet political figures who enriched the Russian language with a variety of “ catchphrases" Sometimes beautiful and smart, sometimes funny and strange, their sayings are often relevant to this day.

1. Leon Trotsky

"I'm not a Jew, I'm an internationalist."

“Spiritual creativity requires freedom.”

“Gnaw the granite of science with your young teeth!”

“To lead means to foresee.”

2. Vladimir Lenin

“A book is a huge force.”

“Less is better.”

"We steal the loot."

“Study, study and study.”

“Art belongs to the people.”

"Broken armies learn well."

“Religion is a kind of spiritual booze.”

3. Nadezhda Krupskaya

“If Lenin had been alive, Stalin would have imprisoned him too.”

“Children are our future!”

“Science is a huge treasury of knowledge accumulated by humanity.”

4. Joseph Stalin

“We need to work, not hold meetings.” (Applies to the current swamp liberals and others like them)

“We Bolsheviks do not believe in miracles.”

“Chatterboxes have no place in operational work.”

“What our enemies like is harmful to us.”

“If theater begins with a hanger, then such plays should be hanged.”

“You cannot retain power through fear alone. The lie turned out to be no less necessary.”

5. Nikita Khrushchev

“We’ll show you Kuzka’s mother.”

“Revolutions are not made for export.”

“From the saxophone to the knife it’s just one step.”

“When a person eats, he becomes kinder.”

“What kind of disgrace is this, what kind of freaks? Where is the author?

“Whoever hits us on the cheek, we will tear off his head.”

“We have one controversial issue - land: who will bury whom...”

“Our goals are clear, our tasks are defined! Let's get to work, comrades!

Hollywood actress Alicia Silverstone once thoughtfully said: “I think the movie “No Clue” is very deep. I think it's deep in the sense that it's very light. I think lightness must come from a very deep place if it is to be true lightness.” Alicia isn't the only one who would rather act than talk. Actors, musicians, and politicians can periodically blurt out things that are worth remembering only on April 1st.

Film and show business stars

"I like kids. I was even a child myself once.” - Tom Cruise

Often stars say nonsense when they want to philosophize, like actress Brooke Shields: “Smoking kills. If you are killed, then you lose a very important part of your life."

But Arnold Schwarzenegger once said that “same-sex marriage should be a private matter between a man and a woman.” Well yes, indeed.

Young singers often discover deep knowledge in geography. “So where is the Cannes Film Festival this year?” - singer Christina Aguilera once asked. Britney Spears was not far behind: “I never wanted to go to Japan. Just because I don't like fish. And I know how popular it is with them there, in Africa.”

But pop star Madonna probably shouldn’t talk about politics. In September 2012, urging her listeners to support Barack Obama in the election, the singer said: “It’s amazing that we have an African-American in the White House, that we have a black Muslim in the White House.” Presumably, the president (who is a Protestant and prays daily) forgave her in a Christian way.


However, Barack Obama himself is also known for his statements. “I’m too public, compared to me, Paris Hilton is just a hermit nun.” Self-irony is, of course, wonderful, but after the phrase “I’m running for president? What nonsense. You better talk to my wife. She constantly tells me that I can’t even cope with dirty socks,” it becomes quite scary. Somehow I don’t want to think that a man who can’t handle socks leads a nuclear power.

However, Obama is far from his predecessor, George Bush. “I have my own beliefs about this. Deep convictions. But I don’t always agree with them,” he once said. His beliefs are not only deep, but also original: “I think we can all agree that the past is over,” “When I was young and irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible,” “I am a patient person. When I say I'm a patient person, I mean I'm a patient person." "NASA is still interested in space." You shouldn't judge the ex-president harshly: he is a very simple person. That's what he once said: "Condoleezza Rice is a simple Texas girl like me."

It's not just American presidents who give amazing speeches. Russian government officials have also succeeded in this field.

