Alexander Chistyakov: happily married to Glucose. Glucose husband Glucose family husband

22 June 2016, 17:29

Journalists found out that Alexander Chistyakov stole 100 million euros through offshore companies, which he took from Elena Baturina for entrepreneurial activities.

30-year-old singer Natalya Ionova, who gained popularity thanks to her participation in the Gluck’oZa project, is a shining example that real life may resemble the fairy tale of Cinderella. Today it is difficult to imagine any Russian glossy publication without her photographs in which she shines on social events or bask on the beaches of foreign resorts. But once upon a time her classmates could not even imagine that something of value could come out of her.

Natalya Ionova in childhood

“I studied with Natasha at Moscow school No. 308,” one of her classmates recalled at one time. - Her nickname was Toad, and few people interacted with her, except for a group of alcoholics like her. Then she was expelled to evening school No. 17. Those who did not study at all were expelled there. In short, I'm surprised that she rose so much. That she doesn’t sing herself, I know for sure, because she never had a voice...

Evening school No. 17 was attended mainly by children of alcoholics, former criminals and similar characters, another classmate of Ionova shared her memories. - Some students called their teachers right to their faces; they drank beer during breaks - this was in the order of things. Natasha from total mass didn't stand out at all. She wasn’t a very good student, she was always copying from someone or asking someone to help her solve something. I didn’t really hang out with boys, I only went with two or three girlfriends. And who should she choose? A prisoner or some drug addict? She didn't even stay for graduation party. I received my certificate and immediately left...

Financial independence

Composer and producer Maxim Fadeev played the role of the good fairy who turned Toad into the Swan Princess. He drew attention to Natalya while working on the music for Vladimir Alenikov’s film “The Princess’s War,” where she played a small role as a teenager. And when she turned 17, he made her the soloist of his project “Gluck’oZa”. Ionova’s lack of vocal abilities did not bother the producer at all. As it turned out, the ability to sing was not required at all for the soloist of this project.

When I started promoting the Glyuk’oZa project, there was no soloist at all,” Alexander Kushnir, head of the Kushnir Production PR agency, later admitted. - There were only songs recorded by Max Fadeev’s wife and cartoon videos. Natasha Ionova was found only a year later. They came up with a legend out of thin air about a girl from the people who posted her songs on the Internet. And everyone believed in this legend...

Singer Glyuk’oZa forgot to attach a radio microphone transmitter to her belt before going on stage, testified partygoer Andrei Volkov, who was present at one of Ionova’s first performances in Crimea. - The microphone itself, which is put on the head, was hanging somewhere on her neck. However, this did not affect the sound quality in any way.

One got the impression that she put on her CD, which can be bought in any store. Even the order of the songs hasn't changed...

The ex-mayor and his billionaire wife like to troll Chistyakov with the help of his wife’s superhit

After some time appeared on life path Ionova and prince charming in the person of businessman Alexander Chistyakov. He was 13 years older than her and at that time held a high position in RAO UES. Alexander fell in love so much that he left old family. And exactly 10 years ago Natalya became his wife. After this, she immediately became involved with the production company Monolit, which financed the Gluck’oZa project. And she announced that she wanted to work independently under her own name.

“I was considered as a possible candidate to replace Natasha Ionova,” said Natalya Savelyeva, a member of the “Min No” group. - As I understand it, the producers had problems with her serious problems because of her personal life. Before her marriage, she lived with a simple guy who sat on her neck and didn’t want to do anything. Natasha begged to take him as a security guard at Max Fadeev’s production center, but he worked for one day and said: “Fuck it...!” And when she married a rich man, the producers were very happy at first. But it soon became clear that the husband was not happy that his wife was constantly going on tour. He began to demand that she work less or stop doing it altogether. On top of that, Natasha became pregnant from him. In general, the continued existence of Gluk’oZa was in jeopardy. But the project brought in good money, and no one wanted to lose it. So the producers came up with the idea of ​​replacing the lead singer. But then for some reason they abandoned this plan...

