Pope John Paul II took an active part in the destruction of the Soviet empire. Who are the Popes Crusade against the USSR Pope of Rome

In February 1930, Pope Pius XI addressed the clergy and believers with a call for a “crusade” against the USSR. This call served as the beginning of a broad anti-Soviet campaign in many countries, which, according to the organizers of this campaign, was supposed to make it easier for the imperialists to prepare for war against the USSR.

Pius XI borrowed the idea of ​​a “crusade” from the arsenal of the Middle Ages. From the end of the 11th century. until the end of the 13th century. At the call of the popes, a series of military colonization campaigns in the East were organized, which were called “crusades.” According to statements by popes, church preachers and reactionary bourgeois historians, the crusades were allegedly organized with the aim of “liberating the Holy Sepulcher” in Jerusalem, which was then under Turkish rule.

In fact, the Crusades were military-predatory campaigns in the East, and it was not the struggle of Christians with Muslims, with the “infidels,” that underlay them.

Various classes of the then society took part in the crusades: large feudal lords (kings, princes, barons, dukes), who sought to conquer new rich lands and increase income, small knights (nobles), who went on crusades with the aim of plundering and seizing lands and serf peasants. Many of them hoped to be freed from debt by participating in the campaigns. The masses of the downtrodden and oppressed peasantry, whose situation was then extremely difficult, also took part in the crusades. By going on campaigns, they hoped to free themselves from serfdom, escape from their owners, and find freedom (serfs who went on campaigns were freed from serfdom). The Crusades were supported and subsidized by the trading cities of Italy (Venice, Genoa, etc.), which hoped to conquer trade routes to the East with the help of the crusaders.

The Crusades, which brought enormous wealth to the church, contributed to the rise of religious fanaticism among the population. The popes organized special monetary collections and even introduced taxes on the organization of crusades, and the property of non-returning participants in the campaigns became the property of the church. Thus, the crusades, inspired and organized by the popes, raised the political weight of the papacy and served as a new source of increasing wealth and increasing the influence of the church. The declassed rabble took an active part in the crusades: tramps and criminal elements who were looking for opportunities to plunder.

In 1095, Pope Urban II, at a church council in Clermont, called the Christian world to a crusade in the East.

In 1096 the first crusade began. Unorganized crowds of peasants, bandit knights and the criminal rabble who joined them moved from France, Germany, England, Scandinavia, Italy and Spain to Constantinople. Passing through the Christian states of Europe, they plundered cities and villages, raped, causing universal hatred towards themselves.

The first detachments of the crusaders were defeated by the Turks, but already in the fall of 1096 new detachments moved to the East. When the crusaders reached Constantinople in 1097, the Christian Greeks, whom the crusaders were supposedly going to help against the “infidels” (Turks), saw that they were dealing with rabble, with rude barbarians seeking only personal gain, and began to take measures against the crusaders who were trying to plunder Constantinople. From there the crusaders moved to Asia Minor, causing terrible devastation along the way and carrying out wholesale massacres of the local Muslim population. Only in 1099 did the crusaders reach Jerusalem and took the city on July 15. The army of Christ carried out a massacre in the city, alternating with solemn services. Eyewitnesses report that the crusaders literally walked through pools of blood. They killed men, women, and smashed children's heads on stones. The crusader army plundered everything that could be robbed: houses, churches, shops, public institutions.

Clashes between popes and emperors continued for decades, so the crusading movement, organized at the initiative of the pope, initially did not find much response in the German lands. The emperor and the nobles of his empire were completely occupied with internal strife. Endless unrest in their own country did not allow them to participate in armed “pilgrimages” to the Holy Land. The French king behaved completely differently. He willingly responded to the papal call, but could not make a particularly significant contribution to the crusading enterprise due to the limitations of the forces and means at his disposal. The territory of the then possessions of the French kings was limited only to Central and North-Eastern France. Burgundy and Lorraine were part of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, and the entire West of today's France was the domain of the English kings from the Angevin Plantagenet dynasty. The various states founded by the Normans in Northern France, England, Ireland, Southern Italy and Sicily responded with the greatest enthusiasm to the calls of Papal Rome. After the preparatory Council in Placentia (Piacenza), where envoys of Basileus Alexios I Komnenos also arrived from Constantinople with a request for military assistance against the “Saracens” (the Islamized Seljuk Turks mentioned above and the Turkic nomadic tribe of pagan Pechenegs), who represented by the time described a mortal threat to the very existence of the Second Rome on the Bosporus, Pope Urban II uttered the winged words at the Council of Clermont on November 27, 1095: “God wants it this way!” - to this day remaining the motto of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre. Volunteers who wished to go on an armed pilgrimage began, at the initiative of Pope Urban, expressed at the Council of Clermont, to sew crosses made of colored fabric onto their clothes. For the first time in the history of the Middle Ages, a large group of lay people began to wear a uniform identification mark on their clothes. This innovation has survived to this day in both the military and civilian spheres. The sign of the cross became the first sign of belonging to a single army and an expression of the determination of the participants in the crusade to die on the way to the Holy City of Jerusalem or to bring the cause of its liberation from the power of the infidels to a victorious end. Since then, the cross has been considered a distinctive sign of the Christian militia, the army (militia), which in the described era in the West meant primarily knighthood in connection with its then decisive role in military affairs. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, some crusaders even tattooed or burned the sign of the cross on their foreheads, chests and right arms. In this they imitated the first Christians, who often put on themselves a cross, the name or monogram of Christ, an image of a fish, an anchor (a symbol of salvation and hope) and a lamb (the Lamb of God). Christian tattoos were often made in places where conversion to another faith was possible, for example, in areas of Christian Europe captured by the Turks. And even now, Ethiopians and Copts (Egyptian Christians), surrounded by Muslims, tattoo themselves with a cross on their wrists. Crusaders setting out to liberate the Holy Land got cross tattoos on their foreheads (and especially often on the crook of their arms) because such tattoos guaranteed them a Christian burial after death in battle (after all, often only by these marks could the body be identified). The use of the cross as a military insignia served as an expression of a completely new idea for that time of merging the Heavenly Host with the earthly host. From here it was already a stone's throw to the cross of the order's knights-monks, who, with the sign of the cross on their clothes, shields and banners, indicating the main, religious meaning of their service, defended Christian shrines from the infidels with a sword. The pope's appeal turned out to be unusually successful. Those wishing to participate in a crusade (this expression itself appeared later, contemporaries spoke of “journeys” or “pilgrimages” to the Holy Land - although the expression “crusade” itself means, in principle, nothing more than a “procession of the cross,” that is, something completely common in church life, not only among Western, but also among Eastern Christians; during the campaigns of the Kyiv prince Vladimir Monomakh against the Kipchak Cumans, the Russian Orthodox army was also preceded by clergy in vestments with crosses and church banners, and about the Galician prince Yaroslav Osmomysl in “ The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, keeping in mind his participation in the crusades of Western “pilgrims”, it is said that he “shoots the Saltans beyond the lands” with his “golden arrows”!) turned out to be so many that serious problems arose with transporting such huge masses of crusaders. Their vanguard, which actually did not have a single command over it, was destroyed by the Saracens in Asia Minor. The main army of pilgrims, the core of which was the detachments of the Duke of Lower Lorraine (Brabant) Godfrey of Bouillon, a descendant of Charlemagne, and his brother Baldwin of Boulogne, having crossed the Danube, gathered in the winter of 1096/97. near Constantinople, where the leaders of the crusaders had to take a fief oath to the Orthodox Emperor of Byzantium as their overlord, that is, the supreme secular ruler. By the way, a few years earlier, the noble Western pilgrim to the Holy Land, Count Robert of Flanders, Holland and Zeeland, took a similar feudal oath to Basileus Alexios I Komnenos, who, after his return from Jerusalem, left 500 heavily armed knights from his retinue ("Celts") to help the Orthodox autocrat of Constantinople. according to Byzantine terminology), which were of considerable help in the struggle of Emperor Alexei with the enemies of the Cross and the Holy Faith of Christ. By the way, the fact that all these noble “Latins” took the fief oath to Basileus Alexei suggests that the mutual anathematization of each other by the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1054 (later called the great schism) was not at all perceived by contemporaries either in the East or in the West as the final “schism” of the once united Christian church into Eastern and Western. True, the Byzantines, brought up in the traditions of “Caesarepapism” (that is, the subordination of spiritual power to secular power), sometimes seemed strange to the morals and behavior of the Western clergy, especially those Latin clergy who participated in the Crusades, as if serving as a prototype of the future militant knights-monks established in the Holy Land after its liberation from the Muslim yoke of military-spiritual orders (which will be discussed on further pages of our story). As Princess Anna Komnenos wrote in her “Alexiad”: “Our idea of ​​clergy is completely different from that of the Latins. We (Orthodox Christians - V.A.) are guided by the canons, laws and gospel dogma: “do not touch, do not shout, do not touch, for you are a clergyman.” But the Latin barbarian performs a church service, holding a shield in his left hand and shaking a spear in his right, he communes the body and blood of the Lord, looking at the murder, and he himself becomes a “man of blood,” as in the Psalm of David. Such are these barbarians, equally devoted to God and war.” Nevertheless, the attitude of the Byzantines towards the Western “Latin schismatics”, who were hired in huge numbers to serve in the Byzantine army and even formed the backbone of the Life Guards of the Constantinople basileus, called Eteria (Druzhina), as the selected guard of “friends” (“Eters” or "hetayrs") of Alexander the Great, remained rather sympathetic - until the capture of Constantinople by the Latins in 1204. Crusader enthusiasm drove Christian pilgrims with the sign of the cross on their right shoulders further and further forward. Even the difficulties of the journey could not stop their victorious march. In addition, the basileus ordered to supply them with everything they needed and gave them his own army to help. Almost simultaneously, the Norman crusaders (via Bari in Southern Italy) and the southern French soldiers of the Cross, led by the papal legate (via Dalmatia), rushed to the Holy Land. All three armies united at Antioch in Syria. And then it turned out that they had neither a single command nor even a desire to act together. Although almost all the leaders of the Christian army were in family or vassal-seigneurial relationships, the “voice of blood” and vassal loyalty played an even smaller role “overseas” (French: outre-mer) than at home. The difficulties began with the fact that Baldwin, the brother of the Duke of Lower Lorraine, and his people, having arbitrarily separated from the rest of the army, at their own peril and risk, took possession of the county of Edessa (ancient Osroene, called Armenian Urfa), which remained in the hands of Western Christians for more than 50 years. Following Baldwin, similar activity was shown by the leader of the South Italian Normans, Bohemond of Tarentum, who, after a long siege and bloody battles, conquered (for himself!) the city of Antioch (June 3, 1098) and founded the Principality of Antioch. These victories of the crusaders were facilitated by the active support of the population of the territories they conquered, who consisted mainly of Christians. The new masters gave their overseas possessions the familiar Western European form. The “Frankish” knights of Baldwin and Bohemond received new lands as fiefs and settled throughout the Near East, without thinking about continuing the campaign against Jerusalem. As a result of such “bloodletting,” the remainder of Godfrey’s army, which intended to continue the campaign against Jerusalem, turned out to be so insignificant that doubts arose about the possibility of recapturing Jerusalem from the Muslims without the arrival of new reinforcements from Europe. Fortunately for the crusaders, a small Italian flotilla, consisting of only 4 ships, arrived in the port of Jaffa (Yafo, Joppe or Joppa, now part of Tel Aviv), which had just been captured by the army of Christ, pursued by a detachment of the Egyptian navy right up to the harbor . The Genoese who were on the ships managed not only to safely go ashore themselves, but also to pull their ships and cargo ashore. These ships saved from the Egyptians were very useful to the crusaders. Now they had at their disposal enough wood and other materials to build siege engines, and the sailors turned out to be very experienced craftsmen in this matter. With great difficulty, overcoming countless dangers, the crusaders delivered everything to their camp at the walls of the Holy City. In accordance with the religious nature of the crusading enterprise, the attack was preceded by thorough liturgical preparation. There was no doubt that if the crusaders were destined to take the city, they would be able to do this only because of religious inspiration and the boundless hope of the army of Christ for the victory of a just cause. Therefore, on July 8, 1099, all the soldiers of the Cross, barefoot, but in full armor, ascended the Mount of Olives in procession, and then Mount Zion. The fact that Muslims watching the procession from the walls, in front of the pilgrims, desecrated crosses, further inflamed the religious feelings and fighting spirit of the crusaders. However, until the morning of July 15, the attackers could not boast of any particular successes. An unexpected vision helped them. Many saw a certain knight on the top of the Mount of Olives, showing the besiegers where to direct the decisive attack. The detachment of Duke Godfrey, following the instructions of an unknown knight (later they said that it was the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George himself!), managed to bring a siege tower to the indicated place, climb the fortress wall and drive away the defenders of the city from this place. According to another legend, Godfrey of Bouillon, during the siege of Jerusalem, looked into the heavens and saw a flying swan. The snow-white bird flew around Gottfried's head four times, after which it headed towards Jerusalem and landed on one of the towers of the city wall. It was through this tower that Duke Godfrey, storming the city, entered Jerusalem with his crusader army. The Crusaders burst into the city, pushing back the Muslims retreating in ever greater disorder, mercilessly killing the Hagarians, striking right and left, all the way to the Temple of Solomon (or rather, to the Al-Aqsa Mosque located on the site of the temple), where they committed such a massacre that they literally walked ankle-deep in blood (some chroniclers claimed that it was not ankle-deep, but “knee-deep”, while others said that “the blood shed in the mosque reached the very horse’s bit”). Undoubtedly, this is an exaggeration common to medieval chroniclers, like the common expression: “Blood flowed in hot streams,” etc. But even in the city itself, God’s warriors began to behave completely “not like God.” As if maddened by the consciousness of their great victory, the pious conquerors ran through the streets of Jerusalem, indiscriminately killing everyone - men, women and children. They celebrated their victory with a horrific "bloodbath". The crusaders' methods of warfare plunged the Muslims first into amazement and then into horror. Until now, it has not been customary in the East to wage war with such a degree of ruthlessness. With the liberation of Jerusalem, the main goal of the crusade seemed achieved - the return of the greatest shrines of the Christian world. However, the crusaders had to continue to fight the Egyptians, from whom they conquered Palestine. In addition, the lands conquered by the “Franks” (as all Western Christians, or “Latins” were called in the East) needed an established system of governance. Already on July 17, 1099, the princes of the crusaders gathered for a meeting to decide on the state structure of their Middle Eastern power and elect someone from among them as the ruler of the Jerusalem state. Opinions were divided. Some advocated theocracy (feocracy), that is, for a kind of church state headed by a patriarch (who had yet to be elected; the Greek Orthodox patriarch of Jerusalem had long been in a safe distance from the Holy City - in distant Constantinople). Others preferred to see a secular ruler - the king - at the head of the new state. In the end it was decided to elect both a king and a patriarch. This Solomonic decision, which stimulated internal strife, along with many other factors later played a fatal role in the fate of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. The chaplain (confessor) of Duke Robert of Normandy, Arnulf, was elected as the new Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, independent from Constantinople, and the Duke of Lower Lorraine, a descendant of Charlemagne, Godfrey of Bouillon, was elected king of Jerusalem. However, Godfrey, one of the few sincere idealists among the leaders of the 1st Crusade, decisively refused the honor offered to him. Only after much persuasion did he agree to become the head of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and even then without accepting the royal title, for he, in his own words, “did not want to wear a golden crown where Christ himself wore a crown of thorns.” Gottfried was content with the title of Advocate (defender or guardian) of the Holy Sepulchre. According to legend, it was he who was the first to decorate his white cloak below the left shoulder with the image of a blood-red Jerusalem crutch cross with four small red crosses along the edges, in memory of the Savior's suffering on the cross (four smaller crosses symbolize the stigmata-wounds on the hands and feet of the crucified Christ, remaining from the nails, and the large central cross is a wound from the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus, who pierced the rib of the Crucified One to ensure his death). In any case, the knights of the Order of St. The Holy Sepulcher, having chosen this cross in the color of the atoning blood of the Savior as its emblem, to this day it is called the cross of Godfrey of Bouillon. Godfrey did not rule for long and died on July 18, 1100, having accomplished, in his own conviction, the greatest work of his life and glorifying his entire family forever. In less than a year of his reign, however, he managed to lay the foundations of the state system of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and annex to his possessions, in addition to Jerusalem, the Palestinian cities of Hebron, Bethlehem, Ramla, Lydda, Nablus, Tiberias and Nazareth. The main ports of the country - Akkon (Akka, Acre, Akron, Ekron, Saint-Jean d'Acre, Ptolemais), Caesarea and Ascalon remained in the hands of Muslims, although they expressed their willingness to pay regular tribute to the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Since then, the name of Godfrey of Bouillon has been revered in the Christian world among the names of the “nine fearless” or “nine men of glory” (along with the names of three ancient heroes - the Trojan prince Hector, Alexander the Great and Gaius Julius Caesar, three glorious biblical warriors - the prophet Jesus Joshua, the psalmist king David and Judah Maccabee, and two exemplary warriors of Christ - King Arthur Pendragon and Emperor Charlemagne). 3.

