Children's matinees in kindergarten on March 8.

Children, Teacher, Baba Yaga, Spring.

gifts for the competition, cotton balls, balls, gifts for girls.

The hall is decorated with flowers, balls, and ribbons. The teacher appears.

Spring has come, which means
It's time for us to celebrate Women's Day,
Happiness to all mothers, grandmothers and sisters,
I wish you to always flourish!
I wish you not to know grief and smile,
I wish you all goodness and beauty,
I wish you not to doubt yourself,
And may your wishes and dreams come true!

Dear guests, welcome to our spring, tender holiday dedicated to all representatives of the fair sex. Today, you will find a lot of pleasant surprises and emotions that your beautiful children will give you!

(Music sounds, children in beautiful festive outfits enter and stand in a semicircle)

How smart you all are today, it’s truly a sight to behold. What kind of holiday are you guys having?

Boy #1:
Today is a holiday of tenderness and beauty,
Streams run and flowers bloom,
Today we congratulate women,
We wish you all beauty and joy.

Boy #2:
And on this day, I wanted to start with you,
And I wish you patience,
So that everything is cool for you (shows class sign),
So that the evil blizzard does not frighten you!

Boy #3:
You are with us every day and bow to you,
And you know, we are real men,
We would like to give you flowers,
So gentle, you are so beautiful!

(The boys give flowers to the teacher)

God, how nice! Thank you, my dear gentlemen, for this spring miracle!

Boy #4:
We tried, we consulted for a long time,
We are glad that we pleased you,
We congratulate all women,
There will be laughter and there will be commotion!

Boy #5:
There will be songs and fun,
Surprises will await you
Women, you are all beautiful
We will conquer you!

Girl #1:
Wait, wait, wait,
Don't start without Spring,
After all, this is her holiday,
We need to congratulate you too!

(Girl's name), you're right! We must call on Spring, without it this holiday would not exist. Guys, let's call Spring together!

(Everyone calls Vesna in chorus several times. The doors swing open and Baba Yaga flies into the hall to the music “Grandma Yozhka”)

Baba Yaga:
Woohoo! I'll put a spell on everyone!

Grandmother Yaga, dear, what are you doing here?

Baba Yaga:
I?! I came to the holiday!

But we didn’t call you, but Spring.

Baba Yaga:
And there is no more Spring, I stole it!

How? For what?

Baba Yaga:
But because, because I’m offended! You know, I’m also beautiful, but no one congratulates me on March 8th! Never!

If you want, stay at our holiday, just bring back Spring. The children tried so hard, taught poems and songs, and you behave like this! It must be a shame!

Baba Yaga:
So, why should good things disappear! Let them show me their talents, and I will look and decide whether to return Spring or not! Maybe someone will congratulate me today!

Okay, stay, just promise that you will return Spring to the children!

Baba Yaga:
Let them start by reading congratulations to me,
I really want to hear poetry,
Let them read with expression,
For many years, the kids owe me!

(Several children are reading)

Baba Yaga:
So, tender, so beautiful,
That my soul has already thawed,
And children can dance
I think it's time to surprise!

Children can dance and sing,
Don't torment them, give them Spring,
You are the worst of all villains,
Don't ruin their holiday, I ask!

Baba Yaga:
Ah, that's what it means
I am bad! Well, so, in your opinion, so be it,
I didn't expect this
Happy Spring no more!

Girl #2:
Grandma, dear grandma,
Give us our Spring,
We tried really, really hard
Well, if you want, I’ll sing a song!

Baba Yaga:
Sing! And I’ll think about whether to give it away or not!

(The girl sings the song “Spring Drops.” You can have several children sing)

Baba Yaga:
What a girl, and the way she sings, I could eat her!

Girl #2
Don't eat me! I am not tasty!

(Hides behind a nearby child)

Baba Yaga:
I suggest the following. I ask riddles, and if he guesses it right, I’ll give away Spring! And if not, then I’ll keep it forever!

Fine. To be, your way.

