Alena Khmelnitskaya spoke about her daughter’s reaction to her divorce from Tigran Keosayan: “She was in shock.” Alena Khmelnitskaya has been living with her new lover for almost a year. Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya are getting divorced.

For more than thirty years, Alena Khmelnitskaya has been pleasing her fans with her works almost every day, but according to the artist, directors are accustomed to seeing in her exclusively the image of a strong but lonely girl who achieves everything through her own efforts. During her career, she was not only an actress, but also a television presenter, and also had own business selling stylish clothes. In the personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya, serious changes have also occurred over the past few years. Read below what the artist is ready for for the sake of her children and how she managed to survive the difficulties in family life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alena Khmelnitskaya

Every day the number of requests on the Internet about the artist’s height, weight, and age is increasing more and more often. Not only fans, but also people far from her work are interested in how old Alena Khmelnitskaya is. The actress was born on January 12, 1971, which makes her 46 years old at the time of writing this article.

She was born in the capital and spent almost her entire life here, working as a TV presenter and actress. Thanks enough tall– 173 cm, many do not believe that Alena weighs only 53 kg, because such weight is catastrophically low for her. However, as the actress herself claims, in her family on the female side, everyone has always been tall and at the same time quite thin, so you shouldn’t be surprised.

Biography of Alena Khmelnitskaya

Looking at Alena Khmelnitskaya, one gets the feeling that time definitely has absolutely no power over her. girl with early years She was absolutely sure that she was destined to become a famous actress. And also on personal experience, she proved to everyone a fairly simple truth that in order to become the wife of a general in the future, it is necessary to initially marry an ordinary lieutenant. In comparison with many other actresses, the biography of Alena Khmelnitskaya may not seem so interesting, because she was born in the capital, and when entering college she already had a huge advantage. Since childhood, the girl was interested in theatrical skills and various dances.

In addition, both of the girl’s parents were ballet dancers who graduated from GITIS. Therefore, no one had any doubts that the young artist had the stage in her blood. As the actress became famous on the Internet, questions like Alena Khmelnitskaya’s cause of death, date of death increased, fueling interest in her person, however, fortunately, in reality, the information about the death of the artist was someone’s cruel joke.

Personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya after divorce

In 1993, the artist’s life changed dramatically. It’s difficult to say whether it’s for the better or worse, but the fact remains: she married the rather promising, handsome and young Tigran Keosayan. At the same time, the first child was born, and Alena Khmelnitskaya’s personal life became even more interesting larger number her fans. For many years their family was considered ideal, but in 2009 the first discord occurred in the union, which seemed indestructible.

In 2010, Alena gave birth to another child. She couldn't figure out how to save warm relations within the family, and then the idea of ​​a second child seemed quite good to her. However, this did not help keep the family intact. In 2010, the artist divorced. After the divorce, Tigran and Alena almost completely stopped communicating.

Alena later noted in numerous interviews: “While we were officially married, Tigran put quite a lot of pressure on me. Now I feel like I can breathe freely." Fortunately, the divorce did not negatively affect the children of celebrities.

Family of Alena Khmelnitskaya

As is the case with most Russian stars Alena Khmelnitskaya’s family deserves special attention. Her mom and dad performed in Bolshoi Theater. In parallel with performances in the theater, Alena’s father, Alexander Khmelnitsky, decided to teach at one of the choreographic schools. Mother, Valentina Savina, after graduating from GITIS, decided to become a choreographer and was even one of the assistants of Vladimir Vasiliev, who staged such famous productions as “Juno and Avos” and “Macbeth” at the Bolshoi Theater. Since 1983, Savina worked for Vyacheslav Zaitsev in his Fashion House.

IN early childhood Alena, in parallel with her dreams of an acting career, played table tennis, and also rhythmic gymnastics. She even performed at various city-level competitions and won several times. After completion school exams the girl immediately entered the Moscow Art Theater School and forever connected her life with the career of an actress.

