Statements by the holy fathers of the church and modern priests about the family. Sayings of the Holy Fathers about work


" GLord, "Your name is Love: do not reject me who is erring. Your name is Strength: strengthen me, weary and falling. Your name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions. Your name is Peace: pacify my restless soul. Your name is Mercy: do not cease have mercy on me." (St. John of Krondstadt )


" INDivine vision is born from attentive prayer, especially mental prayer."

(St. Ignatiy Brianchaninov )


" INBy choosing evil, we ourselves become slaves of evil and violate the freedom of other people."

(bishop Vasily Rodzianko )


" Blet's stay awake! Let us establish good sobriety in the temple of our spirit! If you have sobriety, you will improve your spirit. He who has sobriety has already become the temple of God." (St. Anthony the Great )


" TOhe is exalted by natural talents, that is, wit, understanding, skill in reading and pronunciation, quickness of mind and other abilities that we have acquired without difficulty, he will never receive supernatural benefits, for he who is unfaithful in small things is also unfaithful and vain in many things. " (


" EIf we are attentive to our sins, we will not look at the sins of our neighbor." (Ava Matoi)


" GLord, have mercy on the evil, for You have provided all joys to the good!”


"NSome asked Abba Macarius, saying: How should we pray? The elder answers them: there is no need to talk too much, but often raise your hands and say: Lord, as You want and as You know, have mercy! If temptation comes, say:

“Lord help! And He knows what is good for us, and He does the same with us.” "


"BRat asked the elder, saying: what should the soul do in order for it to bear good fruit? The elder answers him: in my opinion, the work of the soul is silence with wakefulness, abstinence of the body, much physical prayer and inattention to the falls of people."


" PAlways remember God, and your mind will become heaven." (Venerable Neil of Sinai )


"BLet us listen to ourselves, then we will not condemn others; for there are many things in ourselves for which we condemn others." (Venerable Neil of Sinai )


" INgive thanks in sorrows, and the burden of your sins will become lighter.”

(Venerable Neil of Sinai )


" INBelieve that God Himself stands before you in all the things you do every day."

(Venerable Neil of Sinai )


" INwho loves love is not afraid of anything, because true love drives out fear."


" INwhoever loves has no rivalry, no envy, no hatred; he does not rejoice at the fall of others, but sympathizes with them and takes part in them."


"NThere is no measure of patience, if only it is dissolved by love."


"Bugliness is precisely the loss of the image of God. And how understandable our love for icons becomes, because the image always strives for the prototype. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov gave instructions to one mother not to rush to teach her children science, but to prepare her soul first.” (Reverend Ephraim Sirin )


"Bratia asked Abba Agathon, saying: which virtue in asceticism has more work? He replies: forgive me, I think there is no greater work than praying to God without entertainment; for always when a person wants to pray, the enemy tries to distract him; for demons know that nothing opposes them so much as prayer to God. And in every feat, no matter what a person undertakes, while performing it he receives peace, but prayer until the last breath requires struggle."


" Twhen each of us recognizes that there is brotherly love and true love for one’s neighbor in him, when he sees that he cries over his brother’s sins and rejoices over his successes and gifts.” (Reverend John Climacus )


" Eif... the Lord deigns to put kindness, love, non-judgment of your neighbors, and merciful apology for them as the basis of your prayerful deed, then with special ease and speed you will defeat your opponents, you will achieve pure prayer." (Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov )


"Zthose who are preoccupied with earthly things experience sorrow from earthly things; and those who strive for the spiritual about the spiritual get sick."

(Venerable Ephraim the Syrian )


" Ireceived the image of God and did not preserve It, He takes on my flesh in order to save both the image and the flesh to immortalize" (Saint Gregory the Theologian. Homily 45, for Holy Easter ).


" NDo not be deceived: God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, that will he also reap: he who sows to his flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, and he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life." ( Galatians. 6.7-8. )


" XChrist paid much more than we owed, and as much more as the sea is limitless compared to a small drop." (St. John Chrysostom )


" UI am amazed at those numerous people who do not tremble to theologize about God, being filled with sins... We, who know neither ourselves nor what is before our eyes, with audacity and fearlessness begin to philosophize about what is INCOMPREHENSIBLE FOR US, especially being EMPTY FROM THE GRACE of the Holy Spirit, who enlightens and teaches everything." ( Simeon the New Theologian )


" XChrist paid much more than we owed, and as much more as the sea is limitless compared to a small drop" ( St. John Chrysostom )

"ABOUTWe feel bidu when our soul is sick. She needs to be treated with such “mud baths”. You must tolerate scolders, prepare yourself in advance, in the morning or even in the evening, that you will be scolded today. Tell yourself: “The devil sees that I am here praying, saving myself, confessing well and cleansing myself. He wants to drive me out of this temple. But I will not leave. God will help me, and I will endure.” Set yourself up like this: the day on which I was not scolded was in vain." (Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov)


"INEvery person who likes to show off is vain. The fast of a vain person remains without reward, and his prayer is fruitless; for he does both for the praise of men.” (Venerable John Climacus)


"Ta vain man is an idolater. He thinks he honors God, but in reality he pleases not God, but people." (Reverend John Climacus)


"NJudge and do not destroy anyone, because this makes the heart weak and the mind blinded..." (Venerable Barsanuphius and John )


"Nconstantly be awake, studying the law of God, for through this the heart is warmed with heavenly fire..." (Venerable Vasanuphius and John )


"Ndon't speak with anger. Let your words, like your silence, be filled with prudence and wisdom. The words of our wisest fathers were reasonable and wise, and their silence was similar."(Venerable Anthony Veliki th)

"NYou don’t need to change the world, change only a small part of this world - yourself, and the whole world will change after you." (Monk Simeon of Athos. "Great is the power of any humble prayer. There is no case that it will not be fulfilled, although not always so, as people want, but even better. Therefore, we must end all our requests as the Lord ended His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane: “Nevertheless, not My will, but Thine be done.” (OK. 22.42 ). (Archimandrite John Krestyankin )


"M )


" P ( Elder Joseph the Hesychast)


"A(Saint Basil the Great )


"H(St. Anthony )


"G(Saint John Chrysostom )


"N(Elder Paisios of Athonite )


"L(O. Pavel Florensky )


. (St. John Chrysostom )


"WITH(St. Alexy Mechev.)


"MThe prayers composed by heretics are very similar to the prayers of the pagans: they contain many verbs; they contain the earthly beauty of words; the blood is heated in them; they lack repentance; in them there is a desire for the marriage of the Son of God directly from the fornication of passions; they contain self-delusion. They are alien to the Holy Spirit: the deadly infection of the dark spirit, the evil spirit, the spirit of lies and destruction emanates from them." (Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov )


" Ppeople's claims to be received by monks at any time is new way, which is multiplied here on the Holy Mountain. Wherever you go, the fathers will welcome you hospitably. And our duty is to continue the sober tradition of St. Fathers such as St. Gregory Palamas. When he labored here on Mount Athos, he ran away and hid in gorges and caves, trying in every way to achieve solitude in order to skillfully cultivate mental prayer, strictly maintaining his silent charter." ( Elder Joseph the Hesychast)


"Ad cannot be made attractive, so the devil makes the road there attractive." (Saint Basil the Great )


"HA humble person lives on earth as in the Kingdom of Heaven, always cheerful and calm, and happy with everything." (St. Anthony )


"Gdecide - evil; but an even graver evil is to deny it after committing a sin. This in particular is the weapon of the devil." (Saint John Chrysostom )


"NWe must be careful not to appropriate the gifts that God has given us to ourselves. You need to thank God and worry about not being unworthy of such gifts." (Elder Paisios of Athonite )


"LLove is a talent given for growth, through which everyone enriches and grows himself, absorbing the other. In what way? - Through giving of oneself.” (O. Pavel Florensky )




"WITHThe chance to do good to someone is God's mercy to us." (St. Alexy Mechev.)