These three of her books are of undoubted interest for the Russian Orthodox Patriot. Is it true, We cannot agree with some of her conclusions and statements, but we definitely point out these places and explain why we cannot agree . So, Tatyana Vasilievna’s books are “an instruction for warriors of the spirit who have a courageous heart, mind, honor and dignity, a call to defend what was created and preserved for us by our great ancestors.”


3.1. Vatican Crusade against USSR-Russia

At the end of February 2009, the Russian media circulated the following message: “The Russians want to return the Soviet Union. Most Russians would like their state to resemble the Soviet one. These are the results of a survey conducted by the service Gallup

in Russia".

3.1.1. Poland is the weak link in the coalition of national forces in Eastern Europe
So, in 2009, so many years after the collapse of the USSR, “the majority of Russians” still yearn for the lost Soviet statehood.
Probably, many of this majority asked themselves the question: “What forces contributed to the collapse of the country, the memory of which causes them such nostalgia?” Typically, destroyers include political, economic and informational forces, that is, what is obvious and lies on the surface.

But there was another force that had a particularly destructive effect, while being in the shadows, behind the scenes. This force was Vatican. Now there is so much talk about the desirability of a union between the Vatican and the Moscow Patriarchate, that we are sister churches, that we have a lot in common. In this regard, it would be nice to find out with whom we are invited to unite. Let’s begin to understand this with the history of the organization of the collapse of the USSR, where one of the main roles was played by
Pope John Paul II. Let's say more, without the intervention of the pope this would have been impossible to do. How to put it Timothy Garton Ash: “Without the pope there would be no Solidarity (the resistance movement to the government of the then Poland. - Auth.).
Without Solidarity there would be no Gorbachev. Without Gorbachev there would have been no fall of communism.” The “fall of communism” in this case was expressed not in the collapse of the ideology that now “lives and wins” in the West, but in the collapse of the statehood of the Soviet Union and its allies - the countries of Eastern Europe, which have long ago, in fact, moved away from communist ideology. All that remains of it are some symbols and names. It was an external facade that hid a completely different structure. It was called Soviet, socialist. But it's not about the title. At its core, it was a construction-oriented system national + statehood , objectively obstructive creation of everything global, including the Global Khaganate. Confrontation of national And lies at the heart of modern political and economic confrontation. During the existence of the Soviet Union, it was he who was the core of everything national, around which the countries of Eastern Europe and the countries of the Third World, which also chose the path of national statehood, united. The USSR formed this coalition of national forces, and this coalition rested on it. Thanks to this, the national could defend itself and repel attacks from the global.

This situation, of course, did not suit the global forces, the forces of the Khazarocracy.
During the Cold War, attempts were made repeatedly to undermine the bloc of national forces. In the 70s, a strategic decision was made - first, having undermined the union from within, by disintegrating one of the members, provoke everyone to revolt, to revolution. And then deal a fatal blow to the core of the allianceSoviet Union. Thus, the question arose in which state to lay that mine, which would subsequently blow up the entire system of national statehood so that small fragments remained from it.
The implementation of this plan was not an easy one. In order to turn a state into an explosive device capable of blowing up the entire system of national forces and creating the preconditions for destroying its core, it was necessary to think through a number of conditions, which this state must comply with.
First, this state must play significant role in a coalition of national forces so that the situation there really affects everyone.
Secondly, since the main blow was directed against the key Russian statehood as the foundation of the national system, it is necessary that this state organically carried an anti-Russian charge in its depths. That is historically fiercely opposed Russia, politically and spiritually.
Thirdly, it is necessary that this state was organically connected with the West, which forms the core of the coalition of global forces. Organic connection in this case means a historical union with the West in political and spiritual (religious) terms.
Only one country met all these three requirements - Poland.

3.1.2. “Everything that has happened in Eastern Europe in recent years would not have been possible without the presence of the Pope in all this”

When we decided on the mine state, it was necessary to work out strategy subversive work aimed at destroying systems of national statehood led by the USSR .
This strategy was to form a force within Poland that would be able to act in two directions against its own national statehood and against the USSR as the vanguard of the national statehood system in the world.
John Paul II took an active part in the formation of such a force and acted as its spiritual leader.
The authority of the Pope made it possible to ensure scale Confrontation of national openness subversive anti-state activities in Poland. John Paul II, a Pole by nationality, gave the revolutionary movement a special pathos and nationalistic character. Polish Catholicism has historically been the center of the struggle against the Russian Empire + .