Thanks to her marriage, Natasha gained greater financial independence,” Ionova’s personal manager Larisa Tsivileva explained then. “She had the opportunity to feel more freedom.” And who doesn’t want to live in freedom and with other fees?! Why does she need some kind of production company now?! What's the point of sitting in a cage and fulfilling someone else's conditions when you can rule everything yourself?! I think any person in her place would prefer freedom to non-freedom...

She's freaking extravagant. Goes to parties without a bra...

Right to justice

However, in the story of any Cinderella, as we know, there comes an unpleasant moment when the magic ends, the luxurious dress again turns into cast-offs, the expensive carriage into a pumpkin, and the horses into mice. It seems that such a moment may soon come in the life of Natalya Ionova. The reason for this is the accusations of major fraud brought against Alexander Chistyakov by the wife of former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, Elena Baturina, and which were recently confirmed by journalists studying the so-called Panama Archives - confidential documents stolen by hackers from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca.

In 2008 - 2009, Elena Nikolaevna provided loans to Chistyakov for the construction of a real estate complex in Morocco, said Baturina’s press secretary Gennady Terebkov. - But he did not implement this project and did not return the money. Therefore, Elena Nikolaevna filed a complaint against him lawsuit. Partial consideration of this claim took place in the British Virgin Islands, where one of Chistyakov’s companies, Sylmord Trade Inc, officially owned by his sister, was registered. There we were talking about only a small part of the loans in the amount of 4 million euros. And Chistyakov lost this trial. The company "Sylmord Trade Inc" was declared bankrupt, and the liquidation of its assets began, which should ensure the return of these 4 million. And the bulk of the claims against Chistyakov, which, taking into account accrued interest for the use of funds, amounted to about 100 million euros, are now being considered in the UK. His lawyers tried to prove that this claim falls within the jurisdiction of Russia and its consideration should take place in a Russian court. At the same time, Chistyakov himself, in a recent interview with Ksenia Sobchak, published in the Snob magazine, openly stated: “Moving the trial from England to Russia will automatically close the topic; Baturina will not be able to continue the trial.” By this he confirmed that he deliberately wanted to deprive Elena Nikolaevna of the right to justice. Fortunately, he failed to achieve this. It took almost a year to prove jurisdiction. And in the end, the London court nevertheless accepted the position of Elena Nikolaevna’s lawyers. Hearings on the merits of the case are already scheduled for the near future. Of course, a significant event for us was the appearance of documents from the Panama Archives. From them it turned out that the bulk of the loans received from Baturina were directed by Chistyakov to the accounts of three offshore companies registered with Mossack Fonseca. One of these companies, Joyton International SA, was also mentioned in connection with suspicious documents used to further conceal the money he had withdrawn from the accounts of two more offshore companies, this time in Cyprus. In principle, even before the Panama Archives, it was clear to us that within the framework of trial Many of Chistyakov’s schemes for the illegal withdrawal of funds and the names of the people involved in these schemes will be revealed. The Panama Archives simply helped to do this without any extra effort. And now these documents will become an additional argument in favor of Baturina in court.

Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova and Alexander Chistyakov with children (far left is Chistyakov’s son from his first marriage)

...and can easily be photographed naked.

Unfortunately, we were unable to contact Alexander Chistyakov, but in the above-mentioned interview with Ksenia Sobchak, the businessman explained the current situation by Elena Baturina’s reluctance to enter into a constructive dialogue with him and when asked if he was afraid of bankruptcy, he answered meaningfully: “Not a single businessman who claims that for last year He was fine, he wouldn’t tell the truth. Everyone has problems."

Glucose (real name Natalya Ionova) is a singer, songwriter, TV presenter, film and voice actress. Her album “Gluck" oZa Nostra” became an international hit, and her songs more than once topped the charts in Ukraine and Russia. Today she continues her successful singing career, delighting fans with new bright hits.

Childhood and youth

Natalya was born in the summer of 1986 in Moscow. At one time there were rumors that her homeland was the city of Syzran, but this information was used as a legend for the young singer only at the beginning of her career.