« Never talk about Christ until you are asked, but live so that you will be asked.” (Blessed Augustine)


« There has never been, is not and never will be a carefree place on earth. A sad place can only be in the heart when the Lord is in it.”

(St. Nikon Optinsky)


« A thought is like a ship’s rudder: the direction and, for the most part, the fate of the entire huge machine depends on a small rudder, on this insignificant plank trailing behind the ship.” (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov)


« When the Lord forgives dead sinners, then their sins do not fall on the shoulders of their descendants. That's the point church prayers for the dead, so that the Lord would forgive their sins and so that the punishment would not fall on their children.” (St. Nicholas of Serbia)


« In life, the one who is always right is the one who relies not on logic, not on common sense, but the one who proceeds from one supreme law - the law of Love. All other laws are nothing before Love, which not only guides hearts, but moves the sun and other stars. He who has this law lives in him; whoever is guided only by philosophy, by reason, dies.” (priest Alexander Elchaninov)


« Christ with his life showed us a perfect example of true virtuous living; in Him, as if in the purest mirror, we see our shortcomings, and, having seen them, we correct them, correct them, and improve. “Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life,” leading us to the desired Fatherland.” (mpl. Moscow Plato)


« There are many zealous Christians who make their own large lists those for whom they pray every day. They must understand that if they have the boldness to ask the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ in their prayer for a solution to someone’s questions or some kind of goodness, then they must understand that they will endure great temptations for this, for nothing is ever easy in this life. It happens. And, if you ask for someone, then you will have to bear the burdens for him in full: those that this person himself did not want to bear, and he himself does not ask for mercy for himself in prayer. Just as the Lord Jesus Christ accepted the Cross for us, so you too will bear the sins of those for whom you offer your prayers. This does not mean that you should not pray for your neighbors, but you must be aware of what you are doing with complete seriousness. Mercy is a great feat! May there be great mercies from the Lord to those who carry out this feat, but first we must still be able to survive it.” (Reverend Ambrose of Optina)


« The book of Psalms is a mirror in which the sinful human soul with all its passions, sins, iniquities, and ailments is not only reflected in its present form, but also finds healing in the Psalms.” (St. Athanasius of Alexandria)


« When you don’t have peace of mind, know that you don’t have humility in yourself.” (St. Lef Optinsky)


« To be angry and irritated is nothing more than punishing yourself for other people’s stupidities.” (elder Arseny Minin)


« Imagine how hard it is for an angry person, because he has hell in his soul.” (schema Savva)


« And fulfilling God's will“, a person is related to God, and then, without asking God, he accepts, continuously takes water from the Spring.”

(Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets)


« Nand that, even the Holy Scripture itself, will not give a person knowledge about the Truth, about God, as soon as a pure heart. Therefore, until a person ceases to be proud, voluptuous, envious, disobedient, slanderer, traitor, etc., the truth will not be revealed to him, because the heart cannot contain this Truth, because it is filled with sin. We can be indignant at our disorganizations in life as much as we want, but we will never understand the essence until we begin to cleanse our hearts of spiritual impurities ». (Elder Silouan)


« P the disobedient person has placed all his trust in God, and therefore his soul is always in God, and the Lord gives him His grace, and this grace teaches all good and gives strength to remain in goodness. The disobedient always acts according to his own will, rejecting the will of the Creator, which is aimed at preserving man in goodness and prosperity, and therefore suffers from his pride.” (Elder Silouan)


« P The highest and first virtue is obedience. This is the most important acquisition for a person. Christ came into the world for the sake of obedience. And man’s life on earth is obedience to God.” (St. Nectarius of Optina)


« P disobedience is necessary not only for monks, but for every person. Even the Lord was obedient. The proud and self-righteous do not allow themselves to live in grace and therefore never have peace of mind, but the grace of the Holy Spirit easily enters the soul of an obedient one and gives him joy and peace.” (St. Silouan the Athonite)


« WITH The power and life of all a person’s passions are concentrated in his corrupted will: obedience, binding and killing the will, binds and kills all passions together.” (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov)


« P disobedience preserves a person from pride; for obedience, prayer and the grace of the Holy Spirit are given. That is why obedience is higher than fasting and prayer.” (St. Silouan the Athonite)


« ABOUT The teaching that, having descended into hell, Christ granted everyone the opportunity of salvation and opened the doors to heaven for everyone, should be recognized as universal church doctrine. Christ, by His death, trampled death, abolished the power of the devil and destroyed hell. At the same time, the devil, death, and hell continue to exist, but their power over people is not unconditional and unlimited: “Hell reigns, but does not reign eternally over the human race.” (mt. Illarion Alfeev)


« WITH Do not judge the priest - fear this most of all. You cannot even understand in what Sacrament he is a participant. His one tear of repentance falling on the Throne is enough to wash away all his sins.” (Elder Mikhail Pitkevich)


« E If you throw paper or garbage into the firebox, won’t they burn? It's the same in spiritual man: everything that the devil does not throw at him burns - “Consuming fire”! When the Divine flame ignites in a person, everything burns out. Bad thoughts no longer stick. That is, the devil does not stop throwing evil thoughts at him, but man has spiritual “fire” and burns them. And then the devil gets tired and stops fighting. That's why the ap says. Paul: “Everything is pure and pure.” For the pure, everything is pure, nothing is unclean. Even if you throw clean people into a swamp, they will remain as clean as Sun rays, which no matter what they fall on, remain light and pure.” (Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets)


« IN someone stands against you, endure it, wait. After all, humility is great power! Be silent and don’t make excuses, even if you were right, because the Lord allowed this for our humility, for our inner healing. We are all sick: some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, which means there is something to heal in our soul.” (architect Ambrosy Yurasov)


« X Christianity is not a religion of external rules - it is a religion of a renewed inner man. A person must have God's law written within him. We must pay attention to our insides: “Create a pure heart in me, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb.” (Ptr. Andrey Tkachev)


« IN All martyrs for Christ are examples of high intelligence and wisdom in that they knew the One true God, the need for the grace of Christ, its Divine power. For this, they renounced all earthly goods and sensual pleasures, and decided to endure the most severe suffering in order to keep their thoughts, conscience, heart, soul and body pure for the sake of the Glory of God, which shone in them with all its strength. Their martyrdom also shines for us on the path of Truth and Salvation.” (St. Philaret Drozdov)


« E If your life were worth nothing, it would not have been bought at such a high price as the Sacrifice on the Cross of our Savior Lord Jesus Christ.” (igm. Nikon Vorobiev)


« R my hell, where God is, there is no evil.” (St. Seraphim of Sarov)


« I I saw all the traps the enemy had set on the ground, and said with a sigh: “Who can get around them”?! Then I heard a voice saying “humble”..." (St. Anthony the Great)


« TO When people are dissatisfied with each other and quarrel, their hearts grow apart. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The angrier they get, the louder they scream."

