Lesson summary - how animals prepare for winter. “How wild animals prepare for winter”

Explanatory note.

Program content:

1. Educational objectives:

- learn to distinguish the sounds of forest animals;

- learn to perform figurative exercises under the word;

- learn to navigate in space;

— consolidate children’s knowledge of how animals prepare for winter;

— learn how to carefully glue finished parts;

Creation teamwork;

— improve children’s knowledge about the season of autumn and its signs.

2. Developmental tasks:

- develop speech, observation, attention;

- develop hand motor skills and imagination;

— develop compositional skills in the arrangement of objects;

- develop the ability to respond to the beginning and end of the sound of music, - develop the ability to change movement in accordance with the nature of the music;

— develop the ability to answer questions;

3. Educational tasks:

— formation of learning motivation through the game plot of the lesson;

- continue to cultivate responsiveness and empathy in children fairy tale characters, create a desire to help them;

- contribute to the enrichment of musical impressions, the accumulation of listening experience;

- instill a desire to work in a team, team.

4. Methods and techniques.

Modeling a game situation in order to pose a problem and understand motivation.

The use of visual material, finger gymnastics, singing, tasks for figurative transformations, tasks for the development of children’s artistic and creative abilities. Questions for children.

5. Materials for the assignment.

Recording of animal sounds, pictures and images of animals, a large basket drawn on whatman paper, a toy squirrel (hedgehog), small ready-made parts for applique (mushrooms, berries, nuts).

Demonstration material.

The hall is decorated in accordance with the season - autumn, the central wall is a forest clearing.

6. Preliminary work.

Looking at autumn landscapes.

Listening to Tchaikovsky's music "The Seasons".

Listening and singing songs about autumn.

Reading poems about autumn.

Making riddles about seasonal changes.

Execution of collective creative works: drawing “Sun” - with palms, applique “Autumn Tree”.

Ecology lesson

"How animals prepare for winter"

(2nd junior group)

Target:- continue to form an idea of ​​​​preparing animals for winter, their adaptation to seasonal changes.

1. Educational- consolidate the general concept of “Wild Animals”, teach how to guess descriptive riddles about wild animals. Strengthen children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals. Expand children's horizons by introducing children to animals.

2. Developmental- develop mental processes children: attention, memory, thinking. Promote the development of coherent speech.

3. Educational- cultivate a sense of love for the world around us, careful attitude to the inhabitants of living nature.

Previous work:

— Solve riddles about wild animals.

— A conversation about how wild animals prepare for the onset of winter.

— Vocabulary work (Hibernate, reserves, squirrel-hollow, hedgehog-hole)

— Fizminutka"Animal Charge"

— Game “What has changed? »

— Preparing a surprise for a squirrel and a hedgehog.

— Summary of the lesson (conversation)

— A surprise for the guys from a squirrel and a hedgehog

Vocabulary work: Hibernate, reserves, squirrel-hollow, hedgehog-hole.

Equipment: Use of a computer, projector, multimedia presentation.

Lesson plan:

1. Introductory part (riddles) – 2 min.

2. Main part (conversation, physical minute, game) – 10 minutes.

3. Final part (Surprise for wild animals, lesson summary) – 3 min.

Boarding children

Progress of the lesson:

“Hello guys, today we will talk about how “wild animals prepare for winter”

Guys, now I’ll tell you riddles, and you try to solve them.

I make riddles:

Angry touchy one,

Lives in the wilderness of the forest

There are a lot of needles

And more than one thread (Hedgehog)

Clubfoot and big,

He sleeps in a den in winter

Loves pine cones loves honey

Well, who will name it? (Bear)

Long ears

Quick Paws

Gray, but not a mouse.

Who is this? (Hare)

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I gnaw nuts (Squirrel)

Children's answers (hedgehog, bear, hare, squirrel)

Educator: Smart guys, you guessed all the riddles, but please answer me - How can we call all these animals in one word? (if they can’t answer, I ask leading questions - For example: Guys, where do they live? What domestic animals do you know? Why are they domestic? What wild animals do you know? That’s right guys, let’s call all these animals wild. How smart you are.

Guys, what time of year is it now?

Children (autumn)

And after autumn, what time will come?

Children (winter)

That's right, guys, winter is coming soon. The animals of the forest have the hardest time. Guys, do you know how they prepare to meet winter?

