The most beautiful Buryat women (20 photos). The most beautiful Buryat women The most beautiful girl from Buryatia

20th place: Anna Markakova(born April 8, 1992) - “Miss Buryatia-2011”, “Beauty of Buryatia-2011”. She represented Buryatia at the Miss Russia 2011 competition. Height 178 cm, body measurements 86-60-89. VKontakte page -

19th place: Dulma Sunrapova(born November 15, 1985, village of Tsokto-Khangil, Trans-Baikail Territory) - Buryat singer. VK page -

18th place: Donara (Dora) Baldantseren- ballet dancer of the Buryat State National Song and Dance Theater "Baikal" (Ulan-Ude), People's Artist of the Republic of Buryatia. Toured in South Korea, Taiwan, UAE, Greece, Spain, Germany, Poland, Holland. Page in Odnoklassniki -

17th place: Elena Mardaeva(born January 28, 1985, Bokhan village, Irkutsk region) - fashion designer, organizer of the "Moscow Beauty of Buryatia" competition. VK page -

16th place: Natalia Zhamsoeva- winner of the competition "Moscow Beauty of Buryatia-2007", representative of Buryatia at the competition "Beauty of Russia-2008". Height 168 cm, body measurements 83-64-92. VK page -

15th place: Yulia Zamoeva- ballet dancer of the Baikal Theater (Ulan-Ude), People's Artist of the Republic of Buryatia.

14th place: Anna Obozhina- Buryat singer, participant in the “Battle of the Choirs” project on the “Russia 1” channel. VK page -

13th place: Galina Tabharova- ballet dancer of the Baikal Theater. She toured with the theater in European countries and Russian cities. Was awarded certificates of honor and letters of gratitude from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia. VK page -

12th place: Aryuna Bubeeva(born October 19, 1993) - “Beauty of Buryatia-2010”, “Miss Asia Alma Mater-2012”. She represented Buryatia at the Beauty of Russia 2010 competition, where she took second place in the Young Beauty of Russia category. Aryuna also became the winner of the beauty contest of the ethnofestival nomadic peoples Eurasia "Erdyn Games" in 2011. Aryuna Bubeeva’s height is 175 cm.

11th place: Ayuna Albasheeva- "Beauty of Buryatia-2006".

10th place: Alena Albasheeva- "Beauty of Buryatia-1999". Alena - older sister Ayuna Albasheeva "(Beauties of Buryatia-2006").

9th place: Victoria Lygdenova- "Beauty of Buryatia-2008". At the age of 17, Victoria received the title "The Third Beauty of Russia - 2008", corresponding to fourth place. On March 15, 2013, a 22-year-old girl died from heart disease - cardiomyopathy.

8th place: Evgenia Shagdarova- winner of the “Top Model of Buryatia” competition, participant in the third season of the television project “Top Model in Russian” on the Muz-TV channel. Height 172 cm.

7th place: Oyuna Osodoeva(born August 18, 1992) - “Moscow beauty of Buryatia-2010.” VK page -

6th place: Irina Batorova(born December 22, 1978, Ulan-Ude) - ballet dancer of the Baikal Theater, choreographer, honored artist Russian Federation. VK page -

5th place: Irina Pantaeva(born October 31, 1967, Ulan-Ude) - model, actress, writer. In 1989 she became the winner of the first beauty contest in Buryatia - “Miss Ulan-Ude”. Then she worked as a model in Moscow, Paris, New York, appeared on the covers of Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Elle magazines. Irina starred in several films: “The Return of Khoja Nasreddin” (USSR, 1989), “Mortal Kombat 2: Extermination” (USA, 1997), “Escape from the Gulag” (Germany, 2001), etc. Irina Pantaeva’s autobiography “Siberian Dream” was published in several languages ​​(English, French, German, Japanese, etc.). Irina Pantaeva’s height is 178 cm. model parameters 86-63-89. Official website -

4th place: Darima Chimitova- "Miss Ulan-Ude 2012." Height 174 cm, measurements 85-59-87. VK page -

3rd place: Anastasia Tsydenova(born June 10, 1986, Irkutsk), better known under the pseudonym Asia, is a TV presenter on the Muz-TV channel.