Children of Alena Khmelnitskaya

Marriage with the famous director Tigran Keosayan gave talented woman two children:

  • Daughter Alexandru (born September 21, 1994);
  • Daughter Ksenia (born June 2010)

It was accepted in the family that the husband was the head of the family; everyone took his opinion into account, including the children of Alena Khmelnitskaya, and the actress herself.

Their first child, daughter Alexandra, was born just a year after the wedding. Today she is already studying in the USA and her parents, despite the divorce, are each trying to give her as much free time as possible. The girl herself admits: “Despite the fact that my parents divorced, they did not make me feel like an abandoned child. Sometimes it seems to me that, on the contrary, I began to spend more time with them.”

Thanks to the birth of her second child, Alena notes that she began to feel much younger. The birth of Ksyusha was largely prompted by the actress and first daughter Sasha, who constantly asked her parents to give her a sister or brother.

Daughter of Alena Khmelnitskaya - Alexandra Khmelnitskaya

The eldest of the heirs of the famous actress is currently finishing her studies at the university and is making plans for future life. As you know, Alena Khmelnitskaya’s daughter, Alexandra Khmelnitskaya, is famous for her uncertainty, and therefore is quite worried about how her life will turn out. later life. She doesn’t yet know where she wants to live permanently – in England, Russia or the USA.

The most important thing for her, as Alena notes, is to find her place in the sun and do what she loves, so that work is not a burden, but rather, on the contrary, purely a joy. If we talk about her personal life, then for Sasha so far everything is as calm as her mother’s.

Daughter of Alena Khmelnitskaya - Ksenia Khmelnitskaya

Alexandra, eldest daughter, famous actress She constantly took her with her to filming, since there was no one to leave her with. Actually, Alena Khmelnitskaya’s daughter, Ksenia Khmelnitskaya, spent her childhood the same way as hers older sister. Despite his young age, the girl is quite calm about the fact that her parents are well-known personalities in the country.

And, drawing attention to the fact that now she is not yet fully aware that she is growing up in a family of popular filmmakers, she quite often, when asked who her parents are, answers that they work for her as mom and dad. This is in once again emphasizes the fact that the girl is growing up as a completely unspoiled child.

Alena Khmelnitskaya's ex-husband - Tigran Keosayan

Happy marriage The lovers could not be saved. In 2014, the famous actress and already ex-husband of Alena Khmelnitskaya, Tigran Keosayan, officially ceased to exist as a couple. At first, the former spouses tried to hide the breakup as carefully as possible. Later it became known that they had not lived together since 2012. The reason turned out to be quite banal - infidelity overtook this married couple, who once seemed ideal to fans.

Alena Khmelnitskaya's ex-husband - Tigran Keosayan photo

After the divorce, Tigran quickly found a new lover and married Margarita, with whom he is now happily married. Alena plunged headlong into work processes, and now about ex-wife tries not to remember, only occasionally speaking in interviews about how grateful she is to him for his beautiful daughters.

Alena Khmelnitskaya does not hide from her fans the fact that she often visits her cosmetologist E.I. Gubanova, which constantly encourages fans to look for photos of Alena Khmelnitskaya before and after plastic surgery that were done. However, the actress notes that it is very important for her to preserve her face and in the field of cosmetology she is exclusively a supporter of various preventive steps.

Each time in various interviews, the artist emphasizes that there are no major operations she did not, and is unlikely to ever decide to cut her face in order to preserve her youth for an additional ten or fifteen years.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Khmelnitskaya

In the age of Internet technology, many are looking for Alena Khmelnitskaya’s Instagram and Wikipedia to see what they say about her. If we talk about the encyclopedia, then it presents to fans a fairly wide list of films in which different years the actress took part. Here you can see:

  1. "Ondine", released in 2003;
  2. “The President and his granddaughter”, 2009;
  3. “Petya the Magnificent”, 2006, etc.

More recently, it was with the help of Instagram that Khmelnitskaya congratulated her eldest daughter on her next birthday, being several thousand kilometers away from her.

Spectacular and talented actress Alena Khmelnitskaya is the wife of director Tigran Keosayan. For Russian film and television viewers, this statement seemed unshakable and solid, like a rock. The news of their divorce in 2014 came like a bolt from the blue for fans of the famous couple.