Children's answers (changing wool, preparing holes, dens, winter supplies)

Educator: They exchange their summer wool for a thicker, warmer one. (Show pictures of a squirrel and a hare) And some animals will sleep peacefully in their houses all winter. Who is this? Bear and hedgehog. (Show pictures of a bear and a hedgehog)

Vocabulary work: Hibernate, reserves, squirrel-hollow, hedgehog-hole

- Guys, now, let's rest a little. Let's do it animal exercise. We look at me and repeat exactly after me.

Physical exercise.

Animal exercise.

Once - squat,

Two - jump

This is a rabbit exercise.

And fox cubs love to stretch for a long time,

Be sure to yawn

Well, wag your tail,

And the wolf cubs arch their backs

And jump lightly

Well, the bear is clubfooted

With his paws spread wide,

Either one or both together,

He has been marking time for a long time.

Pay attention to the sitting position of the children (the legs are friends, the eyes are all looking at me and listening to me attentively.)

Educator: Well done guys, and now I suggest you play one interesting game, and it’s called “What has changed? “Guys, there are wild animals depicted on the board, you look carefully and remember who is depicted in these pictures, when I tell you to close your eyes, you close them, then you open them and I ask you which wild animal ran home? so let's start the game.

Game “What has changed?

There are pictures of wild animals on the board. Children close their eyes, the teacher removes 1 animal and says that the animal ran home. Children call the “runaway” animal.

Educator: Well done guys, you are so attentive. Please look at the squirrel and the hedgehog (depicted on the board), they did not have time to prepare supplies for the winter, and I suggest you help them. Guys, what is a hedgehog? And the squirrel? Now I will give you mushrooms, nuts, pine cones, apples, and you put them in your pockets. We leave one by one.

Well done guys, the squirrel and the hedgehog are very happy, we helped them a lot.

Summary of the lesson.

Educator - Guys, what new did you learn in class? What animals came to our classes? Wild. Where do they live? In the forest. What words have we learned? What animals did we help prepare supplies (squirrel and hedgehog - children's answers)

Guys, the squirrel and the hedgehog say thank you very much and they also brought you a gift, a book about them, about animals.

Literature used

    Internet network

    Chestnova N. Yu.

    Ivanova, M. A.

    Arsenova, M. A.

    Vinogradova, E. I.

    Summary of the integrated lesson "How animals prepare for winter." Second junior group

    Target: cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.
    - continue to introduce children to wild animals;
    - encourage children to establish simple connections between seasonal changes in nature and animal behavior: changes in coat color, hibernation, winter supplies;
    - recognize and name wild animals and their young;
    - develop attention, coherent speech, listening skills;
    Preliminary work: looking at the album “Wild Animals”, conversation on the topic “Seasons”, asking riddles about wild animals, reading stories from the book series “Animals of the Forests”, didactic game“Wild animals and their young”, watching the video “How animals prepare for winter.”
    Materials: toys (hare, fox, hedgehog, squirrel, bear, trees), pine cones, nuts, mushrooms, fir trees and stumps, illustrations depicting a white and gray hare, red and gray squirrel, fox, bullfinch, projector, video film “How animals prepare for winter."

    Progress of the lesson:

    Educator: Guys, guess the riddle
    It's getting colder every day,
    The sun is getting weaker and weaker,
    Snow is everywhere, like a fringe, -
    So, it has come to us... (winter)
    - What time of year is the mystery?
    Children: About winter.
    (Knock on the window).
    Educator: Who's that knocking there? Let's see. This bird is a bullfinch. So she’s shaking all over, frozen. And you guys, when you went to kindergarten, are you not frozen? Tell us what the weather was like outside.
    The children's answers are listened to.
    Educator: Quiet, guys, the bird wants to tell us something. She invites us to visit forest animals, see how animals prepare for winter.
    Educator: Guys, it's cold outside, and before we go into the forest, what do we need to do?
    Children: Dress warmly.
    Educator: Let's dress warmly and go on a journey through the forest. What clothes will we wear to stay warm? (Children's answers.) Right.
    The teacher conducts a game exercise using a poem with movements.
    We will put new boots on our feet.
    (Foot forward onto heel - “show boots.”)
    Let's tie a warm scarf
    (Hands crossed to the neck.)
    And to winter we will say:
    (Swinging from side to side.)
    "Hello, Zimushka-winter,
    (Stretch your arms forward, spread them to the sides.)
    We are not afraid of you!"
    (Jumping on two legs with clapping.)
    Educator: Well done, everyone is ready to travel. Guys, so that we don’t get bored along the way, you and I will hum a song, repeat after me.
    Along the path to let's go to the forest,
    We'll go around the holes.
    Let's look up at the sun,
    Let's look down at the snow

    We'll jump over the ditch.
    Jump - jump, jump - jump.
    We enter the forest.
    Educator: Guys, let's breathe in the forest fresh air.
    Breathing exercises“We shrug.”