Perhaps the explosive hit, the release of which the star of the pop scene so carefully prepared, was the song “Zhu-Zhu”, recorded together with the group “”. The musicians presented the hit at the Zhara festival, which took place in mid-2018 in Baku.

Personal life

The first feelings for the girl came early: at the age of 16, Natalya left home and settled with her lover, a young man like herself, at his home. The groom's parents already called Ionova their daughter-in-law, but the couple could not stand the test of fame, which fell on Natasha's head after the start musical career.

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Glucose and her husband Alexander Chistyakov

Natalya met her future husband, businessman Alexander Chistyakov, top manager of FSE UES, co-owner of the oil company Ruspetro, on a plane flying to Chechnya. There was no premonition that her significant other was on board the same flight.

Glucose and Alexander Chistyakov got married on June 7, 2006. In the spring of 2007, their daughter Lydia was born, and in the fall of 2011, Vera. The singer's children were born in a prestigious clinic in Spain.

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Glucose and her daughter Lida

The artist never ceases to amaze fans with her photos in “ Instagram”, on which she appears in, so subscribers could not help but discover the original tattoo on Natalia’s thigh. She has a picture of a cake stamped on her body because she considers herself a terrible sweet tooth.

Since 2016 strong marriage the singer's relationship began to crack. Then the couple managed to maintain balance in their relationship and avoid divorce. But in 2019, information about the separation of Ionova and Chistyakov began to appear more and more often in the media.

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Glucose (singer)

Glucose (Gluk'oZa). Real name is Natalya Ilyinichna Chistyakova-Ionova. Born on June 7, 1986 in Moscow. Russian singer, songwriter, film and voice actress, TV presenter.

Some sources call the singer’s birthplace Syzran, but according to the singer herself, this is not true. The myth of Syzran was part of Gluk’oZa’s PR company and the legend of the emergence of a new artist on the music market.

Father - Ilya Efimovich Ionov.

Mother - Tatyana Mikhailovna Ionova.

In some interviews, Natalya claimed that they were both programmers by profession, in others - that her father was a design engineer, and her mother was a graduate of State Technical University with a specialty in “salesman-controller-cashier”.

She has older sister Alexandra Sidorova is a pastry chef.

Grandmother - Lidia Mikhailovna. Great-great-grandfather - artisan Kirill Afanasyevich Ionov.

Natalya Ionova in childhood

She says about herself that she "very changeable by nature". As a child, I imagined myself either as a teacher or as a doctor: “I always wanted the best and different things”. “And my sister and I, when we played something, always said: “We’ll find a grandfather in America, he’ll die of old age and leave us his inheritance.” I always lived with the feeling that I had to achieve something in this life. And, first of all, I always relied on myself, realizing that my parents would not be able to help me.", - said the singer.

In 1993, at the age of seven, she entered a music school to study piano, and dropped out at eight. As a child, I attended many school clubs, from chess to ballet. Natalya entered Moscow secondary school No. 308, where she studied until the 9th grade.

In 2001, she transferred to Moscow evening school No. 17 as a full-time student, where she completed grades 10 and 11.

At the age of 11, Natalya auditioned to participate in the children's television magazine “Yeralash” on Channel One. Over the following years, Natalya participated in several series of the television magazine, including “Toadstool” in 1997.

Yeralash - Toadstools

In 1999, she starred in the film “The Princess's War,” which was released 14 years later in 2013.

In 2002, Natalya participated in the crowd for the video “Childhood” by Yuri Shatunov.

Back in 2001, Natalya recorded her first single "Suga", which she and her family published on the Internet.

On the set of the film "Triumph" Natalya met the producer Maxim Fadeev, who wrote the music for this film and organized the group “Gluck’OZA”, where Ionova became a soloist. “There I met a daring, arrogant, drunken girl. She vomited from the balcony on the director’s lower balcony.”, - Max Fadeev talked about meeting the future star.