Baba Yaga:
And one more thing, you will leave me at the holiday, and you will congratulate me every year.

We agree!

(Baba Yaga asks riddles)

Baba Yaga:
How smart and good you all are. Melted my black heart. Now I will bring your Spring.

(Leaves and returns with Spring)

Spring :
Hello kids, dear guests,
I finally got to you,
Everyone is so beautiful
I'm very glad to see you!

Spring ! How glad we are to see you! You know, our children have prepared a dance for you, sit down on your throne (they bring out a high chair with a back and decorated with flowers) and enjoy!

(Children line up in two rows and begin to dance to Potap and Nastya’s “Plague Spring”)

Spring :
While you kids were dancing,
I have prepared a task
The reward can be received
Only if you hurry.
There is a clearing with white snowballs,
You must collect them all instantly,
For the flowers to bloom,
So that mothers can pick them off later!

(The competition “Collect snowballs” is announced. Cotton balls are laid out around the hall. Children are given a minute to collect them. Whoever collected the most wins a prize - candy)

Well done kids, you collected everything,
Now it's time to congratulate you,
Those who gave you life,
Who rocked you in the cradle?
Who bakes cheesecakes and cookies for you,
Who treats wounds, bruises,
Who did they draw postcards for?
Whom do you all love so much!

(All children read for mothers)

Spring :
How touching and so beautiful
All your congratulations sound,
Today I am very happy
Why are you with me on this day!

Girl #3:
For grandmothers, we have prepared a surprise,
Now we'll sing a song,
We wish you good health,
Let's start together!

(Children become a semicircle and sing the children's song “Dear Grandma”)

What a great fellow you are! Girls, please sit down on your chairs, and boys, I suggest you play a little! I will throw you a ball, and you will have to call the compliment our beautiful girls! Is it coming? Whoever names the most compliments will receive a prize!

(Game “Compliments”. Mandatory condition, when giving a compliment, the boy must say: “Girls, you are like that... and the chosen word.” Time 3 minutes)

Spring :
So many words, beautiful, kind,
Today you said,
Surprised, surprised
You are my gentlemen!
Have you congratulated everyone today?
Have you forgotten anyone?
It seems that after all,
The kids missed something!

Boy #1:
Aunties, our sisters,
We always remember about you,
We wish you all happiness,
May beauty always bloom!

Girl #4:
To smile more often,
So that candy every day,
We love you very, very much
We are not too lazy to congratulate you!

Boy #2:
And a gift from us for you,
In the form of a dance you will accept,
We wish you smiles,
Always live in joy!

(Children dance “Dance of the Little Ducklings”)

Our holiday has come to an end,
Boys, I beg you,
Congratulate our girls,
I'll finish the deal for now.

(Boys give girls gifts. These can be sweets, cards, rubber bands, etc.)

Teacher (continuing):
Today was an unusual day,
Thanks to everyone for coming to us,
I wish everyone inspiration
Have a beautiful, rainbow spring!

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19.02.2019 | Looked at the script 24 person

Let the snow continue to swirl
Yes, the frost is still naughty.
March climbed the threshold,
And spring looks out the window.
You may have already noticed its first steps:
The blizzards have stopped howling,
Everyone is ready to welcome spring.

Song: “Solar drops” music. S. Sosnina

Scenario of the matinee for March 8th Day

10.02.2019 | Looked at the script 174 person


Presenter - adults
Organ Grinder
Baba Yaga
A group of children runs in to the sound of cheerful music.

1st child:

Today in the whole world
The holiday is big and bright.

Listen, moms, listen,
Children congratulate you!

2nd child:


Theatrical performance for March 8th for children

02.02.2019 | Looked at the script 231 Human

Host: This holiday was invented in 1910 by the German revolutionary Clara Zetkin. According to her plan, March 8 was to become a day of struggle for women of all countries for their equality. This holiday has long since lost its political significance, And...

Scenarios for March 8 for children

01.02.2019 | Looked at the script 324 person

School life has never been limited only to lessons. There is also extracurricular and extracurricular activities. An integral part of the educational process in primary school are holidays.