[+ And it’s clear why. The heresy of papism in any country is always directed against its statehood, for since the 11th century the Pope has been trying to establish his power over the whole world, asserting, where possible, fire and sword, the dogma of papism that the priesthood is higher than the kingdom! The world behind the scenes has long been using papism for its own purposes of establishing its world domination. In Russia, the righteous harbinger of papism, behind which stands the same world behind the scenes, is now Pope of Moscow Kirill I (Gundyaev).]

And under the spiritual leadership of John Paul II, the process of disintegration of the national state system of the USSR and its allies proceeded at a rapid pace.
In June 1979, the Pope took his historic trip to Poland and stayed there for nine days that then turned the world upside down. In his sermons, lectures and addresses he accomplished what was later called "a revolution in the minds of the Poles".

Bronislaw Geremek, former Polish Foreign Minister and member of the Solidarity movement, recalls: “In 1979, the Pope wanted to convey to us that the regime could not exist without popular support, and he said: "Don't support him"(http://www.inosmi.ru/print/218647.html ).
It is no coincidence that a year later a movement was formed in Gdansk Solidarity, who organized a strike at a local shipyard, and almost the first thing the members of the movement did wasthey hung a portrait of John Paul II on the factory gates.
After this, a rapid rise in movement begins Solidarity, to whom the pope provides comprehensive spiritual and financial support.
Financial support from the Vatican allowed for explosive growth in numbers Solidarity- 10 million members in 18 months.
A wave of strikes shook the country. The Polish government was in fear, and the Kremlin expressed deep concern. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Andrey Gromyko then he said: “We must not lose Poland. The Soviet Union lost 600,000 soldiers and officers in the fight to liberate Poland from the Nazis." In August 1980 Lech Walesa makes demands on the Polish government. The Pope, seeing Lech Walesa and the workers praying on TV, declares: “Walessa was sent by God, by Providence itself”.
Speaking before the two houses of the Polish Sejm at a ceremony in honor of the 25th anniversary Solidarity. its former leader and Poland's first democratic president, Lech Walesa, said that this movement was "inspired" Pope John Paul II. “Then the Polish people and many others awoke from their sleep.” According to Walesa, Poles were "awakened" by John Paul II's first visit to Poland as pontiff in 1979 year. It was after this that it was born Solidarity and protests against the communist regime began.
"Revolution in the minds of the Poles" 1979 prepared the revolution 1989 after which the process of the collapse of socialist statehood in the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe proceeded at a particularly rapid pace.
New York Times wrote about it this way: “Historians and statesmen agree that John Paul II played a huge role in the creation of the labor movement Solidarity in 1980. After a series of largely dramatic events, led by this organization, the communist regime collapsed in Poland in the summer of 1989. And this in turn caused political upheavals in other socialist countries from East Germany to Bulgaria.".

After 1979, Dad made two more trips to Poland, in 1983 and 1987. He succeeded ignite the flame of revolution, which reached millions of Poles. But it all started then with his trip in 1979. As the former head of the Polish state said General Jaruzelski; "She served as a detonator".
It is known that shortly after the election of Karol Wojtyla as head of the Roman Catholic Church on October 16, 1978, the KGB informed the Politburo that the Vatican's decision was made under pressure Zbigniew Brzezinski, then serving as Security Advisor to the President of the United States Jimmy Carter .
Ronald Reagan officially became President of the United States on January 20, 1981, retained Brzezinski as a security adviser to his administration. He took vigorous steps to establishing close contacts with John Paul II, viewing him and Poland as the key to the destruction of the “evil empire” + . It was this name that was then attached to the USSR.

[+ About the activities of Andropov, the head of the KGB and a deeply undercover agent of the world behind the scenes, at this time, see.]

As follows from the biography of the pope, written Carl Bernstein and Vatican reporter Marco Politi, The relationship between the American president and the pope began with an exchange of letters shortly after Reagan's inauguration. This was followed by secret visits to the Vatican by the ambassador Vernon Walters and CIA Director William Casey. They assured dad that The United States will provide financial, material and political support to the movement Solidarity. In addition, they provided the pope with a lot of valuable intelligence information about events in Poland and other countries that the pope was supposed to visit during his long trips. In February 1981, as unrest in Poland grew, the Pope was given intelligence information containing pictures of the concentration of Soviet armed forces on the Polish border. Shortly thereafter, the media circulated reports that the pope, in a letter to Leonid Brezhnev threatened to fly to Warsaw and stand in front of Soviet tanks if they invaded Poland (Michael Satchell, “The end of communism,” U.S. News & World Report, 4/2/05).
In December 1981, Polish leader Wojciech Jaruzelski declared in the country martial law. Thousands of Solidarity members were arrested, and hundreds were accused of treason and subversion. The movement was prohibited and Walesa was arrested.
Six months later, in June 1982, Reagan visited his dad. During this visit, which brought them closer together, John Paul II blessed Reagan to launch a “crusade” against the Soviet Union with the goal of destroying it. Reagan Advisor Richard Allen wrote that both leaders considered the collapse of the Soviet Empire inevitable, while putting more spiritual than strategic grounds. Both leaders, according to the adviser, shared a common view that some kind of "religious plan based on supernatural forces" and the President expressed absolute confidence that “Dad will help change the world.” Alain writes: “It was one of the greatest secret alliances of all time. Not an alliance in the usual, official sense of the word, but not legally formalized in any way collusion".
Massimo Franco, writer, journalist, employee of the London Institute for Strategic Studies, emphasizes that this agreement was directed against Soviet statehood: “Pope John Paul II and President Reagan formed a secret alliance against Moscow, the results of which helped accelerate the collapse of the USSR.”
(Massimo Franco. The Pope and the President. Rome and Reagan against the Russians, 2009).
According to sources in the US government, three weeks after this meeting, Reagan signed a secret directive aimed at providing everything necessary for the “crusade” through Poland against the USSR. In secret cooperation with the Vatican and through it from the United States to help Solidarity Money, faxes, computers, copying and printing machines, printing equipment, communication equipment, etc. were smuggled.
"The pope launched an aggressive religious and political offensive" and became a "passionate catalyst for the revolution"... (Michael Satchell. The end of communism, U.S. News& World Report, 4/2/05)
In 1985, it became clear that the Polish leadership was no longer able to control and restrain the revolutionary movement in the country. From the time of the meeting between Reagan and the Pope in 1982 until 1985, Washington, through the CIA, pumped Solidarity50 million dollars.
Reagan Ambassador Vernon Walters visited the Vatican between 1981 and 1988 every six months, to exchange highly sensitive economic, military and political intelligence information
In 1986, Jaruzelski declared a general amnesty in the country, including the release of more than 200 political prisoners, and dropped charges against Walesa.

John Paul II returned to Poland in 1987 and celebrated a solemn outdoor mass in Gdańsk before an enthusiastic crowd in 750 000 Human. Repeating again and again that Polish workers have the right to self-government (well, just a true Marxist), the pope declared: “There is no more effective struggle than Solidarity".
In mid-1989, multi-party elections were held in Poland, in which candidates from Solidarity. After that it started the process of collapse of the Warsaw Pact, and then the USSR. Hungary opened its borders with Austria, allowing East German citizens to flee to West Germany. Demonstrations demanding independence began in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. Demands for freedom spread to Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Romania. In East Germany, the Berlin Wall was destroyed.
The hurricane of change, launched by the pope's trips to Poland, was rapidly approaching to the main point of its destructive historical destinyto the USSR.
The Catholic Church became one of the main forces in the anti-Soviet struggle, and John Paul II became its spiritual leader and inspirer.
Vitaly Pavlov, who headed the KGB office in Poland from 1973 to 1984, writes in his memoirs: "Cardinal Wojtyla" often appeared in the operational reports about subversive anti-government activities." And further: “Cardinal K. Wojtyla was one of the most militant anti-communists, instigator of various anti-government and anti-Soviet protests from the church pulpit. (Vladimir Voronov. “Operation “Papa.” Top Secret, 2005).
Against the backdrop of the growth of these protests and the spread of the revolution that threatens the existence of the USSR, Gorbachev takes a course of refusing assistance to the pro-Soviet regimes of Eastern Europe, betraying them and leaving them to their fate, or, more precisely, to their enemies.
In December 1989 the pope arranges his first meeting with Gorbachev and meets him in the Vatican. They announce that the Vatican and Moscow are establishing diplomatic relations. Note that the leadership of the USSR did not have diplomatic relations with the Holy See until August 1962 considered the Vatican one of the centers of global “anti-Soviet influence”.
Gorbachev, in his passionate admiration for the West, became politically completely blind and lost not only his sense of responsibility for the state and people, but even the elementary instinct of self-preservation.

Then, during his visit to the Vatican, after a lengthy confidential conversation, the pontiff invites Gorbachev's wife to join them. Gorbachev at the same time bestows high praise on the pope: “Raisa, I present you to His Holiness John Paul II, who is the highest authority on the planet"(Michael Satchell. The end of communism, U.S. News & World Report, 02/04/2005).

In 1991, the “highest authority,” as a token of gratitude for the compliment, helped deliver the final mortal blow to the USSR, traveling around Poland and Baltic republics, from where his irreconcilable anti-Soviet messages quickly spread throughout the territory of the USSR.
In December 1991, the papal crusade against the USSR achieved its goal. The Soviet empire was destroyed and its fragments fell under the power of the external center.
By the way, Gorbachev publicly acknowledged the key role of John Paul II in changing regimes in Eastern European countries, which resulted in their enslavement by the West. Gorbachev said: “Everything that happened in Eastern Europe in recent years, wouldn't be possible without the presence of dad in all this, without great role even political, which he played on the world stage" (La Stampa, March 3, 1992).
This “great role” of the pope in the implementation of the Khazarian strategic plans to fight Russian statehood provided him with fantastic support from the world behind the scenes. Therefore, it is not surprising that John Paul II was on the papal throne for a very long time - 33 years.
But his predecessor was the head of the Vatican for a surprisingly short period of time - only 33 days...


