Selection of equipment for tire recycling. How to write a business plan for recycling car tires? Tire recycling

Waste disposal problems are increasingly emerging around the world. Recycling waste can be turned into a successful business. A striking example serves as recycling car tires. This type of activity is different simple conditions in general production process. Moreover, the prices of equipment for processing tires into crumbs are not so high. Investing in rubber processing activities is undoubtedly profitable and successful.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Production related to tire processing has the following advantages:

  • raw materials are widely available;
  • the level of competition is not high;
  • technology does not require qualifications and special skills;
  • high demands are not placed on the production premises;
  • high efficiency;
  • big profit.

TO shortcomings productions include:

  • the need for investment at the initial stage;
  • sales become more difficult in the absence of regular customers;
  • raw materials are selected taking into account uniformity.

A tire processing plant can generate high profits at low costs.

Features of tire recycling

Tire recycling equipment can produce crumbs or pyrolysis products at the final stage. Pyrolysis plants operate at temperatures of 450-500°C. The result of the decomposition process will be the following products:

  • synthetic-based liquid fuel used for heating purposes.
  • carbon black, which is widely used as an adsorbing reagent, a filler in the manufacture of rubber, a coloring component for the production of paints, and mastics.
  • gas that can be consumed again during pyrolysis.

When using installations that convert rubber into crumbs, fractions with different sizes particles (0.25-5 mm). Further, these residues are used to produce the following products:

  • Rubber tiles and coverings for sports fields;
  • Fillers for sports equipment;
  • Boots;
  • Shoe soles;
  • Surfaces and artificial roughness for roads;
  • Car accessories (mats, mud flaps, etc.);
  • Lining material for railway construction;
  • Insulation;
  • Elements for sound insulation.

When separated, the steel parts of the tires can be used in the construction industry as an additive component for concrete.

Known three types of technology that use tire recycling equipment:

  1. Exposure to liquid nitrogen with further crushing;
  2. Mechanical method of grinding and deformation in an isolated chamber;
  3. Formation of pieces by cutting with further grinding through crushers and mills.

The first technology is highly effective, but the price of equipment for processing tires into crumb is in the range of 30,000,000-40,000,000 rubles. The most optimal cost option is the third option. The cost of investments varies from 4,000,000 to 7,000,000 rubles.

Raw materials

In order for tire recycling activities to be profitable, the equipment must be fully loaded during the work shift. Therefore, continuous supplies of raw materials are needed. To do this, you need to find permanent sources, which can be:

  • Landfills for citywide waste;
  • Industrial waste storage areas;
  • Car services, tire fittings;
  • Enterprises with a wide fleet of vehicles or bus and trolleybus fleets.

You can also open a point to accept or buy used tires.

Process flow diagram

The price of a tire recycling plant is quite high. Moreover, large production of this type is not capable of generating large profits, since it requires a lot of energy. If you open a mini plant, then the profitability in this case will be much higher.

The technological process is divided into the following stages:

  1. Initial inspection of source materials, removal of impurities;
  2. Removal of one landing circle;
  3. Cutting into strips, the width of which is 4-5 cm;
  4. Taking out another circle;
  5. Cutting strips into pieces whose parameters are 2-4 cm;
  6. Reduction of cut parts using chopping rollers and shredder;
  7. Removing cord from textiles and steel;
  8. Factional division;
  9. Packing;
  10. Shipment.

A line for processing tires into crumb rubber must meet all equipment standards. Requirements to be met:

  • Noise level produced;
  • Volume of emissions;
  • Safe processing conditions;
  • Safe living conditions.

Equipment categories

When choosing equipment, you need to focus on functional features and service availability. The cost is determined by the capacity of the installations and the manufacturer. Domestic-made equipment is valued for its universal availability of maintenance services. The volume of supplied source material for this set of installations is 100-200 kg per hour. The price of Russian-made equipment for processing tires into crumb rubber ranges from 15,000,000 to 2,000,000 rubles. But, alas, the production of crumbs with such equipment does not imply the provision of certain installations, for example, a separating chamber, a cyclone.