Birds of a feather

This couple was a match for each other. She is the daughter of famous ballet dancers - Valentina Savina and Alexander Khmelnitsky. Tigran is the son of the cult director Edmond Keosayan, who directed “The Elusive,” and Honored Artist of Armenia Laura Gevorkyan. Since childhood, both moved in theatrical circles, she grew up behind the scenes, he - on film set. Both decided to connect their lives with theater and cinema.

After graduating from school, Alena entered the Moscow Art Theater School, and after school, Tigran worked for Mosfilm for nine years in various capacities. He even starred in two films, but the acting path did not completely capture him. His dream was directing, and in 1994 Keosayan entered VGIK. He interrupted his studies to serve in the army, and after finishing his service he returned to VGIK.

In the difficult 90s, when domestic cinema was undergoing a deep crisis, Keosayan managed to make several films - “Katka and Shiz”, “The President and His Granddaughter”, “Poor Sasha”. In addition, his series “Funny Things, Family Matters” was released.

On the set of a video for the future empress Russian stage Tigran met Alena. Strictly speaking, they knew each other before, but just casually. We often crossed paths in different places - “hello and bye”, nothing more. Yegor Konchalovsky dragged Alena into the Mosfilm courtyard, where Keosayan was filming a video.

The acquaintance grew into closer communication, and one day Tigran invited Alena to star in a commercial. This brought the director and actress even closer together, and the young people began an affair.

In 1993, Tigran and Alena got married. They chartered a small boat, the weather did not disappoint, and it turned out interesting holiday. They sailed along the Moscow River, guests joined them along the way, and some, on the contrary, left. The orchestra was playing, everyone was dancing and making toasts.

Family life

A year later, daughter Sasha was born. Alena gave birth in Sweden, where her parents lived at that time. She wanted one like this important point be closer to mom. However, trials awaited the family in Russia. Like the rest of the country, there was little work, and they had to live on Tigran’s one-time fees for filming videos and advertising.

Alena even had to work as an executive director at the store fashionable clothes, in a boutique opened by Andrey Dellos and Anton Tabakov. But a couple of years after the release of “Poor Sasha,” the film industry woke up, and Keosayan began filming a lot, including his beloved wife in his films.

In 1998, during the default, the Keosayan-Khmelnitsky Family managed to buy an unfinished house in an elite village for the price of a one-room apartment. This is how the couple’s dream began to come true - to have country house. They took a long time to build. But when the house was finally ready, they moved to live outside the city.

Interesting notes:

Daughter Alexandra was always a good student and was fond of jazz vocals. attended a music school where she studied piano. In addition, Sasha has decently mastered English, French and German languages. But at the age of 15 I decided to take up directing.

Tigran tried to dissuade his daughter for a long time, convincing her that directing was not a woman’s profession. However, the daughter showed unprecedented persistence and went to study in New York, at the Tisch School of the Arts. In the photo below Alena Khmelnitskaya, Tigran Keosayan and them eldest daughter Alexandra.

Life after divorce

At the age of 38, Alena became pregnant for the second time, and a girl was born. The daughter was named Ksenia. It would seem - live and be happy, your husband has a lot of projects, including television ones, the actress herself was also not without work, but life took an unexpected turn. In 2014, the general public learned that the couple no longer lived together. Tigran Keosayan lives with a journalist and general director“RT” Margarita Simonyan, who is expecting a child from Keosayan.

According to the actress, after the divorce, relations with ex-husband even improved. They are dating, Alena found common language With new woman Tigran, they go to visit each other, on holidays, on birthdays.

The personal life of the beautiful Alena is also in full swing. She is in a relationship with businessman Alexander Sinyushin. In March 2017, the press learned that the actress had moved to live with her new boyfriend. Alexander younger than Alena, but not critical, as the actress herself says. He rents lighting and sound equipment.

Photo of Alena and her husband

PHOTO: Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosyanyan before divorce

Many admired the married couple Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya, however, it recently became known that they have been divorced for a long time. What was the reason for the divorce? Let's try to figure it out.