« L People in love speak quietly because their hearts are very close and the distance between them is very small.

If love is strong, then no words are needed, people just look at each other and understand everything without words " (St. Isaac the Syrian)


« T Eagerly bearing the Cross is true repentance.” (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov)


« G The Lord forbids condemnation, not denunciation, for denunciation serves to benefit, and condemnation is an insult and humiliation, especially in the case when someone himself, having grave sins, reproaches others and condemns those who have much lesser sins, for which only God alone can judge, for “with the judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (Matthew 7:2) (St. Nile the Myrrh-Streaming)


« WITH traps cannot humble us, so the Lord allows us to fall into every shame, so that a person involuntarily comes to the consciousness of his insignificance and ugliness.” (abbot Nikon Vorobyov)


« AND Truth is not a thought, not a word, not a relationship between things, not a law. Truth is Personality, it is the Being of everything. If you seek the Truth with love and for the sake of love, She will reveal to you the Light of Her face as much as you can bear It, “without burning out”..." (St. Nicholas of Serbia)


« AND Live peacefully not only with friends, but also with enemies, but only with your enemies, and not with the enemies of God.” (St. Theodosius of Pechersk)


« TO when anger flares up in your heart against someone, then believe with all your heart. that it is the work of the devil operating in the heart; hate him and his offspring, and she will leave you (don’t recognize her for something of your own, don’t sympathize with her).” (St. John of Krondstadt)


« B one who fears God is not afraid of the demons striving against him, nor their weak attacks, nor threats evil people. Being all like a kind of flame and scorching fire, even when he passes through dark, unlit places, he puts to flight demons who, more than he, flee from him, so as not to be scorched by the ray of Divine fire emanating from him.” (St. Simeon the New Theologian)


« WITH vet, entering dark house, drives out darkness from him and illuminates him: so the “fear of the Lord,” which has entered the human heart, disperses the darkness, fills it with all virtues and wisdom.” (St. Anthony the Great)


« TO then he fears the Lord, he becomes above all fear, he has eliminated and left far behind him all the fears of this world, and no fear will come close to him.” (St. Ephraim the Syrian)


« E If someone hears an upsetting word and, instead of responding with a similar insult, overcomes himself and remains silent, or, being deceived, endures it and does not take revenge on the deceiver, then he will thereby lay down his life for his neighbor.” (St. Abba Pimen)


« WITH The Holy Spirit teaches us to love our neighbor holy. Love fueled by the Holy Spirit is Fire. This Fire extinguishes the fire of natural, carnal love, damaged by the Fall.” (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov)


« L Everyone must be loved, because every person is the image of God, even if it, that is, the image of God, is contaminated in a person. He can wash himself (by repentance) and be clean again.” (St. Nikon of Optina).


« E If love is not in God and not from God, then it is only a sensual passion that people use like a drug in order to delight a life devoid of any meaning with this little nonsense.” (St. Nicholas of Serbia)


« G willingness to drink the cup of another's sorrow is love ». (St. Nicholas of Serbia)


« L Love is the Queen of all feelings, noble and positive. Truly there is love shortest path to the Kingdom of Heaven. Love has destroyed the division between God and man." (St. Nicholas of Serbia)


« TO then he does not love, he has not known God, because God is Love.” (1 John 4:7-8)

Rev. Ambrose Optinsky:

You must definitely go to church services, otherwise you will be sick. The Lord punishes us with illness for this.

It happens that illness seizes to awaken a sleeping soul.

Just as medicine benefits the body, so does disease benefit the soul.

Illness relieves many spiritual passions. The Apostle Paul says: “...if our outer man... decays, yet our inner man... is renewed” (2 Cor. 4:16).

Illness is not a misfortune, but a lesson and a visit from God; the sick Venerable Seraphim was visited by the Mother of God; and we, if we humbly endure the disease, are visited by Higher Powers.

Health is a gift from God, said St. Seraphim of Sarov, - but this gift is not always useful: like any suffering, illness has the power to cleanse us from spiritual filth, atone for sins, humble and soften our soul, make us come to our senses, recognize our weakness and remember God. Therefore, both we and our children need diseases.

When you are bothered by inconvenience or painful suffering, or something similar, then try not to lose from your memory the words of Holy Scripture: “Through many tribulations it is fitting for us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”

God does not require physical feats from the sick, but only patience with humility and gratitude.

Once I came to Fr. Hegumen Anthony is sick with his legs and says: “Father, my legs hurt, I can’t bow down, and this confuses me.” Father Anthony answered him: “Yes, the Scripture says: “Son, give Me heart,” and not nose.”

St. Theophan the Recluse:

The Lord sends illnesses for this reason, in order to remember about death and move from memory to so that the sick person finally attends to preparing for death.

Our illnesses mostly come from sins, why the best remedy to preventing and healing from them is not to sin.

It happens that God, through illness, protects others from trouble that they would not have escaped if they were healthy.

Suffering, if it embitters the sick person without transforming him or giving him a beneficial reaction (correction and thanksgiving), is only pure evil.

All the most severe sorrows and misfortunes are endured by people more easily than serious bodily illnesses. An undoubted expert in the matter of tormenting and tormenting people - Satan - testified before the face of God Himself that bodily illnesses are more unbearable than all other misfortunes, and that a person, courageously and meekly enduring other disasters, can weaken in his patience and waver in his devotion to God, having been subjected to a serious illness .

The Lord heals many diseases through doctors and other means. But there are diseases, the cure of which is prohibited by the Lord, when he sees that illness is more necessary for salvation than health.

It is a great feat to patiently endure illnesses and, among them, to sing songs of gratitude to God.

The elder inspired his sick friend: “We must pray more often: “Lord! Give me patience here, forgiveness there.”

However, during those hours when there is a service in church, it is better not to lie down, but to sit on the bed, leaning, if infirmity overcomes, against the wall, and so pray intelligently and heartily, with full desire and cheerfulness of spirit.

A father will not give his children a stone instead of bread or a snake instead of fish. If the natural father does not do this, much less will the Heavenly Father do this. And our petitions often resemble the petition of a snake and a stone. It seems to us that this is what we ask for, bread and fish, but the Heavenly Father sees that what we ask for will be a stone or a snake for us - and does not give what we ask for. The father and mother pour out warm prayers before God for their son, that he may arrange the best for him, but at the same time they also express what they consider to be the best for their son, namely, that he be alive, healthy and happy. The Lord hears their prayer and arranges the best for their son, only not according to the concept of those asking, but as it actually is for their son: he sends a disease from which the son dies. For those for whom everything ends in real life, this is not hearing, but doing in defiance or giving the person for whom they are praying to his fate; for believers, that real life only preparation for another life, there can be no doubt that the son for whom they prayed fell ill and died precisely because the prayer was heard and that it was better for him to leave here than to stay here. You say: so what should we pray for? No, it is impossible not to pray, but in prayers about certain objects one must always keep in mind the condition: “If, Lord, You Yourself find this saving.” St. Isaac the Syrian advises shortening every prayer like this: “You, Lord, know what is good for me: do with me according to Your will.”

