Anastasia Kostenko is real in VKontakte. Anastasia Kostenko

The secret very quickly became apparent. No matter how hard Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko try to deny their connection, it is difficult to deceive Internet users. It was the Instagram subscribers of the football player and his new girlfriend who, several months ago, identified the one who stole Olga Buzova’s husband.

Kostenko and Tarasov tried for some time to pretend that they were just friends, but after the magnificent celebration of the athlete’s birthday, it simply became pointless to hide anything.

Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko no longer hide their romance

Yesterday, a couple in love, in the company of Tarasov’s friends, walked around Moscow. Judging by the photographs that appeared on Instagram, they went to several branded stores - Dmitry, apparently, decided to please new girlfriend generous gifts.

Tarasov and Kostenko posted photos from the walk on their microblogs. At the same time, Anastasia chose to turn off comments, but her famous fiancé has not yet deprived subscribers of the opportunity to discuss last news in comments.

It is not surprising that under the photo there were many negative statements addressed to both Dmitry Tarasov himself and his girlfriend:

gurulevakseniia The girl is beautiful, but it’s clear why she and this horror story are together. Loot works wonders)))

1_alina_dubovskaya The mouse is so beloved, his collective farm is complete

gordeevane Accused Olya of showing off, but he himself...

mimigi67 rooster with horse! you are very suitable for each other)))) but you are a hypocrite, but you said that you don’t want a relationship for the sake of likes? admit already that you cannot live without attention, and Buzova’s success does not give you peace, don’t try without her, you are nobody and there is no way to call you, you weakling!

Dmitry Tarasov's friend t-killah was accused of duplicity

A similar photo appeared on the page close friend Dmitry Tarasov rapper t-killah.

The young man was yesterday in the company of a football player and his girlfriend. Moreover, just a few months ago, the rapper enthusiastically sang praises to Olga Buzova. The musician did not hide his admiration ex-wife Dmitry Tarasov, but sharply changed his opinion when it became known about Tarabuzikov’s divorce.

Instagram followers of t-killah accuse the performer of duplicity and meanness, not skimping on comments under yesterday’s photo:

lynallynal You are two-faced and I agree with many of the comments here. I wouldn’t be surprised if you brainwashed your friend about Olya and it was you who influenced their separation. First you praised Olya’s books, then now you trash her. What kind of friend are you? Vile two-faced herd dogs.

olga_.evgenevna With such friends you don’t even need enemies... At first Ole’s ass was actually kissed now in a bowl

elmiraivv T_killah lizazhop you Tarasova

julianatkallun okay Tarasov is an asshole, and you?! I sang a song with Olya, we were friends and photo sets, etc. And now you’re pouring shit on Her song and Her herself! Isn’t it scary? These people are called two-faced!

Anastasia Kostenko is a charming girl who in 2014 won the title of second vice-miss of Russia and in the same year worthily represented her country at the Miss World competition in London.

Oddly enough, she gained widespread fame due to her affair with football player Dmitry Tarasov, who at the end of 2016 abandoned the TV presenter of the Dom-2 project, Olga Buzova, for her sake.

Childhood and adolescence

The future model was born in the provincial town of Salsk Rostov region. Her father was an entrepreneur, and her mother worked as a school psychologist. Her parents divorced when the girl was barely five years old. Soon, my mother married a second time and gave little Nastya a brother, Artemka, and two sisters, Anechka and Olya.

Nature generously endowed Anastasia with luxurious appearance and powerful creative potential. The makings of a daughter did not escape the eyes of the mother, who, despite family problems, sent her daughter first to a music school and then to a dance studio. Having mastered the basics of modern ballroom dancing and practiced Latin, Nastya decided to tie her later life with choreography.

After ninth grade, she entered the Stavropol College of Arts, where she took up ballet and dancing professionally. In parallel with her studies, the spectacular girl successfully participated in local beauty contests, which brought her the titles “Miss Charm”, “Miss Spring” and “Don Beauty”.

Model career

After a series of victories, Anastasia was noticed and invited to work as a model in China. In 2013, she became the face of the Beijing clothing company LAN YU. self made. This year young model became the winner of the International Beauty Contest in Mongolia.

In 2014, the contract with the Chinese ended, and Nastya returned home. The ambitious beauty’s plans were to participate in the Miss Russia competition. She applied and immediately received an invitation. As a result, the young model won second place and the title of Vice-Miss Russia, and also received a grant to study at any university in the world. She chose the RUDN University and became a student at the Faculty of Journalism.

At the end of 2014, Anastasia received another pleasant surprise - she was chosen as the representative of Russia at the Miss World competition in London, where she entered the top 25 beautiful girls world, taking 20th place.

Personal life of Anastasia Kostenko

But not achievements in modeling business and victories in beauty contests made the girl famous throughout the country. At the end of 2016, the press became aware of the divorce of Lokomotiv football player Dmitry Tarasov from TV presenter Olga Buzova.