Love story of Keosayan and Khmelnitskaya

The reason for Alena Khmelnitskaya’s divorce was mutual grievances, but it all started very romantically...

Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya met in the 90s. They met by chance in the buffet of the Lenkom Theater. At that time, Tiran was already a young director who had made several films. And Alena is a young and beautiful aspiring actress at Lenkom, a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. By that time, she had already starred in the film “Hearts of Three,” which brought her popularity. The young people immediately liked each other, their relationship was serious.

In 1993, Tigran proposed marriage to Alena, she accepted him. In 1994 married couple a daughter was born, who was named Alexandra. Alena was happy, she stopped with pleasure acting career and took care of the child. Her husband supported her well morally and financially. The young mother even thought that she would never return to the stage. She liked the role of a housewife and mother of the family.

But later, Alena had to return to her main profession, despite the fact that Tigran’s career took off. He has already made many famous films and could have provided for his family alone. Khmelnitskaya again began to play in Lenkom and act in films.

Photo before divorce

Family life seemed ideal - a loving and caring husband who provided well for the family, common interests of the spouses, caring for a child who grew up in love and prosperity. But something didn’t go as expected.

The beginning of the end and possible reason divorce of Tigran Keosayan and there was a natural statement from Nikita Dzhigurda about their ex-romance with Alena. It turned out that she had a relationship with this actor right before her wedding to Tigran Keosayan.

Tigran took this news to heart and was very worried about it. He became withdrawn, gloomy, and taciturn. The husband was never able to forgive Alena’s act; since then, the relationship between the spouses has changed dramatically and cooled. In order to save them, the actress decided to give birth to a second child. However, this did not protect Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya from divorce.

In 2012, the couple had a second daughter, who was named Ksenia. Both girls look like their father and have Armenian appearance. And again Alena like exemplary mother leaves his career and spends time at home with his children. While her husband appears in public with another woman.

Alena with her daughters

One famous journalist convicted Tigran of infidelity; she publicly stated that she saw Keosayan with Margarita Simonyan, editor of the television channel “ Russia today" In 2012, they were seen together in Jurmala, and Margarita was pregnant. Rumors immediately appeared that the child was Tigran’s. In 2013, Simonyan gave birth to a child, but who his father is is unknown.

And Alena began to appear in social circles alone or in the company of girlfriends. It immediately became clear that not everything was all right with the couple. Most likely, the affair between Tigran Keosayan and Margarita Simonyan became the final reason for the divorce from Alena Khmelnitskaya.

In 2014, Tigran and Alena actually divorced, but in fact they had been living apart for a long time. Now Tigran lives with Margarita Simonyan, they have a fairly harmonious relationship. In 2014, they had a son, who was named Bagrat. However, they are in no hurry to formalize their relationship legally. Margarita today personifies the director’s muse; seeing her on the set, Tigran becomes enlightened and pacified. It looks like they have found each other.

Alena's life after divorce

Alena was very upset about the breakup with her husband, because they lived in perfect harmony for twenty years! Many friends were even afraid of the development depressive state the actress, but it didn’t come to that. The courageous woman managed to pull herself together. She devoted herself entirely to raising children and acting.

And finally, fate sent her consolation in the person of a new loved one. Her chosen one was the young entrepreneur Alexander Sinyushin. They met two years ago, at first they just talked. It turned out that they have a lot common interests, there is something to talk about. Then the young people felt mutual attraction.

Alexander and Alena began living together a year and a half ago. The actress simply blossomed, she glows with happiness, and it catches your eye. And she is not at all embarrassed by the significant age difference - a young man twelve years younger than her!

True, Alexander is far from art; he works with lighting equipment. But he treats his beloved’s profession with great respect. At the premiere of the play “Cinderella”, in which Alena played, a man sat next to her parents. This fact led to the corresponding conclusions of those who did not yet know about Khmelnitskaya’s new love affair.