In our apostasic times, the slow but steady movement towards the union of the Orthodox Church and the “sister church” - the Catholic Church - is becoming more and more clearly visible. The heresy of ecumenism finds its admirers and defenders even among bishops, successors of the Apostles, called and appointed by God to maintain in purity the teaching of the Mother Church, determined by the Holy Councils, rules and decrees of the Apostles. We will not cite the well-known testimonies of many saints: from Saint Theodosius of Kiev-Pechersk to Saint Righteous John of Kronstadt about the disastrous retreat of Catholics from the true faith and falling into heresy. Their best accuser will be the Patriarch, the High Hierarch of Rome, Martin the Confessor.
Suffered in 647 by Emperor Constantius II under the Byzantine heretic patriarch Paul of Samosad for the Truth and purity of Orthodoxy against the Monophilite heresy, subjected to humiliation, insult and beating by a mocking crowd, the holy elder was exiled to Tauride Chersonesus, where he died of want, hunger, and cold. and sick old age in 655. His honest relics were raised by St. Cyril and Methodius, Slavic teachers, at the same time with the relics of St. Clement, Pope of Rome. The holy bodies of Saints Martin and Clement were sent to Rome, but the head of each and the right hand remained in Chersonesos.

Surprising and instructive for us is the veneration of the Roman high priest by the pious Tsar John the Terrible, who erected a majestic cathedral in Moscow in honor of Martin the Confessor of the Pope. There is also a famous church in honor of this saint in the Arkhangelsk region. Perhaps this is not isolated evidence of the veneration of the Roman patriarch by the Russian people, who did not deviate from the Truth in the face of the ancestors of future ecumenists, who united light with darkness, good with evil, life with death.
The message of the holy elder Philotheus Elizarov of the Three Hierarchs Monastery near Pskov to the Sovereign and Grand Duke Vasily the Third comes to mind, in which he writes that “... the first Rome fell from the Apollinarian heresy, the second Rome fell, conquered by the Turks, the descendants of the Hagarians. The third Rome—Moscow—is standing, but there won’t be a fourth.”
The prophecy is precious to us because, as Alexander Nechvolodov writes, “the views of the Russian people of that time, their deep faith in God, as well as a remarkably insightful understanding of the high tasks that lie with the Russian sovereigns in gathering lands under their hands are clearly visible in it.” in the name of establishing the Orthodox faith and peace among the nations.”
The Russian People deeply perceived the continuity of the First and Second Rome, and recognized Holy Rus' as the guardian of Orthodoxy. When in 988, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir was baptized in Chersonesos, as a sign of churching, the authorities presented him with a choice of the honest heads of two Roman patriarchs: Clement and Martin. St. Clement suffered for the enlightenment of the pagans, and Prince Vladimir was faced with the task of baptizing pagan Rus', so he chose and took with him to Kyiv the Honest Head of St. Clement, which is still kept together with the myrrh-streaming heads in the Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The holy head of Pope Martin remained in Chersonesos. Subsequently, during the invasion of the Turks and Tatar hordes, temples and crypts with ossuaries in Chersonesos were destroyed. The fate of the honest relics was unknown.

In 2002, on the feast of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, September 8, at the site of excavations of one of the ancient churches in Chersonesos, Priest John, after a prayer service to the Chersonesos Hieromartyrs, was shown an Honest Head of wax color, strong and durable. On Easter 2003 the Saint revealed his name. It was this year, as later in 2008, that Easter coincided with the feast day of Martin the Confessor. The miracle of the discovery of the holy relics of Martin the Confessor was also confirmed by the Pochaev elder Akhila (in schema Theodosius). For the sake of brevity, we will not describe all the miracles and sacred events that occurred with the priest through prayers to the Saint. After the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, with the blessing of the elder, the Honest Head was delivered to the monastery of the Royal Martyrs on Ganina Yama near Yekaterinburg, to the Russian Golgotha.

Driving through Moscow, Fr. John miraculously placed the Head on the throne in the altar of the cathedral built by Ivan the Terrible in honor of Martin the Confessor (15 B. Kommunisticheskaya St. in Alekseevskaya Sloboda). On the road myrrh began to flow; waves of fragrance spread throughout the entire carriage, and many sick people almost went berserk while near the shrine. The honest head is still in the Yekaterinburg diocese.
In times of current secret preparation and calls for “fraternal unity” with Catholic heretics, the Lord, through the appearance of the Venerable Head Martin the Confessor of the Pope, reminds us that after the fall of the Vatican into heresy, the primacy of Rome passed to Byzantium and calls us to confession, to defend our purity Apostolic Faith. Let us recall the sad historical experience of union with Catholics (Union of Florence in 1439), 14 years after which the Second Rome - Byzantium - fell. Unification can only happen after the West repents of heresy. And we can contribute to this repentance.

The icon of three Saints is sacred in meaning: Apostle Andrew the First-Called, who blessed Kievan Rus; Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome, heavenly representative and prayer book for Prince Vladimir, Baptist of Rus' and Saint Martin the Confessor of the Pope of Rome, calling in recent times to confession and repentance for the revival of “new Rus' - according to the old model.”
If the secret of the patronage of the first two saints has already been revealed to our Russian land, then the secret action and intercession of the third saint has not yet been fully revealed to us. By the providence of God, the holy relics of the confessor have been revealed to us right now, when before our eyes the process of “surrender” of Orthodoxy is becoming more and more clear and there are rumors that the Pope has already been invited to Moscow. Revealing the confessional feat and worldwide veneration of St. Martin, who stood in the Truth in the First Rome, could remind the “overseas” popes where the true line of the Apostolic Teaching lies and what needs to be done to return to the bosom of the Mother Church, and for us, the Orthodox, to be vigilant and “not lukewarm”, since the Dulles-Brzezinski plan has already reached its final stage.

O. John (Streshnev)
Russian Orthodox Edinoverie Church

3.1.B. It is possible to escape from the machinations of the servants of Satan only by being in the Right Faith

Let us understand that any person living on earth can be saved from the machinations of Satan’s servants only by calling on God’s help. The most powerful protection and help of God is given to the third. That is why the servants of Satan hate this People so much, and that is why they are so sophisticated in their search for means of decomposition and destruction of at least some of this People.
Yes, the Lord God powerfully and reliably protects His chosen Russian People! But to whom much is given, the demand is much higher! That is why sons and daughters of the Russian People, if they wish to be saved, must be in the Right Faith and profess all dogmatic completeness Orthodox Church of Christ, and, first of all, to confess, without which no statehood is possible, and without it it is not possible to effectively resist the servants of Satan and defeat them.
Yes, Russia is in trouble, having a government that destroys statehood and serves not the people, but the world behind the scenes! But the development of events and the course of history in Russia depends not only on the authorities. If we continue to passively observe the insane actions of people who think of themselves that they are the power in Russia, and do not come to the mind of Christ, do not want to understand what the greatest service the Lord God has entrusted to the Russian People (this service provides the most powerful protection from the machinations of the servants of Satan, but also from the People of God the greatest responsibility is required for the godly bearing of this Cross-Service),.

then the wrath of God against the Russian People will continue, and the Jew will continue to scourge the Russian Land with a scorpion For those who have forgotten or don’t know yet, let us remind you that Since the time of the Crowning of Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible to the Kingdom (January 16/29, 1547), the Russian People have had their own and extremely responsible mission.
in the cause of saving the peoples of the whole world! State criminals in the Russian leadership are, without a doubt, will receive appropriate remuneration
still here in life, at least human hatred (like the recently deceased Gaidar!), and those whom the Lord God blesses to live until the resurrection of Russia under the sovereign hand of the victorious Tsar, “They won’t send me to Siberia anymore, but they’ll execute everyone” , according to the word of St. Seraphim. (See the prophecy of St. Seraphim of Sarov.) Today’s church reading is about the same thing Prophet Issiah (for Thursday of the Week of the Cross): Therefore hear the word of the Lord, you blasphemers, you rulers of this people who are in Jerusalem . Since you say: “We have made an alliance with death and made an agreement with the underworld: when the all-destroying scourge passes, it will not reach us, because we have made lies a refuge for ourselves, and we will cover ourselves with deception.” Therefore so says the Lord God Behold, I lay a stone for the foundation in Zion, a tried stone, a corner stone, a precious stone, firmly established: he who believes in him will not be put to shame (by stone here one should understand both the Anointed King Himself and the one that establishes hierarchical relations between people). And I will make judgment the standard and righteousness the scales; and the refuge of lies will be destroyed with hail, and the waters will drown the place of hiding. And your alliance with death is crumbling, and your agreement with the underworld will not stand. When the overwhelming scourge comes, you will be trampled under foot. As soon as he goes, he will grab you; he will walk every morning, day and night, and one rumor about him will inspire horror(Isa. 28:14-19). Let us draw your attention to the fact that it is no coincidence that the Church of Christ reads this text every year during Great Lent! It is fasting that always strengthens us to be firm in goodness (about this).

Icon Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas II
(troparion and prayer, other prayer)
He atoned for the sin of betrayal of the Russian People
in particular, the priesthood, which committed this sin of perjury of the Council Vow of 1613 long before February 1917, without taking out a piece from the seal of the fourth prosphora at Proskomedia for Him, as the Anointed of God and the Head of the earthly militant Church
About the redemptive feat of Tsar Nicholas II
look, as well as others materials from our site .
To get a larger size, you need to click the mouse

But while we do not need the Sovereign Autocratic power of the Anointed Tsar, while some madmen, including those in the robes of Orthodox clergy, blaspheme Emperor Nicholas II, the Lord God sees that the Russian People have not yet come into the mind of Christ, and therefore the Angel of the Lord continues and will continue to pour out new cups of disaster... About the Russian People, see the prophecy of the Prophet Isaiah in the church reading for Tuesday of the Week of Gregory Palamas

The state crimes of the current Russian government listed by Tatyana Vasilievna are only part of the disasters from the cup of the Angel of the Lord. " And there will still be more!“- Abel the Seer warns us through the centuries.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear! (Matthew 13:9).

6. My faithful ones, a little more and My indignation will pass

An Orthodox person, of course, must understand the time in which he lives. He must understand what the servants of Satan are preparing to catch him in their nets. Because, whoever is forewarned is forearmed, which means an Orthodox person’s chances of avoiding demonic traps increase.
But an Orthodox person is strong, first of all, by the power of God. That's the only reason he's invincible, even if he physically dies. But the Lord God gives His Strength and His Protection to man if he desires it, if only he understands that Without God and without the Anointed One, His man and his loved ones will perish, both here on earth and after physical death.
Our means of communication with the Almighty, Just and Merciful God occurs through prayer and our godly or unpleasing deeds. And it is clear that in order to be heard by Almighty God, it is necessary pray and in accordance with the Teachings of Christ.