2nd place: Madegma Dorzhieva- Buryat singer, composer, professional pianist, producer. Winner of numerous international competitions and festivals. The repertoire includes both ancient Buryat chants and modern rhythms. She has released three successful solo albums. VK page -

1st place: Maria Shantanova- model. After graduating from school in Ulan-Ude, she went to study in China, where she became the face of Nesсafe Gold in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau. Executed main role in the 6th episode of the project “Speaking Buryat”. Height 167 cm, body measurements 86-60-88. VK page -

From time immemorial, black-haired beauties with expressive eyes, velvety skin, a flexible figure and a mysterious smile have been sung by poets and recreated on canvas by artists. Now, in the era of beauty pageants and modeling, oriental girls firmly entrenched on the podium and never cease to outshine hundreds of competitors with their outlandish appearance. In Russia, Buryatia is rightfully considered their homeland. Everywhere you look, one is more beautiful than the other. Komsomolskaya Pravda compiled the TOP ten most tender, passionate and sexy Siberian women. The list was prepared with the support of the Sophia Ni modeling agency.

1. You won’t get lost with Evgenia either in Europe or in Asia, because she is fluent in both English and Korean. The girl not only works as a model, but is also endowed with acting talents and acts in films. By the way, in 2011 she became a finalist in the prestigious TV show “Korean Top Model-2.”

2. “Nothing is impossible!” - Anna thinks and continues to dream about trip around the world. And someday she will definitely accomplish it, and therefore she never ceases to be interested in photography in order to capture the brightest moments in photographs. Don’t be surprised if Anna speaks to you in English or German - the girl is graduating from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​this year.

3. Once you hear the sounds of the guitar strings that Baligma plucks at least once, you will never forget them. But the girl did not want to follow in the musician’s footsteps, but chose for herself very the right profession– She is studying at the Faculty of Law.

4. Secrets of many famous people owned by Narana. She loves reading their biographies, and is also interested in history and loves cinema. Now the girl is finishing school, and has already chosen future profession. She will enter the Faculty of Architecture.

5. You can’t see a 10th grade student behind Elena’s passionate gaze. IN modeling business She is only a couple of years old, but has already won a number of honorary titles at the beauty and fashion competitions “Baikal Fashion Week”, “Russian Silhouette”, “Moscow Fashion Week”. She was also able to attend the most prestigious shows in the country with Maria Tsigal and Igor Chapurin. Of course! After all, her motto is: there are no hopeless situations.

6. Why not take Lydia on a hike? She will always maintain a cheerful mood and good spirits, and will also shoulder some of the luggage on her fragile shoulders, because she loves forays into nature. And at rest stops you can play ultimate frisbee with her (a team sport with a flying disc. – editor’s note)

7. Behind Zhanna’s warm smile and kind gaze hides a real “panther”. And woe to anyone who offends her, because the girl knows kung fu techniques. Zhanna graduated from the Faculty of Economics and now works in an international consulting company in London. The girl became a finalist in the Miss Russia contest.

8. Inna takes her first steps on the podium, but has already been recognized best model 2013 in the “Russian Silhouette” design competition. She opened and closed the final show of Moscow Fashion Week by designer Natalia Valevskaya. The girl does yoga and cannot imagine her life without music.

9. Galya feels like a fish in water in the role of a model, although she is still in the 8th grade. By the way, she also feels like a fish in the water, because she has chosen swimming as her main hobby.

10. It’s amazing how Erzhena manages to keep up with everything! She participates in Fashion Weeks in Istanbul, Antalya, Dubai. She studies at Istanbul University and combines classes with work.

