The daughter of a Russian resident forgave and pardoned. President Putin signed a decree pardoning Oksana Sevastidi

31-year-old Rostovite Maria Dapirka found herself in an extremely difficult situation - she was detained in Vietnam on suspicion of transporting about three kilograms of cocaine.

Russian citizen Maria Dapirka was detained at Ho Chi Minh City airport at the end of August 2014. Vietnamese customs officers found 2.7 kilograms of cocaine in her suitcase. A criminal case was opened against the offender for drug smuggling; according to local laws, the punishment for such a crime is the death penalty.

The girl herself claims that she did not know about the prohibited substances in her luggage - she became a victim of her lover, who gave her a suitcase for the trip. Relatives and friends of the detainee are sure that she was framed.

For the last year, Maria Dapirka lived in Thailand, where she worked as a guide. A few months before the arrest, the girl had a boyfriend - a charming Nigerian named Nick. She fell in love and moved to live with him. The young man said that he was a football player, and even took the Russian woman with him on trips, supposedly to games. Soon Nick proposed to Maria.

In August 2014, a Rostovite was getting ready to go home to Russia; her caring groom gave her new suitcase, as it turned out later, with a double bottom. She did not reach her homeland.

It later turned out that Dapirka is not the first Russian girl to be imprisoned on drug-related charges. There are many similar cases known, and they are all very similar to each other: a gullible Slavic woman, a charming dark-skinned macho, romantic relationship and preparation for the wedding. And these stories ended the same way - with drugs planted and the deceived women arrested.

For example, in September 2000, Kharkov resident Victoria Mamontova was detained in Thailand for transporting two kilograms of heroin. The 28-year-old girl was vacationing in Thailand, where she met a Nigerian, Michael, who offered to help her with a visa. In return, the sympathetic guy asked for a small favor: to take a backpack with medicines to Jakarta. There were drugs under the double bottom of the backpack. In August 2001, Victoria was sentenced to death, which was later commuted to life imprisonment. Then his sentence was commuted to 30 years in prison, and in the end the Russian woman was pardoned and released in 2009.

In May 2015, Alexandra Magnaeva was sentenced to 16 years in Indonesia for transporting drugs on a large scale. In March of the same year, a Cambodian court sentenced Elizaveta Maksimova to 28 years in prison on a similar charge.

According to some reports, a whole group of men from Nigeria are working in Asia and around the world. The identity of the swindler who framed Maria Dapirca was established by the Sezimtal public foundation. He turned out to be the Nigerian drug trafficker Chib Eze, who heads criminal group. Perhaps they are behind all similar cases, including those mentioned above, and the fund does not exclude them.

The investigation into the case of Maria Dapirka has been ongoing for three years, all this time the Russian woman has been kept in a detention center. Vietnamese arbitrage practice unpredictable - for various reasons, the investigator can prolong the investigation, and the court, in turn, can send it for further investigation.

On August 30, 2017, the detained, now 31-year-old girl will finally be sentenced. The day before, Maria wrote a letter to her mother.

“Dear mother, don’t worry about me. I'm fine, I'm ready for anything. I hope you get a chance to visit me. I haven't seen you for four years. I really miss! Take care of your health,” the letter says.

Maria's loved ones hope to see her alive.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

A child's very first happiness is an intelligent mother. Each of us, dear brothers and sisters, from my own unique experience I was and am convinced of this. Today we heard a Gospel reading about a very smart mother, whose wisdom and selflessness we will never cease to admire - the Gospel about the healing of the demon-possessed daughter of a Canaanite wife (a resident of Canaan), or, as the Evangelist Mark calls her, the Syrophoenician.

“Children are the anchors that hold their mother in life,” said the ancient tragedian Sophocles. But how sad it is when this holding relationship is joyless, painful and heavy in its hopelessness, how painful it is even from the outside to see parents who have problems with their children or problematic children. Nowadays it is not uncommon to see a child left by his parents in public care, and in fact an abandoned child. This happens for various, but not justified reasons, most often - if the unfortunate child has a serious physical or mental illness and cowardly parents are afraid of the feat of caring for him. During the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ, there were no orphanages or homes for the disabled, medicine was very primitive, and the rumors of the crowd most often blamed unrighteous, sinful parents for the physical or mental ill health of children.