Wider lines are represented by the following equipment:

  • Machine for cutting sides;
  • Machine for eliminating rings;
  • Machine tool for strip cutting;
  • Machine tool for cutting tape into fragments;
  • Machine with rollers and mills;
  • Vibrating table and vibrating sieve;
  • Separator for removing magnetic metal parts;
  • Cyclone for textile parts;
  • Electrical switch;
  • Conveyor belts.

The productivity of such a line is 300-500 kg per hour. The total price of a machine for processing tires into crumbs is 5,500,000-5,700,000 rubles.

In addition to this equipment, you must purchase a tire cutter large size, storage bins, scales, packaging equipment. With stable operation of the constructed turnover scheme, the business will quickly pay for itself. Thus, the price of a mini-plant for processing tires will be 6,000,000-6,200,000 rubles.

Planning Features

Activities for processing tire waste involve drawing up a business project, which includes:

  • Initial capital, which implies the required amount of money to start production. If you do not have the required amount available, you can use the services of banking institutions to issue a loan. It is worth remembering that the loan requires subsequent repayment.
  • Registration actions to formalize activities, consisting of obtaining a license permit to work with dangerous looking waste and solving issues of taxation, energy supply, compliance with fire safety requirements.
  • Selection of premises, implying the availability or rental of the required type of premises with an area of ​​at least 500 m2. It is also necessary to equip warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products.
  • Selection of equipment and tools for production, packaging, transportation of products. You should purchase the latest and high-quality equipment for a quick payback.
  • Recruitment involves a small staff. Production of this type does not require large number people. To implement technological process and implementation is enough for 3-5 employees.
  • Cost plan, including production costs and monthly costs for premises, labor, payment utilities, transport, communications and taxes. Financial conditions depend on the location of the enterprise and sales markets. Therefore, this item is calculated based on the average indicators of this type of activity.
  • Operations for the sale and promotion of manufactured products, involving the analysis of sales markets and the development of marketing schemes.

These steps will allow you to achieve the desired result within short period time.

Tire Recycling Business Plan involves investments at the initial stage associated with the purchase of equipment, consumables, and registration actions. Assessing the initial costs of these activities, we can say that about 6,000,000 rubles will be required. The monthly expense item will be about 300,000 rubles.

Taking into account the advantage associated with the low cost of raw materials, the profitability of the enterprise will be 1,050,000 rubles. This is when processing 80 tons of feedstock per month.

With these calculations, the business of processing tires into crumbs will pay for itself in 8-10 months.

Emergence of risks

Any activity is subject to risks. Likewise, the tire recycling project assumes the following situations:

  • Late receipt of raw materials;
  • Implementation violation;
  • Equipment failure;
  • Damage to products due to violation of storage rules;
  • Reduced prices for products.

A business plan for processing tires into crumbs must be developed taking into account the solution possible problems. Timely maintenance of production plants will lead to fewer breakdowns. You can sell products not only in your region, but also in other nearby areas.

Receipt crumb rubber from used tires is a very profitable activity with small investments. The organization of production and the price of equipment for processing tires into crumb rubber make it easy to start a promising business.

Proper functioning of production will lead to quick payback and profitability.

In most developed countries, there is a need to recycle used car tires due to rapid growth quantities vehicles. The problem of their disposal has become very acute for the authorities. An excellent solution to this problem is to establish a mini-enterprise for processing this material. Thanks to this, all environmental and economic issues are resolved as efficiently as possible.

Features of the production process

Establishing a mini enterprise for processing tires is considered an effective direction entrepreneurial activity, which can provide high income to its owner. However, in industrial scale such an industry can be very unprofitable due to high energy consumption. However, setting up a mini plant is always a profitable business.

As a rule, the technology for manufacturing crumb rubber is based on the following steps:

As a result, several types of products are obtained that are fully suitable for their subsequent sale: carbon dioxide, steel cord, fuel oil and crumb rubber itself. This method involves shredding tires mechanically. In addition, the production process uses the so-called pyrolysis method, during which the tires are treated at high temperatures.

Tire recycling equipment

Materials, product range, product sales channels

The raw materials for the production of crumb rubber are old tires that are not suitable for further use. The main product obtained from tire processing is fine crumbs.

As a rule, this material serves as the basis for the further production of roofing materials, technical coatings and other products used in the construction industry.