The breakup between Tarasov and Buzova was accompanied by a “showdown” in in social networks. In a fit of emotion, Olga once wrote the following: “...Will you tell me how you cheated on me with Misska?” Users wondered what this mysterious “miss” was until photographs appeared on the Internet in which Tarasov was captured with an attractive brunette. Very soon the identity of the beauty was established - she turned out to be Anastasia Kostenko.

In a matter of days, the name of Anastasia Kostenko took the first lines of domestic tabloids. Journalists followed Nastya and Dmitry’s every move, her Instagram was literally bursting with malicious comments and insults from Buzova’s numerous fans.

Tarasov and Kostenko at a girl’s birthday

For some time, the lovers did not advertise their relationship, which gave rise to many rumors and gossip in the media sphere. Not without a sense of humor, Anastasia happily stirred up interest in her person. So, she posted on Instagram a photo of herself in a sweater with the inscription “mom and dad” in English and a Kinder chocolate bar in her hand, as if hinting at pregnancy. “I’m thinking about something, my dear parents,” read the caption to the photo.

Only in March 2017, on his 30th birthday, Dmitry Tarasov revealed his relationship with Anastasia to the public. There was a scandal: when singer Hannah, who performed at the athlete’s birthday, took a photo with Anastasia Kostenko, Olga Buzova angrily commented on her photo: “Holding the hand of the Rostov b**** who took her husband away from the family? Shame on you!".

Anastasia Kostenko now

In the spring of 2017, the young model gave an interview in which she shared her plans for life. The girl said that she was ready to become a mother, but it was children, according to many fans, that were so lacking in the relationship between Tarasov and Buzova. Soon, while on vacation in the Maldives, Dmitry proposed to Nastya and presented her with a diamond ring from Graff. Spiteful critics quipped that the ring previously given to Buzova was more expensive.

Russian model, second Vice-Miss Russia 2014, participant in the international beauty contest Miss World 2014 in London.

Anastasia Kostenko. Biography and career

Anastasia Yaroslavovna Kostenko born on March 29, 1994 in the city of Salsk (Rostov region) in the family of an entrepreneur Yaroslava Kostenko and school psychologist Victoria Shcherbakova. Nastya is the eldest child in the family - she has two younger sisters and a brother. When Kostenko was five years old, her parents divorced; the girl stayed to live with her mother.

Based on the surname “Kostenko,” one might think that Anastasia is Ukrainian, but on the social network “VKontakte” she denied this: “I am a Cossack, but not Ukrainian. I have no Ukrainian roots in my family.”

In 2009, Anastasia entered the Stavropol Regional College of Arts, where until 2014 she studied in the ballet department. After graduating from college, the girl immediately moved to Moscow, since at that time she had to prepare for international competition Beauty in London, in which she had the honor of representing her country. The aspiring model received this offer after winning the title “Second Vice-Miss Russia” in March 2014.

In 2014, Anastasia entered the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in the capital at the Faculty of Philology, choosing the direction of "journalism" for herself.

Nastya Kostenko collaborated with the Image-Elite agency. She took part in the Russian Fasion Week show, demonstrating outfits by fashion designers Ekaterina Smolina and Maria Tsigal. Winner of the titles “Miss Charm”, “Miss Spring-2012”, “Don Beauty-2012”, “Rostov Don Beauty-2012” according to magazine.

In 2013, Kostenko worked at the Modern Models agency in Beijing (China), where she was the face of the handmade dress company LAN YU. Anastasia became the winner of the Miss All Nation competition, held in 2013 in Mongolia.

March 1, 2014 Anastasia Kostenko was awarded the title of second Vice-Miss Russia and received a grant for studying at any of the world's universities. In the same year, from November to December, the girl represented Russia at the Miss World 2014 competition in London. According to the jury of the event, Anastasia entered the top 25, taking 20th place among all participants.

As Anastasia herself said, from 2012 to 2015 she gave up meat. However, instead of the “promised “ease”, vivid dreams and healthy looking", the girl only drove herself to anorexia and developed a lot of health problems.

IN free time does choreography, sports, draws, and also plays the piano. Her favorite movie is Black Swan, and her favorite book is Fyodor Dostoevsky's The Idiot.

Anastasia Kostenko. Personal life

In October 2016 it became known that Anastasia Kostenko meets with football player Dmitry Tarasov, who at that time was married to the famous TV presenter Olga Buzova. When the couple officially divorced, the athlete stopped hiding his new lover. Moreover, in February 2017, the model moved into an apartment with her boyfriend.

Kostenko dreams of big family and a caring husband: “I would like to have many children like my mother. What I definitely wouldn’t do, like her, live out of wedlock for a long time and at the same time have children. I think that a man should not be judged by his attractiveness. My future chosen one should be smart, like my grandfather, caring, independent and purposeful, like my dad, spontaneous and cheerful, like my brother...”