Alexander Sinyushin and Alena Khmelnitskaya

Alena told the press that all the passions surrounding her divorce had already subsided. She and her ex-husband stayed good friends, she doesn't hold a grudge against him. Daughters often communicate with their father and brother.

Alena’s only fear was that her daughters would not accept their mother’s new chosen one. But even here everything worked out well, the girls became friends with Alexander, because he is a sociable and positive person. They often travel together and post photos online about their time together.

The reason for the divorce of Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya was not his wife’s infidelity, rather the opposite...

Biography of Khmelnitskaya

Alena Khmelnitskaya was born in 1971 in the capital, her parents were famous ballet dancers, soloists at the Bolshoi Theater. The girl grew up behind the scenes of this theater, and many predicted a ballet career for her. But Alena was not the right weight to become a ballerina.

Soon her mother left the ballet and began working at the Lenkom Theater as an assistant director. Alena was reluctantly introduced to theatrical life, she watched the actors work and began to notice that she was increasingly developing a desire to become an actress.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in her youth

At the age of 12, the girl was already entrusted with a role in the film “Karambolina-karamboletta”. When she was 15 years old, her parents had to leave for the UK, and Alena was left alone in Russia. But this did not stop her from finishing school and enrolling in a theater university.

Then Alena went to work at her favorite Lenkom theater, where her mother worked. At the same time, she began acting in films.

Viewers remember her roles in films:

  • "Hearts of Three";
  • "March of Turetsky";
  • "Undine";
  • “Second Youth”;
  • “Expect the unexpected”, etc.

Alena is a talented actress and a wonderful woman, good mother. She has many creative successes ahead of her.

After the divorce of Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya, both had a successful personal life!

The actress spoke about her new boyfriend, about friendly relations with her ex-husband and his wife, about what her children are doing.

Several years ago, a seemingly ideal couple in every sense - Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya - broke up, although they had been together for about twenty years.

And the beginning of everything for Alena was “Juno” and “Avos” in “Lenkom”. She, in fact, grew up watching this performance, since her mother worked on it as a second choreographer at the invitation of Vladimir Vasiliev. Alena was at all rehearsals and then sat in the orchestra pit at every performance. And in fact, it was because of “Juno” that I decided to enroll in the acting department.
So Khmelnitskaya was happy when she got into Juno and Lenkom, although she was torn between rehearsals and sessions. She had two lives: one as a student, and the second as an adult, as an actor. In her fourth year, she didn’t even audition for other theaters, because she was already in Lenkom.

In addition, then Alena began to actively act in film. She met Tigran immediately after college, and at twenty-two she was already married. Soon she became pregnant. Sasha left the theater.

From the very beginning, everything with Tigran was serious, but at the same time fun and frivolous, without any global problems about this. They immediately began to discuss the wedding, how it would happen.
Tigran worked a lot and was full of all sorts of plans. And most importantly, I am absolutely sure that everything will be fine - both in the profession and in everything else. Alena understood that he was certainly responsible, reliable, and knew what family meant to him.

Alena really wanted a child. Sasha’s birth was absolutely organic; Alena doesn’t know how she even lived without her. A year after the birth of her daughter, Khmelnitskaya became the manager of the boutique. The actress viewed the boutique solely from the point of view of her fantasies, a cinematic idea of ​​what a pleasant thing it is to make fashionable clothes. She thought that she could make a cool businesswoman, and when Tigran starts making films, she will play for him.

The boutique existed for three years, but Alena received pleasure only when a new collection was brought in, hung out, and people started buying. She earned something, but it could not be called a successful activity. Then Tigran began making films. And for Alena, it all really started with “Silver Lily of the Valley,” which she loves very much.

But Sasha did not choose an acting profession, she preferred film directing, because she does not have an acting essence and absolutely not an acting brain, her mother believes. In May she finishes her studies at the directing and producing department in the USA. When Sasha turned sixteen, she went to get a diploma from an American school in England. Just then Ksyusha was born. By that time, Sasha had already decided that she wanted to become a film director, and everyone was ready for her to go abroad. Sasha taught English language, which she did very successfully, in addition to this, she graduated from a German school, where French was the second language.