According to Fadeev, he “pulled out” Natasha at the moment when she began to sniff glue and drink port wine. The singer herself does not hide the truth about her turbulent youth. To prevent Gluk’oZa from suddenly breaking down and going into all serious troubles, Fadeev made a cunning move: he hired a female FSB officer as an administrator, who was constantly next to the violent artist.

On Christmas Eve from 2001 to 2002, at the Elf production center, dealing administrative matters Maxim Fadeev, a disk appeared on which was written in marker: Gluck’:za “Suga”. The song was broadcast on several metropolitan radio stations, but in Moscow no one paid attention to the new song. Meanwhile, “Suga” entered the “top ten” of the Kyiv “Our Radio”, where no one even knew the name of the project. Belatedly, Moscow labels began to look for Glucose to offer a contract. Monolith Records turned out to be the most agile of the capital's labels; the company's managers found out that the project was directly related to Maxim Fadeev. In March 2002, a contract was signed with the label.

“I Hate” is Glucose’s debut video, which will be followed by a whole animated series.

Gluk'oza (Glucose) - I hate

It was only in June 2003 that listeners were able to see Glucose. The appearance of the singer general public took place during the final concert of “Star Factory”, produced by Maxim Fadeev.

Glucose's songs took first place in the national charts, and the singer herself was awarded numerous music awards. The animated Gluk'oZa became the Rambler Internet portal's Character of the Year in 2003. Based on the project idea, a computer game, whose characters are members of the group.

At the end of May 2003, Glucose's debut album entitled "Gluk'oZa Nostra", which included ten songs. The second album “Moscow” was released in 2005; the work also included 10 songs and a video clip for the song "Schweine". Both albums were successful, and songs from them are still in rotation on radio stations.

Glucose (Glucose) - Schweine

After her marriage, Natalya left the stage for a short time.

At the end of 2007, Glyuk’oZa returned to musical activity and, together with Maxim Fadeev, opened the Glucose Production company.

In January 2008, Gluck'oZa recorded a song "Butterflies", for which the video was shot.

In the spring of 2008, a new song “Dance, Russia!” entered the charts.

In July 2008, at the New Wave festival in Jurmala, Glyuk’oZa presented his new composition "Sicily", recorded as a duet with Maxim Fadeev.

At the end of 2008, Gluk’oZa’s video “Daughter” was included in the rotation of music TV channels.

In the new animated video, an updated Gluk’oZa appeared, as well as little Glu, the prototype of which was Natalya’s one and a half year old daughter, Lida, at that time. According to the plot of the video, brave blondes save the Earth from alien invaders.

A book was published in 2008 "Glukoza and the Prince of Vampires"(the author of the book is Anna Gurova).

In the summer of 2009, a new single Gluk’oZa was released "Money", which, according to the singer, became a “fat comma” in her work. Already in the fall, Natalya openly announced a change in image. Jeans, T-shirts, massive boots, as well as songs performed in a humorous manner are a thing of the past. Fans saw a new Gluk'oZa - feminine, exciting, matured. At the end of the year, several different publications noted Gluk’oZu among the most stylish, beautiful and bright stars domestic show business for 2009.

Gluk'oza (Glucose) - Money

In March 2009, the cartoon “Monsters vs. Aliens” was released on wide screens. main role in which the role of Gigantika (Susan Murphy) was voiced by Natalya, for whom this was the first experience of dubbing a cartoon.

Natalya voiced the first four games in the Nancy Drew series, released in Russia: The Curse of Blackmoor Manor, The Secret of Shadow Ranch, The Secret of the Ancient Clock, Last Train to Moon Gulch.

The song premiered in March 2010 "That's what love is like". The sound and provocative lyrics, which were completely unexpected for Gluk'oZa, instantly drew attention to the new song.

In the summer of 2010, the singer shot a video for the song "High sign". This song for Gluck'oZa was written by German authors. The Russian-language version of this song is called “Vzmakh”, the lyrics for it were written by Natalia’s husband, Alexander Chistyakov.

In the fall of 2010, Gluk’oZa shot a video for the song “Like in childhood.”