In illness, before doing anything else, one must hasten to be cleansed of sins in the Sacrament of Repentance and to be reconciled with God in one’s conscience.

Sin not only affects the soul, but also the body. In other cases it is quite obvious; in others, although it is not so clear, the truth remains the truth that illnesses of the body are always and always from sins and for the sake of sins. Sin occurs in the soul and directly makes it sick, but since the life of the body comes from the soul, then from a sick soul, of course, life is not healthy. The very fact that sin brings darkness and darkness should have an adverse effect on the blood, in which the basis of bodily health is based. But when you remember that it separates a person from God, the Source of life, and puts a person in discord with all the laws operating both in himself and in nature, then one must still marvel at how a sinner remains alive after sin. This is the mercy of God, awaiting repentance and conversion. Consequently, the sick person, before doing anything else, must hasten to cleanse himself of sins and reconcile himself with God in his conscience. This will pave the way for the beneficial effects of medicines. It is known that there was some significant doctor who did not begin treatment until the patient confessed and received Holy Communion; and the more difficult the illness, the more persistently he demanded it.

St. rights John of Kronstadt:

Sick and poor - do not complain or grumble about your fate, about God and people, do not envy someone else’s happiness, beware of despondency and especially despair, submit completely to God’s Providence.

Beware that the hater of good does not lead you into ingratitude or murmuring, then you will lose everything.

Thou shalt not kill. By the way, doctors also kill out of ignorance of the patient’s illness, prescribing him harmful medications. Those who do not want to be treated or treat a patient who needs the help of a doctor also kill. Those who kill are those who irritate a patient for whom irritation is fatal, for example, a person susceptible to consumption, and thereby hasten his death. Those who kill are those who do not promptly, out of stinginess or for other evil reasons, provide medical benefits to the sick or bread to the hungry.

St. Demetrius of Rostov:

The Lord makes up for the lack of our good deeds either with illnesses or sorrows.

Patericon of Athos

The brother asked Abba Arseny: “There are some good people“Why are they subjected to great sorrow at the time of death, being stricken with bodily illness?” “Because,” the elder answered, “so that we, as if we had finished with salt here, would go there clean.”

One elder said about poor Lazar: “Not a single virtue is visible in him that he did,” and only one thing was found in him, that he never grumbled against the Lord, as if he did not show him mercy, but with He endured his illness with gratitude, and therefore God accepted him.

Abba Daniel said: as the body blooms, the soul is exhausted, and as the body is exhausted, the soul flourishes.

Every time your body is struck or inflamed with a strong fever, and also languishes with an unbearable thirst - if you are a sinner, then bear it, remembering the future punishment, eternal fire and execution by the court, and “do not despise” the present (punishments) (Heb. 12:5), but rejoice that God visited you, and repeat this beautiful saying: “The Lord punished me severely, but did not put me to death” (Ps. 117:18). You are iron, and fire will cleanse your rust. If you, being righteous, fell into illness, then through this you will succeed from less to more. You are gold, and through the fire you became purer... Are we losing our eyes? - let us endure this without burden, for through this we are deprived of the organs of gluttony and are enlightened with our inner eyes. Have we gone deaf? - Let us thank God that we have completely lost our vain hearing. Have your hands become weak? - But we have within ourselves hands prepared to fight the enemy. Will weakness take over the whole body? - But from this, on the contrary, the health of the inner person increases.

Rev. Pimen the Many-Painful:

The Lord, out of love for us, sends illness and sorrow according to the strength of each, but also gives them patience in order to make us participants in His suffering; whoever did not suffer here for Christ’s sake will be remorseful in the next century, - after all, it was possible to show his love for Christ by enduring illness and sorrows, and did not do this, trying to evade and avoid all sorrows... Not in anger, not for punishment The Lord sends us illnesses and sorrows, but out of love for us, although not all people and do not always understand this.

When you are sick, do not wish yourself to die - it is sinful.

The most best thanks God for recovery from illness is to serve Him the rest of your life in fulfilling His commandments.

When we see a sick person, we will not poorly explain to ourselves the cause of his illness, but we will try to console him.

If a person grumbles about illness and sorrow, looks for the culprit for these sorrows among people (bewitched, made), demons, circumstances, begins to try by all means to avoid them, then the enemy will help him in this, show him the imaginary culprits (bosses, orders, neighbors, etc., etc.), will arouse in him enmity and hatred towards them, a desire to take revenge, insult, etc., and through this will lead the soul of such a person into darkness, despair, hopelessness, the desire to go to another place, to hide even underground, only not to see, not to hear imaginary enemies, but in fact listening and pleasing his real mortal enemy - the devil, who inspires him with all this and wants to destroy him.

One should not refuse to help the sick for fear of contracting their disease.

Visiting those lying on their beds who are sick and possessed by the sorrow of the flesh delivers from the demon of pride and fornication.

In illness, on the advice of a doctor, we can allow ourselves to temporarily eat fasting food, but in this case we must remember that we are doing this out of necessity, and not for pleasure and enjoyment.

Visit the sick, may God visit you.

The sick person and whoever serves him receives equal reward.

Rev. Anatoly Optinsky:

It doesn’t matter that you are sick: for sinful people this is cleansing; Just as fire cleanses iron from rust, so illness heals the soul.

Reflect on the fact that everything here is fleeting, but the future is eternal. The sick person needs to console himself by reading the Divine Scripture and the suffering of the Savior.

The Lord accepts patience with illness instead of fasting and prayer.

Elder Arseny of Athos:

Thank God that you are on a good path: your illness is a great gift from God; Praise and give thanks for this and for everything day and night - and your soul will be saved.

The devil attacks the dangerously sick more strongly, knowing that he has little time.

It happens that some patients use fasting food as medicine during Lent, and then they repent of this, that due to illness they violated the rules of the Holy Church about fasting. But everyone needs to look and act according to their own conscience and consciousness... It is better to choose from lean foods that are nutritious and digestible for your stomach.

Do not grieve if, due to illness, you sometimes cannot fulfill the prayer rule, but thank God for the illness, for it is the same as prayer, if we endure it without grumbling and with thanksgiving.

In dangerous illnesses, take care first of clearing your conscience and the peace of your soul.

Blazh. Jerome:

The main reason for cowardice and murmuring against God in days of suffering for many is a lack of faith in God and hope in His Divine Providence. A true Christian believes that everything that happens to us in life is done according to the will of God; that without the will of God not a hair from our head falls to the ground. If God sends him suffering and sorrow, then he sees in this either a punishment sent to him from God for his sins, or a test of faith and love for Him; and therefore, not only is he not faint-hearted and does not grumble against God for this, but, humbled under the strong hand of God, he also thanks God for not forgetting him; that, out of His mercy, God wants to replace eternal sorrows for him with temporary ones; stricken with grief, he speaks to righteous David: “It is good for me, Lord, for you have humbled me, that I may learn through your justification.”