Some peoples had views closer to our modern society regarding the future of unhealthy children, but instead of nursing homes, these children most often faced a quick death, either by being thrown off a cliff, as was done in Sparta, or by drowning in a river, as was the case in Rome, or they could simply be left on the street. Even the wise philosopher Plato said that “the offspring of the worst and the offspring of the best, if they are born with deviations from the norm, should be hidden in a mysterious place, not known to anyone.” famous place“, that is, the child was left alone with nature.

The few who survived or became disabled were subjected to cruel ridicule and bullying and were most often sold into slavery. In the Acts of the Apostles we find a similar example, when the Apostle Paul in the Macedonian city of Philippi met a maid “possessed by a spirit of divination, who through divination brought great income to her masters” (Acts 16:16). Possessed, possessed evil spirits children also faced general ridicule, bullying and the real possibility of becoming slaves, after they were deprived of proper care and concern from their parents and loved ones. For this reason, most often, rootless demoniacs ran away from cities and wandered in deserted places.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, during his earthly life, sometimes went beyond the borders of those lands where the Jews lived; Thus, He also entered the boundaries of two cities - Tire and Sidon, located at a distance of 80-100 km from Galilee. These are ancient cities on the coast Mediterranean Sea, founded by the Phoenicians - the Canaanite people, a people of brave sailors and enterprising merchants who, back in the 10th century BC, sailed the distant seas, founded prosperous trading colonies, including Tarshish, a city in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, where they wanted to escape from God prophet Jonah. But this people was a pagan people, worshiping the idols of Baal, Moloch, Astarte, whose service was accompanied by ritual debauchery and frequent human sacrifices. The Lord commanded Moses about this people upon entering the Promised Land: “And in the cities of these nations, which the Lord your God is giving you to possess, you shall not leave a single soul alive, but shall consign them to destruction: the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and Perizzites, and Hivites, and Jebusites, as the Lord your God commanded you, lest they teach you to do the same abominations that they did for their gods, and so that you sin against the Lord your God" (Deut. 20: 16-18 ).

Although during the earthly life of Christ the Phoenicians no longer performed human sacrifices, the attitude of the Jews towards the inhabitants of the borders of Tire and Sidon was similar to the attitude towards the Samaritans. But the gospel of Christ touched the hearts and minds of the descendants of the ancient cruel Canaanites. Thus, we read in the 3rd chapter of the Gospel of Mark that in great numbers “those living in the environs of Tire and Sidon” followed the Lord, in addition to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Idumea and beyond the Jordan (Mark 3:8). In today's Gospel reading, we heard that the Lord Himself withdrew from Galilee, where the Pharisees and scribes reproached Him, to the region where the Canaanites lived. Euthymius Zigaben, an interpreter of the Holy Scriptures, says that the Lord came to the borders of Tire and Sidon “not to preach, but to rest a little.” But even here one of the residents, “coming out of those places, shouted to Him: have mercy on me, O Lord, son of David, my daughter is cruelly raging” (Matthew 15:22).

“But He didn’t answer her a word. And His disciples came up and asked Him: Let her go, because she is screaming after us” (Matthew 15:23). The apostles were also tired of the ill will and insidious questions of the Pharisees, from constant requests and delving into other people's problems, they wanted to spend a little time alone with their teacher. The Lord Jesus Christ is a perfect God and a perfect Man, who during his earthly life was tired from the journey and the heat (see: John 4:6), in need of sleep, food and drink (see: Matt. 21:18; Mark. 4: 38; John 4: 7), experiencing emotions characteristic of us, such as joy and love (see: Mark 10: 21; John 11: 15), anger and sorrow (see: Mark 3: 5; 14:34), had never sinned and therefore could not “brush off” the cry of this Canaanite woman or pretend that he did not hear her. But he didn’t give an answer right away. “There was no answer to her, and not because mercy ceased, but because her desire increased; and not only so that the desire grows, but so that her humility also receives praise,” says St. Augustine.

The Canaanite woman screamed, and we know that most often those who scream are those who are not listened to or heard. She was already driven to despair by the grave condition of her child, she could not control herself, and she did not have that modesty and that shyness that is inherent in all decent petitioners and is very popular with vain benefactors and patrons. In response to cries for help: “Have mercy on me, Lord, son of David, my daughter is cruelly raging,” she hears words that can be regarded as a clear insult: this Jewish preacher of love for God and neighbors, a miracle worker and a disinterested person calls her a dog. The Lord tells her: “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” Many of this Canaanite woman’s fellow tribesmen went to listen to Christ, but He never offended or humiliated any of the sinners who repented and asked for help. He could put in their place the lying and already distraught Jews with His word, He could threateningly denounce them, but Christ had not yet addressed such simpletons as she, a simple uneducated woman.