It is recommended to start searching for sales points with organizations that are directly involved in the maintenance or operation of vehicles. Main advantage of this business is that the raw materials for the production of crumb rubber are obtained virtually free of charge. For example, the supply of tires to a plant from a tire shop.

Tire recycling equipment

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the types of equipment from the Eco Gold Standart company, which today is the leading manufacturer of tire recycling equipment on the Russian and CIS markets. The company produces two types of tire recycling lines: Eco Gold, Eco Gold Euro. Both lines are produced with a capacity of 400, 550, 700, 1400, 4000 kg per hour. However, the composition of the equipment is completely different. Let's take a closer look.

Composition of Eco Gold line equipment

Composition of Eco Gold line equipment:

  • machine for cutting and processing tires “Guillotine”;
  • hydraulic machine "DS-650";
  • loading conveyor - 1;
  • primary grinding apparatus Shredder KG - 2;
  • Shredder grinding apparatus - 3;
  • device for primary grinding - 14;
  • belt separator - 4;
  • collection cyclone - 5;
  • Vibrating sieve - 8;
  • Magnetic separator - 11;
  • industrial electrical equipment - 12;
  • Dust cyclone - 10;
  • metal structures and gas ducts - 13;
  • fans: transport and high pressure — 9;
  • impact crusher - 7;
  • vibrating sieve and dust cyclone - 6.

Composition of equipment of the Eco Gold Euro line:

Exclusively all types of equipment are fully automated and equipped with a high degree of protection against unexpected loads, improper operation and unstable high voltage.

Features of drawing up a business plan

Product cost and preliminary financial calculations

In order to open a mini plant for the production of crumb rubber, an entrepreneur will need to incur certain financial costs, which we propose to understand further. All data is taken as the average statistical indicators in this industry.

  • Registration process – up to 150 thousand rubles.
  • Rent – ​​180 thousand rubles.
  • Repair work and arrangement of the workshop - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of tanks for fuel oil – 80 thousand rubles.
  • Production line – about 1,500,000 million rubles.
  • Production tools – 200 thousand rubles.

Result: 2,260,000 million rubles.

In addition, to ensure a high-quality production process for processing tires and tires, the plant must pay the following monthly costs:

  • Salary to employees is about 120 thousand rubles.
  • Electricity and other communication systems – 30 thousand rubles.
  • Transportation costs and advertising campaign– 150 thousand rubles.

Result: 300 thousand rubles.

Revenue part

As a rule, the average price of 1 kg of crumb rubber from tires and tires is about 17 rubles. In parallel with this, one production line produces no more than 2100 tons of products per day. Consequently, the monthly income from the sale of the main product will be approximately 750 thousand rubles.

To the total amount of income should be added the amount from the sale of fuel oil - 375 thousand rubles. The total revenue will be 1,125,000 million rubles. per month, and net profit before tax will be 645 thousand rubles.


Making crumb rubber from tires is quite profitable business. However, immediately before launching the plant, you will need to understand a whole list of organizational issues, as well as find reliable sales channels finished products. However, this area of ​​activity is not without shortcomings, but at the same time it is recognized as one of the most profitable and promising.

Video: Recycling tires into crumb rubber

Every first modern family There is a car that only has one or even 2 sets of tires left over every few seasons. Recycling of tires by the state is carried out slowly, so old tires form entire landfills. But recycling tires can become profitable business, the plan of which we will consider in this article.

Business registration and requirements for the company

Old tires are waste and require a license to handle them. The license is issued at a separate cost, which also needs to be taken into account.

The second point of registration is receiving a package of documentation from the sanitary-epidemiological station. To obtain papers you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Install filters.
  2. Select the correct location for the processing plant. Recycling of old tires is carried out away from residential buildings and social areas (kindergartens, schools, etc.).

You should also register your company with government agency And tax office, conclude an agreement on the supply of electricity and resolve the issue of fire safety.

Selecting a room

Recycling car tires requires large area not less than 500 square meters. You will also need space for storing finished crumb rubber and raw materials.

Here it is worth remembering again that the processing plant should be located far from populated areas. Otherwise, residents of nearby houses will begin to write en masse complaints about the mini-factory, which will end in the closure of your enterprise.