    Educator: Guys, how beautiful it is in the forest. So much snow.
    Quiet, quiet it's snowing,
    Snowflakes are falling
    White, shaggy, light fluff.
    Children slowly spin and squat.
    Educator: Listen to how quiet it seems - there is no one in the forest. But this is not true at all. There are many forest dwellers in the forest. It turns out that forest animals now have a lot to worry about, they are preparing for winter. Let's sit down on the stumps and behave quietly so that the animals are not afraid of us, and find out how they prepare for winter.
    Educator: What is one word for animals that live in the forest?
    Children: Wild or forest animals.
    Educator: That's right, animals that live in the forest are called wild. Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you listen carefully and tell me who it’s about.
    He's big and clumsy
    Clumsy and funny
    He lives in a dense forest,
    He loves fragrant honey very much.
    Educator: Who is this?
    Children: Bear.
    Educator: How does a bear walk?
    Children waddle.
    Educator: Guys, what does he like, eat a bear?
    Children: Fish, berries, honey.
    Educator: The forest became empty, there are no raspberries, no strawberries!
    - What should a clubfoot do?
    - So the bear decided to lie down to sleep for the whole winter. The bear found a hole and poured dry branches and leaves into it. This is how the den turned out. He called his cubs and fell asleep!
    - Let us find a den.
    - Who fell asleep in the den?
    Children: Bear with cubs.
    Educator: Let's see how he got there.
    Educator: Guys, when it's cold outside, what do you put on your hands?
    Children: mittens.
    Educator: I have two pairs of mittens - one light pair, and the other a fluffy, thick pair. Touch the mittens. Taya, put on first one, then the other mittens. Which ones are warmer?
    Educator: Animals also need warm clothes for the winter. But they don’t have mittens, hats, or coats. Where do they get their winter coats from? It turns out that animals molt in the fall and change their fur coat to a thicker and warmer one!
    - So our bear changed his fur coat to a thick and warm one. Touch her.
    (Children are invited to touch a piece of fur).
    Educator: Listen to the next riddle.
    He wears a gray fur coat in the summer
    IN white in winter he is dressed
    Here it meanders across the lawn
    Did you guess it? This …. (Bunny).
    Educator: What does a bunny do in the forest in winter?
    Children: Runs between the trees and jumps.
    Educator: Right. Jump like bunnies.
    - Guys, what does he like, is there a bunny?
    Children: Carrots, cabbage.
    Educator: Can you find carrots and cabbage in winter?
    Children: No.
    Educator: In winter, the bunny gnaws the bark. Tell me, who is the bunny hiding from in the forest?
    Children: From the wolf and the fox.
    Educator: In summer it is easy for a bunny to hide from a wolf and a fox; he is not visible in the bushes and behind the trees (picture). And now winter has come to the forest and fallen white snow, the bunny became visible. What happens to his coat so that the wolf and fox don't find him? (children's answers are listened to)
    Educator: So the bunny has to change his gray fur coat to a white one.
    Quietly, I think I hear someone running towards us. Yes, it's a fox. Show how the fox runs. Guys, we need to help the bunny hide from the fox. (Children are offered white and green sheets and a bunny silhouette). Where can our bunny hide?
    Children: In the snow (put a white bunny on a white background).
    Educator: Well done, you helped the bunny hide from the fox. She didn’t find him and ran away.
    The teacher asks a riddle:
    I'm clever this morning
    Brought the cones to the pantry
    Yes on sharp bitches
    I hung up the mushrooms... (Squirrel).
    Educator: Who is this?
    Educator: What is a squirrel doing in the forest? How does she prepare for winter?
    Children: Jumps through the trees, collects cones, nuts, and mushrooms.
    Educator: Let's jump like a squirrel jumps on the branches.
    Educator: Well done, where does she put them?
    Children: To your house.
    Educator: What is it called?
    Children: Hollow
    Educator: That's right, the squirrel carries its supplies into a hollow, which is located in a tree, so that in winter it will not be cold and hungry.
    - Guys, the bear changed his fur coat to a warmer one, the hare changed his coat from gray to white. Do you think the squirrel will change its red coat?
    Children: Swap it for a gray fur coat.
    Educator: Guys, let's see who else is in winter forest lives and how he prepared for winter. (The teacher and the children look at other forest animals and discuss how they prepare for winter).
    Educator: Guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's say magic words, let's say goodbye to the forest and forest animals: “Goodbye, good forest. Goodbye forest animals." Well done.
    Educator: Well, here we are back at the kindergarten. Did you like it in the forest? Who did you see there? What were the animals doing in the forest? How did they prepare for the cold, for winter? (Children's answers are listened to). Well done!
    Educator: Guys, look again the bullfinch flew to us and brought a gift from the forest animals. Let's say the magic words to the bullfinch: “Thank you. Goodbye, bullfinch."

    Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 11 “Fairy Tale” of a combined type of the urban district of the city of Kumertau of the Republic of Bashkortostan


    ON THE TOPIC: How animals prepare for winter.

    Prepared by the teacher

    Saklakova Larisa Vladimirovna


    Program content: To form ideas about the forest as a habitat for wild animals, and about the ecological pyramid; consolidate the concepts: wild animals, herbivores, predatory animals; where wild animals live, what they eat, how they prepare for winter; develop the ability to compose stories on the topic “How animals prepare for winter”, cultivate a caring attitude towards the forest and its inhabitants, and draw up an ecological pyramid.

    Preliminary work: conversations with children about the forest ,

    comparison of wild and domestic animals,

    comparison of herbivores and carnivores,

    conversation about how wild animals getting ready for winter

    looking at illustrations of wild animals,

    guessing riddles about wild animals, reading stories about animals

    Material: Subject pictures (wild animals), subject pictures (how animals prepare for winter), colored pencils, paper.


    (Children stand in a semicircle)

    TEACHER: Today, children, I decided to read you an excerpt from E. Trutneva’s poem “Autumn.”

    Suddenly it became twice as bright,

    The yard is like in sun rays -

    This dress is golden

    On the shoulders of a birch tree.

    In the morning we go to the yard -

    Leaves are falling like rain,

    They rustle underfoot

    And they fly, fly, fly...

    What time of year was the poem talking about?

    Children's answers (About autumn)

    Name the autumn months.

    Children's answers (September, October, November)

    How do you understand the expression “leaves fall like rain”?

    Answers children . The leaves are falling.

    What signs of autumn do you know?

    Children's answers: In autumn the sun shines, but heats weakly. The day becomes shorter than the night. The sky in autumn is gray, cloudy, gloomy. The leaves on the trees become colorful. The leaves are starting to fall. Migratory birds fly to warm regions, and those who spend the winter remain with us. Wild animals are preparing for winter.

    TEACHER: What wild animals of Bashkortostan do you know?

    Children's answers: Fox, bear, hedgehog, squirrel, wolf, elk, hare, wild boar, lynx.

    Educator: Why do we call these animals wild?

    Children's answers: Because they live in the forest, and people don't take care of them. Because they take care of themselves and live in the wild.

    Educator: Children, I suggest you remember where wild animals live in the forest. (A didactic game “Who Lives Where” is played).

    TEACHER: Where does the squirrel live? (the squirrel lives in a hollow).

    Where does the bear live? (the bear lives in a den).

    Where does the fox live? (The fox lives in a hole).

    Where does the wolf live? (The wolf lives in a den).

    Where does the hedgehog live? (the hedgehog lives in a nest of leaves).

    Where does moose live? (The elk lives in the thicket of the forest.)

    TEACHER : Well done, children, don’t forget how wild animals adapted to live in the forest without human help. What season follows autumn?

    Children's answers: (winter will come after autumn)

    Educator: That's right, after autumn comes winter. Winter is a very difficult, cold season. In winter, it is very difficult for wild animals in the forest: it is cold, there is little food. Therefore, wild animals prepare for winter. But first, let's do a warm-up, we children also need to get ready for school. Finger gymnastics is carried out: “Animals that we can show.”

    Children come to the board on which there are pictures of wild animals.

    Oh, hear, someone is knocking on our door. Quiet. I'll take a look now. Children, Dunno has come to us. He says that he also wants to know how animals prepare for winter. Shall we tell Dunno? Sit down, Dunno, make yourself comfortable and listen.

    Children, I give you a magic ball that can record our conversation. Then we will give it to Dunno, in case he forgets something, puts it to his ear and hears your stories again. Pass the ball carefully, slowly. As soon as you hear the word stop, start a story about how wild animals prepare for winter.

    The teacher holds a ball and tells how moose winter: moose go far into the thicket of the forest, where there is a lot of bushes and dead wood, where the cold wind subsides and it is easier to endure the cold, where it is difficult for predatory animals to get through. Dense fur prevents predators from moving through thick dead wood, and elk spend the winter in safety.

    The teacher passes the ball to the children.

    CHILDREN: Squirrel In summer and autumn he makes supplies for the winter, hides cones and nuts in his forest pantries, dried mushrooms. She arranges forest storerooms in an old hollow left by a hardworking woodpecker. By winter, a squirrel's coat changes color and thickness.

    Hare changes his gray coat to a white, warmer one. He does this to keep him warm in winter and to be invisible in the snow. After all, the bunny has a lot of enemies. This is a fox, a wolf, an owl, and a marten. If in the summer the bunny plucked the grass to his heart's content, and in the fall he feasted on juicy cabbage and carrots, then in winter it’s hard for him, all that remains is the bark of trees and branches of bushes sticking out from under the snow.

    Hedgehog in the fall he eats heartily in order to accumulate under his prickly coat a lot of fat, because in winter it hibernates and needs to sleep peacefully all winter. The hedgehog chooses a convenient hole, or a small hollow, somewhere under a spreading tree, wraps itself in leaves and falls asleep, waiting to be covered with snow.

    TO THE BEAR You also need to eat well, accumulate more fat under the skin in order to sleep peacefully all winter. The bear makes a den for itself in a small ravine, throwing a tree over it and throwing dry dead wood over it. He climbs inside and falls asleep. When snow falls and the ravine fills up, the bear becomes warm and comfortable.

    TEACHER: Guys, the fox and the wolf are not preparing for winter, why aren’t these animals preparing for winter? (they are predators and therefore are always looking for food).

    Yes, it’s not easy for wild animals in the forest in winter. Well, Dunno, get the magic ball and run, tell me what you learned. Children, Dunno thanked you, say goodbye to Dunno.

    It's time for us to play.

    Physical education minute:

    The hares are jumping hop-hop-hop!

    Yes to the white snow,

    They sit down and listen -

    Is there a wolf coming?

    Once - bent, straightened up,

    Two - bent over, stretched,

    Three nods of the head, stood up, jump to the side. We stood, looked and sat down.

    TEACHER: Come to the tables. Children, wild animals have prepared some mushroom gifts for you. Treats - wild animals were allowed to give tea to anyone who could name words - definitions for animals. (Children say - which one, which one, choosing pictures with wild animals on the board, removing the pictures after the answer).

    The TEACHER calls the children. Children give definition words:

    The squirrel is caring, hardworking, busy, nimble, dexterous.

    Hare - cowardly, fearful, shy, white, gray,

    Bear - clumsy, clumsy, clumsy

    Hedgehog - prickly, brave, courageous, courageous.

    Lynx - dexterous, fast, brave, sensitive.

    Elk - big, strong, fast, herbivore

    The wolf is fast, angry, gray, toothy.

    The fox is beautiful, fluffy, careful, cunning, fast.

    Educator: Children, name the herbivorous wild animals of Bashkortostan. (Hare, elk, squirrel).

    What wild predatory animals of Bashkortostan do you know? (wolf, fox, lynx, hedgehog).

    Do you think there should be fewer predatory animals than herbivores or more?

    Children's answers : There should be fewer predatory animals.

    Educator: Such relationships are expressed in the form of various pyramids, which are called “ecological pyramids”.

    In order for herbivores to eat, there must be more blades of grass than herbivores. Therefore, the grass strip is longer than the herbivore strip, and there are fewer herbivores than grass. Well, predators are not averse to eating herbivores for lunch. They are bigger and stronger and need to eat a lot of herbivores. Therefore in the forest

    There must be more herbivores than predators so that there is enough food for everyone. This creates a pyramid. To summarize: in order for everyone to have enough food, there must be more grass than herbivores, and there must be more herbivores than wild predatory animals. (An ecological pyramid is laid out on the board.)

    Open lesson By environment in the second younger group on the topic: “How animals prepare for winter.”


    1. Expand children's understanding of diversity natural phenomena. 2.Help establish simple connections between them. Reinforce ideas about seasonal changes in nature. 3. Expand ideas about life in natural conditions animals, what they eat, how they adapt to life in winter conditions. 4. Foster a love of nature and respect for it. Educate children positive attitude to work, desire to work. 5.Develop fine motor skills fingers; encourage creativity and independence. 6.Develop children's speech.

    Visual material: bird, letter, silhouettes of animals (squirrel, hare, bear), forest layout.

    Handouts: glue, brushes, cardboard silhouettes of animals, cereals (semolina, buckwheat, millet), winter clothes (hats, scarves, mittens)

    1.Organizational moment

    2. Progress of the lesson.

    Hello guys, hello our dear guests. Today we will show our guests how we can practice (a knock is heard).

    Educator: Guys, who is this knocking on our door, asking to join our group? (I bring in the bird with the letter). Yes, this is an owl that flew to us. She brought us a letter

    Who did the letter come from?

    You want to know, right?

    Then you have to try

    Guess all the riddles.


    1. The beast is furry, clubfooted,

    He sucks his paw in the den. (bear)

    2. Who deftly jumps through the trees

    And flies up into the oak trees,

    Who hides nuts in a hollow,

    Dries mushrooms for the winter. (squirrel)

    3. Who is cold in winter?

    Walking through the forest angry and hungry? (wolf)

    4. Cross-eyed, small,

    In a white fur coat and felt boots. (hare)

    Educator: Well done guys! All the riddles were solved.

    Educator: A letter from our friends - forest animals. They write that they lived well in the forest clearing. They lived without grieving, they were friends with each other, squirrels and hares, bear cubs and wolf cubs. They played together happily, but forgot about winter. It became cold outside: it was snowing, then cold rain It’s pouring, the wind is howling, and it’s tearing off branches of the trees. The animals forgot to sew warm fur coats and ask you for help.

    You are kind guys, will you help the animals?

    Let's go with you to the forest and try to help our friends, but let's take moms and dads with us (2-3 parents are called) But for this you need to dress your parents warmer so that they don't freeze (children dress their parents for a while)

    Well done! Now you can go!


    We walked, walked, walked,

    We found snowdrifts on the left,

    We stood up, stood still,

    Let's go again.

    We walked, walked, walked,

    Found a lump on the right

    Bent down and picked it up

    And off we went again.

    Now close your eyes and repeat after me:

    1, 2, 3 turn around yourself,

    and find yourself in a fairy forest.

    Guys, how should you behave in the forest?

    Children: Don't make noise, don't throw garbage, don't break trees.

    Educator: That's right, guys! Don't make noise, don't shout, but help each other.

    Educator: And here in front of you fairy forest. Look carefully, what animals do you see?

    Children : hare, bear, squirrel.

    Educator : Where can we get warm fur coats?

    Children: Buy in a store, sew.

    Educator: But there is no store in the forest. And there is a forestry studio. I suggest you become a tailor and insulate fur coats for animals made from various grains, and your parents will help you! What grains do you see? (Buckwheat, rice, millet). (There are silhouettes of animals on the table). (Children spread PVA glue on the cardboard silhouettes of animals and sprinkle with cereal of the corresponding color).

    Individual questions:

    What will you use to make a bear’s fur coat? (from buckwheat)

    What color is a bunny's coat? ( white)

    What will you make it from? (from semolina)

    What color is a squirrel's fur coat?

    We have prepared our fur coats. But now the animals offer to play with them, collect cubes, and the parents will help us (the first group of children collects a squirrel, the second a bear, the third a bunny)

    What great guys you are! What wonderful fur coats we made and played with the animals.

    While the animals are trying on fur coats, you and I will play the game “Give me a word.”

    The hare is white in winter, and in summer…….(gray)

    The hare has a short tail and ears…….(long)

    - The hedgehog is small, and the bear…….(big)

    The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog…….(prickly)

    The squirrel has a long tail, and the hare has ...... (short)

    Now place the figures in a forest clearing (forest model).

    Tell poems about your forest friends. (Children recite poems about animals for whom fur coats were made).


    Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

    They tore off the bear's paw.

    I still won't leave him,

    Because he's good


    The owner abandoned the bunny -

    A bunny was left in the rain.

    I couldn't get off the bench,

    I was completely wet.

    And now we are returning to kindergarten.


    We walked, walked, walked,

    We found snowdrifts on the left,

    We stood up, stood still,

    Let's go again.

    We walked, walked, walked,

    Found a lump on the right

    Bent down and picked it up

    And off we went again.

    We repeat the magic words:

    One, two, three, turn around yourself,

    and find yourself in the group again.

    3. Final part.

    Guys, look who came to us? (soft toy - bear) This is a bear!