) indigenous people of Siberia. In total, there are more than 460 thousand Buryats in Russia, who live mainly in the Republic of Buryatia, the Irkutsk region and the Trans-Baikal Territory. There is a Buryat diaspora in Mongolia (45 thousand) and China (about 10 thousand).
The Buryat language is one of the Mongolian languages. Peoples related to the Buryats in language and culture include the Mongols and Kalmyks.
Believing Buryats profess Buddhism and shamanism.

20th place: Anna Markakova(born April 8, 1992) - Miss Buryatia 2011, Beauty of Buryatia 2011. Represented Buryatia at the Miss Russia 2011 competition. Height 178 cm, figure measurements 86-60-89. VKontakte page -

19th place: Dulma Sunrapova(born November 15, 1985, village of Tsokto-Khangil, Trans-Baikail Territory) - Buryat singer. VK page -

18th place: Donara (Dora) Baldantseren- ballet dancer of the Buryat State National Song and Dance Theater "Baikal" (Ulan-Ude), People's Artist of the Republic of Buryatia. She toured in South Korea, Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, Greece, Spain, Germany, Poland, and Holland. Page in Odnoklassniki -

17th place: Elena Mardaeva(born January 28, 1985, Bokhan village, Irkutsk region) - fashion designer, organizer of the "Moscow Beauty of Buryatia" competition. VK page -

16th place: Natalia Zhamsoeva- winner of the Moscow Beauty of Buryatia 2007 competition, representative of Buryatia at the Beauty of Russia 2008 competition. Height 168 cm, figure measurements 83-64-92. VK page -

15th place: Yulia Zamoeva- ballet dancer of the Baikal Theater (Ulan-Ude), People's Artist of the Republic of Buryatia.

14th place: Anna Obozhina- Buryat singer, participant in the “Battle of the Choirs” project on Russia 1 channel. VK page -

13th place: Galina Tabharova- ballet dancer of the Baikal Theater. She toured with the theater in European countries and Russian cities. She was awarded diplomas and letters of gratitude from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia. VK page -

12th place: Aryuna Bubeeva(born October 19, 1993) - Beauty of Buryatia 2010, Miss Asia Alma Mater 2012, Miss Mongolian Peoples 2016. She represented Buryatia at the Beauty of Russia 2010 competition, where she took second place in the Young Beauty of Russia nomination. Aryuna also became the winner of the beauty contest of the ethno-festival of nomadic peoples of Eurasia “Yordyn Games” in 2011. Aryuna Bubeeva’s height is 175 cm.

11th place: Ayuna Albasheeva- Beauty of Buryatia 2006.

10th place: Alena Albasheeva- Beauty of Buryatia 1999. Alena is the older sister of Ayuna Albasheeva (Beauty of Buryatia 2006).

9th place: Victoria Lygdenova- Beauty of Buryatia 2008. At the age of 17, Victoria received the title "Third Beauty of Russia 2008", corresponding to 4th place. On March 15, 2013, a 22-year-old girl died from heart disease - cardiomyopathy.

8th place: Evgenia Shagdarova- winner of the “Top Model of Buryatia” competition, participant in the third season of the television project “Top Model in Russian” on the Muz-TV channel. Height 172 cm.

7th place: Oyuna Osodoeva(born August 18, 1992) - Moscow beauty of Buryatia 2010. VK page -

6th place: Irina Batorova(born December 22, 1978, Ulan-Ude) - ballet dancer of the Baikal Theater, choreographer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. VK page -

5th place: Irina Pantaeva(born October 31, 1967, Ulan-Ude) - model, actress, writer. In 1989 she became the winner of the first beauty contest in Buryatia - “Miss Ulan-Ude”. Then she worked as a model in Moscow, Paris, New York, appeared on the covers of Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Elle magazines. Irina starred in several films: “The Return of Khoja Nasreddin” (USSR, 1989), Mortal Kombat 2: Extermination (USA, 1997), Escape from the Gulag (Germany, 2001), etc. Irina Pantaeva’s autobiography “Siberian Dream” was published in several languages ​​(English, French, German, Japanese, etc.) Irina Pantaeva’s height is 178 cm, model parameters 86-63. -89. Official website -

4th place: Darima Chimitova- Miss Ulan-Ude 2012. Height 174 cm, measurements 85-59-87. VK page -

3rd place: Anastasia Tsydenova(born June 10, 1986, Irkutsk), better known under the pseudonym Asia- TV presenter on the Muz-TV channel.