The requirements for a tire recycling line are ideally suited to isolated areas, for example located in an industrial zone or on the outskirts of the city. Land in an industrial zone is worth its weight in gold, so it is more profitable and easier to purchase or rent a production workshop, which should have convenient access roads.

Required equipment

On the market, many manufacturers offer, at first glance, high-quality and inexpensive equipment for tire recycling, with the help of which tires are recycled and processed into crumb rubber. But out of 100 proposals, only 10 correspond to the characteristics and safety announced by the manufacturer.

Conventionally, equipment for the production of crumb rubber from old coatings can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. European technology that meets modern requirements. Equipment from Europe is reliable and efficient.
  2. Equipment from China. Chinese products most often have questionable quality and a short service life. Of course, if you buy Chinese products from famous brands, you will get European quality, but the price will be equal.
  3. The middle link between China and Europe is reliable products made in Russia. The cost of Russian technology for processing tires into crumb is 2 times lower than in Europe and 1-2 times higher than in China.

The quality of manufactured products and, accordingly, the successful implementation of the business plan largely depends on the purchased equipment. The equipment technological line required for tire processing consists of the following elements:

  1. Equipment for cutting tires.
  2. Cutting device.
  3. Rubber restructuring machine.
  4. The separator is magnetic.
  5. Vibrating sieve.
  6. Classifier.
  7. Conveyor.

Processing technology

The processing of car tires to produce crumb rubber is carried out in several stages:

  1. Inspection of tires to identify raw materials unsuitable for processing.
  2. Tire shredding.
  3. Removing small metal inserts. At this stage, the tires are loaded into a shredder, which further shreds them.
  4. The resulting material is sent to a rotary crusher, which crushes the rubber into a smaller fraction.
  5. Next, the process of separation and separation of metal elements and textiles.
  6. The final stage of processing consists of cleaning using a vibrating sieve. At this stage, the crumb rubber is separated by size.

Note that rubber can be processed either into crumbs or into diesel fuel. But the latter option requires serious material investments. This process consists of sorting and subsequent grinding of tires, and then the selected and prepared material is loaded into a special reactor, which extracts fuel from recycled materials at high temperatures. The fuel can be liquid, gas or metal cord. The resulting fuel is used for further processing.

Work staff

For an enterprise producing crumbs from tires, the following is required:

  1. Drivers with their own cargo transport. You can also purchase your own fleet of vehicles and hire drivers.
  2. Accountant.
  3. A person who sells finished products.

To select employees, you should contact a specialized company, but conduct the decisive interview yourself. Tire recycling in the Russian Federation is a growing business and many companies are happy to accept future employees for training courses. You can either train people or hire professionals who have previously worked in this field.

Business profitability

Before purchasing and starting a business plan, calculate all expenses. Tires are practically garbage, but equipment for recycling them costs a lot of money. The total amount is about 2-3 million rubles, so it is advisable to find an investor to implement the business plan. To the amount of equipment is added the cost of cleaning devices, without which the sanitary and epidemiological station simply will not give permission to operate the mini-plant.

The costs of raw materials are minimal; in most cases, they can be purchased for practically nothing. You will be surprised, but some organizations themselves are willing to pay to have “dead” tires disposed of. Let's summarize: crumb rubber can be sold for good money; if you find regular customers, the enterprise will pay for itself quickly.

Let's calculate the costs:

  1. We calculate according to the average, because costs may vary, depending on the region:
  2. Preparation of documentation within 150 thousand rubles.
  3. Rent of space for production base – 180 thousand rubles.
  4. Repair or restoration of the premises - 150 thousand rubles.
  5. Tanks into which fuel will be filled cost about 80 thousand rubles.
  6. Tool – 80 thousand rubles.
  7. Necessary equipment – ​​1.5 million rubles.

Let's sum up the final result: the starting capital for a mini-plant for processing old tires into crumb rubber is 3 million rubles.

In addition to the start-up costs, an additional monthly fee is required:

  1. Salary for hired workers is 70 thousand rubles.
  2. Salary for hired managers is 50 thousand rubles.
  3. Transport costs – 150 thousand rubles.
  4. Electricity consumption – 30 thousand rubles.

Result: 300 thousand rubles.