In diseases, care should be taken to cure them.

If you are sick, then invite an experienced doctor and use the remedies prescribed by him. For this purpose, so many beneficial plants arise from the earth. If you reject them out of pride, you will hasten your death and become a suicide.

St. Gregory the Theologian:

Truly, through bodily illnesses the soul approaches God.

Rev. Nicodemus Svyatogorets:

When, for example, a sick person is disposed to graciously endure his illness and endures it, the enemy, knowing that in this way he will be confirmed in the virtue of patience, comes to upset his goodwill. For this purpose, he begins to bring to mind many good deeds that he could have done if he had been in a different position, and tries to convince him that if he were healthy, how good he would serve God, and how much benefit he would bring both himself and others: he would go to church, have conversations, read and write for the edification of his neighbors, etc. Noticing that such thoughts are accepted, the enemy more often brings them to mind, multiplies and colors them, brings them to feeling, causes desires and impulses to business, imagines how well this or that business would go for him, and arouses regret that he is bound hand and foot by illness. Little by little, with frequent repetitions of such thoughts and movements in the soul, desire turns into dissatisfaction and annoyance. The former complacent patience is thus upset, and illness is no longer presented as a cure from God and a field for the virtue of patience, but as something hostile to the cause of salvation, and the desire to free oneself from it becomes uncontrollable, still in the form of obtaining through it space for doing good and pleasing God in every way. Having brought him to this point, the enemy steals from his mind and heart this good goal of the desire for recovery and, leaving only the desire for health as health, makes him look annoyed at illness, not as an obstacle to good, but as something hostile in itself. As a result, impatience, not healed by good thoughts, takes strength and turns into grumbling, and deprives the patient of his former peace from complacent patience. And the enemy rejoices that he managed to upset.

Whether you are sick or poor, endure. God does not require anything from you except patience. By enduring complacently, you will continuously be in good deeds. Whenever God looks at you, He will see that you are doing good or are in goodness if you patiently endure, whereas in a healthy person good deeds come intermittently. Why, wanting to change your situation, do you want to exchange the best for the worst?

Rev. Barsanuphius the Great:

Showing bodily illnesses to a doctor is not a sin, but humility.

The patient must fast on Wednesday and Friday, and on other days he is allowed to eat meat, except meat.

Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky:

One elder, suffering from water sickness, said to the brethren who came to him with a desire to treat him: “Fathers, pray that my inner man will not be subjected to such a disease, and as for the real disease, I ask God that He will not suddenly freed me from it, for as much as “our outer man decays,” so “our inner man is renewed”” (2 Cor. 4:16).

St. Tikhon of Zadonsk:

If you are in a long-term illness and have any consolation from those who serve you, then look at those who suffer grief and sadness inside, are covered with wounds on the outside and have no one to serve them, feed them, give them something to drink, raise them, wash their wounds - and they endure.

St. Philaret of Moscow:

Lightening fasting for the weak is permissible according to church rules (Apostle, canon 69).

St. Ignatius Brianchaninov:

One of the parish priests became ill, and, approaching his death, he saw his bed surrounded by demons who were preparing to kidnap his soul and bring him down to hell. Then three Angels appeared. One of them stood at the bedside and began to argue about the soul with the most disgusting demon, who was holding an open book in which all the sins of the priest were written down. Meanwhile, another priest came to admonish his brother. Confession began; the sick man, fixing his frightened gaze on the book, pronounced his sins with selflessness, as if spewing them out of himself - and what does he see? He clearly sees that as soon as he uttered any sin, this sin disappeared in the book, in which there remained a gap instead of a record. Thus, by confession, he blotted out all his sins from the demonic book, and, having received healing, spent the rest of his days in deep repentance, telling his neighbors for their edification their vision, sealed by the miraculous healing.

Hegumen Nikon (Vorobiev):

The Lord sent you illness not in vain, and not so much as a punishment for previous sins, but out of love for you, in order to tear you away from a sinful life and put you on the path of salvation. Thank God for this, who takes care of you.

In addition to prayer, you should have a spiritual interlocutor who will relieve you from sorrow and despondency.

“What a bridle is to a horse, so is work to our nature. God gave you hands not so that you could accept from others, but so that you could work and give to those in need.” (St. John Chrysostom)

* * *

“He who is busy with work will not soon allow anything unnecessary in deeds, and in words, and in thought, since his whole soul is completely devoted to a hard-working life” (John Chrysostom)

“Bodily fasting alone is not enough to achieve perfect purity of chastity; it must be surpassed by repentant contrition of spirit and persistent prayer against this unclean spirit; then constant teaching in the Scriptures combined with mental work, also physical labor and handicrafts” (Cassian Roman)

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“True work cannot be without humility, for work in itself is vanity and is not counted as anything” (Reverend Barsanuphius the Great)

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“Let us not be ashamed of crafts and let us consider it dishonor not work, but idleness and idleness” (John Chrysostom)

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“The intention of piety should not serve as an excuse for laziness and escape from work, but as an incentive to even greater work” (St. Basil the Great)

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“There has never been a single person who, without labor, anxiety and severe embarrassment, reached the Kingdom of God.” (St. Theophan the Recluse)

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“Our life is fraught with work, since without work we usually become corrupted. Our nature cannot remain idle, otherwise it easily leans toward evil.” (St. John Chrysostom)

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“Bodily labors are instruments of virtue and are saving for the soul.” (St. Anthony the Great)

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“Bodily labor brings purity of heart, and purity of heart makes the soul bear fruit.” (St. Anthony the Great)

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“Whoever runs to God and asks for His help in any work will find peace in work.” (St. Isaiah the Hermit)

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“He who does not rely on his own labors feels God’s help the most.” (St. Isaiah the Hermit)

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“Whoever talks idlely during business is amused in business, but whoever immerses his thoughts in holy word, he will have more time.” (St. Ephraim the Syrian)

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“Try to finish your day's work on the appointed day, and the mind, unfettered by care and sadness, will have free time for prayer."
(St. Ephraim the Syrian)

* * *

“If you go out with your brothers to share, then, to the extent of the strength given to you by the Lord, help the weaker, knowing that you will receive a reward from the Lord for your work and compassion. If you are weak and weak, then do not talk much, give orders and take liberties, but rather remain silent and silent, and the Lord, seeing your humility, will convince the heart of your brethren not to place a burden on you.” (St. Ephraim the Syrian)

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“One should not shy away from work; on the contrary, if brother helps brother, then they will be elusive in the devil’s snares.” (St. Ephraim the Syrian)

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“Whoever does not like to work, through inaction, feeds passions and gives freedom to desires to rush towards objects related to them, which is especially revealed during prayer; for then the attention of the mind is completely absorbed in what the heart is occupied with, and all it does is think through what is suggested by passion, instead of talking with God and asking Him for what is useful for itself.