In February 2011, a video for the song “Vzmakh” was released. On April 18, 2011, another single was released - “I Want a Man (Bitch Gaga).” The author of the words for this composition was also Alexander Chistyakov.

In April 2011, the B2 club hosted solo concert Gluck'oZs called “NOWBoy”. Her show, filmed in 3D format, was also presented there. On May 30, 2011, a video for the song “I Want a Man” was included in the rotation of music TV channels and the Internet. The leading male role was played by a famous comedian.

Gluk'oza (Glucose) - I want a man (Bitch Gaga)

On September 10, 2011, the song premiered on Russian Radio "Traces of Tears", the text of which was written by Gluck’oZa herself. The author of the music was Artyom Fadeev.

On November 24, 2011, after the singer’s long absence from the stage, an open presentation-concert took place, at which Gluk’oZa performed her already favorite hits, as well as completely new tracks from the new album "Trans-FORM".

In January 2012, the premiere of the video for the song took place "My Vice" on the ELLO video channel on YouTube. Having created a lot of noise even before its premiere, “My Vice” became one of the singer’s most provocative works. According to the plot of the video, the singer is in the center of a closed space, which is visible from all sides of the room through secret windows. A variety of freaks appear in these windows and watch the beauty.

Gluk'oza (Glucose) - My vice

In April 2012, Gluck’oZa presented new clip for the song "Ko$ka". The director of the video is Alan Badoev, who previously shot a video for the song “Butterflies”.

Glucose Growth: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova:

As Natalya said, she always liked men who were older than her. “When I was 16, I dated a 24-year-old. At 18, my boyfriend was 30.”, she said.

With her future husband, Alexander Chistyakov (co-owner of the oil company Ruspetro, former top manager JSC FGC UES) - met when she was 19 and he was 33 (Chistyakov was born on January 25, 1973).

“We met Sasha on the plane when we were flying to Chechnya. And at first I mistakenly took his sofa (laughs). I was 19 years old then, and this was the very first concert in the Chechen Republic after the war. After the wedding, Sasha told me, that he liked me even when he first saw me on TV, and it was after that that he decided to invite me to participate in the Chechen concert. And at first he wanted to invite Borya Moiseev. So now I’m making fun of him, saying, if he hadn’t had me then. chose, would be married to Bor. Then in Chechnya we went on excursions together, and upon returning to Moscow we began to correspond by SMS. And after a month and a half I moved to his place. country house" , - said Natalya.

She also proposed to Alexander to get married: “I myself told Sasha: “Take me as your wife, you won’t find anything better.” He didn’t expect such impudence, and the next morning we forgot everything. But a week later my future husband officially proposed to me".

Before that, Alexander had common-law wife, with whom he has a son.

On June 17, 2006, the couple got married. On May 8, 2007, in Spain, Natalya gave birth to a daughter, Lydia. On September 8, 2011 (ibid.) she gave birth to a daughter, Vera.

Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova and Alexander Chistyakov

Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova and Alexander Chistyakov with children(far left is Chistyakov’s son from his first marriage)

The singer's husband Alexander Chistyakov was involved in a scandal with money he owed to Elena Baturina, the wife of ex-Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov. The company Inteco Beteiligungs, controlled by Baturina, demanded about 100 million euros from Chistyakov.

In 2007, Alexander Chistyakov approached Elena Baturina with a proposal to take part in a development project in the north of Morocco for the construction of commercial and residential real estate with an area of ​​more than 2 million square meters. m. We were talking about the construction of a large recreational complex, which was supposed to be part of Baturina’s hotel empire, which at that time had hotels in Russia, Austria and the Czech Republic, and has now also been replenished with a hotel in Ireland.

In 2008, Baturina entered into an agreement with Chistyakov, after which she provided financing for the project in the form of loans to his company Sylmord Trade Inc. As the court later found out, the project was not implemented, and Chistyakov did not return the money received.