As you can see, processing tires into crumb rubber requires significant start-up capital. Added to this is a daunting monthly payment, which scares off most entrepreneurs.

To implement a business plan for the production of crumb rubber from old tires, you can find money by following several paths:

  1. Take the required amount on credit from the bank, but in this case they are already afraid interest rates, and not the amount of costs to implement the project.
  2. Participation in government programs to protect the environment. Recycling of old tires is included in the list of such programs, and an entrepreneur can receive a subsidy.

To receive a subsidy, it is enough to provide a business plan that shows all the calculations.

Recycling at home

Crumb rubber from old tires can be made at home, but it requires a simple ax or scissors. Co old tire Initially, metal elements are removed, then the tire is cut into strips and crushed to the right size. That's it, the material for decorating flower beds, paths or roofing is ready!

Sales of products

Crumb rubber has not yet gained sufficient popularity in the Russian Federation, so it will be difficult to find an interested buyer. It is worth looking for ways to sell the product before the enterprise is launched, because only effective approach guarantees stable profits. The construction industry is most interested in crumb rubber; crushed rubber is also used in the production of new tires.

If you managed to organize a profitable operation of a tire processing enterprise, then be sure to share your experience of success with novice businessmen!

Let's sum it up

The right approach and ways to sell finished products ensure 100% profit from recycling old tires. The direction is profitable, which will bring a stable income.

The number of used tires is growing at a tremendous pace. Mountains of bald tires near tire service stations create a lot of inconvenience, take up space and pollute the environment. What to do with them? But you can make money on them. Tire recycling: we will tell you how to do it and get maximum income. Not only in our country the problem of their processing has not yet been completely resolved. According to statistics, only a fifth of tires in the world are recycled. In most countries, the state allocates subsidies for such processing.

Methods have now been developed to effectively recycle tires. If run correctly, a tire recycling business will help you recoup your investment within six months. At the same time, you will also help improve the environmental performance of the region.

Tire recycling can be a lucrative business. The tire is a source of valuable polymers. From a ton of waste tires you can get 700 kg of rubber. Fuel is produced from it building materials, rubber products. But burning tires is extremely harmful to the environment and all living things. This releases 450 dangerous toxic gases and 270 kg of soot.

Recycling tires makes it possible to obtain valuable recyclable materials– crumb rubber, steel cord and liquid fuel. Crumb rubber is used in many industries: oil, chemical, mechanical engineering, and in everyday life. Rubber is used to make hydro- and heat-insulating coatings. It is used for the production of road surfaces, sleepers and rail linings. A rubber modifier is often added to asphalt. It doubles its service life. Rubber also includes hoses, shoe soles, etc.

In large plants, it is difficult to obtain significant economic benefits from tire recycling. Tire recycling is a small business idea. It is enough to acquire a mini-factory for their processing.

By the way, a draft law is currently in the State Duma, according to which the manufacturer will be responsible for recycling tires. So rubber recycling can be controlled by the state.

Algorithm of actions

Step one. You need to get a license. It is mandatory if the business is based on waste recycling. Tires are considered one of the least hazardous wastes, so obtaining a license should not be too difficult. But there can still be small ones.

Step two. We need to rent space for a mini-processing plant. It is better to give preference to a place outside the city. It is better to place such an object away from settlement. The advantage of such a place is that renting it will be much cheaper than within the city. The average rent for such an object will cost 50 thousand rubles.

Step three. To deliver raw materials and remove finished products, you will need a small truck.

Step four. Equipment. You will need to buy or lease a mini tire processing plant. This is a small collapsible complex. Its area is about 17 square meters. m. It will be able to process 5 tons per day.

When planning a mini-factory, you need to allocate areas for:

  • tire storage;
  • slicing;
  • product warehouse.

The plant itself is installed quite quickly - in a couple of weeks.

Step five. Staff. The plant can operate in two shifts. Each will require two people. Plus, we need staff for the removal of products and delivery of tires (a couple of people), as well as an accountant.


Rubber recycling allows you to extract rubber from waste tires. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Chemical. The most toxic and harmful to the environment.
  2. Mechanical. Tires are crushed and exposed to high temperatures.

It is the second option that is now used in tire recycling. It is very popular, but more expensive. Please note that recycling tires also produces metal waste. During processing, metal cords are separated from synthetic ones.