    A bear comes to the group with a treat:

    We thank the children

    We say thank you to everyone.

    We are not afraid of the cold.

    We will always be warm.

    Goodbye kids (leaves)

    Educator: Guys, did you like it in the forest?

    You tried very hard and the wild animals are grateful to you for your help! It was a pleasure to communicate with you. Thank you and our guests!


    Topic: “How animals prepare for winter.”

    Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the life of wild animals in winter conditions.

    Tasks : 1. Expand children’s understanding of the diversity of natural phenomena. Help establish simple connections between them. 2. Consolidate knowledge about wild animals: what they eat, how they adapt to life in winter conditions. 3. Foster curiosity, love for nature and wild animals. ABOUTAbout "Speech development". 1. Develop communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers. 2. Create conditions. promoting emotional rapprochement between children. 3. Strengthen children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in the forest.NGO "Artistic and aesthetic development " 1. Improve modeling skills and develop fine motor skills. 2. encourage creativity and independence.NGO "Physical Culture".

    Visual material : presentation, cards with images of wild animals, pictures of a den, mink, bush and hollow, chest, carrots.

    Handouts : plasticine, boards, stacks, oilcloths.

    Preliminary work : looking at illustrations with animals, autumn landscapes, asking riddles about animals, painting ready-made shapes, reading poems and stories.

    GCD move.

    Q. Guys, what time of year is it now?

    D. Autumn.

    Q. What season will come after autumn?

    D. Winter.

    Q. Guys, do you want to visit the forest and see how the forest inhabitants prepare for winter?

    Q. Today we will go on foot into the forest to look at everything and not scare away the animals. Let's remember the rules of conduct in the forest. What not to do?

    D. Run, scream, break branches, do not light fires, do not throw garbage so as not to fall, watch your step, walk very carefully, destroy anthills and bird nests.

    Q. Let's hit the road!

    On a cloudy autumn day, we all walk into the forest together. Together we walk through the forest. And everything around is so interesting. It's time to rest, my friend. We'll sit down on a tree stump.

    Painting autumn forest(Slide No. 1)

    Q. Guys, where are we? Let's listen. Why is it so quiet? (birds have flown away to warmer lands, animals are preparing for winter.)

    Guess the riddle:

    Small, white. Jumps across the field, hides his ears (hare). (Slide “Hare in a white fur coat”)

    Why did the hare change his gray coat to a white one for winter? - What does he eat in winter?- Where is his house?(slide “Hare under a bush.”)

    Educator: Now guess the following riddle:

    He sleeps in a den in winter under a huge pine tree, and when spring comes, he wakes up from sleep (the bear)

    (Shows slide “Bear in a den”)

    Q. What does a bear eat? D. Mushrooms, berries, mice. Q. What is the name of the bear's house? D. Berloga. Q. Does the bear store for the winter?

    Q. Guys, it seems to me that someone is puffing behind the stump. Who do you think this is? Then guess the riddle.

    There are needles on the back, long and prickly, but curled up into a ball - no head, no legs (Slide “Hedgehog”)

    Breathing exercises “Hedgehog”

    (Inhale through your nose and exit through your mouth, saying “puff-puff”

    Q. What does a hedgehog eat? D. Mushrooms, berries, mice. Q. Where is the hedgehog’s house? D. In the hole.(slide “Hedgehog near the mink”) Q. Why does a hedgehog curl up into a ball? D. He protects himself from enemies, and to plant dry leaves and moss on the needles. Brings it to the burrow, insulating the home. Q. Does the hedgehog store for the winter? D. No, in winter he sleeps curled up in a ball until the spring sun. (slide “The hedgehog is sleeping”)

    Guess the following riddle:Who gnawed a pine cone on a branch and threw the scraps down Who deftly jumps through the trees Who hides nuts in a hollow

    (slide “Squirrel reserves”)

    Where does the squirrel live? D. In a hollow Q. How does a squirrel prepare its hollow for winter? D. She carries grass and leaves. Q. What reserves does the squirrel make? D. Dries mushrooms, nuts, acorns. Q. Does a squirrel change its coat? D. From red to gray.(shows the “squirrel in winter” slide) Q. Why?

    Q. What other animals live in the forest?

    Q. Guys, since we came to the forest, let's play the game “Hunter and Animals”

    The game “Hunter” is played (2-3 times)

    Q. Well, did you enjoy playing? It's time for us to go to kindergarten, to our group. Let's say the magic words “1-2-3 turn around and find yourself back in the group.”