The Canaanite woman knew the virtue of humility

When a mother, driven to a desperate cry by the condition of her beloved child, receives an insult instead of the expected help, what will be her response? Or she will cry and walk away completely crushed and humiliated, deprived last hope, or he will gather his last strength to respond with a more terrible insult, bad language, and maybe even start a fight. But this Canaanite woman was not only an intelligent mother, one whose love “is a black hole that absorbs any criticism, any accusation about her child,” but she knew what the virtue of humility is and when it should be applied. Yes, she agrees without guile or hypocrisy that she is like a dog. Her soul is humble, despite the fact that she is a pagan and lives among people with bad morals. And she answers: “Yes, Lord! but the dogs also eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table” (Matthew 15:27). We also see her humility in the fact that “she did not dare to bring her raging daughter to the Teacher, but, leaving her at home on her bed, she herself begged Him and declared only illness, adding nothing more. And he does not call the Doctor into his house... but, having told about his grief and the serious illness of his daughter, he turns to the mercy of the Lord and cries out in a loud voice, asking for mercy not for his daughter, but for himself: have mercy on me! As if she were saying this: my daughter does not feel her illness, but I endure thousands of different torments; I am sick, I feel sick, I am furious and I am aware of it” (St. John Chrysostom).

Our Lord is “God is no respecter of persons, but in every nation whoever fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him” (Acts 10: 34-35), and He answers the cry of this loving mother with His meek voice: “O woman! great is your faith; let it be done to you as you wish.” And her daughter was healed at that hour” (Matthew 15:28).

Let us remember that not only our aspiration and desire are needed for healing from passions, but also humility before God

The example of the Canaanite wife is an example not only for parents of how to wisely care for their children and approach both God and neighbor with requests for them, but an example for each of us who realizes that “not a daughter, but a flesh imam with passions.” and evil lusts,” and seeks healing for her. Let us remember that not only our aspiration and desire are needed for this healing, but also humility before God. Just as the Canaanite wife waited for an answer to her request from the Lord and, not receiving it right away, humbled herself in anticipation, so in our lives, when making prayer requests, sometimes we just need to humbly wait for the hour of God’s will. Let us remember that “spiritual life is not just piety, not just prayer, not even just a feat or renunciation of the world. It is, first of all, a strict orderliness in development, a special sequence in the acquisition of virtues, a pattern in achievements and contemplations.”

Saint righteous John Kronstadtsky says: “Oh, who would send us such a mother as the Canaanite woman, who would pray for us to the Lord with the same faith, hope and love as she did for her daughter, so that for the sake of her prayer the Lord would have mercy on us and drive out passions from us ours, healing us from our furies! For our flesh is angry with evil. But, brethren, no match for the Canaanite woman, we have a Prayer Book and Intercessor, unashamed and most merciful, the All-Good and Most Pure Mother of our God, ready to always intercede with Her Son and God to deliver us from the rage and fury of passions, if only we would always be with Her with faith and hope, in repentance, from a sincere heart, they came running with a prayer for help. But we ourselves will refine and increase our faith in the Lord, our trust and our love for God and our neighbors, and constantly resort in repentance to the Lord Himself, like that Canaanite woman; for the Lord gave us all the right to boldly turn to Him Himself: ask and it will be given to you(Matt. 7:7); and further: whatever you ask for in prayer in faith, you will receive(cf. Matthew 21:22).”

Lawyer of a woman accused of espionage: “They broke in in the morning, took the phone, put it in a pre-trial detention center”

Back in 2008, Sochi resident Oksana Sevastidi sent a text message to a friend saying that before her eyes, a train with military equipment was heading towards the Abkhaz border. After 7 (!) years, the special services burst into the woman’s house and accused her of treason. And in March of this year, Oksana was sentenced to 7 years in prison. The case was disguised as best they could: it became public only now, when Oksana’s lawyer changed. MK contacted the lawyer and asked him about the details.