In January 2013, the court ruled in favor of Inteco Beteiligungs, obliging Chistyakov’s company to return the funds he received along with interest. Moreover, the court ordered Sylmord to pay the costs of Baturina’s structure for lawyers in this case. Chistyakov's side unsuccessfully tried to challenge the decision twice.

Discography of Glucose:

2003 - Glitch "oZa Nostra
2003 - Gluck’oZa Nostra (deluxe edition)
2005 - Moscow
2005 - Moscow (gift edition)
2011 - Trans-FORM

Glucose Singles:

2002 - I Hate
2003 - Bride
2003 - Baby
2004 - Karina
2004 - I wanted a groom (feat. Verka Serduchka)
2004 - Oh-oh
2004 - It's Snowing
2005 - Schweine
2005 - Yura
2005 - Moscow
2006 - Wedding
2006 - Sashok
2007 - Butterflies
2008 - Dance, Russia!
2008 - Daughter
2009 - Money
2010 - This is such love
2010 - Like in childhood
2011 - Swing
2011 - I want a man
2011 - Traces of Tears
2012 - My vice
2012 - Ko$ka (Cat)
2012 - Take my hand
2013 - Butterflies (feat. Smokey Mo)
2013 - Do you want to hurt me?
2014 - Why?
2015 - Sing to me, wind
2015 - Warm
2016 - I will be a secret
2016 - Without you
2017 - I smell only you (feat. Artik & Asti)

Video clips of Glucose:

2002 - “I Hate”
2003 - “Bride”
2003 - “Gluk’oZa Nostra”
2004 - “Oh-oh” (“Love Between Us”)
2004 - “It’s Snowing”
2005 - “Schweine”
2005 - “Moscow”
2006 - “Wedding”
2008 - “Butterflies”
2008 - “Dance, Russia!!!”
2008 - “Daughter”
2009 - “Money”
2010 - “This is such love”
2010 - “Like in childhood”
2011 - “Wave/High sign”
2011 - “I Want a Man”
2011 - “Traces of Tears”
2012 - “My Vice”
2012 - “Ko$ka (Cat)”
2012 - “Take My Hand”
2013 - “Butterflies” (feat. Smokey Mo)
2013 - “Do you want to hurt me”
2014 - “Why”
2015 - Anthem RU TV feat Stars
2015 - “Sing to me, wind”
2016 - “Warm”
2016 - “I will be a secret”
2016 - “Without You”

Filmography of Glucose:

1997-2000 - Yeralash
2000 - Triumph (remade film Princess War) (Triumph: The Red One) - Tina
2007 - Rude and Sam - Masha
2008 - Antalya - Svetlana
2009 - m/f Monsters vs. Aliens - Susan Murphy / Gigantika (voice)
2013 - Princess War Princess Tina War
2015 - m/f Savva. Heart of a Warrior - Pusik (voice)
2017 - Brilliant life petal
2017 - - Lyuba
2018 - Dead Lake

Glucose, or rather Natalya Ionova, is the true name of the artist, who has been married for several years. Her husband in 2006 was a certain Alexander Chistyakov.

Glucose with my husband

The singer met her beloved on a plane flying to Chechnya. Glucose was supposed to give another concert, and Sasha was flying for work; he had a managerial position in an oil company. That's how they met.

At that time, Natasha was only 19 years old, and her chosen one was already 33. Soon the couple began dating and six months later it became known about their wedding. They got married the same year.

Glucose with my husband

Glucose moved in with her husband, but he did not live alone, but with his son from his first marriage, Alexander. Sasha and Natasha quickly got along. A year after the wedding, the singer also gave birth to a daughter, Lydia. After this joyful event she for a long time did not appear on stage.

In 2011, she had a second child, daughter Vera. By the time she was born, Glucose had already begun to sing and regained her past glory. And Alexander, in turn, rose to the occasion: he became a co-owner of the company where he worked. He owns 48% of its shares.

Alexander Chistyakov

Glucose is very happy in her marriage, their relationship is always very easy and harmonious. the couple rarely quarrels, and even then over trifles. The singer’s husband is very happy with his wife’s success, he supports her in all her endeavors. He never ceases to amaze his wife, give her surprises and flowers.