“The age of a politician is 65 years old, and after that he falls into insanity.” - Boris Yeltsin

"Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin great life lived, visited above, below, below, and above...” Boris Yeltsin once said. “The Yeltsin dictatorship did not exist and will not exist, and I will not allow other dictatorships,” “Waking up in the morning, I ask myself: what have you done for Ukraine?..”, “Is Russian chocolate worse than imported chocolate? What about beer? I’m not talking about vodka.” It is not surprising that with such a variety of problems, Boris Nikolaevich sometimes forgot about the most important thing: “I am also a grandfather: I have three grandchildren. Oh, what am I, I have four grandchildren. I'm completely lost."

Vladimir Putin did not lag behind the first president of Russia. “All these eight years I worked like a slave in the galleys - from morning to night!” - this is how he assessed his first two presidential terms. “Do you want me to eat soil from a pot of flowers? And swore on blood?”, “What can a person without registration say, as I already said, about Tchaikovsky’s music?”, “They picked everything out of their nose and smeared it on their papers.” But the most famous phrase will probably forever remain his, spoken in the fall of 1999, at the dawn of political career, soon after terrible terrorist attacks in Moscow, Volgodonsk and Buinaksk: “We will pursue terrorists everywhere. At the airport - at the airport. So, excuse me, we’ll catch them in the toilet, we’ll soak them in the toilet, in the end.”

Dmitry Medvedev also distinguished himself with striking remarks: “The government cannot be shaken like a pear,” “There will be no end of the world, but there will be New Year", "No one will ever go back to 2007, because it's 2011." Unexpected predictions, aren't they?

What are politicians talking about?

Sometimes politicians renounce their aphorisms, as was the case, for example, with Vladimir Zhirinovsky. In September 2011, he said that he never called for “washing your feet in the Indian Ocean” and “giving every woman a man.” But the LDPR leader did not retract his other words. For example: “Nowhere does it say what to do during the singing of the anthem - stand, lie down or crawl. We must love our homeland." Or another phrase about the fair sex: “A woman should sit at home, cry, mend and cook.”

However, the Liberal Democratic Party gave people not only the witty Zhirinovsky. Former LDPR deputy Oleg Malyshkin also shone with his expressions. So, in 2005, he said: “Some incomprehensible processes are taking place in our ranks. I have long said that Dimka Rogozin has something going on... - there were demons, then the dragons flew... Now we have some kind of shadow government that is already being elected, there is already an emperor there. After all, this thing is contagious, Boris Vyacheslavovich! Tonight I also went out onto the balcony, there was a crow sitting there and already speaking like a human being. So this is some kind of abnormal thing, let’s do something!” In 2007, there were no dragons, but also original: “We’re kind of eccentric, look... Why are we... You can’t drink, you can’t smoke. We allow gay pride parades... We are doing something incomprehensible... We are doing something wrong, probably... Fines... A hundred thousand rubles fine. Well, imagine, the family will pay. Well, here you are, Artur Nikolaevich, you, too, probably smoke quietly. If you don’t smoke, our ears begin to swell. Therefore, let’s somehow measure it a little...” By the way, in 2004, Malyshkin was elected to the post of President of the Russian Federation.

But the main author of aphorisms in Russian politics, of course, Viktor Chernomyrdin will forever remain - one of the brightest and, perhaps, the most sincere political figure of the 90s. Satirists envied him, journalists cried at his speeches, his expressions immediately went to the people. We will quote his quotes without comment - any explanations are unnecessary here.

“We wanted the best, but it turned out as always”

“You and I will live in such a way that our children and grandchildren will be jealous!”

“I have no questions about the Russian language...”

“We are not entering anywhere. Yes, we can’t join. As soon as we start stepping in, we’ll definitely step on something.”

“And who can replace me here? I’ll kill you right away... Sorry.”

“They’ve been trying to push me away all my life. Everyone is trying... I just pushed them, there aren’t any like them yet.”

“And whoever is trying to interfere with us, we know about them by sight. True, you can’t call it a face.”

“The crisis that is going on today, it went through like Mamai, I want to repeat it again. I repeat: I walked”

“I only have time to notice beautiful women. And nothing else...".