Now the number of vehicles is constantly growing. The amount of waste, including tires, is also increasing. There are still not enough enterprises for their processing in our country. If recycling is properly organized, recycling car tires can bring enormous income.

To make tire recycling profitable, you need to think through everything. Let's take a closer look at the organization of this business. You will need vehicles, because old tires will need to be collected and brought to the warehouse. There the metal parts are removed, and the rubber goes to cutting. Tires need to be cut into small pieces. For this purpose, the mini-factory has powerful scissors. The crushed tires are poured into the hopper of the factory reactor.

Under high temperature The tires in the reactor decompose. Recycling car tires allows you to obtain a number of products at once:

  1. liquid fuel;
  2. residue containing carbon;
  3. metal.

To support tire recycling, some of the gas is returned to the reactor. The rest of the gas enters a special pipe. In terms of volume, its quantity can be compared to exhaust truck. The carbon residue is sifted to separate the steel cord.

After processing you will have a carbon residue, liquid fuel and steel cord. Rubber crumbs are purchased by many enterprises that manufacture rubber products. She is always in demand. Steel cord and liquid fuel are also in demand.

The peculiarity of tires is also their weight. Each one is quite heavy. Such large-scale waste becomes a good source of polymers. There are many of them even in small towns, so recycling of car tires will always be a popular service. The main thing is to establish the process itself and obtain all permissions.

And recycling car tires will save the environment from pollution, because tires naturally take hundreds of years to decompose.


Recycling of rubber tires is possible in a small plant. You will need to select your equipment. An average plant can process 5 tons in 24 hours. Recycling rubber tires per day will bring about:

  • 2 tons liquid fuel;
  • 0.5 tons of steel cord;
  • 1.5 tons of solid residue with carbon;
  • 1st ton of gas.

As you can see, recycling tires is very cost-effective. These are quite high performance indicators.

The peculiarity of this installation is that it works without interruption. It is cyclically supplied with gas released during tire processing. It must be installed in an open area.

The installation can be operated by only two people per shift. It consumes about 14.5 kW/h.

Starting capital

An average installation costs about 1 million rubles. Shipping costs are not included here. Disposal of used tires is associated with the accumulation of fuel oil. You will need to buy tanks for it. Fuel prices change, so it is better to store fuel when they fall. We recommend selling it when prices rise. This will increase your profit.

Tanks can be purchased used. The average price for them is 20-26 thousand rubles/piece. Six or seven tanks will be enough.

You will also need warehouse equipment, overalls, and various tools. This is approximately another 100 thousand rubles. Don’t forget about rental, delivery, installation of equipment, paperwork. In general, expenses can amount to 1.5 million rubles.


Work two shifts, 2 people each. This is a salary for four people. (10 thousand/month). Need an office for accounting. A couple of workers will be needed to supply tires and market the products. This is about 70 thousand rubles. per month for taxes, salaries and office rent.

Electricity per month approximately 10440 kW will be consumed. In total, the operation of such a mini-factory will require about 100 thousand per month.


Plus this project– the raw materials will be practically free. Sometimes you can make money even while collecting it. Large enterprises pay for the disposal of old tires, because landfills do not take them. In this case, an agreement is concluded with the company, and it pays monthly for the removal of tires. The cost of removal is about 2-3 thousand. rub.

Scrap metal can be handed in for recycling for 4 thousand rubles. per ton. A ton of carbon is accepted at 3-4 thousand rubles. All kinds of coatings are made from it.

Bottom line

According to average estimates, the total monthly income can be 370-380 thousand rubles. (fuel oil + carbon + scrap metal). Costs every month - 114,600 rubles. (salary + office rent + electricity). The payback will be about six months from the launch of the mini-plant.


  1. There are not many vacant plots in big cities. There are many residential buildings around.
  2. The distance from the mini-factory to houses should not be less than 300 m.
  3. It will be difficult to pass the examination.
  4. Difficulties may arise with residents of nearby neighborhoods. Many people don't want to live near a tire recycling plant.

It is better to organize such processing already ready-made enterprise. The main thing is to find a suitable site that is inactive. But this territory already has all the approvals and permits. Try to come to an agreement with the company itself on mutually beneficial terms.