Lawyer Ivan Pavlov is defending 46-year-old Oksana Sevastidi. It was he who at one time was the lawyer of Svetlana Davydova, a mother of many children from Vyazma, accused of treason for calling the Ukrainian Embassy. Now - a new client. No longer for a call, but for an SMS message. The “terrible crime” happened already in 2008, shortly before the war with Georgia. Oksana saw that what railway A train loaded with military equipment is moving towards Abkhazia. She wrote a text message about this to a friend in Georgia. I wrote and wrote, then there were events known to everyone, during which messages of different kinds probably passed through mobile operators.

The text message came back to Oksana seven years later, in January 2015. In the morning, security forces burst into the woman’s home and arrested her, charging her with Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - high treason in the form of espionage. The phone was confiscated and the “spy” was placed in a pre-trial detention center. And in March 2016, a verdict was pronounced - guilty, sentenced to seven years in prison. At the end of spring, Oksana was sent to a colony in the Ivanovo region, where she remains to this day.

Perhaps no one would have known about this case if the human rights society Memorial had not asked lawyer Ivan Pavlov to take on the case. It turned out that the previous defender promised the woman to file appeal after the verdict, but for some reason he didn’t do it. Now the deadline has passed, but this can be fixed.

First of all, we sent an appeal and a petition to restore the missed deadline,” says Pavlov. - At the same time, Sevastidi filed a complaint against the previous lawyer.

The contents of the short message - and in SMS in Cyrillic text of no more than 70 characters is allowed - the guardians of the law declared nothing less than a state secret. And this is precisely what the entire accusation was based on. The lawyer categorically disagrees with this definition, and the law is on his side.

The Law “On State Secrets” clearly states that state secrets include “protected information,” explains Ivan. - However, she received the information that Oksana wrote in SMS with the naked eye. If anyone can see them, they cannot in any way be classified as state secrets. We will provide relevant documents to prove our case.

By the way, in the database of the Krasnodar Regional Court a few hours ago one could see the case file. It indicated that the case was considered on March 3, 2016. However, on this moment the document was seized from open access, now on the page judicial proceedings A formal announcement appears: “Information is temporarily unavailable. We apologize. Please try again later or go directly to court."

The case with Oksana Sevastidi raised many questions. Besides the main thing - what are we moving towards if you can get a real sentence for SMS and a post on social networks? - another one appears. Namely, how to explain that the fatal message was “marinated” in an unknown place for seven whole years? After all, Oksana was accused of treason only a year ago.

Lawyers hope that they will be able to achieve the release of their client. According to the lawyer, Oksana has an elderly mother who is very upset by what happened and who is better not to disturb.

By the way

As Ivan Pavlov reports, Sevastidi’s case is not the only one. At the end of 2014, the servants of Themis convicted Ekaterina Kharebava of espionage - she is also a resident of Sochi and, what a coincidence, also wrote an SMS to an acquaintance about the movement of military equipment towards Abkhazia. There is no need to explain that the ill-fated train could be seen by every resident of Sochi who was at that moment not far from the railway track. However, Kharebava was accused of disclosing state secrets and sentenced to six years in prison.

Today, two women who received sentences for an innocent telephone message were released from pretrial detention.

Two women convicted of treason, Marina Dzhandzhgava and Annik Kesyan, were released. On August 8, it came into force, signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The administration of the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center, where they had been staying for the last four months, gave them money for travel to their native Sochi and a certificate of release. Another sad story with a happy ending.

Together with Oksana Sevastidi, there are now three such lucky people, convicted for SMS and pardoned by the head of state. But how many other women are in prison for a similar charge, whose cases were handled by the same investigator, prosecutor and judge?! And what were these “SMS stories” supposed to teach all Russians?

An MK observer who, as a member of the Public Monitoring Committee, visited women in Lefortovo, tried to figure this out.

Renegade pensioners

Marina Dzhandzhgava and Annik Kesyan spent a total of 5 and 3.5 years behind bars (the “most humane” Krasnodar Regional Court initially sentenced one to 12 years, the other to 8 years in prison, respectively). They ended up in Lefortovo in April of this year, when the issue of pardon was being decided. At one time they even sat together in a cell and their beds were next to each other...

During the years spent in captivity, the women became withdrawn. As the robots repeated: “The prison is good, no complaints.” When relatives told me how sociable and cheerful they were in freedom, I couldn’t even believe it. Will they ever be the same? Relatives have asked this question more than once. Maybe they will, if they can be “warmed up” at home after so many years of cell cold.