When Sasha left, Alena felt incredibly lonely, because they were really in recent years were very close to her, especially that year when Alena was pregnant. They lived together in Nice before and after Ksyusha’s birth. Sasha took care of her mother there and went with her to the hospital when the time came.

After Ksyusha’s birth, Alena says, she did not feel any return to youth. Alena began acting when Ksyusha was six months old, although she did not have a strong desire to work.

Both are always to blame for a breakup, says Alena. And their separation did not come as a surprise to any of them. They had crises and difficult stages in their work and personal relationships.

Ksyusha is a complete joy, says Alena, and she gives her a lot of strength. Every weekend she goes to her dad and has great communication with her sister and brother there. That's why they complete harmony. Alena talks with Tigran Keosayan’s new wife Margarita Simonyan. They go to each other's children's birthday parties.

Alena considers herself a self-sufficient person and does not think that if she is alone, she is not successful. The actress was not looking for any feelings or relationships, but she was never deprived of them.

Now Khmelnitskaya has a person nearby. This is businessman Alexander Sinyushin. She values ​​intelligence very much, especially in a man. Alena has become more selfish and now believes that people should be better off together than alone. Alena says that she cannot fall in love with a fool, with an ungenerous man. Alena has a very strong maternal instinct, and a man must have contact with her child. Ksyusha liked Sasha immediately. And it was because of her attitude towards him that Alena had the idea that this could be a serious, full-fledged relationship.

Alexander is younger than Alena, but not catastrophically, she says. They talked with Sasha for quite a long time. Now they have been living together for almost a year, and before that they met and had a great time. Khmelnitskaya liked this lightness - she was on her own, she had her own life. Everything suited them until a certain moment, and then they realized that they were worse off separately. We decided to carefully try to live together.

According to Alena, everything matches up with Sasha exactly as we would like. There is nothing she loves and he doesn't. Including leisure preferences and taste preferences are similar.
Sinyushin is engaged in business in the field of music, but with technical side. Sasha has friends and acquaintances from the acting world with whom he communicates, so all this is not new to him.

Alena Khmelnitskaya grew up in an artistic environment. Her parents are ballet dancers, at one time they danced at the Bolshoi Theater and toured with the troupe around the world. Alena was not particularly attracted to ballet, and her build was not suitable for it (she grew up as a large girl). But the theater... She was 10 years old when her mother, together with Vladimir Vasilyev, choreographed the famous play “Juno” and “Avos” at Lenkom. Then the girl met Oleg Yankovsky, Alexander Abdulov, Tatyana Peltzer, Evgeny Leonov. Alena was “infected” by the stage virus, and she decided to become an actress.


Having entered the Moscow Art Theater School (workshop of I.M. Tarkhanov), Alena Khmelnitskaya returned to Lenkom in her second year. In “Juno and Avos” the young actress was entrusted with the role of Conchita. Alena played another role in the equally famous “Funeral Prayer.”

Movie. First successes

Alena Khmelnitskaya first appeared in films at the age of 12. She played the granddaughter in the concert film directed by Alexander Belinsky “Carambolina-karamboletta”. During her years of study at the Moscow Art Theater School, the actress starred in the films: “The Tale of a Merchant’s Daughter and the Mysterious Flower” (The Prophet), “Dating House” (Natalia), “Murder in Sunshine Manor” (Miss Marlborough).

Fame came to the young actress after the release of the adventure films “Hearts of Three” and “Hearts of Three-2” in 1992-93. The success of the films was guaranteed by a fascinating plot (an exciting treasure hunt) and a winning cast. Partners of the spectacular beauty Alena Khmelnitskaya (she played main role– Leoncia) in the film were Sergei Zhigunov (Henry), Vladimir Shevelkov (Francis Morgan) and Dmitry Kharatyan (Lieutenant Parsons), who joined them in the second part.

Alena and Tigran

Alena Khmelnitskaya met Tigran Keosayan in the early 90s. The actress recalls: “He knew that I worked at Lenkom. I also heard something about him, saw a couple of his videos. It’s a big creative community now, but back then almost everyone had heard at least a little about each other. But it seems to me that he watched “Juno and Avos” in “Lenkom” and “Hearts of Three” for the first time after we met. So I didn’t fall in love with him on screen...”

Best of the day

In 1994, the couple had a daughter, Sasha. This year turned out to be the most difficult in their lives. There was no work, debts appeared that grew like a snowball. “It was incredibly difficult to get out of this hole,” admits Alena.

In the absence of work in cinema and theater, Alena had to engage in activities completely alien to her. Friends suggested she become the boutique's executive director. In an interview, she said: “I went to work in a store. You know, it’s nice to have a small factory or shop. Many artists have opened restaurants, for example, Maxim Sukhanov has already opened several. This business is going well for him, and at the same time he has not left the acting profession. But it turned out differently for me. I selected clothing collections, and that was where the fun ended. I didn't understand economics. And yet, the store existed for three years. I didn’t ruin anyone..."

Russian cinema

The end of the 90s marked the beginning of the revival of Russian cinema. Alena Khmelnitskaya was in demand again. At the turn of two centuries, she starred in films and TV series: “The President and His Granddaughter” (Alice), “Directory of Death” (actress Milinda Zaslavskaya), “The Christmas Mystery” (Anna), “Turetsky’s March” (Elena), “Silver Lily of the Valley” "(Irma), etc. One of her most striking works during this period was the role of journalist Natalya in Tigran Keosayan’s action-packed series “A Man’s Work,” dedicated to the topical issue of the war in Chechnya.

More greater success I was expecting an actress in the TV series “Ondine”. Alena Khmelnitskaya played the role of photographer Tatyana, mother main character. She admitted: “I was interested. First of all, I have never acted in a leading role for such a long time. large quantity series. There are 90 of them here! Secondly, I liked the story itself.” The series actually had a fairly high rating among viewers, which prompted the creators to film the second part of Ondine.

Today it is difficult to imagine Russian cinema without this amazing actress, without her spectacular, charming heroines. Alena Khmelnitskaya often appears in films by her husband Tigran Keosayan, or his brother David Keosayan. Thus, in the sparkling comedy “The Hare over the Abyss” she appeared in the image of the gypsy Rada, in the detective story “Love on the Edge of a Knife” she played Tamara Khlebnikova, and in the film “The Three Half-Graces” she played the main role of the head of the program directorate of the TV channel Alice.

In 2008, Tigran Keosayan’s adventure film “Mirage” was released. The heroine of Khmelnitskaya was Valeria Mikhailovna Chernysheva, a lonely tough businesswoman who, by chance, witnessed a murder and, as a result, was involved in a cycle of dangerous events.


1983 Carambolina-caramboletta

1987 Corral (USSR-Syria)

1991 The Tale of a Merchant's Daughter and a Mysterious Flower

1991 Date House

1992 Murder at Sunshine Menor (Ukraine)

1992 Hearts of Three (Ukraine)

1992 Arbiter

1993 The Reluctant Superman, or the Erotic Mutant

1993 Hearts of three-2

1996 Funny things - family matters

1999 The President and his granddaughter

1999 Death Directory

2000 Christmas mystery

2000 Turkish March (season 1) - TV series

2000 Silver lily of the valley

2000 Game of Love

2001 Stop on demand 2 - TV series

2001 Men's work 1 - TV series

2002 Russian Amazons - TV series

2002 A man's work 2 series

2003 Ondine - TV series

2003 Russian Amazons-2 - TV series

2003 The Joys and Sorrows of the Little Lord

2004 Undine-2. On the crest of a wave - series

2004 Silver lily of the valley-2

2006 Three half-graces

2006 Petya the Magnificent - TV series

2006 Hare over the abyss

2006-2007 Who's the boss? - series

2007 Detective Putilin

2007 Paid by death

2007 Love on a knife's edge

2008 Love does not renounce...

2010 Lawyers

РлектрРеРє 30.08.2016 01:39:33

In 1992, Alena Khmelnitskaya completed her studies and continued working at Lenkom. She performed on his stage until 1994.