Preparing and holding holidays helps to reveal...

Scenario for the holiday March 8

27.01.2019 | Looked at the script 436 Human

Leader's words.
The Snow Maiden enters the hall and looks around.
(C) Hello guys, how nice it is that I met you here. You recognized me? I came to you on New Year with grandfather. That's right, I am the Snow Maiden. Grandfather sent me to meet Spring, and I...

Theatrical performance at the holiday on March 8

14.02.2018 | Looked at the script 2233 person

Children enter the hall, perform a dance composition to the music of the song “Little Country” and stand in a semicircle facing the audience.
Children take turns.
Spring has come again,
Again she brought a holiday,
The holiday is joyful, bright and gentle,...

Thematic evening for March 8th Day in the preparatory group. Scenario “We need different mothers”

26.01.2017 | Looked at the script 5407 Human

Music sounds and children enter the hall. Flowers in hands. They walk around the circle and sit on chairs. The presenter and several children come out into the middle.
Good afternoon, dear guests and guys!
I am very glad to see you in our hall.
The whole country is celebrating the holiday today

That's the whole plot, simple

23.02.2014 | Looked at the script 2285 Human

-And who will write the script by March 8th? - this is on the join method. – I wrote for the Autumn holiday, Anna Evgenievna - for the New Year, and now who?
“Let me do it,” I say.
And it’s true: at least try it like this.

I started writing almost immediately after...

Scenario for the holiday “Mommy’s Beloved”

25.02.2013 | Looked at the script 5607 Human

Children read poetry
1. Mom! Your hands are warm
Warms the soul
Like the sun, it’s bright,
It will happen from a smile!
I love you always,
Mom dear!

2. What a gift for mom?
Shall we give it on Mother's Day?
There is a lot for this
Fantastic ideas...

Scenario for the holiday on March 8.

25.02.2013 | Looked at the script 5154 person

A child runs into the hall.

Our beloved grandmothers and mothers!
It's so good that you are with us today.
We congratulate you on Women's Day!
The holiday is in honor of you, now we will begin!

To the music, children run into the hall and stand scattered
Song “Holiday is coming to us...

Scenarios for March 8 for preschoolers

Scenarios for festive events, concerts and matinees for preschoolers.

Scenario of the competition program for the holiday of March 8 for the preparatory group

Children enter to the tune of “One Hundred Friends” (phonogram).


Hello, dear friends!

Children and adults,

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

Hello everyone present!

We are all lucky today! We have gathered for an extraordinary and interesting competition“Supermap 2013 or 2014, etc.” We have to choose the cutest, the smartest, the most savvy, the most musical, the most, the most! And the most unusual thing is that we are holding this competition on the eve of the wonderful holiday of March 8, when we talk a lot about women, sweet, kind, sympathetic.

1st child.

We're talking about teachers -

Our good friends.

2nd child.

We're talking about the nanny

Oh her efforts.

3rd child.

And about my dear grandmother,

And about my dear mother.


Many songs are born about women,

And this song is also dedicated to them.

The children take their seats.


Yes, adults and children know

That there are many women living in the world.

But you must agree that men -

This is the other half of women!

And, of course, it’s no secret to everyone,

What is impossible without women and men

To live in the world, no!

And may the boys do good deeds

In the life of an adult there will be countless

After all, boys are our support,

Our intelligence, courage and honor!

Let men's shoulders be strong

From now on and forever!

So, we invite you to the competition

Adults and children

Hurry up, hurry up

Everyone to the competition quickly!

Music is playing.

Presenter. Who will evaluate our children? In order to determine which of the participants will become a true gentleman, a real knight and receive the title “Superboy-201...”, we need to select a jury.

So, our jury proposes

And we present it to you!

The jury is presenting.

The bell is ringing.


Tili-bom, tili-bom,

We invite everyone to the competition,

The guys are good

Well done, handsome guys.

Take your seats, participants, come on in,

And you, viewers, look at them!

The presenter introduces the competition participants.