Let us remember the church reading on the very first day of Great Lent (we had to read these words): 15 And when you stretch out your hands, I close my eyes from you ; and when you increase your prayers, I can not hear : your hands are full of blood . 16 Wash yourself, make yourself clean; remove your evil deeds from before my eyes; stop doing evil; 17 learn to do good seek the truth , save the oppressed, defend the orphan, stand up for the widow. 18 Then come and let's reason, says the Lord . Though your sins be as scarlet, they will be white as snow; if they are red as crimson, they will be white as wool. 15 If you want and obey , then you will eat the blessings of the earth ; 20 But if you deny and persist, then the sword shall devour you: for the mouth of the Lord speaks (Isa. 1:15-20). See the explanation of these amazing words.

Those. salvation Lord God through the Prophet Isaiah on the first day of Lent promises to every person, including all non-Orthodox people, no matter how terrible and bloody sins may be on this person’s conscience. All you have to do is want and begin to obey Almighty God, seek the truth and, of course, bear godly fruits of renunciation(repentance!) from my terribly sinful or almost sinless life.

For our part, we We wish you all to come into the Mind of Christ(for this, the Angel of the Lord pours out new bowls of disasters on the Great Russian People)! And regardless of religion (at the moment), and regardless of nationality, accept Orthodoxy and find salvation as here on earth(from the servants of Satan and their evil plans) , so in Heaven(for Eternal Life with Christ Jesus). See also the more complete prophecy of St. Abel.
The texts of the Holy Scriptures and the prophecies of many holy fathers speak about the coming resurrection of Russia.
On our website this is discussed in the following works by Roman Sergiev:
“ ”.

This work is written based on 5 chapters from the Book of the Old Testament Prophet Isaiah and 4 chapters from the Book of Proverbs of Solomon. With these texts of Holy Scripture Orthodox Church every year during the first 2 weeks of Lent teaches his children the right Faith. Chapters 1-5 of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah contain3 prophetic speeches about the end times , for God's Chosen Russian People and about the earthly Church of Christ in pre-Antichrist times. Prophet Isaiah consoles, supports, encourages all those in the right Faith, even if they have an abundance of crimson and purple sins, threateningly denounces and warns all royal traitors and apostates from Christ and His Teachings. King Solomon tirelessly reminds about the need every Christian gain the wisdom and mind of Christ for his Godly service to the Heavenly King and the Earthly King.

“ ”.

In this job in accordance with the Teachings of the Church of Christ are considered prophecies Old Testament Apocalypse - Third Book of Ezra about the last times: about the victorious Tsar and about the resurrection of Russia, about the death of the Antichrist and his servants and about the salvation of the faithful; explains the need to study the revealed texts of the Old Testament and believe in miracles; explained the hierarchy of the commandments, the necessity for the salvation of the right faith and the permissibility of obedience only to one's legitimate kings. Reflections on Anointed , which is saved to the Almighty before His day .

“ ”.

“ ” .

In this job provides a patristic understanding of the texts of Holy Scripture read by the Orthodox Church on the Week of the Prodigal Son. In the course of the discussion, the topic of spiritual fornication is considered and the attention of spiritual fornicators is drawn to what awaits them according to the word of God. It is explained why a spiritual person cannot assimilate the spiritual. The spiritual meaning of despondency is explained. The purpose of these notes is to indicate that Without loyalty to your king, first of all, the Anointed One of God, unity with the Lord is impossible .

“ ”).

Topic of this work: strengthening the faithful before current and future trials, a warning to crooked believers. Conclusions have been drawn based on reading the book of the prophet Malachi and Psalm 84 in the light of the teachings of the Church of Christ . A very relevant example of a godly life Saint Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow. Prophet Malachi Convicts the people of God for their lack of proper piety, for their neglect to pay tithes to God. Particularly strong are the denunciations of the lack of fear of God among the priesthood and negligence in the work of worship. The prophecies that our land will give its fruit to the Second Coming of Christ: under the sovereign hand of the victorious Tsar she will learn and profess the Dogma of Royal Power .

“or Repent; for the kingdom of God is at hand.”

In this job These notes discuss history of Russia in the light of the prophetic words of the Venerable One about the 3 yokes. Also about the future of Russia in the light of the prophecies of other saints of God. Explanations are given about the role of the Tsar-Father in the life of God's inheritance according to the teachings of His Church, about the difference between the concepts of “cathedral” and “assembly”.

Video sermon" Council oath of 1613"watch and listen (9min18"). The sermon was delivered after the liturgy on March 6, 2010. uncircumcised centuries-old liturgical texts . A fragment from the new film about. Roman tells about the Royal Power and Ivan the Terrible (19min19").

7. Two imperial cores in the modern world and their historical confrontation

Studio "Abode" of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra presents a film-lecture with the participation of political scientist, head of the department of military warfare of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Tatyana Vasilyevna Gracheva on the topic " Two imperial cores in the modern world and their historical confrontation". The first part of five can be downloaded (1024MB, 25min36"). T.V. Gracheva says: " We must not lose heart, we must mobilize ourselves spiritually! We need, in connection with the war against Russia behind the scenes of the world, spiritual mobilization. It is she who will help us cope with the evil that is coming upon us, on Russia, on our People!"
The whole film-lecture(worse quality) watch (107 min).

On this topic, a video of the "Blue Berets" with the song " Shoulder straps of Russia " ("For the Fatherland, for the shoulder straps, the last battle has not yet been given!") 4min07".

The second part can be downloaded (1024Mb, 25min36"). Part 2 of the video file briefly analyzes the history of the Khazar Kaganate, the existence of which is deliberately kept silent and not widely disclosed in history textbooks around the world. A brief history of the emergence of the tribe of Dan is also of interest." Russia took the baton from Byzantium, and Moscow has become the Third Rome! Russia - Spirit of Christ! The spirit of Khazaria is the spirit of the Antichrist. The politics of Khazaria is the politics of the world behind the scenes: war has become a form of government. Look for the future in the past! "
Watch the video with the song of the Blue Berets " Because we are Russian! " (3 min).

The third part can be downloaded (1024Mb, 25min36"). In part 3 of the video file, the direction of flight of the Khazars after the defeat of the Khazar Kaganate is analyzed. Modern "rulers of the world" - physical and spiritual heirs of the ancient Khazars. The democratic idea is a Kabbalistic idea, and therefore religious in essence, where the idea of ​​submission to the will of God is replaced by the idea of ​​human autonomy (atheism). The Khazar project is a merciless program global control and total destruction, the result of which should be, according to the plan of the servants of Satan, the coming of the Antichrist.
Everyone who participates in globalization, who sees good in global politics, in the global economy, in global religion, is either already participating or is ready to participate in the implementation of misanthropic plans world behind the scenes. For people of the Spirit of Christ, these words are a call for spiritual mobilization. Look for the future in the past! "
Watch the video with Sergei Trofimov's song " Outlaw "(3min44").

The fourth part can be downloaded (1024MB, 25min36"), the fifth (final) - (135MB, 4min10"). In the fourth part, Tatyana Vasilievna says: “The world currency is beyond the control of any sovereign state. Surrender of the national currency is the surrender of national sovereignty. The faith of every person and the strength of this faith are important! Our salvation depends on it, even now, when they speak cynically that they have practically achieved their goal. D. Rockefeller: “We are on the threshold of global changes. All we need is this. suitable large-scale crisis, and the peoples will accept the new world order».
They created this crisis so that peoples accept this new world order. G. Kissinger is an adviser to the Pope. State chimera: the country's leadership ceases to serve its country and its people, and begins to serve the global state. Freemasonry is the tentacles of the Khazar anti-system. " To master the world, you must master Russia!» Russia - main obstacle to establish a new world order. This is why Russia is becoming a prime target. Attack on Russia. One of the main directions of attack on Russia is an attack on Russian history, attack on the monarchical idea, an attack on the imperial idea, on the idea of ​​imperial Orthodox statehood . “The danger of Russia lies in Russian nostalgia for the Empire. “It is obvious that Russia’s goal is to restore old Russian Empire. Not the Soviet Union, but the Russian Empire"They are afraid. They are afraid of the restoration of Orthodox statehood, they are afraid of the restoration, creation and strengthening of the Third Rome, which is based on the Orthodox Faith. They are afraid of the idea of ​​the Russian Empire. Therefore, there is an attack on our history, there is a discrediting of everything connected with the Russian Empire. Therefore, there is a discrediting of those periods of our history when it was especially strong. "There's no crazier idea than going to war with Russia, but that's what Obama is aiming for." We can expect the global economic crisis to move into a military phase. It plans to spend 533.7 billion US dollars on waging anti-guerrilla wars, on wars with people who will allow themselves to disagree with the new world order. The war in South Ossetia and the victory in it was in spite of everything and in spite of everything. The Russian army in this war demonstrated that it belongs to the tortured but great Russian People. “Brothers, there are not many of us, but the enemy is strong. But God is not in power, but in truth. Let us not be afraid of many enemies, because God is with us! That’s what we stood for, we stand for and we will stand for, and that’s how we will win!
Watch the video with Katya Ogonyok's song "
Her turn will come to trial,

And a toast to the Russian martyr people.

Although after death he knew no glory,
How often has it happened with us now,
He was the Generalissimo of the Power,
That she protected the world once again.

And even though our affairs are bad today,
And may we now live in the kingdom of lies,
He was the Leader, the Leader of his era
And we will remember him more than once.

We will remember everything - history will judge:
Her turn will come to court -
Like from a plow to atomic weapons
He led the country confidently forward.

We will remember the power of the military parade,
What happened in that victorious year,
The rise of the country, the rebuilt temples
And a toast to the Russian Martyr-People.]

Listen to A. Kharchikov's song Comrade Stalin (3min34"), download (3.26Mb)

The piercingly wise Stalin looks at me from the portrait.
He forced everyone to respect his native Soviet country.

We fought for Stalin, we lived brightly under Stalin.
The Russians did not give up with Stalin and were in spirit.

Joseph Vissarionovich, you are my leader and priceless friend.
Today I know for sure that everything you did was right -

You crushed the damned enemies, you crushed the Jewish reptiles.
And the strength of your truth is that you gave everything to Russia.

I call you “you”, my Soviet Emperor,
Worthy of their worthy, God's scourge for renegades.

In our United Union we considered you as a Father,
The wisest, most glorious, most honest, stern and kind Stalin.

In earthly history, Stalin, you are the Warrior and Genius of the century,
Master of the Superpower, synonymous with the Superman

Having raised you to the banners, we will reach Judas again.
And again in the struggle we will become Russians with an unyielding soul.

With you, Comrade Stalin, we will regain freedom,
We will rid Moscow of thieves, we will squash the democrats.

With you, Great Stalin, our beloved Russian Georgian,
Let's go through all the trials and save Russia in battles!

[We expect to continue news reports on Tatyana Gracheva’s new book, if the Lord God blesses.]

To realize "Who was our Russian Tsar Nicholas" (Holy Ruler of Pskovozersky Elder Nikolai Guryanov), we present the books of Roman Sergiev “ The atoning sacrifice of Saint Tsar Nicholas became the guarantee of the inevitable resurrection of Tsarist Russia" By clicking on one of the lines you will go to a more detailed table of contents, and from it you will find texts that will help you understand the greatest feat of the Holiness of Emperor NIKOLAI ALEXANDROVICH, who, in fulfillment of the Will of God, became like our Lord Jesus Christ in the redemptive feat! It was through the hands of His Anointed One - the Holy Redeemer NIKOLAI ALEXANROVICH - that the Lord saved the God-chosen Russian People from extermination by the servants of Satan and made IMMINENT resurrection of Tsarist Russia.

About the great redemptive feat of our Sovereign, raised and accomplished by Him in the image and likeness of the Redemptive Feat of Christ the Lord, see the news reports on our website. We also recommend visiting the website "NICHOLAS II REDEEMED THE TREASON OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE!" contains two sermons about the Christ-like redemptive feat of Tsar Nicholas, delivered after the liturgy on May 19, 2008, performed according to the full Imperial Order.

On our website you can see portraits of Emperor Nicholas II, painted during His lifetime. Look

On the need to pray for the coming Russian Tsar Victor and on how to do this in practice, see the work:.

Father Roman on Orthodox Radio of St. Petersburg on Sunday, July 20, spoke about the need to pray according to the Imperial rite and about the need to take out pieces at Proskomedia, and for the Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas II and for the coming Tsar from the Reigning House of Romanov through the female line. The conversation can be downloaded from the news message address: " The Royal Priest on the radio with the Royal theme". At the same address you can read and download conversations between Father Roman and Zhanna Vladimirovna Bichevskaya already on Moscow Radio in her author’s program “From Heart to Heart”. In addition, there you can download the Liturgy performed according to the 1901 Missal (all exclamations according to the Imperial Chinu, without abbreviations

Everyone revered the Spirit-Bearing One of blessed memory Pskovovozersky Elder Nikolai Guryanov can find on our website the rarest and most valuable books about the Elder, written by the person closest to him - the clerk of Strats, his cell attendant Schema nun Nikolai (Groyan): "a fiery prayer book of the Russian land for the whole world", " ", “ ” " "

After reading these books you will learn why the enemy of the human race is rising up against the Holy Crowned Royal Family with such force. On the Friend of Tsarev - the “Man of God” slandered by the enemies of God, the Tsar and Russia, the Holy New Martyr Gregory the New (Rasputin). Learn the Truth about the Holy Blessed Tsar John Tsar John Vasilyevich IV Grozny and get answers to many other burning questions about which the Lord announced through the mouth of His Pleasant - the “Pillar of the Russian Eldership” - the spiritual Elder Nikolai Guryanov

In light of the heated discussions that often arise today around the most ancient symbol of Russian National Culture - Gammamatic Cross (Yarga-Swastika) Our website presents an extensive selection of material on this issue: For information on the Russian Cross of the Resurrection of Russia, see.

You and I remember that the Lord God indicated to Emperor Constantine the Great that with the cross he would win. Let us pay attention to the fact that only with Christ and precisely with the Cross The Russian People will defeat all their enemies and finally throw off the hated Jewish yoke! But the Cross with which the Russian People will win is not simple, but, as usual, golden, but for the time being it is hidden from many Russian Patriots under the rubble of lies and slander. In news reports made from books Kuznetsov V.P. "The history of the development of the shape of the cross". M. 1997;Kutenkova P.I. "Yarga-swastika - a sign of Russian folk culture"SPb. 2008;Bagdasarov R. "The Mysticism of the Fiery Cross" M. 2005, tells about the place in the culture of the Russian People of the most blessed cross - the swastika. The swastika cross has one of the most perfect forms and contains in graphic form the entire mystical secret of God's Providence and the entire dogmatic completeness of Church teaching!

Moreover, if we remember that The Russian People are the third Chosen People of God(The Third Rome is Moscow, the Fourth will not happen; what the swastika is a graphic image And the whole mystical mystery of God's Providence, And the entire dogmatic completeness of Church teaching, then a completely unambiguous conclusion arises - Russian people under the sovereign hand already soon to come Victorious Tsar from the Royal House of Romanov ( They swore to the House of Romanov To God in 1613 to be faithful until the end of time ) will defeat all his enemies under the banners on which the swastika (gammatical cross) will flutter under the face of the Savior Not Made by Hands! In the State Emblem, the swastika will also be placed on a large crown, which symbolizes the power of the Anointed Tsar both in the earthly Church of Christ and in the Kingdom of God’s Chosen Russian People.

On our website you can download and read the wonderful work of the general and writer Pyotr Nikolaevich Krasnov, “ ”, which is an unfading wreath to the valiant soldiers and officers of the Russian Imperial Army, who laid down their lives for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland. After reading this book, you will find out what the Russian The Imperial Army was stronger than all the armies in the world and you will understand who General Pyotr Nikolaevich Krasnov was. A warrior of the Russian Army, a Russian Patriot, an Orthodox Christian will deprive themselves of a lot if they do not find time to read this very blessed book.

A unique book in which a specialist investigator being an Orthodox person, obviously through the prayers of the holy Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas II and the New Martyr John, the Tsar’s faithful servant - cook I.M. Kharitonov, who died along with Tsar Nicholas II and His Family in the basement of the house of engineer Ipatiev, was able to show the ritual nature of the murder of the Anointed King by the servants of Satan.

The attempts of the Russian people to understand what happened to the Royal Family in Yekaterinburg on the night of July 17-18, 1918 have not stopped and will never stop. The truth is needed not only to restore historical reality, but also to understand the spiritual essence of the martyrdom of the Emperor and his Family. We do not know what they experienced - the Lord judged them to languish for more than a year under arrest, in prison, in complete obscurity, in an atmosphere of hatred and misunderstanding, with the burden of responsibility on their shoulders - for the fate of the Motherland and loved ones. But, having endured what was allowed, accepting everything from the hands of God, they found humility, meekness and love - the only thing that a person can bring to the Lord and, most importantly, what pleases Him. The work of Pyotr Valentinovich Multatuli, a historian, great-grandson of one of the Tsar’s faithful servants, Ivan Mikhailovich Kharitonov, is unusual. This is not a scientific monograph, but detailed, scrupulous investigation of the Yekaterinburg crime. The author's goal is, if possible, to get closer to the spiritual understanding of what happened in the Ipatiev House. The work uses materials from the archives of Russia and France. Many documents are published for the first time

All news reports on the book by Pyotr Valentinovich Multatuli on our website can be found in the library

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The idea of ​​crusades is the Vatican’s favorite “method” for realizing its ambitious and selfish aspirations. This is eloquently evidenced, first of all, by the history of the crusades of the Middle Ages.

The Crusades strengthened the power of the popes and enriched them, but actually they did not give anything for the establishment of the Christian faith, for the Christianization of the society of that time. On the contrary, the Crusades darkened the purity of the sublime Christian teaching in its practical implementation. This can be judged by the actions of the crusaders when they captured Jerusalem and Constantinople.

Jerusalem was taken by the crusaders on July 15, 1099. It was considered especially remarkable that the city was taken at three o’clock in the afternoon on Friday - the day and hour of the Savior’s suffering.

This victory was accompanied by predation and bloodshed, shameful to the Christian name.

Jerusalem was in the hands of infidels. But Constantinople was then under the rule of an Orthodox king - a Greek one. Meanwhile, the crusaders in 1204 committed even more outrages in Constantinople than in Jerusalem.

In this way the popes founded the Catholic patriarchates in Antioch, Jerusalem and Constantinople. In general, the Crusades brought great suffering to humanity over three centuries.

The Roman bishops, captivating Western Christians with the idea of ​​​​crusades to liberate the Holy Land from the Turks, in reality turned these campaigns into a kind of military expeditions to realize their purely earthly interests of ambition and greed.

But when the fascination of Western Christians with the idea of ​​​​campaigns in Palestine cooled, the popes rushed to the Orthodox Eastern Slavs, especially to Rus'.

It is known that the popes organized crusades from Sweden and Livonia. The Swedish ruler Birger, at the direction of Pope Gregory IX (1227-1241) and Pope Innocent IV (1242-1254), went on a crusade to Rus' with the goal of converting the Orthodox to Catholicism. Alexander Nevsky in 1240 and 1242 inflicted severe defeats on the Swedes and German knights.

Having suffered defeat in the northeast of Rus', the popes rushed to its southwest, to Galicia. When Polish rule was established here (1340), Catholics began to take away churches from Orthodox Christians and turn them into churches. The Catholic Archbishop took possession of the Lviv Cathedral. Since 1376, Galicia had a metropolitanate and four dioceses. Then the Dominicans arrived there, captured several Orthodox monasteries and introduced their Inquisition. With the blessing of the popes, the activities of the Inquisition especially intensified here with the Union of Brest (1596).

The suffering of the Galicians continued for 350 years, until the Galician Uniates joined the Russian Orthodox Church in 1946.

The method of violence was and is one of the Vatican’s favorite methods in establishing the primacy of the pope in the Church. The disguise of this method was modified depending on certain historical circumstances, but the essence always remained the same. This nature of the Vatican’s actions has become especially noticeable in recent decades, that is, since the Great October Socialist Revolution in our country.

Given the international situation and the hostility of capitalist governments against the USSR, the popes of this period, Benedict XV, Pius XI and Pius XII, successively called for crusades, ostensibly to defend the Christian faith in our country.

The Russian Orthodox Church exists freely in the USSR. Divine services are freely performed in churches and houses of worship, where there are always many people praying. There are spiritual educational institutions - academies and seminaries. Of course, dads know all this well. They call for crusades to defend the faith, but essentially for other reasons, in particular, to cover up their power-hungry plans in relation to the Russian Orthodox Church. Wanting to take advantage of the new conditions created for the life of the Russian Orthodox Church in connection with the law on the separation of Church and State, the popes decided to subjugate the Russian Orthodox Church to themselves. Then they thought it was a very easy matter. At the Vatican, the Russicum seminary was created to train priests who should be priests in Russian parishes with the aim of seducing them into a union with Catholicism. During the German occupation, Russikum students appeared as Orthodox priests in Ukraine and the North Caucasus.

The decree on the separation of Church and State by the Vatican was adopted in the sense that from now on in the USSR the Catholic Church could hope for significant growth in Russia.

Pope Benedict XV tried to enter into official relations with the Soviet Government.