Business is an anchor for thought and gives it a safe direction. Even though storms are approaching from everywhere and gusts of wind threaten destruction, thought stands steadily, held by action like an anchor; She is somewhat worried by rising thoughts, but is not carried away into danger, because the bonds that hold her are stronger than the winds that drive her. (St. Neil of Sinai)

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“When praying, work is required from a strong body; without it, the heart will not be broken, prayer will be powerless and untrue.” (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov)

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“We must first put in the work and sweat, then the fruits will begin to show. But the urgent condition is not to feel sorry for yourself (not to feel sorry for yourself does not mean heaping mountains on yourself.” (St. Theophan the Recluse)

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Life is work; labor is life. Moderate physical labor is very useful in cultivating virtues, but vices develop from inaction. (Abba Isaiah)

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“To feed ourselves, let us work in trust in God. Do not mourn the work; many, doing nothing, were burdened by self-carelessness.” (St. Ephraim the Syrian)

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“Get your daily food not with hidden money, but with your own labor.” (St. John Cassian)

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“You are no better than Paul, no better than Peter, who never had peace, but spent their whole lives in hunger, thirst and nakedness. If you want to get what they get, then go the narrow way.” (St. John Chrysostom)

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“He who does not have extra time is hardworking.” (St. Nilus of Sinai)

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“Poverty is like a courier: it soon overtakes the lazy.” (Prov. 6, 11)

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“Know that if, being healthy, you live at someone else’s expense, then you are eating up the property of the poor and weak.” (St. Gregory the Theologian)

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“Do the works of your ministry gracefully and carefully, as if you were serving Christ.” (ancient monastic regulations)

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“Just as fresh waters, turning into stagnant waters, spoil, so the human soul and body spoil from idleness. He who lives in idleness sins continually.” (St. Tikhon of Zadonsk)

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“A lazy and idle life is the same as an idle and uncultivated field, on which nothing grows except worthless herbs.” (Filaret Archbishop of Chernigov)

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“To eat your bread by the sweat of your brow is God’s penance.” (St. Theophan the Recluse)

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“When you get up in the morning, say to yourself: “Work your body to feed you; Be sober, soul, that you may inherit the Kingdom.” (St. Basil the Great)

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“Jesus Christ bore bodily labor, the Apostle Paul labored continuously, and for everyone piety should be considered not a reason for inaction, but an incentive to greater labor.” (St. Basil the Great)

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“The apostle commands that one should work, and that he who does not work should not even eat.” (ancient monastic regulations)

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“The present life is all given to labors and exploits, and the future – to crowns and rewards.” (ancient monastic regulations)

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“We must do every deed as if it were being done in the sight of the Lord, and formulate every thought as if the Lord were watching it.” (ancient monastic regulations)

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“The apostle teaches to live quietly, in one’s place, not to be curious about rumors and the fables of everyday life, to correct oneself more, to work with one’s own hands, not to desire gifts and alms, to withdraw from the disorderly.” (St. John Cassian)

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“Work and prayer, prayer and work—this is the most proper and best use of the time God gives us daily.”

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“According to the commandment of God, devote one day out of the week for complete service to God; on the rest of the days, try to devote at least certain hours from your work and activities and devote them to prayerful conversation with God, mainly and certainly in the morning, after rising from sleep, and in the evening, before going to bed.” (St. John Chrysostom).

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“If you stretch out your hand to work, then let your tongue sing and your mind pray; for God requires that we always remember Him.” (St. Nilus of Sinai)

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“Life is work; work is life." (Abba Isaiah)

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“Moderate physical labor is very useful in cultivating virtues, but vices proliferate from inaction.” (Abba Isaiah)

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“The Angel of the Lord himself taught to alternate prayer with difficulty.” (St. Anthony the Great)

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“He who lives in idleness sins continually.” (St. Tikhon of Zadonsk)

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“Whoever is able should work and share with those in need. For whoever does not want to work is not considered worthy to eat.” (St. Basil the Great)

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“Man, imitate the earth, bear fruit for others, as the earth bears for you.” (St. Basil the Great)

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“You should not eat bread in idleness, because you are able to work.” (ancient monastic regulations)

“Lord, help you to be greatly strengthened by His spirit, and you need to take care of this, and if you are sick, if you are not collected within yourself, and when you are sick, turn to the Lord. This cannot be obtained on your own; but it doesn’t come without difficulty. From there and from here it is necessary, but it is necessary. First, God created light, and then gathered it into luminaries. So it is with us. There is goodness, but it is scattered or spilled. We need to bring everything into one. And, it seems, the soul asks for this... but it doesn’t guess. And most importantly, there is self-pity. Lord have mercy on us! Without labor and self-compulsion we will not succeed in anything. Even just a little bit, you have to force yourself, even if just by a hair's breadth. When there is zeal and zeal, everything will go well. But true jealousy is merciless towards itself. Is there more to it and is the foundation good? - The foundation is here: a deep feeling of sinfulness and irresponsibility before God. All hope then is the Savior; - and hence the incessant: Lord have mercy!” (St. Theophan the Recluse)

† "Vainous world! False light! There is nothing good in you! A complete lie! A complete deception! You deceive us, you laugh at us, you mock us. You show us years, and pleasures, and long health, but suddenly death overtakes us. And all this bursts like bubbles, tears like a cobweb.

Such, my beloved child, such is worldly joy!

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† “Where there is obedience, humility and feat, demons can never captivate a person. Bitterness, disobedience and pride give rise to despondency and negligence, and then all the demons come and turn a person’s soul into a dung pit and a stable. And they do not calm down until will not make him guilty of new and old sins and completely captive"

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "The path to acquiring love for God is to associate oneself with sacrifice. God is loved insofar as a person begins to sacrifice everything for God"

schema-abbot Savva of Pskov-Pechersky

† “Do not learn to fall easily. For with each fall the fortress wall of the soul collapses, and the entrance for the enemy becomes more and more free, until he finally makes the defeated prisoner.”

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "without [humility] this great virtue no one could achieve salvation, and there is no other door except the door of humility through which anyone could enter the Kingdom of Heaven"

Elder Cleopas (Ilie)

† "Do not relax and do not accept thoughts. Call on Christ constantly. Before the tempter has time to form a thought in your mind, destroy it with prayer. Do not leave it. And if you leave the uncleanness that the enemy throws into your soul, a short time he'll bury you in it"

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "To overcome the war of prodigy, no matter what stage it is at, we must, first of all, ask for grace from the Good God. This is not a short-term battle, because we definitely need to achieve complete victory. First, everyone sees that he is powerless to resist it, but with God all things are possible"

Archimandrite Arseny (Daddy)

† “Don’t start your prayer at random, but first gather your mind and think a little about death and what will follow it.”

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† “If against your will you endure illness, cold, annoyance, reproach, ridicule - remember the King, without whose will and knowledge nothing happens. Since He allowed this, this is the most necessary thing - the best for you. You often pray:

"Thy will be done."

So reject your will, subordinating it to the will of God."

† "The divine fathers say:

Pride goes before a fall,

and grace is humility"

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† “pride of mind is a demonic disease, for a person struck by it believes that he is great, that he is smarter than others and no longer needs the advice and help of anyone. May the Most Good God save us from this passion and demonic disease!”