And Marina and Annik have grown older and haggard. By the way, both are retired. Taking this into account, can you imagine how crazy it would sound if initially all the media wrote in the headlines: “Two pensioners convicted of treason”? Moreover, both women “betrayed their homeland” by sending SMS to their friends.

These two criminal cases are practically exact copy the case of Oksana Sevastidi, whom Vladimir Putin was the first to pardon. In all cases, the ladies were either born or lived in Abkhazia, moved to Sochi during the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, but all of them still had relatives and friends either in Georgia or in Abkhazia (and often both). It is obvious that they were even purely humanly concerned - will there be a war? This topic was not discussed at that time except by the lazy. People called friends, wrote SMS. So it was precisely for SMS messages in which they reported about military equipment being sent from Sochi towards Abkhazia that these women went to prison.

They did not have access to state secrets and therefore could not divulge them, says lawyer Ivan Pavlov. - They wrote in SMS only about what they saw on the street, like all other residents. If it was a secret, then government agencies should have taken care to keep it classified. Why did women send text messages in the first place? Like many people, they are accustomed to answering questions that their friends ask them. The thought that they could end up in a colony for sending a message did not occur to them. Was there any political or government order for such criminal cases? Does not look like it. Rather, at some point, several years after the Russian-Georgian conflict, the FSB of the Krasnodar Territory somehow received data on the correspondence of these women and thus decided to increase the indicators, and a particular investigator - to receive the next shoulder straps. These cases should not have been advertised, no one was going to publicly stigmatize the women, and the publicity that they eventually received was not part of the FSB’s plans.

Not by chance for a long time The materials of the case of Kesyan and Dzhandzhgava were themselves classified. And only this year human rights activists gained access to them. Here is a brief summary of their stories and fates.

Annik Kesyan. 58 years old, resident of Adler, secondary education (studied to be a teacher, then became a housewife, worked part-time as a salesman and cook). Married, has a daughter and grandchildren.

The little dark-haired woman was known in Adler as the life of any company. She was known, loved, and respected on every street (even when she was imprisoned, all neighbors and acquaintances helped her family in any way they could). Lately, she has been making dumplings and dumplings to order at her home. There was no end to customers! Her life passed so quietly and peacefully until...

On February 26, 2014, Annik was unexpectedly detained and sent to a pre-trial detention center. She learned with horror that she was accused under Art. 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Treason”. The investigation against her was conducted by an investigator from the FSB Directorate for Krasnodar region Roman Troyan (remember this name). And that's what he accused her of.

In April 2008, Annik’s acquaintance, Georgian resident Mamuka Lukava, sent her an SMS in which he asked if tanks were coming to Sochi, says lawyer Ivan Pavlov. - In response, the woman wrote: “Yes, they are coming.” Annik did not know that this was classified information. Many residents saw trains with military equipment moving towards Abkhazia. That is, anyone - I emphasize - absolutely anyone could observe and even photograph this technique. Then how can it even be secret? Annik had no idea that Mamuka was a Georgian intelligence officer. Yes, to be honest, we doubt this: there is no evidence other than a certificate issued by the state security authorities of Abkhazia. Behind bars, the woman confessed because the government lawyer advised her to do so. Then Annik finds out that he cruelly deceived her - information will appear in the case materials that she allegedly counted tanks, which in reality did not happen. At the trial, Annik will say: they say, yes, she sent an SMS, but that this could be treason and in nightmare I couldn't imagine.

Judge of the Krasnodar Regional Court Vladimir Kobzev sentenced her to 8 years. The period is huge considering her age and the fact that she has never been involved before.

The state lawyer did not file an appeal; he said that it was useless because the article was serious,” says Annik’s daughter. - And we believed him.

Kesyan was sent to serve her sentence in a colony in Mordovia, where she began working as a nurse. The woman should have been released in 2022... Everything changed when the human rights organization “Team-29” took over the case, where Kesyan’s daughter turned.

Marina Dzhandzhgava. 59 years old, resident of Sochi, secondary education, train depot attendant.

Marina dedicated exactly 25 years to the railway. It worked flawlessly, life was spent on wheels. The woman experienced a great tragedy - her husband and child died in an accident. The only relative she has left is her old mother, who dotes on her.

Marina was detained in October 2012 in Sochi and placed in a pre-trial detention center. For a long time, the woman could not believe that her modest person was being accused of high treason. The investigation was conducted by the same investigator Troyan (by the way, the Oksana Sevastidi case is also on his “record”). He insisted: Dzhandzhgava from April to May 2008 “collected, stored for the purpose of transmission and transmitted by sending two SMS messages containing state secrets to Georgian citizen Goga Chkhetia, who served as a policeman at the border post.” It’s not hard to guess what was in the SMS - information that military equipment travels in trains.

Well, then everything was the same as in the case of Sevestidi and Kesyan - the woman was assigned a state lawyer who advised her to admit guilt. Both he and the investigator argued: the very fact of sending an SMS to a citizen of another country is treason. They say that if you admit this, your sentence in court will be reduced.

Let me remind you that Marina was given 12 years in prison. She served her sentence in a women's colony in Vologda.

To freedom with a clear conscience

Both women learned about their pardon from a news broadcast on TV (it is in the cells). At the same time, good news reached their loved ones. Kesyan's daughter and Dzhandzhgava's mother called each other and cried into the phone with happiness. Then Oksana Sevastidi called them. Behind lately they became friends.

In general, news of the pardon has been expected since April 2017, that is, since the time both convicted women were transferred to Moscow. And when you wait for a long time, you begin to lose hope... Human rights activists and even individual employees of the central apparatus of the FSB (for which special thanks to them) have repeatedly reminded about them in the authority where the decision on pardon is made.

But it finally happened. Usually the Decree on Pardon states that it comes into force from the moment of publication, or in a day or three. This time, for some reason, a “backlash” of 10 days was given. They lasted endlessly for the prisoners.

“I’ve already read all the books,” says Marina. “But I’m glad that I waited for the decision here in Moscow.” It was better in Lefortovo than in other pre-trial detention centers. And I’ve been to 17 in all this time.

In 17 isolation wards? Are you wrong? - we asked the woman.

No. What to do, apparently God sent such a test. Thanks to the president for freeing me.

A conductor with red hair, wearing striped pants and purple rubber slippers fearfully looks at the pre-trial detention center staff. At that moment, she only had two days left to spend in their “company”.

My daughter won’t be able to come meet me,” says Annik Kesyan. She doesn’t yet know that she has already bought plane tickets and is counting every minute until the upcoming meeting. She wanted to tell her mother not to take a single thing with her from the pre-trial detention center. What if this is a bad omen?

In the legendary detention center they promised not to delay release; accountants calculated the cost of a trip from Moscow to Sochi by the nearest train in order to either hand over just enough cash to be enough or buy a ticket right away.

Freedom came at a high price for everyone. But how many more women like this are in prison?

We know for sure only about one - Inga Tutisani, who is in the Vologda women’s colony, also for sending SMS,” says Pavlov. - Oksana Sevastidi, Ekaterina Kharebava and, most likely, Manana Kapanadze, who served such sentences, have already been released. We know nothing about other sentences specifically for SMS, but this does not mean that they do not exist.

Currently, four more people convicted by the Krasnodar Regional Court are serving sentences under articles of treason and espionage. These are Sochi air traffic controller Pyotr Parpulov, who was sentenced to 12 years for certain conversations during a trip to Georgia, Levan Lataria, Georgiy Pataraya and Georgiy Khurtsilava, about whose sentences nothing is known except the article. It is possible that one of them is also serving a sentence for SMS.

If there is a threat that similar cases cannot be avoided in the future? I don’t think we can expect “SMS trials” - they have received some coverage, and even the president admitted that it is ridiculous to prosecute for such a thing. But there will be more cases related to communication with foreigners, especially from states with which Russia is or was in a state of conflict. The article on treason is formulated so vaguely that one can be convicted for virtually any communication or any assistance to a foreign citizen.

And yet I want to believe that this very nebula will not be used by the investigation. And even if such cases reach the court, then people in robes will not give gigantic sentences, but will limit themselves to small, preferably conditional ones (they have plenty of opportunities to give “below the lowest”). The “traitors” are our citizens, they grew up with us in the same yard, we went to the same school with them, etc. And even if a person - by an absurd accident or being misled - did something that falls under a terrible article, then why, as the prisoners put it, “gesture”? Mercy is higher than any justice; it in itself is the highest justice.