Most likely, a cleaning installation will also be required. It will prevent pollution of nature.

Another difficulty is unforeseen expenses. They may appear already during the processing process. Most likely, there will be difficulties with firefighters and environmentalists. If tanks for fuel oil are installed, it will be necessary to install a fire shield, conduct personnel training, post safety instructions, etc. Such objects always attract the attention of fire inspectors.


How profitable is this business? It can bring good income. In a small town, at least one and a half tons of waste tires accumulate per year. There will definitely not be a shortage of tires. Having processed this amount of waste, you will get about 50 tons of fuel oil. The big advantage of such a business is that you do not need to spend money on purchasing raw materials.

It is also important to install special filters so as not to pollute environment. Pay the fee on time to protect the environment. Then environmentalists will have no reason to find fault with you.

Food for thought

In order for tire recycling to develop, it is important that the state supports this industry. Government subsidies for such processing are practiced in many developed countries. It is important that a law is passed that increases producer responsibility. It would also be a good idea to create collection points for used tires. It would be logical if they were based in tire workshops.

Tire recycling as a business can bring good income, but you will need to spend a lot of effort, time and money. This service will always be in demand, as the number of tires is only growing.

The tire is a source of valuable polymers.

From January 1, 2018 the Ministry natural resources introduces a ban on the disposal of car tires, tires and inner tubes at landfills. The measure is aimed at both environmental protection and stimulation of processing enterprises. It's time to open your own factory.

Many products made from organic ingredients can be reused instead of just being thrown into landfills, polluting the environment. Car tires also fall into this category. Opening in Russia is not difficult; competition in the industry is still low.

A full-fledged tire recycling line requires, firstly, a carefully developed business plan, about 6 million rubles. start-up capital and the desire to preserve the environment. The exact cost of the equipment depends on the type of processing: grinding tires into crumbs or obtaining liquid fuel from used rubber.

Processing into crumbs requires less financial investment. The main task of this method is to grind the raw material to the required fraction size. Equipment may vary, but the minimum set of devices is as follows:

  • for removing seat rings;
  • for cutting tires into strips;
  • for abrading tapes;
  • vibrating sieve;
  • fraction separator (separator);
  • conveyors for transporting raw materials between machines.

Assembling machines with your own hands is too difficult, the best way out- purchase a ready-made line. For a novice entrepreneur, the issue of price will be important, because equipment for tire recycling is quite expensive. For the first stages of production development, low-power devices will be sufficient - in case of problems with the supply of raw materials or the search for customers, losses from downtime will be less.

Even the minimum power allows you to process up to 100 kilograms of raw materials per hour. The cost of such a set is around 1.5 million rubles, and more productive sets that allow processing up to a ton of raw materials per hour will cost the entrepreneur 3–10 million rubles.

Important! A tire recycling plant does not pollute the environment, but placing the workshop among residential areas is still prohibited due to high level noise. It is worth finding a place in advance that will be approved by the supervisory authorities.

The most popular equipment is ALPHA-TIRE RECYCLING lines of various capacities, RDK lines from the SIBPROMMASH company, lines from Ecostep and Eldan Recycling.

Processing tires into fuel requires large investments, but the final product is more profitable to sell. This method of processing car tires uses pyrolysis technology. To start production you will need:

  • containers for raw materials and final products;
  • transport system (forklifts, conveyor, cars);
  • machines for removing reinforcement from tires;

A high-quality pyrolysis installation is the most expensive part; it will cost no less than 5 million rubles. With its help, you can process up to 5 tons of raw materials per day. The average yield of liquid fuel at full load will be about 40% of the initial mass of raw materials.

Pyrolysis makes it possible to produce and sell not only fuel, but also gas and metal cord (used for reinforcing car tires). Tire recycling equipment can use the resulting gas as an energy source.

Since pyrolysis plants are expensive, ordering individual plants and ready-made kits from China is popular. Chinese equipment attracts with its price; suppliers usually meet halfway and are ready to do big discounts. But these machines are most often designed for the domestic Chinese market, which can bring some problems:

  • technical documentation in Chinese;
  • low availability of spare parts;
  • possible discrepancy between the actual installation and the declared characteristics.

Pay attention! There is another type of tire recycling - cryogenic. Using this technology, raw materials are first frozen and then crushed. The technology is very effective, but not very popular: you will have to spend at least 30 million rubles on equipment for a cryogenic installation.

Equipment from a Russian manufacturer

Ordering equipment from China sometimes resembles a lottery - the installation can work for years, or it can break down the next day. German and Italian equipment is good because it has accessible documentation in world languages ​​and stable service centers, but the price hits your wallet. If you are not a representative of a large concern, for which a price range of several million rubles is not important, you should take a closer look at domestic equipment.

A two-block line RDK-500 from the Novosibirsk company SIBPROMMASH with a capacity of 500 kg of raw materials per hour will cost approximately 3 million rubles. The first block of the complex separates metal reinforcement and chops tires into large fragments (rubber chips). Contents of the first block:

  • machine for removing bead rings;
  • tire cutting machine;
  • primary grinding machine;
  • steel cord extractor;
  • air and magnetic separator.

The second block is designed for further grinding of tires into fine crumbs. The textile part of the rubber reinforcement is removed and the remaining metal is separated. The total output weight of crumb rubber will be 300 kilograms, textile - 130, metal - 70.

Equipment for processing tires from the Novokuznetsk company ALFA-SPK is interesting due to its large capacity range: the ALFA-TIRE RECYCLING line includes complexes that process 250, 300, 500, 1000 kilograms of raw materials per hour. A dust removal and protection system has been added to the package. Including installation, commissioning and start-up, the ATR line will cost 6-9 million rubles, depending on the selected power.

One of the ATR lines, the video shows the control panel, conveyor, grinders, magnetic separator, and vibrating sieve in operation.

The EcoStep company from Tolyatti operates on a franchise basis. There are several options for equipment configuration:

  • rubber chips production line;
  • automatic crumb rubber production line with a capacity of 500 kg/h;
  • automatic crumb rubber production line with a capacity of 700 kg/h.

Purchasing a franchise will require costs of 950 thousand rubles for the minimum configuration. The company provides commissioning and commissioning services, personnel training and warranty service. The advantages also include concluding an agreement for the purchase of products - you do not have to conquer the sales market on your own. Tire shredding on EcoStep lines is carried out using the hydrocutting method, which means that less money will be spent on replacement knives.

How to choose equipment

Choosing equipment for a processing plant is a responsible matter and should be taken seriously. Firstly, it is worth assessing your financial capabilities and the location of the future plant (closer to delivery from Europe, China or central Russia). Secondly, understand in advance whether you are ready to look for distribution channels on your own.

Important! Equipment from China is cheaper, but may have quality and efficiency issues, and it is rarely possible to test the operation of the line before purchasing it.

Advantage Russian companies the fact that you can verify the effectiveness of the equipment personally, and the documentation will be in Russian.

Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the details of the technological process and familiarize yourself with the lines in real work:

  1. Check the quality of the finished product. The resulting crumb should be free of traces of textile reinforcement, oxidation and burning. The line must receive raw materials reinforced not only with metal, but also with textiles. Compare the actual efficiency of the line with the declared ones technical characteristics, estimate the loss of raw materials in each sector.
  2. Make sure the line is secure. Each processing machine operates at specific temperatures. Compliance of the temperature of the machines with the declared indicators reflects the reliability of the cooling systems. It is also important to monitor the correspondence of energy consumption by the line in real operation.
  3. Check out the details. Find out how many personnel will be required, what qualifications the workers must have. Are transport conveyors included and how are they controlled? It is very important to find out in advance what types of tires the line processes (truck, passenger or utility) and whether the beads are removed before cutting.
  4. Take advantage of other people's experiences. Look at the reviews of the selected company: is their policy transparent? technical documentation and payments, start-up and commissioning of the line are included in the total cost or are paid separately, does the equipment supplier provide a guarantee, where is the closest one to you service center how quickly you will be provided with replacement parts in the event of a breakdown.

Opening your own tire recycling plant is not so difficult: if you have the means and want to be the owner waste-free production, choose a pyrolysis unit. Less money, but do you already have crumb rubber buyers in mind? Then cut tires using domestic machines. There are no clients yet and your budget is limited? Buy a franchise.