2nd place: Madegma Dorzhieva- Buryat singer, composer, professional pianist, producer. Laureate of numerous international competitions and festivals. The repertoire includes ancient Buryat chants and modern rhythms. She has released three successful solo albums. VK page -

Madegma Dorzhieva - Basaganay duun

1st place: Maria Shantanova- model. After graduating from school in Ulan-Ude, she went to study in China, where she became the face of Nesсafe Gold in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau. She played the main role in the 6th episode of the project “Speaking Buryat”. Height 167 cm, body measurements 86-60-88. VK page -

Maria Shantanova in the project “Speaking Buryat”:

Maybe I’m not objective, but Buryat women seem very beautiful to me. Okay, not all of them, but most of the girls are at least interesting.

There are two main types of appearance that I like and I call them conventionally “silver” (Chinese type) and “gold” (Japanese type). There is no rating here, just based on the color of the metals. In fact, the Buryats are very diverse in their appearance, but for now I’m speaking generally.

I’ll also say right away that I am not a certified specialist in the field of makeup or an art critic. Everything written here is, to say the least, controversial.

Buryat “silver” type

Girls “ silver type" V pure form look like this: black shiny hair, matte pale skin, narrow face, straight, elongated features. They are usually slightly taller than average, approaching 170 cm. They like to wear silver jewelry and wear their hair in a ponytail. For some reason, they like to generously paint the upper eyelid with a black pencil. They probably think that this is how their eyes become larger, but the eastern narrow curve of the eye is also part of their beauty.

These girls are also often thin. I would even say bony. They move gracefully, especially if they are Ulan-Udenki. Girls from villages do not particularly bother with plastic movements, and this is rarely given to anyone by nature (with the exception of natives of Africa). These girls make an incredible impression - cold beauty in all its glory. Tall, black turtleneck, fitted jeans, long silver earrings, combed back hair. And definitely heels - to rise above the rest, the tail of her hair can sometimes touch the low-hanging chandelier in the bar. Under no circumstances should they dye their hair lighter, as this will make all their subtle veneer of grace disappear, turning them into typical chavs in the Kalash row.

Here are a few more Buryat girls from the Munoderei Basagan project, who seem to me to fit the “Chinese type”.

For girls “ gold type“beauty looks more tender. They often do not even suspect that they are beautiful until they are twenty. They have light eyes and blonde hair, often red. The skin is also light with a pink blush. The face is plump and soft, the eyes are large and with dabharyas. In figure, they often resemble European women - curves can be observed here and there. They range in height from small to medium.

gold type can lighten indefinitely

If they knew that fresh and light colors suit them, then, perhaps, they would not look so gloomy in dark-colored clothes. Although black suits them no less than “Chinese” women, in certain green or yellow they simply have no equal. In an effort to become brighter, “golden” girls often dye their hair more dark color, thereby outperforming the “Chinese women” in the brightness of their eyes, but losing the tenderness of their bright image. Although they are the only Buryat women who would be forgiven for even going blonde (cold). It would at least look interesting.

There are a minority of them in the Munoderei Basagan gallery, probably because this is really a rather rare type. And it’s also difficult for them to compete with the “silver type” with their striking, knock-down beauty. It is also possible that this type is less photogenic, and all visual photographers and artists are obsessed with the “silver type,” consolidating and disseminating it as a universal Buryat type of beauty. I will write more about this sometime later.

Here are a few gold-type Buryats.

In addition, I often see the “Brazilian” type of beauty on the streets of Ulan-Ude. Curly hair, dark skin, athletic figure. There are also girls of the “Indian” type: with expressive noses with a hump, huge eyes and cheekbones, similar in their lines to North American rocks. True, I don’t care for such types, but many simply squeal with delight.