    Tell me, who do you think has a more difficult life in the forest in winter? Why? Let's make some carrots for the bunnies.


    The children sit at the tables.

    V-l shows the children a carrot, asks them to look at its shape (cone) and gives the task of making the same one. Under the guidance of V-la, the children roll out the sausage and pull off one end, inserting leaves of colored cardboard on the other side. The fashioned carrots are placed in a basket.

    Q. What a great fellow you are, the carrots are like real ones. And I have a magic chest. Let's put your carrots in this chest, and the chest will send your carrots to the bunnies in the forest. Crafts are placed in a chest, children say magic words, the chest opens and a real carrot comes out of it. Guys, I have prepared a gift for you in the chest!

    Q. Children, where were we today? - What did you see? - What did you do? - What did you like?

    Now help yourself to some carrots.


    Lesson analysis.

    Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the life of wild animals in winter conditions.


    NGO "Cognitive Development".

    1. Expand children’s understanding of the diversity of natural phenomena. Help establish simple connections between them. 2. Consolidate knowledge about wild animals: what they eat, how they adapt to life in winter conditions. 3. Foster curiosity, love for nature and wild animals.

    NGO "Speech Development".

    1. Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic. 2. Strengthen the ability to use simple and complex sentences in speech.

    NGO “Social and communicative development”.

    1. Develop communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers. 2. Create conditions conducive to the emotional rapprochement of children. 3. Strengthen children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in the forest.

    NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development".

    1. Improve modeling skills and develop fine motor skills. 2. encourage creativity and independence.

    NGO "Physical Development".

    1. Use physical activity to increase the mental performance of children. 2. Develop attention, memory, thinking, train nasal breathing, coordination of movements.

    Organizational activities, preparation for classThe lesson was carried out in accordance with the notes. The abstract was compiled independently, in accordance with the objectives of the main general education program, corresponding to the given age of children. To implement each task, techniques were selected in an interesting and entertaining way.At each moment the classes were visual aids, which stimulated and activated children to mental activity. The manuals are of sufficient size and aesthetically designed. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the learning space and in the lesson.Music was used during the lesson to enhance emotional perception.Organizational reception “Walk in the forest” in poetic form was aimed at establishing friendly relationships within the children's team.The lesson is dynamic, it includes techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Conversation - sitting on chairs, moving around the group during the outdoor game "Hunter and Hares", working with plasticine of hands - sitting on chairs, breathing exercise“Hedgehog” – standing. A quick rotation of techniques and changes in poses during the lesson made it possible to avoid fatigue in children.Didactic activities of the teacher: All aspects of the lesson are logical and consistent, subordinated to one topic. Moments from educational areas:

    Cognitive development : Expanded children's understanding of the diversity of natural phenomena. Helped establish simple connections between them. Reinforced knowledge about wild animals: what they eat, how they adapt to life in winter conditions. Developed curiosity, love for nature and wild animals; Speech development : She enriched the children's vocabulary with words and expressions: destroy (nests, anthills), hibernate, top hat. Strengthened the ability to use simple and complex sentences in speechSocial and communicative development: Developed communication and interaction between children and adults and peers. Created conditions conducive to the emotional rapprochement of children. Consolidated children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in the forest.Artistic and aesthetic development : Improved modeling skills, developed fine motor skills. Encouraged creativity and independence.Physical development. She used physical activity to increase the mental performance of children. Developed attention, memory, thinking, trained nasal breathing, coordination of movements

    Techniques in class were of a playful nature, based on game-based learning situations;Using the presentation helped in interesting form implement the main learning task -strengthen children's knowledge about the life of wild animals in winter conditions. My role was tostrengthening the ability to use simple and complex sentences in speech.This helped to achieve optimal results.

    At every moment of the lesson, I tried to guide the kids to find solutions to the problem, helped to activate independence and maintain a positive emotional attitude.Visual demonstration and conversation activated the children’s thinking and speech activity.The specifics of working with children in the classroom were reflected in a person-centered approach. She encouraged timid children and praised them in order to consolidate their situation of success.During the lesson, I tried to communicate with the children on the same level, tried to maintain the children’s interest in the lesson throughout the entire time.The outcome of the lesson was organized in the form of questions in order to check the quality of the material assimilation.Due to the fact that the children are small and there were many choral responses, I plan special attention focus on individual responses. It is also necessary to achieve clear pronunciation of words. Work on sound pronunciation, expand active and passive vocabulary. But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all the program tasks I set during the lesson were solved.