Presenter. Seven participants, seven boys - this is just a magnificent seven! I would like to wish all the participants of the competition only good luck! Good luck to all of you! Our boys will try their best for you, dear mothers and grandmothers, dear sisters and girlfriends! Now, pay attention! First task. This competition is called a “business card”, where each participant introduces himself, talks about himself, what he is like, what he does, what he loves most? For this competition, the jury gives scores of up to 5 points.

The boys talk.


Stompers and firecrackers,

Funny ditties for you!

You can't judge boys strictly

Everyone sings to themselves!


Believe it or not -

There are seven of us boys.

Let's dance now

And sing ditties.

Akolotin I am Ivan,

Boy I'm not a bully

And I want to be an example to everyone,

Like my dad is a policeman.

I am Ilyusha - class boy

I want to surprise all of you.

Doesn't look like anyone else

Boy am I still wow!

And I'm Dmitry Popov -

I'm ready to stand up for myself,

I am very dexterous and strong

And always smart in everything!

You, girl, don't cry -

I, Dimaska, am a strong man!

I really like to fight

I will defeat all the boys!

Klyuev, Klyuev I am Seryoga,

I'm a touchy boy

I'm in my favorite kindergarten

I don’t want to sleep at all during the day!

I am Romadin Sashok,

I'm a good guy.

Although I am very small in height,

But he was always smart in business.

Reznikov I'm Dmitry -

Very, very cunning.

Even though he’s still just a little boy,

But an agile daredevil.

We sang ditties for you,

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

May you clap for us!

Presenter. So, the jury’s assessment for the first competition “ Business card" - this is both a story about yourself and ditties.

A child in a pig costume runs in and sings the song “I am Oink-Pig” with the children, music. A. Abramova, lyrics. P. Sinyavsky.


You were waiting for me at the competition,

Why weren't you invited?

I wasn't invited alone...

Well, I’ll sing for you now!

There are guys in the world

Well, just like piglets:

Stupid and smart

Quiet and noisy

There are clean, tidy,

And there are sloppy ones.

There are greedy and nasty ones!

There are nice, exemplary ones!

The matinee on March 8 in kindergarten is a special day for both children and parents. On this wonderful spring holiday, mothers and grandmothers will hear dozens of congratulations, but the children’s direct performances evoke the most emotions. Before the holiday, children will have to rehearse a memorable number - it could be a dance or a poem. An integral part of the matinee is the presentation of unique cards created by little children's fingers. You definitely need to prepare for such a day in advance. About, what should be the ideal matinee in kindergarten for March 8, read our article.

Preparing for the "March 8" matinee in kindergarten

Educators begin preparing for the holiday in advance, about 2 weeks in advance. First, you need to prepare several colorful numbers with congratulations. In organizing a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 preparatory group can take quite Active participation, namely, to decorate the formal hall. Various children's crafts, postcards, origami and drawings are used.

Poems for children for March 8

Children congratulate their mothers with special excitement, so you need to set aside some time to memorize the poems. We bring to your attention some easy poems for preschoolers.

Ideas for performances at a matinee in kindergarten on March 8

At a matinee in kindergarten for March 8 junior group can prepare a group dance. In this case, even the most awkward kids will feel confident, and every parent will be proud of their child’s talents. Don't forget about musical accompaniment. Children easily remember funny songs, so one of the stages of the concert can be a musical number.

Games at a matinee in kindergarten on March 8

Of course, we shouldn’t forget about games - after all, at this age, children simply cannot sit still without interesting activity. What games will be appropriate on this festive Women's Day?

« Get to know mom"is a very touching and fun competition. The mothers are hidden behind a fabric screen, because of which they show only their hands to the babies. Children only appearance must guess where the most tender and affectionate mother’s hands are.

« Well-fed mom" - a competition that will make you laugh. To implement it, you will need several bowls of porridge for all participants. Children will feed their mothers with a spoon, using one hand. The baby of the “cleanest mother” wins.