On July 10, at the elite Lapino hospital near Moscow, Kostenko gave birth to a daughter. “Our long-awaited daughter was born! Lots of emotions and new feelings. I would never have thought that immense happiness could be 50 cm tall and weigh 2940 grams! Thank you, my love, for what I feel with you!” - Anastasia wrote on her Instagram. Dmitriy Tarasov, as planned, was present at his wife’s birth.

Anastasia Kostenko was born on March 29, 1994 in the city of Salsk, Rostov region. Anastasia Kostenko’s father had his own business, and her mother was a psychologist at school. When Nastya was 5 years old, her parents separated. Soon, Anastasia Kostenko’s mother remarried and gave birth to three more children. Anastasia Kostenko graduated from the College of Arts in Stavropol as a ballerina and choreographer. The beauty did not complete her education and decided to study further. In Moscow, she entered the philological faculty of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, where she studied journalism.

Anastasia Kostenko participated in many beauty contests and often received prizes. So in 2014 she won the title “Second Vice-Miss Russia”.

But what Anastasia Kostenko became most famous for was the fact that she had an affair with a married football player. Anastasia Kostenko is not afraid to step on the same rake as all the previous women of Dmitry Tarasov. What seduced Anastasia Kostenko in this successful but simple-minded guy? Money? Charm? Charm? Sense of humor? Rich sexual experience? Loyalty and reliability? Or maybe intelligence?

It is clear that Olga Buzova once took Dmitry Tarasov away from his family in the same way. It is clear that by that time they had already quarreled with Oksana Tarsova, but most likely the offended woman was still waiting for the return of her prodigal husband. Buzova, at that time, was zealously hunting for some young and promising athlete, on her part there was first a subtle calculation, then stormy passion and love. Buzova fell in love, but the calculation did not disappear. Tarasov himself was in love, but then his feelings dulled, pink glasses fell to the floor and broke, the lassoed boy was tired of his wife’s excessive publicity, and even more so the fact that every minute of their personal life was always on display. Yes, anyone would be blown away! And so Dmitry Tarasov, not grieving for long, went to the left, and found himself a simply luxurious girl. It is possible that Anastasia Kostenko believes that Dmitry Tarasov will be different with her. These previous wives were fools, one was worn out, the other was an ambitious public clown, but Nastenka will be different - caring, loving, devote herself entirely to her chosen one, give birth to many children.

In January 2018, Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenok got married. I really want to believe that Dmitry Tarasov will break all stereotypes and will never cheat on his third wife. If modest engineers and managers manage to have mistresses, then what can we say about athletes and artists! So, with bated breath, we wait for news about the next adventures of Dmitry Tarasov, but for now we enjoy photographs of him new wife- Anastasia Kostenko.

The age difference between Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko is 7 years.

Just look at these photos of Anastasia Kostenko, how beautiful she is. Big eyes, plump lips, like Angelina Jolie’s, a chiseled, small, neat nose.

And in this photo you see little Anastasia Kostenko, but pay attention, her lips were already plump then - which means no silicone! Or what are they uploading there now?

Depending on the makeup face Anastasia Kostenko may change beyond recognition. Just look at this photo - Nastya here you can only recognize it by its plump lower lip!

But in this photo you can see how thin the eyebrows really are. Anastasia Kostenko, here they are plucked and expressionless. How do girls manage to draw such different eyebrows for themselves? I'm amazed - they have so much different options eyebrows!

And in this photo you see Anastasia Kostenko with a bang on his forehead and a cat in his arms, also very beautiful by the way!

And in this photo it’s small Anastasia Kostenko with a family. From left to right: Nastya, her dad, mom and grandma.

Small Nastya with grandma and monkey.

Pay attention to this photo of the little one Nastya Kostenko– even then it was clear that this girl would grow into a real beauty, but who knew then that she would get involved with a handsome guy Tarasov?

Nine months happily married. Milan, and the couple’s union became even stronger. The football player and model regularly publish touching pictures on social networks, demonstrating family idyll. Today Anastasia shared another romantic photo with her husband and tenderly signed: “ When there is WE, everything else does not exist»

For Anastasia Kostenko, the child became the first, and for Dmitry Tarasov - the second. The 31-year-old athlete also has a daughter Angelina-Anna, which the football player was given birth to by his first wife Oksana Ponomarenko. In June the girl turned nine years old, and loving father

Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko with their daughter and pet

By the way, two weeks ago, a lawyer representing the interests of Dmitry Tarasov’s first wife told reporters that. According to the lawyer, the athlete evaded payments for six years. Zhorin also said that if the 31-year-old football player refuses to provide his ex-wife Oksana Ponomarenko the above amount, then a criminal case may be initiated against him and his parental rights may be deprived.

Dmitry Tarasov himself addressed himself and emphasized that money for his maintenance is debited from his account every month eldest daughter Angelina-Anna. However, FC Lokomotiv, where the athlete is a player, admitted that he had arrears in child support. by deducting it from his midfielder's salary.

Dmitry Tarasov with his daughter Angelina-Anna