Natasha and Alexander with children

Natasha also often notes in her interviews her desire to give birth to more children for her husband. We will only be happy about this.

On television or in newspapers you can often see headlines such as Glucose got divorced or Glucose cheated on her husband. But all this is a lie. Everything is fine in their family, and let evil tongues say whatever they want.

Glucose is one of the most popular pop singers. This is the creative pseudonym of Natasha Ionova. First, music lovers saw a halographic image of the artist. For several months, no one knew who was hiding under the name Glucose. A variety of information appeared in the media. Some wrote that this computer program. Others claimed that one of the popular actresses was hiding under this pseudonym. Only at the finale of the Star Factory did it become known that Glucose is Natasha Ionova, who starred in several episodes of Jumble.

Currently, the artist is actively performing. Her schedule is scheduled several months in advance. Despite being busy with creativity, the girl is raising the children she loves.

Height, weight, age. How old is Glucose (singer)

From the first appearance of the video of the song performed by Glucose, listeners began to wonder who was hiding under the halographic image. By appearing at the Star Factory finale, the young artist only stirred up interest. Soon a show program was released on the “Culture” channel, and it was here that the girl answered questions from the television audience, including finding out what height, weight, age, and how old Glyukoza (singer) was. In 2018, the popular pop artist will celebrate her 32nd birthday.

Glucose, whose photos in her youth and now are of interest to numerous admirers of her talent, weighs 50 kg with a height of 152 cm. Many fans think that the young singer is taller than her real age.

The girl does yoga every day. She believes that it is the Eastern technique that will help her maintain her youth for many years.

Biography of Glucose (singer)

The biography of Glucose (singer) began in the mid-80s of the last century in the capital Soviet Union. The present time of the girl is Natalya. According to some information, Ionova was born in Syzran, but the popular performer herself does not confirm this data.

Father and mother supported the future singer in all her endeavors. Since childhood, she had a cheerful attitude towards everything. The girl was friends only with boys. IN school years She didn't like studying. She tried to answer well and then sit out for 2 weeks. At the age of 7, she began attending music school. After a few months, Natasha stopped going to music classes, considering it not her thing.

During her school years, Glucose was fond of dancing, learned to play chess, attended classes at a ballet studio, etc. IN adolescence I devoted a lot of time to computer studies. The girl was invited to film in the popular children's magazine"Jumble." Then she starred in the movie "Triumph".

IN teenage years the artist began writing songs. Having written the composition “Suga”, she decided to find Max Fadeev, who wrote the music for the soundtrack of the film “Triumph”. The song was released on Christmas Day. The performer came out looking like, in her words, Masyanya. Throughout 2002, listeners were tormented by the mystery of who was hiding under the picture. Max Fadeev assured that this was an invented character. He came up with the sound on the computer.

In 2003, the show program “Star Factory” was released, directed by one of the most popular producers, Max Fadeev. The real Glucose was presented at the final show concert.

Since appearing on the screen, the singer has become popular and incredibly in demand. She regularly receives awards from the most popular song festivals, including Glucose received large number awards “Songs of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone” and others.

The artist tours regularly. The public throughout the territory is eagerly awaiting it. Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

Personal life of Glucose (singer)

The personal life of Glukoza (singer) has been associated with Alexander Chistyakov for many years. The star of the Russian Olympus herself assures that she fell in love once. About ours previous relationships the popular singer prefers to remain silent. The girl says that before meeting her future husband, she was sure that she would not get married, living the rest of her days alone.

The couple met on a plane halfway to Grozny (Chechen Republic). A few years after their first meeting, they realized that they loved each other. Soon they decided to officially register the marriage.

Recently in funds mass media rumors appeared about the relationship of the popular performer with another man. But this turned out to be just gossip. The artist appears with her husband at various social events. She literally glows with happiness. And Alexander says that his wife is the most best woman in the world.

Glucose Family (singer)

The family of Glucose (singer) currently consists of herself, her beloved husband Alexander and three children.

The man’s son from his first marriage, who was named Alexander after his father, lived with the popular singer and her husband. He treated the girl well, considering her to be his mother. IN kindergarten the boy said that Glucose was his mother, but no one believed him. When the performer herself came to the garden to pick up the boy, everyone was even more amazed.

Soon after the wedding, the family was replenished with a girl, whom the couple decided to name in honor of Natasha’s grandmother Lydia. The girl was brought up in bliss. A few years later the family became large. Another daughter was born, who was named Vera.

Children are raised by 10 nannies, whose actions are monitored by video cameras placed throughout the house.

Children of Glucose (singer)

Children of Glucose (singer) are raised in great love. Currently, Alexander and Glucose are busy raising three children. They dream of having a son. The media have repeatedly reported about the imminent replenishment of the family. But the artist herself assures that her daughters ask their parents for a brother. Therefore, the baby will be born soon, but exactly when this will happen is unknown.

The daughters are actively involved in creativity. Son Alexander is currently receiving education at one of the best American colleges. He often comes to Russia, visiting his sisters and parents.

The popular performer often visits one of the capital's orphanages. She brings gifts to the pupils. The artist often gives concerts for children who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Daughter of Glucose (singer) – Lidia Chistyakova

The pop star became a mother for the first time in mid-2006. The birth of her daughter, named Lydia in honor of Natasha’s beloved grandmother, took place in one of the best Spanish clinics. After giving birth, the woman lived with her husband’s Spanish relatives for six months.

For the first time, the girl starred in one of her mother’s videos. At that time she was one and a half years old.

Glucose's daughter, Lidiya Chistyakova, studies at school. She doesn't like gaining knowledge, but the girl consistently brings good grades. Lida is interested in singing songs. The artist often posts videos of songs performed by her beloved daughter on her Instagram page.

Daughter of Glucose (singer) – Vera Chistyakova

Glucose's daughter (singer) Vera Chistyakova was born in the same clinic as her older sister. In honor of the little girl’s birth, her mother released a video clip. This time the baby was named after the husband’s grandmother, who did a lot for him.

The girl spends the entire spring in Spain, as she is allergic to birch pollen. The popular singer sends the girl to Spain to reduce the risk of developing an allergic reaction.

Vera loves to dance; you can watch the girl’s successes on her Instagram page.

Glucose's husband (singer) - Alexander Chistyakov

When the future lovers met, at that time the man was working in one of the largest oil production companies. Glucose's husband, Alexander Chistyakov, shortly before meeting his future lover, broke up with ex-wife. The man began to raise his son, born in marriage, himself.

Soon after meeting Glucose, Alexander realized that he was in love. But he was in no hurry to admit his feelings. He was held back by the 13-year age difference. Natasha says that she put in a lot of effort until her beloved proposed to her.

Chistyakov assures that his wife is the best thing that happened to him. She gave him two wonderful daughters. Currently, he dreams of having a son in the family.

Glucose (singer) naked

The popular singer is a shocking artist. She often appears candidly in her videos, posting them on Instagram.

Glucose (singer) naked is of interest to her many fans. But the star’s piquant pictures often cause dissatisfaction among the artist’s relatives. Glucose herself says that this is the external side of her life.

A photo shoot was recently announced that will take place for the men's magazine Maxim. Photos should appear soon. Most likely this will happen in October 2018.

Instagram and Wikipedia Glucose (singer)

Instagram and Wikipedia Glucose (singer) is incredibly popular. They contain the most detailed information about the life of a star.

Wikipedia allows you to find out how the girl’s biography developed from birth to the present. The page lists information about compositions performed by Glucose.

On the Instagram page you can find out about the artist’s relatives and friends. The account is constantly updated with new photos. In addition to her beloved daughters, son and husband, the pop star spoils her fans with pictures of her pets, of which there are many in the family.

The singer maintains her pages on Twitter, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. Here fans can read some of the singer’s thoughts about a variety of things. Article found on