« Get mom ready for work"- a competition that will help children find out what their mother feels like in the morning. There should be items from mom's purse, things for school, and items from dad's backpack in a scattered order on the table. Kids must be able to correctly place all the items in their bags within a certain time.

Children enter the hall to the song “Little Country” - and stand in a semicircle.

Presenter1: Spring, spring is walking through the yards

In the rays of warmth and light.

Today is the holiday of our mothers,

And we are pleased with this.

Our kindergarten I'm glad to congratulate you

All mothers on the whole planet.

"Thank you!" - they tell mothers

Both adults and children.

Today we have gathered to congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, sisters on the spring holiday, on the international women's day- March 8.

Presenter 2:

We wish you well.

And an armful of flowers,

And spring warmth.

Lots of joy, health,

Always be beautiful

So that a happy smile

I wouldn't leave my face!

(Children read poetry)

1. Ksyusha Zubova saw us early this morning

the sound of drops woke me up,

What's happened? This is a holiday!

Mom's holiday has arrived!

2. Look outside the window

It has become a little warmer there Sonya Bardakova

Main holiday comes

The sun greets him!

Hello to our mothers Vadik Kovalenko

“Mom” is an expensive word

The word that contains warmth and light.

4. Today is an unusual day,

very remarkable, Stepa Titovsky Egorovich

Because it's mom's holiday

wonderful holiday!

5. Everything is ready for the holiday

So what are we waiting for? Vladik Shkute

We are a cheerful song

Let's start our holiday

Leading1 : Song "Festive Morning"

1. The eighth of March is the holiday of mothers Polina
knock, knock - knocking on our door,
he only comes to that house,
where they help mom.
We'll sweep the floor for mom.
We'll set the table ourselves.
We'll cook lunch for her
We will sing and dance for her.
And for the holiday her portrait
Let's draw with crayons!

2. Here is a snowdrop in a clearing, Egor B.

I found it.

I'll take the snowdrop to mom,

Although it didn't bloom.

And me with the flower so tenderly

Mom hugged

That my snowdrop has opened

The kindest and dearest!

I always recognize him

I forget about toys

And I run to my mother’s call.

I will hug my mother tenderly,

I won’t upset her!

4. There are many mothers in this world. Zhenya
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother,
She is dearer to me than anyone else.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mom.

5. The sun is shining in the sky Varya

It shines but does not warm, mom says

I'll stretch a ladder from the balcony into the sky

I'll pick up a star for mom from the sky

Mom will light this star on her chest

And he will warm you with warmth and sing a song

Mom, my star, my bright one

Darling, good one, I love you.

6. Made from colored paper. Alyosha
I'll cut out a piece.
I will make it out of him
Little flower.
A gift for mom.
I'll cook.
The most beautiful
I have mom!

Presenter 2: “Song for Mom” performed by Ksyusha Yagorovas

Presenter 1: Song "The Best"

Children read poetry

6. Today is the brightest holiday,

Birds chirp in the yards.

All guests are dressed festively. Artem Asaturyan

7. Today the sky is blue,

You can hear the cheerful streams, Tikhon Andreev

Today we are even stronger

We are trying to grow faster!

8. We congratulate mothers, sisters,

Your beloved grandmothers,

And, of course, girls, - Stepa Titovsky Alexandrovich

Our dear friends.

9. The blizzard has recently cleared up

Spring comes to every home,

We sincerely congratulate you Valera Poltava

Happy International Women's Day.

11. I turned five years old
I'm already big.
With the last of my strength
I'm helping my mom.

No time to play with dolls, Ksyusha Zubova
I'm learning to crochet.
One loop and two loop,
I'm trying really hard.

I sweep the floor in the apartment,
I wipe off the dust with a rag.
I keep order
I'm sitting with my little brother.

It's okay, I can do anything.
I'll replace my mom soon!

10. Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers!

We are for everything, for everything, dear ones, Liza Morozova

Together: We say “thank you” to you!

Presenter 2: song "Vesnyanka"

7. How much light there is in the house! Roma
How much beauty!
Flowers glow on the table for mom.
I love my mother so much -
I can't find the words!
I'll kiss you tenderly,
I'll sit you in a chair,
I'll wash the bowl
I'll pour her some tea,
I'll cover her shoulders
I'll sing songs.
Don't let mom know
Grief and worries!
May it be March 8th.
Lasts a whole year!

8. As soon as I wake up, I smile, Veronica

The sun kisses me tenderly.

I look at the sun - I see my mother,

The sun is my dear mother!

Evening is coming, I'll go to bed soon,

And the wind shakes the early star.

I hear the song about the stars again:

My dear mother hums!

9.Spring walks through the yards Artem

In the rays of warmth and light.

Today is the holiday of our mothers.

And we are pleased with this.

There is a mimosa on the table

On a good spring day

May all mothers on earth

They don't know grief.

10. Our dear mothers! Rimma
We ourselves admit
Which of course we are not always
We behave well.
We make you very sad
What we sometimes don’t notice.
We love you very, very much!
Let's grow kind
And we will always try
To behave.

11. One day I told my friends: Sasha
There are many kind mothers in the world,
But you won't find it, I guarantee
A mother like mine!

She bought it for me
On the wheels of a horse,
Saber, paints and album...
But is that really the point?

I love her anyway
Mommy, my mommy!

12. I will draw in the album Egor I.

Bouquet of wildflowers,

It will become more festive in the house,

The light of the sun will immediately flash.

I'll paint it carefully

Corolla, stem, petal,

To become brighter and more beautiful

Every little flower.

This vase of flowers

I will give it to my beloved mother

Presenter 1: dance "We can dance"

Song. “Mommy Beloved” performed by Ksyusha Zubova

Presenter 2: song "Funny Man"

Presenter 1: I would also like to say nice wishes to our dear grandmothers.

11. I love my grandmother, Vika Grigorenko

She's been busy all day.

I'll sing a song to grandma

And I'll give you a flower.

12.And I am my grandmother’s dear

Made from plasticine by Artem Grinchenko

There is a small house on the grass,

A dog and a penguin.

13. I love my grandmother too,

And, you know, guys,

I’ll give the medal to grandma, Nikita Emelyanov

She received a reward from her grandson.

14.I am my own grandmother

I will kiss Liza Stepanova very hard

After all, my grandmother

Very, very kind.

Presenter 1:Song “Flowers for Grandmother”

13. I congratulate grandma Kirill Zelenko
Happy Women's Spring Day!
I love grandma
People need grandmothers!

He will tell a good story,
Sing a lullaby
A warm winter scarf will tie
And he will go for a walk with me!

14. I am with my grandmother Alina
I've been friends for a long time.
She's in everything
At the same time with me.

I don't know boredom with her,
And I love everything about her.
But grandma's hands
I love everything more than anything.

15 Grandmother, granny, Kirill Kucherov
How I love you!
Always be beautiful
Young and cute!
Smile more
Try not to be sad!
I'll grow up when I'm big,
You will be proud of me!

16. Today is a spring day, Sofa
Come with us
Let's say thank you to the grandmothers,
Let's say thank you to moms.
For troubles, for caresses,
For songs, for fairy tales,
For delicious cheesecakes,
For new toys.

Presenter 2: song “You are the best on earth”

Together: Congratulations!!!

Don't get sick, don't get old,

Never get angry.

So young

Stay forever.

Presenter 1: Song. “Golden Hands” performed by Vika Grigorenko

Presenter 1: We are finishing our holiday. What else can we say?

Let me say goodbye

We wish you good health!

Women's holiday, Spring day,

Comes in March.

We congratulate our dear mothers,

We wish you happiness!

Presenter 2:

And may the sun always shine for them!

Boredom and misfortune come to their house

Let them not wander.

And, of course, the whole year

Let the holiday last!

Let the whole world bloom like a garden

And the birds are chirping!

Presenter 1: Well, now the time has come

Cheerful, loud, bright!

Now for both grandmothers and mothers

We give gifts!

Dear mothers- the children have prepared gifts for you.