Elder Cleopas (Ilie)

† “Become your mind firmly in God, and the moment will come when the immortal Spirit will touch your heart.”

Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov)

† “God always hears prayer for everyone, while He always turns away from idle talk, even if it seems to be spiritual”

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "Torment and even death are not evil. Sin, ignorance of God, negligence - this is evil, the death of the soul"

Archimandrite Seraphim (Rosenberg)

† “Blows are necessary for the salvation of our soul, because they cleanse the soul. The more you beat and rub clothes, the cleaner they become. Likewise, blows make octopuses and cuttlefish softer and cleanse them of black liquid.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† "The Lord wants us to be like Him in

His love. And God's love is humble love."

Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov)

† "The most reliable weapon against enemy thoughts is the Jesus Prayer"

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† “Of course, the devil, no matter how much he desires it, will not be able to destroy us himself if we ourselves do not contribute to his malice; but God will also not save us Himself if we do not contribute to His grace in our salvation. God always helps , always anticipates, but wants us to work hard and do what we can"

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "everything that by nature is not awarded either honor or dishonor: exploits and failures occur from will"

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "Carnal warfare should not serve as an obstacle for a young man who wants to become a monk; it is enough that he does not think about marriage. A small feat, fasting, vigil and prayer can subjugate the flesh to the spirit, of course, if there is humility. At the same time, for his exploits the young man collects my bribe in Heaven"

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† "According to the purity of soul and enlightenment which each of us has received here, he will see Christ there more closely, more clearly, and will enjoy His fragrance more strongly, and will rejoice and rejoice more than others."

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "to the extent that a person avoids human consolation, the Divine approaches him"

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† “It is known that when one passionate person begins to teach another passionate person, then grace immediately departs from the first and he falls into the same thing. For before “doing” such a privilege was not given to him.”

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "He is naive who thinks that it is possible to walk the path following Christ without tears. Take a dry nut, put it under a heavy press and see how oil flows from it. Something similar happens to our heart when the invisible fire of the word of God scorches it with on all sides. Our heart has turned to stone in its animal egoism, and, what is worse, in its proud spasm. But truly there is such a Fire (Luke 12:49) that is capable of melting even. the strongest metals and stones"

Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov)

† "In all your prayers, let your mind watch and understand what you are praying for and what you are saying. For if you do not understand what you are saying, how can there be mutual understanding with God and how can He give you what you are asking for?" you're asking?"

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "In your feat, pay more attention to prayer, because it will maintain your connection with God. This connection should be constant. Prayer is oxygen, absolutely necessary for the soul. It should not be considered a burden"

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† “Prayer is the mother and queen of all virtues.

Love for God and love for neighbor enter our souls only through prayer!”

Elder Cleopas (Ilie)

† “external good deeds do not soften the arrogance of the heart. But smart doing, the pain of repentance, contrition and humility - this is what humbles the disorderly way of thinking”

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "one dark idea of ​​the tempter-devil is widespread: if a person reads the Jesus Prayer, everyone is afraid that he will fall into delusion, although exactly what they say is delusion"

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "Charity is higher than fasting and virginity"

schema-abbot Savva (Ostapenko)

† “The humble, even if he falls a thousand times, rises again, and the fall is credited to him as victory. But the proud, when falling into sin, immediately falls into despair and, having become hardened, does not want to rise again. Despair is a mortal sin, and the devil rejoices in it more everything. But during confession it immediately disappears."

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "In all temptations and tribulations patience is required,

and this is victory over them"

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "you must emerge victorious from every battle with the enemy. Either die in the fight, or win with God. There is no other way"

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "Our God is Light, in whom there is not a single darkness: He refuses to unite with our darkness. We must be cleansed of the filth that possesses us, otherwise we will not enter the Kingdom of Truth and Light (Rev. 21, 27)"

Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov)

† "In a dirty heart God will never appear, God will never show Himself to an evil heart. Only pure in heart can behold the glory of God"

Schema-Archimandrite Zosima (Sokur)

† "the bodily peace that some strive for is not some kind of stable state. Being in bodily peace, people can only temporarily forget their mental anxiety. They have everything: lunch, dessert, shower, rest... However, as soon as all this ends, they strive for even greater peace. Thus, people are always lacking something and therefore they are constantly upset. They feel emptiness, and their soul strives to fill this emptiness."

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† "when you sin and fall again,

repent again. Don't despair. Arouse boldness and hope in yourself. Speak:

“Forgive me, my Christ,” and again “I repent!”

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† “Holy prayer must be accompanied by a holy life. If we deviate from the spirit of God’s love, then we are deprived of the prayer that unites us with God. But when with love we endure all the trials that fall on us from the outside and do not want to blame anyone or anything except ourselves, then the prayer deepens, and a new force of hope appears in the heart."

Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov)

† “The life of a person, my child, is sorrow, for it passes in exile. Do not seek perfect peace. Our Christ raised the Cross, and we will lift it. If we endure all the sorrows, we will find grace from the Lord. Therefore, the Lord allows us temptation to experience jealousy and love for Him. Therefore, patience is needed."

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "Wealth, not being distributed to the poor for the health and salvation of our souls or for the repose of the souls of our deceased loved ones, brings destruction to a person. Alms given to the sick, widows, orphans, and other unfortunate people greatly helps the deceased. Because when alms are given for deceased, those receiving her say: “God will forgive him. Blessed be his ashes"

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† "Humility has the power to deliver a person from the righteous wrath of God, for it is written: “God will not despise a broken and humble heart” (Ps. 50:19)"

Elder Cleopas (Ilie)

† “Do not reveal the sin of another for your own justification, for the grace that has hitherto covered you will immediately reveal your own sins. To the extent that you cover your brother out of love, so much will grace warm you and protect you from human slander.”

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† “Through the Church, Christ grants believers immortality and eternity, making them “partakers of His Divine nature” (cf. 2 Pet. 1:4).

The normal state of the human personality is immortality and eternity, and not a temporary life here. Man is a traveler marching towards immortality, eternity and Divine promises."

Elder Joseph of Vatopedi

† "There is no salvation outside the Church"

schema-abbot Savva (Ostapenko)

† "The most important part of the spiritual routine is regular prayer. Prayer before

a dream and before the start of any business is a necessary condition Christian work,

especially for those who live in the world"

Elder Joseph of Vatopedi

schema-abbot Savva (Ostapenko)

† "No one has ever signed a contract with God about when to die. God takes every person at the most opportune moment in his life."

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† “Death doesn’t come for you to make coffee for her. She comes to pick us up. She asks us a question of questions: why didn’t we love, why did we quarrel with each other? Death is a reality, not a horror story. She’s not late.”

Archimandrite Arseny (Daddy)

† “Humility has the power to convey our words to God and bring down from Him forgiveness of sins.”

Elder Cleopas (Ilie)

† "What do you have, proud man, that you would not have received? And if you have received it, why do you boast as if you had not received it? Know, humble soul, your Benefactor and be careful not to appropriate someone else’s - God’s as your own achievement... And if he gave you a sweet benefactor God, give Him clear conscience yours from yours, "yours from yours"

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "In all life situations, the most real help prayer helps us"

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† "This is the property Divine love:

He gives us His life, and we give ours to Him."

Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov)

† "People want to sin and have a kind God. Such a God so that He forgives us, and we continue to sin. That is, so that we do whatever we want, and He forgives us, so that He forgives us without ceasing, and we blow “People don’t believe in their own music and because of this they insatiably rush into sin.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† "Read Lives to see what you do not have. Reading Lives - through the holy courage described in them - arouses you to jealousy or, through the all-holy humility shown, leads you to deep knowledge your weakness"

† With God everything happens on time,

especially for those who know how to wait"

Archimandrite John (Krestyankin)

† “you don’t need to want to be a teacher; you want to say for admonition: do it with affection, meekness and love, and most importantly, asking for God’s help internally”

Archimandrite Seraphim (Rosenberg)

† "if we live in evil, raise our hand against our neighbor, and then God will raise his hand against us. The most important thing is patience and prayer. And this is the most powerful weapon against the devil"

Schema-Archimandrite Zosima (Sokur)

† "Alms are a benefit, first of all, to the one who gives them. Alms atone for sins, kill death, extinguish Eternal flame torment"

schema-abbot Savva (Ostapenko)

† "The work of every believer, his work as a member of the Church, is always both personal and collective, even

when it seems that he acts only for his own sake. The feat of one hermit has

pan-church meaning. This is the structure of the divine-human organism of the Church, which is led and instructed by Christ Himself."

Elder Joseph of Vatopedi

† “Prayer builds up the steps of knowledge.

The more you pray, the more you know"

Elder Cleopas (Elijah)

† "any deviation of our mental consciousness from the correct understanding of Revelation will inevitably be reflected in everyday life. In other words: truly righteous life conditioned by correct concepts of God"

Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov)

† "Humility is so great that it alone, and without another virtue, can open the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven for us."

Archimandrite Cleopas (Ilie)

† "It is better for us to fall victorious in battle,

than to be defeated"

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† “A person must know himself as he really is, and not as his enemy, the devil, imagines him in his own eyes.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† "And what, in our time the title of professor of theology

Is this a sign of holiness?

Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov)

† "Repentance comes when you realize how much you grieve God, who is so kind, sweet, merciful and full of love, who was crucified and suffered for each of us."

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "by sinning, a person fulfills the will of God's enemy - the devil, he himself becomes an enemy of God, is deprived of the blessings of God, is subjected to illness, sorrow, misfortune, and becomes guilty of eternal torment."

Archimandrite Seraphim (Rosenberg)

† "In order to defeat the evil one, you must fight and conquer yourself - all your passions."

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "Repentance is that great gift of God, through which we are reconciled with God, again become children of God and heirs of heavenly bliss"

Archimandrite Seraphim (Rosenberg)

† “There is no greater sin than PRIDE. It is the basis of all other sins. The Lord commanded us to learn humility and meekness from Him. Humility is a property of God’s love.

The enemy's deadly weapon is pride; diametrically opposed to it is the life-giving humility of Christ. We strive for the acquisition of this Divine humility; it was given to us by Christ, who sent the Holy Spirit to Earth. "

Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov)

† “Know that grace always precedes temptations as a kind of notice for preparation. And immediately, when you see grace, tense up and say: “The declaration of war has come!” Beware, clay, watch where the evil one will sound the trumpet of battle." Often he comes soon, and often in two or three days. In any case, he will come."

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† “The world has been lied to. People are becoming liars, they have created another conscience for themselves. But I cannot become a liar, I cannot change my self because society demands it. I’d rather suffer.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† "Temptation is a medicine and healing herbs that heal obvious passions and our invisible ulcers.

So, have patience in order to gain and preserve reward, peace and joy every day in the Heavenly Kingdom. For the night of death is approaching, when no one can do anything to anyone (John 9:4). So hurry up. There is little time."

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "self-justification has nothing to do with spiritual life. It is necessary to understand that by justifying myself, I am in a false state. I break the connection with God and deprive myself of Divine Grace. After all, Divine Grace does not come to a person who is in a false state. From the moment a person justifies something for which there is no justification, he separates and isolates himself from God."

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† “The struggle against passions is truly great, but by the grace of God everything is achieved, and with His help the impossible becomes possible.”

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† “The dignity of prayer surpasses the value of any other activity, be it in the sphere of social or political, scientific or art. He who knows this from experience easily sacrifices his material well-being for the sake of leisure for conversation with God.”

Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov)

† "A carefree life helps a person to break ties with God and move on to another ruler - the devil, who day by day darkens our mind and makes him powerless in the fight against sin. And if a person does not come to his senses and does not cry about his disastrous state, then for him and eternity will be difficult and painful."

Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov)

† Humility at the hour of our death can replace all virtues and one thing can save a person.

Archimandrite Cleopas (Ilie)

† “The wise Solomon says: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” and the fathers agree. And I say to you: blessed and blessed is the man who fears the Lord.”

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† “The gifts of the Holy Spirit are priceless. Every true gift is nothing more than the flame of love. But in order to expand our hearts to the ability to perceive the love of Christ in its brightest manifestations, it is necessary for everyone, without exception, to go through many trials.”

Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov)

† “The soul of the one who justifies himself finds no peace. Such a person is deprived of consolation. He himself justifies his “I”, but does this “I” justify him? His “I”, his conscience does not find justification for him , and therefore the soul has no peace. This indicates that he is guilty."

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† "For a person who wants to get closer

to the conditions and ways of his resurrection,

the necessary means is right and sound faith."

Elder Joseph of Vatopedi

† "Do not seek consolation from people in your sorrows, and you will receive consolation from God"

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† “Do not look at the failures of others and do not judge anyone, lest you become an accomplice of the evil one.”

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† “According to the holy fathers, sorrows are our guides, leading us to eternal life. And their absence serves as the surest proof that for a careless life the Lord deprives us of His mercy.”

Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov)

† “People judge things and events according to what they have in themselves.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

† “When a person remembers his sins with which he has upset God, and with this memory repentance and great sorrow come to him, and he begins to lament and cry with heartache before God, and from this great repentance and crying his mind and heart are humbled "

Archimandrite Cleopas (Ilie)

† “When providing help to all your living neighbors, do not deprive the dead of your help. Remember them more often and give possible alms for their salvation. Only we, the living, can help them.”

schema-abbot Savva (Ostapenko)

† "Humility is a bridge that leads from earth to heaven, a bridge along which all ascetics of piety ascended...

Humility justifies us before God."

Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov)

† "true faith, so that it is not considered dead, is that faith when someone,

recognizing God as the cause of all things,

believes in all His words, commandments, in which

His holy will has been expressed, and he is struggling with all his might to fulfill this will.”

Elder Joseph of Vatopedi

† “When you want to know the will of God, forget completely yourself, all your intentions and thoughts, and with great humility ask in your prayer for knowledge of it. And whatever your heart is formed or to what it inclines, then do it, and it will be according to God."

Elder Joseph the Hesychast

† "Love your neighbor and the Lord will love you"

Archimandrite Modest (Potapov)

† "Injustice is a great sin. All sins have extenuating circumstances, but injustice does not - it attracts the wrath of God."

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets