Lesson for Earth Day in kindergarten. Senior group

Lesson summary on the topic "Earth Day". Preparatory group

Target: Bring children to understand that human life on Earth largely depends on the environment: clean air, water, forest.
continue to introduce the laws of nature;
create responsibility for performing a variety of actions in environment;
continue to learn how to cut carefully small details;
introduce the Earth holiday.
develop imagination.
cultivate a love for nature.
Implementation of program content in educational fields: "Cognitive development", "Socio-communicative development", " Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".
Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, visual, cognitive-research, motor.
Possible achievements of the child: has an understanding of the laws of nature, natural resources Earth and ecological balance in nature; is able to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena, arguing your opinion; draws a tree independently using a palette; adequately evaluates the work of friends and compares it with his own work.
Materials and equipment: pictures depicting the planet Earth, trees, herbarium, scissors, simple pencils, colored paper, glue, brushes, oak sheet templates, A4 sheets. 1. Introductory word teacher
Educator:"Nature for me is fire, water, stone, plants, animals - all these are parts of the broken one being, accumulating strength to gather all nature in unity" - this is how M. Prishvin wrote. Every year in the spring different countries ah Planets celebrate a holiday that everyone understands twice - International Earth Day.
2. Conversation on the topic "Earth Day"
Educator: The first time Earth Day is celebrated is March 21, it is believed that on this day spring equinox nature is being renewed. According to established tradition, in different countries it is customary to ring the Peace Bell on Earth Day.
This sound should encourage all inhabitants of the Earth, at least for this moment, to think about preserving the beauty of our planet. After all, the future of our children and our planet as a whole now depends on us. An interesting fact is that this bell was cast from coins that were donated by children from sixty countries from all continents. Also, orders, medals and other insignia from different countries were fused into it. The Bell bears the inscription: “Long live universal peace throughout the world.”
But now environmental problems pose no less danger to the planet, which is why International Earth Day is celebrated on April 22.
He emphasizes that careful attitude to our planet is the work of all people on Earth, because planet Earth is common house, source of life.
Guess the riddle:
Lives in seas and rivers, but often flies across the sky,
And when she gets bored of flying, she falls to the ground again. (water)
Educator: What is water needed for?
Children: Water is needed for drinking, washing hands, watering flowers and trees!
Educator: That's right, but how much water is there on the planet?
Children: Yes.
Educator: It would seem that there is a lot of water on the planet - oceans, seas cover more than half of the planet. But let's remember what kind of water is in the oceans and seas?
Children: salty.
Educator: What kind of water do we drink?
Children: fresh!
Educator: Right! Humans, animals and plants need fresh water. A fresh water, suitable for drinking, is small on Earth, it is becoming less and less. Who do you think is to blame for this?
Children: People! They throw garbage into rivers and lakes, factories throw waste into the water!
Educator: Unfortunately you are right. In polluted water wastewater factories, factories and homes, plants and animals die. Pollution with oil products causes great harm to water bodies. Fish, birds and other animals die from them. Let's play a game with you"
There is an accurate human observation: we notice air when it begins to be scarce. To make this expression completely accurate, it would be necessary to use the word “treasure” instead of the word “notice”. Indeed, we do not value air and do not think about it while we breathe normally and unhindered. Guys, let's take a deep breath and exhale. Thanks to which internal organ are we breathing?
Children: Thanks to the lungs!
Educator: Right! Guys, what do you think is lungs planet Earth?
Children: Forest! These are the lungs of the Earth!
Educator: Right! What types of forests are there?
Children: Forests can be deciduous, coniferous and mixed!
Educator: Now guys, let's relax!
3. Physical exercise “Let’s walk through the forest together”
Let's walk through the forest together,
We are not in a hurry, we are not lagging behind.
Here we go out into the meadow. (Walk in place.)
A thousand flowers around! (Stretching - arms to the sides.)
Here is a chamomile, a cornflower,
Lungwort, porridge, clover.
The carpet is being laid out
Both right and left. (Bend over and touch your left foot right hand, then vice versa - with the right foot with the left hand.)
Hands stretched to the sky,
The spine was stretched. (Stretching - arms up.)
We all had time to rest
And they sat down again. (Children sit down.)
4. Didactic game"Whose leaf"
Educator: Children, now we will play the game “Whose Leaf”. I will show a leaf of a tree, and you will tell me whose it is.
(the teacher shows leaves of trees: maple, birch, rowan, pear, oak, elm, lilac), and the children answer.
5. Game "All about you"
Educator: Listen to the task and complete them, if necessary:
If you don't pick flowers while walking through a clearing, wave your hand.
If you are watering flowers at home, clap your hands.
If you turn off the water tap while brushing your teeth, stand up.
If you turn off the light when leaving a room, you will jump several times.
If you agree that we need to save water, close your eyes.
If you make feeders with your parents in winter and pour grain and bread crumbs into them, stomp them.
If you are making a birdhouse with your dad in the spring, smile.
If you handle paper carefully and don't waste it, clap your hands.
If you and your parents planted a tree, stomp it.
6. Finger gymnastics “Wind, wind, breeze”
The wind was blowing through the forest (The child performs smooth wave-like movements with his palms).
The wind counted the leaves: (The child bends one finger at a time, starting with the thumb).
Here is an oak one,
Here is the maple one,
Here - rowan, carved,
Here - from a birch tree, golden.
Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree
The wind blew it onto the path. (The child raises his hands up and then smoothly lowers his palms onto the table or knees).
7. Application "Tree"
Educator: Guys, let's create our own small forest. First, cut out a tree trunk and glue it in the middle onto a sheet of paper. Now take pencils and a template oak leaf, trace and cut out several leaves, and then paste them onto a sheet of paper in order to make a crown for the tree.
8. Summary of the lesson.
Educator: Guys, look at all the crafts and choose the most expressive and neatest. Explain your choice.

Earth Day!
(Thematic lesson for the teachers’ council; conducted by Valentina Vladimirovna Fursova, teacher of the school preparatory group.)

Today is the birthday of the earth!

Like an apple on a saucer, we have her alone.
Don't rush people to exhaust everything to the bottom.
It’s not difficult to get to hidden hiding places,
Loot all the wealth from future centuries.

Understand this, people, as your own order.
If there is no earth, neither will each of us.

Each of us tries to make our home cozy and beautiful. But having crossed the threshold of our home, we forget that beyond this threshold is also our home. This planet is earth!
- It is very important to take care of our common home - the Earth and everyone who lives on it. Besides us and our loved ones, many other people still live on Earth.
- Who else lives next to us?
(animals, birds, plants.)

The earth is our common home, which means we must take care of it.
There are 4 seasons.

I am spring. I have a lot of light and sun. I wake up nature after winter sleep.
In spring, flowers bloom in the fields and meadows, fruit trees bloom in the gardens. Insects and birds appear. I am the most beautiful and necessary time of the year.

I am summer. The warmest time of the year. My main color is green. I give strength to plants and animals, and help babies get stronger and grow. I have a lot of flowers and berries. That's why I'm the main time of the year.

I am autumn. I give a harvest of grains, fruits, vegetables. In autumn, everything around turns golden and crimson. That's why I'm the main time of the year.

I am winter. I give nature a rest. Trees shed their leaves, many animals fall asleep. I help you become resilient and hardened. I know how to take care of plants and animals, so I cover the ground with white snow. I decorate the world with frost and snowflakes. I am the most important time of the year.

- Please, not in sports, you are all important and we need you all. Each season has its own benefits and its own important purpose. We are very glad that we live in a country where there are all four seasons. After all, there are countries where there is eternal summer, where people have never seen snow or winter.
We love all seasons.
- To make peace between the seasons, I propose to give each season a gift to the children on Earth Day.
Seasons play with children the game “Make a picture of the season.”
Round dance “Happy Birthday Earth” (with words)

1. The sun rose and shone in the sky,
On the Earth's birthday there was a walk in the kindergarten
2. The birds flew and sat on the porch.
On Earth's birthday they sang a song.
3. We went to the forest and wandered along the paths
On Earth's birthday, we gave flowers.
(Seasons give gifts and leave)

- And now we will get acquainted with the inhabitants of the earth. (game “Wild and Domestic Animals”).
A butterfly arrives
Good afternoon Summer sent me. I have a gift and an envelope with questions.
- I wonder what kind of questions summer sent us.
1. What insects, together with butterflies, are found in a flowering meadow?
(name one insect at a time)
2. Who lives in the deep forest? Clumsy, clubfooted? In summer he eats raspberries and honey, and in winter he sucks his paw? (bear)

3. What kind of girl is this, neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman? She doesn’t sew anything herself, but uses needles all year round. (Christmas tree)
4. Without caring about the weather, he walks around in a white sundress, but in one of warm days May gives her earrings. (birch)
5. He’ll climb into the garden and let’s stuff his mouth with cabbage over the garden bed and stealthily gnaw carrots. (hare)
Game. "Migratory and wintering birds"
- Here is a gift from winter.
Question: What are the names of the most extreme points north and south on earth; where is it always cold? ( North Pole and south pole)
- What kind of gift has autumn prepared for us?
2 baskets
These are the fruits of the Earth - vegetables, fruits. Autumn knows that children never confuse what grows in the garden and what is in the vegetable garden.
Assignment: you need to name the vegetables and fruits and put them in baskets.
A sparrow arrives.
- Hello! Spring gave you 2 large envelopes, one envelope with seeds, and the second with flowers, asking you to collect spring bouquets.

- And I’m flying away! I'm in a hurry, goodbye!
- Oh, these sparrows are always in a hurry somewhere. Tell me, what kind of things can birds do in the spring?
(Birds build nests for their chicks; destroy pests in the garden and field, caterpillars, harmful insects in the ground.)
Birds bring great benefits; they must be protected, protected, and fed during the cold season.
- And now we will carry out Vesna’s task.
1st task. Arranging spring bouquets.

2nd task. We plant flower seedlings to decorate the Earth!

Program content:

  1. Foster love and respect for living nature.
  2. To consolidate children's knowledge about animals and plants of our planet.
  3. To clarify knowledge about what our planet consists of and without which life on Earth cannot exist.
  4. Foster a desire to keep the planet clean.

Equipment and materials:

1. Laptop.

2. Projector.

3. Screen for projection.

  1. Presentation for notes.
  2. Pet toys.

Used modern educational technology:

  1. Health-saving technologies:
  • communication game;
  • outdoor game;
  • finger gymnastics;
  • psycho-gymnastics;
  • dynamic logorhythmic pause;
  1. Information and communication technologies.

Progress of educational activities:


The earth must be protected
Protect in every possible way,
Mountains, rivers and fields -
This is all our Earth.
Life is on it every hour,
So it depends on all of us
That our concern is for her,
Every day it becomes even more important.
Happy Earth Day,
Take care of our Earth,
And she answers you
Will protect you from various troubles!

Educator: Guys, today is the birthday of our blue planet Earth (show 1 slide). The earth is our common home, for animals, people, and plants.

Finger gymnastics “Piglets”.

The fingers are spread out; We alternately “walk” along the table or knees with each of our fingers.
This fat piglet was wagging his tail all day long,
Little fingers.
This fat pig was scratching his back against the fence.
La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lya, I love piglets

We clench and unclench our fists.
This fat pig was picking the ground with his nose,
This fat pig drew something himself.
Index marks.
La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lya, I love piglets,
We clench and unclench our fists.
This fat pig is lazy and impudent,
Big ones.
He wanted to sleep in the middle and pushed all the brothers out of the way.
We clench our hand into a fist, thumb press it inward.

Educator: Do you know what animals inhabit our land?

Children's answers: Cats, dogs, tigers, cows, lions, etc.

Educator: Correct! And there are many more. Some live in the forest - they are called wild or forest animals. What wild animals do you know?

Children's answers: Fox, wolf, etc.

Educator: Well done! I will show you pictures, and you name what animals are depicted on them (show 2, 3 and 4 slides).

Communication game "Pets".

Domestic and wild animal toys are laid out in a chaotic manner around the room. Children are divided into 2 groups. The group that finds the most pets wins.

Educator: Now let's look at domestic animals (show 5 and 6 slides).

Physical education lesson “Travel”.

Children follow each other, performing movements in accordance with the text.

— We are walking along a country road, on sun-warmed earth.

(They stomp their feet.)

In front of us is a meadow, soft grass under our feet.

(Make sliding movements with their feet.)

We walk along the river bank, the sand rustling under our feet. (Rub their palms.)

We cross the river on a wooden bridge. (Raising your legs high, clapping under your knees.)

The other bank of the river is swampy, we jump from hummock to hummock. (Perform jumps on two legs.)

There are thickets of willow trees all around, the wind sways the flexible branches. (Raise their arms above their heads and shake them.)

There is a wide ditch in front of us. (They take a big jump.)

There are ripe berries on the right and left, let's collect them. (Perform bends to the right and left, squats.)

We pass through a meadow overgrown with tall grass. (They walk, raising their knees high.)

Here we are!

Educator: Where do wild animals live?

Children's answers: In the forest!

Educator: Correct! (show 7 slides). Where do such inhabitants of our Earth as birds and fish live?

Children's answers: In the water.

Educator: Yes, birds live in the sky, and fish in the water (show 8 and 9 slides).

There is no more beautiful land than our native land. Wonderful trees and beautiful flowers grow on it (show 10, 11, 12 slides). So let's take care of her, love her, and not destroy her. How should we protect the Earth?

Children's answers: Don't litter, clean up.

Psycho-gymnastics “Flower”.

Children are asked to imagine that they are small sprouts that little by little grow and turn into a flower.

Poem about Earth:

"Mother Earth"

Tell me,

Which is more correct?

Name the land?

Is the land expensive?

Is the land golden?

No, it's probably better to say

To her: “Dear!

The earth is our dear, kind mother!”

It will sound more affectionate and truer this way.

After all, everything we love

Everything was created by her -

And mountains, and rivers, and forests, and flowers.

And autumn, and summer, and rain, and you.

International Earth Day.

Lesson on ecology and familiarization with the surrounding world

in the preparatory school group


Learn about the history of the holiday

Develop environmental literacy

Foster respect for nature

Ability to quickly find answers to questions

A wonderful time of year has come - spring is ending April is the month, saturated

Various holidays. Let's remember and name the holidays together,

held in April.

V. Well done, that’s right. What holiday will be in April?

The children answer.

April 22 – International Earth Day – holiday clean water, earth and air.

And I will tell you the story of this holiday. The story is connected with the name of John Morton,

who was very active in fighting deforestation. Morton suggested having a day

Dedicated to landscaping, establish prizes for those who plant a large number of trees.

This day was called Tree Day. It began to be celebrated on Morton's birthday, April 22.

The holiday began to be celebrated throughout the world and in Russia too. This holiday is called -

Earth Day.

Earth Day serves as a day to remember the terrible environmental disasters.

This day when every person thinks about what he can do

In the decision environmental problems? What kind of example is he setting for his children?

Guys, what do you know about environmental disasters?

The children answer.

The teacher summarizes and complements the children’s statements.

Well done, how much do you know! We will find out how you will save nature during the game.

Children stand on the carpet in a circle, the teacher is in the center with a ball.

The game “How can I save nature?” is being played. Educator

Encourages children to give complete answers.

Very good! But I know that you have prepared a poem.


You, Man, loving nature,

At least sometimes feel sorry for her.

On pleasure trips

Don't trample its fields.

Don't burn her recklessly

And don’t trample to the bottom,

And remember the simple truth -

There are many of us, but she is alone.

Wonderful poem! I know that you love nature very much,

you know how to take care of it and you can do a lot of interesting, simple and unusual things

talk about her.

The phonogram “Birdsong” sounds.

How beautiful the forest is in spring! Everything around is waking up and enjoying the warmth.

Even the forest dwellers crawled out of their houses, bugs, worms, and the bear came out

From his den.

A bear enters the group room.

Bear. Hello! I see a lot of guys gathered here!

Educator. Young conservationists gathered here.

Bear. But I want to arrange a test for the kids. How much do they say about our nature?

They know if she is loved! And the forest dwellers will help me. They sent you letters

In which there are tasks of forest inhabitants.

For the correct answer, children receive a fir cone.

Questions from forest inhabitants for children.


1. What is paper made from?

2. What mushroom grows under the aspen?

3. What color are the needles on a birch tree?


1. What is the name of the squirrel’s house? Who makes it?

2.What is the name of the bees' house?

3. Who carries his house on himself.

4. Was the hut built without hands, without an axe? What is this riddle about?

Educator. Well done! Have the animals asked you any difficult questions?

Have you collected a lot of cones?

The children answer.

Organized group activity construction from natural material (cones).

Invite the children to design a forester, a mascot of the forest.

Goal: Deepening environmental knowledge in children, instilling in them a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth.

Objective: To develop an understanding of life on Earth, about general conditions for the development of plants, animals and people (air, water, food); cultivate a sense of pride in your planet; encourage the desire to do something pleasant for the Earth; teach that conditions are different in different places: there are areas where it is easy to live (fertile lands, wooded areas, temperate climate), but there are places where it is difficult for humans, animals and plants to live.

Preliminary work: learning poems, nursery rhymes and riddles about nature, conversations on the topic environmental education, looking at illustrations, reading works of art about plants and animals, acquaintance with space, holding a competition for the best drawing on the topic “Earth is our home.”

Equipment: big ball with continents (model of the earth), two trash baskets, garbage (sticks, paper, plastics), hoppers, easels, A4 paper, pencils, gouache.

Children enter the hall listening to music


Today we celebrate Earth Day. We glorify the Earth and thank you for everything. All living creatures on Earth find food for themselves. Everything we need for life is given to us by the Earth: food, material for clothing, water. Earth is a beautiful planet! People should love and take care of her, because she is our common home. I congratulate everyone on the Earth Day!

Guys, today planet Earth invited us to its birthday party. Her birthday is celebrated by all people on globe. On this day, everyone tries to plant trees and flowers, make birdhouses for birds, remove garbage from streets and squares, and clean water bodies. People try to preserve and decorate their home – our planet. Do you guys want to go to Earth's Birthday?

Physical education “Travel”

Children follow each other, performing movements in accordance with the text.

Presenter: We are walking along a country road, along sun-warmed earth.

(Stomping feet)

In front of us is a meadow, soft grass under our feet.

(Make sliding movements with their feet)

We walk along the river bank, the sand rustling under our feet.

(Rub palms)

We cross the river on a wooden bridge.

(We raise our legs high, clap under the knees)

The other bank of the river is swampy, we jump from hummock to hummock.

(We perform jumps on two legs)

There are thickets of willow trees all around, the wind sways the flexible branches.

(Raise our hands above our heads and shake them)

There is a wide ditch in front of us.

(Take a big jump)

There are ripe berries on the right and left, let's collect them as a gift to the Earth.

(Perform bends to the right - left, squats)

We walk through a meadow overgrown with tall grass.

(They walk, raising their knees high)

Here we come!

Host: Guys, let's say hello to the Earth.

Hello, Mother Earth!

Hello, meadows, fields!

Hello river, hello meadow,

Everything we see around us!

“Earth”, and the guys did not come to you empty-handed, but prepared congratulations.

“Dear, sweet earth!
Congratulations on your holiday!
We wish your rivers, lakes, forests,
To your pets: animals and birds,
Health for fish and insects,

And also to be yourself beautiful planet.
We think that on your birthday
You will be cheerful and will not be offended by us.
We will try to remove all the garbage from you."

Guys, do you want to play with the Earth?

A ball game is played: Earth asks a question and throws the ball

Who lives on earth? (animals, insects, flowers, etc.)
Who lives underground? (worms, moles, beetles, etc.)
Who flies above the Earth? (birds, insects)
When is it light outside? (in the afternoon)
Why is water needed? (drink, swim, water plants, etc.)
What is air needed for? (necessary for breathing)
What do bees do? (collect nectar)

You guys are great, you know everything about the Earth.

Competition: “Who can clean up the trash the fastest.”

After the end of the competition, the presenter asks where the animals can use the branches (for nests, anthills, etc.)



What kind of ceiling is this?
Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high,
Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish,
It's a little bluish.
And sometimes so beautiful -
Lace and blue – blue
We all like it
Without him we cry
And as soon as it appears -
We look away and hide:
It's very bright
And the roast is very hot.
Grew up in a meadow -
I found myself in a haystack.
Two antennas on the top of the head,
And she herself sits in the hut.
She's carrying her,
It crawls along the straw.
It can be alive or dead,
Both liquid and very solid...
Maybe lurking in the sky
And hide in the depths of the earth,
And they will evaporate before our eyes,
And then appear again!
Who lives in water all his life,
And she doesn’t drink water herself:
Neither lake nor river,
Not any other one.

Presenter: And now the guys for you Earth will perform “Dance with Umbrellas.” (from the film “ Office romance»
Dear “Earth”, the guys know poems about you.

1st child:
Us at any time of the year
Wise nature teaches:
Birds teach singing
Spider - patience.
Bees in the field and in the garden
They teach us how to work.

2nd child:
Snow teaches us purity.
The sun teaches kindness.
Nature has it all year round
You need to study.
All the forest people
Teaches strong friendship

3rd child:
Are you breathing clean air forests
And you drink water from deep rivers,
You are full of her bread, man,
Answer her sad call.

4th child:
There is one garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Migratory birds are called

5th child:
Is on Earth huge house
Under the roof is blue.
The sun, rain and thunder live in it,
Forest and sea surf.
Birds and flowers live in it,
The cheerful sound of the stream,
You live in that bright house,
And all your friends.

6th child:
Wherever the roads lead,
You will always be in it.
by nature native land
This house is called.

Guys, but the Earth is in different times year varies.

(Show pictures)

Guess: When is the earth white?
What about yellow, red, orange?
When is it green?
And when - multi-colored?


Game "Travel in Orbit"
Game description:
There are two circles drawn on the floor in the center of the hall: a large one and a small one, one inside the other. In the center of the small circle is a model of the Earth. Two planets (start) are indicated on a large circle. On command, two children must hop on the fastest hop along the drawn orbit to the opposite planet.

After the game, the presenter and the children look at the drawings drawn by the children in advance.

Presenter: And now they will sing a song about the Earth. (I wish you my Earth)

You are already big and understand that the Earth is our nurse and waterer.

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world!

Clouds and smoke frolic over it.

We won’t let anyone offend her!