In the autumn of 1920, secret meetings took place in Berlin under the chairmanship of Monsignor Ropp. Russian emigrants - Orthodox or converts to Catholicism - and a few German priests took part in these meetings. They tried to find means to justify the idea of ​​unifying Orthodox Russia with the Catholic Church. All agreed, reports the Roman Observer, that the present moment was very suitable for this unification.

Following this conference, Monsignor Ropp, by order of the Vatican, tried to obtain permission from the Soviet Government to travel from Warsaw to what was then Petrograd.

The efforts made by the Roman Church since the beginning of the Great October Socialist Revolution to directly penetrate Russia and establish its positions there have not yet led to the results desired by Benedict XV. The whole question is that Rome did not take into account the main strength of Orthodoxy - conviction in the truth, as well as its patriotic and national character.

The attempt of Pope Benedict XV to directly penetrate Russia was only one episode of the crusade aimed at putting an end to the “Eastern schism” and realizing the unification of the Churches.

The Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith has a constant goal: to bring Eastern Christians into the fold of the Roman Church by any means necessary.

Benedict XV instructed his missionaries to show great respect for the liturgy and rites of the Eastern Church. Leo XIII was the first pope who demanded respect not only for rituals, but also for “discipline,” that is, the internal organization of the Eastern Church. “The true unity of Christians is that which the Creator of the Church, Jesus Christ, established and which He desired: it consists in the unity of faith and government. Neither we nor our successors will ever destroy either the rights or privileges of the Eastern patriarchs, or the rites of each Church. In the behavior of St. The Throne, just as in his thoughts, has always been and will exist a desire to be generous and to make all sorts of concessions in relation to the principles and morals of each Church.”

These words addressed by Leo XIII to the Eastern Church best define the policy that he initiated and which his successors tried to continue.

Great efforts were needed to destroy the prejudice due to which the Uniates were considered Christians of the second rank, and to force the clergy and missionaries of the West to abandon the custom of converting Christians of the Eastern Churches to Latinism. But a beginning has now been made: in order to patronize the spread of Catholicism in the East, Rome decisively prohibits the development of Latinism in the East. Eastern Christian converts remain Eastern Christians, maintaining their traditions, rituals and discipline.

True to the thought of Leo XIII, Benedict XV paid much attention to organizing the activities that were to unfold in Europe along the entire eastern border of the Catholic world. From the Baltic to the Black Sea, churches were built that differed from the Roman churches in ritual, discipline, and local traditions, which were united with the Roman Church by the common dogma of submission to the pope. These Uniate communities formed, as it were, vanguard posts of Catholicism. Benedict XV wanted to have accurate information about the existence of conditions for the implementation of his goals in Belarus and Ukraine. On his instructions, Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky of Lvov and Galicia sent him detailed reports.

When Ataman Petliura organized an “independent” Ukrainian government in Kyiv, Benedict XV hastened to recognize it. Sending Monsignor Ropp to Warsaw, the pope appoints Fr. Genochchi to Ukraine. Pope Benedict XV wants at any cost to prevent the Catholic Ukrainian group from turning to the East, to Orthodoxy, and, on the contrary, strives to achieve his goal: subordination of the Eastern Church to the Vatican. He achieves his goal through the Russicum he founded. Benedict XV died without seeing favorable results from his Eastern policy.

His policy towards the Russian Orthodox Church was continued by Pius XI. A few months after the election of Pius XI, the Geneva Conference began and the pope used it to speak with Russian representatives. He not only sent his instructions to the Archbishop of Geneva Signori, but also sent Monsignor Sincero to Geneva to the conference with his power of attorney. Archbishop Signori behaves extremely helpfully towards the Russian delegates: he invites them to his place, pays them a visit; at a breakfast hosted by the Italian king, exchanges cards with G. Chicherin. This behavior of Signori made Sincero's position very difficult. The Vatican recalled its envoy to Rome and called on Monsignor Signori to behave more modestly.

A few days later, Pius XI set off to his goal along a different road. In a letter addressed to Cardinal Gasparri, he expressed deep regret over the fate of Russia and declared his sympathy for her; then he praised the alliance between Russia and the West; only such a union, according to the pope, could bring peace and prosperity to the whole world. This document made a great impression in Geneva. Lloyd George commented on it in front of journalists, the German delegates publicly praised this speech of Pius XI, and the Italians congratulated themselves on such a papal speech.

In the first days of May, the Vatican envoy, Monsignor Pizzardo, arrived in Geneva. Private conversations between Monsignor Pizzardo and G. Chicherin in Geneva and in Rome with V. Vorovsky led to the following results. The Soviet Government guaranteed freedom of entry and freedom of movement on the territory of the Union to a certain number of missionaries who received the task from the Vatican to study on the spot means of providing assistance to the peoples of the USSR with food, clothing, medicine, etc. On July 24, 1922, 11 missionaries from Rome went: three Italians - to Moscow, three Jesuits to Rostov, three Dutch and two Spanish fathers to Ekaterinodar (Krasnodar). They were to refrain from any religious propaganda and provide assistance to everyone who needed it, without distinction of religion. The missionaries brought with them a million packages with the inscription: “To Russian children from the Pope.”

On the day of the missionaries’ departure, Pius XI addressed all the bishops of the Catholic world with an appeal to collect the necessary sums to organize assistance to Russia, announcing that he himself was personally donating two and a half million lire. The Vatican printing house printed a brochure in five languages, announcing to the whole world about the misfortunes of Russian children and reporting on the measures taken by St. The throne to assist them. Subscriptions were open everywhere; it was especially fruitful in the USA.

From the very beginning the mission was very active. However, it turned out that the papal mission sought to take advantage of its stay in the USSR to achieve goals that had nothing to do with helping the starving. For this reason, the Soviet Government invited her to leave the territory of the USSR in 1924.

On this occasion, Pius XI, on December 18, 1924, made a speech in the secret consistory that, by sending his mission to the USSR to help the famine-stricken, he did not mean to favor the Soviet system, which “he sympathizes with so little,” but always “ considered it his duty to repeatedly and loudly call for a fight against him.

During the Genoa Conference, Pius XI spoke three times (April 7 and 29, May 9, 1922) demanding that Jesuits be given access to the USSR for missionary purposes, that is, to convert Russian Orthodox Christians to Catholicism. According to Pius XI, the center of missionary activity of the Jesuits should be the Russicum, established on October 25, 1917. In 1922, Pius XI entrusted it to the Jesuit Order. Its current rector, the French Jesuit Fr. Mikhail D'Herbigny is an expert on the Slavic world. The institute has a rich library. A diploma from this Institute will be required of all candidates for employment in the Eastern Congregation.

In 1924, Cardinal D'Herbigny came up with an extensive plan for an "offensive in the East."

First of all, the Vatican is concerned with the formation of a zealous, educated clergy for the Eastern Churches. The seminaries created for this purpose are led by the Catholic clergy. Seminaries in which priests for the Eastern Churches are trained are numerous.

To maintain the moral level of the Eastern clergy, Rome, without declaring celibacy mandatory, still recommends giving preference to celibate priests. In educational institutions led by the Catholic clergy, through the example of teachers and educational methods, the idea of ​​celibacy is gradually instilled in students.

In August 1924, a large congress met in Moravia, near the grave of St. Methodius to study the question of by what means a rapprochement between the Eastern and Western Churches can be organized.

The Pope delegated his Prague nuncio to this congress; the main Catholic and Orthodox communities of Central Europe and the East were represented by both clergy and secular persons, and, finally, several Catholics came from large Western countries to participate in the work of this congress. One of the provisions up for debate concerned the subordination of Latin missionaries to the authority of Eastern Catholic bishops.

An attack on the East, mainly on the Russian Orthodox Church, was Pius XI’s cherished dream. To implement his plans, he decided to convene an Ecumenical Council. By his order, the committee preparing the world “Conference of Faith and Church Constitution” was to develop special questionnaires and send them to more than 2000 bishops, metropolitans and patriarchs, with an invitation to this future Ecumenical Council and representatives of the Eastern Churches.

In subordinating himself to the Russian Orthodox Church, Pius XI did not even stop at political combinations. It is known that on February 2, 1930, he called on the Western peoples to organize crusades against our Motherland. With his victory over it, he hoped to gain a broad opportunity for his missionaries to work in it.

In this regard, his hatred of Russia was so great that on March 19, 1930, he scheduled a special prayer service for the defeat of our Motherland.

Since his pontificate (March 12, 1939), Pope Pius XII has been actively organizing crusades against the USSR, with the goal of subordinating the Vatican to the Russian Orthodox Church. Numerous facts from international life speak eloquently about this.

When war broke out between Finland and the USSR, Pius XII took an active part in fomenting war against the USSR.

On December 24, 1939, Pius XII made a radio speech calling on Europe to help Finland with troops and weapons, and two days later he sent a large sum of money to his representative in Finland, Bishop Robett, to subsidize the war. At the behest of Pius XII, one of the editors of the papal newspaper Osservatore Romano, Guido Gonella, published an article on February 17, 1940 in connection with the war in Finland. He called, with the blessing of the pope, for military action against the USSR.

Foreign newspapers reported that Pius XII was depressed by the failure of the White Finnish military adventure.

When Hitler appeared on the historical stage, Pius XII hastened to join him in order to implement through him his idea of ​​​​a crusade against the USSR. For proof, you can refer to the book of the Catholic publicist Gabriel de Jaray - “His Holiness Pius XII. Wartime messages to the world. Paris, 1945." In it, G. Jaret tries to prove that the pope called the peoples to peace, but at the same time says that Pius XII agreed with Hitler that he would send his priests to the occupied parts of the USSR to convert Russian Orthodox Christians to Catholicism.

All the papal ranting about peace is just a “smokescreen” to cover up his crusade against the USSR.

The main principle of the activities of Pius XII is the desire for world domination of the Vatican over all Churches. The preface to the German text of the Lateran Treaty (Pius XI - Mussolini) in 1929 states that after the Lateran Agreement, the church leadership, recognized as independent of all state power, will be able to devote its energies to the tasks of the “world Church”.

And since it is mainly the Russian Orthodox Church that stands in the way of the implementation of the basic principle of the Vatican’s activities in its quest for dominance in the world Church, then all the intrigues of the Vatican are aimed precisely at the destruction of this Church and other Slavic Orthodox Churches.

In Moscow, from July 8 to July 18, 1948, on the occasion of the celebration of the 500th anniversary of autocephaly of the Russian Orthodox Church, a congress of representatives of the Orthodox Autocephalous Churches took place.

Representatives of the autocephalous Churches spoke about the intrigues of the Vatican, which it resorted to to destroy the Orthodox Churches.

Before the Second World War, on orders from the Vatican, 135 Orthodox churches were destroyed in Poland.

But even greater persecution of Orthodoxy was carried out by the Vatican in the Balkans.

The Eminence hierarchs of the Balkan Orthodox Churches reported to the high assembly about the horrors that the Orthodox Christians of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina suffered from the Roman Curia.

With the blessing of Pius XII, Italy occupied Albania (April 14, 1939). At the direction of the Vatican, the persecution of the Orthodox and their forced conversion to Catholicism began.

In 1943, a large book of documents was published in Chicago about the extermination of the Serbian population of Croatia by the occupiers and Ustashas, ​​and about the Vatican’s persecution of the Orthodox Church. The book was published by the Orthodox Serbian Church in America and came with a foreword by New York Bishop T. Manning.

“Many Orthodox churches,” says this book, “were destroyed. Many Orthodox institutions were confiscated, others were converted into Catholic churches. The monasteries, some of which have a long historical past, were transferred to the Roman Catholic orders. The Patriarchal Palace was occupied by Catholics. Officials of the Orthodox faith are informed that in the Croatian state only those who belong to the Roman Catholic Church can remain in public service."

The Roman Catholic clergy took all measures to forcibly convert the Orthodox to Catholicism. 240,000 Serbs were converted to the union. The Gorno-Karlovatsk diocese was destroyed; only 25 parishes remained from the numerous and flourishing diocese.

Priests from church pulpits called for the destruction of the Orthodox.

It was tempting to launch a crusade against the USSR not only from the West, but also from the East, and to surround this country with a powerful blockade. The country that could primarily be of use to the Catholic Church was Japan. This was explained by the following factors. First, it was clear that Japan intended to expand its expansion into China, where the Catholic Church had its interests. Secondly, Japan was an old enemy of Russia, especially after the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Japan quickly realized the benefits that the Catholic Church could bring to it. Having captured vast Chinese territories, she promised to respect the interests of the Catholic mission in China and even, if possible, provide Catholics with all sorts of privileges.

These friendly relations were consolidated by the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Tokyo in March 1942. A few months later, namely in June 1942, Pius XII established diplomatic relations with Chiang Kai-shek. In this case, the Vatican sought to establish a stronger alliance with China, firstly, because it had already begun to doubt the victory of Germany and Japan and in the person of China wanted to have support for the crusade against the USSR. At the same time, the Catholic Church in China, to strengthen its position, began to create clergy cadres from local Chinese. This was one of the issues on which Pius XII and Chiang Kai-shek very soon reached an understanding.

However, the defeat of Japan and Chiang Kai-shek forced Pius XII to switch to subservience to the US government.

In recent years, the activities of the Vatican have been so imbued with the principles of American politics that the world press has adopted the nickname “American.” This is the American period in the history of the Vatican. It is characterized by the Vatican's connection to American politics.

Since the main core of American policy is preparation for the third world war, the Vatican’s subservience is expressed in participation in the preparation of a new bloody massacre.

It is very characteristic and significant that the Vatican was completely indifferent to the World Congress of Peoples in Defense of Peace.

Christ calls the peoples of all countries to unite among themselves in the spirit of peace and love. Christ and His Apostles categorically prohibit resorting to violence to convert to the Christian faith. Of course, the Vatican itself knows this very well, but what it needs is not the implementation of the covenants of Christ, but the most diligent fulfillment of the order of American imperialism, which has nothing to do with Christianity.

Now, in the American period of its history, the Vatican, in the name of the idea of ​​​​a crusade, does not object either to the bloody war in Korea, or to bacteriological warfare and atomic bombs.

In December 1952, the World Congress of Peoples in Defense of Peace took place in Vienna.

It is known that Pope Pius XII did not give his blessing to Catholics to take part in the work of this Congress.


Pope Francis performed his first canonization

On May 12, in St. Peter's Square, he canonized 800 martyrs from Otranto and two Latin American nuns. According to Vatican Radio, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, among other things, noted:

« Today the Church offers for our veneration a number of martyrs who were called together to the highest witness of the Gospel in 1480. About eight hundred survivors of the siege and capture of Otranto were beheaded near this city. They did not want to renounce their faith and died confessing the Risen Christ. Where did they find the strength to remain faithful? It is in faith, which allows us to see beyond the human gaze, beyond the boundaries of earthly life, that allows us to contemplate “open heavens” - as St. Stephen - and the living Christ at the right hand of the Father».

In our world, it sometimes happens that the attribution of a particular person or group of people begins to acquire political implications. It is possible that something similar could happen to the Otranto martyrs. Let us remember that they died from the soldiers of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II. This sultan, known by his nickname the Conqueror, is an iconic hero of Turkish history and politics. It is with him that the great victories of the Ottoman Empire are associated, including the capture of Constantinople. In 1480, the troops of Mehmed II landed with an army in Italy, just in the Otranto region. After the siege, Ottoman soldiers took the city. 800 men of working age were invited to convert to Islam. They refused, for which they were beheaded, the legend says.

It is possible that this is exactly what happened. Although for Mehmed II, who was a dervish, such cruel behavior was extremely uncharacteristic. However, in modern times, in the 1990s, the Archdiocese of Otranto initiated research into this history to consider the possibility of canonizing the townspeople. In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI launches the process of canonization of 800 martyrs of Otranto with the formulation as killed " out of hatred for faith" So Pope Francis only completed the work begun by his predecessors. Regarding the solemn announcement in the Vatican of the decision on new saints, the Turkish press has so far limited itself to only brief informational remarks. The only thing that the leading Turkish newspapers Milliyet and Zaman did was to add to the reprints of the news the formula that 800 residents of Otranto were “allegedly” executed for refusing to convert to Islam, thereby challenging the main postulate of the Vatican about the suffering of martyrs “out of hatred of the faith.”

The canonization was the second significant Vatican action affecting Turkey in two weeks in May. Earlier this month, news agencies reported the re-release of the Pope's book Franziska « In heaven and on earth", in which he, in particular, condemned the Armenian Genocide. As the current pope noted, being then a cardinal Bergoglio, in the twentieth century, the Turks razed cities and villages to the ground because they presented themselves as a god. Considering that in the first two months of his pontificate, Francis, for the first time in the history of the schism between Catholics and Orthodox Christians, invited the Patriarch of Constantinople to Rome for his enthronement, accepted the latter’s invitation to visit Istanbul and Jerusalem, and also held a number of meetings in the Vatican with representatives of North African and Middle Eastern Churches, this suggests itself next conclusion. It is possible that in the matter of reformatting the Greater Middle East (to use this American term), a new, additional religious factor is planned to be introduced. If until now only the confrontation between Shiites and Sunnis within the framework of a single Islam has been taken into account, then perhaps now the factor of Catholicism can be added to them.

This has already happened in this region at the dawn of the second millennium. Nativity of Christ, when, as a result of the crusades blessed by Rome, the Kingdom of Jerusalem was formed in Palestine. It existed for a relatively short time, from 1099 to 1291, but left behind a number of clues. In particular, political technologies for the development and spread of militant Catholic orders were worked out here. The orders were not subordinate to either the Pope or the king. They were largely independent and were not required to carry out military service, but in fact participated in all the main battles. After the fall of the kingdom, the orders transferred their activities to Europe, where the same Templars began to represent a very impressive force, for which they were destroyed by the French monarch Philip the Beautiful, and in 1312 the pope Clement V dissolved their order. By the way, the current head of the Roman Catholic Church, Francis, comes from, perhaps, the most .

The current Vatican can find itself again in the Middle East only with the active support of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, which is also called the Ecumenical Patriarchate. This is not an exaggeration. If in Istanbul itself the heirs of Byzantine Constantinople are locked in the Phanar quarter, then outside of Turkey the influence of the Ecumenical Patriarch extends to the USA and Europe, Greece and Jerusalem. Until now, the governor of Phanar, the patriarch Bartholomew in political games was significantly limited by the need to adapt to official Ankara. The accession of Pope Francis to the Roman throne seemed to provide room for maneuver. And in the first days of Francis’ procession, Patriarch Bartholomew made a number of careless remarks, when he even suggested a quick healing of the old schism between Catholics and Orthodox with the prospect of creating a new super-Church ( those. ecumenism, betrayal of Orthodoxy and entering into an alliance with Rome, which sacked Constantinople during the “fourth crusade” in 1204 and the subsequent donation of the Constantinople hierarchs themselves, who accepted the (“Florentine”) in 1439 union with Catholicism , which led to the final decline of morals in Byzantium and the capture of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453 - approx. edit ). Then the capabilities of the ruler of Constantinople could be supported by the power of the Vatican, which would have an unpredictable impact on the geopolitical situation in the Middle East region.

As one can judge, the Turkish authorities have calculated this option. The answer came instantly. Turkish police placed Bartholomew under tight guard after the appearance of " information about a planned assassination attempt on him». As reported On May 10, Reuters, Turkish prosecutors received an anonymous letter outlining a murder plan (while the press secretary Dositheus Anagnostopoulos said that the Patriarch did not receive any direct threats, but learned about the alleged conspiracy from the Turkish media, which was later confirmed by the Turkish police - approx. edit .). The assassination attempt was planned for May 29, which would mark the 500th anniversary of the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople. In turn, the Patriarch of Constantinople commented on the fact of uncovering a conspiracy against himself as follows: “ I'm not worried because I am protected first of all by God, and secondly by the Turkish authorities and the Turkish government" This reaction is understandable. Indeed, under the pretext of the need to protect Bartholomew from attackers, Ankara could well have made him banned from leaving the Phanar quarter for a long time. In any case, at the moment the Patriarch of Constantinople will not have much time for Pope Francis.

Time will tell what the Vatican will do next in this situation. Let's note one thing. Not long ago, the Pope's former personal secretary John XXIII, archbishop Loris Francesco Capavila drew attention to the great similarities that exist between John XXIII and Francis. In an interview with the Vatican Insider online portal, the 98-year-old elder said that both pontiffs are united by their love for the periphery. John XXIII was Bishop of Rome for less than five years, from 1958 to 1963. Before being elected pope, he was a Vatican diplomat and served as papal nuncio (envoy) to Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and France. He is especially famous for initiating the convening of the Second Vatican Council ( who acquitted the Jews of betraying Christ - approx. edit ), as a result of which some communities left the Roman Catholic Church ( It is no less symbolic that there were two popes bearing the name John XXIII. In addition to the one mentioned above - which justified the Jews in their betrayal, in the history of Rome there was another John XXIII - “antipope”(cm. Leo Taxil. "Sacred Den"). Moreover, he was such an odious person that after him, for almost 500 years, not a single pontiff took the name John - approx. edit ). This is something to think about, given the comparison made by Archbishop Francesco Capavila of Loris.

Stanislav Stremidlovsky